DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.
Brandon Amalani joins me to break down the difference between harmful and healing EMFs, the science behind PEMF therapy, and how magnetic fields can optimize recovery, energy, and overall mind-body harmony.
Brandon Amalani is a visionary entrepreneur and the founder of ARC PEMF, a pioneering company at the forefront of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy. With a passion for holistic health and cutting-edge technology, Brandon, along with experts in the field of TCM and electrical engineering, has developed the Advanced Resonant Charge (ARC) device, revolutionizing the field of wellness solutions.
Brandon's innovative approach with ARC PEMF reflects his commitment to advancing natural healing modalities. By harnessing the power of pulsed magnetic fields, he has created a versatile tool that supports the body's innate healing processes, offering a non-invasive path to improved health and vitality.
Through ARC PEMF, Brandon continues to push the boundaries of wellness technology, empowering individuals to take control of their health with a solution that adapts to their unique needs.
I’ve been fascinated by magnetism for as long as I can remember—and when it comes to this topic, there’s no one I trust more than today’s guest, Brandon Amalani. As the founder of ARC PEMF, Brandon has developed a cutting-edge Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) device that works with the body’s natural energy systems to enhance recovery, reduce inflammation, and improve overall mind-body harmony.
In this episode, we break down the fundamentals of magnetism, why EMFs aren’t inherently bad, and how PEMF therapy can restore balance at the cellular level. Brandon explains the difference between chaotic, harmful EMFs and the structured, healing frequencies that promote longevity and resilience. We also get into the science behind analog versus digital PEMF, why coherence in energy matters, and how magnetic fields interact with our biology in ways we’re just beginning to understand.
From practical applications like pain relief and faster recovery to mind-blowing concepts like magnetism’s role in disrupting self-assembling nanostructures, this episode is packed with game-changing insights. Whether you’re curious about energy medicine, skeptical of PEMF, or looking for cutting-edge tools to optimize your health, this conversation is one you won’t want to miss. Visit lukestorey.com/arc and use code LUKEARC to get $1000 off (financing also available).
(00:00:08) The Hidden Forces of Magnetism, EMFs, & Energy Healing
(00:28:00) PEMF in Action: Human, Animal, & Biohacking Applications
(00:52:38) Understanding PEMF Technology, Energy Fields, & Preventive Health
(01:21:44) EMF Shielding, Grounding, & Building Biological Resilience
(01:49:20) Targeted Healing & Professional Use: The Power of ARC PEMF
[00:00:01] Luke: So I'm so glad we get to sit down today because last time you were here, we talked about three categories of stuff that were all super interesting. I think it took us two or three hours to get through them. You can only talk so long, right? But at the end I was like, "Ah, there's more in this particular category," which is magnetism. And that's something I've been fascinated with for a long, long time. And you are the most knowledgeable person I've met personally on this particular topic on magnetism in general, but also PEMF and how we can use magnetism. So I'm glad you made it out here again.
[00:00:44] Brandon: Yeah, it's good to be here.
[00:00:44] Luke: Thank you so much for coming.
[00:00:45] Brandon: Yeah, for sure.
[00:00:45] Luke: For people that want to hear our last episode, which I highly recommend, it's number 506. You can find that at lukestorey.com/shen, S-H-E-N. And today's show, the show notes will be lukestorey.com/arcpemf. So for those watching on video, we've got your device, the ARC PEMF here on camera.
[00:01:10] I would advise people listening to this, if you find this interesting, to definitely check out the video, because we're going to be turning this thing on and getting really wild with it in a little bit. And it's definitely something you need to see to understand because we can talk about it, but you're going to hear a lot of strange noises, and it won't make a lot of sense unless you're watching it.
[00:01:27] So listen as far as you can, and if you want to switch to video, we also have video on Spotify now, which is cool. So people can watch and listen intermittently without having to go to YouTube. And also, YouTube has been censoring the shit out of me lately, so who knows what they'll find problematic. I know they definitely don't like me talking about colloidal silver. That's a no, no.
[00:01:49] Brandon: Silver. Really?
[00:01:51] Luke: It's so weird.
[00:01:51] Brandon: That's old-school at this point.
[00:01:52] Luke: It's so weird, dude. Yeah. They deleted one of my silver videos the other day, and I went on PubMed and found 10 ironclad, just bulletproof--
[00:02:08] Brandon: References.
[00:02:09] Luke: References of research that prove what I was saying was true, antimicrobial, yada, yada. And so I did an appeal to YouTube, just seething facts, just like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And they're like, "No, that's medical misinformation." I'm like, "That's PubMed. That's the thing you guys trust the science."
[00:02:28] Brandon: It's wild, man.
[00:02:29] Luke: Anyway, I digress. Hopefully YouTube loves magnetism and they'll leave this video up, but if it doesn't, people can watch it on Spotify. So what makes magnetism a fundamental aspect of life on earth?
[00:02:46] Brandon: Essentially, magnetism is the fundamental force. It's basically the loss of dielectric inertia. So everything that manifests in physical reality comes from a rest point. And all force vectors basically seek rest, which Ken Wheeler, he's probably the most profound-- he knows way more and is more articulate about magnetism. Probably living, but arguably ever as far as his research and what he's understood and how he's broken down magnetism.
[00:03:13] And basically, he calls the earth itself the dielectric inertial plane, and that basically magnetism is fundamental, and gravity, and all these kind of processes. And if we're looking at it from a health perspective, everything you're doing with exercise, nutrition, hydration, herbalism, Qigong, all this stuff has a magnetic component because we're electromagnetic in nature.
[00:03:35] In traditional Chinese medicine, we've understood this for a long period of time, we're physiochemical, so we use herbs and we use substances that we consume internally to send signals in the body. But basically, every cell in the body has a voltage potential, and magnetic fields basically directly interact with magnetism.
[00:03:56] And we've had conversations on EMF, which is essentially a electromotive force or electromagnetic field. So magnetism is intertwined with all of our technologies, our physicality, life on earth. And again, I'm in the EMF world, but I'm not like a hammer that thinks everything's a nail. There's good, coherent EMF that's healing and beneficial, like the ARC provides to the body.
[00:04:21] And then there's incoherent noisy signals that really wreak havoc on our voltage-gated calcium channels in our physiology. So really, magnetism is everywhere in reality, and really getting to the crux of what it is is really key to understanding energy in general, I think.
[00:04:39] Luke: In our last conversation, we did focus a lot on EMF because you're the US rep distributor for BluShield, which I have all around the house. Actually, someone today on Instagram was asking me on a DM like, "My husband has Lyme and he's really sensitive to EMF, and so we just bought a new car and we have three days to determine where they're going to keep it. And he gets really nauseous when he's in the car." And I'm like, "I relate."
[00:05:08] All new cars are just horrible with EMF. I don't care if they're a Tesla or not. To me, any car that has these running on microchips and has radar in the bumpers and a Wi-Fi router inside-- yeah. My car is just horrific with the EMF, but I have two BluShield devices in mine. I have the little plug in one that goes in the lighter. And I was like, "Eh, I don't know. It's small. I don't know if that's enough." So then I have one of the big--
[00:05:31] Brandon: The home unit.
[00:05:32] Luke: Not the cube, but the one that's shaped like this.
[00:05:35] Brandon: The premium Ultra.
[00:05:36] Luke: I have one of those plugged into an adapter in there. And so people that are interested in the negative kind of EMF and ways to protect it can go back to number 506. But I forgot. Yeah. You're really knowledgeable about that. I'm going to resist the temptation to go too deeply into that, but maybe a great place to start to unpack this is really the difference between non-native EMF and what would be native or natural EMF in the conversation here of PEMF, where we're actually talking about EMF that's more compatible with the body and is replicating the EMF of the earth.
[00:06:21] Because that's one argument I get from people when I start going on about the dangers of EMF. You'll get trolls that are like, the sun is EMF. Everything's EMF. I'm like, "Yeah, but it's native. You're talking native versus alien." So maybe define the difference there. One deleterious to our health and energy, one very positive and supportive.
[00:06:43] Brandon: Yeah, so that gets a little bit philosophical because we come from nature and what we develop is coming from nature, and all there is is basically a white noise of energy out there. All there is is there's really energy. So to simplify it even more, it's more about coherence and incoherence.
[00:06:59] So if you have a router, which we're calling non-native EMF, these repetitive and chaotic signals, for example, you have this really nice sine wave coming in your house. And a lot of people say, "Oh, the sine wave coming to your house at 60 Hertz or 50 Hertz or whatever country you're in, that's bad EMF."
[00:07:16] Well, no, it's not really that chaotic until it starts hitting your refrigerator and all these alternating current devices that create the sturdy electricity that builds a field effect in the room. That incoherent field will affect the biology negatively. With a Wi Fi router, for example, you're getting a signal, but there's all these informational wave packets on it.
[00:07:34] And with cell phones, the same thing. If I send you a text, the carrier signal that gets it to you is encoded with these informational wave packets, and that's what wreaks havoc on our body. And probably the best research-- I don't think it's the full picture, but it's a huge part of the pie-- it's Dr. Martin Paul's work when he studied the voltage-gated calcium channels.
[00:07:54] There's basically two different pathways that are affected by electromagnetic radiation in general. And so you can have incoherent electromagnetic radiation that stimulates the flooding of these voltage-gated calcium channels up to 100 times normal amounts, which is huge for the calcium signaling as far as sending signals in your body and normalizing or regulating physiochemical responses in the system is thrown off massively by just a small increase of calcium, let alone a lot.
[00:08:24] And there's potassium channels. There's all these different channels. So that affects the proxy nitride pathway. That's a high or far upstream mechanism of oxidative stress, which is connected with every chronic disease. However, if you use something that's coherent, like a point source magnetic field, for example, that goes on a different pathway of the voltage-gated calcium channels to the nitric oxide.
[00:08:44] And then that converse in our NRF2 pathway, which has the healing qualities that we see from EMF. So it's a very nuanced conversation. It's not just like EMF is bad or EMF is good, or EMF doesn't matter. All there is is an energy and it's just about the coherence, the type of signal, how it's generated, and what the application is and subject or user for therapeutic or deleterious effects, like you're saying.
[00:09:08] Luke: That makes sense. Yeah. The coherence is, I think, the key there. And if you think about music being frequency, vibration, dissonance sounds bad, generally speaking. There's some jazz and stuff that, if it's done intentionally, I think there's a way dissonance could be cool. Or you could listen to Sonic Youth or something. It's like, oh, cool.
[00:09:32] It has a vibe. But generally speaking, if you go up to a piano or guitar and you hit a certain couple of notes together, it will sound irritating and other notes together harmonize and create chords and sound beautiful. It's like we just innately know this. Anyone that's been at someone's house who doesn't know how to play electric guitar very well and is doing so will irritate the shit out of you.
[00:09:57] Someone that's pretty good at it sounds nice. And you're like, "Oh, do more of that." So I think we innately understand the idea of coherence because it just sounds better, feels better, and has that effect. But I think when it comes to magnetism and EMF, the thing that's so frustrating about trying to convey some of the negative effects of it to people and also to explain as we're going to do here today, the positive effects, is it's invisible.
[00:10:30] So it's like, ah, you can put some glyphosate under a microscope and you see it there. Whereas EMF is just like, I don't know. I feel fine. I don't notice that there's 45 smart technologies in my house and I'm sleeping with my phone under my pillow. You only feel the effects.
[00:10:51] And it's difficult to distinguish causation from correlation when it comes to the impact that they're having on you, the negative impact, because it could be anything in your environment. So that's the thing I'm always like, "Ah, someone needs to invent some kind of special camera, show the magnetism in the fields in our environment so that you can see like, oh wow, that router over there is making a bunch of crazy incoherent waves that are flying through our house."
[00:11:18] Brandon: It's interesting you say that because people are fascinated with magnets, especially as kids, because you can take magnets and push them together. And depending on what polarity is facing it, they'll repel each other. There's a invisible barrier that you can actually-- it's demonstrable.
[00:11:33] You can see the effect of that happening, or you flip them the other way, they'll collapse or implode towards each other. And that has to do with the dielectric and magnetic, which is essentially the same thing. And we can go deeper into that idea, but there's also a Pharaoh supercell, which basically, it's two pieces of glass, and it's optically flat glass.
[00:11:51] You can visually look at flat glass, but under a microscope it looked like a Canyon, is just jagged and shards of glass everywhere. But optically, flat glass under microscope is perfectly flat and you can put a ferro reactive fluid in there and basically backlight it and you can see the lines of force.
[00:12:07] So that's like a viewing tool that you could use. And people that are watching, you can go online. There's tons of pictures, tons of videos. And that's a really cool thing because what you see in the center of a magnet is a black hole. And that black hole is the dielectric. So that's where the energy flows into.
[00:12:23] And they're always trying to dominate each other, like black holes in space. When you look at it, like from a cosmology point of view, it's the dielectric. It has basically superseded magnetism's ability to keep things in the physical reality, so it implodes into an infinitesimally small point.
[00:12:42] And likewise, the magnetic is basically the loss of dielectric rest energy or inertia because we have to understand a primary aspect of what energy is, and energy is rest. Everything, again, seeks that rest point. And then the loss of inertia, like if you explode a bomb, you can look at that and most people are conditioned like, think, wow, look at all that energy being generated. But that's actually the loss of potentiality.
[00:13:08] So a magnet is actuality and the dielectric is potentiality. And they're essentially two sides of the same coin, if you want to think of them that way. They're the same thing. It's very similar to use the analogy of water. We look at water and we get very pinpoint focused on things as humans, and we like to isolate and segregate things.
[00:13:26] And we're like, okay, well, ice is different than steam than water. And we all know just obviously that water is all of those, but there's a modality of cold, applied to water to create ice, or there's a modality of heat to create steam. So the magneto dielectric nature of the reality is the taurus and the hyperboloid, the dielectric and the magnetic. So that's a key understanding, and that's something you can visually see under a ferrocell pretty easy.
[00:13:53] Luke: I've seen in just my recent fascination with cosmology and just trying to understand the nature of this realm and the sun and the moon and our place in it, and I've done some episodes on that recently. And a lot of what I see when people try to create a visual representation of this realm is that the earth is a toroidal field and is essentially, as you're leading to here, is basically a magnet that's reacting with the sun.
[00:14:31] And that the sun and the moon and the relationship to earth are all working in harmony to create this magnetism which might explain, and maybe you can answer this, why many people are into grounding, earthing, going outdoors barefoot. When I'm in the sun and I'm not grounded, I feel like I'm being baked with radiation. But if I'm grounded and I'm in the sun, I can sit there forever and it feels like my body's being charged like a battery.
