Dr. Chris Rinsch is the co-founder and CEO of Amazentis, an innovative life science company dedicated to employing breakthrough research and clinical science to bring advanced therapeutic nutrition products to life. Dr. Rinsch has authored original publications in leading scientific journals, including nature medicine, nature metabolism, and others, for his research on urolithin a, mitochondrial health, and cell and gene therapy. He is also an inventor on a number of internationally filed and granted patents. Dr. Rinsch holds an MBA from France, a Ph.D. in cell and molecular biology from the University of Lausanne, a master of science in biomedical engineering from UT Southwestern Medical Center, and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Harvey Mudd College.

We’re all familiar with pomegranates, right? Until recently, I thought they were nothing more than a tasty fruit. That was until I discovered that they contained ellagitannins, a potent compound that transmutes into Urolithin A, which improves mitochondrial and muscle function. 

Here to explain the science behind this chemical chain reaction is Dr. Chris Rinsch, the mighty mind who spent over a decade rigorously developing Mitopure – the supplement-shortcut to rejuvenate your mitochondria, boost your cellular energy, and increase muscle strength. 

By now, you probably know that I’m a total “mitochondriac” and will stop at nothing to super fuel my longevity. But drowning myself in sugary glasses of pomegranate juice did not seem like the most holistic health option. These trusty sachets of Mitopure have been just the energetic kick I’ve been looking for. You can get 10% when you use the code LUKE10 HERE.


06:20 — Let’s Talk Mitochondria

18:26 — The Power of Urolithin A

  • The wonders of pomegranates 

  • How Urolithin A impacts mitochondrial function 

  • How Urolithin A helps muscle performance 

  • Why a healthy diet alone won’t give you enough Urolithin A

42:16 — The Marvels of Mitopure

  • The perfect dose of Mitopure 

  • How Mitopure metabolizes in the body 

  • Urolithin A and brain function

  • The robust science that backs Mitopure 


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