390. Oxygen Training for Immunity, Brain Health, Anti-Aging & High-Performance Fitness w/ Mark Squibb

Mark Squibb

January 18, 2022

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Mark Squibb, Founder and CEO of LiveO2, explains why oxygen truly is the cornerstone for health and vitality.

Mark is a compulsive inventor. His current flagship, LiveO2, has evolved from a family health journey to what could be the most powerful, effective, and affordable health tool on the planet.

Since its invention, the LiveO2 platform has become a cornerstone for health with nutrient utilities that resolve addictions, minimize all illness, and rollback age. Most users shed ten-to-twenty years of lifestyle age within months.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

I can’t wait for you all to breathe in the wisdom of Mark Squibb . A serial inventor, Mark’s foray into brain health tech started with his family before ​​evolving to LiveO2, an intensive oxygen training device that’s taking center stage of today’s neurological conversation. Forget your run-of-the-mill Peloton – this life-boosting technology will have your brain and body firing on all cylinders. 

In this episode, we dive into LiveO2’s origin story, the benefits of oxygen training, and how the technology is helping older people get their groove back while transforming the adults of tomorrow. 

04:35 — What is Oxygen Training?

  • Amplifying natural exercise 
  • How “adaptive contrasts” makes LiveO2 unique 
  • Why an oxygenated brain leads to a higher IQ 
  • Anti-aging capabilities 
  • The components of LiveO2 
  • Breathwork modalities in comparison to oxygen training 

38:39 — Performance Enhancement & Oxygen 

  • Cellular healing experiences with LiveO2
  • Tricking the vascular system into a maximum flow 
  • How Mark increased his functional IQ by 17%

44:11 — Brain Function, Injury & Stress 

  • Concussion damage and effect on lifestyle 
  • Training versus therapy 

01:02:20 — Brain Function & Spirituality 

  • Why a happy body gives you a happy spirit 
  • Oxygen training and increased sexual performance
  • Using oxygen training for recovery 
  • Taking fear out of the physical body 
  • Opting out of the traditional health system
  • Engineering protocols for different tissues 
  • The secret to raising healthy children 

More about this episode.

Watch on YouTube.

[00:00:00] Luke Storey: I'm Luke Storey. For the past 22 years, I've been relentlessly committed to my deepest passion, designing the ultimate lifestyle based on the most powerful principles of spirituality, health, psychology. The Life Stylist podcast is a show dedicated to sharing my discoveries and the experts behind them with you. Mark, good to hang with you, man.

[00:00:28] I'm so excited to continue our conversation. Yeah, I knew when we connected downstairs, I was like, this guy's got a lot to offer beyond the world of physical fitness and technology. We started having a chat, and I thought, man, we got a record, this is amazing, so I'm stoked. So, let's start out with, I guess, just describe what oxygen training is for us.

[00:00:51] Mark Squibb: Well, the short version is it's exercise on steroids if there is such a thing. So, like oxygen training, if you exercise, the main purpose of exercise is to get your body moving, moving blood, moving oxygen to the tissues. And the concept is that oxygen in the air doesn't do much until you move it, and then it reaches where it needs to go. And so, if you think about your brain or any other part of your body, if it's not getting oxygen, it can't make energy. And if it can't make energy, it can't do what it's supposed to.

[00:01:29] So, as we age, stress events and stuff basically interfere or create obstructions to that delivery, so we end up with this perceived 1% loss of vitality as we go through life, but it turns out that a lot of that loss is unnecessary, and for the most part, about 15 years reversible for everybody out there. So, like for example, most of our users, and you can do this, this is quantifiable, measure their functional ability to produce energy, and that over a period of maybe a couple of months, their ability to produce energy will increase by minus 15 years.

[00:02:15] Luke Storey: Damn, that's crazy.

[00:02:18] Mark Squibb: Fifteen to 25. And so, it's like we installed it a retirement home, right? And if you can ever visualize putting the fountain of youth on a trailer, and driving into an old folks home, and it was like Cocoon.

[00:02:35] Luke Storey: I remember that movie.

[00:02:36] Mark Squibb: Okay. And literally in the gym where we have the system set up, there was the corner that had the retired prosthetics, the retired wheelchairs, and everything. It was amazing. And like the problem was that even though this place bought like bunch, they still had to turn away 50 to 100 people a week. And this is a small community. So, anyway, my point would be, it wasn't what got thrown away.

[00:03:05] It was the fact that everybody just felt so much better, so much more vitality, that it was the best for them, because it was like, they were reconnecting spiritually, they were playing pickleball, and it was just amazing. And so, to be part of that was one of the most rewarding things I've ever been, just because, I mean, everybody became young, and they started enjoying life, and it was beautiful.

[00:03:29] So, back to the oxygen training, I never thought when I invented the system that it could be so simple for people to just get young, start having fun, and get back in the spirit of life. And so, the mechanics are really simple, well, not so much, but the point is you exercise, you get your heart rate up, you increase the amount of oxygen in the body. And then, when that happens, the body will move the oxygen throughout, and any part of the body that's not working, because it hasn't been getting enough, the oxygen, it will fire up and start working again.

[00:04:06] The big thing is like from the medical oxygen point of view, they'll give oxygen, but they don't do anything to cause of that oxygen to move from the lungs to the tissue. And so, the special thing about our version of oxygen training is that we challenge the body, and one of my key inventions was called adaptive contrast, which is opposed to just giving somebody oxygen and make them work, we actually give them a second reduction in oxygen, which effectively tricks the body into becoming as efficient as it can in moving blood, and then we throw a switch, and then they get a blast of oxygen. One of the best ways to describe this would be with our brain protocol.

[00:04:53] And that's, basically, you put them on and you challenge them to the point where their heart's beating really hard to the point where they can hear it in their head. Okay. So, with that brain oxygenation process, you bring it to the point of that, and that's roughly four times more blood volume squirting to and through the brain. Once you establish that, then you throw the switch, and because of the heartbeat and rapid pulmonary response, they'll get six times at least more oxygen dissolved in the plasma, the water part of the blood going in. So, for a brief time, you can get four times more blood with six times more oxygen that creates a blast of oxygen to and through the brain of 24 or more times normal.

[00:05:40] Luke Storey: Oh, my God. That's crazy, dude.

[00:05:42] Mark Squibb: So, what's fun is if you give them an IQ test, the average person will score between five and 15% smarter.

[00:05:52] Luke Storey: Really?

[00:05:53] Mark Squibb: Yeah. And they don't always get it the first time, but with that, their brain, well-oxygenated, they're better, their brain works, they're emotionally more stable, less anxious, they sleep better. And if they've got some sort of older brain injury or something like that, you're creating the conditions under which that can heal.

[00:06:16] Luke Storey: What was your first iteration of this technology? Well, actually, before that, maybe for those that are visually oriented, describe what I saw downstairs. So, I'm seeing like I don't know if there's a CAROL bike or one of these kind of exercise bikes. And then, there's what looks like a giant six-foot tall bag, essentially, and then there's an oxygen concentrator, and then a mask. That's kind of what it looks like, but maybe break down the components of it, and then I want to hear kind of the origin story of how you pieced it together, because it's very unique.

[00:06:52] Mark Squibb: Okay. Well, the concept is simple, which is if you exercise, all we're doing is controlling what you breathe while you work out.

[00:07:00] Luke Storey: Okay. 

[00:07:00] Mark Squibb: Okay. So, if you visualize yourself like working out at a mountaintop. Okay. So, the basic altitude we work at is about 10,000 feet. Okay. Well, so the concept is high altitude to activate the vascular system or activate the respiratory process, and then switching to an oxygen-rich mixture, which would be three to four atmospheres worth of oxygen so that you're moving from one to the other. So, when you get into the physical implementation, you basically need two oxygen sources and a switch to move from one to the other.

[00:07:35] Luke Storey: Got it.

[00:07:36] Mark Squibb: Okay. So, when you're looking at the reservoir, it's a low-pressure reservoir, you can hang it on a wall or ceiling, but one compartment contains oxygen-rich and the other compartment contains oxygen-reduced air. And then, there's a switch that you throw that lets you move from one compartment to the other that establishes the process and contrast. So, when we engineer a protocol, basically, like in the example of the brain, we'll engineer the protocol so that the body will send extra oxygen or flow to the brain, and then we'll hit it with oxygen by throwing the switch.

[00:08:11] So, the mechanism is simple, but what we're technically doing is amplifying the natural physiology of exercise. So, it's kind of like a version of high-intensity interval training. There's a lot of chemistry and science behind that, but it's simple. Okay. You work out really hard, when you do that or you exercise, exert, your body will, number one, create lactic acid and activate your respiratory process, you do a brief burst, then when you get to the end of that burst, you're doing nothing but breathing in that high level of respiratory process.

[00:08:48] So, what the product does is uses the low-oxygen mixture to enable people to achieve that high-intensity interval training activation level without having to do that work. So, like for example, most of your audience, if you told them, ask them, when was the last time you went out and ran a hard sprint, did high-intensity interval training? Probably 97% of them would say, well, that was 20, 30 years ago. Would you go do that now? They'd say, are you nuts? Well, okay,, one way to talk about the product is that it enables like somebody really old, like an old game show host, The Price is Right, to be able to do that at the age of 96.