[00:14:59] Brandon: Yeah, it can quench the oxidative stress that occurs because it's beneficial, obviously, being in the sun. There's no doubt, obviously. It's beneficial, and we've evolved to be outside, be in the sun, be around all these natural energies, natural frequencies, scalar components, all this kind of stuff, magnetism.
[00:15:16] Yeah, so it's likely that you're just grounding it out and the inflammation is being quenched as you're receiving the-- you can call them photons, these plasma fields essentially. Yeah, we're all trying to make sense of the cosmos and where we are and everything, and we use analogies, and I've heard good arguments on both sides, talking about electrons.
[00:15:38] And just to be clear, field has never been defined. Energy has never been defined. We talk about electrons as a way to map something and give articulation to an idea or a concept, but we can't really look at electron. I can't say, here's electron right in my hand. We look at it vicariously through these field effects that we generate with different technologies, but by and large, we're still really understanding a lot of what's going on. And we do know that plasma makes up 99% of everything. Have you ever heard of Birkeland currents, for example?
[00:16:15] Luke: I've only heard the word, but I'm not familiar. Unpack it for us.
[00:16:18] Brandon: Yeah. So Birkeland currents, most people know it for the phenomenon of the northern lights effect. These supercharged electron particles are creating these energy packets that basically dissipate, and the dissipation of these highly charged plasmoid particles basically create the lights that we see.
[00:16:37] And the lights move in relation to the earth's magnetic field is generating. But we have that effect in the body. And to ground this and tie it back into a traditional Chinese medicine perspective because I designed this machine with a good friend of mine who's a acupuncturist and a classically trained in TCM from a Japanese lineage, we do work on the herbal products and stuff together.
[00:16:59] We understand, and you've heard of meridians and you've heard of these pathways in the body. They function very similarly to these Birkeland currents. And these Birkeland currents, interestingly enough, let's say you have these two lines of force, these currents. If you apply a magnetic current in 90 degrees towards that Birkeland current, what happens is those currents start to wind together and they start to merge and cohere and create a coherence.
[00:17:25] And it looks like a rope, like a Caduceus Effect. And what happens is that energy travels. It creates these little nodes or these points. They're called Z-pinches. It's basically this implosion vortex, and it creates this-- it's been likened to a knot, and that knot creates those vortices. And basically, it implodes energy towards itself, so it gains charge over time.
[00:17:54] So it's very similar to how meridians work in the body. We have these 12 meridians that are flowing, and then at certain points, you hit these nodes where, with acupuncture needles, for example, it looks like really nothing's moving. It's just a piece of metal. And sometimes it's copper, sometimes it's steel, sometimes it's gold, whatever. But you put it in these points and you can adjust the directional phase and the amplitude.
[00:18:16] And we allow qi or energy to flow freely when it gets stagnant or whatever it's happening with the body to create balance within the five-element circuit that is the body. And so these Birkeland currents, a lot of people from my research say that they're actually in the body as well and they're functioning that way.
[00:18:32] So when you're applying a magnetic field, like when we have something like this and we're putting it on our body, it's 90 degrees to these meridians and currents that are happening throughout the body, and it's affecting the plasmoids, and it's gaining charge. And we have these polar lipids that are on each side of the cell, and a one's hydrophilic and one's lipophilic.
[00:18:49] And there's usually a net electron deficiency there. So what's happening when the magnetic field is in the magnetic fluxes, stimulating the mitochondria to produce more energy, number one, but also to distribute charge to maintain homeostasis and balance, it basically vibrates those polar lipids and it creates-- it's like a massage.
[00:19:09] With an impulse device like this one, it allows the body to ring out its own natural harmonics. So it's independent of frequency in that regard, but it's very much like a-- you can think of a bell analogy like you have a big church bell that's way up high. It's oxidized. It has rust and dirt on it and all these stuff, and somebody just hits it, it starts vibrating.
[00:19:27] And what happens with the vibration is that the rust and the dirt are not in resonance anymore with the bell, and it shakes and breaks those bonds and they fall off. So there's this effect of magnetoporation that happens at the cellular level, which allows toxins to be shaken off and allows nutrients and voltage to be carried through the cells, which is really cool because it reinforces intracellular communication.
[00:19:57] So the body sends cleaner, clearer signals when normally, if we're walking around in Wi-Fi and all this stuff, we're getting hit with all this incoherent noise and that incoherent noise essentially is impeding the body's ability to send clean signals. And that's where, obviously, if we're making copies of copies of copies of cells, that's essentially aging.
[00:20:15] It's like making copies on a printer. You've heard that analogy before, where it's like it becomes more degraded over time. So the more we can become more self-referential and send cleaner signals endogenously, then that's a huge benefit to everything you're doing in digesting and consuming and trying to achieve with any health and wellness protocol.
[00:20:34] Luke: Wow. Epic. You just made me think of something. I don't know if this is true, but I've seen in the past few years some pretty compelling video evidence looking at different people's blood under microscopes and seeing these self-replicating, self-assembling nanotechnologies in people's blood, which is just terrifying and I like to say, "Oh, I don't know if they're real or not." I've seen with my own two eyes. I'm sure many people listening have.
[00:21:08] Brandon: I've seen live blood cells.
[00:21:09] Luke: Yeah. For them not to be real, someone would have to do some computer animation. I don't know who would go through that trouble to make it fake or why--
[00:21:18] Brandon: Which is possible, but the sheer amount that you see online-- I've seen stuff from people I know in real life at a practitioner's clinics that is pretty shocking. Yeah. Absolutely. I'm not saying that part of this was for that, but like, if you keep these things from self-assembling with a strong enough magnetic flux, that's a benefit.
[00:21:40] Luke: That's where I was going with this. And of course, we're not making medical claims, but when I use the ARC, I might have those things in my body from just them being sprayed in the air or being around people that put them in their body knowingly or not.
[00:21:55] But I have felt kind of good thinking if any of those did end up in my body and I'm hammering them with your ARC PEMF on a regular basis, they're not going to be able to do what they were designed to do. I think you're going to be interrupting their ability to function.
[00:22:13] Brandon: I would say 100%. If it can destroy your credit card and your key fob and your phone, it's likely going to have enough charge to affect the carbon structures.
[00:22:23] Luke: Microscopic is going to be much more fragile.
[00:22:25] Brandon: Especially with the depth of field penetration that a machine like this does, that's really kind of what I-- so this whole project for me came from playing with devices over the years and just not finding anything that I really was in love with for me and my family for-- we probably share the same sentiment that we want to be as independent as possible from the medical system and take charge of our own health and be self-reliant.
[00:22:48] And if we can use technologies like the art to achieve that from a preventative standpoint, that's has a major value to me. But I didn't find anything that really came close. It's one of those things where it's like if you want it done right, do it yourself. And working with people that have a background in traditional Chinese medicine and also engineers that are really-- like the engineer that we're working with, he was in the medical field for a long time building MRI machines, which is a strong magnetic field, but you don't get the end result of this.
[00:23:18] So again, it can be a strong magnetic flux, but it doesn't have the direct application structure function that you're looking for with a therapeutic type electromagnetic field device. So that's really what got me on the track. And then over the last, I don't know, year, couple of years of building these and really trying to tweak and figure out what works, I landed on something that's analog, something that's as natural as possible.
[00:23:42] I wanted to replicate, like, how do we get the effect of lightning in a box, essentially? How do we create that old school, and how do we do it in a way where it's ultra-low maintenance? That's another thing. Because there's impulse machines, and we can talk about resonators versus impulse machines and the distinctions there.
[00:23:59] But a lot of these machines, they would build them in a vacuum, for example, is one aspect. You'll see there's fans on this, and we circulate oxygen, and it's super important that the magnetic, the plasma discharge interacts with oxygen and nitrogen like it does in nature in the sky. It's super important.
[00:24:16] There's so much energy in oxygen. I think there's 160 joules in a cubic centimeter of oxygen. If it's like fully dissociated and singly ionized, there's 160 joules. That'll light a 40-watt light bulb for four seconds, in cubic centimeter. That's crazy. But a lot of companies are building vacuums because they're trying to reduce oxidation on parts and stuff like that.
[00:24:40] So it negates that. But you also get a consistent-- some people really like that idea. It was like, if I set a setting, it's going to be consistent for each patient each time. And the body doesn't really work like that. There's a randomization, which some people could consider, how would you say that, it's incoherent. We're talking about coherence and incoherence.
[00:24:59] However, the chaos principle and the self-organization principle endogenously dictates that when you get a magnetic flux, it's more or less randomized. The body will adapt to that and become stronger, and it'll self-organize. So there's an effect from this machine that I've noticed with people that I wasn't expecting at first.
[00:25:18] I was going for all the classic PEMF, like health benefits that everybody kind of knows about. But that pulsing, like a cat purring, where it's randomized within a certain range seems to have emotional and mental benefits because the mind wants to latch on to a rhythm. It tends to entrain with signals in the environment, how BluShield works.
[00:25:41] It's a sympathetic resonance type device. But when we look at the randomization effect, we see that it's almost like the EFT type tapping techniques where you're pattern interrupting yourself. It's like a magnetic field that's pattern interrupting. So some people that have anxiety. At first they're like, I don't know what's going on, and then they just really chill and calm down.
[00:26:04] It's been weird to see the mental and emotional ramifications of using a magnetic flux that it's randomized with this particular capacitance or how the capacitors are built. It's really cool to see those effects and not just the physical pain and inflammation and all that kind of stuff happening.
[00:26:23] Luke: There's so many things that I want to dissect within that. Hand me that applicator. So those that are watching on the video here, this is the larger applicator, which by the way, kudos on the hand sewn leather cover for the-- there's a copper thingamajig under here.
[00:26:45] Brandon: Yeah, it's a 10-gauge copper braid. So it has to be enough gauge to hold the charge.
[00:26:51] Luke: Got it. So this is the larger one, and we're going to demo this in a little bit, but I wanted to work on my prostate. Any guys over 50 will understand this. Anyone else will be like, "What are you talking about?" But it's an issue. So you sent me the smaller one basically to use the smaller applicator for that. You want it to be targeted and hit a certain organ, right?
[00:27:16] Brandon: Yes.
[00:27:16] Luke: And this thing is so freaking powerful, which we'll see in a minute because it literally will make your body jump if you turn it up high enough. In terms of that, the random nature of the pulses, I have noticed that at first it was uncomfortable and it would be hard for me to just sit and chill while it was on because it's jarring and it has a very sharp hit on wherever you point it.
[00:27:41] Brandon: You have it turned up, for sure.
[00:27:43] Luke: Yeah. But what's interesting, because it's random and not just click, click, click, click, click, I found that I was actually able to entrain to it. And if I just take a couple deep breaths and just chill, within a minute, I'm just totally relaxed.
[00:27:59] In fact, I wouldn't say I'm meditating, but I've been using this thing called the Mendi. It's like a neurofeedback training thing, and it's like meditating. So it takes 15 minutes. This thing runs on a 15-minute cycle. So I've been stacking those. And at first, I was like, "Oh, I can't focus." Because this is uncomfortable.
[00:28:16] And then a couple of breaths for a couple of days and then just realize like, oh, actually, my body and mind start to just attune to it and then it's like, I don't even notice it. Whereas if somebody walked in the room and I was like, "Here, dude. Sit on this." They would probably jump out of their chair.
[00:28:34] But it's interesting how both the body and the nervous system and the mind can just go, oh, okay. I'm safe and just surrender into it and get the awesome, super powerful therapeutic effect. So that's interesting. I didn't really tie the emotional part in there too.
[00:28:52] It's like getting in an ice bath. It's like if you don't have a practice of that and you get in, you're going to hyperventilate and freak out. But if you go in with some intentionality and you've practiced doing that, you can get in and just be completely relaxed in a couple seconds.
[00:29:09] And you're just chilling. People are like, "Why aren't you freaking out?" It's like, well, because you just decided you're not going to freak out. And you're informing your nervous system that it's safe. And you're acclimating to that reaction to inform your body that it's actually a positive thing.
[00:29:25] Brandon: Yeah. And it's weird because having used it for a long time now, it doesn't feel completely random either. I'm a drummer, for example. Sometimes I almost can pick out rudiments with it. That's just where my mind goes with it. So it's within this range.
[00:29:41] There's this research coming out of China in the 1970s about this kind of chaos therapy principle. And they would study the Lao Gong point on Qigong healers, really advanced, legitimate, verified Qigong healers and practitioners. And they'd basically pump qi through this Lao Gong point, and they would take measurements on it.
[00:29:59] And what they found was that the energy coming off of the Lao Gong point was randomized. It was this seemingly erratic, but it was within the alpha range, the alpha brainwave state. So it was within parameters, but within those parameters, it was bouncing around.
[00:30:17] So the great little device, it's a super, cost-effective handheld called the Qi Palm. That technology was based on that. And a lot of that idea goes into this with a high intensity PEMF device, is using that randomization to the benefits like you're talking about.
[00:30:36] It's pretty wild compared to if you go back-to-back and you-- and of course, the different machines, some of them have semi-conductor technology. Some of them are impulse, but they don't have the power. They don't have the geometry of the transformer and the capacitor, so they have a different feel.
[00:30:53] This one is more like a compression or refraction, like a speaker, like a diaphragm. It feels more full. I don't know if you've used any high power solid state, but it feels more like pin pricks. It's like needles almost. It's very spiky, I guess would be the way to describe it. And this one feels a little bit more full, like you're getting a lot more almost like massage.
[00:31:11] And again, tying it back to TCM, if you can move lymph, blood, and qi in the body, you can correct so many imbalances. And of course this isn't as specific as needles. It's not very acute like that. So it's a very large field actually that it creates. But you can still target organs and use it in certain positions if you actually rotate that neck on it. See what this is doing.
[00:31:36] You have these leads and right and left are positive. Negative is running up through this lead. And what it does is it basically crosses over and creates a circuit and pops off. And that's the sound you hear when the magnetic flux is induced.
[00:31:48] Luke: Is the sound coming from the box or from the applicator?
[00:31:53] Brandon: It's both. It's one circuit. You can hear it on the applicator, but you can also hear it in the machine as it fires off because it's all connected essentially. So yeah, you can have a directional effect, like putting it on different-- I've done liver, for example, and having it across this pathway here and with gallbladder stuff. And it's pretty cool because you can direct it.
[00:32:16] An easy one to do is if you just loop it over your shoulder and just rotate it and just feel where the lines of force are intersecting. Again, it's a huge field that fills a room. You can take a TriField Meter and measure it up to the ceiling as far as the magnetic. Even when it's not pulsing in a slow, high intensity, high flux, you can have it really fast and low power where you feel very little sensation, but it's still creating a really strong magnetic field in the region and you can--
[00:32:42] Luke: I can verify that because when I first got this thing, I had the mat, which we'll show. It's on the floor right now, but I was using it in the living room and Alyson would be watching TV. When I get something, I'm trying to play with the power and start low and slow and just feel into and get my body used to it.
