342. Badass Biohacks: Deuterium-Depleted Water & Molecular Hydrogen for Extreme Health w/ Robert Slovak.

Robert Slovak

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

I discuss the power of deuterium-depleted water with the founder of Lite Water, Robert Slovak.

Robert Slovak devoted himself to the science of water after life-altering experiences. He took his astronautical and mechanical engineering degrees and decided to pursue the research of reverse osmosis with his brother Jack. The dynamic duo was considered the early developers of Reverse Osmosis technology. Robert is best known for co-founding Water Factory Systems in the early 1970s. He and his brother were among the early developers of Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology and its many applications. 

Their successful innovations encompassed home and office RO drinking water systems, bottled water production, laboratory purification, hemodialysis, seawater desalination, microchip production, bottled water production, water vending, spot-free vehicle washing, and more. 

As a result of the rapid growth of RO applications, Robert’s ongoing seminars, and a best-selling industry book on the subject of POU (Point of Use) RO, he became a well-known figure in the water industry. In 1989 Water Factory Systems was purchased by CUNO Inc, a global leader in fluid treatment. Since then, it was acquired by the 3M Corporation, which continues to market many of their original products.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Society gets pumped up about access to clean water, but we seldom mention the importance of drinking deuterium-depleted water in the pursuit of life longevity, performance enhancement, and all-around nourishment. 

Here to break it down, atom-by-atom, is renowned water expert Robert Slovak, founder of Lite Water, a true disruptor in the optimized water industry. With 97% less deuterium than regular water, his brand has set the bar when it comes to H2o biohacking. I feel the benefits – especially when I drop their molecular hydrogen capsules during flights – but it takes a true genius like Robert to explain the complex science behind this atom that the public knows so little about. 

Robert and I want more people to get in on the mission, so we’ve created some exclusive deals for you all: 

09:36 — The History of Deuterium

  • The elements of the earth and isotopes 
  • Breaking down deuterium 
  • The toxic backstory to “heavy water”
  • Why creating deuterium-depleted water is both costly and complicated 

35:57 — Deuterium Levels in the Body 

  • Deuterium levels in processed foods
  • How mitochondria are eaten away by deuterium
  • How deuterium affects lifespan 
  • How drinking “light water” removes deuterium from your body 

48:40 — Enhancing Performance & Longevity 

  • Cost-effective ways to decrease deuterium levels 
  • How a low-carb/low-sugar diet decreases deuterium 
  • Testing deuterium levels in your body
  • The importance of committing to Lite Water to gain full benefits 
  • Why boosting hydrogen intake supports mitochondria

1:22:17 — Hydrogen on the Go

1:37:02—Q & A with Guest Audience 

  • Human evolution and deuterium
  • Increasing hydrogen in your diet
  • Deuterium: the secret to living longer 

More about this episode.

Watch it on YouTube.

[00:00:00]Luke Storey:  I'm Luke story. For the past 22 years, I've been relentlessly committed to my deepest passion, designing the ultimate lifestyle based on the most powerful principles of spirituality, health, psychology. The Life Stylist podcast is a show dedicated to sharing my discoveries and the experts behind them with you. Here we go again, Robert Slovak, deep dive. 

[00:00:28]Robert Slovak:  Deep dive.

[00:00:29]Luke Storey:  Oh, man, I'm so glad we get to have this conversation. So, let's just dive right in. For those that don't know, Robert was on a previous episode, also recorded here at lovely Cuixmala in Mexico, where we talked about Quinton sea minerals, water filtration, the best drinking water practices, all the things, the busting alkaline myths, and all that. But today, we're going to talk about deuterium depletion and molecular hydrogen. So, break down in simple terms, if you can, what is deuterium? How did we get it in our body? Why do we want to get it out?

[00:01:04]Robert Slovak:  Okay. If you don't mind me going back just briefly, 13.7 billion years, one of the first things that was created was hydrogen and helium. Okay. And it's quite important to realize that because, currently, 13.7 billion years later, it just turns out that about 99% of the mass of the entire universe is still hydrogen and helium together. Okay? Really, to a scientist, it's preposterous. Okay. All the other elements, all the other 90 elements, they're just like 1% of the universe, all the planets.

[00:01:49] It's hardly anything. Hydrogen and helium run the show. And of course, they're the content of most stars when you look at it at night. So, this is my trustee periodic table that I take with me everywhere, because people are a little lost, but this is all the elements of the periodic table, and the first, because it's the lightest element, is hydrogen. But few people realize there's more than one hydrogen. And even fewer people realize there's more of most of the elements, different variations of each of the elements. 

[00:02:34] And those variations, we call isotopes. I think a lot of people have heard that. It's used in medicine and so on. But hydrogen happens to have three isotopes. One is the regular hydrogen, we'll call it. That's just a proton, and then an electron, the simplest element that was created. And then, another isotope, the second isotope is heavier, because it has taken on a neutron into its nucleus. So, you have a proton, a neutron, and an electron, and that's called deuterium.

[00:03:12] And it was created at the very beginning also, the neutron really liked playing in the sandbox with the proton. And then, there is another form of hydrogen that we won't talk about anymore, and that's tritium. And that's a slightly radioactive isotope, and it has two neutrons and a proton. And it's unstable, so it gives off raise in matter and has a half life of about, I think it's about 13 years. And it has been used in the past 50 years as a glowing indicator for watch faces. Okay. You painted on with some phosphorus, you get it to glow.

[00:04:04] So, we'll concern ourselves with hydrogen and the regular hydrogen, which is called protium, by the way, and the heavier isotope, deuterium. Now, what really blew everybody's mind when they discovered deuterium in the early 30s was that deuterium is twice as heavy as its sister isotope or brother isotope, protium. And that is like, wow, it's the only element that has an isotope that's twice as heavy. And then, the world of atoms, twice as heavy is like if your girlfriend were twice as heavy as you. Okay. I mean, it makes a statement, right? Or if you woke up twice as heavy. 

[00:04:58]Luke Storey:  Is the molecule twice as large also? 

[00:05:03]Robert Slovak:  Atom. 

[00:05:03]Luke Storey:  Is the atom twice as large also or just heavy?

[00:05:06]Robert Slovak:  No.

[00:05:06]Luke Storey:  Oh, that's weird.

[00:05:07]Robert Slovak:  It's just heavier, because you crammed in a neutron.

[00:05:11]Luke Storey:  Oh, okay. So, it's more dense?

[00:05:13]Robert Slovak:  Yeah.

[00:05:13]Luke Storey:  Okay.

[00:05:14]Robert Slovak:  And isotopes in their reactions and their involvement in chemistry pretty much can substitute for the simplest form of the element. So, deuterium can substitute. So, let's take water, H2O, right? We normally think of that H as the simple H, one proton, one electron, and two of those combine with oxygen to form a water molecule. But you know what, deuterium can do it too. So, deuterium, if we call it D, and this is where kind of it gets tricky, because people are trying to track, okay, you call protium H, you call deuterium D.

[00:06:00] So, you can have two protium and oxygen to make a water molecule, you can have a protium plus a deuterium plus oxygen, make a water molecule or you can have two deuterium plus oxygen and make a water molecule. So, there's three kinds of water molecules in a glass of water. And the water molecules that are just made out of two protium, the simple hydrogen and oxygen, we call that light water. And if one of the atoms of hydrogen happens to be a deuterium, science strictly calls that semi-heavy water.

[00:06:42] And if we have another water molecule made of two deuterium and an oxygen, we call that heavy one. In every day science, if it has deuterium in the water molecule, it's just called heavy water, even if it's only one deuterium or two deuterium. Okay. So, they react differently, and no one realized this at the beginning, because we're used to, hey, if the isotopes can exchange for one another, but in reality, they do act differently in chemical reactions, such as might occur in the body.

[00:07:26] Now, at the beginning, when deuterium was discovered, really, nobody paid attention to its biological implications, partly because in the world's water, and all the world's water contains some heavy water, there's only about six drops in every liter. And pretty much, everybody said, that's good. No big deal. Six drops out of, I think a liter is about 30,000 drops. Okay. No big deal. But scientists went crazy over heavy water, because heavy water with deuterium in it could slow down neutrons like nothing else.

[00:08:18] And where did they want to slow down neutrons? In a nuclear reactor, because that's how to make it work. So, we're talking deuterium discovered in 1930s, what? At the end of the '30s, everybody's thinking of war? Correct. Nobody's getting along. And the German physicists like Heisenberg, the geniuses of that field, if I can make a nuclear reactor here, Hitler, I can make something that you're going to like called an atomic bomb. But we have to make the reactor first.

[00:09:00] And then, I can blow up London. Okay. That was Hitler's objective. So, he said, what do you need? He said, we need something called heavy water, water that has deuterium atoms in it. How do we get it? Well, no one's making it except for a plant that's making it for research purposes in Norway. And it was very simple. Go take over the plant and get them to make us all the heavy water that you need. And do it peacefully or aggressively, it doesn't matter. We need it. 

[00:09:45] And so, a neat thing for your audience is there is a Netflix movie called The Heavy Water War that is extremely well-acted with British actors, Norwegian actors, American actors. It is a masterpiece, The Heavy Water War. And it's about this whole drama associated with who could make the first atomic bomb, because it all depended on one thing, who could come up with enough heavy water? So, no one ever was even thinking about biology. It was about destroying biology, really.

[00:10:27] So, America did win the heavy water war only because we blew up that plant, as you'll find out, something like three or four times. Okay. And it just exhausted the Germans. So, we won the war, et cetera, et cetera, but off to the side after the war, when we really were excited about atomic energy, and all this stuff, and more nuclear reactors, the Russians were busy going, I wonder what this deuterium stuff does to living things. Okay. And so, it started with their research and an incident that happened at Tomsk University with some gerontologists, and we happen to actually have written the story in this brief history of deuterium-depleted water.