[00:09:37] Luke Storey: So, when you do the training, because I've only done it once, I think they had one at Upgrade Labs in Santa Monica, and I was just kind of trying all the things out, and I got on the bike, and I did it. And I remember it was difficult and I was quite winded, but I didn't really have an isolated experience where I walked in, and just did that, and learned about it. They kind of just ran me through the circuit.

[00:09:59] If, say, you're using a bike, is it necessary to like work out really hard while you're doing the training or is it kind of, the oxygen increase, and then the deprivation is kind of what you're saying is simulating that same effect of if you went into a gym, and did a 20-minute hit session, and you're getting super winded, then you rest for a second, get your oxygen back, breathe slowly, then you go in and get winded again. And I guess hypoxic would be the word for low oxygen?

[00:10:24] Mark Squibb: Yeah.

[00:10:24] Luke Storey: Is it kind of mimicking that without having to actually go that nuts in a workout? Is that why elderly people in stuff are able to do it?

[00:10:32] Mark Squibb: Yeah. So, like when you talk about the physiology, okay, everybody associates training with very aggressive kind of gung ho kind of training. And the magic is like if you talk about our older users, geriatric or whatever, you don't have to go hard. Technically, you can do any sort of exercise that increases your heart rate. Like if you've got a base heart rate of 72, anything that'll bring your heart rate up to 80 will produce physiological results.

[00:11:10] Luke Storey: Okay.

[00:11:11] Mark Squibb: Okay. And so, it doesn't have to. So, a lot of our users start out just easy, easy, easy, and it'll take them two months or something like that, but they get stronger so much faster that when they're like, they walk by the mirror and they look at themselves like, oh, gosh, I'm sick, life sucks. Alright. A month later, they're looking, yeah, I got some kickass, and they walk by again like, yeah, okay, I'm going to go train. And so, they progressed, as they get stronger, they start to feel younger and more aggressive, and they will just start turning it up.

[00:11:45] And so, what happens is they move to our simplest instructions, which are train on the oxygen until you get bored, turn the switch, train on the minus or the low oxygen until your ass is kicked, and then flip back. And at the end of the day, it's simple, but those are relative notions, perceptions, doesn't matter how hard that is, it's just relative to the person. So, if they move back and forth in that cycle, they're challenging their physiology to their capacity or comfort depending on their character or what they're trying to accomplish and just moving in that range.

[00:12:23] And that's why we call it adaptive contrast. So, whatever they're capable of is enough to enable them to continue to move and just exercising, it's kind of like a rusty hinge. In the beginning, the hinge moves a little bit, but as you move it, the physiology adjusts, and they become stronger and more able to adapt, and they start thinking about, and behaving, and perceiving themselves as athletes, even if they've been on the couch for 30 years.

[00:12:52] Luke Storey: Got it. So, the training isn't apples to apples. So, if you take a high-performance pro athlete that's 25 years old at the top of their game, their baseline for this type of training is going to be obviously much different than an older person, but they're each going to subjectively get the same net benefit according to their physiology and their current state of-

[00:13:11] Mark Squibb: No, the capacity.

[00:13:11] Luke Storey: Okay. Got it. It sounds kind of like, and I know that it's more than this, but it's almost like you're going to 10,000 feet in a low-oxygen environment, exercising, and then being dropped down to sea level, and doing the other half of it, and kind of going back and forth. It's almost like an altitude training, but at will, on command. Is it kind of similar to that effect? 

[00:13:35] Mark Squibb: Right. So, the high side, we'd almost describe in simulated altitude terms. So, like we're coming out to help with some recent events or recent physiology issues, our base system trains somebody at about 10,000 feet, which is not very much, because if you've ever ridden on an airplane, that's the cabin pressure.

[00:13:56] Luke Storey: Got it.

[00:13:57] Mark Squibb: Okay. So, that's generally safe and easy for people. But as we've gone into, I'll call it more severe kind of respiratory and other challenges that are presenting, we ended up turning it up. So, as we released our new product, especially around the anti-aging, objectives that many people have, you can move from 10,000 to 12,000, to 16,000, to 20,000 and so forth.

[00:14:25] Luke Storey: Oh, wow.

[00:14:26] Mark Squibb: Okay. And what we're finding in our anti-aging audiences as they're in this higher point, it takes them six months or so to kind of acclimatize, but they're literally becoming beasts. We have one user that helped us this time, and he's 56, and he's back at his college weight, back at his college performance.

[00:14:49] Luke Storey: Oh, my God.

[00:14:50] Mark Squibb: Lifting more weight than he could in college. 

[00:14:52] Luke Storey: What?

[00:14:53] Mark Squibb: Yeah.

[00:14:53] Luke Storey: Oh, man. That's crazy.

[00:14:55] Mark Squibb: And he's like, man, this is great. Okay, We just did three hard days, guess how many people I had to pay to come in and work with the show?

[00:15:04] Luke Storey: How many?

[00:15:05] Mark Squibb: Zero.

[00:15:06] Luke Storey: Wow.

[00:15:07] Mark Squibb: Everybody that uses the product loves it so much that they were like, I want to be there to help share this. And I guess, I'm just like, how in the world did I get-

[00:15:18] Luke Storey: That takes like customer retention to another level. It's like customer recruitment. That's pretty cool. That's enthusiasm.

[00:15:25] Mark Squibb: I felt like so much love, because having people that you helped come back, and want to help, and just be part of helping share the word, it melted my heart.

[00:15:39] Luke Storey: Yeah. So, I guess what you're describing in oxygen training seems to be much more dynamic than oxygen therapy. I talk about hyperbaric chambers a lot. I have one at home. I love it. It's helped me tremendously with a number of things, especially brain function. But that, as you said, is passive, right? And so, you're not doing anything to challenge yourself, because you're in close quarters and you can't change the cabin, or no the cabin pressure because it's not a plane, but you can't change the pressure in a chamber quickly, right?

[00:16:12] You can't really go from negative oxygen to high-oxygen environment like that. It's takes a really long time. And I think in order to go low oxygen, you'd have to hold your breath and you don't want to do that when you're depressurizing a chamber, so kind of you get what you get, and I think there are benefits to it, but it sounds like the difference between a therapy and this is pretty dramatic then.

[00:16:37] Mark Squibb: Well, yeah. So, if you take a therapy as a notion, the therapy is a generally passive activity, where somebody will-

[00:16:48] Luke Storey: Hold that thought.

[00:16:49] Mark Squibb: Okay.

[00:16:49] Luke Storey: Let me get your TRU KAVA soda. Thank you, sir.

[00:16:51] Mark Squibb: Thank you. Cheers.

[00:16:53] Luke Storey: For those watching on the video and those listening to the audio, we just had a little TRU KAVA soda delivery. They're not even on the market yet. So, I texted them, I'm like, you got any more of these things, because I'm obsessed with them? So, shoutout to TRU KAVA and their sparkling kava drink, one of our unofficial sponsors. Anyway, carry on.

[00:17:13] Mark Squibb: Okay. So, when you use the word therapy, you're usually looking at a process is administered or managed by a provider, and the person receiving doesn't do anything. Okay. So, that's like, okay, kind of like taking your car to the shop is an analogy to a therapy. Okay. Training is something you do to and for yourself. The self-actualization, I'll call it a delivered result or created result versus an earned result.

[00:17:40] And so, when you look at the training or any training methodology, the person who's doing it is in control. They're driving, they're pursuing some objective, whether it's superior fitness or whatever, and it's really about personal self-administration and control of the process, but I think even more importantly, the pursuit of a goal, and more or less this absence of somebody that's controlling the process for them.

[00:18:09] Luke Storey: Got it. Yeah, something comes to mind, speaking of oxygen saturation, and then deprivation, and that is various disciplines of breathwork, someone like Wim Hof or these different kind of breathwork modalities where you kind of hyperventilate in various ways, and then you might hold the exhale, and you can hold that exhale for a really long time, and then do twice as many push-ups on the exhale as you ever could if you were just sitting here breathing normally. And I've never understood how that works, but it sounds like you're kind of working with the same mechanism of action of that, tons of oxygen to low oxygen, and switching back and forth, it's really bizarre what that does, that there's kind of like an ancient yogic understanding of this somehow?

[00:18:56] Mark Squibb: What is it? Taichi belly breathing. I mean, like for example, it's fabulous. So, for example, if you do Wim Hof with these techniques, alright, like when you do Wim Hof, how long does it take you to get to the buzz phase?

[00:19:13] Luke Storey: Probably 15 minutes. Really?

[00:19:17] Mark Squibb: Yeah.

[00:19:17] Luke Storey: He just held up a two for those listening.

[00:19:19] Mark Squibb: For two minutes, which is, the point would be, by using rich oxygen and the reduced oxygen, so like my favorite is I'll take it to the extreme altitude, so I'll do Wim Hof at a simulated altitude at my house, I live at 7,500 feet, so roughly 30,000 feet, where the simulated altitude. And then, when I do the oxygen breath holes and the pressurization, I'm doing them with 85%. So, if you take a look at the notion of contrast, the hypoxia, et cetera, and so when you're at those levels, it's like they're pretty quick.