[00:33:00] And pretty quickly I was able to turn it up quite high where my whole body's jerking on the mat. And Alyson is like, "Dude, get that thing out of the room." She's so sensitive. She's six feet away and she's like, "I'm getting a treatment right now involuntarily." So I ended up taking it into my office where I use it now.
[00:33:16] But yeah, that was my first sign. I was like, "Okay, this thing is hella strong." She's literally sitting across the room and is getting blasted by it. But on the other end, and I started playing around with the intensity level, and I want to also talk about the two dials, it's really interesting the way you've done that. But I wanted to treat our dog, Cookie, because she's prone to just tripping-- not tripping on mushrooms, but it's--
[00:33:47] Brandon: I wouldn't be surprised if it's your dog.
[00:33:48] Luke: Yeah. She's microdosed a bit. Don't tell anyone. But she'll, every once in a while, run up the stairs really fast and eat shit and then tear a ligament or sprain a muscle or something like that. And so then she'll be limping, and it's really sad. So a couple of days after I got this unit, I put the pad down for her and she won't go near it when it's on like, clack, clack, clack, super strong [Interposing Voices].
[00:34:10] Brandon: Your dog is sensitive, for sure.
[00:34:11] Luke: So I turned it all the way down, put her blanket on the mat because I know, for healing, ligaments, tendons, bones, obviously PEMF is well scientifically documented to speed heal all of those kinds of injuries. So I put her on it and I'm just like, click, click, click, click, click, get it up to a point. And then her ears go up and I'm like, "All right." She notices, and I stop right there, but it's not uncomfortable.
[00:34:34] And once I had her in that sweet spot, she would lay there for quite a while and I just hang out with her and pet her. And I can't prove this because I didn't do in blind placebo controlled one dog on it, one dog not, but what would have normally been a few days of her limping around, the next day, she's totally normal.
[00:34:54] And that's the only thing different, was I just put her on that mat a few times for 20, 30 minutes, maybe twice, in the course of a day and next day she's golden. There's something to that because this something has happened to her many times, and it's a few days before she's going to be back on her feet.
[00:35:14] Brandon: And that's cool that you bring up the comfort because there is an aspect of it. So when you're talking about jolting, I wanted something strong enough for leg day where you can do your legs and really feel basically you're moving lactic acid out and you're trying to do those repair mechanisms.
[00:35:32] But you'll feel it more intensely where you're more vascularized. So people around your shoulders, around your head, around your gut and pelvis and all this stuff, you're going to feel the field quite a bit more. And you'll feel like it's not painful, but there's this discomfort aspect where there's inflammation.
[00:35:49] That's what's interesting about PEMF in general, is that it'll highlight inflammation in your body. And they actually used to use this years and years ago when people were playing with high intensity impulse-type devices. What they would do is they'd take these type of applicators and they would go over horses. And where the horses would start to flinch, they would know, okay, they have an injury. They have something going on on the hind quarter or wherever on their body.
[00:36:14] Some people call these probes. I always wondered what's up with the name probe, and they would probe these horses and figure out where they have inflammation or injuries and things of that nature. So it will highlight inflammation in tissue, but once it's healed and regenerated, it's almost like you don't feel anything except this involuntary muscle contraction.
[00:36:36] And when you're feeling these twitches, even on medium to lower settings, you might not have muscle contractions, but you'll feel this kind of twitching. And that's essentially the mitochondria receiving surplus voltage. And then the body has this innate intelligence that basically distribute charge and divert energy where it's needed in the system.
[00:36:57] And that's exactly what's happening with acupuncture and body work. You're just realigning things to where cell voltage is optimized and in any chronic condition, or people that are in a bad way with their health, there's usually a low voltage aspect to that. The cells need that energy to be optimal.
[00:37:20] Luke: I think that's, to me, the root of all disease and dysfunction, is low energy. You need mitochondrial energy to do everything. I think people think about energy as like, oh, I'm tired today or not, or I have the stamina to go on a long run or lift some weights, that kind of energy.
[00:37:40] But any healing the body's doing requires energy, digesting food, assimilating nutrients, everything you do. Sleeping requires energy. Thinking is energy. Processing emotions is energy. So to me, I look at all dysfunction as just an empty tank of energy, which is why most of the things I do, from saunas to cold therapy, PEMF, hydrogen, is targeted toward energy.
[00:38:08] I don't have any diseases that I'm aware of, so I'm not trying to heal something specifically. I just know that anything that is out of balance is fundamentally due to energy loss or energy production interference, right?
[00:38:25] Brandon: Right. It's great for longevity.
[00:38:27] Luke: Right. So I'm glad you mentioned the horse thing because it's funny that a lot of innovations in the energy medicine space seem to be used in veterinary applications and then later on people go, "Oh, shit. It's not just for racing horses." But isn't this type of strong PEMF therapy used in for money making like racehorses and things like that to speed their injuries and when they get a broken bone and things like that to get them back on the field?
[00:39:04] Brandon: Absolutely.
[00:39:05] Luke: Tell me a bit about that. I think that's interesting. People are like biohacking horses basically, because they have a vested interest in that horse getting well.
[00:39:15] Brandon: Think how much cost it goes into maintaining and purchasing and training an animal of that stature. People do anything for their dog or for their cat. Just imagine that level with a horse. And there's definitely a long history of use of PEMF. There's a company in Kentucky that builds machines too and they have a lot on their website about how they've treated horses, and equine therapy is very common in the PEMF category for sure.
[00:39:44] Luke: Yeah, that's interesting. I proved it works on dogs too.
[00:39:48] Brandon: Yeah. And they're just more sensitive. Like you're saying, you have to start with a lower setting, and they usually do better with that for sure. And just to compare it, all of it's connected to me. My favorite stack is using the ARC 15 minutes, then getting on Theraphi 15 minutes. That's my daily routine.
[00:40:05] And I noticed my dogs, when the Theraphi is on, they just go over and lay by the Tesla coil every time. One of them, Coda, she tries to jump up on it, but they won't get on the mat unless it's a low setting just because it's such a high intensity.
[00:40:20] But I wanted that flexibility of the self-assembling structures all the way down to when you have it on the high frequency. It's almost like you can feel it in the back of your head and around your head when you're on the half body mat. And when you're playing with it, we wanted this to be complimentary to an intuitive practice for a person.
[00:40:39] That's where we have the modular mechanical spark gap to keep it analog mostly, but just so people can feel. Because, like you're saying, it's going to be randomized within whatever setting that you have it on, but it allows you to play and feel for what you need for that day, whether you need the higher pulse rate or lower pulse rate or higher or lower intensity levels.
[00:41:00] Luke: Going back to what you're saying about being a drummer, I forgot that. We got to jam sometime.
[00:41:05] Brandon: Yes.
[00:41:07] Luke: In the new studio, I'm hoping to have some music set up because it's going to be soundproofed, so I won't bother the neighbors and stuff. I don't know if I can fit a whole drum kit in there, but I would like to create--
[00:41:18] Brandon: You should try. I'm just saying.
[00:41:19] Luke: I'd like to create more of a musical situation, but going back to that, the rhythm of it, what's interesting is when I'm using this in my office and I just have some random music on, Sonos, which is usually some kind of rhythmic shamanic music or something like that, this will sync up as a metronome at different points.
[00:41:40] And I'm like, "Oh, sick." It's on beat. And then it fluctuates and then it'll come back on beat at some point. So it's interesting because it's keeping time, but it goes in and out of phase in terms of the time signature or the tempo, and then it'll come back in. It's trippy to watch that.
[00:41:58] Brandon: And you want that movement to happen for not only depth of field penetration, but just so your body doesn't acclimate too much. Because there's sympathetic resonance that happens with these devices that's good, but it's like a workout. If you don't vary your workout, you're just going to get really good at one thing and then not grow or change depending on, obviously, your workout goals.
[00:42:19] And that's one of the big downsides. A lot of people will argue, using lower intensity PEMF with these resonator type machines. Think of the beamers and the iMRS and any of these kinds of mats that are low intensity. And I think for healing and wellness, if your goal is to heal, you pretty much want the horsepower.
[00:42:39] You want a stronger magnetic field to work better. So there's two different types. This is more of an impulse machine. So if you look at it under a scope, you're basically going to see the specific slew rate. And different analog machines have different slew rates, and you can watch it on the scope.
[00:42:55] Then you have resonators, which are basically like a computer. So what they're using is they're using a carrier signal with a particular sine wave, whether it's triple sawtooth, a sine wave. Some are more punchy and use square waves or some use a combination thereof. And then they're putting like frequency sets on top of that and it's like-- and it's resonating.
[00:43:13] So it's creating entrainment, which has an effect for sure, cellular biology, from a PEMF standpoint. And there's different degrees of some signals are way noisier. Some have better circuitry. You have electromagnet type devices that are just like a magnet that has electric current run through it.
[00:43:30] And some of those have really dirty signals that are not optimal for long term use. But the resonators in general, you're reliant on, okay, what frequencies are they using? And what cells and tissues and densities in the body are actually resonating with that? And how long does it take to create resonance?
[00:43:46] And that might only happen in certain types of tissues at once versus letting the whole body ring out at its own natural harmonics. When you get a feel this strong, stimulating the body, you don't have to worry about what time of day it is, what frequency, any of these aspects, because the body, like I was talking about the polar lipids and the vibrations, your body's own harmonics can ring out to where your body's already attuned to its own natural frequency. You're just stimulating it with this magnetic field and this extra magnetic current, essentially.
[00:44:14] Luke: Oh, that's interesting. Yeah. Because when I first got this, I was trying to figure out-- this is simplification, but I was trying to figure out if the slower frequency, and forgive me if I'm getting the term terminology wrong here, but slower to me is like click, click, click, and then it would be higher, faster.
[00:44:36] I was trying to figure out which of those two ends of the spectrum would be more stimulating or more relaxed. And I never could figure it out. I just go, "I don't know. I feel good when I'm on it." But if it's at nighttime, I would think, ooh, I better not do the wrong one because it'll get me too energized. So are you saying with yours, the body's just going of adapt to what it needs and it's not so much dependent on the rate?
[00:45:01] Brandon: Right. That's correct. So yeah, pulse rate is technically different than frequency. So pulse rate is how many pulses, but you can you can quantify that in cycles per second. But if you look at an oscilloscope, it's really not about the frequency. It's just how fast is that capacitor discharging essentially.
[00:45:20] And so this modular chamber, you're changing voltage with the intensity and changing the pulse rate, how fast the capacitor or how slow the capacitor discharge. And if it discharges slower, it's going to have more magnetic energy because it charges up more, more, more, and then pops off and you hear that click and everything.
[00:45:40] So it's interconnected, meaning you adjust one, it affects the other. And you work like this, but it's the most control and dynamics that you can get in an analog machine. We could have just created one knob and just basically increase the capacitance and charge and then you basically have slow and really intense or very fast and not so intense with one.
[00:46:01] But I wanted to have as much control over that as possible so we can control the intensity and the pulse rate technically independently, but they are connected because it's one system. And all the components are machined here in the United States, so the big thing for me, again, was--
[00:46:18] Luke: Not in China?
[00:46:19] Brandon: Not China. The big thing for me is maintenance. Some of these machines I saw on the market, it's like every 200 hours you have to send it in. That's like 40-pound, 50-pound machine that you have to mail somewhere and then they have to recalibrate the plasma chamber and then ship it back. And depending if you're a practitioner, that's not great. But even as a home user, you just don't want to deal with it.
[00:46:41] Luke: That would drive me nuts. Even as a home user, I'm not trying to do maintenance on things. I'd like the AquaCure machine. I love the Brown's gas. It's sits next to my desk. I literally inhaled that thing all day, every day. It's not a big deal, but every 100 hours, you've got to dump the lye solution out and then rinse it out a few times with hot water and then pour it back in.
[00:47:05] And I don't know. I'm willing to do that because I'm a nut and I just find it so beneficial, but people will message me and be like, "Which is better, this hydrogen thing or that or that?" And I'm like, "It just depends on your willingness and aptitude to do some maintenance." But if it was like a PEMF thing that I had to ship and pay a couple hundred bucks to ship it back and forth somewhere--
[00:47:26] Brandon: And then pay the maintenance.
[00:47:27] Luke: Yeah, that would be a deal breaker.
[00:47:30] Brandon: That's what's cool about this.
[00:47:31] Luke: Especially as a practitioner if it's part of your-- because a lot of people have these great healing centers now, as you know, biohacking centers and acupuncturist and massage therapist, which I think could really use the PEMF. But if it's part of your model and your clientele are enjoying using it and it's something that they want and now it's gone for a month or something, that's a problem.
[00:47:53] Brandon: Yeah. Absolutely. And we have a chiropractor in Kansas City who uses it daily, and she's going to get years and years and years of use out of it without ever really having to do it. And that's because of the quality of the alloys and the densities and how we really engineered what's on the inside. You can find tons of machines out there.
[00:48:14] We built ours in a Pelican case, which is not unusual. You'll see different brands building it because it keeps it watertight. It's great for travel. And we just did our custom graphics on everything, but everything is custom machine, which it's an expensive machine to make, man.
[00:48:30] I wanted to make this for myself and family and the acupuncturist I worked with. He wanted one for his clinic, but we just decided, man, we shouldn't put these out there and see if people like them. But we usually have a couple made at any given point in time, but it's usually a custom order thing.
[00:48:45] People reach out to us and it takes about four or six weeks for us to build one out. Before, people put a payment down and then buy it. I'm also working on more of a entry-level unit, hopefully. I've got one prototype, but I'm not super happy with it because I want it to be strong enough to be worthwhile, but I still want it to be in the half or less price point of this one, just to make it more accessible.
[00:49:06] Luke: This guy's 25 grand, right?
[00:49:08] Brandon: Yeah.
[00:49:08] Luke: Yeah. So if you come up with something that's still viable and has effects for half that or something for-- because if someone's a practitioner or 25 grand for a technology that is going to help your clients in a meaningful way is not that big of a deal. But for your average person that's like, "Hey, should I buy a car or this?" It's a pretty hefty investment.
[00:49:32] Brandon: And it's a great longevity tool. What's your health worth? That question. But yeah, I'm going to try and come up with something in the 10 range that's just as good or on par with this that's powerful enough to be meaningful for people.
