418. Injection Recovery Protocols & Finding Forgiveness for Perpetrators of Evil w/ Jonathan Otto

Jonathan Otto

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

My guest today is Jonathan Otto, an investigative journalist, filmmaker, and humanitarian. His upcoming work, the Unbreakable Series, is a brave nine-part exploration of never-before-seen truth as it relates to the plandemic and its so-called solutions. In this one, we explore some powerful and creative solutions to the issues we face both on a physical and metaphysical level.

Jonathan Otto has created several highly-acclaimed, groundbreaking docuseries — Vaccine Secrets, COVID Secrets, Depression, Anxiety & Dementia Secrets, Autoimmune Secrets, Natural Medicine Secrets, Women’s Health Secrets, and Autoimmune Answers — covering innovative, effective natural remedies for autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative disease, mental health, cancer, and heart disease.

His work has been featured in international TV broadcasts, print media, national news, and radio broadcasts. He received the awards, Young Citizen of the Year and International Volunteer of the Year, by the Australian government for international humanitarian contributions, which he continues to support.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

My guest today is Jonathan Otto, an investigative journalist, filmmaker, and humanitarian. His upcoming work, the Unbreakable Series, is a brave nine-part exploration of never-before-seen truth as it relates to the plandemic and its so-called solutions. In this one, we explore some powerful and creative solutions to the issues we face both on a physical and metaphysical level.

You are in for some mind blowing information about the medical/media tyranny we are currently experiencing. But fear not my friends – yes, Jonathan lays out all kinds of reasons to be fearful, pissed off, even hopeless – he also provides the one divine solution and true combatant to all of these things: love (and how to wield it for good).

This one goes far beyond the fear porn and rage common in the truth movement. Stay tuned and keep an open mind. It might just save your life.

00:07:07 — Discovering Truth in the Lies 

  • Got a job to sponsor a hungry child 
  • Trip toTanzania in high school
  • The realization that a lack of information was hurting people 
  • Reckoning with the vast risk in truth telling 
  • The unpersoning of Alex Jones (InfoWars/NPR)
  • Gaining a boots-on-the-ground perspective 

00:23:55 — The Insane Learnings of a Documentarian     

00:39:15 — Education, Punishment & Forgiveness 

  • Nine-part documentary series: Unbreakable Series
  • Negative health reactions and comorbidities 
  • The insanity of reading a blank label
  • Denial and those that are unwilling to see their own shadow 
  • What it takes to get eaten in a Jurassic Park film
  • Removing oneself from the negativity porn 
  • Reframing the ideas of punishment and evil
  • Just Mercy (2019)
  • Incredible examples of goodness from the Rwandan genocide
  • Lessons from Ted Bundy’s last interview 

01:28:11 — Media’s Role in Molding the Mind 

More about this episode.

Watch on YouTube.


Jonathan Otto:  [00:00:13] The only real answer I have for people which I think is the greatest answer, which is, don't look for external factors to validate the love and the reality that you can have in this moment, regardless of the Illuminati, the darkness, the bad guys, what they're doing to you. It doesn't have to affect you. You have love and joy and peace in your life because the source that you get that from is on access all the time, every moment of every day and that is only pure love. I'm Jonathan Otto and this is the Life Stylist podcast.

Luke Storey:  [00:00:49] Okay, LSP listeners, I've got a fresher of a show for you today, my friends. If you caught my prior episodes on the plandemic and related events of the past two years with folks like David Icke, Dr. Tom Cowen, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Charles Eisenstein, and Kelly Brogan, you are in for some mind-blowing information about the medical tyranny we are currently experiencing. 

But fear not my friends. This one goes far beyond the fear porn and rage common in the Truther movement. My guest Jonathan Otto and I explore some powerful and creative solutions to the issues we face both on a physical and metaphysical level in this conversation. If you're new to this podcast, I'll recommend buckling your seat belt as the ride could be a bit jarring at times. If snake venom bioweapons and detox protocols to get them out of your system is new to you, I'll encourage you to stay tuned and to keep an open mind. It might just save your life. 

And some of the information presented here is pretty far out, yet at the same time seems to have a solid body of proof behind it. Folks, this is episode 418, Injection Recovery Protocols and Finding Forgiveness for Perpetrators of Evil with Jonathan Otto. We're going to cover a lot of information here and I'm guessing many of you are going to be taking some notes. 

So I want to let you know if you are interested in getting your hands on the detox protocols mentioned or any of the other details discussed, you're definitely going to want to dig into the show notes and links. You can find all of that at lukestorey.com/otto, that's O-T-T-O. lukestorey.com/otto is your home for show notes. 

Let's get to know our guest. Jonathan Otto is an investigative journalist, filmmaker, and humanitarian. His life narrative is characterized by his unceasing desire to uncover truth and alleviate suffering. I think we have a lot in common in regard to his life purpose. The Australian-born filmmaker attributes a childhood experience as being a catalyst for his passion. 

To check out Jonathan's archive of alternative health documentaries, here's what you do. Go to lukestorey.com/healthsecrets. Again, that's lukestorey.com/healthsecrets or just click on that link in your podcast app show notes. And as a matter of fact, yours truly was featured in one of Jonathan's documentaries, so you might just find it there if you visit that link. 

Now, the topics covered in this one are varied and vast. So I'll just offer a couple teasers here to get you primed for the show. We discussed finding the courage to go all in on spreading the truth, the surprising parallels between third world countries and developed countries, using nicotine and other surprising tools to detox clexane venom, focusing on solutions not just indulgence and trauma and danger, why some people still trust the government at this point in history, the underpinnings of storylines and movies that program us unknowingly, why you might experience hangovers from violent films, the real reason the bad guy always has to die at the end of a story, Ted Bundy's dying testimony and what we should learn from it, shaping society's values by subtly breaking down values, how the powers that be work to shape society's future values by subtly breaking down our past values, how Hollywood is targeting children through film and TV. Mr. Otto also breaks down the Hegelian dialectic and its role in the current culture war, and finally, the paramount importance of living according to love instead of fighting evil, and so, so much more. 

If you find yourself relating to the episode you're about to hear, I have a feeling you'll love my telegram channel where I post all of the forbidden content that would be censored on the big-tech platforms. You can find it at lukestorey.com/telegram if you've got the stomach for it. Now it's time to dive into the expansive heart and mind of Mr. Jonathan Otto. Enjoy the show and big blessings to you and yours. All right, man, Jonathan Otto, here we are, brother. 

Jonathan Otto:  [00:04:46] Yes. 

Luke Storey:  [00:04:47] Great to see you again. 

Jonathan Otto:  [00:04:48] Same. 

Luke Storey:  [00:04:49] You were one of those people that I ran into this weekend and was like, I totally know that guy and I had no clue where or when. And then you reminded me in one of your many documentaries that you created that you featured me in the film, and I realized, wow, I never even saw that. So hopefully I made the cut. But here we are. And you were on a panel yesterday here on paleo effects. And I just really liked your energy and your perspective and wanted to learn more about you and your work, and I'm really excited to have this conversation with you.

Jonathan Otto:  [00:05:21] Thank you, Luke. And thank you for seeing me. Thank you for being that kind of person. I think that that's a beautiful thing, just to be seen, the fact that you noticed, I find that very inviting and kyphotic just to be noticed, I think.

Luke Storey:  [00:05:39] Yeah. Well, there's kind of a-- and you might have this with your filmmaking, but for me, there's a secret sauce gut instinct that guides my selection of podcast guests. And sometimes it's calculated and thought out, and there's perhaps a bigger purpose or agenda strategically, or relationally, or other ways. And other times I just meet someone and I'm like, I like their energy. It's going to be good. And my instincts, thankfully, are pretty good in that regard. 

Jonathan Otto:  [00:06:08] I think they are. 

Luke Storey:  [00:06:10] So I almost don't know where to start because normally, I'm very prepared for conversations. And this one is going to be very spontaneous and spur the moment, which is exciting. Perhaps we could begin by exploring some of your background in filmmaking and then maybe just dip into some of those topics that you've covered in your films and expand on those because I think you have these neat buckets of these topics that you've covered in your films, many of them quite controversial. 

Luke Storey:  [00:06:44] So I want to let the people know that are listening to this podcast, although podcasts at this point in history aren't terribly censored, the other mainstream media or legacy media channels are, and so we're probably going to have to use some coded language to try to get this message out. So people are listening who are like, what are they even talking about, know that we're trying to be mindful about not just getting totally nuked from the Internet, especially with the new Ministry of Truth that this regime has recently installed, which would have been a couple months ago, by the time this comes out where now the White House has put someone in place to decide what information is misinformation or true information, which is terrifying to democracy. But we'll do our best to speak freely and yet, at the same time try not to shoot ourselves in the foot, so to speak. 

Jonathan Otto:  [00:07:34] You got it. 

Luke Storey:  [00:07:35] So maybe, let's start with how you got into filmmaking and what led you into covering some of the more controversial topics that you've covered in your films.

Jonathan Otto:  [00:07:45] So thanks for asking. So, for me, it was this interest in people. And I had made a connection when I was really young. I believe it was at age seven that people were suffering immensely. And I had the audacity to believe that there was something I could do about it. And media was just an avenue for that. So first, it was this World Vision commercial where children were clearly hungry. And it certainly tugged on my emotions, but I was breaking down emotionally. And my mom saw me and she's like, what's wrong? And I say to her, we need a sponsor a child. And she says, well, you can do that if you learn how to make money. 

So I started delivering newspapers in order to learn how to generate revenue using that to sponsor a child. So then I thought, wow, there's so many problems in the world. What if I could be a part of the solution and use media to tell a story, to put an end to some part of that or as much suffering that I could? And so I developed skills in storytelling as I went through. Early in high school, I started covering subjects like injustice and developing world issues and researching these things and presenting on them. 