[00:19:53] Luke Storey: Wow, that's so cool. The other day, this is embarrassing, but it's also funny. Usually, if I'm going to do some deep breathwork, I'll lie down in case I pass out or something. The other day, I was doing it, and I didn't feel like I was going that hard, but was doing my breathwork, and then I breathe in, and I do a hold, and I clench all the energy centers, I put all the energy up in my brain, kind of ala Joe Dispenza or different yogic technicians.

[00:20:20] And so, I got a good one in, and next thing you know, I'm on the floor, on the wood floor, and I'm like, where am I? What happened? And somehow, I managed, I banged up both my knees, one elbow in like three spots on my face, I walk out into the kitchen, and my wife is like, what happened? Did you get in a fight? I was like beat to hell. Thank God I didn't hit the corner of a table or something, don't try this at home, kids, but yeah, it was a lesson in how kind of high you can actually get just working with oxygen.

[00:20:54] Mark Squibb: Well, that was just regular air, wasn't it?

[00:20:55] Luke Storey: Yeah.

[00:20:56] Mark Squibb: Wow. 

[00:20:57] Yeah. I cowboyed it a little bit and I paid the price. Luckily, nothing bad happened. But yeah, it's amazing what we can do just using our own physiology. And it sounds like with the assistance of some well-thought out technology like yours that's really taking all of the physics, and physiology, and biochemistry into account, that you can really do some incredible stuff.

[00:21:19] Well, just to take that one step further, so if you talk about the Wim Hof, the strategy, okay, just for anybody that doesn't have our product, still, if you try that when you have a cold or a flu, you can power through the respiratory barrier in the lungs. So, number one, like Wim Hofing, you don't even really get sick, because you maintain that respiratory process and the sympathetic, the balance. Okay. Well, you probably don't get the cold or flu very much. 

[00:21:52] Luke Storey: Very infrequently.

[00:21:53] Mark Squibb: Yeah.

[00:21:53] Luke Storey: I think I had the flu last November 2020 and I was actually doing some breathwork, because I'm familiar with the immune response that you can elicit doing that. And it was not fun and I'm sure it helped me, but I was definitely not going to the degree that I normally do with my breathwork practice. And it still lasted like five days. Yeah. But I did a podcast about that on Friday, so people by this time will have already heard that whole journey. What really inspired you to get into this in the beginning? I understand that both your mother and your son had some issues, and that was part of the impetus for you to move forward with this innovation.

[00:22:34] Mark Squibb: Right. Well, a long time ago, I spent like 25 years building a software company, and first motivation, more or less, to exit that was that I found myself walking down the street after a chiropractic adjustment with a tear coming down my face, because I had spent so much chair time writing code, and when I finally got my back straightened out, I realized, my body told me, it was like, Mark, you forgot what it feels like not to hurt. And that was what caused the tear. I'm like, well, I need to be thinking about something else to do. Shortly thereafter, my wife got a diagnosis of—I'm sorry, my mom got a diagnosis of small cell lung cancer, and I wrote a lot of patents on information storage technology that eventually evolved into what they call blockchain.

[00:23:24] Luke Storey: Oh, really?

[00:23:24] Mark Squibb: Yeah, it was my previous. Outside the conversation. So, whenever I need to learn about something, I'll go to the patent database. And so, my mom had cancer, so I started researching cancer. I sat down and I remember the numbers. I sat down on Monday, and researched, and looked up the treatments for cancer. And on Monday, there were 1,972. I got busy, I'm like, wow, that's a lot. I came back on Wednesday and I sat down, I looked again, there were 1,976.

[00:23:59] In three days, 72 hours, the patent office had issued four more patents for treatment of cancer. I'm like, well, that's weird. So then, I took the next two days and I read approximately a thousand patents, because I just quick-scanned them, and I say, well, any of them that appeared that they might have practical applicability, and I found two that were really good. One was by a brilliant guy named Hugh Riordan, ran the bright spot for cancer or health in Kansas. And then, the other one was by a guy named Panos Papas.

[00:24:38] And they were basically the energetic and chemical of IV vitamin C with lipoic acid. And then, the other one was pulsed electromagnetic fields. And I thought, well, if I could use the pulse fields, and my mom's oncologist at the time was willing to do IV vitamin C, so we backed her up with lipoic acid and we used both of those. And sure enough, four months later, her tumors went down and her numbers, and she was all better. Went back to work, I'm like, wow, that was cool. The sad side of the story is that she was cool, and then she went back to the oncologist, and he saw how healthy she looked, and he says, hey, Gwada, you look great, let's give you some more chemo just to be safe.

[00:25:24] Luke Storey: Oh, man. Damn. 

[00:25:26] Mark Squibb: Four months later [making sound] gone.

[00:25:27] Luke Storey: Really? Oh, man, brutal.

[00:25:30] Mark Squibb: And I'm like, I'm watching this, I'm like, why? And like I stewed on that for a while, and it's like, these jokers need some competition, because it was just bad, it broke my heart, it made me mad, and I know incompetence when I see it, and it just tore me up. And then, some years later, that was just my reset to say, okay, there's more possible, and I was stunned at the scope of technology that was there just in the patents, and I was looking at what was practically available, I'm like, wait a minute, this is not right, and then you get into asking the question, why is all this great technology that's there and available, and at that point, most of the patents had bloody expired, so it was free to use, but what they were offering was so different? So, anyway, that left me a little disoriented, like, okay, there's opportunity here. And then, a few years later, my son was a piano, my kids all play, and anyway started having twitches, Tourette seizures, basically. 

[00:26:45] Luke Storey: At what age?

[00:26:47] Mark Squibb: Probably eight. We really kind of noticed from 11, and I started to work with oxygen pursuant to Dr. Manfred von Ardenne. He did great research in the '70s, and I had just started, for my own personal use, kind of play with the oxygen, looking at the adaptive contrast, because a few weeks earlier, I'd been up in the Rockies, and we're climbing the hills, and I noticed the only thing I could hear when I was climbing the mountain was my ear, the heart pounding in my head.

[00:27:18] I'm like, well, that's interesting. I wonder what that is. And when I researched it, well, that's when I got to the point of like, well, by the time the body activates that blood flow circuit, you're slamming four times more blood through your brain. I'm like, wow. And I was like, well, if I could do that and if I could put the oxygen in there, maybe I could get a better job of oxygen in my brain. So, anyway, when Dakota had the seizures, I gave him a neurological panel. 

[00:27:49] And I looked at it and I was appalled, because he had seven scores in the first and second percentile, and he was apparently neurologically normal. And I'm like, oh, that's not good, because when you're a parent, you see that with your kid, it's like, oh, crap. And so, I said, well, let's try this. So, I trained myself, and I trained him, and I went back on, so this is Monday, and on a Wednesday, we both took the same test again.

[00:28:18] Alright. His scores all moved. He went from five in the lowest category to two, and everything else moved to the left, meaning he had a dramatic improvement. But what surprised me was my own scores went up by 17%, how that happened, and that led me to the notion that says, okay, well, there's something going on in the brain. And anyway, my kids are athletes, so he liked to, through our training, like to compete, and more importantly, like to win. What he discovered was that when he shot archery when he trained, he was much more accurate.

[00:28:52] So, he added the training to his protocol, and sure enough, five, six years later, we did another one, it was like all green, all good. Okay. Well, that was interesting, because there was something he liked to do, because he wanted to improve his own physical performance, but me, as a parent, kind of watching, okay, boy, I sure hope he can have a normal life, and then all of a sudden, his normal life and prevailing. He's got his own business and it's like there was nothing that went wrong.

[00:29:20] Luke Storey: Yeah, I met him downstairs.

[00:29:21] Mark Squibb: Well, that would be Hunter.

[00:29:22] Luke Storey: Oh, that's a different one.

[00:29:24] Mark Squibb: Yeah.

[00:29:24] Luke Storey: Okay. 

[00:29:25] Mark Squibb: That's his little brother.

[00:29:25] Luke Storey: How many kids do you have?

[00:29:26] Mark Squibb: I got three boys.

[00:29:27] Luke Storey: Oh, okay. And with Dakota, did you, at the time or subsequently, have any idea what the origin of his issues might have been?

[00:29:37] Mark Squibb: I think it was because he got some shots when he was younger.

[00:29:40] Luke Storey: I see.

[00:29:41] Mark Squibb: And because of that, and then I went into sort of understanding the etiology of what was happening, so basically, you take a shot, there's aluminum and various other things that sludge the blood. And the problem is when you sludge the blood, the blood blocks the flow to the capillaries. And if that blood stays blocked for 90 minutes, it's like putting a tourniquet on, and then you end up with a durable injury to the capillaries, so the capillaries swell shut or swell closed, so you end up with a durable, meaning potentially lifelong obstruction.

[00:30:17] And that basically will shut down a fraction of the body. And so, when it happens in the brain, you see a loss of brain function. When it happens in the liver, you see a fraction of the organ shut down. And so, that's the basic mechanism of injury, you sludge the blood for 90 minutes, and then you end up with a closure of the vascular system to a potentially substantial percentage of the body. And that's a lifelong loss of function. And what this guy, Ardenne, discovered is that if you hit those capillaries and those vascular networks with enough oxygen, not on the red blood cells, but dissolved in the water, like the-

[00:30:57] Luke Storey: In the plasma.

[00:30:58] Mark Squibb: In the plasma.

[00:30:59] Luke Storey: Okay. Got it.