[00:49:46] Luke: I think about this stuff, and there was first, I don't know, 40 years of my life I couldn't afford any of the things that I have now. I've just finally got my shit together in my 50s. But I look at it like this. We had the top tier Texas BlueCross BlueShield insurance just because I'm trying to adult and it sounds smart.
[00:50:09] Dude, we were paying $1,400 a month. And then every once in a while we would go to the doctor for something, get a flu or whatever, lab testing, etc. It didn't even pay for anything anyway. So it's like really the only use we would have gotten out of that investment would be if we had some kind of acute injury, broken leg, etc.
[00:50:34] I think we used it once. Alyson had a reaction to some medication, had to call the ambulance and some of that was paid for, but not all of it. Even I still showed out a couple of grand. Something about, all right, five years of that health insurance or if I didn't have health insurance and I wasn't living the lifestyle that I'm living and I end up having to have a surgery or get on some medication, I'm going to spend way more than 25 grand over the course of my life.
[00:51:00] Brandon: Absolutely.
[00:51:01] Luke: So that's how I look at all these different devices and supplements and stuff. It's their own insurance policies to me that I pay for one time, and hopefully if they make it right, like you did, I don't have to keep buying it. I have it forever. That's the thing I have. And it's a permanent installment in the house and part of our preventative plan rather than waiting until things break down when you're 60 or 70 and then spending all the money that you hopefully saved trying to recoup all those shit that got messed up along the way.
[00:51:32] Brandon: Yeah. Just like with our herbal formulas, I like to create things that are more like a Swiss army knife. It has a lot of different broad spectral benefits. It's not one trick pony. When you start isolating frequencies or light spectrums or any of these kinds of tools that are useful, like lasers, cold lasers are super useful, LED therapies, photobiomodulation.
[00:51:54] I've distilled mine. Like I say, my stack is using ARC and then Theraphi because they're the inverse of each other. This one is more like getting chiropractic and body work and alignment and you get a really deep tissue massage essentially, and you're moving fluids out and restoring cellular vitality.
[00:52:16] Theraphi is like acupuncture. So you got magnetic divergence where a lot of the voltage or the electric component is staying in the machine, the magnetic field is kind of being transmitted through the coil where Theraphi is the opposite. You got electrostatic charge from the Tesla coil, which the magnetic is staying more towards the center of the Tesla coil, but the electric field, the voltage field is activating plasma and creating this time reverse wave phase conjugation, scalar potential.
[00:52:44] So again, you got the magnetic and the dielectric, and they're inverse of each other. The dielectric, if you take the spatial geometry, like the hyperboloid, or think of an hourglass. You rotate it on its side and stretch it out. Those are the plasma tubes. And you're getting these opposing torsion fields that create phase cancellation, a scalar potential.
[00:53:06] And with both technologies, you got to understand that the body is basically like a nonlinear capacitor. So your body will absorb and store charge from a magnetic field or electrostatic field. The Theraphi is a lot more comprehensive in a lot of ways because it's using pulse magnetics to modulate plasma to create the scalar field and then the time reverse wave, which is negentropic, and there's minimal loss.
[00:53:30] If you look at the research with PEMF, that polar lipid vibration effect, there's minimal entropy. So it's like there's always some level of energy loss, even through digestion. You're getting nutrients in and all this kind of stuff, but nothing's 100% efficient. So there's not really any substantial, I would say, entropy with the pulse magnetic field Theraphi device. But with a device that you go on immediately like Theraphi and you create a neg entropic field and with legit time reverse waves, it's my favorite stack right now.
[00:54:07] And I think magnetic therapy has the most broad spectrum out of any of the biohacking-type technology. That's why I focused on this versus going into lights. I really like plasma, and as you know, I work with Paul, and I think he's got the most advanced system available-- I would say decades probably ahead of anything that's on the market. So I'm not going to try and reinvent the wheel.
[00:54:27] In fact, when I was building this, we got the prototype we liked and we started doing the artwork and everything for it. I was actually working with this other engineer where we were developing an analog like plasma tube system, and I just wasn't liking the effects because at the time I didn't really understand grounded systems versus floating systems, and I didn't really understand that-- I had a Tesla coil. I had electrostatic field.
[00:54:50] You can get these little skinny tubes online. There's manufacturers in the States that produce pretty decent quality, like a noble gas vacuum tubes. And I was running old, more like Georges Lakhovsky circuits with a multi-wave oscillator. And it's just so jarring. And I realized, man, there's just a lot of noise on that.
[00:55:08] Multi-wave oscillators are, in a lot of ways, not good long term. I won't go too deep into that rabbit hole, but basically, when I had a Theraphi simultaneously and I just always wanted to get involved with that technology because I thought it was the best on the market, and he actually just synchronistically reached out to me and we had some calls and hit it off. And I'm like, there's a really cool synergy there between magnetism and dielectricity. And it's really interesting how they're yin and yang.
[00:55:40] As far as modalities are concerned, they're very yin and yang because they-- Theraphi basically replicates how nature works, like with the torsion fields, the plasma, the coherence, the compressions and refractions, the scalar component. There's obviously a scalar component to this because it's an analog point source device, meaning the plasma discharges is very coherent.
[00:56:00] It's fractal and recursive. But we're basically limiting the electrostatic charge and maximizing the magnetic flux as far as the application to the body versus the other way around where you're like maximizing the scalar and electrostatic or the voltage charge on the Theraphi.
[00:56:19] Luke: And for those listening, we'll put the Paul Harris interview where we dove deep into the Theraphi-- one of my favorite guests of all time. That dude is so epic. Super, super smart to the point where half the time I'm just nodding and going, "Oh, okay." I have no idea what he's talking about. So it's so over my head, but he's such a beautiful, just heart-centered, dude. Very, very cool guy. And I love the Theraphi.
[00:56:40] Last time I was so stoked you brought that with you and I got to try it. We'll put the Paul Harris Theraphi episode at lukestorey.com/arcpemf, the show notes for this one. Talk to me about what's actually happening inside this machine.
[00:56:59] I'm always wondering, just how things work. And I wish the front of it was made of glass so I could just see there's like this spark sort of sound going on in there. And then sometimes there's a very faint ozone smell, I think, that I'm getting from it. And I'm just so curious, like, what's happening in there, and what is the difference between an analog P, a high powered PEMF like this versus digital.
[00:57:32] We'll just break down what, differentiates the way you did it versus some of the other ones out there and just what is actually happening in there to create the energy that you feel on your body.
[00:57:44] Brandon: Yeah, you have the all the basic components that you need, like transformer, capacitors. What's really the crux of it is there's basically this modular chamber that rotates and moves and you have a plasma emitter from the capacitor that's basically creating like a plasma spark.
[00:58:00] It's very similar to spark plug in a car, except different geometry, strength, and all these kinds of things. And basically, you have contacts and the plasma will build up capacitance and then they'll shoot a lightning bolt of plasma from one end to the other, and that creates the magnetic charge.
[00:58:15] Luke: If I could see in there. I would see a actual--
[00:58:18] Brandon: You wouldn't see because the chamber is not see through. But yeah, if you could see inside of the chamber-- yeah, if there's a see through panel. Because originally, I wanted to do that, but as far as keeping it to where it's low maintenance and won't break and spark gaps and most machines wear out, and I want to avoid a lot of those problems because these are specialty small batch machines.
[00:58:39] And then, personally, I don't want to do a lot of maintenance on the machine. I wouldn't expect anybody buying one to want to do that too. But the magnetic energy is captured and run through these leads and then into this applicator, whether it's a half body mat or any of the loops or any of that kind of stuff.
[00:58:55] So yeah, it's pretty simple design. It's just the geometry and the materials and all of that is to a higher grade or spec that you don't really have to maintenance it. And then to your question about semiconductors, when you start getting computers involved, think about like your acoustic guitar. You got a pure analog signal. You hit a string, it vibrates, it resonates, and it's amplified through the body of the guitar, and that's the sound you hear. It's affecting the medium, which is the air essentially.
[00:59:27] When you start running it through pedals, and you plug it, jack it in, you run it through pedals and you hit a distortion pedal or you hit this, you're changing the inherent nature of the voltage. And that's what I wanted to avoid. I wanted the pure plasma magnetic field. No metal mend between your body and the plasma magnetic discharge.
[00:59:44] And this is something that I think more people-- you've experienced it where you get on a semiconductor or a digital type PEMF and it's spiky and it feels a lot different. You got an old school McIntosh tube amp. It's going to have a different sound than these solid-state amplifiers. And solid-state amplifiers have come a long way, but anytime you digitize a signal, you create this stair step.
[01:00:11] It's almost like a micro square wave and you can get it to feel and look pretty smooth unlike an oscilloscope, for example. But there's always that break in energy, and we wanted a smooth continuity with the field. So analog is the only thing that can really provide that smooth, natural magnetic field. And anytime you start adding circuitry on that, it changes the inherent nature.
[01:00:37] Luke: So for musicians listening, it's like the difference between a tube amplifier and a solid state amplifier.
[01:00:45] Brandon: Yeah. Solid state has reliability, and it has power.
[01:00:47] Luke: You don't have to change the tubes.
[01:00:49] Brandon: Yeah, and you don't have to change the tubes.
[01:00:50] Luke: I used to have this Ampeg SVT bass amp. It's like the bass amp, the classic. And the tubes were really expensive, so you never wanted to drop that thing and have to replace the tubes. The tubes will last for a while, but even that little practice amp over there, that little fender, it's two, but then it has some digital onboard effects, reverb and stuff, just because I don't want a huge amp in here. But you can still tell. There's a tinny sound to it. Even though it has the tubes, it's still getting corrupted by that digital interface that's giving you the effects.
[01:01:28] Brandon: Yeah. And also, the plasma component is so huge, and Paul probably said in your interview. He talked about plasma being a fractal antenna. Rife, when he was doing his original Rife machines-- you know the story of Rife. He's building his own microscopes.
[01:01:45] Luke: No, I don't. Enlighten us.
[01:01:48] Brandon: Royal Rife, back in the early 1900s, he was a really great engineer. He built boat engines and all kinds of stuff, but he built these super complex microscopes. Back in the day, they're the most powerful thing you could find. And what he was doing is he was looking at cells or organisms under a Petri dish, and he was playing with radio frequencies.
[01:02:09] So he was using shortwave radio as a carrier signal, and then he would just modulate it with different frequencies just experiment. And he'd find that some resonant tones would shatter yeast cells or cancer cells or whatever, and he was just like, "Wow, if you tune it into the right frequency and transmit it through plasma, it'll affect these things.
[01:02:29] And the weird thing at the time was, they didn't realize like, okay, whether you're dealing with super high frequency or super low frequency, some of those wavelengths will go down the block minimum. So you're trying to affect something that's a microorganism with something that's super huge.
[01:02:45] How is it even affecting the microcosm essentially? And I found that because plasma as a fractal antenna, it can affect everything from the subatomic, essentially, all the way up through the macrocosm. And that's how he's able to achieve those results with those kind of frequency therapies using shortwave radio.
[01:03:02] Luke: Wow, what a trip. Yeah, I've understood the general concept of Rife technologies in terms of the resonance as people explain it, the classic, the opera singer hits the high C and it shatters the crystal champagne glass or whatever. And so the way that people have explained the Rife technologies, if you have an opportunistic organism in your body and it's replicating that hitting with certain frequencies that have been identified over time to shatter them and prevent them from proliferating makes sense to me. And it seems like a lot of people have results with that kind of technology.
[01:03:43] Brandon: Yeah, especially if it's the more modern refined form because these organisms will survive and adapt. So if you're just doing a single frequency over and over and hitting it directly with that, it'll morph and mutate. It'll grow an arm off and try and adapt and move if you look at it under a microscope.
[01:04:02] So you have to have this. Again, it still has to move and change a little bit because all energy in nature is moving and changing constantly. You can look at the light frequencies from the morning sunrise, the bright oranges and reds and then through the beautiful blue middle part of the day and then purples and greens and orange hues in the evenings.
[01:04:22] Luke: It's so true. The sun's a great example because it's probably changing its profile by the millisecond. It's probably not even measurable in terms of like how the sun is moving around us.
[01:04:36] Brandon: People think that a light is on, it's static. It's on. But it's not. Electricity doesn't work like that. It's always varied to two degrees. So yeah, again, it comes back to coherence and incoherence. And sun is very coherent. What you're seeing is these gases in the environment that are becoming ionized, and that's the color spectrum. And if you look at plasma tubes that are lit up in different colors, different gases--
[01:05:01] Luke: Like a BioCharger.
[01:05:02] Brandon: Yeah. Look at a sunset. Some sky views and sunsets look almost identical to what a plasma tube looks like as far as the color vibrancy. And we're being exposed by all these ionized plasma fields all the time. Just plasmas everywhere, inside of our body, outside of our body. The term plasmoid, there's all these plasmoid, which are like charge clusters around our body and in our body. These are all affected by magnetism. 100%.
[01:05:27] Luke: What trips me out is that you plug this thing in to an electric current, the 60 Hertz alternating current in the wall and then something in here turns that into this crazy powerful magnetic field. I guess that's the part I don't understand just because I don't understand physics. But whatever you described that's happening in there is basically just transposing one type of energy into a different type of energy. Would that be--
[01:05:58] Brandon: Yeah, you're creating the potential. You have the potential, which is the capacitance, and then it discharges. And it is a trip because if you think about the first law of thermodynamics, it's like energy can't be created or destroyed. So what are we actually doing with it?
[01:06:15] It's that dance between the dielectric and the magnetic. It's like you're creating magnetic flux. Here's another example, like the old showerhead example. So let's say you're looking at your showerhead and there's the water coming out and you're just fascinated with it because there's all this cool spiraling water coming out of it.
[01:06:35] You can think of that as like magnetism. People don't care about the drain until your bathtub's flooding. So the dielectric is the drain, essentially. And it's a crude analogy because the drain uses gravity as vacuum. But what you're creating when you create a magnetic flux, you're creating the counter spatial discharge, which is the dielectric.
[01:06:55] The dielectric tries to bring into balance the magnetic. And with scalar energy, you're basically balancing those two to a zero point. And that's the lowest simplex pressure mediation between the magnetic and the dielectric. And that's all always seeking ground.
[01:07:11] So if we're using the shower analogy and creating magnetic flux to the shower head, there's a dielectric component or a scalar component there that's moving towards counter space. Because again, it can't be created or destroyed. It's being pulled in and out of this dimension, essentially, if you want to think of it that way. And a magnet--
[01:07:29] Luke: Oh, interesting.
[01:07:30] Brandon: That was Tesla's revelation with the alternating current, which changed everybody's life. The fact that we have electricity right now, if you think about what alternating-- do you know what an alternating current motor is?