And by the age of 17, I was traveling out to Tanzania with World Vision and doing humanitarian aid work and advocacy. And that's when I first started pulling out the video camera and capturing stories. And I felt like if I could tell these stories, that it would somehow make all the suffering of what had happened to people make sense and that story would be able to bring light to their situation. That would mean that it wasn't just for nothing. 

And so that was motivating that I did a degree in journalism and media production in Australia. I went on to do a diploma of education so I could teach English literature, but I really then found myself gravitating back to telling story through film, and investigating and doing deep investigative journalism into things that I felt that were creating suffering worldwide. 

And so then that was a huge discovery for me to see that people were suffering and whether it was autoimmune disease or cancer or dementia, due to a lack of information and lies that were being perpetuated, and that truth told through our stories and through expert advice and conversations, protocols, information, this could save lives and create the future that I believed that was going to be best and what I would want for myself and my family. So then I became very dedicated to that. 

And that then naturally ended up taking me down some controversial paths. And last year, it got even more controversial, which I dreaded. I have a young family. It was a very sobering conversation with my wife saying, I feel like I need to cover these subjects. She said, well, you need to pray to God and ask Him if that's what you want. I said, I think that God is the one asking me to do this. So it was just a really interesting experience.

Luke Storey:  [00:10:54] Yeah, it is interesting when you're in a position like you and I both are in our different respects of producing media and you have a drive to share information that you believe in your heart could help people and sometimes that information is inherently controversial, and could bring about repercussions into your livelihood. I have a growing family. I have a wife and a couple pets as of yet, but we're working on expanding that. 

But it's one thing if you're just kind of a solo renegade, right? It's just like, I don't care. I'm going to speak my truth and they can cancel me if they want. But it's interesting now in the socio political and industrial medical complex system that one's livelihood, their family's reputation, and even in some extreme cases their very life itself can be threatened from going too far. You're really tempting fate in some cases if you go too far out there. So I respect the fact that you've been able to do that. And it's wonderful that you have a partner that's able to stand behind you, even though it is, in some ways, dangerous, as extreme as that might sound when we're talking about the V-A-C-C-I-N-E-S, for example, the C-O-V-I-D, these kinds of things. 

The audience will see where I'm going with this coded language. And we'll come up with abbreviations as we carry on. And some of the stuff you've covered in your films. I mean, it's not just like, oh, I'm going to get written off as a conspiracy theorist kook, and that could hurt my career. It's like, literally, you could be demonetized. PayPal can cut you off, Chase can cut you off, YouTube cut you off, all the social media platforms. You get what I call Alex Jones who I think was the test case for them to say, let's take someone who is viewed as very extreme by a large portion of the population. Let's unperson him completely all at once in a unified fashion and see what happens. 

And no one stood up for him because he has points of view that are generally controversial to so many people despite his massive, massive audience and the fact that we now look back and go, he was right about 95% of the crazy shit that he was talking about for the past 25 years. But once they did that, I was like, oh, I have a fork in the road here. Like, do I want to play it safe and like protect my brand, protect my revenue, my family? Or do I want to find a way to creatively and strategically speak my truth and give a platform to some people like David Icke or someone who is generally considered to be very cancelable? 

So it's really interesting to me that you've made the decision to move forward with the hope of benefiting humanity at the possible personal risk involved. What is it in you? Is it your personal integrity or your faith in goodness and humanity and love that just feels that you're in some way protected or insulated from harms way because the mission feel so right to you? What is it that gives you the courage to just go, you know what? This is what I'm supposed to do. I'm doing it.

Jonathan Otto:  [00:14:18] I think it's something like that. For me, the visceral experience of being with people that have been injured and their lives have been tragically thrown into this chaos and they suffer so much, children and children with parents that are not sure if they're going to make it after they've had an injury from taking these things into their body, these injections. And then you think about it when you're with them in that moment, and you're feeling everything they're feeling and it just passes through. You're able to be a spectator and you feel like a little glimpse of what it'd be like to be in their shoes. I don't know if you have many options at that point. 

For me, I felt like I really had any options just like this is what I need to do. And then on the other token, you see it both ways. You say, well, I don't want to put my family through this. And then on the other side, I don't want my family to be in a world where these things are let to be. And then what do I say to them and what world do they have anyway? So then that's why I play all out, because it's all or nothing because that's hell anyway. So I may as well stand and speak truth. And I do believe in that. I do believe in protection. And then I also believe that if it was my time, I accept that. I actually believe in eternal life. These are the things that make me play a little less scares than what I would have if I didn't believe in those things. So that is pretty encouraging.

Luke Storey:  [00:15:56] That's a good point. I always think of this. It might be from ancient Greece. I want to trace the origins of it. But it's this principle, if you die before you die, you never die. 

Jonathan Otto:  [00:16:08] That's cool that. 

Luke Storey:  [00:16:09] There's so much in that, but being able to view one's life experience as just a chapter in an infinite film. You know what I mean, speaking of film? But we get so myopic, and like, oh, this is my name. This is my persona, my identity, my family. This is the one shot I've got. And inherent to that is so much fear of death, because this is your one game versus, oh, this is just a chapter. Not that I don't value my life, I do everything I can to preserve it, but I think that worldview does enable one to access perhaps a deeper level of courage and lower your aversion to risk because, you know, like, this isn't the only game in town. We're going to play this one hard, hopefully play it right to the best of our understanding and know that in the great scheme of things we will carry on, right?

Jonathan Otto:  [00:17:02] Exactly, yeah. And it to me, it's like it's two-fold. It makes me more sober with choices that I would have been more reckless on, which is interesting. So it makes me less likely to do something like really physically dangerous, where I'm like, I could die doing this thing. I have children. That's not a future I want to put them through. I don't want to go out on those terms. And then on the other hand, it's if this is right, if this is going to help people-- like I was in Kenya, and we were doing some pretty dangerous missions in that I was in a police camp, and they even just said with me having a phone out, I'd get shot at just at night because they would settle out and just shoot and kill and they turn that thing off. 

And so we're right near the Ethiopian border, and it turned out to be true in that we had one of our drivers shot. He survived. But then my wife was even pregnant at the time when I went out to one of the famine relief trips. And I just realized, wow, the stakes keep getting higher for me in the sense that, should I be doing this? This is the right thing to do. And then the two realities is people starving and suffering. 

Luke Storey:  [00:18:50] So with the humanitarian work that you've done, going to these impoverished companies-- I checked out your Instagram and I was like, wow, this dude's done a lot of traveling and really boots on the ground helping people-- I often wonder with that type of work, and I'm not really familiar with that, that hasn't been my avenue of service, but I think your films have illuminated that there is a cause of the suffering in these impoverished people and these indigenous peoples from around the world who have had their resources taken from them and have been enslaved and subjugated and exploited. 

Jonathan Otto:  [00:19:19] And I just then trust because we were at risk anyway if we get in a car and drive. I'm at risk if I'm there. I think it's actually surprisingly comparable. So I think it's just like living in love, but also being mindful of the fact that I'm in a relationship. So I have to be patient with that. I have to talk to my wife like, I'm doing this rather. And say, how do you feel about this? And let her take time to feel into that and to love that cause, those people independently and then for us to say, wow, this really matters to us. And then when I go out, talk to my boys before I leave, "Dad is going to go help people." Say, "We want to come with you. I want to come with you, dad. I want to help people too." I say, "You're helping people in me right now and you will come and help with me." 

Luke Storey:  [00:19:27] And sometimes I see someone in another country, oh, I'm going to go teach English at the school or drop off bags of rice to the starving. And it's like, well intentioned, but I often think like, yeah, but who are the baddies that are doing it? We got to go after the root of the problem, not necessarily the symptom. What have you found in terms of that hands on, actually one-on-one helping someone who's in pain and loss and in need versus some of the work you've done where you start to look at the deeper levels of how these people have been exploited and who it is that's actually doing it?

Jonathan Otto:  [00:20:06] So they're really good questions because you don't want to put a bandaid on the issue and just go in there and go, here's a little bit of food and then the corruption still gobbles that up at the end of the day. So you want to understand that. I remember taking images of the famine in 2017 of when people literally died in my arm of starvation. And I would take these images back to the government officials. As they're going in and out of parliament at the local parliament, I would show them the images and they would deny that this was happening. And so the interest there in the people was typically not there. 

But on the other hand, it's really not a lot different from what you're seeing in developed countries as well, the way that they're treating their people. But bird's eye view, for me, the reason why I do what I do with that and why I think that people should know that there is so much power in their views and what they do is because I think that everything operates on this principle of love where, what motivation is that coming from? If it is coming from love, love always wins. And it is the pervasive force. 

And so if something is done, and it appears to be good, but it's not motivated by love, that actually eventually or quite quickly comes to the surface. But when something is deeply motivated by love, there's a huge problem people are suffering and then people from other countries then surge into that issue like in the regions of Kenya that we're working in, we're about to go through the major chapters of famine and people are emaciated just like they were back in 2017, with the work that we're doing in the three regions that we're working, and I believe that there's potentially going to be-- it'll be not a single person dies of starvation because of the intervention. 

So the reality at the end of the day is that it does work. And so sometimes this requires outside support and everyone's saying, well, I'm a part of this, and making a difference and being a part of it, not asking for permission or seeing a boundary by country of you've compartmentalized them and said that's their government's problem. But often the problem is that even if the governments wanted to solve it, they don't have the resources. So you've got to just think big.

Luke Storey:  [00:22:26] Yeah, I like that perspective, especially the bit, if it's done out of love, then there's not really quantification of whether you're feeding one kid in need or you're creating a film that gets 11 million views that's exposing the network of sociopaths that are upstream from that problem that you see in the village. It's like, it's kind of all the same. I think that's the thing I wonder sometimes is like, are you really doing any good? 

But it reminds me of that parable-- and I might not get it exactly right, but it's something to the effect that a bunch of crabs have washed up on the beach, thousands of crabs and they're all fit to die. This guy's walking down the beach, and he's picking up one crab at a time and throwing them out to sea and saving their lives. And another guy walks up and says, "Man, look, you're not going to make a difference throwing one crab at a time. Why do you bother trying to save 10 crabs lives?" And he throws one out. And he goes, "Ask that one if it mattered?" It's something like that.