[00:11:34]Luke Storey:  Oh, no way. Cool.

[00:11:35]Robert Slovak:  And this can be downloaded for free drinklitewater.com or website.

[00:11:41]Luke Storey:  Litewater.com?

[00:11:44]Robert Slovak:  Drinklitewater.com.

[00:11:46]Luke Storey:  LITE, right?

[00:11:46]Robert Slovak:  LITE, yes. 

[00:11:47]Luke Storey:  Yeah, drinklitewater.com, you can get the history of deuterium. Okay.

[00:11:51]Robert Slovak:  So, this history involved the gerontologist not finding out that there is a group of people in Siberia, a culture of remote people, like people who live in the Himalayas, et cetera, who have many, many, many, many times more people in their population who live over 100 than the rest of the Russians. And they were just curious. That's what gerontologists do, right? Find out why people live longer or short. And they investigated it for almost 10 years.

[00:12:32] All the things you would think of, the diet, the social conditions, their religion, et cetera, et cetera, but nothing panned out for their extreme longevity in terms of numbers of people. When it was further looked into, when they couldn't like break the code, why do these people have this characteristic, they found out that they lived incredibly longer as well. And because they didn't have hospitals and things, there weren't good birth records, but they were north of 140 years old.

[00:13:09]Luke Storey:  What?

[00:13:10]Robert Slovak:  Yeah. And women had children in their 60s. They did not know. They thought that was very normal, because if you lived to 140, that probably, there's nothing wrong with having a baby at 60, right? So, this became more intriguing. And then, someone said, hey, you've looked at everything, but did you consider the isotopic aspect of their water? Meaning, what isotopes made up the water? Well, no one was even thinking that in those days, really. It was so new. 

[00:13:49] And so, they said, okay, there are these two isotopes, let's go check. And all the water we tested has really six drops of the deuterium and we're going to check out their water. And they checked it out and it was more like four drops. Okay. And they said like, no way, six drops, four drops, but these people had this water from birth until death. They didn't know any different. But how did they get the water?

[00:14:28] The water, deuterium can be separated from the lighter isotopes in meteorological phenomenon like in the freezing cycles in the mountains, where you start to have water freeze and deuterium freezes at a higher temperature or more easily. So, it preferentially freezes, and then the other water doesn't freeze, and it drips down the mountain, and they use that for their drinking water, and the cows eat it, and the yaks eat it, and the children, it's in the breastmilk of the mothers.

[00:15:07] So, when you get this four drops instead of six drops for a lifetime, it does this wild thing to longevity. Bingo. The Russians are off to the races, and they're going, oh, my God, we really discovered something significant. And then, they brought it back to the laboratory, and they said, okay, we're going to do experiments on this heavy water itself, and what does it really do? We only had six drops before, but now, we're going to take that heavy water those guys are using to make atomic reactors.

[00:15:47] We're going to see like, what if you drink it? Okay. Well, don't drink it. Okay. So, I mean, they took like instead of six drops, maybe they did 500 drops. So, they made water 5% deuterium, not point 0.5%, but 5%, 10%, 20%, 30% deuterium water. And it looks just like water. It tastes just like water. Alright. Nothing unique. At 30%, the deuterium was put on, what do you do first? I mean, that's what I would do. Let's put it on seeds.

[00:16:10] Let's germinate seeds with it, one of the most fundamental things, and that I'm thinking of it, because tomorrow, there's going to be this microgreens thing, where you start with a bunch of little seeds and you put the water on it. And so, it just came up for me. So, they put it on the seeds, but the seeds never grow. Okay. Then, they said, well, jeez, okay, then let's get regular, healthy plants, and let's put it on the plants. 

[00:16:10] And the plants died in a short time with stuff that looks just like water and tastes just like water. And then, they said, well, jeez, maybe let's see what happens when we use it for the water for the mice and other laboratory animals. And most didn't make it over five days. And bingo, it became an incredibly big deal. Just for your information, the only thing really different about heavy water, where it's perhaps 30% or more, is that if you make ice out of it. It sinks to the bottom. It doesn't float on top. In fact, I'm going to check.

[00:18:01]Luke Storey:  Check your ice coffee, check the deuterium level, yeah, your ice is floating. You're good.

[00:18:01]Robert Slovak:  My ice is floating. I'm good. But if an estranged person in your life happens to hand you a glass of water and the ice is on the bottom, okay, I'm just warning you now, I wouldn't drink it.

[00:18:11]Luke Storey:  Alright. I'm going to let you have your drink there. So, this is getting interesting. And I knew that you were going to be knowledgeable about this, but I had no idea you would understand the history of it. And this is really cool, because when I did the episode some years ago, which is kind of one of the things that you and I bonded on when we first met was that episode, there wasn't a lot of talk about the history. It was just more about the biological element, which we're going to get into. So, this is really fascinating.

[00:18:40]Robert Slovak:  It's a very interesting discovery that almost no one knows about.

[00:18:46]Luke Storey:  So, what is next in the journey of this light versus heavy water?

[00:18:51]Robert Slovak:  So, the Russians really said, wow. And there was a point, at least, we were told stories when we went, a partner of mine, Victor Sagalovsky, who happened to have been born in Russia but lives in the United States. And he's a scientist guy like me. We both, Victor, you know about deuterium-depleted water? Yeah, I've been following it for years. I have too. Really? Interesting. And it seems like there's a couple of articles coming out on it. Okay. When are we going to Moscow?

[00:19:28] We're going next month. And we did. We went to Moscow and we arranged meetings with all the scientists, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And we got to know the inside story. And the Russians were more advanced in it than anybody, largely because they kept it a secret. Okay. And there was talk, we were told, that the Russians realizing that deuterium is a toxic substance to biological entities. Okay. Plants and animals. It also takes care of bacteria, too, that this could become something that would enhance the Russian population.

[00:20:22] Okay. I mean, what if we could take this poison out? Would that be something that would enhance the health, longevity, et cetera, of our population? And Russians have always had trouble with their population. And we never get a good answer like, why didn't they follow through on it? Maybe only the rich and famous would do it. But the bottom line probably was it's so expensive to make. 

[00:20:56] It's so cumbersome to make, to this day. And much hasn't changed since even the '60s, that it's not very practical. And today, there's only enough made by all the players, and there are three or four players. Okay. There's only enough made for less than 40,000 people. Alright. And that wouldn't even supply New York City by a long shot, right? So, it's not a big business item at this point, because it's so hard to make.

[00:21:33]Luke Storey:  In terms of taking municipal water or spring water and creating deuterium-depleted water or light water, what are we talking about in terms of volume? If I take 10 gallons of normal water that's laden with this deuterium and I want to create a net of-

[00:21:53]Robert Slovak:  Okay. So, it's not a volume thing. Remember, there's only six drops of deuterium in a liter. You're going to take the six drops out and you got the whole liter. It's hard to get those six drops out.

[00:22:05]Luke Storey:  I see. So, it's very cumbersome in terms of the energy needed to do it then?

[00:22:10]Robert Slovak:  The energy, the technology, the mechanisms, the optimization of the process took years, and it's done with the process, we might as well say, something called fractional distillation rectification. And it's an exotic form of distillation, in which you have a very tall column, much higher than the ceiling here, like 60 or 70 feet high. And maybe it's a tube, 10 inches on the hammer, filled with some magic kind of media that helps break surface tension and does a lot of other chemo-like things to the forces of water. And the water was slowly heated and the lighter molecules of water just slowly rumble through this magic media. And up to the top, you condense it and it drips out. And maybe you make 20 liters in 24 hours.

[00:23:17]Luke Storey:  Oh, my God. Wow. Very laborious, wow.

[00:23:22]Robert Slovak:  So, you have rooms filled with these columns, and obviously, the capital expense is a lot. You don't get a lot of product out of it, et cetera.

[00:23:33]Luke Storey:  Not to mention, water is expensive to ship around.

[00:23:36]Robert Slovak:  And water is expensive to ship. So, like I said, there's enough produced for about 40,000 people in the world. And so, it's a small group of biohackers who pretty much are on it and some very key athletes. It changes the entire metabolic scene of an organism. And that's what we should talk a little bit about. 

[00:24:05]Luke Storey:  Okay. Before we go into this as a health practice, I'm curious, since hydrogen in general is the main substrate in the known universe that matter is created from, as you indicated in the very beginning, then this deuterium version of hydrogen would be present in almost everything. And from what I understand, it's more prevalent in certain types of foods, like carbohydrate foods, sugary foods, things like that, versus not much present in fat, like a coconut oil, or lard, butter, et cetera, would be low deuterium? 

[00:24:49]Robert Slovak:  But not by more than 10% or 15%.

[00:24:55]Luke Storey:  Okay. 

[00:24:55]Robert Slovak:  Okay. It's not like one thing contains 10 times more. Not at all. It's overexaggerated. 

[00:25:02]Luke Storey:  Okay, because it seems like in the environment, would ocean water then be the highest in deuterium?

[00:25:11]Robert Slovak:  Not the highest, but it's higher. So, regular water, almost anywhere on Earth, regular fresh water is six drops per liter, and we call that in science about 150 parts per million, where one part per million is the same in science as milligrams per liter. Okay. So, it's 150 parts per million. Everyone, because you are mostly water that was gotten from the water you would drink, and the coffee at Starbucks, and water here in Mexico, that's all 150. Your body water is 152. Okay. So, everybody here would be plus or minus a few points north or south of 150. The ocean water will be 155, roughly. 