[01:07:42] Luke: No.
[01:07:43] Brandon: So you have a magnet, and if we have the ferrocell imagery up from earlier, you see the black hole in the middle and then you see the magnetic field, these curve linear lines of force, which is the use of dielectric energy. So the alternating current motor, Tesla, his revelations, what he did was he took-- it's basically an inside out magnet.
[01:08:07] So you have the dielectric that black hole is-- you have dielectric reflectors on the outside and then the magnetic fields on the inside and you introduce a temporal component and you basically have electromotive force that you're generating with the current going back and forth. They're alternating. So it's like an inside out magnet essentially.
[01:08:27] Luke: Interesting.
[01:08:29] Brandon: Off on a trail there, but yeah, it's pretty fascinating stuff.
[01:08:35] Luke: Super cool. Going back to this idea, I don't know if we could make it as binary as negative EMF and positive EMF, but in terms of a magnetic field, for example, in the research I've done on EMF and just doing testing on your home and things like that, it's pretty common that you'll find a stray magnetic field coming out of a wall or a light fixture or something because there was a wiring error. The electrician just didn't--
[01:09:06] Brandon: And you're not talking about voltage field. It's like a magnetic--
[01:09:08] Luke: Yeah, magnetic fields. Yeah. Back in LA, I had Brian Hoyer come out and test my house and there was like a massive magnetic field, of course, right under the bed. And we figured out that it was coming from some wiring in the recessed light in ceiling underneath, on the first floor. It was a really strong magnetic field and had an electrician come out, and they're just like, [Inaudible]. They don't know what I'm even talking about.
[01:09:32] Brandon: Like why do you care?
[01:09:33] Luke: Yeah. But somewhere there was a wiring error and that magnetic field is draining to your body. It's not good for you. But here we're introducing like a much stronger magnetic field. So why would being exposed to a magnetic field like that, or for example, on that wall down there-- because there's pool equipment, some really strong motors on the other side of that wall. There's a massive magnetic field coming off that wall and you can't--
[01:09:59] Brandon: That's just the noise on the signal. The magnetic field carries the noise and the noise is what interferes with the biology, similar to the analogy of the dirty electricity. That's more of a voltage field effect. But the magnetic has the same potentiality to where you can have distortions, I guess is the best way to describe it on that.
[01:10:17] And those distortions, at the cellular level, it's agitating or irritating, like the disharmonic frequencies you referenced earlier. If you play a beautiful chord, it sounds really great and that has coherence and it feels good on the body and then the opposite is obviously true, but yeah, wiring issues can have that effect, or having motors close by will generate magnetic fields in the environment.
[01:10:40] Luke: Yeah, I tested my car one time, which I really wish I didn't with the TriField Meter, the magnetic field coming off of the floor where the gas pedal is and stuff, it's absolutely insane.
[01:10:53] Brandon: And we talked about an MRI machine earlier. That's a 15, 20,000 gauss on some of the low end ones. But it's not causing your muscles to contract. It's not inducing a therapeutic charge. It's not really affecting the polar lipids in that beneficial way. It's like a therapeutic magnetic flux does, even though it's magnetism and they're using magnetic resonance to image what's going on in the body and the deeper tissues.
[01:11:24] Yeah, it's a similar thing. The best way I've been able to simplify it is it comes down to kind of coherence. Is it a point source magnetic field or is it like an engine or a generator that's running and creating a magnetic field? It's moving in a specific spatial geometry that's not helpful to biological systems essentially.
[01:11:48] Luke: It's a matter with coherence, whether or not it's biocompatible or not, like with anything, you could eat a McDonald's cheeseburger and it's going to be "bad" for you because it's just not compatible. Versus you take essentially the same type of ingredients from different sources and your body's going to gobble it up and love it and it'll be beneficial.
[01:12:11] Brandon: Yeah. Same analogy with these grounded style, vertical Tesla coils. Its like, it's a Tesla coil. It should create beneficial energy. But if it's got a plate in there that's spinning and creating this multi-wave oscillation, it is irritating to the body. Even though you get a voltage effect, very short term, that creates noise on the line.
[01:12:37] If your body is a circuit, it creates noise on the line over time and that interferes with cellular processes. Bottom line is we're designed to be in nature. If you go run out in nature, you're creating a pulse electromagnetic field. That's what you're doing by pulsing on the ground. If you're barefooted or not, your body is electromagnetic, and we generate our own electromagnetic fields and electrical currents. And we're designed to get the inputs externally from nature.
[01:13:05] Luke: Right. I want to grab this mat. Selfishly, I just want to do a treatment.
[01:13:14] Brandon: Yeah. It's like Cookie is wrapped up.
[01:13:16] Luke: Yeah, Cookie's getting caught up in it. So I just want to show the video people what I'm talking about. This is the half body mat here that I'm showing in the video, which is, what, I don't know, three feet long, three and a half feet long or something like that.
[01:13:32] Brandon: Yeah, I think that's three and a half feet.
[01:13:34] Luke: Okay. So the reason I wanted to show that and talk about it was, I think people discover that there's a marketplace demand and so they create these products. And there's been a number of different PEMF mats that have come out, like the BioMat, which I love. I have downstairs, and it's got some electric field coming off it because it's plugged in.
[01:13:57] They say it doesn't, but it does. And to me, it's like, ah, the infrared therapy I'm getting from it to sit on that thing for 20 minutes or an hour is worth taking the hit for a little exposure to the electric field. So for me, it's always a cost to benefit ratio. But some people have come out with these PEMF mats that are infrared heated mats. I have a couple of them. They're nice. But there's been some buzz online of people testing those for electric fields and showing that they're pretty problematic, that the electric field is pretty high.
[01:14:27] Brandon: Yeah. Especially when you're working with ferric materials, it'll amplify any-- if you don't have something like a sign tamer on your house that's smoothing all that dirty electricity out, it can be amplified with the magnetics.
[01:14:39] Luke: So with your mat coming through here, which is a totally different category of PEMF because it's much stronger, I guess you could turn this one down really low where it's sub perceptual.
[01:14:52] Brandon: But it's plasma based versus ferric material or a semiconductor. Yeah.
[01:14:56] Luke: So with your device, we're not having to worry about getting a strong AC current coming off the mat or the applicator.
[01:15:06] Brandon: No.
[01:15:07] Luke: Oh, okay.
[01:15:07] Brandon: It's direct.
[01:15:08] Luke: Okay, because that's being stopped. Where it's plugged into the wall and what happens in here is stopping that from getting into your body.
[01:15:14] Brandon: Yeah, because all that voltage is connecting to a point source plasma discharge. And once it's the plasma discharge, that's what's picked up by the cables.
[01:15:25] Luke: Ah.
[01:15:26] Brandon: And that's what creates the magnetic field that you're exposed to, which, yeah, it's pure of a magnetic field as you can get as far as nothing piggybacking on the magnetic field, so to speak.
[01:15:38] Luke: Got it. Okay. And would there be any benefit to being grounded, whether on the ground? I guess you couldn't really take this thing outside, be a little inconvenient. But say I lay on this mat or I'm using one of the ring applicators. Would there be any benefit having bare skin on a grounding pad or something at the same time?
[01:16:01] Brandon: It'd be better to go outside. I'm not a big believer of plugging yourself into the circuit of the house. So if you're talking about grounding, meaning going outside and getting barefoot, I would actually recommend doing that first. So you basically discharge the static or any noise on your signal, so to speak.
[01:16:17] And then you build charge and then you hold that charge. Versus going to just dissipate it immediately. Paul has said that about the plasma machines. I think it's applicable to this type of device as well, where you want to maintain that charge as long as possible. So grounding prior is actually more beneficial when using these type of technologies than after.
[01:16:37] Luke: Got it. Okay. And I think last time we talked about, I don't want to repeat it because there's other things I want to cover here, but there's an ongoing, debate, but there's different perspectives on Faraday shielding your bedroom, for example. And if I recall right, you were on the side of, there's these positive scalar waves and there's cosmic energy that are beneficial to us, and we don't want to block those out. And a similar conflict is in this idea of using earthing and grounding technologies. And I think I actually talked to Paul about this too.
[01:17:16] And I don't know if we've came up with the conclusion, but the argument against using grounding technologies, I think would be if you're plugging them into your home's electrical circuit that you could be picking up stray voltage and dirty electricity and things like that that are on the line to said grounding pad or grounding sheet. Is that your perspective?
[01:17:36] Brandon: You're making yourself more conductive with the noise. So people will take a measurement with a voltmeter and be like, look how much noise is on my signal. And then I touch the grounding pad and then it goes flat. If you're plugging yourself into the circuit that is the house with all your electronics, it's grounding at trillions of a second, yes. But you're basically making your body more in harmony or in phase with all that noise. It's not a good idea.
[01:18:01] If you can run something out and directly into the ground, that's going to be better, depending on where you live. If you live in a city, you're going to get stray currents and all kinds of issues with that. But if you're in a more rural area and you can go right into the ground, that's ideal. But then again, when you're charging yourself-- the charge on this lasts anywhere from one to four hours, typically speaking, generally. General consensus on the biological effects.
[01:18:27] So using it a couple of times a day is what we recommend for this type of thing. But with the grounding, sleeping on that, making yourself more conductive to all the noise on the line is not ideal. In speaking to the shielding thing, did I ever send you that study I came across, ScienceDirect? I think anybody can search up ScienceDirect "effects of blocking or shielding EMF".
[01:18:50] There's some substantial things to think about if you're trying to live in a Faraday cage. What we know of plasma and charge-- for example, you're getting a plasma discharge to hit metal. Metal warps plasma fields. Wearing metal on your body, especially if you're doing shielding in the sense of the clothing, that's a big deal.
[01:19:12] Because if you look at the silver fibers, that's a massive surface area. You're becoming more of an aerial because it's conductive to all the wi-fi, all the things in your environment. And you're getting what's known as attenuation. So you're dampening the signal. But I know people that spend a ton of money on shielding their house or their bedroom or whatever, and they can still make a call out.
[01:19:32] So shielding doesn't address the noise to signal ratio. That's the big thing. So even though you're attenuating it, and of course-- my biggest number one is distance is your friend. The inverse square law, these electromagnetic devices that are harmful to health, they lose power over distance.
[01:19:49] So the further away you can be from something, the better. It's how you can have a cell tower three blocks away, but then wear a magnetic pulser around your neck or on your body that's very weak, and it would have more of an influence than that cell tower, even though cell tower is super high power. Proximity is a big thing.
[01:20:09] But yeah, grounding, I think the only way to really-- and we're naturally designed to kind of go out and ground. Our body is a transceiver. Everything in our system, our bones, our tissue, our DNA is a transceiver. It's sending signals to the environment and receiving signals. We're designed to be out in nature. If you're grounding out there, it's really amazing.
[01:20:27] You can channel all these plasmoids into your system, and you can create this coherence and structure and cellular communication and cellular integrity and antioxidant effect or whatnot. But when we're in an artificial environment, I don't think it's wise to plug ourselves into the the house, personally.
[01:20:45] Luke: So let's dive into that because this is something people are really interested in. So I want to try and create clarity. And obviously, everyone has their own different perspectives on it. What I ended up doing was with the grounding sheet, it goes out through the wall and is connected to a big copper plate that's buried about four feet under the ground.
[01:21:07] Brandon: That's more ideal for sure.
[01:21:09] Luke: And there's also a kill switch on the bedroom, so there's no electric field anywhere in the room at night. So that negated using my body as the ground. Because if you're touching a grounding sheet or grounding pad, and you're near an electric field, as you said, you're now the channel for that to find its way back to ground.
[01:21:29] Brandon: Body is a capacitor, essentially.
[01:21:31] Luke: Kind of sucks. Just intuitively on a basic level, that doesn't sound very smart. So that's what I always tell people, like, don't use grounding sheet inside if you're near an electric field. So that's one part of it. But the other one is, like in my office, I have a little grounding pad. But all of the electronics are all shielded behind the desk.
[01:21:52] So it's like I'm not exposed to any electric fields while I'm working on the computer, but that one is plugged into the wall. And I want to get your take on this. However, I have the Power Perfect dirty electricity filter on the main circuit breaker so that the AC current coming in from the street is conditioned to get rid of that noise.
[01:22:17] And then on the circuit in that room where I'm grounding, there's also plugins just in case anything that's plugged in is creating dirty electricity. That's being negated by that. Do you think going to that extreme would still give--
[01:22:31] Brandon: Is it the voltage-mediated type where it's like if you're-- is it the suppression where it's just cutting off the top end high frequency, like a Stetzer filter kind of thing?
[01:22:42] Luke: Similar. Yeah. It's not a Stetzer, but I think it works the same way. Yeah.
[01:22:46] Brandon: Yeah. So one thing to know about, there's this company out of Canada called Sinetamer. It's far more advanced by orders of magnitude, something to look into. You don't have to plug them in all over your house. It just goes to your mains power. And it actually changes the dirty electricity on the sine wave itself. It doesn't require the high voltage spikes. So you can still get a lot of noise on a single with-- it'll calm it down. It'll suppress it quite a bit with a Stetzer type filter.
[01:23:15] Luke: I think the one we have in the garage is called a Power Perfect, and I think the company's called Static.
[01:23:21] Brandon: I haven't heard of that one.
[01:23:22] Luke: I'll show it to you.
[01:23:23] Brandon: Yeah. I'd like to check it out. I'm interested.
[01:23:25] Luke: It's built into the wall. It's like a permanent fixture. But if you take a dirty electricity meter, for example, anything in line after that thing will be clean.
[01:23:39] Brandon: That's way better. So if you're going to ground, that's a more ideal situation to plug yourself into the wall.
[01:23:43] Luke: But then, if you have something plugged in your house, like a refrigerator or something like that, even though it's clean, the signal is clean coming into the house, but then you can plug shit in in the house that will turn certain circuits dirty, in my understanding. And then that's where the plugins go into the wall on that particular circuit.
[01:24:02] Brandon: That's what I'm saying with Sinetamer. It doesn't matter what's plugged in. The whole house is a circuit. It's really pretty advanced.
[01:24:07] Luke: That's cool. I want to look into that.
[01:24:09] Brandon: Something I think the audience will be into.
[01:24:10] Luke: I'm going to send you a link to the one I have and you send me a link to that one, and we'll see if we can figure out which one's the best.
[01:24:16] Brandon: The more solutions we have, the better. But still, the principle is you're plugging yourself into all the electronics in your house, whether you've cleaned it up or not. And is that something you want biologically, informational field wise, running through your system?
[01:24:31] Luke: So maybe in the office I should take that one and run it and plug it into the ground.