Jonathan Otto:  [00:23:25] Exactly. I think it's starfish. We'll let the audience research it because the starfish can't move away. [Interposing voices] the crabs can roll back in.

Luke Storey:  [00:23:26] Oh yeah, that's right. Crabs can just be like, I'm walking back in the ocean.

Jonathan Otto:  [00:23:37] Yeah, exactly. But this, I think it's starfish. But the point is true either way. It's possible the crab is stuck and he needs help too.

Luke Storey:  [00:23:44] No, I totally had it wrong. Crabs can very easily walk back into the sea. Starfish, I'm going to remember that. So let's dive into, as delicately as we can, some of the topics that you've covered in your films. Maybe give us the names with some sort of-- again, not for the podcast listeners, but more for the video element of this and the fact that we're live streaming on these communist platforms.

Jonathan Otto:  [00:24:09] So autoimmune secrets, depression, anxiety, dementia, secrets, natural medicine secrets. So my company helps secret. We've just use some of those titles, new film that I'm working on, Unbreakable, Destined to Thrive. It's all about people getting injuries from the supposed safe and effective things that are getting put into people and how severe those injuries have actually been and what we can do to understand the mechanism of why that's happening and how people can reverse these issues. 

I believe that conversation comes from a place of love when people say, I'm not willing just to let this person suffer. We have to find answers. I'm willing to keep trying, keep trying. And so we've seen some really amazing data come out of that and so we'll be revealing that. I worked with another group on a film called The Truth About V-AC-C-I-N-E, so about these and truth about cancer. And that was great, working as a producer on that, seeing some of the things that were coming in the future. And we talked about that, like what was coming in 2020. We talked about that back in 2014, or '15, with the truth about V. So mandatory Vs coming for adult healthy people 2020, these things were being talked about is very surprising. So it was very much a handbook. 

So lots of the things that were unfolding, I and others saw them coming from a long time ago. And it was like watching a train wreck in slow motion, and feeling so sad that people were subjecting themselves to these things. This new film I'm releasing Unbreakable is talking about a congressional hearing from 1975, where the CIA is showing that they developed a heart attack gun that was using shellfish toxin, and it could enter the subject without them knowing, and it would cause a heart attack and it's all visible, disclosed. And they disclosed that in the labs it was found, they said 19 different venoms and toxins, including cobra venom.

Luke Storey:  [00:26:21] Oh my God. And this is verifiable. It was like not a theory. This is stated [Interposing voices].

Jonathan Otto:  [00:26:26] That's right. Of course, you can watch all the video footage from 1975, The Congressional hearing with the director of the CIA and also the Senator Frank Church, and they disclose William Colby, the director of the CIA, shows the gun and they go through all the coordinates and the woman that designed it or that found the shellfish option. Her name is Mary Embree. She was only 18 at the time working for the CIA. And they tasked her with this to find something that can enter a victim, create a heart attack without them knowing and be untraceable in autopsy. And it's all public. She discloses that information that she found. She had to leave the CIA because she was so morally conflicted on what she was a part of.

So that technology was developed. And the surprising realities of what's coming up in people's bodies that are infected with this certain virus is a peer reviewed study that came out in October of 2021, was showing that the people that were infected with this versus those that weren't had a combination of 36 different toxin-like peptides, almost identical to, and then it lists the venoms of different shellfish and snakes. 

And then it does it in table one. It goes through all 36 different Malayan crate or the Eastern brown snake or the coral snake or the conotoxin from the crown-of-thorns starfish. It goes into detail. So how did these structures get into people? And so we start seeing, wow, is this technology that was being used? Is this why it's so harmful? Is this why some people can get such visceral and vivid and life threatening reactions in such short periods of time which is unusual? And the death rates, the heartstopping, is this envenomation? So these are some questions I think people should answer.

Luke Storey:  [00:28:22] Oh, wow, that's bananas. So going back to your earlier film where you're exploring the Vs in general, like childhood schedule Vs, these things and you're meeting these families and families of children that have been injured and things like this, in those scenarios, the injuries sometimes take place over the course of larger periods of time, long periods of time and it's much harder to maybe trace that. So what you're saying is, with what's been discovered in this case, with the modern Vs, with the Vs of the day, is that traces of these other substances are showing up and that's why we're seeing sometimes these instantaneous side effects.

Jonathan Otto:  [00:29:08] Exactly. 

Luke Storey:  [00:29:09] Wow. 

Jonathan Otto:  [00:29:10] So it's a different technology. And that's why we're seeing such immediate reactions. And you'll see that in envenomation the people typically, if they're going to die from it die within two to three days. And then if you look at the data of the 27,000 deaths that have been reported to Vegas, so that's mostly US based, or certainly a US based system, and then most reports are from the US or a bigger portion of them are, over 50% of those happened within the first 48 hours, around that number and then certainly 80% within the first 12 days. So that is again, resembling what you would expect to see with envenomation. 

Again, those are things that are just linking things together and just seeing does this kind of fit it? But these other things that I was mentioning were the study that I referenced that was urine, fecal samples, and plasma. So it was found in the samples, these evidence of the toxin like peptides, almost identical to the venoms, which actually shows that it's not the actual venom, it's a peptide, toxin-like peptide, which means it's a replica of it. It's a copy that has been manufactured. It's synthetic, which means that it can be produced at scale, which actually makes a lot more sense. And so they're really concerning, but it brings up also avenues for how people can get better as well because then you understand how this protein is working in the body, and you look at treatments. It's interesting, the nicotinic receptors, people are finding using the avenues like chewing nicotine is creating a surge in the body to stimulate the body to target that issue.

Luke Storey:  [00:31:04] I'm chewing some right now, so I'm good.

Jonathan Otto:  [00:31:05] It actually has been proven to help. There was one woman, it was a conducted tour, which for me, I would generally avoid nicotine, but I think that for particular purposes, for acute cases, that's exactly what I think these substances are available to us for. That's just my view on it. But yeah, Dr. Torre Braun worked for the FBI. His specialty was in preventing mass killings. And when he wrote to the FBI in July of last year, saying, this resembles what's happening with the outbreak or resembles envenomation, and then one of the cases he brought up was when he explained the nicotinic receptors. 

And so I'm learning about it so that-- people like him can explain it better than me, but he's talking about how either nicotine or the natural version would be by pairing the bioavailable black pepper extract, by pairing, it can be used instead. But he had a case where the woman had long C-O-V-I-D. And she had lost her hearing and a right ear. And after eight days of chewing the nicotine, she completely got her hearing back. And so we see these cases, which is proving this theory that this was coming from an envenomation. 

But more so I think the bigger picture is looking at how your body breaks down proteins. And this is where enzymes come in and fasting. Autophagocytosis is the process where your body is going into a state where it's breaking down proteins, clearing our toxins out of the body. And so when people are fasting for three days, they deepen this state. And if they're taking enzymes that are proteolytic, meaning that they break down proteins, like serrapeptase, or bromelain, and they're taking them periodically on an empty stomach, and it's breaking down the proteins and then we're seeing people get into remission or to turn around their symptoms after taking one of these injections that has harmed them, and then we're seeing them recover function. So one of the naturopathic doctors that I have been working with, Dr. Henry Ealy, has now seen eight of his patients that have been injured severely from this and then seeing every single one of them have dramatic improvement using this. At this point in time, it's not going to be every single person. Sometimes it takes more trial and error.

Luke Storey:  [00:33:37] As someone who spent so much time, energy, and money to be healthy, I want to keep track of what's working and what's not. That's why I'm really into this company I found called InsideTracker. They are an ultra-personalized performance system that analyzes data from your blood, DNA, lifestyle, and fitness tracker to help you optimize your body and reach your health and wellness goals. 

Through their app and testing protocol, I'm able to get a clearer picture of what my body looks like on the inside. And I also get a clearer measure of whether my diet, supplement, and exercise choices are helping or even hurting. I did the whole InsideTracker deal recently and was actually shocked to find that I was less than perfect in some areas. My cholesterol and B vitamins were high, for example, and a few other things that need a little tweaking. 

There was, of course, also some good news as my overall health score was that of a much younger person and certainly more optimized than your average American. And that's the point. The whole goal with InsideTracker is to be optimized, not normal. So they don't merely show you the normal biomarkers zones. They show you the optimal biomarker zones and numbers that are best for your individual body. So if you want to check this out, I highly recommend you sign up for InsideTracker now. You're going to get your testing done, the results of your biomarkers, and then some incredible lifestyle and diet recommendations from their brainiac scientists to help you improve everything you find. Just go to insidetracker.com/luke, where you will save 25% off your entire order. That's insidetracker.com/luke.

Apart from the film that you're working on now, wherein some of these recovery strategies are going to be laid out, is there an aggregate of this information anywhere that we could link to in the show notes or anything like that? I ask you because I get so many questions from people, oh, my mom had to get the thing because of her job or we wanted to travel, so we reluctantly submitted and got the thing. And now we're having symptoms, what can we take? And I've heard some things here and there that are perhaps useful, but it's all just piecemeal. Like I heard this thing and I heard that thing, but there's not a formula of do all this stuff and it could get better. 

Jonathan Otto:  [00:35:56] Well, I'm glad you asked about that. One of my friends, Dr. Henry Ealy, he did, thank God, put it all up free for people to download and do that. And I can tell you the website. Do you want me to mention it way?  

Luke Storey:  [00:36:07] Yeah, please. Yeah, we'll put in the show notes.  

Jonathan Otto:  [00:36:08] Beyond The Con, so beyondthecon.com. 

Luke Storey:  [00:36:12] I love that. 