[00:31:00] Mark Squibb: The normal amount of blood or oxygen in the plasma is three cubic centimeters per liter. If you can get that to 12, which would be four times normal, then that 12 ccs per liter is enough basically to reverse that inflammation or reverse that swelling and cause those endothelial cells or the capillary cells to go back to normal. Okay. So, what was happening in terms of all of the stories I'm telling you about recoveries is as soon as that happens, the vascular system opens up. And anybody that wants to research that, all you got to do is go look at book by Manfred von Ardenne, was originally written in German and translated to English. Unfortunately, last time I looked, copies of this book are rare as hen's teeth and are over $800.

[00:31:49] Luke Storey: Oh, wow.

[00:31:50] Mark Squibb: But the point is it's real science, it's very practical, and it works every time.

[00:31:57] Luke Storey: So, when you had the success with your son, Dakota, in his archery performance and easing these neurological issues, and then subsequently your own performance going up unbeknownst to you, was this an early iteration of this technology that you kind of cobbled together using different things? Was it essentially like a more primitive version of what you now have as a company?

[00:32:20] Mark Squibb: Yeah, it was primitive, but the principle was the same, which is the challenge phase, if you try to activate the breathing process while you're breathing pure oxygen, the problem is you can't work out hard enough and you'll injure yourself, because you've got so much oxygen that the vascular system more or less stays closed and the heart rate stays low. So, the trick was to go ahead and trick the vascular system into maximum flow by exerting under low oxygen conditions so that when you switched, you could basically have maximum pressure.

[00:32:58] So, like if it's a problem in the brain, you've got the pulse force. If you think of a fire hose with a nozzle, you really want the fire hose as wide as possible, which happens when you train under low-oxygen conditions or exert under low-oxygen conditions, and you want the pump at the back side basically slamming the blood through that as hard as possible so that the blood will penetrate the occlusion. And once that happens, if you get the 12 ccs, like the super oxygenated blood to go through there, then it normalizes the metabolism of these endothelial cells, and they'll pump out the sodium, and go back to normal size, and go back to normal function.

[00:33:41] So, once this opens up, the blood flow starts going through like Drano. And then, once blood starts to go through, the oxygen can diffuse, so all of the cells that were fed by this blood will start to work again. So, when we talk about the Dakota and the Mark scenario of how did this work? Well, this had happened enough that parts of his brain weren't working right, as parts of my brain, once we opened that up, it started to fire up, and then like, wow. But in my case, it was 17% of measured functional IQ.

[00:34:19] Luke Storey: Wow, that's crazy.

[00:34:20] Mark Squibb: And I was like, that was just the workout.

[00:34:22] Luke Storey: Yeah. It's funny. I just remembered something from those few years ago when I went and used your technology at the Upgrade Labs in Santa Monica, and as I said, I didn't really understand the mechanism of action. I just saw an oxygen concentrator and this bag, and then I had a mask on, and I've been planning on, this is funny, I don't think I'm going to do this now, and if I did, it sounds ineffective. But I have my hyperbaric chamber at home, so I have a concentrator, and I have this CAROL bike, this high-intensity interval bike that just smokes you. And so, what I've been planning on doing is just putting on a cannula and getting on that bike with my oxygen concentrator. And it doesn't sound like that's going to do the same thing that your technology does.

[00:35:03] Mark Squibb: Oh, if you marry the two, the CAROL with the LiveO2, it will rock your socks.

[00:35:07] Luke Storey: I bet. But just breathing a higher concentration of oxygen and working out isn't going to give me the same effects you're talking about, because I'm not going to get the plasma saturation and all these.

[00:35:16] Mark Squibb: Well, you'll get increased plasma saturation and you will get definitive benefits, but they won't be profound.

[00:35:23] Luke Storey: Got it.

[00:35:24] Okay. And because I'm not going to get the oxygen deprivation-

[00:35:27] Mark Squibb: You're not going to get the-

[00:35:27] Luke Storey: ... unless I held my breath or something, right? I mean-

[00:35:30] Mark Squibb: Well, and then probably not.

[00:35:33] Luke Storey: Okay.

[00:35:33] Mark Squibb: So, the key thing there is to achieve simultaneous maximums of blood flow and oxygen concentration in the circulating blood. Okay. And in order to achieve the maximum blood flow, you really need to be in a hypoxic condition, low oxygen. And it's that switch that creates the magic moment where you're breathing low-oxygen air, your body's like, ah, and then you hit, and then, boom, with all that flow active, and then you get the rush of oxygen. And the few heartbeats that follow are where the magic is.

[00:36:10] And that's why I use the phrase magic moment, because it doesn't take long. I mean, seconds, two breaths in the right condition, it's just like unlocking a key or turning off a switch, as soon as that super oxygenated blood hits those occluded or challenged cells, they say, oh [making sound] okay, and then they will switch back to normal. And this is Ardenne's research. And I mean, we've done it for thousands and thousands of people and it really works.

[00:36:41] Luke Storey: Wow. So cool, so cool.

[00:36:43] Mark Squibb: And it's simple, but back to your reality between the CAROL bike and the oxygen, I would say, I mean, the cannula solution will work, but you would-

[00:36:55] Luke Storey: Well, I'm glad to hear it's not going to put me in danger, because oftentimes, I think because of the work I do, I'm kind of the canary in the coal mine, and I'll try some stuff, I'll do a little bit of research. I don't do anything, I think, too reckless or dangerous, but I just kind of put two and two together, and I try things, and if it works, then I report to people.

[00:37:12] But the benefit of my job is I get to talk to people like you, and if something does have deleterious effects, I'm probably going to learn about it before I actually go, and pull a dumbass stunt, and try it on my own, like doing breathwork and falling on the ground, then I can report back like, don't do this at home, kids, kind of thing. So, let's see. So, I covered a lot of the things that I wanted to cover here. I know what I want to go into, is brain function.

[00:37:39] So, I know in the oxygen therapy world, TBIs, and just cognitive issues, and things like this, which is why I got into doing the hyperbarics is one of the, I think, most abundant benefits, what have you seen with this type of training, the oxygen training versus therapy, when it comes to brain injuries and the cascade of possible mental deficiencies, mental illness, emotional problems just because our brains are lacking blood flow to key parts to keep them all working?

[00:38:09] Mark Squibb: Right. So, if I speak in terms of functional optimization, I'll call it the IQ differential, the brain is an organ just like anything else, and if it has the resources to make energy, it will work more efficient. And so, whenever you have an injury, like a concussion or something like that, basically, if it's a mild concussion, the brains get smooshed up against the side and it basically gets a bruise.

[00:38:37] And if the blood flow is limited, then that bruise will interfere with the corresponding tissue as long as it lasts. And because most people don't often create that, like for example, if you look at TBI, they'll end up with parts of the brain shut off over time. Well, eventually, the brain will adapt, and they call it neuroplasticity, and it'll learn how to do the same job using different circuits, but that takes years.

[00:39:08] So, in this case, you just basically blast it through, and what we've seen, like in terms of—and we've done, I'll call it pop-ups, where we take a group of people, and say, okay, we'll set up a training circuit and we'll test them in the beginning, like on Monday, and they'll do the circuit for five days, and we'll test them again on Friday. And if you use the standard of how they would describe their quality of life on Friday versus Monday, our success rate is 100%, okay, of the people that have had, I'll call it a sequence of recent mild concussions, recent being five years or less, about half of them will say, I feel completely normal by Friday.

[00:39:51] Luke Storey: Wow, that's crazy. That's crazy fast, because in contrast, like I didn't even have a TBI that I'm aware of, but when I went and saw Dr. Amen, and he kind of prescribed 100 hyperbaric sessions in rapid succession, like within a short period of time, I mean, that's a long time, and it's a lot of hours and hours.

[00:40:07] Mark Squibb: Oh, yeah. Each one is two hours apiece and 100, so you're looking at 200 hours of dwell time inside-

[00:40:19] Luke Storey: Not like a dwell time, because that's what you are doing. I mean, I keep myself occupied, but your average person, I think, would go crazy doing that many hyperbaric sessions to get the desired result.

[00:40:28] Mark Squibb: Right. Well, and when you start to think about the brain, it's your emotion, your perception of the world, your spiritual, your relationships with your family. And so, if, and I don't want to necessarily talk so much about the "recovery", but if you try to measure the people that we work with in terms of their perception of the world and how they feel, their ability to have good relationships, once the brain's well oxygenated, especially if there's a part that wasn't well-oxygenated that is now and that starts to work, then their ability to reckon and understand kind of comes back on, and then they drop out of this need to respond to things with anxiety. So, like a very typical handling, I'm calm.

[00:41:17] Alright. Another one that's really big, so a lot of the people that have had successive concussions, they'll be depended on two, three substances, even if they're not prescription, they'll use them to self-medicate, because they have to in order to cope with their reality, because they have to numb it down or they can't get by. And so, once they start oxygenating the brain, things start working right, then their need to self-medicate tends to go away. And so, it's just like everything about them starts to bubble and glow, their ability to have healthy relationships improves, because their behavior's predictable, calm, stable, or more stable, and it's just beautiful. But at the end of the day, the ability of the cells in the brain to produce energy are what enable normal happy behavior.