[01:24:36] Brandon: Yeah. I think if you can go direct into the ground, that ideal.
[01:24:39] Luke: And I'm sure people are saying like, you guys are fucking nuts. Really, just live your life. But these are things that I'm interested in and passionate about. And everyone isn't like that. Everyone doesn't care. But to me--
[01:24:49] Brandon: I consider this living life.
[01:24:51] Luke: Dude, to me, it's like, if you go back 300 years, that's how you would have been living, just living your life. And so I think what I'm trying to do is just replicate how things were before we screwed it up. If you read The Invisible Rainbow, for example, you can see through these different epochs of technological development that there's these huge spikes where we've introduced electricity, then radar, then wireless communications and so on.
[01:25:25] Every time we introduce something in the electromagnetic spectrum, people get sicker. And so it might sound obsessive or crazy, admittedly. Okay, it is. But my goal is to just get back how it used to be, but still be able to heat my house and enjoy the conveniences of modern life. But I think if you want to be really healthy, these things are important.
[01:25:48] Not everyone has to do all of this, but I want to just have my home especially, be as biocompatible and supportive as possible because that's the only time you can have any sense of control over your environment. Because once you leave your driveway, you're just in the soup of all this stuff. There's not a lot you can do about it.
[01:26:06] Brandon: And you got to stay mentally resilient and not be a victim to it. At the same time, it's good to be conscious and aware and always progress towards excellence, in my opinion, because people get into a mind trap of like EMF is bad now I'm paranoid. The physiological psychosomatic effect of that is a real thing and can affect you negatively.
[01:26:24] Luke: That's a good point.
[01:26:27] Brandon: Conceptually, anyway, it's a balance point.
[01:26:29] Luke: When I interviewed Bruce Lipton about the biology of belief and epigenetics and stuff, I had just been poisoned by a cell tower and I moved into this new house. So I was talking to him about that, and he in essence said-- I think my question to him was like, okay, say I am living in a really high EMF environment, but I have a strong enough belief that my body and my biofield is resilient and impermeable to that. Could I negate the effects of that just by a strong enough belief?
[01:27:01] And his opinion was that, yes, you could. Which led me to see, well, if I'm doing the opposite, if I'm contracted and I'm always in a fight or flight sympathetic state because I'm so worried about my food and the EMF and the blue light, then you cross this Rubicon where now not only is the original insult harmful to you, but the power of belief that you're holding about it is actually compounding the thing that's bad for you.
[01:27:31] So it is a fine line. I always like to say to have awareness, but not fear. It's like acknowledge, okay, there's something there. Maybe I can fine tune it and I can improve it somehow, but still stay relaxed and have fun with it, which is what I'm always trying to do.
[01:27:46] Brandon: And that's the self-mastery thing. That's a very real phenomenon. It's like yogis that would demonstrate their level of mastery by eating huge amounts of mercuries and not be fazed by it. Or eating a sheet of acid and like, hmm, that's okay. Not be totally incapacitated.
[01:28:02] Luke: Ram Dass's guru, Neem Karoli Baba, that might be my favorite story of mystics of all time. On two different occasions, he gave them mega, mega, mega doses of acid and he just sat there and he's like, "Yeah, nothing. I'm already there."
[01:28:16] Brandon: So you are adaptive. You're innate. Your body naturally does that. So it's leveraged that psychosomatic strive for mastery, but it's good to be aware about all these things. And I think those of us in this space as educators, it's good to experiment with these things and try-- for people that want to optimize things, you got to know what's real.
[01:28:38] Shielding clothing, all this kind of stuff, you got to understand the pros and cons. We need to simplify and be as natural as possible with our approach and leverage things that are more or less like I'm saying, the Swiss army knife. What gives you the most amount of benefits?
[01:28:55] You might get a little bit of antioxidant potential and anti-inflammatory stuff by plugging yourself in the house, but what's the long-term cellular communication ramifications of essentially-- some people put these sheets on their bed. It's a major aerial. It's like you might have a kill switches throughout your house, but your neighbor is still beaming stuff, cell towers, satellites, all of the stuff that we're getting hit with.
[01:29:17] And just like with physiology, if you knew how many trillions of processes were happening in any given moment, it'd make your head explode. We only can hold so much awareness, but it's our job to develop that awareness so we can really-- and that's the qigong. That's the work. That's the energy modality of why we want to train that kind of stuff.
[01:29:35] We can't be so dependent on ARC or any different type of technology to keep us from achieving that mastery because it becomes a lazy man's thing. It's like, if I could just lie on this thing or be in this chamber or shine this thing at myself-- those are all helpful, but what are you doing with that qi? What are you doing it for? Why are you developing in that way? It's like you got to use it for a purpose.
[01:30:00] Luke: It's an agilist to plant medicines. You using those medicines, and many of us have and continue to derive massive benefits, but a true yogi will tell you, and even a true shaman will tell you, you are the medicine. You are the technology. When we're talking about technology, you are the technology. That doesn't mean that don't use them.
[01:30:23] Brandon: They're tools.
[01:30:24] Luke: Yeah. But knowing their rightful place in the hierarchy of power and how much of our own innate power we turn over to those technologies or those medicines, useful tools. But it's real easy. I, myself, have gotten lopsided, where I feel totally dependent on having all of these things.
[01:30:42] And meanwhile, my wife's out here living her best life, doesn't do any of this shit. Feels great. She's always telling me that you don't need to take medicine. You don't need to use all these things. It's all within you. And I go, "Yeah, it sounds good, but really? She's living proof of that. We're two examples of one extreme to the other, and we both seem to be doing well.
[01:31:04] Brandon: Balance each other out.
[01:31:05] Luke: There's a little bit to learn from one another on both ends. Because there are times when she comes to me and she's like, "Hey, dude. I have this thing going on. I'm not feeling well. Or this or that. What do you got?"
[01:31:13] Brandon: And you have the skills and understanding what the technology is to help.
[01:31:16] Luke: Yeah. And then we'll throw something at it and usually helps or completely fixes it in some cases. I want to turn on this machine because it's really fun for people to see. But before we do, I have one question. You touched on the EMF shielding clothing and grounding and the Faraday concept, EMF shielding and such. There's a lot of different opinions on this, and I don't know where I stand on it.
[01:31:44] I was wearing the EMF underwear for a long time, the tinfoil underwear, the Lambs. And you can take pair of that, put your cell phone inside it, wrap it up and your phone is dead. It doesn't work. So it works. It blocks radio frequencies. And then I was like, yeah, but it's made out of synthetic materials, and I was trying to get pregnant. Well, I wasn't. Trying to get my wife pregnant. And I'm like, I don't want to--
[01:32:08] Brandon: Anything goes these days.
[01:32:09] Luke: I don't want to put plastic on my wedding tackle and ruin the sperm. So then I stopped doing that, yada, yada. But there's one school of thought that alludes to where you were going that you're making yourself an aerial antenna by wearing all this silver on your body if you have a t-shirt or EMF shielding jacket.
[01:32:27] Brandon: Especially on your skin, if you have it layered out a bit, that's--
[01:32:31] Luke: That's my question. So to me, just basic, very kindergarten level of physics is like, okay, if there's a cell tower over here and it's beaming radio frequencies toward my body and I don't want them getting in my body, then you would put something in between that thing and the body, which would be shielding clothing. Works, right?
[01:32:51] You can test it with an EMF meter. However, to me, if that metal-infused clothing is touching your skin, your skin's conductive because you're made of water and minerals that now, even though you're blocking it, you're now an antenna and radiating from inside of that clothing that you're wearing.
[01:33:14] Brandon: You're bringing it closer to your proximity, yeah.
[01:33:16] Luke: So that's where I got stuck. So now when I go on airplanes, I wear that stuff, but it's not on my skin. I have a hoodie on and then I have that thing over it or something like that. Do you think EMF clothing in a high EMF environment, like an airplane, for example, is viable if it's not touching your skin?
[01:33:35] Brandon: There's different degrees. Silver is different than like mu-metal. Mu-metal absorbs radiation. They use it in high-end facilities. Is it worth it? My personal opinion is I don't use it. Of course, you're going to get attenuation and/or blocking depending on the quality of the material and how much of a Faraday effect it's creating.
[01:33:57] Definitely not on your skin, but it can be argued that your field extends outside of your body. We have an electromagnetic charge, the aura or whatever these plasmoids outside your body are affected by it. And it warps. The biggest thing I learned from Paul is like why you don't want metal in the Theraphi field. Is that because not only will the voltage move towards it, but it's going to distort the shape of the naturally occurring plasma fields and plasmoids in and around your body.
[01:34:28] My personal opinion is like, I-- I've looked at all this stuff, like grounding, shielding, scalar, all this stuff over time. I want all of it to work. I want as much to work as possible because I want to protect myself and my family. It's like, I don't want something not to work.
[01:34:42] I just have to look at this objectively. It's like, what's actually happening? And I'm focused on facts and logic. I have a dialectic in my own head and I'm just like, "Okay, well, does it make more sense to try and have these kind of things that can create these distortions in your plasma field and your body and maybe leach from your plasma field?"
[01:35:03] Your electromagnetic energy is being leached, not just the opposite way around. Or is it better to just strengthen your biofield, your electromagnetic field, charging yourself up with a Theraphi or PEMF or any of these kinds of things, exercising, making sure you're mineralized and have a balanced nutrient mineral profile in your body?
[01:35:25] You're going to create your own electromagnetic charge. So we walk in and out of energy fields all of the time. Cosmic rays are beaming from all these plasma lights in the sky. That's all radiating down on us all the time-- the sun, all these kinds of things. So I think what I've come to over the years is that I don't want to plug myself into the circuit of the house.
[01:35:45] That doesn't make any sense. I flew here. I could have worn shielding stuff, but I brought a little magnetic pulsar instead to just maintain my charge so I don't get really depleted. That makes more sense at this stage. And then creating that zero effect. I like scalar technologies. I like what that does as far as resetting and really balancing out the magnetic and the dielectric back to a zero point.
[01:36:12] But I think people just need to experiment. I'm not trying to tell people what to do. This is my opinion. This is what I've come to after all these years. And there's also research now about blocking and shielding that's pretty compelling as far as the clinical side of things. They're actually researching the effects of that and. We're not designed to live in a Faraday cage. That's the bottom line. And that's essentially what you're trying to do by wearing these clothes.
[01:36:36] And then there's the emotional mental aspect of it, not benefit, but the aspect of it where it's like that fear consciousness, like you have to live in a cage. It's like, how does that feel for people?
[01:36:47] Luke: Right. I never thought about that.
[01:36:48] Brandon: To me, it's like, I have to isolate myself from nature, and you can't really do that.
[01:36:52] Luke: I'm going to start thinking of our rooms that are shielded as Faraday bubbles.
[01:36:56] Brandon: They're bubbles.
[01:36:57] Luke: They're bubbles of joy.
[01:36:59] Brandon: Yeah. Your body will adapt to that too. It's not like it's going be harmful or hurt.
[01:37:04] Luke: Yeah, yeah. I want to turn this damn thing on because it's so fun, but I keep thinking of other things. But I've contemplated your perspective that you shared last time around creating a Faraday bubble in your bedroom, which our bedroom is. It's like the floor. It's a box. And shielding paint. It's all grounded in the whole thing.
[01:37:24] And I thought, oh man, maybe he's right or we're cutting ourselves off from the beneficial energies. But as you said earlier, I still get a faint signal in that room. And the windows have film on them, and it's as good as you can possibly get it.
[01:37:41] So when you walk in that room, the satisfaction I get, if you go in there with an EMF meter in any other house around here, you get like, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. It'd be in the red just off the charts, really bad for you. You go in our room, just go silent and a little light turns green. I go, ah. That makes my nervous system feel good.
[01:37:59] Yet, if you shut everything up in there and you turn your phone on, you'll get a little signal. So I'm like, "All right, I'm probably blocking out a lot of it to the point where I'm just creating a really low level of EMF, but I'm certainly not blocking off all of it." And I'm definitely not blocking off scalar and more of those very subtle micro frequencies and energies. That's where I've arrived with it. Feels like I'm probably somewhere in the middle versus a Faraday cage. If you're talking about scientifically a Faraday cage, you would have to have lead walls.
[01:38:32] Brandon: Yeah, there'd be no--
[01:38:33] Luke: Yeah, and you would probably die in a week inside one those.
[01:38:36] Brandon: It wouldn't be great. I don't think it would be great.
[01:38:39] Luke: And there was that one study, I think it was in Russia or something. I've talked about it before, and I can never remember it. But basically, they did this experiment where they put humans living underground. They buried them. You know that one? And they all got cancer in a month or so. It was just a total train wreck because they were all cut off from these energies that we can't see.
[01:38:56] Brandon: Sun and everything, yeah.
[01:38:56] Luke: Yeah. Do you remember that, that study? Yeah, I forget what it was called.
[01:39:00] Brandon: [Inaudible] you talking about it.
[01:39:01] Luke: Yeah. People got really, really sick. And I was like, okay, that's what would happen if you were in a real Faraday cage that was completely isolated from all of those fields.
[01:39:10] Brandon: Yeah. And that's what I'm saying. And I'm just talking generalities here. It's like most of the time you're just going to get a massive amount of attenuation but not completely blacked out, no signal whatsoever, usually. And then in that case, is it taking the plasmoids and the plasma fields and the energies of nature-- what's it doing your body too?
[01:39:34] Because like you can take a rotating magnetic field, a spinning magnetic field, and if it's the wrong polarity, you can zap the life force out of somebody. But it can also be very healing if it has proper polarity. And so, yeah, these things are-- and again, I don't think shielding your room is necessarily dangerous.
[01:39:51] I just question it's long-term efficacy just philosophically. What are all the ramifications? What's the mindset? What are all these kinds of things? And how valuable is that to me? And I haven't been convinced enough that it's valuable enough to go through something like that when I have other ways to keep my body charged.
[01:40:13] Like I said, I use the Sinetamer because dirty electricity fields, as a field effect, that builds up in a room. It'll literally create incoherence. And for a long time, I've just used BluShield. But then when I added that, I was like, "Wow, that's pretty impressive." Because I used Stetzer filters in the past and noticed a little bit of a benefit, not really too much, but I couldn't use it at my current location because I have a backup generator in those back feeds.
[01:40:38] So I wanted something to actually manipulate the sine wave in a significant degree. And the Sinetamer is the most advanced thing I've come across. I haven't heard of this company that you referenced.
[01:40:47] Luke: Oh, I can't wait to compare notes.