Jonathan Otto:  [00:36:12] Yeah. And then free resources. And then he has the categories of immune priming. So he encourages people to do the 11 days of immune priming and then do the three days of water fasting, which is you scroll down the page and there'll be post inoculation. And so he'll talk about taking l arginine or NAC, liquid iodine dosages. He actually has that there, which is great. That's the exact protocol that he use. One of the guys got six Vs in one day and the CV. And he was-- I say I'm not smiling on this, he was so injured that he couldn't basically stand up. 

So such neurological damage. And so that also causes concussion because he kept falling over and he banged his head really bad. And he was declining fast. And Dr. Ealy said, I've seen patients that have died before. He looked like he was just about to die. And so he used the protocol that I just mentioned. And I was like, what has he done? He's like, he's back to normal. I'm like, well, does he realize? And he said, I don't think he really realizes how severe his situation was. But I mean, he's excited to be back to normal. He's back to work and everything. He quit his job kind of thing. And I think he's off work for two weeks, but he was back, something that you'd think someone would be out of the game, so exciting. 

Luke Storey:  [00:37:31] Wow, incredible resource. Thanks. For those listening too, we'll put the general show notes for this episode. Let's call it lukestorey.com/otto. O-T-T-O, that's the spelling, lukestorey.com/otto. So you guys don't have to take notes or stop your card and get in an accident. We'll put everything we talked about there and hopefully it survives the Internet, bots that come out as [interposing voices].

Jonathan Otto:  [00:37:55] Well, thank you for caring enough, man. You're so practical. I love that you care enough about your audience to say, hey, what do we do instead of just staying inside of something that would maybe just be the entertaining aspects. But thank you for caring about people. I mean, that's everything right now.

Luke Storey:  [00:38:09] Yeah. I mean, I also believe that there's a solution for everything too. As dark and intimidating as this whole thing has been for so many of us, so many people have been harmed in so many different ways, apart from even experimenting on themselves, whether voluntarily or not, just the alcoholism, the mental abuse, the domestic abuse, the traumatized children from wearing these things on their faces, the whole thing. So I have a lot of compassion for humanity in general. And as I said earlier, I'm trying to get this information out without nuking my whole platform to save one person, because there's a lot of information to share that has nothing to do with any of this. It's about consciousness and spirituality, ways that we can hopefully help elevate our consciousness as a shared collective to a place where perhaps we don't even have this experience anymore. So it's kind of a dance for me to find where I want to try to get it in and not.

Jonathan Otto:  [00:39:12] Which is very thoughtful, man. So my hat's off. And I really appreciate that.

Luke Storey:  [00:39:16] I mean, likewise, for what you're doing. So the thing I find curious about this illness in general, and also the proposed solution, in general is that people tend to react to it so differently. Take the experimental solution that's rolled out over the past couple years. I know people personally that I care about deeply that did it and are fine. And then other people removed by a few people from myself who have literally died from doing it, the soccer players just boom, boom, boom, one after another. I mean, it's just like, what? And I think that's one of the really strange things about it. And I've often wondered are there just vials of placebo like saline that there's batches going out that are just nothing and then there's batches that are going out that are potentially very harmful as you're describing? Why do you think it is that some people are totally fine and some people aren't or is it just that some people are more biologically susceptible or have weaker immune systems or something that are making them fall ill sooner or to a greater degree?

Jonathan Otto:  [00:40:26] Yeah, they're really good questions. And I've been scratching my head about that for the past two years or year and a half or so. And I think some of the keys to think about that provide some of the solutions to those questions would be certainly comorbidities. Studies done, for example, with the theory that I was mentioning about envenomation is to do with the fact that when a snake strikes a mouse that has become diabetic based on other exposures that they have intentionally given that rat to create that condition, they die versus those that don't die in certain circumstances with certain venom, and they run these experiments. So certainly, predispositions are a big deal. 

And then you have these cases of people being completely healthy. And that explains-- it's a situation where you see that you can be completely healthy and you get stung by something. And whether you look at Steve Owen who got stung by the stingray, and it didn't matter that he was a really healthy fit person, that's the effect of toxins and poisons in the body when they're at such high dosages. It does vary. For example, we know it vary because one of the reasons is when you open the label if you ask the pharmacist, you'd find the hole, it folds out, keeps folding out, folding out, it's like this big and there's nothing written on it. Blank both sides.

Luke Storey:  [00:42:07] Just to be devil's advocate aside of the issue, I have a hard time understanding because we're going into some kind of conspiratorial territory. I acknowledge that. And I don't know that you're right or that I'm right. I'm just asking questions. I'm a curious guy. But even someone who was, say, very pro medical system, pro quotes, "science," why would that not raise the alarm for someone that you're, in some cases, being coerced, if not almost forced into taking a medication in which there are no listed side effects or any ingredients or anything in the insert? 

I mean, if I go to Rite Aid right now to buy some cold medicine, I'm going to pull out that little insert, and it's way too much to read, but the information is there and one could assume somewhat accurate. So I can have informed consent and go, possible side effects, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, and it has all these ingredients that I can't pronounce, but I got the sniffles. I'm going to take it. We're talking about something that is an injection, something that is shrouded in controversy already, even before the advent of this latest version of it, but just childhood schedules of these injections and all the things. It's like, I don't understand how even a rational person who doesn't believe that there has ever been a conspiracy of ill-intention humans harming other humans at any point in history wouldn't look at just that one fact and go, okay, hang on, hold up. What? And there are so many touch points like that, where I really try to remove myself from my biases because I have them like many of us do-- 

Jonathan Otto:  [00:43:56] Yeah, we totally do. 

Luke Storey:  [00:43:56] But there are things like that. I'm just like, put myself in a contrarian thinkers brain, how could I not go like, hold on? That alone is insane, not to mention lack of safety studies and trials. And we are at the trial, right? 

Jonathan Otto:  [00:44:13] Yeah. 

Luke Storey:  [00:44:14] So anyway, that's just insane to me that-- and also that someone would be like, oh, the thing's blank. The TV told me it's okay. I'll do it. I mean, like, wow. I take some pretty big risks, I think in my life at times, especially in the past, but even I would be like, whoa, this sounds a little scary. 

Jonathan Otto:  [00:44:34] But wouldn't it be nice to just trust? You know what I mean? Wouldn't that be just a nice feeling to believe that you could trust and that these authorities had your best interest in mind, and this was going to be really good for you and it was completely going to be safe? Even just me thinking about that I'm like, wow, it is like everything is beautiful and shiny. It's a nice thought. 

Luke Storey:  [00:44:56] Unicorns and rainbows. 

Jonathan Otto:  [00:44:57] Yeah. 

Luke Storey:  [00:44:59] If that was the case, Jonathan, then what we would have seen from the beginning of this was like, okay, everyone exercise, take your vitamins, eat organic, get out in the sun. We would have seen some messaging that could actually support people, but that messaging was completely omitted from the official recommendation. 

Jonathan Otto:  [00:45:23] What if I don't want to exercise? What if I don't want to pay money for supplements? What if I don't want to--? So it's actually very attractive message to me that I don't have to do anything. I don't have to deal with that stuff. I have to eat healthy. I don't have to waste money on organic food and buy these things and put them in me. All I have to do is go here and get this incentive and I get a free donor. And it's so sad because you're getting a load with something, and it's so attractive. And it would be great to feel that way. I remember looking at Krispy Kreme donut if you get this thing, and I don't even eat Krispy Kreme donuts, but I just wanted it for a second. I was just like, why do I want this right now? I just felt like I was getting allured into something. And so obviously, I didn't do it.

Luke Storey:  [00:46:08] I think with topics like this and some of the other stuff we can cover about your films, I think a big stretch for people is to come to acknowledge that there are groups of people or conglomerates or corporations or systems as a whole that are so driven with the thirst of power, money, whatever they're driven by, that they would knowingly and sometimes intentionally harm or kill large swaths of people. This is very difficult for some of us to comprehend hence the denial and the cognitive dissonance. 

And I think the people that have the hardest time maybe opening themselves to that possibility are people who are caring, loving, and kind people who are not sociopaths, therefore lack the ability to put themselves in the shoes of a sociopath who is motivated by those motives because they're not. They're a good person. It's like the people who are good, trusting, loving, and kind people are the most easily victimized because they can't imagine that there are people on the planet that wish to harm them for whatever motive.

Jonathan Otto:  [00:47:30] But do you think those people are very aware of their shadow?

Luke Storey:  [00:47:36] Perhaps not. Let's explore that.

Jonathan Otto:  [00:47:37] So for example, like if I said to you, hey, don't you think the world's overpopulated? A lot of people today, and some of the people that are making these choices, or-- not everyone, but particularly the people that are forcing their loved ones to make choices coercing them into something, my experience has been I've asked them questions like that about the world being overpopulated or something like that. I'd be like, yeah, it's super overpopulated. And again, maybe it is. I mean, my research tells me that it's absolutely underpopulated. Cities are over populated typically, not all cities, a lot of cities. So then if it's overpopulated, what do we do to solve this problem? And is there going to be a food shortage? Then it looks like there might be something coming like that, and so shouldn't we be proactive and help lessen the world's population in order to prevent greater suffering? But who gets to be the one that bites the bullet?

Luke Storey:  [00:48:38] And who is the one to make that decision? But back to your comment about, have those people explored their shadow, so do you mean perhaps that someone who is a kind, altruistic, caring person that can't imagine that evil exists in that way or that it would perpetuate in that way because they haven't looked at those parts in themselves that are hungry for power and money and all of the things so they're not only in denial of that outside of themselves but also within themselves? 

Jonathan Otto:  [00:49:15] Yeah, exactly. And the theme that I mentioned is basically the sociopathic god-like decision maker that actually in their own mind sentences the world to death anyway in just in the thought of believing there's not enough. And if there's not enough, then it's kill or be killed. And so you're indoctrinated with it. And so you're in that shadow just like that, or in the case that you're talking about is the same theme in my mind is that you're actually unaware of these characteristics in yourself, but yet you entertain yourself with them in movies. How much death is even in film that's not even considered violent? 