[00:26:06]Luke Storey:  Okay. So, if we've been drinking regular water our whole life, we're born in 1970, '80, '90, whatever, and we're drinking that water as the basis of all water in our diet, and then say, we're also eating processed foods, and foods laden with sugar, carbohydrates, et cetera, would that all contribute to the burden of deuterium in our body or is it really the water that has the biggest impact?

[00:26:32]Robert Slovak:  It would not only contribute to the general burden, but it would be tougher, this extra deuterium, especially in foods that are going to be burned through phosphorylated oxidation in the mitochondria, it's going to be rough on that, too, because deuterium encumbers. Oxidative phosphorylation is the word, I wanted to say.

[00:27:01]Luke Storey:  I have no idea what that means anyway so no one will notice.

[00:27:03]Robert Slovak:  Okay. That's how the mitochondria burns your food to make energy. And energy is 80P. That process is the only reason you can blink your eyes or run a 100-meter dash. It is everything. And science is beginning to recognize biology. Physiology is beginning to realize it is the every, only, all. It is running the show of everything. If you have the energy, your body is intelligent enough to do almost anything.

[00:27:46] And that is becoming the problem, is that our mitochondria are encumbered in many ways. One from aging. Most of the free radicals are produced in the mitochondria and used to have to deal with that, but we're dealing with a lot of other free radicals and you don't always take care of that, so your mitochondria are stressed. And they reduce from about 25 in a straight line curve to end of life.

[00:28:24]Luke Storey:  The number of mitochondria or the ability to produce ATP?

[00:28:28]Robert Slovak:  Both. 

[00:28:29]Luke Storey:  Okay.

[00:28:29]Robert Slovak:  Part of that reason is because the mitochondrial mechanisms are eaten away by the deuterium. And I'll explain how that happens in a second, but your mitochondria, when they receive high deuterium in the molecules, let's say, that they're going to burn, okay, in the Krebs cycle, et cetera. The Krebs cycle, for those of you who know, exists in the mitochondria and it prepares the energy cycle to make your ATP. So, it is intelligent enough to know that deuterium is a problem. 

[00:29:31] And here's why, it's probably through evolution that many forms of life found ways to cleverly, some scientists say shuttle away deuterium from these key processes, okay, because they're going to be a problem. In the mitochondria, we actually have a mechanism that's called the ADP, ATP synthase nanomotor. Okay. It sounds kind of crazy. I mean, isn't that in your Porche? Okay. But it's very similar. It's like a turbo and it's a turbo made of amino acids.

[00:30:12]Luke Storey:  This is in the mitochondria, this nanomotor?

[00:30:14]Robert Slovak:  In the mitochondria, in this thing called the electron transport chain, blah, blah, blah. And it's after the metabolic pathways are further down the road, so it's preparing all this stuff to be making ATP in this electron transport chain, but the key ingredient are protons. That's what are going to be kind of taken into the nanomotor and shuttled down into the ATP production system.

[00:30:47] But some of those protons, if you're drinking and consuming water, as we all are with deuterium, the protons aren't alone. Some of them are coming with a neutron. Okay. And think it's like when the proton and the neutron hit the nanomotor. It's like tossing a quarter into your porch turbo. Okay. I don't have to explain anymore. It's graphic enough. It actually damages the nanomotor, and then a few more damages and it's over, mitochondria done. And that's the loss.

[00:31:33]Luke Storey:  And this is the effect of being overly laden with mitochondria?

[00:31:37]Robert Slovak:  Not overly, that's how it is. It's in the water on the earth. This is how it ended up. And the deuterium on the earth wasn't constant, okay, largely because of ice ages. Remember, the deuterium freezes first, so it's going to be taken away out of the environment for maybe a couple hundred million years or something, and then it's going to come back again. And that's a fact of life and evolution. It's not been figured out yet. But the takeaway for your audience is that there's no question that the presence of deuterium in the water we consume in everything largely determines the human lifespan.

[00:32:20]Luke Storey:  That's wild. Okay. Where do I want to go at this?

[00:32:23]Robert Slovak:  You want to drink deuterium-depleted water.

[00:32:23]Luke Storey:  There's so much to this. Okay. So, if we're inhibiting the potential functionality of the mitochondria by gumming up the nanomotor that produces ATP with this deuterium, and this isn't a toxin like a mercury or something that we can quilate out and get rid of, and it's not something that can be filtered out like fluoride in water or something like that, what's so fascinating about this is that the way to get deuterium out of your body is to just drink water that is-

[00:33:08]Robert Slovak:  Deuterium-free.

[00:33:10]Luke Storey:  ... artificially low in deuterium.

[00:33:13]Robert Slovak:  Or find a good long lasting job in Antarctica, which has the lowest natural deuterium on the planet.

[00:33:23]Luke Storey:  Okay. That does not sound fun. Maybe cheaper than buying the depleted water.

[00:33:29]Robert Slovak:  Well, it's not 150 parts per million or 155 like the ocean, it's 89. And it's the only place on earth that exists like that.

[00:33:41]Luke Storey:  Because through the hydrological cycle and all of that, the deuterium has been depleted over time, freezing, thawing, all that.

[00:33:48]Robert Slovak:  So it is thought, but it's uncannily low. For all I know, the ETs did it. Okay.

[00:33:55]Luke Storey:  Right. Okay. So, there are ways of testing water in labs, where you can take the water you're drinking and determine, is it 150? Is it 155? Is it 139? So, the water that I've been drinking for a few years in Los Angeles, which I'm terribly distraught about abandoning as I moved to Austin, by the time this comes out, I will have done so, that water I had tested and it came out at 139 parts per million, which from what I understand is pretty decent as far as the world's water supply goes.

[00:34:29]Robert Slovak:  Are you saying that water came from your tap?

[00:34:32]Luke Storey:  No, no, no. This is Alive spring water from Oregon, the site that I sent you a couple of weeks ago.

[00:34:37]Robert Slovak:  Yes. 

[00:34:38]Luke Storey:  That water, I sent it into the lab and it came back at 139, which was, I think, pretty good.

[00:34:44]Robert Slovak:  So, that's 11 parts per million less than the regular water almost everywhere on Earth, and that's pretty good.

[00:34:51]Luke Storey:  But that's still not low enough to trigger your body into the depletion. So, give us the threshold of the PPM of what you would call light water that's been manufactured in this plant through this laborious, complicated, expensive process. What PPM do you have to drink to then trigger your body to start getting rid of it?

[00:35:13]Robert Slovak:  Okay. So, it's a little more tricky. So, first, the Russians already learned that if it's only 130 PPM, okay, that's roughly four drops, I said, that was the water in Siberia, 130 PPM, if you had been able to take it from birth until death, if it was in your mother's breastmilk and the cow's milk from the farm, et cetera, that would have provided almost all the benefits that we could even dream of on the longevity, anti-aging, beautiful skin, hair, the whole thing. But you and no one in this room has that chance anymore. 

[00:35:56] Okay. So, it doesn't have to be so depleted if you get it early on in life. So, it is said that when you're an adult and you are not encumbered by any, let's say, serious chronic disease, and cancer, and so on, and you don't need special care, that getting your endogenous deuterium below 120 is a major step in improving your life, your likelihood of adding years to your life, the likelihood of not getting a chronic disease, including cancer, et cetera. So, that would be the first shot. You'd like to get below 120. 

[00:36:46]Luke Storey:  And you can test your own levels, as I've done, using saliva, saliva testing where you can find out what your PPM is. The interesting thing about it, to me, I think, that would be good to get clarity on is since this isn't something you can go sweat out in a sauna like, oh, I need to detox deuterium, like you could another toxin, getting water that has less deuterium in it into your water regimen and diet, how does that then signal the body or assist the body in offloading deuterium? And where does it come out? Do you pee it out or?

[00:37:21]Robert Slovak:  Yeah. I mean, through all the excretory, sweating, because you're just a vessel and you have 150 parts per million in. And if you were just a tank, okay, and let a gallon out each day, if you put in water without deuterium, it's going to get less, because it's mixing and diluting the tank.

[00:37:43]Luke Storey:  Okay. That makes sense. 

[00:37:44]Robert Slovak:  It's really that basic.

[00:37:46]Luke Storey:  You have an uncanny ability to explain really complicated things simply. Thank you for that. So, let's say someone is not dealing with chronic disease, because there is some research specifically around cancer and deuterium depletion. And of course, we all have to be careful talking about these things, because of the Illuminati-controled FDA. I didn't say that.

[00:38:08]Robert Slovak:  Is that all who controls it?

[00:38:10]Luke Storey:  Who knows, right? But let's say someone is not terminally ill, and just wants to optimize, and they want to be what, yourself, what are you, 76 now? You can outrun me. You've proven that the first night we met in London. I had to jog to keep up with your walking and I'm not even kidding. So, let's say someone is just interested in performance and longevity, and they're their well-heeled enough to afford this water, which, as you said, is rare and hard to afford, what would be a PM that they could drink for a period of time that would be pretty aggressive in helping them get rid of deuterium?

[00:38:46]Robert Slovak:  I would probably start out if you have good habits and can maintain them, if you run a tight ship, 115 to 120 parts per million.

[00:39:00]Luke Storey:  And is the higher PPM deuterium-depleted water less expensive than-

[00:39:07]Robert Slovak:  Yes, absolutely. So, our approach, it's not worth making different PPMs for people, because it becomes like a warehouse craziness. So, the water that I guess I can show these now, we actually make two kinds of water. This is our mainstay. This is a two-liter bottle of 10 parts per million deuterium. Okay. And this is kind of our holy grail. This is five PPM, okay, and it's in a glass bottle. But most people get this because it's more economical, and something I didn't know, it's crazy to have to ship glass bottles from Russia. I want you to know.