[01:40:48] Brandon: Yeah. It's a good--
[01:40:49] Luke: Because I love having electricity in the house. You know what I mean? I'm not trying to live in a candle-lit cabin. Electricity is freaking awesome, but also, if you just go willy nilly and don't pay any attention to how it's coming in and the nature of how you're interacting with it can also be problematic.
[01:41:08] Brandon: Why can't we go back to the old stuff that worked? You remember the Wardenclyffe tower that Tesla built in Colorado Springs?
[01:41:15] Luke: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
[01:41:16] Brandon: Yeah. A lot of people think that that's just a tower with a big mushroom cap on top of it, but they tunneled down. And what he was doing is he was basically pulsing energy down into the earth to alert currents to reflect back up and transmit wireless energy, which would mean with that modality, you would have a big briefcase in your house that would power your house.
[01:41:39] Then you move it to your car, and it would just be wireless. But when JP Morgan found out I can't put a meter on this, they burned it down. I think there's options out there, and there's people like Paul that actually know how that stuff works. So I'm trying to get him to like, come on, dude. Let's get the free energy stuff. Let's get this going, the clean energy stuff.
[01:41:59] Luke: The key is with the free energy and maybe one of the impedance to progress. Obviously, there are the forces that want to suppress that information because you can't meter it and charge people. But it seems like a lot of the people that bring forward these innovations, patent them.
[01:42:15] And the patents act as red flags for the nefarious characters to come after you. And it's like, who wants to put their life work into something and not get credit or money for it? That's where the problem is. So you need just open source, no patents, where people are bringing this stuff out, decentralized, where these things can emerge and someone just has to take the head of not getting credit and not being able to actually monetize their research. But I think we're getting closer to rediscovering that.
[01:42:43] All right. Let's turn this thing on because I'm going to-- [Inaudible] Cookie in the middle.
[01:42:48] Brandon: Oh, man.
[01:42:49] Luke: She'll probably jump over the railing.
[01:42:51] Brandon: I think what the setting is on here.
[01:42:52] Luke: Here. Let me grab that applicator for me. And I want to put it on. Look out, Cooks. I want to put it on and then have you describe what's happening for the people that will be able to watch the video and see me.
[01:43:08] Brandon: Warning, I don't know what this is. You'll be fine. Don't worry.
[01:43:12] Luke: Okay. Go ahead.
[01:43:15] Brandon: Okay. Go for it.
[01:43:17] Luke: Okay. Yeah, it's pretty low.
[01:43:21] Brandon: So this is about 70% intensity, but I have the pulse rate down. So the capacitor is firing off super quick. I'm trying to talk to the mic here.
[01:43:29] Luke: Even people on the mic can probably hear like, tzzzz. Yeah.
[01:43:33] Brandon: I'm going to crank you up a little bit.
[01:43:37] Luke: Oh, yeah. It's going through my entire body.
[01:43:40] Brandon: You can feel it through all the meridians and your fingers hold the fingers.
[01:43:44] Luke: Yeah.
[01:43:49] Brandon: How's that?
[01:43:49] Luke: So cool.
[01:43:53] Brandon: You can take some--
[01:43:55] Luke: Cookie's looking at me like, what is happening?
[01:44:01] Brandon: Wow, dude, you can take some punishment.
[01:44:04] Luke: It's such an interesting feeling. It's hard to describe. I wouldn't even know how to articulate it because it's not like you're getting shocked, which some of those solid state PEMFs, like you said, it's very sharp. It's like, ting, ting , ting. And it's agitating. It feels more like something's vibrating than poking you. That might be an easy way to say it.
[01:44:42] Brandon: Yeah, I think that's fair.
[01:44:43] Luke: Yeah.
[01:44:43] Brandon: So what do you notice compared to other machines that you've tried? Because to me, it's vastly different than other PEMFs that I've tried over the years.
[01:44:52] Luke: It's nothing like any of them. That's why I wanted to do a whole show about it. Dude, I think I told you this, but I've been using different PEMF machines from the very low intensity mats, the beamers, the MRS, to the pulse centers, the ones they have that athletes use.
[01:45:13] Brandon: Like the XL Pro and stuff.
[01:45:14] Luke: Yeah, they're at your chiropractor and it's like, boom, boom, boom, super strong, which this one can do. So I've played with all of them, but it's like with the ones that are more low intensity, I don't know. I don't know if I'm like feeling it. Maybe if I lay down on one of those mats and meditate or something, I probably feel more relaxed. I have had experiences where I go into a nice theta state and just really chill.
[01:45:41] And then I've had issues with my knee or something. And I put the really strong applicators on it, that, that, that, and really hit it. And it's gotten better. There's some movement of energy in there and some healing, but I just have never found one that I feel like I would want to spend money on or that I would really recommend to people because I just haven't noticed that it's helping. Unless it was $300. You know what I mean?
[01:46:09] But if you're going to spend like a few grand or 25 grand on something, that shit better do something, and it better do it for a very long time to make it worth the investment. So the difference for me is just immediate benefits and effects, especially if I'm doing something targeted, like if I have a sore joint or something like that. It's like one 15-minute session and it's just gone.
[01:46:35] And as I said earlier, using the small applicator, I've been working on my prostate. And for females that don't have one or men that are young and you don't even care about your prostate yet, if you have some inflammation in there, it just makes you have to pee more urgently and more often.
[01:46:53] It's just accepted that when you're 50 plus that you have to get up and go pee in the middle of the night. And I've never had that my whole life and still don't. But as I've had some issues with the prostate, I've just noticed there's more of an urgency and just peeing more often. It was like, what? I just peed 20 minutes ago. What's going on here? Or just chilling like this, having a podcast, and all of a sudden I'm like, "I'm about to piss my pants. I just got to run."
[01:47:22] I don't like that because it didn't used to be like that. So what's wrong? So I went and had a MRI, this great scan called a Prenuvo scan, recently, which is super cool. It's a full body scan. It takes about an hour. And I was waiting to see how accurate it was, and everything it found, I already knew. It was exactly right.
[01:47:41] It got a little inflammation in the sinuses, check. I've known about that. Right hip, little arthritis, some inflammation there. Torn labrum, check. I already knew that. And it found some inflammation in the prostate. And I was like, "Well, there you go." And so I've been using your small applicator on that, sitting on it for 15 minutes a day.
[01:48:03] And as I said, it's a little jarring at first, then you just relax into it, just chill, spend that 15 minutes. And on the first day, noticeable improvement. Back to normal urine life. Just peeing like a normal person. When I feel like I have to go, I go. It's not urgent. I'm not waking up early because I have to pee or waking up in the middle of the night or anything. So the most quantifiable and instantaneous benefit has been reducing that inflammation.
[01:48:34] Brandon: And that's a nice non-invasive way to do it, if you think about it. Other modalities are a little bit more aggressive.
[01:48:42] Luke: And there's all kinds of supplements and stuff. And I've tried those. They just don't do anything. I think the issue with an organ like the prostate is it's a closed capsule. So it's just not getting blood flow. It's difficult for white blood cells to get in there and fight infection. That's why prostate cancer is so prevalent. And I'm not interested in getting that. I don't know what the stats are, but they're not good.
[01:49:09] Brandon: If you live long enough, you'll deal with some kind of prostate issues, basically.
[01:49:12] Luke: Yeah. So again, start to notice a few symptoms. I'm like, "No, not having that." I'm going to figure out a way to solve that and nip it in the bud. So this seems to be having the ability to do that.
[01:49:23] Brandon: [Inaudible] the circulation with the magnetic field externally from the body. It's strong enough to penetrate those tissues.
[01:49:30] Luke: Yeah. So I'm wondering-- well, there's a couple of things. One is that I did have-- and sorry for TMI here, folks. I'm saying this because it'll be useful to some men listening. And if you're the partner of a man who's over 50, this is really something to pay attention to. But I did have some testing done and there was, I guess, you could say a bacterial infection or just dysbiosis.
[01:49:56] Because of course, there's bacteria inside that cavity of the prostate, and it's okay. But if it's the wrong bacteria, if they're out of balance, then that can be the source of that inflammation. And so I've done some pretty wild things like getting ozone injections in there, methylene blue injections in there. Not that comfortable. The last one was a targeted antibiotics. So I had the test done, we identified the strains, and then hit it with specific antibiotics.
[01:50:23] Brandon: Directly. Yeah.
[01:50:24] Luke: Yeah. And those help, but still, it came back, hence doing the PEMF. So I'm wondering, going back to that Rife idea of resonance, say if there are opportunistic microorganisms within that prostate and white blood cells and such aren't really able to get in there and balance things out, do you think part of what's reducing the inflammation is hitting the cells of those with frequencies that are disrupting their ability to proliferate?
[01:51:02] Brandon: In regards to the ARC?
[01:51:03] Luke: Yeah.
[01:51:03] Brandon: It's not frequency specific. Again, it's the polar lipids. It's just that massaging that's happening. So anything that's discordant with it, it's like the Bell analogy, it's just going to fall off or devitalize, I would say is the thing. This machine won't target any pathogens or any types of bacteria as far as directly, but because you're creating a stronger cellular charge and you're creating movement of blood and qi and energy through that vicinity, they're going to have a disadvantage.
[01:51:32] It's going to have a harder time surviving because it's going to devitalize their nature, but also strengthen your nature, which you're the host. So you're going to have a better chance at making it not a friendly place for them to want to be.
[01:51:45] Luke: That makes sense. Jarrod, is it loud? Sorry, guys. I forgot this thing's still going. People listening are like, "Wow, what is happening?" Thank you.
[01:51:55] Brandon: That was a crazy 10 minutes or whatever.
[01:51:57] Luke: Yeah, I forgot it was on there. That's the thing. At first you're like, whoa, you can really feel it, and then you just, I don't know. You just relax into it. I think that's--
[01:52:05] Brandon: It is weird, strangely relaxing.
[01:52:07] Luke: It's the secret sauce of however you design this thing because of the random nature of the field. I don't know. You just get used to it. Okay, so we're not direct--
[01:52:18] Brandon: One thing on that note, the randomness of the field. That's one thing that I didn't understand until I met this engineer and we developed a relationship and engineering this device, is that it sounds far out, but certain ways that magnetic fields are created, they can actually bounce off the body, like bones, especially. So if you're trying to stimulate bone marrow, that was another thing you're talking about the self-assembling organisms.
[01:52:42] That's a checkbox that's really good and part of the features that I wanted in the machine. But the other thing is I wanted to stimulate the stem cells and the bone marrow because all your indifferentiated stem cells are in your bone marrow. And from a TCM perspective, your bone marrow as you age, you get older, that dries up, aging and then death and stuff like that.
[01:53:01] So if we can revitalize the bone marrow, but a lot of magnetic fields, just especially in low power machines, they just don't really penetrate the body very well at all. And that's part of the randomization aspect of it. That magnetic flux, it's like ripples in a pond. All these waves are intersecting and creating these--
[01:53:19] Luke: That makes sense. Right.
[01:53:22] Brandon: The way it moves is very unique, I guess.
[01:53:24] Luke: Yeah, that makes sense. I use the applicator a lot on my right hip. I have a bit of arthritis, and it's just always been problematic. And so I'm going back to what I said earlier, how the field will find inflammation. And I know when I get over the spot that hurts--
[01:53:41] Brandon: It's like, ooh.
[01:53:42] Luke: Yeah, that's the spot that hurts when it gets inflamed. So it's really interesting, is that probe idea. But if I turn it on high enough on the slower pulse, it goes right into that socket. It is as deep as it can get into that joint.
[01:54:00] Brandon: With your mind, you can always see the socket itself just based on the feeling.
[01:54:06] Luke: Yeah. Yeah, that's probably the hardest actual joint socket to get into. It's the deepest ones, the biggest one in your body. And unfortunately it's the one that's the most problematic for me. But again, I'm not trying to have a hip replacement surgery when I'm 80 or something. I'm not interested in that.
[01:54:22] So to me it's worth some time every day to get into there. But the thing I think that, going back to the horse races or racing horses, is the bone healing potential for PEMF therapy. How does that work? You mentioned stem cells, but what is it about the magnetic field? If you have a strong enough field that actually penetrate into the bone and through all your tissue to actually get where it's going, what is it about that that creates the cohesion of those minerals that make your bones into actually becoming stronger?
[01:54:58] Brandon: Yeah. And some of the most well-documented research on PubMed if you look up PEMF, they talk about bone and bone healing in particular.
[01:55:09] Luke: You got a best friend.
[01:55:09] Brandon: I know. He's hanging out So yeah, the bones are really interesting because obviously they're conductive, but then there's the piezoelectrical effect. So it's a similar phenomenon. If you're strength training and lifting weights, you put pressure on the bones. It creates stronger bones. That's well known in fitness and exercise sciences. Load bearing will create a lot stronger bones. So you're just basically doing a workout on the bones, essentially, with thing.
[01:55:39] Luke: Interesting
[01:55:39] Brandon: So creating this magnetic--
[01:55:40] Luke: Like OsteoStrong. Have you ever used the OsteoStrong machines? They're super cool. They're built for building bone density, and it literally cures-- what's it called? Osteoporosis.
[01:55:51] Brandon: Osteoporosis.
[01:55:52] Luke: Yeah. It's this incredible technology. I did a show on it a few years ago. Yeah. They have these clinics all over. They're like weight training machine.
[01:55:59] Brandon: Is it a machine or is it a--
[01:56:00] Luke: Yeah. They look like weight training machines, but they're active resistance and they're specifically meant to put torsion on your bones.
[01:56:07] Brandon: Yeah, that pressure. So you're creating pressure with a magnetic field because you're getting that pulsing magnetic flux, and that's stimulating. And then the bone is conductive, so you get the voltage. So you're getting that combination. So similar, you see the muscles contract when you're using that. It's kind of an exercise. You're getting blood circulation. You're getting muscles to contract. It's just having that effect on the bones as well.
[01:56:30] Luke: Epic. Wow, how cool. Hey, Cookie. Is it her time for lunch or something? No, she's an hour early, but she knows when it's getting to about an hour. We're going to do it soon. Okay. Hang tight. I want to let people know they can go to arcpemf.com. And if you use the code LUKE, you can save 1,000 bucks off this bad boy.
[01:56:51] And we'll put all of that in the show notes too. But before we get out of here, talk to me about-- for me, as I said, I'm just like a geek. I love this shit. So I want one in my house. And if friends come over, they never take me up on it, but I always tell my friends, "Hey, if you need some support, I have a house full of really beautiful technologies."
[01:57:10] Brandon: I have that same phenomenon too.
[01:57:12] Luke: They don't do it. They don't come over. I don't know.
[01:57:14] Brandon: You can't find one of these within a few states.