But the storyline is catered to you because you're the one that pays money for it. So the storyline could end any way that it wanted to create ticket sales. And so why don't the bad guys at the end of the movies fall to their knees, repent to God, change, become good people and write their wrongs and then everyone goes, what a great movie? Why does the bad guy have to die? So I see these realities of-- and the things that people sentence people to death for are insane like the Jurassic Park film, what do you have to do to be deserving of being eaten by a dinosaur in those films? Well, if you're overweight, you're eating doughnuts, if you're greedy, you look at the characteristics, they highlight these characteristics and then you sit there as God deciding that those characters deserve to die? And so if you have a darkened view like this, you believe that punishment is needed and that people deserve this. And so in your mind, you believe it's some kind of sacrifice for the greater good. So some people are going to succumb and it's normal. It's a necessary reality.

Luke Storey:  [00:51:13] So it's like, from the powers that be that are perpetuating harm on humanity, there's a justification there in that, according to their omniscient point of view or self-imposed omniscience, that it's for the greater good. I mean, it's like every regime that's come in and caused mass suffering and destruction, it's for the greater good. I mean, that's always the theme. A few people over here are going to die and suffer, but in the end, we're all going to reap the benefits of it. This is always how communism begins and devolves into mass suffering and war and death and all those things.

Jonathan Otto:  [00:51:50] Yeah, absolutely. If people understand that sacrifice is deeply written into what the Bible would describe as like a carnal nature, what just shows up in humanity that these things happen and people find normal ways to justify them and make sense of them, but it's like an offering or sacrifice because something has to be made to settle the challenges that we feel inside of ourselves. For example, we all know that we've screwed up in life and made mistakes. And so how do you correct that? 

And so seeing somebody else meet that doom actually completes the loop in your own mind that that has been punished and the whole issue has been resolved. And so this is what drove me to watch films that had violent themes in them. As soon as they solve this issue in my mind, I no longer had those feelings that punishment was necessary, I started hating those films, and it made me want to vomit seeing things like that that I used to love. But it was all because of the turmoil.

Luke Storey:  [00:52:54] Right. So we're observing the acting out of these things going on subconsciously because I've wondered that too. Over the years, I've developed a much higher aversion to violent films and shows, but I didn't decide like, oh, that's wrong. I shouldn't watch that. It's just like, oh, God, it just affects me. I remember I was dating someone years ago that loved The Walking Dead and I was like, I don't like violent shows. And just to appease her and share some time with her, I started watching The Walking Dead, which is an interesting show. It's pretty good friggin zombie show. And it's like it made me sick yet I was so compelled, beyond her just wanting to share that experience with me, I was so compelled to keep watching it. 

And I'm like, every time I feel hungover, and just gross afterwards from just seen all of this. Even though it's pretend, your subconscious doesn't know it's pretend blood and guts and just killing, killing, killing, killing. Finally I was able to stop because of the repercussions of that, but I wonder what--

Jonathan Otto:  [00:53:39] It's good you could see that.

Luke Storey:  [00:53:44] I want to take a moment to ask you something. How often do you wake up in the morning and instantly wish you had just one more hour of sleep? You hit the snooze button and hope next time your alarm goes off, you feel more energized. Well, I get messages from people all the time specifically asking for brain solutions. So they usually mention things like brain fog, low energy, poor focus, and so on. Well, I recently found a truly incredible solution to all of this called Nootopia. They specialize in personalized brain supplements known as nootropics. 

Taking this stuff is like flicking a switch and turning your brain on within the first 10 minutes of waking up in the morning and feeling totally engaged, focused, upbeat, and productive no matter what life throws at you. I actually had my dose of Nootopia this morning and I'm feeling quite focused and perky. And I've experienced this effect over the past few months since trying Nootopia. These guys have legit created the most advanced brain support and cognitive enhancement system that I've ever tried, and I've tried a lot of them. It's kind of like a Do Not Disturb feature for your brain. 

And unlike other products in this category, there are no crashes, jitters or side effects. I'm actually shocked that these formulas work so well without making me feel uptight and tweaked out, which is often the case with things that can be stimulating to the brain. So I highly recommend the Nootopia system for anybody looking to take their focus, creativity, and mood to a new level. So to turn your brain on, go to nootopia.com/luke and enter the coupon code LUKE10 for an extra 10% off. That's N-O-O-T-O-P-I-A. These guys are so confident that their stuff works. They also stand by their products with a 365-day money back guarantee. So this is a no brainer for your brain. Again, that's nootopia.com/luke. And the coupon code is LUKE10 for an extra 10% off

I wonder what it is in our nature that even against our higher understanding or intuition, we're still compelled to engage in violent films and pornography and things like that that might have a deleterious effect to our wellbeing. And we know that it does yet there's this addictive pole and drive to it.

Jonathan Otto:  [00:56:19] Yeah, you got it. And that is a profound question I think because if people solve that, then they find that-- because any of us, if any addiction to watching anything, which just there's only so many hours in the day, I've got two young children, it'd be great for me to love playing with my children more than I love watching anything, let alone something violent. And what is the drive? Why are we entertained by themes like that instead of themes that would be the opposite, like someone being loved and cared for, or somebody that has flaws of character that's detestable, but loving that character still and seeing that person come to a place of contentment and fulfillment. 

We shouldn't be some movies of the stories of the bad guys, and then seeing, why do we hate them? They had things that happened to them in their childhood and let's love them. But I think it's this concept that forgiveness is not a possibility. And I didn't realize this, in my natural human nature, I'm not forgiving at all. And I'm the absolute opposite. This was killing my marriage. I know it. And so it came to a point where my wife and I we were better judges to each other than we were lovers. And because everything I end for me, my description of it is like what I was mentioning before feeling that punishment was due to me without me realizing I would never have put words to it. I'd be like, what do you mean? That sounds crazy, so deeply subconscious. 

Whether you're religious or not, I'm saying that this is playing out. And evidences of that are in themes like these ones. You could fill your mind with anything. Why did these themes entertain you? It's an evidence of what's in the soul. It certainly was for me. So if there is a belief that punishment is due to you, which is interesting that Christianity has very much put forward a view of God like that, but a lot of religions really have if you look at it. Even the belief of karma says that you've done something in a previous life, that is the reason why you're crippled in this life. So there's punishment due to you because of sins of a previous life. That's the negative side of karma. 

The other side of karma that people reference, which would be seen as a more positive view of it would be that when you do bad things to people it comes back to you, which helps encourage you not to do bad things. But this other side of karma causes people to commit suicide. And children and people that are crippled by something they get treated as though they're wicked people in some of these countries. 

But yeah, this whole belief that we should be punished, to me, just totally breaks people's hold of being able to even understand God's love or source and feeling love and having that completeness and then it creates a need for punishment and everything needs to be punished. And some of the things I mentioned were like, they can be wicked things. For example, if somebody does something really evil in a movie and they keep doing these terrible evil things, what do you want to happen to these characters?

Luke Storey:  [00:59:26] Oh man, you want to see him killed slowly and painfully.

Jonathan Otto:  [00:59:28] There you go. Exactly. It's very much that's the sense of justice. It has to be more drawn out to make it more graphic.

Luke Storey:  [00:59:37] I'm not even kidding either. Just like a gut reaction I thought about it. Because  if you watch this villain perpetuating crime and harm and all the things and then like, he just gets shot and falls down, you're like, yeah, come on, he deserved way more than that, right?

Jonathan Otto:  [00:59:53] Exactly. And it's such a dark position because if we had a court of law act like that and it will be like a sentence to five days of torture, you should be like, we just woke up in horror. When did this world become dystopic? I'm living in hell. This is terrible. It would feel really eerie to think that that's was the sentence, unless you find like, no, that's great. It was really bad what he did. Five days of torture sounds just right. But some people would be like that. So I'm saying it would be jarring. But there would be part of all of people that would say, okay, that what's due to them. 

And I'm saying that this is a very dark issue, and it appears to be godly because it's like a punisher of evil. And it appears to be like Christian or something like this, godly, good. But it's actually the opposite. It's like a fake, it's a mirage because it never offers redemption. And so to answer it, where it's coming from, is the fact that I believe that we all fundamentally don't believe we can be forgiven for the things that we've done. And so that punishment is due to us, whether it's a little thing or a great thing. 

And so we live under that weight because we're all sticklers when we come down to it, when we're exact with people, why we don't like somebody or how we're angry at our partner or a spouse and it's, you did this, and you did this, and you did this, and we've itemized it all out, like you've hurt me in this way and you need to pay. I'm angry with you. But then if the penalty is gone, then it's a beautiful reality where you're offering space for people to heal. 

And so it's changing the view of what if God doesn't operate or universe doesn't operate on principles of punishment? It's just not even written into the law of nature. Consequence is natural. So you make choices, and then consequence happens, but it's not imposed against you. It's not God saying, I'm going to kill you if you do this, saying if you do this, you'll be departing from the way and so therefore suffering is there, but it's not me causing this and I'm suffering with you through it. Yeah, ever since I switched this, I started thinking differently about people, I stopped gossiping about people, I stopped attacking my wife or then it would rarely come up and then when it come up, I'd be like, oh, that's what I've just done? I'm sorry. Just I'm learning. It was just a different kind of feeling.

Luke Storey:  [01:02:36] When you explore these realms of the duality, the dichotomy of good versus evil and you're having to spend some time learning about and exploring and uncovering these truths, your films are revealed in truth, you're digging, you're doing like investigative journalism, how do you remove yourself emotionally from the negativity porn, the fear porn? It's like, I find myself sometimes teetering on wanting to know what's going on, seeing how I might be able to add value and provide a perspective or help or just be in the know. I think, generally humans like me, I'm very curious. I want to know the ultimate truth in any situation. 