[00:42:16] Luke Storey: Yeah, it makes perfect sense. I mean, think about when you're sleep-deprived, and your executive function, cognitive function is taxed, you're irritable. The person cuts you off or you perceive them to be cutting you off. I mean, just basic examples like that. I know for myself, I'm much more testy when my brain is not firing on all cylinders, let alone, you've actually had a legitimate TBI or even a PTSD experience of some kind, right? I mean, it's like you're kind of always in that fight or flight amygdala firing response where anything could set you off.

[00:42:50] And that is going to ultimately affect all of your relationships, like whether they're more remote, distant relationships, or your immediate family and loved ones, et cetera. I mean, I know when my brain was in bad shape earlier in life before I really started healing and working on myself, I mean, I was a much less kind person, generally speaking, much more reactive, short-tempered, short patience, couldn't focus, crazy brain fog. And when you're in that state, I mean, it's frustrating. Even if you're a kind-hearted person, you can't often meet your own standards, because your brain just doesn't give you the capacity to operate on that level.

[00:43:30] Mark Squibb: Well, there are two main things. Number one, you look in the mirror and you watch yourself from the outside in. It was like, what have I become? And then, you question, and that's depressing. And then, the other thing from a quality of life point of view is losing that rational you because something's organically wrong, it's not your fault, but it feels like it's your fault.

[00:43:51] But when you go out and you try to present yourself or have value in, I'll call it a work relationship, your ability to monetize or make money is inhibited by the fact that you've lost the ability to control your emotions, especially under the challenging situations. So, every aspect of your being, and your productivity, and your relationship tends to take a hit. And living in that state where your brain's not working right, it eats you away and it exhausts you because you have to work so hard to try to be normal.

[00:44:29] Luke Storey: Right. Yeah. It's like you have to actually exert energy to be a good person, even if you really are one in your heart, which I believe.

[00:44:35] Mark Squibb: Well, most people are. And the whole notion in terms of the life challenge, I'll call it just the concussion, so we have lots of source, people playing concussive sports, but not knowing what they need to do to restore their brain function. And so, like what we see is especially people that play contact sports, and military, and other, they get on this, and like, wow, man, I feel normal again. And if they have the tool, they can continue to do whatever. But instead of having a, I'll call it a durable damage, they'll just kind of bounce back and stay normal through their career.

[00:45:19] So, one of our things is to like get these into the hands of people that play rough, and because of that, they'll, number one, enjoy the anti-aging process, meaning they'll get old slower, and they will recover better, and they just won't accumulate the damage, like the fighters, and MMA, and the guys that play rough, they end up having, I'll call it a pretty degenerative lifestyle because of the accumulation of the injuries that happened, because they don't have the technology just to kind of recover on the fly.

[00:45:56] Luke Storey: You were naming some sports people earlier and I'm just like blank stare, I don't know what you're talking about, because I don't know about sports. But yeah, I live in Austin, some of my friends are a bit sporty, and they'll have these MMA or cage fights on, and I can barely watch it, because I just look at the brain damage that they're incurring.

[00:46:11] I mean, you just see someone, I was watching a documentary about a female fighter the other day, and just watching them just get pummeled in the head over and over again, and I'm just like, oh, that's your brain, man. Like you're getting hit in the brain, I'm just like, no, stop, stop. And yeah, it's heartbreaking. I mean, people that are just wired that way, that are just rough and tumble, man, that's a rough path to go down if you don't have what you're describing, like a powerful means by which to actually recover and recuperate from that. It's crazy.

[00:46:43] Mark Squibb: Well, if the fighters and the football players would add this, like your average NFL lineman, I think the average age that they die is like 45, maybe 55. They don't live long, because they're—like Junior Seau. They don't live long, because they experience—ell, it's just like the movie, Concussion. They get all of this damage and it just destroys their ability to be normal. And that's true across the military, the kids that come back, I think I heard a statistic that roughly 75% of the army, when the army ends up with enough post-concussive damage to require very significant lifetime disability. I mean, brain damage is an epidemic.

[00:47:38] Luke Storey: Yeah, I know. That's true. Whenever I go shooting, I'm always thinking about, I'm shooting relatively, I mean, much less substantial firearms than people in the military, and even that, I mean, you can kind of, if you do like a slow motion video of someone shooting a firearm [making sound] there's a concussive effect of that ballistic, and you think these guys are out there with heavy artillery for months, sometimes, years on end, people in combat, and they're just getting rattled. I mean, not even including injuries, of a mortar going off near you or something like that, man. So, there's a lot of people out there that are doing a lot of harm to themselves, because of the career that they've chosen or enjoy.

[00:48:16] Mark Squibb: Well, so I'm a parent, obviously, and so when you look at young people, I mean, even somebody 30 or 40, I still consider them kids, and it breaks my heart to see them go through life with these injuries that interfere with their ability to be human. Okay. And then, to realize that a lot of this stuff is actionable and it's inexpensive. And so, that's why I'm so passionate about, oh, man, you got to do this, and then go back to your earlier question, training versus therapies. Like, oh, man, if you just train in a way that oxygenates your brain, the darn thing will heal, live.

[00:49:00] Luke Storey: Yeah. I mean, that's the thing. I think we think of our brain when something goes wrong as it's permanent, but you don't think about like if you cut your arm, you're not like, oh, man, it's going to stay bleeding forever, right? Just a matter of time. Make sure you don't get an infection, and your body has its own innate wisdom, and it's going to kind of reform itself back into the blueprint of health, provided you don't do anything that prevents that.

[00:49:21] And I think we kind of lose touch with the fact that our brain can be restored, and also, now knowing what we know about neuroplasticity, I mean, I'm smarter now today for sure than I've ever been in my whole life. And I don't mean just accumulated wisdom, but actual mental prowess. And some people listening might disagree, like, really, dude? But subjectively, I mean, sometimes, because I'm doing all kinds of things.

[00:49:48] I mean, I'm interviewing people like you, and I'm like, okay, I'm adding that to my arsenal, and I'm doing neurofeedback, and God knows different types of nootropics and things for brain health, and it's like, I feel like my brain is aging in reverse. I'm having less brain fog, more cognitive abilities, and also just neurotransmitters and hormones, and just feeling happier and more fulfilled all the time when our kind of standardized model of aging is based on assumed degradation of your quality of life and your cognition.

[00:50:20] I mean, we all know, ah, someone's getting old, they got to say your name five times. I remember my grandmother, as she aged, and God bless her, she eventually ended up with dementia and passed away, but she'd call me like her son's name, her uncle's name, my cousin's name, my brother's name, go through five names before she finally hit Luke. And I remember being a kid going, wow, she seems to be doing that a lot more.

[00:50:43] And so, if that's what you're observing, then you just kind of take that for granted. You think, oh, as we get older, we just kind of lose it, and then eventually, someone has to take care of you. And I've never liked that idea, especially as when I hit 50, I was like, okay, I got to get serious here, like I want to be getting better all the time, not declining all the time.

[00:51:05] Mark Squibb: Well, yeah. So, go uphill. Based on what I'm saying, it's really not necessary to go downhill. And another thing I'll mention is like as we age, we tend to become more spiritual. One of the things that we hear and I experience is like if you think about your connection to whatever you consider source, and your ability to be empathetic, and understand what's going on and feel, now that I'm probably a decade into this whole process, I'm like, I feel a lot more ability to sort of just sense what's going on. And in relationships, like for example, my relationship with my wife is much better.

[00:51:50] I've become a better person just because I'm on, in being able to say, wow, maybe I was being a dickhead, and then just being able to look at myself and my own emotions, like we had an issue when we first got here, I'm like, okay, alright, I know what I feel, but here's how I probably should manage this and I need to, for the benefit of others, not go with what my emotions say to do or whatever. I need to break with that, and to be able to say, okay, I'm making a decision to do that, really a higher level thing, and do something that totally contradicts and feel upright about it what my instincts say.

[00:52:35] But it gets into feeling and being able to operate at a higher level, and to do that consistently so that like if you're running a company, it's like you've got to make a thousand decisions. Meantime, between messages is, what, a few seconds? And being able to sit, stay calm, and not be a bonehead, and to remain compassionate with the people that are having their own struggles as they're going through, especially in the past couple of years.

[00:53:02] It's hard at the beginning, but as you develop, or what I really feel is like the ability to avoid succumbing to the stress, and if I start to feel like [making sound] get on, train, okay, number one, that helps you get rid of the corticoids because you're exerting, but number two, it brings you to the point of saying, okay, what's really going on here? And more importantly, which is what is the best thing for me to do under these circumstances, which is to not always do what your instinct says, or to evolve your higher instinct that says, okay, I'm going to act like this, because that's for everybody's best, but to be in a way where you can feel that as you're going. 

[00:53:46] So, like if you're a CEO, I mean, man, it makes a big difference in your ability, in my ability to cope. And I suggest, certainly, among my staff, so anybody works for me, you got a system, and when you start to act goofy, you need to train. And that's about as far as I ever end up going in terms of complaining about anybody, because once they go, and train, and come back, I've got that nice person that I love working with back at the table.

[00:54:12] Luke Storey: Well, I like what you were saying about how just brain function, overall well-being, and health pertains to our spirituality. I think that on one extreme of the spectrum, you have the yogi, the meditator that is in denial of the physical body, because that fundamental teaching that we're not our body, right? So, on one side, you just go live in a cave, and eat rice, and just kind of discount the whole physical experience, and nothing wrong with that, it's a path, but I think it's kind of missing a full integration, perhaps.