[00:39:57]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I can only imagine.

[00:39:58]Robert Slovak:  They don't all make it for one thing, okay?

[00:40:01]Luke Storey:  Yeah. And I mean, shipping empty glass bottles from Russia would probably be astronomically expensive. So, let's say somebody takes a liter of the 10 parts per million. Let's say I have my Alive spring water. I always give them a shoutout, because I want them to grow, so they can deliver to Austin eventually. Let's say I have a great high Rocky Mountain spring water source that's low, say, 140 PPM, and I want to continue to drink that, because I can't afford to drink 10 PPM, so could you take a 10 parts per million deuterium-depleted and dilute regular drinking water, and you end up with a 120, or 110, or whatever?

[00:40:42]Robert Slovak:  Exactly. So, if I mix this one to one, in other words, one part of this, and it could be one bottle, one liter, one pint, okay, if I mix one part with this with one part regular tap water at 150, you're going to have a little lower one, but let's make believe what everyone here has, 150, I'll get 80 parts per million. And you really don't have to unless you're working on a special condition or something, you don't need to do 80, it will cause your body to deplete faster, but it will cost you more. You'll be paying a higher price. If we mix this one part to two parts, that's 103 parts per million.

[00:41:37]Luke Storey:  Which is still less than any natural water on Earth except for Antarctica.

[00:41:42]Robert Slovak:  If we mix this with one part to three parts, we will have 115 parts per million. Yours would come out like maybe one 112 with your 140 PPM, water. And if you mix one part with four parts, you'll get 122. Yours would come out to be about exactly 120. Okay. So, that's how you do it. So, for you, if you were to just say, Rob, I'm going to start out with the one 120, so this two liter bottle would end up making, let's see, 10 liters of 120 parts per million for you. And then, if he's not rushing his depletion, it gets to be at three to one or four to one, it's like a visit to Starbucks, really. It's nothing exotic.

[00:42:49]Luke Storey:  Did you test your deuterium levels before you started drinking the water and very recently? And what's the difference? And where are you right now?

[00:42:56]Robert Slovak:  So, I mean, I was almost like 150 on the nose, and now, I'm about 100. And it's more difficult for me and it would be for you, we travel. I mean, I try to bring maybe one or two of these with me. Sometimes, I can't. And then, you run out. I don't always have this. And then, I break the rules too. A glass of wine has deuterium in it, and I'm not giving up my glass of wine. So, what I do to compensate just on the fly, if I have a glass of wine or two glasses of wine, I'll take like an espresso glass of this then just to compensate. So, the glass of wine would be 150 parts per million, roughly.

[00:43:43]Luke Storey:  If a woman wanted to get pregnant and have the healthiest baby possible, and let's just assume they're going to be at 150 parts per million in their saliva and their body's water, could one go more aggressively for a short period of time?

[00:44:00]Robert Slovak:  No, I wouldn't equate this with procreation, and having babies, and getting pregnant. Too little is known. Okay. Too little is researched and written about. It is thought by some that this slowing down of reaction is caused by deuterium, which is, think of it, it's heavier and it moves or, okay, even though that's not very scientific, that this could encumber things that are needed during fetal formation. So, hey, nobody knows enough. Don't do it. Do your normal thing. Have pure water. And frankly, if you said, hey, could you have even 130 parts per million? There are people who do it on 130 parts per million in history with no adverse effects. So, maybe that would be, but you'd never take like a low PPM in preparation for having a child.

[00:45:18]Luke Storey:  Got it. Well, interestingly enough, I just remembered something that I learned in my first interview about this, but that is when mammals are growing, they're much higher in deuterium that when you're younger, do you know about this?

[00:45:32]Robert Slovak:  No. 

[00:45:32]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I think that Dr. Laszlo or Boros. 

[00:45:37]Robert Slovak:  Boros.

[00:45:38]Luke Storey:  Yeah, Boros. Which one's the first name? Which one's the last- 

[00:45:41]Robert Slovak:  Laszlo Boros.

[00:45:41]Luke Storey:  Laszlo Boros. Yes. Thank you. It's been a while. He was explaining that youngsters are actually higher in deuterium, and in nature, you would start to deplete that deuterium. And when plants are in their growth cycle, for example, they're much higher in deuterium versus when they're kind of more in remission or just holding steady.

[00:45:58]Robert Slovak:  Well, plants also—I mean, leafy plants, actually, right from the beginning, do shuttle deuterium out into their higher sugar-containing parts, like maybe their root or something. So, leafy greens are known to have lower deuterium than regular water, and that's good. And fruits are higher in deuterium, because the plant is kind of shuttling the deuterium to where the sugar is going, whether it be the root, sweet potato, or regular potato, where the carbohydrate is going.

[00:46:39]Luke Storey:  Right. So, if someone really is kind of getting into some advanced biohacking, anti-aging stuff, and they're going to really tackle the deuterium thing, how important do you think the low carb, low sugar diet is in the equation versus just kind of eating a healthy, organic, regular diet, and adding in the water? Because when I interviewed Boros, he was like, you got to be totally keto, and be fat-adapted, and drink the water. Otherwise, it's not working well or something like that.

[00:47:09]Robert Slovak:  I mean, frankly, you can really overcome almost anything, because the deuterium levels with carb versus fats and so on, I mean, it's not really the deuterium level, it's how the body uses that food group, whether it be a fat. So, the fat would do much better in the mitochondria for getting rid of the deuterium, but it's not, you could overcome anything with just the water. And it just gets to be more expensive. Okay?

[00:47:45]Luke Storey:  Okay. That's good, because when I went through, I think I was at around 146 or something in my first test. I did maybe three months of the water and got down to 126, something like that.

[00:48:01]Robert Slovak:  Really? 

[00:48:03]Luke Storey:  Yeah, and in a pretty short period of time.

[00:48:05]Robert Slovak:  Wow. And you were just by diet?

[00:48:08]Luke Storey:  No, I was doing the water.

[00:48:08]Robert Slovak:  Oh, okay.

[00:48:09]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I was doing the water, but I also was conscious about the diet. But then, after a while, I got lazy, and inertia kicked in, and I went back to ice cream, you know what I mean?

[00:48:17]Robert Slovak:  Yeah.

[00:48:18]Luke Storey:  So, I'd be curious now, after, like did it stick? So, I guess the next thing is if someone does a round of depletion, and they do the water, and they are somewhat mindful about their diet, and not eating just constant carbs and sugar, high in deuterium, do you then just reaccumulate it and get your levels back up?

[00:48:37]Robert Slovak:  You do. 

[00:48:37]Luke Storey:  Okay. So, this is kind of a lifestyle choice that one wants to commit to on an ongoing basis if they are serious about this particular thing.

[00:48:46]Robert Slovak:  And while you're on that, I might as well show you how people test their deuterium. This is the little test kit that we would send to you. And this is a little plastic syringe kind of thing with a sponge here. And you basically pull saliva in the lower part of your jaw, and you push this down, and suck out the saliva into the sponge, and then you deposit that saliva and fill this little test tube. And then, this goes in and it's put in a deuterium analyzer, a very expensive, challenging instrument to maintain and calibrate. And it measures the deuterium in the saliva.

[00:49:46]Luke Storey:  And have you subjectively noticed a huge difference in your energy production as a result of a dottiness?

[00:49:53]Robert Slovak:  Yes.

[00:49:53]Luke Storey:  Is that why you could outrun me so easily at 76?

[00:49:59]Robert Slovak:  Yeah. When I first went on it, it was almost like silly. Okay. And I got to a point, I mean, this is really going to seem silly, like let's say if I went to Costco, I had so much energy, naturally, like every minute, waking up, the whole thing, I had so much energy that I ended up parking in the furthest parking place. Okay. And I would run to the front door. It felt so natural and so easy, and it still does. And I'm just wondering, I would think, God, I hope nobody sees me and knows that I'm 76 years old, that they'd think I lost a piece.

[00:50:47]Luke Storey:  They're going to be like, sir, take it easy.

[00:50:49]Robert Slovak:  Yes. And then, when I got my Costco basket, I would run back to that car, maneuvering around people, you know it's a busy parking lot, and it was like, holy mackerel. I mean, you feel like kind of a kid. And I don't know, it's like, if you're healthy and you're older like me, you are going to have some energy that you do not remember having for a long time.

[00:51:23]Luke Storey:  Alright. Let's get down to brass tacks, because I'm like, I want some of this damn water. So, for one of these 10 parts per million larger bottles that you could then, as you indicated with your great math skills, which shows you're cognitively doing pretty well, much better than I at this point, or maybe you're just born with it, so we could dilute, as you said. We could make 10 of those liters with 1 liter and still be doing pretty well. How much brass tacks-

[00:51:50]Robert Slovak:  No, we'll make 10 liters with two liters.

[00:51:53]Luke Storey:  Sorry. Okay. So, that's two liters and we make 10. How much is one of those bottles from you guys? I know there's a couple companies out there.

[00:52:00]Robert Slovak:  Yeah. So, this is sold—I mean, it's really because we have the lowest in the world, we don't have to ship you so much. It really helps, because shipping water, there's nothing worse than shipping water. Okay. So, one, we only do this by subscription. We make exceptions for certain people, but we really want people to not like dabble in this. We know what it's capable of, and there's such a shortage, we want everybody to benefit to its full potential.

[00:52:38] So, we give a subscription. You have to buy two packages of four of these bottles, that's eight two-liter bottles. That is per month. And that should get anyone through this, through a month. And they can cancel at any time. And we make it easy, but we want that commitment, because we want them to be serious. And that package is $160 each package. So, you're looking-

[00:53:13]Luke Storey:  So, a one month's supply, 160 bucks.