So if I feel I or we are being deceived or lied to, I want to get through the center of that and find out what's really going on. It's just the way I'm wired. But in so doing, you're dancing with the devil, so to speak. You have to expose yourself to some things that are emotionally dysregulating and ugly and there is a certain like, those violent films that you don't want to watch, but you do, I think, in alternative media and looking at the Cabal and the Illuminati and all of the things in the conspiracy world, there's also like a certain addictive draw to that. And it's this razor's edge of like wanting to have my finger on the pulse of what is possibly happening from different perspectives to know. But to do so you have to see what's happening. And there's this darkness that pervades that space that I think many people feed off, this QAnon and all this kind of really out there shit. It's like such fantasy. And it's negative dark fantasies. So as a filmmaker, how have you navigated these murky waters and still maintained your sense of center and emotional integrity within yourself?

Jonathan Otto:  [01:04:38] Yeah, so I appreciate you asking that because it's interesting certain things I've studied go back to like 20 years ago. And I remember myself getting sucked into some rabbit holes and just feeling like this desire to punish. So I'd learn things and then I'd be wishing death upon the oppressors, which is very negative because operating for me, I was operating outside of love. And I was like a vigilante. I want justice, Batman kind of image about combating evil. But for me, I think there's really only one way to overcome evil and it's with love and light. 

But it's very hard to feel that when you feel so much animosity for the evil that somebody has done and you've painted a picture of them in your mind. And they've become your scapegoat. And you've lumped all your sins upon them, and you want to offer them up as a sacrifice. So I think that that's literally what I was doing. So that is the issue I think that people and that we fundamentally face. Everything, when you think about it, we're all offering people up as a sacrifice. It's like, it's a sacrificial lamb. It's this president or it's this president, and we do it through mockery or we do it through avid criticism, through insults, through anger, and wishing death upon these characters or the people that are running this covert operation, the Cabal, the globalists, and then it's like the sting of death of just meditating an ill end of these people, when it's such a dark place to live in. I'm a husband and father. I need all the light and love I can get to be kind to my wife when she doesn't know how to be kind with me and when I don't know how to be kind with her, she needs to navigate that. And with my children, I have to be patient. So cultivating these things become then very problematic. 

And so sometimes the more that people know, I've noticed how many friends people lose. The more that they know, they seem to lose more friends. But it's because they haven't dealt with this fundamental justice system that they operate within that causes them to then sacrifice people because they don't understand or because they hold an alternative view and they can't hold space for them and just say, hey, look, that totally makes sense why you see it that way and why you feel that way. And thank you for sharing that with me. I'm not going to crucify you on this issue just because it you see differently, being able to hold space like that. 

That's the power. Because when you think about it, which is the one that is powerful enough to break evil? Does evil get broken with more evil being pointed out and railed against and be like look at this and mockery and hatred towards it and chastising it, or is it deep love? And you see examples of this when the most hardened criminals become soft hearted, and they change and you see these examples. And was that created? Did they get beaten to a pulp in prison so they woke up after a beating like, I'm going to be loving? Something happened where they were either deeply loved by someone or by God and they went through that change. And so that is the only thing that I think can initiate the change.

But there's a cool verse that Paul writes about where he says, I'd have you wise concerning things that are good and simple concerning things that are evil. So I think that there's a certain depth that we know things, but then you don't want to be like, here's Jonathan, he's a philosopher of evil, he understands evil to the depths and understands every dimension of evil. You'd want Jonathan to be the center of light and love and he understands the dimensions of love. 

Luke Storey:  [01:08:25] I like how the lighting just changed dramatically right in that moment. And God said, put lights off. This is something I work with within myself. Because from perhaps the highest perspective I can reach within myself, I see the possibility-- this is going to sound weird, so I'm going to try to articulate it-- that at a base level everyone is innocent-- the George Soros, the Mussolini, the Hitler, the Mao. The animal self is like, I want to see them tortured and die slowly, revenge, all of that, the condemnation, and the self-righteousness of like, I will never do that therefore, right?

Jonathan Otto:  [00:1:09:10] It's such a good line.

Luke Storey:  [01:09:11] But each of these perpetrators of what one could deem evil or wrong is in each moment literally doing what they believe to be the best move. And also it's likely that they've been harmed, like you mentioned people getting harmed in childhood and the repercussions of that. All these serial killers it's like all generally come from trauma, people that are really psychologically ill, have been scarred perhaps beyond repair. So it's like, okay, if everyone ultimately is innocent, and not to condone behavior that harms others, but just as a soul, that's a soul who's at a certain stage of evolution that is of a lesser understanding, and so their version of doing what's right is like assisting in 9/11, invading this country or that country or rolling out a medication that's terribly dangerous and harmful to people, etc. 

It's like they're innocent in that they're doing what they believe to be the right thing and maybe believe to be for the greater good or have some distorted vision of their behavior and action being of a higher mind. They're not actually intentionally harming people, but they have a misguided perception of what would harm someone. So okay, they're innocent on that level. And if I can surrender my desire to punish them and hurt them and seek revenge, then where in there do we find just justice? Then how do we stop them also without having hate in our hearts? How does love stop evil? You know what I'm getting at?

Jonathan Otto:  [01:11:04] I love that. And I think it's only by love can we stop the evil, but then it does mean action. And it depends in what because various people- maybe some people are called to prayer and that prayer actually does make change. And I do believe that. Everyone listening has some understanding of the power of the mind and intention. And so does the world collectively praying for a better reality, praying for people in places of power, does this make a difference? I'm saying yeah, I believe so. 

If love is underpinning, it's very exhausting to be in a state-- you could think about the parasympathetic nervous system and what's going on when we're in a state of anger. It is like a firecracker. It will burn out and you'll give up pretty quickly. You'll be so angry that all you want to do is punch holes in the wall and then you can't really do much with that energy. But love allows you to hold someone to it. And it's interesting that if you hold somebody to something, it's actually the only way to save that person. 

What if your whole mission was to try and save some of these mass-- if you believe that mass genocide is so whatever? You can't do that without holding them to the truth. And that may mean the criminal prosecution and jail service. But then what about jail time? How should that be run? Should there be prison reform? Should there be a chaplain in that prison? You see what I mean? It's just like, how do you think about things and then act in love, but still know that that love will then dictate change?

Luke Storey:  [01:12:37] That's beautiful, man. God, thank you so much for joining me today. I feel like we have another two hours in this. But they're turning off the lights and security is starting to poke their head in the door. I want to thank you so much for dropping in with me today. I really would like to have another conversation.

Jonathan Otto:  [01:12:55] I'd love that same. Thank you so much, Luke. I appreciate it.

Luke Storey:  [01:12:58] And we'll put everything we talked about in your links and all that in the show notes for people at lukestorey.com/otto, O-T-T-O. I've literally never met anyone in my life who doesn't like a little sex from time to time. In fact, some folks like it a lot of the time. The thing is that for men, their physical readiness is an important part of making this happen. Remember the last time you were at the gas station and you saw on the counter those horribly branded erection pills. Did you ever take a second to see what's actually in those products? They are terrible for you, just super toxic. And the same goes for most of the medication on the market that claims to help men in the bed, but who wants a four-hour erection, nasty side effects, heart problems, and a possible trip to the hospital to get rid of that thing? 

Well, luckily for me and maybe some of the men listening, I recently found this really cool product called Joymode that fills this gap. It's a performance booster much like a pre workout but for sex. It's really cool. Joymode gig is that they make natural and science-backed sexual wellness supplements for men. Their sexual performance booster is designed to support erection quality and firmness and sex drive. It contains clinically supported doses of L-citrulline, arginine, yohimbine, and vitamin C. 

To get yourself primed with the Joymode, all you do is tear up in the satchet and mix it with a glass of water just like your favorite electrolytes. And about 45 minutes later, it's going to be magic time. You'll notice better blood flow, better erection quality, and firmness and increased sexual energy and drive. I've actually taken this product myself many times and frankly I was shocked that it actually worked and provided zero side effects. 

Do you gentlemen want to spice things up in the bedroom and boost your sexual performance and do you want to do it naturally without those nasty prescription drugs? Well, we've got a special offer for Life Stylist listeners right here. Go to usejoymode.com/luke and enter the code LUKE at checkout for 20% off your first order. That's usejoymode.com/luke.

So funny thing happened in our recording yesterday. We were right at the pinnacle of something, I think, quite powerful and adding some hope and positivity at the end of an episode that was covering some pretty racy stuff and some things that could have instigated fear or doubt or even anger within some of the listeners and then we got cut off, and I felt like we were just about to tie a bow on it. So thank you for sitting down after a 24-hour intermission and coming back. I think where we left off was around the idea of finding a deeper level of forgiveness for the humans on Earth that are perpetuating harm on other people, reconciling the shadow within ourselves that seeks to punish, and managing to do that, while still putting ourselves in the position to effect positive change. 

Jonathan Otto:  [01:16:10] Yeah, that's well said. 

Luke Storey:  [01:16:11] Something around that. And I just feel like, oh, we were like, really onto something quite special there and then we lost it. So pick us back up where you feel would be most relevant to the last part of the conversation.  

Jonathan Otto:  [01:16:25] Sure, Luke. I think that the exact thing that you're talking about is the most beautiful dichotomy to me because you're talking about very important things, justice in the sense of right, that aspect of what can we do to have a better future and to see that people are not allowed to perpetuate suffering, to inflict evils upon people and this is celebrated or tolerated. This needs to be dealt with, but then how do we deal with it? And then, how do we approach that? We mentioned about the judicial system. And what is prison for? Is it to say, bad boy, and you're punished? And so is it to try to meet with an equal and opposite reaction to what you've done? Well, let's do this to you. Let's punish you for this. So it's very natural to think this way. 

If somebody commits a heinous crime, it would then make sense well, if they have murdered someone, then they deserve to be killed. But then a lot of people feel that capital punishment creates more of a dystopic society. It's not what you want. It's premeditated murder. Should we have governments premeditating murder? Is it justified? So then you pierce through that and you start asking the questions, well, what is that thing called prison reform? That's all to do with using prison is to say there's something wrong here. This person they have problems. They have issues. 