[00:54:46] And then, on the other side, you have like the extreme biohacker that thinks they're going to supplement their way into enlightenment, right? And forget that we are more than the body, that we are the body, but we're also not the body. And I know that in my own experience, kind of going back to that mental and emotional health, it's like, man, if you're just fighting for survival and your biology is suffering, it's very difficult to find the time to then go meditate, or read spiritual literature, or join a spiritual group, or do whatever your act of faith is and to really integrate that into your lifestyle, because, man, you're just fighting to survive.

[00:55:23] You're in that fight or flight perpetual cycle, where you're just trying to keep kind of hold the spring down, and not freak out and lose your shit, and have a nervous breakdown or a divorce, or get fired, or you fold your company, or whatever your position is. It's like you tell someone like that, hey, have you ever thought about working on your faith, or developing a relationship with God, or exploring spirituality? It's like, who has time for that when you're constantly in a survival state of anxiety, and fear, and depression, and just what comes along with that? 

[00:55:54] There's just no room for that when you don't have the vitality. So, it's always something I'm trying to kind of bob and weave with to find the balance of taking care of my body, but not forgetting about the spiritual aspect of life, which I think is, fundamentally for all of us, the thing that gives life meaning, when you know that you're connected to something greater. And as you develop that connection, you share with other people, and it becomes just kind of part of who you are rather than something that's segregated into a compartment of your life.

[00:56:23] Mark Squibb: Yeah. Well, okay, so imagine a happy spirit. Okay. How long is a happy spirit, or how well is a happy spirit going to be or do in a miserable body? Okay. So, the happy body, happy spirit, when you've got the happy spirit, being a part of the world, being a part of the relationships, all of that. So, you have to care about the body. You can't just ignore it. It doesn't have to be perfect. But anything that you can do in terms of keeping the body perfect or healthy also comes back in the spirit. And so, when you want to talk about spiritual pursuits, whether it's being spiritual, being integrated with others, being part of a happy community, the more you can do or the more you can be open and happy about that, and it's almost impossible to be happy in a miserable body.

[00:57:22] Luke Storey: Yeah, totally. I've been there. I've had the converse. I mean, I've had both. I've been relatively fit, but just mentally so toxic that I wasn't happy, but I've had the other one. You mentioned the improvement in your relationship due to just emotional regulation, and having that pause button and a little bit of, I guess, a witness perspective, where you kind of observe the things rising and falling within you, and you're able to manage that and not be so reactive on the relationship and closeness intimacy.

[00:57:52] What about sexual performance with this type of training? I know that there's one of the applications of hyperbaric, by the way, and I'm sure you know this, for the audience, is erectile dysfunction, which I didn't even know that when I got my chamber, but it's true. It definitely increases sexual performance. Let's put it that way. Have you had any anecdotal reports of that or is there any data on that element of the training?

[00:58:17] Mark Squibb: Well, I'll tell you a story that one of the gentleman came up from the keys. Alright. I met him on an island in the Everglades, and he ended up getting our system. And anyway, he called me and said, Mark, six months later, had to get a divorce? Jeff, why? My wife didn't want to have sex three times a day. So then, that's the other part, which is the balance, which is that he went down a health recovery path, and he had been going downhill, and then all of a sudden, he started going uphill, he's the same guy that as of today, he was happy to be here with us. He spent, what, three days on his feet, and college weight, college performance, he's 56, and he's still performing as well as he was in college, so he wanted to make the journey back to live and be alive, and she was like off in another direction.

[00:59:09] But with respect to the sexual, that's one of the things that our customers say is like, wow, man. And so, we've developed strategies to optimize that as a specific focus. But what's interesting is it's usually the women, because they're more in touch with themselves, all of a sudden, their body gets happy again, and libido starts to fire, and they got a hubby, and saying, hey, I think you should try this.

[00:59:40] Luke Storey: Get on my LiveO2 machine.

[00:59:42] Mark Squibb: Well, yeah. And then, all of a sudden, they end up going back some time, because the passion comes back into the relationship, because, well, and that's another dimension of love. So, that intimacy, and then also kind of feeds back into the way they love each other, like shit, they're having the same fun they were 20 years ago. Okay. And then, all of a sudden, the relationship becomes solid and people with solid relationships have better quality of life. So, there's this great wave ripple effect, where the benefits cascade to, wow, man, life is good, if not great.

[01:00:18] Luke Storey: How often are you training these days? 

[01:00:21] Mark Squibb: Every day.

[01:00:22] Luke Storey: Really?

[01:00:22] Mark Squibb: Yeah. Well, I missed one day, but it's like if I don't train, especially under "the stress of modern day", I really feel it.

[01:00:33] Luke Storey: Wow. Damn, that's impressive. Sometimes, I think when people have innovations, and they're excited about it for a while, and they create a company around it, I sense that some of them kind of lose the luster for it, the passion for it, and they're just kind of get wrapped up in the business, and maybe don't do it. So, that's pretty cool that you're still getting after it.

[01:00:52] Mark Squibb: Oh, there's no choice, because what happens is you get used to feeling good. And I won't say it's addictive, but, boy, when you start not feeling good and you start to lose that, it's like, oh, shit, I got to get back there, because life's good. But with all the stress, the strange things that are going on, the weirdness that's manifesting in the people around us, being able to stay separate and observe that and to manage your emotional entanglements with everybody would like to care about, realize, what is it?

[01:01:31] God grant me the wisdom to accept the things I cannot change, and operating in that spiritual awareness, this is, look, some things are going to work out, some things are not, some people are going to do well, some people are not. And then, just saying, look, if they're acting in a way you don't think they're going to have a good fate, then you probably want to just let it go. But a big part of the ability to do that is to have your close circle of people you can love and feel comfortable with, and to have the best possible relationship with them.

[01:02:03] But the ability to do that really comes back to, well, do I feel whole? And that says, well, how do I spend my time and how do I spend my energy trying to help others? But if I'm falling apart or starting to suffer myself, I can't do that because, and that gets back to in terms of filling what I think my mission in life is, I have to take the best possible care of myself, and that's what the training does, because if I don't, I feel it literally the next day.

[01:02:34] Luke Storey: Wow. And how long is a training session, typically? 

[01:02:39] Mark Squibb: For beginners, we do like 15 minutes.

[01:02:41] Luke Storey: Okay. 

[01:02:41] Mark Squibb: Okay. For me, I've been at it for a while, so I like to train at very high altitudes and short. So, it's an aggressive kind of BrainO2 kind of work out. So, I like 30 to 45. And I like to finish with 30 minutes in a sauna where I'll sweat. Unfortunately, usually, on my days, I end up at my desk seven hours or something. So, the 30 minutes of active is often the only thing I get, but on a happy day, I get to do the sauna.

[01:03:13] Luke Storey: Well, this last bit kind of speaks to the stress resilience we were talking about earlier, right? I mean, I think we've kind of covered that in general, but because you're putting your body under stress, undue stress. I mean, you're talking about basically simulating these altitude changes and oxygen changes. What about resilience to physical stress? Not just kind of the emotional stuff we're talking about, but athletic performance and things like that in terms of recovery and being able to withstand the stress of really pushing yourself physically.

[01:03:43] Mark Squibb: Well, if you go take a look at our athlete customers, I mean, we've got some very, very probably if you name the most famous athletes on the scene today, they end up using as a recovery tool, especially the older ones that are well-known. The principle there is there's two, I guess, number one, the anti-aging, which is the ability for an older athlete, if I quote one of them, let's see, I think his famous phrase was come to papa, because he's an older fighter and he just invited a younger fighter, I think 24 years old, to come to Papa, in his next round, I think, in December. 

[01:04:25] Yet, the principle is that if you're old, it doesn't matter, it's just a number. Like that would be—Dara Torres, one of our other customers, the principal is like, it's just a number. Feeling young, feeling strong, being resilient, and having fun. And I'm sorry, I don't know if I answered the question, but it's a state of being, like being alive. And forget about how old you are, just go live.

[01:04:56] And being able to do that, enjoy it is key. And part of that is just being in a position in a mental and physical place, where the stress rolls off and it doesn't take you down like. And in today's world, it's a pandemic of stress. Am I going to get fired if I don't do certain things? And how do I deal with this? And just letting the insecurity of all the bizarre pressures we're under make you feel afraid.

[01:05:26] And I think that's probably the biggest part, which is once you take the fear of your body failing off the table, which is I'm secure in the way I feel, I'm secure in my own physical strength, I'm secure in my emotional strength, that gives you a great amount of resilience to not feel threatened by all the crap that's going on. Okay. And that gets into just, okay, I'm solid, I feel good. Okay. Well, if you feel good, you can say, well, that's bullshit. I will discard the bullshit and you can walk away from it without getting drawn into it. And I think in terms of my own life, when I talk about the training, it's like when I get on, I'm like, oh, that's bullshit [making sound] .

[01:06:12] And when I get off, it's like, that's bullshit. And being emotionally attached to bullshit versus saying, yeah, that's bullshit, I'm not attaching to that, and the strength to just walk away, realizing that as long as you don't accept it and carry it, it's not part of you. It might have consequences in your life, but that's the real thing. And I think if you go back to the brain, having the brain that's able to say, I see that as something that I don't have to accept, and to have the strength and the absence of fear just to let it go. Let it be the tar baby, not touching that.