[01:57:17] Luke: So if any of my friends are listening, when I tell you that, I'm not people pleasing, I really am putting the offer out there. But say I was an acupuncturist or a body worker, chiropractor, or something, how would someone integrate the ARC PEMF into their practice? How long are sessions? How are people doing that? Or how do you foresee that being a great offering for someone to integrate into their practice?
[01:57:45] Brandon: Our acupuncturist uses it as needed, depending on-- it's very case specific. Chiropractors that use it that we know, one in Kansas City that I'm most familiar with, she'll put people on it, and they'll just sign up for a session and do 30 minutes. What's really nice about this level of intensity is that a five or 10-minute session, you'll just feel results just out the gate.
[01:58:12] It's usually 20, 30-minute sessions. And they charge what they charge. Obviously, I'm not going to say because the cost of living in one area is different in another area and stuff like that. But basically, they do packages or they do individual sessions based on the person's needs. Usually, what we find-- so protocol, this is something we haven't talked about yet. I don't think we've even talked off air about it.
[01:58:34] Luke: I've just been winging it, I guess, because I knew you were going to come out at some point. I hope I'm doing it right. It has a 15-minute timer. So that's just kind of what I've been doing.
[01:58:43] Brandon: I really don't think there's a wrong way to do it, but what we found is the most effective is really getting somebody on a half body matter, the large applicator, like you're using under the kidneys or something like that. And we go intense. So we're doing pop, pop, pop. We build them up to where they're just doing that for about 15 minutes.
[01:59:01] Then the last five to 15 minutes, depending on if they're doing a 20-minute session or a 30-minute session, we'll do the higher frequency. I shouldn't say frequency, higher pulse rate. So we keep the intensity high, but we speed it up towards like, [Inaudible]. And we find that you get all this movement and then it's almost like it flushes the lymphatic system, allows things to drain.
[01:59:24] So we have their feet elevated, usually a little bit, so all the blood from your biggest vessels can kind of go back into the gut area. So that's really the only protocol we have. Other than that, it's plug and play. And most people, if they have it at home or something like that, they just intuitively feel what they like, or they find a setting that they do every single day and just leave it and just turn it on.
[01:59:44] But we find that if you do higher intensity first, and then higher frequency where it feels less intense, even though it's still a very strong magnetic field, the higher frequency is good to close out the session and just--
[01:59:56] Luke: Good to know. Good to know. That makes sense. Yeah. Something I just remembered, and I'm not trying to shit on anyone, but back in LA, I used to go to a place and use the pulse centers things. I was working on my hip, and they have a bunch of applicators. One of them is a big massage table that's got the PEMF field in it. And they would always want me to lay on that on the high pulse rate for 20 minutes and then do more of the targeted stuff with the paddles.
[02:00:29] And I would find when I laid on that thing, I finally was just like, "No, I'm not doing it." Because I would be exhausted when I left there rather than building up qi, I would just be smoked. I would have to go take a nap, and I definitely was able to eventually correlate it to lying on that mat. And so I just stopped doing that. I was like, "No, guys. I'm going to skip that part because it makes me really tired." Why do you think that might've been the case? Because I don't get that at all when I lay on your mat. I feel great. I have more energy, if anything
[02:00:56] Brandon: It's probably because you're plugged in their computer, essentially, really, again, plasma. I think by all metrics that I can see in my personal feel and people I've corresponded with on in the field, it's like analog just has a totally different feel. With a plasma impulse, you feel a charge. It's building energy.
[02:01:17] You feel relaxed, which is interesting because it's jolting you sometimes. But most people just feel really relaxed. They don't feel fatigued afterwards. And I've had that experience. We have some friends that have a physical pain center in Kansas City. They have the pulse center stuff.
[02:01:30] And we did several sessions while we were doing research. We had to try things out. We had to see what was working. And before we met the engineer that we're currently working with, we had a lot of experience, a lot of different devices. That's one of them.
[02:01:44] And yeah, I don't know how else to describe it other than it's like a very spiky electrical feel. It's the voltage. And again, I've never took a peek under the hood. I don't know the mechanics or what's working under there. I can only just go by the feel.
[02:02:03] I think it's a beautiful fit and finish machine. It looks great. The fit and finish on their applicator is awesome. I think they've done a great job with the branding and all that stuff. It just wasn't the feel I was looking for in a machine. And yeah, I don't really know how their capacitors work.
[02:02:20] I just know it's like a semiconductor technology, and I just think what I know of plasma now, nowadays, that's the direction I wanted to go. It's like, how can I make this more like a lightning in a box, like a magnetic field you'd feel from a thunderstorm and the charge effect that it has on the plasmoids and the particles and everything in the environment after a storm.
[02:02:40] Luke: And that's why you get that slight ozone smell?
[02:02:43] Brandon: Yeah, it's plasma discharge. There's a little coronal discharge. So yeah, you're going to get a little-- and that tapers off over time as the components get wear on them over time. But yeah, that's part of it.
[02:02:54] Luke: I noticed that. I like it. I know you don't want to breathe pure ozone, but it was very subtle. It wasn't like I'm sitting there, like when you work with an ozone generator or something. It was just like, oh, what's that smell? It's like that--
[02:03:05] Brandon: Negligible amount. Yeah.
[02:03:07] Luke: Yeah, it's like that nice clean smell after a rainstorm, that level of ozone, not like your ozone machine, which will knock you on your ass.
[02:03:16] Brandon: Some Tesla coils I have, it refreshes the air. Tesla used to just sit and read, and he's had lightning bolts ARC off. There was a ton of ozone. He always said that that's partially electrostatic field, partially ozone, but he would always say that that's why he never thought he never got sick, because he was around those kind of things.
[02:03:33] But yeah, that's the interaction with the air moving. People might confuse that because some machines, they just cool the internals off with the fan, but you actually want air flowing through that chamber with the plasma because there's an effect there with the oxygen, the nitrogen.
[02:03:49] Luke: Got it. Is there anything we didn't cover?
[02:03:53] Brandon: I don't think so. Unless you have any other questions.
[02:03:55] Luke: You don't live around here, so I don't want to miss anything. Oh, yeah, there is. We talked about bone healing and things like that. You mentioned lymph flow. What about detoxification? Any of the other provable, just overarching benefits of PEMF therapy in general? Because I know you can go on PubMed, and there's just tons of benefits that are very well researched, but we didn't really talk about a lot of that.
[02:04:30] Brandon: Yeah, I think the Bell analogy is the good one. There's a process called magneto proration, which basically makes cell brains temporarily more permeable. So toxins can get dumped, nutrients can get flushed into cells. It's part of the expediting healing process. But again, when you get that magnetic flux affecting the polar lipid structures, detoxification becomes far more efficient because you're able to get waste out and nutrients in.
[02:04:56] Other than that, you're obviously getting lymph flow. You're getting more circulation, macro, micro circulation. So you can get to areas and tissues in the microvasculature to dump toxins as well in different tissues because it accumulates everywhere, depending on whatever area of the body you're focused on.
[02:05:17] So yeah, the circulation effect, electrical charge is just going to-- and also, how things reorganize too. So you got these polar lipids that I'm talking about shaking, vibrating, getting a little electro massage or magnetic massage. It's dumping toxins. But then because the toxins are dumped, they're able to form tighter, more coherent structures. So they inhibit future toxin reabsorption as well. And then these magnetic fields tend to structure water. So you can take that coil and put a glass container--
[02:05:47] Luke: Oh really?
[02:05:48] Brandon: And structure the water. And again, it might all be in my head. I don't have any testing to verify this, but when I put a glass container in that coil and I run it for 10 minutes, that water is far smoother, for sure.
[02:06:00] Luke: I'm going try that.
[02:06:01] Brandon: Just play with it. It might be in my head. I don't know. But that's just subjective--
[02:06:04] Luke: I'm a water geek. I'll do anything to water to see if I can help it be its best self. So I'm--
[02:06:10] Brandon: It takes longer than plasma fields. If you put it in Theraphi, it only takes three minutes.
[02:06:14] Luke: Wow. Oh, yeah, I remember Paul telling me that.
[02:06:17] Brandon: Yeah. It's not as efficient as plasma, but it definitely has an effect for sure.
[02:06:22] Luke: I wonder if one of the things too, talking about that micro circulation when it comes to, I think some of the most difficult body tissues to heal or tendons and ligaments, the stuff around your joints that just doesn't get blood. That's always the thing. You're just like, "Ah, God, I know if you cut your freaking muscle, it'll heal in a couple of days."
[02:06:43] But if you get a tear somewhere around those joints that are just really difficult to actually heal and sometimes they persist for a very long time and you have stem cells and PRP and there's ways to get some healing juice in there, but it seems like PEMF is probably really good at that because you're getting not just the energy movement, but the actual movement of fluids into there; would that be correct?
[02:07:08] Brandon: Yeah. The extracellular fluid, intracellular fluid, and the mitochondrial function, all of that expedite the healing process for sure.
[02:07:16] Luke: Got it. And you talked about the mitochondria a little bit before. Is there anything that we didn't touch on in terms of energy production?
[02:07:23] Brandon: No. I think we can cover that. It's really an overvoltage. So when your body gets a surplus magnetic flux and you correct the electron deficiency, it's going to distribute charge across cell membrane, which improves cellular communication.
[02:07:40] And that, like we said in the beginning, helps the body send better signals and more coherent signals and then other cells that are walled off to the immune system and other cells that don't communicate, there's seemingly-- and again, I don't want to talk too much about that aspect, but those misaligned cells that grow out of control, they seem to become more coherent within magnetic fields.
[02:08:06] People with certain conditions tend to use PEMF therapy to get results. Of course, you can't negate the nutrition, mineralization, water, all the other aspects of it. But because it's like an exercise, essentially the cellular, it's a cellular respiration. If you think about it that way, it's not just cellular communications respirating. Making the cell wall more permeable allows it to breathe.
[02:08:31] You've heard of sodium-potassium pumps and all that standard textbook stuff that everybody talks about with PEMF. That's all happening as well. But yeah, it's a cellular communication, coherence, and respiration. So letting things breathe and move in and out versus getting trapped in cells. And then you can get that tight stacking and that nice coherence at the cell level.
[02:08:58] Luke: So it's like a terrain theory application--
[02:09:03] Brandon: Sort of. Yeah.
[02:09:03] Luke: In a sense, right?
[02:09:04] Brandon: It helps support the terrain modification.
[02:09:07] Luke: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Last thing I want to ask you is why do you recommend or emphasize staying hydrated and mineralized?
[02:09:16] Brandon: Yeah. So people with a level--
[02:09:18] Luke: In relation to using PEMF?
[02:09:20] Brandon: So when people use this, they definitely want to drink water beforehand. Take all metal, big no nos, no pacemakers and insulin pumps, anything that's electronic in the body. Definitely don't want heart stents, any of that kind of stuff. That's contraindicated.
[02:09:35] You want to be hydrated because if you're not-- generally, some people are pretty dehydrated-- it's going to move stuff. And if there isn't the fluid, it's like having oil or sludge in the cells. Some people might get headaches. Or people that are prone to hypertension that are dehydrated, they might feel more of that inflammation effect in certain areas.
[02:09:55] So definitely want to drink at least eight to 16 ounces of pure structured or hydrogen or Brown's gas, whatever good quality water you can get your hands on. You definitely want to do that because you need the movement. And then obviously, minerals are how we hold charge at the cells.
[02:10:11] We need the electrolytes and trace minerals in our body just for basic function. For deficient of those, enzymatic processes, you just name it, all kinds of downstream mechanisms are affected by that. So it's important.
[02:10:28] Luke: Epic. Yeah. I'll usually take a shot of BEAM Minerals or Quinton before I do my sessions.
[02:10:36] Brandon: Yeah, all those are great.
[02:10:37] Luke: I just like those natural mineral complexes with all the micro minerals and all the things. So I'm not like, "Oh, I'll take a magnesium and a calcium and some copper and some zinc. "I just take like a big ass jar of that with some hydrogen in it before I do my sessions.
[02:10:53] Brandon: Quinton are particularly good because of the balanced ratio of minerals, and actually, if you held it next to blood plasma and those minerals, it's almost identical ratios. So it's super compatible.
[02:11:06] Luke: Have you heard about the experiment that Rene Kington did with dogs?
[02:11:11] Brandon: No, I don't think so.
[02:11:13] Luke: Dude, this shit is crazy. Robert Slovak, a former guest on the show, who's a huge-- he's the guy that I think introduced Quinton into the US market after finding that French guy. And he did this experiment where he gave a number of dogs blood transfusions and basically took the blood out of their body and replaced it with the isotonic C solution, and they lived on it.
[02:11:44] Brandon: That's wild.
[02:11:44] Luke: Yeah.
[02:11:45] Brandon: It's more identical or biocompatible than--
[02:11:48] Luke: Isn't that crazy? That's crazy. And I forget the whole story of then did he put the blood back in and just let them on their way or whatever? But yeah.
[02:11:56] Brandon: Hopefully.
[02:11:56] Luke: Yeah. I don't advocate for experimenting on animals. I would never do that to this dog, but it was pretty compelling that the body, the biological system was like, oh cool, we'll take that version of plasma and just replace the plasma you just took out. It's really trippy.
[02:12:14] Brandon: Wow.
[02:12:14] Luke: Yeah, super cool. Doesn't Shen Blossom have some sort of a C plasma thing that you guys do?
[02:12:20] Brandon: The son of that family, he's got his own line. It's called Biocean minerals. It's basically the same seawater formulation. He just offered it in one milliliter glass. So people that take like families or want to dose it, they can get more than just those little ampoules.
[02:12:38] The nice thing about the ampoules is, obviously, you can break them up in the shelf stable for a really long time. Once you crack open that one liter bottle, you got to use it within 90 days or something like that, and refrigerate it. But yeah, same family, basically the same stuff. Yeah.
[02:12:53] Luke: Oh, cool. All right, dude. I think we did it, man. Thank you so much. And thank you for coming back on the show. I got to ask you everything I could ever wanted to ask. And I've learned tons, as I'm sure the listeners have. And more than anything, thank you for just being a geek and creating something freaking awesome that the market was really starving for. This category has just not been figured out, in my opinion. No one's really dialed it, and you're the guy that did it.
[02:13:20] Brandon: Well, thanks, man. I'm glad you're enjoying the tech. It's been a labor of love, and we're just trying to make them more available. Like I said, it's super small, just me and a couple of guys doing it. But we're happy with the results for what we were looking for our friends and family, for their longevity and health and self-reliance when it comes to health.
[02:13:39] Luke: Yeah. I'm stoked. Thank you so much, dude.
[02:13:42] Brandon: Yeah. Thank you.
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