There's some countries in the world where the greatest life sentence you can serve is 20 years because they believe in a different type of model where the reform can take place in that time. I can't vouch for that. I don't know enough about it. But I can vouch for the fact that when people taken into this mindset of what can we do to solve this problem and get the person the help that they need, there's movies like Just Mercy. Did you ever see that one?

Luke Storey:  [01:18:32] Mm-mm.  

Jonathan Otto:  [01:18:33] It was Michael B. Jordan. That name might ring a bell. He plays as attorney, but he's with all these criminals on death row. And then you really start to empathize with them. And even the one that has committed a murder, you can see that he was a Vietnam veteran. He was out of his mind when he was doing it. And it's the one where I couldn't even watch that scene. It was so horrific because actual execution was there. And then the attorney is witnessing it and he goes and vomits after it because it's so traumatizing for him to have experienced this. 

And then the other guys in prison the night before his execution is saying to him-- he's saying, well, I deserve this. And I should never have done this. How did I kill this person? I set a bomb up and blew. And it's a true story, by the way. It's all based on a true story. And then they said to him, you were sick in the head. You had problems, you need help, you need a psychiatrist, you need a-- they're talking like this to him trying to reassure him that, don't give up on yourself, even though they're about to judge you to your death. And don't believe it still. It was just so profound. 

But you start to see these themes and realize what if there is a better way? And so when you think like that, then it's not that you don't believe in the judicial system and that you don't believe in doing these things. I think the big problem is people sitting at home wishing these people would die. And I think that that's just so toxic. And they don't realize how poisonous it is to their soul because that's not what we're trying to do here.

Luke Storey:  [01:20:12] And also, it's something I've looked at because I think I mentioned in the beginning of our conversation yesterday was, I've caught myself vilifying these characters, the Bill Gates, the George Soros, Klaus Schwab, these literally super villains out of a comic book. You know what I mean? It's just you can't make it up. They literally are like out of a movie from my perspective. And I found myself just going, why isn't anyone taking this guy out? I'm like, we'd all be okay if someone just get rid of this person. And please, those listening, I'm not advocating for violence. I'm talking about that shadow element of myself that--

Jonathan Otto:  [01:20:53] Being honest with thought process. 

Luke Storey:  [01:20:54] Yeah, I'm just going wow, that's a really crazy thought to have, Luke. But then beyond that is the realization that in the great scheme of things, in this duality that the Creator has gifted us, this playground of spectrum of experience that we have to work with, that villain, if their human level of consciousness as a whole is still at the same place at which we find ourselves now, that villain will just be replaced by another one because there's a void there in consciousness.  So you could throw George Soros in jail for life. And then his son or someone who has been indoctrinated by his way of thinking, or his thirst for power, or control, or whatever it is that's motivating his behavior, is just going to fill that void. 

So even just to punish an individual isn't even a viable solution because what we're dealing with is a level of consciousness that's producing that kind of actor, and allowing that actor to rise to the highest levels of the echelon of our society and positions of power within our various institutions. So it's kind of you're going after the symptom of something rather than the cause. And perhaps the cause is what you're speaking of which is cultivating within ourselves a sense of unconditional compassion, unconditional forgiveness, yet at the same time, being willing to go to court and through the proper channels, holding bad actors accountable.

Jonathan Otto:  [01:22:24] Yeah. And it may be the only way to save those people. It certainly is because as they're allowed to do these things, they never come to that come-to-Jesus moment. But if they're brought to a place where they're brought to their knees, it actually can be the only mechanism where they can have a turn around. So you think about it differently, where when you do things that are genuinely loving in the place of love, it actually benefits every single person. You think there always has to be a loser, but what if there's never a loser? 

Because truth is that liberating and universal reality. These verses in the Bible that talk about it. It's in 1st John, you can do nothing against the truth but for the truth. So and Romans 14, God will use all things together for those that love him and are called according to His purpose. So all things there it's about truth being there and love being the underwriting factor that allows this to create a better reality. 

But I think that that's the interesting concept of how do you stop evil. And you get indoctrinated by the movies that you stop evil by killing evil. But guess what happens when you kill evil. You become evil in that process. And evil is immortalized in your own deeds. The print of everything they are is imprinted in you and it's inescapable. It's seeped into your soul. And that's the purpose of it. That's how evil works. 

And so you see societies that I mentioned before we jump back on camera of the Rwandan genocide, with the Hutus and the Tutsis in the mid '90s and how this was the most horrific example of around a million people being murdered in days, and tribe-on-tribe violence, and people that were sentenced to life imprisonment in the Rwandan prisons. I've had this happen. I've been in prisons where the prisoners were starving. They didn't have food there. And this was happening and so these prisoners were starving to death. And guess who came to the rescue to feed those people. In this case, you can see it's been documented. It was even filmed and documented where the families that had relatives, loved ones, spouses, children, murdered by these individuals and knew who they were, were the ones delivering the food to them.

Luke Storey:  [01:25:06] That's so wild. You think about that and then put yourself up for inventory like, I'm a pretty good person. I'm not that good of a person. You know what I mean? I don't know if good is the right word, but it'll like, wow, talk about a higher level of heart. 

Jonathan Otto:  [01:25:25] Isn't that something right? 

Luke Storey:  [01:25:26] It's unfathomable. 

Jonathan Otto:  [01:25:27] And I think that none of us have that. In this moment, I would say that those people before that moment had occurred, they would have been cultivating these types of things, but they didn't naturally just possess. I think it's a divine thing where circumstances, when you invite it, then as circumstances amplify, you get granted more grace, more power, more divine love. Because otherwise, it's super overwhelming. You think, oh, man, what would I do if these bad circumstances happened? 

But it depends what are we cultivating? So we're growing in one direction and then we're asking and inviting that supernatural power. Because that, to me, is just completely divine. I can't explain it. I don't think there's any way to explain those actions, considering that the same thing you go back, months before or years before, depending on the case, then this was total genocide between tribes. So how is humanity capable of such evil and then such good? And is it some people were just predisposed to evil and they just think about these things and they just want to do it? 

According to Ted Bundy in his last interview, the electric chair was being tested while the interview was taking place. And the lights are going out while the interview is taking place. And he explains how all the things that he was exposed to helped to create him in the way he was and his indulgence in those things. But he says, there's so many people out there in the world, just like me, and you need to understand this mechanism. Basically, he was explaining something that a lot of people don't want to know, which is you can actually make yourself evil. And it's about what you expose yourself to and choose to put into your mind. 

And he talked about the fact that it was violence and pornography combined, which is a very common theme in movies that people don't realize, is getting overlapped. And it's associating these things together so you no longer can do things normally and sex in a normal or giving and beautiful way is no longer satisfying. And satisfaction is being based on the pain that is being inflicted upon somebody else. And so that's amplifying. And these are things that are surprisingly coming out all through media today. And it's creating this reality. It's scarring the souls of people. And so you can cultivate evil and you can cultivate good. 

Before he died, he appears that he was a man that actually did change from, if you watch the footage and you meditate-- you when I say meditate, you just try to take out all judgment and biases, you try to work out where is this person coming from? He says from his own lips that he had largely healed. So he's not trying to ask to get taken out of his sentence. He says that he deserves what has happened to him and that he understands that he cannot be allowed back into society. He confesses more crimes even during that interview in detail, so it's more incriminating. His reason for sharing what he shared seems to be solely for the benefit of a better future for humanity and the concern of what is underpinning the creation of the monster that can be activated for any of this. 

Luke Storey:  [01:27:56] Wow, that is wild. 

Jonathan Otto:  [01:27:59] I thought you might find it interesting.

Luke Storey:  [01:28:25] Yeah, very interesting. In just a couple minutes that we have here, I feel like this is a bit of a regression to earlier part of the conversation. We're exploring the problem and now we're in the solution. But I would regret if I didn't just explore this with you briefly. You're someone who creates media as I do. You're using the medium of film. You've operated seemingly outside of the confines of Hollywood and the funding of studios and really outside of that machine. I lived in Hollywood for 32 years and worked in that industry. And I'm a huge fan of art and media and film and music and all those things. 

But I did observe while being a part of that and also just a consumer of content that there-- and especially after leaving there, I think there was definitely a lot of programming going on in the media. There's a lot of predictive programming of them telling us what they're going to do before they do it in terms of films about a viral outbreak and it's just so closely mirrors what actually ends up happening and on, and on, and on, and all of the recorded cult worship in Hollywood and this dark seedy underbelly and, of course, all of the exposed situations of sexual scandal and abuse and pedophilia and all of this kind of stuff. What's your take on the downside of Hollywood and how it's used even on record by organizations like the CIA and different covert groups within and outside of the government to mold the mind of people and to really dictate society and lead people in one way or another?

Jonathan Otto:  [01:30:38] Yeah, thanks for asking that. I think that people need to understand that their values are being served to them. And so basically, you're getting these downloads without you realizing of what you ought to believe. And your moral framework is all being created for you when you, I would say, mindlessly consume these things. Even if you're consuming them intentionally, it depends what is it that you're putting in. 

So one of the things that happened in Hollywood was that Anton LaVey, he was the author of The Satanic Bible, and he worked directly with Hollywood. And you can see the history of him. He was the one that actually discovered Norma Jean known as Marilyn Monroe in a strip club and brought her into Hollywood. He was her lover. And she was a traumatized individual, which is why he preyed upon her. She had lots of childhood trauma. So that was basically, if you understand, mind control, and how that works. It's to do with finding either people that have been traumatized or people that you traumatize and you through those splits that are created in that trauma, you have abilities to control. 

But anyway, this individual, Anton LaVey, worked with Hollywood specifically to insert characters into films, which was previously legal, where you would insert a character into a film that would perform mostly moral acts to the film, but they would do one or more debased acts that were not considered to be a moral thing. But because it was the hero or the heroine that was doing these things, it actually would then shape society's values. And he speaks directly about how he was working to do that. 