[01:06:55] Luke Storey: Yeah. Well, that kind of brings me to something I wanted to cover with you. And I think this is universally true of technologies like yours, and also, the mindset, that sort of developing out of this medical industrial complex tyranny is that I think people that—I mean, there's a certain category of people that just do what they're told, and watch their TV, and the TV told me to, and they just sort of sheepishly and blindly walk toward the cliff without asking questions or having any sort of discernment. And not to be critical of those people, the programming is very effective, right? It's like mass hypnosis. So, there's that category of people, and God bless them, and I hope they find their way.

[01:07:41] But there are people like you, and me, and so many people here this weekend in Florida that are going, you know what, like I'm actually going to take responsibility for my own well-being, whether it be physical immunity, mental attitude, emotional stability, all of it, and not even have to kind of put energy into fighting this system that we've grown to, and reasonably and rightfully so, lose trust and faith in because of so much corruption and competence, but I see a world kind of emerging now where, hopefully, people listening to this podcast are going to find out what you're doing and so many other people that I have conversations with on this show, and go, you know what, I don't have to tear down that system, I'm building my own thing, right?

[01:08:28] I'm going to invest in myself, and invest in my own health, and just opt out as much as possible, and leave that system there for perhaps acute injuries or situations in which I have no other choice. And that's how I've been living my life for a long time and encouraging other people to do. It's like to not give up your power and your sovereignty to a system that, by and large, is not really built to support you, but it's a system based on monetary incentives.

[01:08:59] And within those monetary incentives comes a lot of corruption, oftentimes, not to disparage everyone in the medical community. I know a lot of doctors personally that are great people, and their mission is to help people and heal people. And I know there are many, but by and large, where we are in the world now is kind of like you're either going to opt into that system and perhaps be stuck in there forever based on decisions that some people are making now to experiment-

[01:09:25] Mark Squibb: Well, forever may not be a very long time.

[01:09:27] Luke Storey: Yeah. Well, forever being as long as your lifespan is, if you start to get entangled in this mess. And so, I think it's really exciting now, and like you were saying, rather than going, that's bullshit, I mean, ah, negative about it, it's like, okay, to me, in my perspective at this moment, a lot of this is bullshit, so what's the alternative? The alternative is I'm going to interview people like you, and I'm going to learn more, and I'm going to spend my resources on things that are supportive of my health, and use my resources to support my friends and family, to help educate people, that like this is your body, man, it's the only thing that you really own.

[01:10:04] It really is all. I think metaphysically and physically, all that you own is the sovereignty of your body, and your health, and well-being, and Daddy Big Pharma ain't going to do it for you. And if you voluntarily give that up, then there could be, not always, but could be consequences. So, I think what you're doing is really empowering. It really is. It's important, man, for all of us to start to understand how these bodies work, and to be able to do some research and find alternative ways of caring for ourselves.

[01:10:38] I mean, as you said, I very rarely get a cold, or flu, or anything like that, let alone any other serious problems. I do my labs every couple of years, they look great. My metabolic age is much younger than my chronological age. Like I'm living proof that it can be done. So, I appreciate the work that you're doing there. What do you have to say for people maybe that hear that statement, and that go, yeah, I want to do that. How does one kind of just take responsibility for themselves, and just own their body, and learn how to take care of it, and start to become, in essence, their own physician, I guess you could say?

[01:11:15] Mark Squibb: Well, I started having kids again when I was 40.

[01:11:21] Luke Storey: Again. How many do you have total?

[01:11:22] Mark Squibb: Well, my wife had two before we started, so she started again, and I kind of started for the first time, but we cranked out a batch, but as I was through that, I like went through the experience with my mom, and then my oldest son, I'm like, oh, my God. And then, especially after my son, I started to really be concerned, if not afraid, about, okay, if this is how that technology is working, I want nothing to do with it.

[01:11:55] Okay. So, in about, what? 2004. I said I ain't paying them some bitches no more. I stopped paying insurance. I said, I'm going to take my money and I'm going to spend it on stuff that I can use to keep everybody I care about out of the system. And that's what kind of led me to like being aggressive, because I put my money where my mouth is, which is no matter what they provide, I don't want it, because I had, at that point, started seeing that everybody that was in the system was going downhill.

[01:12:38] There was no pursuit of improvement. It was just like, okay, the word treatment. And I was like, as that language started to settle in like, okay, well, you can treat, well, that's basically palliative care, we're going to make you hurt less until whatever, and I was like, man, I don't want to live like that, and yeah, I don't want anybody that I care about or love to have to live under that.

[01:13:05] So, I kind of put myself up to the process like, okay, I will find and I will equip my house with the stuff I need to take care of me and mine, my neighbor, and I very much have lived by that philosophy for the past 15 years. In the beginning, I didn't quite have the tools and LiveO2, the product, is one of the things that I ended up creating because it didn't exist, but mostly because I needed it, because I wanted to be able to divorce myself from as much of the system.

[01:13:41] And so, the reason I'm so enthusiastic about it is because now I've seen it, and I've seen it with literally thousands of other people, and what I'm saying is true, it's like, if you have that tool, many of the things that will go wrong or could go wrong. And if you use it, they won't, you'll stay in better shape, all of the diseases that would happen to you, because you don't get enough oxygen to some part of your body, probably won't happen.

[01:14:16] All of the injuries that wouldn't normally heal will probably heal. So, as you take that thought stream, forward-looking, through getting old, it's a tool that if you have that tool, you really need, well, a number of circumstances. Under which, you'll need, I'll call it, to resort to that other health care system. It goes way down. I mean, like only one of my children has ever set foot in a doctor's office,

[01:14:56] Luke Storey: Really?

[01:14:57] Mark Squibb: Ever.

[01:14:58] Luke Storey: Damn, man.

[01:14:59] Mark Squibb: And I just told you the story of how that ended, which it was a five-year salvage project.

[01:15:04] Luke Storey: Yeah.

[01:15:05] Mark Squibb: Ok. And so, it's like, okay, getting out, and having that independence with respect. So, what we've done with the development of the product is look for strategies. So, like we talked about the brain, while there are other ones that focus on the pelvic floor or sexual function, there's one that focuses on the stomach and the skin like five years ago.

[01:15:32] Luke Storey: How many years of age are you, if you don't mind me asking? 

[01:15:34] Mark Squibb: I'm 60.

[01:15:35] Luke Storey: You're 60. Dude, your skin looks incredible. Like, honestly, I've been sitting here wondering, how old is this dude?

[01:15:41] Mark Squibb: Well, okay, so-

[01:15:42] Luke Storey: But you got some gray hair, so I was like, well, he's older than me.

[01:15:45] Mark Squibb: Those are earned.

[01:15:46] Luke Storey: He's older than me, but like honestly, I'm not shitting, those watching the video, like your skin looks incredible.

[01:15:53] Mark Squibb: Thank you.

[01:15:53] Luke Storey: I'm sure that has something to do with you doing your technology every day.

[01:15:57] Mark Squibb: Well, the story goes with that. Like that would be SkinO2. Okay. Back a few years ago, back in 2012, my house burned down, and we were probably one of the big fires in Colorado, and I ended up trying to build a company, trying to build a house, and I didn't want to be under any debt. And so, I said, what's going on? And I reached up, and my hair was falling out, I was developing a bald spot, I'm like, okay, what's going on there?

[01:16:20] And then, I realized that, okay, what's happening is the stress and the blood flow to the hair follicles was being compromised, so I said, oh, I know how to fix that, and that's when I started to develop the more specific protocols. So, like for example, if you take a little niacin, it causes the capillaries, and the vessels and stuff in the skin to dilate and open up, because you flushed red and you itch. Well, I was like, wow, what happens? What would happen if I took a shot of niacin before I get on and trained?

[01:16:50] So, I got them opened up, and then you train, and all of a sudden, the blood flushes to the skin. And so, like one of our fun things to do is you take some woman, and say, or some man, and say, okay, here, would you like to look a little younger? Like, sure. Okay. Take a shot of niacin, like the 500 mg capsule, before you get on LiveO2. Sure enough, in two or three days, the extra collagen will regenerate. And in my case, it was like, I didn't want my hair to fall out, and right now, I have just about as much hair as I had five years ago.

[01:17:23] Luke Storey: Wow, wild. So, within your ecosystem, what's your website?

[01:17:29] Mark Squibb: Liveo2.com, L-I-V-E-letter O-digit 2-.com.

[01:17:33] Luke Storey: LiveO2.com. I was poking around a bit in there and also looking at some of the literature that you had at your table, and it looks like you have a number of different, very targeted protocol for different things, right? Cold and flu, immunity kind of stuff. You mentioned the pelvic floor sexual function. Are those kind of in the ecosystem within your customer base, where if somebody owns the technology, they can go in, and go, oh, I want to work on this or work on that, and you've developed specific protocol for those goals.

[01:18:02] Mark Squibb: Correct.

[01:18:02] Luke Storey: Is that kind of how you do it?