[00:53:15]Robert Slovak:  For one package.

[00:53:17]Luke Storey:  Okay. 

[00:53:17]Robert Slovak:  But they buy two to make it through.

[00:53:19]Luke Storey:  Okay. Got it.

[00:53:20]Robert Slovak:  And that person, if they were doing the high level like I told you, 122, they could probably get by with that for one-and-a-half months, okay, with a high dilution. But I'd say the preponderance of our customers may not be in the best health and they're looking for this for health reasons, two four-liter packages is just about right for a month supply to replace all the water. That's what the rule is. You have to replace all. When I say all, at least 90%. That means no more Starbucks visit. You're going to lose some things, because you have to make your coffee with water, you have to make your tea with water. People who buy almond milk or macadamia milk, you've got to make your own, or else, it's going to take you a long time.

[00:54:22]Luke Storey:  It's going to take you much longer to get your levels down, because you're just putting it right back in.

[00:54:27]Robert Slovak:  And you're wasting money by doing that. So, after three months, we give a discounted deuterium test, severely discounted, to show them how well they've done,

[00:54:42]Luke Storey:  Yeah. See, that, I like. I like when you can test stuff. So, oftentimes, I spent a lot of money on supplements and the gadgets, and I think it's just because I'm in the business and I'm so curious. I do so many things. People say, oh, did that thing work? Does this work? I'm like, it's tough to isolate what things work. I just feel better all the time, and I get sick less, and I'm in a good mood, and I'm happy, and that's the goal, right? 

[00:55:02]Robert Slovak:  Right.

[00:55:03]Luke Storey:  But I really liked when I did the deuterium before, I said, oh shit, my levels are really high, did this water for a couple of months, spent quite a lot of money on it, I think more than what you just described, actually, quite a bit more, but it was an experiment. And I tested, the levels were down, I thought, I win. It's quantifiable, so I like that part of it, especially when you're going to drop some coin. It's like, you want to know it's working.

[00:55:23]Robert Slovak:  We have three warehouses, one on the East Coast, one in Reno, and one in Los Angeles. So, that combination with the fact that they can dilute this water so much. The next best water is 25 parts per million, okay, from a competitor, and almost all the competitors, we don't even know why, actually ship directly from Europe. Okay. Nobody really warehouses it like we do right here in the States. So, it all adds up too, and probably the most reasonably priced deuterium-depleted water that is available in North America.

[00:56:05]Luke Storey:  Got it. Okay. Next question, obviously, we talk about shipping glass, problematic, very impractical. So, we've got this water in plastic bottle.

[00:56:15]Robert Slovak:  Yes. The best is the recycle grade pet BPA and BPS-free. That's ours.

[00:56:22]Luke Storey:  So, as far as plastic goes, you've got the best plastic available. 

[00:56:25]Robert Slovak:  Available.

[00:56:25]Luke Storey:  Okay.

[00:56:26]Robert Slovak:  Now, people often really object to plastic. They're very sensitive to the idea. They want it in glass. And some people do. Some celebrities want the glass at all costs. I tell people, here's my thinking, you live in a sea of plastic. The carpet in your house is plastic. The paint is full of plasticizers. All the appliances are plastic. You get in your car, it's a tomb of plastic. Okay. And for the contribution of any plastic molecules that you get from the bottle you're drinking water up, it wouldn't show up on the list, okay, in the quantity.

[00:57:12]Luke Storey:  I just think about where I notice plastic a lot is in the microfibers. If you look around the average home, every blanket, sweaters, clothes, just like if you had a microscope in every room, you just look at the air from just having that shit in there. 

[00:57:28]Robert Slovak:  You really do live in an atmosphere and a sea of plastic.

[00:57:31]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Okay. Fair enough. Would there be any risk to say, I want to just go hardcore, and I had the coin for it, I just start drinking 10 PPM every day, all day, that's all I do, undiluted, is there any risk in like pushing the system that you're aware of, where your body is like, whoa, depleting too much, too fast, freak out, meltdown?

[00:57:52]Robert Slovak:  We only had one person who did this with other deuterium-depleting activities, infrared saunas, and so on. There's a bunch of things to help your body get rid of deuterium. And I can only conclude it's probably not the best idea to go full on the lowest PPM. I've had a great time with one to one, and that's even lower than I would need, going to one to one. So, that's probably the best I would do.

[00:58:32]Luke Storey:  Okay. Fair enough. Alright. In the interest of time with our studio audience here, you guys hanging in okay? So, it's so hard to gauge, because I've never had a studio audience, I don't think. I mean, I have had a couple events where we just made a podcast out of it, but I've never had an actual podcast. I'm like, oh, there's people over here. What are you guys doing? This is creeping me out. But I do want to cover the other hydrogen.

[00:58:57] And it's funny, because when we started, I didn't even realize, we're actually just talking about hydrogen the whole time. But in terms of supplementation, when people ask me, and I think that's why I love talking to you, what are the three top supplements or practices you would do? And it's always difficult. And I always say for the record that, to me, the best biohacks and health practices are free. Number one, prayer and meditation, sun-gazing, sun exposure, breathwork. I mean, you do that. 

[00:59:29]Robert Slovak:  Grounding.

[00:59:30]Luke Storey:  Grounding. Yeah, all that, hot therapy, cold therapy, ice baths. You commit to that as a lifestyle, you probably wouldn't need, and organic food, all that, right? You probably won't need supplements. But since most of us humans are lazy, we would rather take the pill than wake up at 6:00 AM, and sun-gaze, and ground, and do all the things. So, if I was pressed, I have to say, and just in terms of what my body responds to and the benefits, would be Quinton sea minerals, which we covered in another episode, just the fundamental building blocks of biology.

[01:00:05] And again, people can learn about that in a two-hour conversation we did before. And the next one would be deuterium-depleted water. I mean, just is. I'm not kissing your ass because you're here and these are things you're really into, but you really zeroed in on the three things. And the other one is molecular hydrogen, the hydrogen tablets. I feel really good when I'm doing that on a regular basis. And that is something I absolutely do every single day. © and the hydrogen tabs.

[01:00:33]Robert Slovak:  And the hydrogen has even taken on a greater significance since the coronavirus pandemic, okay, because hydrogen plays a very big role, and I'm not even sure you know, in the attenuation of COVID and coronavirus.

[01:00:56]Luke Storey:  Interesting. No, I did not know that. So, way back in the day, and we'll put this in the show notes, I did a super geeky, very high science-

[01:01:04]Robert Slovak:  With Tyler. 

[01:01:05]Luke Storey:  ... with Tyler LeBaron, who's just a really bright guy. I mean, he's running circles around me the whole time. I'm just like, okay, say that again kind of interview. But that was some years ago. And I think a lot of people that listen to the podcast are tuned in to the hydrogen thing, but turns out, which I didn't know until I got to know you a bit, that you were really the guy that brought this molecular hydrogen product in that effervescent tablet form to market.

[01:01:34]Robert Slovak:  Correct, in 2010. 

[01:01:37]Luke Storey:  In 2010. And this most prevalent substance in the universe as hydrogen in the form that we want, that has biological benefits, how did you first discover you could make a pill that makes hydrogen gas that you could get in your body?

[01:01:53]Robert Slovak:  It was out of ignorance, frankly, because I wasn't seeking hydrogen, I was seeking electrons in the water.

[01:02:03]Luke Storey:  Oh, okay. 

[01:02:04]Robert Slovak:  Okay. And I was wrong and so were many before me who used other methods. Everyone thought that the oxidation reduction potential was the key. If you could lower ORP, which reflected electron activity in the water, okay, making it from oxidative to reductive solution.

[01:02:29]Luke Storey:  So, taking like a high oxidant water and making it an antioxidant water, right? 

[01:02:36]Robert Slovak:  Exactly.

[01:02:36]Luke Storey:  Because I used to have a Kangen machine way back in the day and one of the big selling points was the Orac Score, right?

[01:02:44]Robert Slovak:  And that is another measurement. Okay. It's not the same as ORP.

[01:02:48]Luke Storey:  Oh, the ORP. I'm sorry. ORP, right. Sorry. Yeah.

[01:02:51]Robert Slovak:  And they use ORP. And this was also the position, if you recall, of Patrick Flanagan with his-

[01:03:00]Luke Storey:  Right, the megahydrate.

[01:03:00]Robert Slovak:  ... megahydrate, megahydron. I mean, that lasted for 15 years.

[01:03:06]Luke Storey:  Do you like that stuff? 

[01:03:07]Robert Slovak:  That should be for another conversation, but all I can say is many people have benefited that for 15 years. And when something's around and has endured for 15 years, I'll give it, go for it, but there has been some problem with the ingredients we won't go into that have complicated the answer to that question. Okay. But I sought out, and with the help of a co-developer, a way to deliver a high negative oxidation potential, minus 500 to 800 millivolts by using the method that did it by generating hydrogen.

[01:03:50] But we didn't focus on the hydrogen, because no one knew in America at the time that it was the H2 molecule that did all the work. We really thought it was the electron, the presence of electrons, but it ends up being the hydrogen. And that was one of the things that first got Tyler and I together. So, I made the right product in 2010 with the wrong name. Okay. It was actually called Active H-, soon to become Active H2. Okay. So, the minus became the H2 and the rest is one of the more successful health products of our time, really.

[01:04:41]Luke Storey:  So, when it comes to this idea of antioxidants, right? Because we're being oxidized in our environment, some of the foods we eat, the air we breathe, everything, right? We're basically rusting, essentially. So, if I'm going to look for an antioxidant-rich food like açaí or blueberries, for example, versus drinking a glass of molecular hydrogen-gas-infused water, I mean, we're talking about a vast difference between the potential benefits there, right? I mean, are they even in the same category?