[01:18:03] Mark Squibb: Yeah. So, like most, LiveO2 is not a medical product. It's not intended for anything except for training. But what happens is people will end up with the product, and they call us, and say, okay, hey, how would I send more blood to this part of the body? And so, what we've ended up doing is architecting different strategies that the recipe is pretty simple. You use whatever you can to maximize blood flow to an organ or a tissue. And then, you switch over and you send oxygen to it. 

[01:18:39] So, like if you're targeting the skin, you use a substance like niacin that's a vasodilator that will basically cover—well, it'll dilate a number of tissues. So, if you're targeting oxygen to other tissues, shot a niacin before. Okay. If you're targeting the stomach, same thing, niacin, different timing, but if you hit the stomach with a little cayenne pepper, you'll stress the stomach and cause the body to send more blood to the stomach. So, if you time that consistent with your workout, you can activate or target the stomach.

[01:19:09] And so, there are different recipes for different tissues. So, what we do is like somebody buys a product, and you get it home, they bought it because they wanted to solve two or three problems. Then, their neighbor comes over, say, well, I got a different problem. So, what we try to do is design our usage scenarios, or protocols, or programs so that the product itself works like a Swiss Army knife, problem, solution, problem, solution.

[01:19:37] The philosophy is the same, but we usually go out and integrate with other products. So, like if there's a particular something that goes wrong, like with sexual function, we'll augment that with whatever chemicals are known to be helpful with like, for example, sexual function. You've got basically vascular congestion in the pelvic floor, prostate, et cetera. And if you can get that stuff to clean itself up, then all of a sudden, things go back to the way they used to be.

[01:20:14] Luke Storey: What are some of the other tools that you have at home? Just curious. For me, my ozone generator is one of my mains. Like I would feel uncomfortable if I didn't have that, because like what you're describing, it's something that I use for tons of different applications. It has so many uses. I mean, you could make ozone water and wash your dishes, or clean the toilet.

[01:20:35] Mark Squibb: We have a product LiveO3 that attaches to the front. So, my use for it is like I'll put it in the sauna when I'm in the sauna, so I'll get dermal application of ozone. These are not on the market, really, but I develop a trauma pad. I keep a long list of supplements in the house, glutathione, et cetera. What else? The other main one I have is a pulsed electromagnetic field generator.

[01:21:03] Luke Storey: Which one do you have?

[01:21:04] Mark Squibb: A Magnapulse, which is a brand, I kind of abandoned that because I'm so busy marketing and developing the LiveO2. But for household trauma care, they're indispensable. So, there are basically three. There's the LiveO2 with the sauna. There's the pulse machine. There are some good ones out there. And then, I developed another product we call an ePad. It's a trauma pad, so that's like a travel. Again, I haven't put them on the market because I don't have the bandwidth. But they are 3,000-year-old technology based on Native American Indian healing stones.

[01:21:44] Luke Storey: Really?

[01:21:44] Mark Squibb: Yeah, they're outrageous.

[01:21:46] Luke Storey: Wow. Do you think you're ever going to do something with that?

[01:21:48] Mark Squibb: I'd love to. But anyway, so it's like in terms of what I have in my house, if somebody wants to help me, I'd be happy to enable them, I just don't have the funding and the resources. And then, I'm pretty solid in Dr. Revici's technology, so I have most of his compounds available. So, another big one there would be the lipid selenium, because that's, well, story, my wife just came back from the Appalachian Trail two weeks ago. Anyway, so she managed to get in this poison ivy and her privates were literally swollen shut.

[01:22:27] Luke Storey: Oh, my God. That's horrible.

[01:22:29] Mark Squibb: Okay. If you want a recipe for developing utility value with your spouse, fixing that will score you gazillion points. So, anyway, she came home and just like, okay, first step was charcoal, because you've got ubiquinol in there and it's basically toxic. And then, the second one was a substance that we're just now packaging called monoammonium phosphate, monobasic ammonium phosphate, which is a Revici, but basically, it neutralizes extracellular alkalosis, which shuts down the itching.

[01:23:04] So, any time you get a viral infection, the itching or a big part of the dysfunction comes from when cells can't get oxygen, they will switch over to use chlorine. Okay. When the cells pull chlorine out of the extracellular fluid, it orphans the sodium, and then the sodium grabs onto the hydroxide side of the water, so you end up with sodium hydroxide surroundings, so you end up with an acute or severe alkalosis, which causes itching. And so, if you can give the body the acid it takes to neutralize that, like, for example, in the case of poison ivy, you can go from a discomfort of 10 to maybe one or two in five minutes.

[01:23:50] Luke Storey: Wow. Wild.

[01:23:51] Mark Squibb: So, anyway, I'm just back to how to score lots of brownie points with your wife.

[01:23:57] Luke Storey: My first one would be, honey, that's poison ivy, don't step there. But you weren't there.

[01:24:02] Mark Squibb: I wasn't there. And then, the next phase, which is when you get into the real technology, like for example, the selenium substance, which, actually, we do have available that has a net effect of neutralizing the cellular toxins. So, like once you get a cell that's in this distressed state because it's been toxified by, like in this case, poison ivy, I was able to give that to her. And that actually is cellular-targeted.

[01:24:30] It'll go to the cells and start to break down the ubiquinol. So, she was able to recover from, what, an infection that would have hospitalized most people in, I don't know, just over seven days. I mean, she was in bed for two or three. But anyway, in terms of winning spouse brownie points and utility value, that was it. So, when you get down the list of tools, those four or five things are phenomenally valuable.

[01:24:57] Luke Storey: Awesome, man. Thanks for sharing that. I just thought of that, I'm thinking, I wonder what he's got in his house. He must have some cool stuff. I mean, if you've avoided putting your kids in a doctor's office for that long, you've got to have some good home remedies. That's, I think, the cool thing nowadays. Like more people, you're not writing this stuff off as that was all granny's wisdom, like folk remedies, and things like that that, I think, got discredited.

[01:25:21] I think that if you go back a few years, you can see a lot of these things either weren't developed like some of the things you're describing, but a lot of folk remedies are real. But because they're not patentable, especially if they're just a plant extract, well, then there was a pretty obviously concerted effort to discount a lot of that stuff as just wives tale medicine, but a lot of it really works. And now, many of us are rediscovering that, because we're going like, no, I want to do my own thing. So, what is your own thing? You can find this stuff out.

[01:25:51] Mark Squibb: I want to jump on the kids deal. Okay. Like we raised three kids. Alright. They're rock solid. Okay. But the most important thing there is the food. Okay. How are you going to build something solid out of crap? Okay. So, like with respect to raising healthy children and growing, real meat, high-quality food. I mean, that investment was at the grocery store. I mean, my wife is a fabulous cook, at like dinner, like, man, it's awesome. But that awesome food is not a luxury, especially if you're trying to grow healthy bodies.

[01:26:35] So, to any parents out there, it's like, look, when you're feeding the kid, realize you're building something solid and it's going to be what you put inside the body. So, invest the money in the food that it takes to build your kid's bodies. And start from the beginning. Don't skimp, because it's not the magic stuff in the house, that stuff only gets used when there are problems. But that actually applies to, as you get older, too, it's like, if you eat shit, you're going to be shit.

[01:27:10] Luke Storey: There's the tweetable from the episode. This could be your takeaway quote. No, that's great, man. I appreciate that. Well, I got one more question for you today. Who have been three teachers or teachings that have influenced you, your life, your work that you might share with us?

[01:27:26] Mark Squibb: Well, the first was my business partner for many years, God rest his soul, his name's John Bastian. He was a lovely human. And I had the privilege of being his business partner for about 50 years—15 years. I apologize. But he was just a really-

[01:27:42] Luke Storey: I'm like, so you guys got started when you were 10? Wow.

[01:27:46] Mark Squibb: No. I met him when I was about, I don't know, 28, 30, something like that. And he was a partner in the software business. But the thing I always loved about working with him was he was just a really mature, nice businessman. And I didn't realize it until, it took me 10, 12 years to realize how wonderful it was to have somebody as a mentor that was just a solid, mature male that I learned from, because I didn't know how much I learned, so that would be one. 

[01:28:18] And then, the other two of my heroes would be Dr. Manfred von Ardenne, who was the guy that did the original pilot research on the oxygen stuff, brilliant guy. And then, the third would be Dr. Emanuel Revici. He was a guy that did all this fabulous chemistry. So, to the extent my wife loves me, it was his science that made me do that. And I look at how these people were abused and not appreciated in their time, so to the extent they're out there, God bless them all for being wonderful humans, and contributing stuff that I could take, and build on, and I hope they're looking over my shoulder, and guiding me to be good, and help others carry forward their work.

[01:29:06] Luke Storey: Yeah, awesome. Thank you for that. I have a sense that you're going to be one of those people for some other people someday, too. Yeah, thanks for doing the work that you do. So, we already gave the liveo2.com site out, so we've got that. What about anything social media-wise you want to share with people that want to follow you?

[01:29:23] Mark Squibb: LiveO2 is good.

[01:29:24] Luke Storey: It's all on there?

[01:29:25] Mark Squibb: Yeah.

[01:29:26] Luke Storey: Okay. Cool. Awesome, man. Well, thank you so much. Great to get to know you. I knew, today, when we met, as I said earlier, I was like, this guy, he's a deep well, we're going to have a cool conversation, and it certainly was, so thanks for taking the time to share with us.

[01:29:38] Mark Squibb: Thank you.



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