[01:05:16]Robert Slovak:  Yes, from a pure standpoint of the reduction of the worst free radical, hydroxyl radical, yes, but don't forget like the acai and the green juice is also having polyphenols, okay, which are part of the antioxidant, but it also does many other things in the body, okay, that hydrogen wouldn't do. Hydrogen is a hammer for several things. One is hydroxyl radical sequestering or neutralization, whatever you want, and for regulating the antioxidant system, such as catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione. 

[01:06:07] It's involved in the regulation of those. It's too complicated, the subject, to get into. And then, it also acts as the all important signaling molecule that we read more and more about. Okay. So, like signaling molecules, since we're on the subject, and then on the subject of mitochondria, mitochondria have their own DNA. Okay. They do their own thing genetically, but they let the DNA in the nucleus know what they're doing. And they do it through signaling molecules that send through the cytoplasm. Okay. Hey, here's what we're doing. Okay. Thank you. You're doing the right thing kind of thing.

[01:06:51] So, signaling molecules are relatively new kind of awareness of scientists and they're very important. And some signaling molecules like nitric oxide, they're free radicals, and you need them. So, one of the neat things about hydrogen is that other antioxidants like vitamin C, and maybe glutathione, et cetera, when you take them, especially in a volume, they may neutralize, or destroy, or cancel some valuable signaling molecules, okay, but hydrogen does not. It was one of like the big deals, oh, my God, the hydrogen isn't taking down the signaling molecules. So, that's one of its neat benefits.

[01:07:49]Luke Storey:  Why do I feel so much better when flying when I do hydrogen water? I'll take these tabs. I'll put three or four. I mean, it's probably overkill, I'm sure, and a waste in money, but I'll put three or four tabs in a bottle of water and just chug that every 90 minutes or so on a flight. And literally, like I can't stand flying without it, because flying is one of the things I struggle with the most in terms of, it just wrecks me. And I'm always working on fine-tuning that.

[01:08:20]Robert Slovak:  It's a relatively newer aspect of hydrogen, in that hydrogen in its gaseous form, when consumed as infused in water, has a relevance to lung and respiratory function. In fact, the place I'm going to go is a strange place-

[01:08:42]Luke Storey:  My favorite.

[01:08:43]Robert Slovak:  ... that the strange place of Luke Storey, when the Chinese discovered, because they have viral problems too. Okay. They may have created it, but they have them. When they combined hydrogen and nitric oxide, it gave like incredible relief to the COVID impairment of respiratory function. Okay. So much so, so much so. I mean, I can't believe that we're talking about this, that a beverage researcher who has for the longest time always made, he was fascinated by putting hydrogen in water, okay, I did it with a tablet, but he was an expert in beverages. He wanted to make a hydrogen beverage. Now, most hydrogen beverages have been a failure, because hydrogen goes through everything.

[01:09:47]Luke Storey:  Because it's such a tiny molecule.

[01:09:48]Robert Slovak:  Yeah. I mean, if this was a glass bottle, there would be nothing in here.

[01:09:52]Luke Storey:  Really?

[01:09:53]Robert Slovak:  Yes.

[01:09:53]Luke Storey:  It's so small, it goes through glass? 

[01:09:55]Robert Slovak:  Yes, it does.

[01:09:56]Luke Storey:  That's crazy.

[01:09:57]Robert Slovak:  It goes through everything but aluminum.

[01:10:01]Luke Storey:  No way. Why?

[01:10:03]Robert Slovak:  Okay. Are we really going into metallurgy now?

[01:10:07]Luke Storey:  Like I said, my curiosity takes us in the weeds. I forget why. We just know that. Alright.

[01:10:12]Robert Slovak:  So, there's been a lot of hydrogen products that are in, I don't know, flexible packs. I can't remember what-

[01:10:18]Luke Storey:  I've seen them at the store, yeah.

[01:10:19]Robert Slovak:  Yeah. Do not get those, because there's almost no—the hydrogen, even though they're illuminized stuff, the seaming in things, the hydrogen just doesn't stay a long time. The only way that is practical to do readymade infused water hydrogen is to have a can and it's not even a normal aluminum can, okay, that even in the process of putting the water in this can, and then this top is put on, this has to be done with another level of technology to make sure that that seam is flawless.

[01:11:00] I mean, it's crazy, but he perfected it. And he made this product that is—he made H2 beverage. H2 beverage is a famous product that's sold, the only really successful canned hydrogen product, and it's great. But he decided when COVID came to make hydro shot. And hydro shot, we're going out on a limb here, hydro shot contains not only H2, but it contains something that generates nitric oxide in the body. Okay. And if you read and I can't tell you any more, this is a little miracle worker for one of the problems of our time. 

[01:11:51]Luke Storey:  Noted. We'll read between the lines.

[01:11:53]Robert Slovak:  And the results have been among the craziest I have ever seen, meaning its efficacy, and there is even a companion one to finish the job called Silver Bullet by the same company. And this contains zinc and epigallocatechins from green tea, which has another function, and these two together do something that a lot of people who know better can't do. Okay.

[01:12:34]Luke Storey:  Does the hydrogen help shuttle the zinc into the cell?

[01:12:38]Robert Slovak:  No. Hydrogen, this kind of is one part A and part B. 

[01:12:44]Luke Storey:  Got it. Okay. 

[01:12:45]Robert Slovak:  This is something to note, everyone, seriously, really special.

[01:12:49]Luke Storey:  Okay. In terms of parts per million, when we're going back to the deuterium conversation, we want as few parts per million in deuterium, that heavy hydrogen, but in this case, what we're looking for in a hydrogen drink or product is higher parts per million. So, when it comes to a canned version like this or the active H2 tablets that you guys make and the hydrogen, the countertop hydrogen water machines that have kind of come and gone over the past few years, what is the highest PPM that you can get on a regular basis? And which one of those versions does it?

[01:13:31]Robert Slovak:  Most electrolytic electrolysis-based machines, typically like an alkaline ionizer, like the Kangen, make less than one part per million. Okay. If you just bubble hydrogen into a glass of water, okay, for some period of time until the hydrogen is saturated in that, it's about 1.6 parts per million. The technology in the early tablets did just that, 1.6 parts per million. But some very clever technology was added to my original technology, in which like nanobubble forms. This is like very high-end stuff that stays in the water longer and kind of disintegrates hydrogen into the water. And this mainstay act of H2 product is now between eight and 10 parts per million.

[01:14:42]Luke Storey:  And what if you take a tall glass of water and you put like I do sometimes, because it's just—I put two, or three, four tablets in a glass of water.

[01:14:51]Robert Slovak:  So, it will be more, but not like straight line more. It will just be like you'll reach a plateau. The water can only contain so much, right? So, it's probably better to take one, and then have one a little short time later. Now, when we say that this tablet can make eight to 10 parts per million, the real question is not—the industry like really got off the track and kind of took advantage of the public's lack of knowledge. When somebody says, oh, how much does this make? Oh, I just told Luke eight to 10 parts per million, but had Luke known the science, he say, well, eight to 10 parts per million in what volume of water?

[01:15:44]Luke Storey:  Right.

[01:15:45]Robert Slovak:  Okay. Because that's really the key. And it's really in 10 ounces, technically. If you made it in 20 ounces, it would be four to five parts per million. Are you following me?

[01:15:57]Luke Storey:  Yeah. 

[01:15:58]Robert Slovak:  Really, you have to ask a little more if somebody says PPM, but the industry kind of used it, I don't know, to sell products that weren't as good as other products.

[01:16:08]Luke Storey:  And we're assuming that more parts per million is better.

[01:16:10]Robert Slovak:  More parts per million is better. 

[01:16:12]Luke Storey:  Okay.

[01:16:14]Robert Slovak:  Hydrogen goes through the skin like it goes through a bottle.

[01:16:19]Luke Storey:  If it can go through glass, yes.

[01:16:20]Robert Slovak:  Yes. So, it's even made like for soaking. In fact, my story is, Robbie, the greatest one, so it's made in a giant tablet. You might want to take just one of these before you fly now. But this is used to put it in the bath. Okay. These are like horse hydrogen. 

[01:16:41]Luke Storey:  For those listening, yeah, it's like about the size of a big chewable vitamin C or something.

[01:16:45]Robert Slovak:  Yeah. So, you put these actually in the bath or you could put it in, let's say you injured your arm, okay, and you put it in a bath. The cooler the water, the better, because hot water just makes the hydrogen go away. And you can keep putting these in. So, maybe I'm physically fit at my age, but I think I'm getting stupider and doing stupid things. So, I went on a run in a very rough terrain place with somebody who was an accomplished rough terrain runner.

[01:17:20] And I went on this run, and following him, and he was much younger than I am and much more accomplished. But I knew the terrain better than he was, but he was far more of an athlete than I was. And this happened about two years ago. And there was a place I knew that's very rough. It was going to go down a very steep hill of extreme ruts and so on. And I reasoned that I had seen those ruts more than he has. And so, when we were going down, I thought I was going to overtake him.

[01:17:56] But now, imagine a scene from a Road Runner cartoon, okay, that was me. And I tumbled down that hill in an act of stupidity. And I fractured both of my ankles and three ribs. Okay. That's what happened. And it was an amazing experience. It was one of the worst accidents I had ever had, because there was a point like five minutes later, I go, God, I don't think anything is broken. And he goes, adrenaline. Oh, no. And then, 20 minutes later, I was like screaming. 

[01:18:28] I was off the emergency room. The doctor noted that I was duly stupid looking at my age. Okay. So, what I did, I'm just having fun with everybody, even though it's true, when I got back to my home in the wheelchair and with crutches, I immediately said, okay, I asked my roommate, set up the table in front of the couch, put my computer on it. I'm going to just work from there on my computer, and I'm going to get a plastic bucket, a little plastic like tray. I'm going to fill it with water, cool water. 

[01:19:09] I'm going to put, at that time, we only had the little tablets, and I like put 20 of them in there. Okay. And I kept my feet in there. And I did that day after day, maybe three times a day. And every once in a while, I had no rules, no one ever told me to do this, but I knew hydrogen is so powerful transdermally. I threw more tablets in. By three days later, I could walk with no crutches. Okay. Both ankles fractured.

[01:19:46] I also kept a wet area that I would put in this thing, I kept it like pinned to my three cracked ribs. Okay. And they were feeling good. By the 13th day, I was gently jogging in my community. And when I went back to the doctor, he just goes, I knew I was going to have trouble with you, Mr. Slovak. Okay. This is not even possible. Okay. And so, it went on like, what are you doing? So, hydrogen for this is very powerful, for healing impairments and inflammatory conditions.

[01:20:29]Luke Storey:  What's the mechanism of action there? Because from a simplistic point of view, if you injure yourself-

[01:20:34]Robert Slovak:  Inflammation, free radical, hydroxyl radical, massive suppression. And the free radicals are damaging your tissues, so this just interferes.

[01:20:45]Luke Storey:  Got it. Okay. So, in terms of the health benefits of hydrogen, is there anything—can you use the hydrogen gas, like make the hydrogen water with the tabs? Is there any benefit to adding anything to that? Sometimes, I'll put my pharmaceutical-grade methylene blue in my hydrogen drink, because I think, why not? It's kind of the morning tonic, right? When I wake up, I'll have my spring water, and I'll put the hydrogen tabs, and I'll put methylene blue in there. Is there any point to doing things like that?

[01:21:16]Robert Slovak:  Okay. So, one of the things I do if I don't have this, remember, this is hydrogen plus a nitric oxide precursor, it happens to use citrulline.

[01:21:25]Luke Storey:  Is it citrulline? Okay.

[01:21:26]Robert Slovak:  Okay. What I do is I also have nitric oxide like beet powder, right?

[01:21:31]Luke Storey:  Sure.

[01:21:32]Robert Slovak:  So, I make something strong. I make my beet powder thing, nitric oxide, and I throw a couple of hydrogen tablets in that, and I make my own kind of thing. Are you with me? 

[01:21:42]Luke Storey:  Okay.

[01:21:43]Robert Slovak:  And I will tell you, this is magic. Now, what we do is something like you're onto, because there's like a hundred things hydrogen does, it's kind of crazy, but it also is a metabolic nutrient. So, metabolic syndrome, precursor to the D, I don't know if we can even use that word.

[01:21:50]Luke Storey:  I'm not sure what you can say anymore, to be frank.

[01:21:50]Robert Slovak:  Precursor to D. Okay. Metabolic syndrome is a precursor to D, that hydrogen in all of the studies, and we did one study with ours, is magical in attenuating metabolic syndrome. Okay. So, we thought, metabolic syndrome, how can we improve that part? So, we combined it with chromium, glucose tolerance factor. And this is fantastic product if you have that condition. 

[01:22:48]Luke Storey:  Cool. And what's the Tyler LeBaron's nonaffiliated, nonmonetized site they do, the molecular- 

[01:22:58]Robert Slovak:  Hydrogeninstitute.com. Go on it. Go on it. Go on it. 

[01:23:03]Luke Storey:  Yeah, hundreds of studies. I mean, it's insane.

[01:23:03]Robert Slovak:  It is. And there's almost nothing that hydrogen doesn't improve.

[01:23:03]Luke Storey:  Yeah. So, I'd recommend, and as I said, we'll put that prior interview in the show notes, but I go on there and my head spins in about five minutes, because it gets pretty dense into the science. But for those listeners that are like, I want to see the proof, I want the science, yeah, it's all there. I mean, it's pretty incredible.

[01:23:27]Robert Slovak:  Yeah. When I first did the hydrogen product in 2010, I never dreamed it would come to this.

[01:23:35]Luke Storey:  Awesome. Alright. Well, now's a good point, I think, to take a pause and see if we have any of our audience members that want to come up and take a question. Do we have any takers? Okay. Cool. Okay. First name and location of residence, and then fire away.

[01:23:54]Wayne Morris:  My name is Wayne Morris. I'm just outside Killaloe, Ontario, up in Canada.

[01:24:00]Luke Storey:  Cool. Have you ever listen to the podcast before?

[01:24:02]Wayne Morris:  I haven't, but I'm certainly going to start listening, so yeah, I'm very intrigued.

[01:24:03]Luke Storey:  Okay. Great. Right on. Well, you better. Now, you're on it.

[01:24:07]Wayne Morris:  I have to.

[01:24:08]Luke Storey:  Alright. Cool. What do you got for us?

[01:24:10]Wayne Morris:  So I'm wondering, we hear about a long, long time ago in kind of a biblical sense that people lived a lot longer way back. I'm wondering, was there a point in the earth's history where the deuterium levels were lower? And is there any evidence of that? And has it been changing over long periods of time?

[01:24:37]Robert Slovak:  There are probably nothing more recent than information, perhaps as far back as 20 to 30,000 years, in which they know the deuterium varied fairly dramatically. But the bulk of the evolution was long over. Okay. And it appears that many species, plant and animal, had developed mechanisms to avoid this deuterium. Okay. It's apparent from the design of cellular functions. So, the answer is like I've never seen anyone link it biblically except for this. And this is really fringe stuff even for Luke's podcast.

[01:25:30]Wayne Morris:  Sorry, Luke.

[01:25:30]Luke Storey:  No, go for it. 

[01:25:32]Robert Slovak:  At some point in studying and bringing the light water to America, someone notified me, and said, oh, Rob, you are into deuterium-depleted water. He said, have you ever seen what the contactee, Eduard Billy Meier, ever said in his writings? If those of you who don't know Eduard Billy Meier, he's world famous. I think he's perhaps 90 now. He is a Swiss farmer who produced the most crazy evidence and volumes of brilliant writings about everything from the universe to science that this eighth grade Swiss farmer could not have written, right? 

[01:26:17] But volumes. And it was published. And he goes back as far as like the mid-'40s in his contact, and he wrote, even has photographs of flying saucers, and so on. And it was always entertaining for me. But he said, did you ever see what he wrote in 1975 about deuterium? I'm going, he couldn't have. I mean, hardly anybody knew, used the word deuterium in '75 unless you were a physicist. And he goes, here, I'm going to send it to you, and I have it, we published it on our website somewhere. 

[01:26:51] And he said that in 1975, he wrote, my contactee was a Pleiadian female. And everyone knows her. And you can go on Netflix or maybe Amazon and see at least one of five Billy Meier documentaries made. Worth seeing. And so, he asks his Pleiadian person, how long do you guys live? And she goes, my Pleiadian group can live about 1,000 of your years. Okay. And he asked her, I recall, how old are you? And she said, I'm about 300 years old of your years. And he goes, okay, how come humans have such a short lifespan compared to you? And she said, without hesitation, there's two reasons. You have a defective magnetic field. We do.

[01:27:49]Luke Storey:  Planetarily speaking.

[01:27:50]Robert Slovak:  Yes. And number two, you have a contaminant in all of your water called deuterium.

[01:27:55]Luke Storey:  What?

[01:27:56]Robert Slovak:  I'm not joking. It's there in writing. And he obviously had no idea what deuterium meant. Okay. And I don't even know if he investigated it after that. But that's the first mention of it, I saw, in this way, historically. Now, 20 years later, there's another famous contactee called Wes Bateman. Wes Bateman is a mathematician, professor, author of multiple books, totally different than Billy Meier. And I don't even know if you followed or even knew that, but he asks his contact, how long do you live? I don't remember what they said, but he says, how come human life span is so short compared to yours? And they only said one thing. You have a contaminant in your water called deuterium. Done. 

[01:28:50]Luke Storey:  Damn.

[01:28:51]Robert Slovak:  Okay.

[01:28:52]Wayne Morris:  So, I have a follow-up question to that then.

[01:28:55]Robert Slovak:  Does that help?

[01:28:56]Wayne Morris:  It does. But I'm wondering also, is there some condition that turns protium into deuterium, whether it's a natural condition, or is that even possible, or it's just-

[01:29:07]Robert Slovak:  No, it could have. I mean, frankly, I'm thinking, could it happen in a nuclear reactor where you're bombarding like the cooling water with neutrons? It probably happens. Okay. I'm just guessing from my own atomic physics, but I don't think it could happen unless it was an atomic level thing. Could that happen in stars? Absolutely.

[01:29:23]Wayne Morris:  But it just occurs naturally, it's within the ecosystem of the earth?

[01:29:23]Robert Slovak:  No, that would not happen, where protium turns into-

[01:29:41]Wayne Morris:  No, but it's there naturally, just in various water.

[01:29:44]Robert Slovak:  It's there. It's there from the beginning, except this magical place called Antarctica. And it always has fascinated me. We know nothing about Antarctica. We know we're not allowed to know about Antarctica. We know only a few people are even permitted to go there. But I will say this, this is kind of another little anecdotal thing. When I was determining what deuterium analyzer to purchase, I was investigating the places that had one.

[01:30:20] And I went to the closest one to where I lived in Lake Tahoe, was Sacramento State University, where they had a very advanced geophysics department. And I made an appointment and she had one of the famous deuterium analyzers. And so, I went there for a training and the representative from the company came there. And before he got there, I was just talking, she goes, oh, what are you measuring deuterium for? And I said, well, we're getting involved in deuterium-depleted water and so on. 

[01:31:00] She goes, what? She's like, what do you do that for? And I told her the story, that I kind of related in just a few minutes. She goes, I can't even believe it. I've owned this machine for three years and I never even heard of this. And I'm going, what do you do with it? And she goes, well, I do things like I test like mollusks for deuterium. And then, I said, that's interesting. Where do you do that? She goes, well, one of the places I've been for the last few years is the Antarctica.

[01:31:34]Luke Storey:  What?

[01:31:35]Robert Slovak:  Yes. And I mean, whatever, they take water samples and they measure what the seaweed deuterium, because deuterium is a really easy indicator for processes, okay, geologic processes. So, she says, but there's something that's like resonating in my mind, because, she said, when you belong to the research groups, you go to cafeterias and mess halls to get your food.

[01:32:06] And she goes, I just remember just collecting things that I never could figure out and I didn't care either, but there were so many conversations like, hey, Jim, how's your kidney doing or how is your, this, doing? And there were conversations about the improvement in health that she didn't pick up on, who cares? But she said I wonder if it could have to do with the fact that these people are drinking like straight on 89 PM water for their whole stay in Antarctica. So, there's another piece of the equation.

[01:32:47]Wayne Morris:  So, if I could ask just one more quick question. 

[01:32:49]Luke Storey:  Yeah, for sure.

[01:32:50]Wayne Morris:  Just tied on to that. Are they just melting the ice from Antarctica?

[01:32:54]Robert Slovak:  Yeah, the snow and ice in Antarctica. I don't know a lot of details, but it is-

[01:33:01]Wayne Morris:  And maybe it's just the restriction of going there, but wouldn't it be cheaper to just go and get a bunch of ice from Antarctica?

[01:33:11]Robert Slovak:  If you can swing that deal, I'm in. Okay? Because I figure, one freighter could bring back all we ever need for as long as we're going to live. And I have asked many people and it's just, don't even go there, don't even think about it.

[01:33:33]Luke Storey:  Okay. Thank you.

[01:33:34]Robert Slovak:  But it is the way to do it.

[01:33:37]Luke Storey:  Wow. We've got to get the flat earthers to all get together and break this system down.

[01:33:45]Wayne Morris:  I'm going to make a deal with NATO and the Warsaw Pact, I don't know.

[01:33:47]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[01:33:50]Robert Slovak:  So, you asked some pretty cool questions.

[01:33:51]Luke Storey:  Yeah, thanks, man. Thank you so much.

[01:33:53]Wayne Morris:  Thank you. Thanks for having me.

[01:33:54]Luke Storey:  Yeah, for sure. Alright. Who's up next? Want to come up? This is fun. I want to do this more often. Cool. I get to just kick back and you ask the questions for once. Where you from? Name, et cetera.

[01:34:07]Brad Ledo:  My name is Brad Ledo. I run a business out of Jackson, Wyoming, called Cooking in the Dark. So, my questions are mostly structured around food.

[01:34:17]Luke Storey:  Wait. What's your business about? Give yourself a plug.

[01:34:20]Brad Ledo:  Oh, yeah, sure. I do private cooking around the western Wyoming area. My basic mantra is food should be medicine. And I just like the experience of meeting new people, engaging in the experience of breaking bread, sharing a meal, and that meal making you feel wonderful.

[01:34:43]Luke Storey:  Awesome. Cool.

[01:34:45]Brad Ledo:  Yeah. So, thank you. Robert, my question is mostly about hydrogen and hydrogen uptake. From your experience and your research, are there any things, dietary-wise, any particular foods that help the human organism with their uptake of hydrogen? And kind of following that question, are there any sources of natural hydrogen aside from taking a tablet that are a way of administering it into your system without going out and buying a tablet or is this something that we should all be focused in obtaining for ourselves?

[01:35:33]Robert Slovak:  I like questions that challenge me, but the very nature of hydrogen being the smallest molecules in the universe and the fact that you can't even keep it in a glass bottle should lead you to the answer. Okay. I mean, the hydrogen, when you consume hydrogen in any form, it is extremely, rapidly diffused throughout the body. Its diffusion coefficient is just extreme.

[01:36:04] And what is perhaps more interesting is that even though there are literally well over a thousand studies on the benefits of almost every category of health of hydrogen-infused water, the gut, an ideal gut with the proper microbiome and microbes in it, and I should know what they are, but I don't, but I bet it's on Tyler LeBaron's website, produces about one liter of hydrogen a day. Okay. And so, some people go, well, jeez, if it's producing a liter of hydrogen, what the heck do I have to take 15 CCs of hydrogen for?

[01:36:54] Well, somehow, that hydrogen is accounted for, okay, that somehow, it's used in a special way in the body that supplemental hydrogen just goes a different pathway or different pathways. So, that's one part of the answer. I mean, hydrogen, there's no blood brain barrier for hydrogen. It's just anywhere and everywhere. Let's see, what else did I want to say?

[01:37:27] Inhaled hydrogen, also a powerful delivery system for hydrogen, is especially effective in cerebral, where there's some cerebral trauma, stroke, or accident, et cetera. So, this is something that your guests should note. And there's now much more popular, we're seeing inhalation hydrogen machines. They can be very expensive. You have to think about the service. They're complicated. And also, the researchers note a difference between inhaling hydrogen and its effects versus hydrogen-infused water ingestion.

[01:38:17]Brad Ledo:  I also was wondering about the growth of food, whether hydrogen-infused water has any effect on the growth of vegetables, the growth of anything that requires water that we use as nutrients in our body through food. Has there been research done on that to show how it affects the growth process, how it affects the nutrition of those foods, et cetera?

[01:38:47]Robert Slovak:  My guess, which I wouldn't say is authoritative, would be minimal or no, because the benefits of hydrogen are almost all defined in its regulation of antioxidants and the hydroxyl radical, et cetera. And I don't see that the plant has so many mechanisms for that, knowing its growth phase that it pretty much accommodates itself. And also, there have been—when one has atmospheric hydrogen present, you have to be very careful, because the right ratio of hydrogen and oxygen can blow this room up before you even realize what's happening. And that is sad, there is information that a couple of Chinese researchers, in attempting to make tablets, are no longer with us. Okay.

[01:39:44]Luke Storey:  That's why I have one of these vital reaction hydrogen inhalers and it goes up to 7% hydrogen, and they say, and I'm like, well, seven, give me 75% hydrogen. You don't want to go over seven, because then you'd create a flammable gas and you have electronics. 

[01:39:59]Robert Slovak:  Yeah, because you have the right stoichiometric proportions of oxygen and hydrogen. So, even the tablet, which looks simple to make, is perhaps the most difficult tablet of any made in the world. It has to be mixed in inert gas, the ingredients. I mean, there are all these little things. You have to have special non-spark mixers. Okay. This is one difficult product to perfect. And I applaud the guys who came along after me and perfected the manufacturing, because that was an area that is not my expertise and it's an incredible job.

[01:40:48]Luke Storey:  Got it. Alright.

[01:40:49]Brad Ledo:  Well, thank you very much. Yeah. 

[01:40:50]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Thank you, man. Thanks for the question.

[01:40:52]Brad Ledo:  Take care of your gut, people.

[01:40:54]Luke Storey:  Alright. One more question. Come on up.

[01:40:57]Tanya:  Hi. My name is Tanya and I have ricochet vintage wares in Joshua Tree. And Robert, for those people that live to 100 or more by eating chocolate, smoking cigarettes, and drinking wine, are they just the anomalies?

[01:41:17]Robert Slovak:  There aren't many. And chocolate is probably good. And wine is probably okay. And the cigarettes, I don't know. I think that's a special kind of genetically prepared person. I'm not sure that can be good, but I would say, there is obviously the genetic component to living longer. There's the epigenetic component, and then there's, which is part of the epigenetic, what you do to enhance your longevity. So, it's kind of those three things.

[01:42:01] And I think if we're talking living really longer, not like, oh—I think the oldest woman on the planet is like 118, something like this. It seems that changed once in a while, but about 118. And people who are 118, they're not spry, they're just living good. And that's great. But we're talking, in the Russian things, these are people who are having babies, okay, in their later years and lived well over a hundred just vibrantly. So, I think that's going to be one of the most interesting things to watch, is this new deuterium-depleted biohack and what it's going to be in 50 years. That'll be a fascinating study.

[01:43:01]Luke Storey:  Absolutely. Anything else? That was a great question.

[01:43:05]Tanya:  I think that's it. Thanks, guys.

[01:43:06]Luke Storey:  Alright. Cool.

[01:43:06]Robert Slovak:  Thank you.

[01:43:07]Luke Storey:  Thank you. Well, Robert and our remaining audience, we've got a few diehards here that stuck with us. Man, thank you so much for joining me. Thank you for your commitment to science, your commitment to longevity, and then sharing that information, also creating super cool products. I think there's so much crap out there. I go on the supplement section at Whole Foods, and I'm just like, really? Do we really need all this stuff? Even in my own cabinet at home, people, thankfully, I'm so grateful, send me products to try out and things. And I think, I don't know, which one of these things really move the needle. And you really have a knack for zeroing in on a few things that really work. And so, thank you for-

[01:43:47]Robert Slovak:  Well, you're very welcome.

[01:43:48]Luke Storey:  Yeah, thanks for your commitment.

[01:43:49]Robert Slovak:  And thank you for having me on your podcast.

[01:43:51]Luke Storey:  Alright, man.

[01:43:52]Robert Slovak:  Thank you.

[01:43:52]Luke Storey:  Cheers.



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