And so do you ever remember watching a film where you're just like, why did that character just do that? That just felt off, like you just felt something break. And what had happened is you're just being broken into a new value of saying, but you just-- the eerie part of it is the part where you see it it's like stomach churning just like he just killed an innocent person. Or he killed a bad person, but he was tied up. And how did he do this? And whatever it was, or she or he slept with someone, but they were married, but then there was a justification for it, because they're so in love. But that's normally a value where you think, no, it's not good to cheat, but you justified it within the storyline lands at let's say, the notebook, it all makes sense. But even though why didn't you just have a conversation with them and close the relationship up so that you're not breaking your own internal code? But no, it was intentional that way. It's about breaking the values and then you feel, oh, this is justified. You just had your value changed. And then you're wondering why you can't hold relationships properly. What have you been fed? Why are you wondering why you can't stop losing your temper? What have you been fed? What are your values? They've been fed to you. You have to unplug and break the program because it's mind control. It's subtle, but it's all based on values.

Luke Storey:  [01:33:31] Very interesting. And one thing I find very troubling about this particular topic is the targeting of children. And we see this as increasingly prevalent in our culture now in media. And I mean, God, it's like a topic I didn't even want to touch because it's just so highly charged. Myself as a grown man who was abused as a child, I was groomed as a child, I'm very familiar with that mechanism of action. And not only how it can happen and some of the tools that are used by groomers and abusers, but also the incredible devastation to one's life. Thankfully, I've been able to largely recover from and thrive and even use as part of my gift. 

Jonathan Otto:  [01:34:20] Wow, that's amazing. 

Luke Storey:  [01:34:21] But many don't, most probably. And so I see these things in the media and some of the-- I'm not like a puritanical guy. I'm by all social constructs quite liberal, like, do whatever you want as long as you don't hurt anyone kind of guy. But just seeing the books that they're putting in schools and all of this pornographic subliminal symbolism in Disney movies and exposing kids to sexual themes guised in inclusivity of different genders and sexual preferences and things like that, which I think has its place maybe at a certain age. 

You make a kid aware of human sexuality in a way that's productive and healthy. But I can't help based on my personal experience, observe that in media, it's becoming so prevalent that children are being indoctrinated into this very premature understanding of sexuality, and not only sexuality, but in some cases, largely morally perverse sexuality. And I don't mean perverse in that someone is not heterosexual. I just mean, perverse in the outside of social norms, right? 

Jonathan Otto:  [01:35:39] Yeah, totally. 

Luke Storey:  [01:35:40] And so it's terrifying to me as someone who's in the process of hopefully having a kid, I'm like, how am I going to shield my kid from being groomed not by a person or an individual, but by culture and by media? Am I going to have to sit there over their shoulder with, what do you have on the iPad there, kid? It's like, everywhere you turn seemingly there is this very powerful influence to corrupt our youth for lack of a better term. So what have you discovered about that? What's your perspective on that? How has it been done? How can one help to protect their own or avoid that influence?

Jonathan Otto:  [01:36:23] Yeah, thanks for asking that. It's very concerning. I just how an instance with a relative where the children, young children, by another child that was about five years older, essentially raped just within the last few months. And you see these examples, super traumatic. It really just threw this relative's life out of order. But thankfully, there's healing taking place and all of these things, but it's a reminder, and it's horrifying. 

And thank you for sharing about your challenges of what you went through as a child because it really helps the listener, it really helps us all to be able to be in the open, because I'm sure you're so aware of the fact that it's the things that we hide, and that we're ashamed about that they cannot heal, but things that are brought into the light, we're actually inviting that healing, and it's just open in that way. And we're not shaming that anymore. So it's very liberating and powerful that you choose to speak about that and give others permission to do that. Not that they need permission, but it's a great space to create. 

So the mechanism that I've seen take place with this, so you have the ones that a lot of people would be familiar about when Simba lies down on the cliff face and then the sprinkles go up into the sky, the dust particles, they fly up and they write the word sex in the sky or the front cover of The Little Mermaid with the phallus, it's the penis, the head, it's the shaft, it's all just right there.

Luke Storey:  [01:38:06] That one I'm familiar with. I thought it was a meme that someone made just to clown on Disney or something else. No, holy shit. They actually did that. It's just, oh, yeah, that's fine. What?

Jonathan Otto:  [01:38:19] But it's so bizarre. You'd be like, well, why would they do that? Because you just think it's just so bizarre. It doesn't make sense. Why would they do this? And the characters are often very provocative as well, or they use a children's film, but what some of the characters are wearing, everything is flopping and flailing out. There's obviously the priest and it's marrying Ursula that's disguised as someone else with-- what's his name-- Eric and he's penis flops at and it's under his cloak still, but it's clearly bouncing around there. Why are they showing this? 

Luke Storey:  [01:38:58] Is this in the Disney cartoon?

Jonathan Otto:  [01:38:59] That's in Little Mermaid. And then all the new and modern stuff that's coming out, typically what they also saying that is, well, we want children and parents to watch this film. So we put lots of subliminal messages in for the parents so they can laugh about it. But the issue is, do we really need the parents to be equally entertained as the children so much so that we'd be okay with them getting subliminal sexual messages that we find funny, but that's way beyond them? Should they be exposed to this? I can't find any reason why someone would say yes to that. They are too young children. 

Everyone should know about the biology of that. It takes time to develop these aspects. And so why would they be doing this? This actually is one of the best ways to make humanity ultra-controllable because you operate under this premise where you are so basally motivated by things. And so you're motivated and persuaded by your appetites. And that's what pushes and pulls you into the things that navigates and governs your choices. And so this is incredibly destructive, but people don't realize it. 

And in terms of people who want to do the research and look at the MK-Ultra mind control experiment, which is what Bill Clinton was making an apology for when he said the words, "I want to apologize for the experiments that were conducted in this country that were unethical during the time that they were conducted and unethical during today's standards," and when you research, which is declassified, meaning that it's public, and it's publicized, that they explained that sexual trauma is used for mind control and physical trauma. 

And so sexualization was actually used to make the mind more-- putting us into a more suggestible state and then we can then be given commands of doing certain things. And you start to realize, why that so many people are so complicit in all types of things that are so wrong. Let's say if this V is a very toxic and poisonous substance, and it's harming people, why do people seem so complicit in it and then even willing to dive in family members, pressure other family members? Why is that happening? And you start to realize, why are we operating like a mind-controlled society? 

And then you look at the media and the types of things that we're consuming and that we're exposed to, and you realize we've been hyper sexualized, which has actually caused the framework of how we make judgments and choices to be marred. And we are operating in these states that then mean that we are basically powerless against controller because we are controlled by our sexual desires. We are not in control of them. They're in control of us. 

Basically if you were to see things spiritually, spiritual, mental, physical, and that's the hierarchy. So your spiritual, which would be your morals and beliefs that would go into that category, then that would help shape your mental framework of the things that your state of happiness and where that comes from, which would be in connection to the spirituality, and then that would oversee the physicality of what things we do, whether we choose to punch or kick or fight somebody or have sex with somebody, that would be all in the physical realm. And so, if that's out of whack that the mental is not governing the appetites of the physicality, then that's where people can be completely out of control, do violent things, do sexual things that are completely wrong and perverse. So you throw that out of whack and that's what we're seeing.

Luke Storey:  [01:42:40] Wow. It's so wild to watch. People often ask me why I'm so obsessed with red light therapy. I've been doing it for years, and frankly, I plan to continue forever due to its incredible benefits. Thousands, yes, I said thousands of peer reviewed research articles have demonstrated the benefits of red and near infrared light for things like skin health, reduced pain, and inflammation, and faster muscle recovery. I love to do my red light first thing in the morning to get the red light I might get from watching the sunrise. 

And as red light therapies become so popular, there are several different red light therapy companies now. But I personally use and recommend Joovv for a few reasons. First, they offer a wide selection of configurations from small handheld devices to large setups that can treat your entire body. I personally use both. Another feature I love with Joovv's latest generation of products is something they called ambient mode, which utilizes lower intensity red light designed to be used at night as a healthy alternative to bright blue light, which protects your melatonin levels and as a result, your sleep. 

This is what I use in the kitchen at night in our temporary apartment to balance out the blue light of the nasty overhead lighting. So if you want to get down with some red light, Joovv has got you covered. And for a limited time, they're offering all my listeners, including you, an exclusive discount on your first order. Just go to joovv.com/luke and apply my code LUKE to your qualifying order. That's J-O-O-V-V.com/luke. And of course, some exclusions apply as this is a limited-time offer. So hurry up and grab your Joovv now. 

I'm 51 at the time of this recording. Sometimes I think I'm just getting older and therefore more conservative. And like maybe everything's cool. It's like when I was a teenager, it was reckless abandon, and I hated all rules and all social norms and wanted to break that as a little punk rock teenager. So there might be something to do with that, some wisdom in hindsight and seeing. But it's interesting to observe, and I was thinking about this last night. My mom's parents were very strict and conservative and just really kept a tight leash on her when she was a girl in a repressive manner. That was her experience according to her sharing that with me. 

And I was also allowed to swear and use profanity, which I thought was super cool. I could show off to my friends. They'd come over and I'd be like, what's up, fucker. My friends are waiting for me to get grounded. My mom's just over there doing the dishes hanging out. I couldn't say racist or sexist words, but I could use swear words, which is pretty cool. I was allowed to read Playboys and have playmates up on the wall, and things like that. So I grew up in a very liberal free household on my mom's side. My dad's much more conservative and strict. 

So when I was a kid, it was kind of anything goes. I was given lots of love and affection. For example, I remember I had a little box in my room that she was not allowed to look in. And we made that agreement, which is cool. But what did I keep in there? I started keeping weed in there and paraphernalia. And it was my little drug box. But she promised not to look in there. 

And that also, as wonderful as that was as a kid, also had repercussions in terms of downstream, my relationship to sexuality and relationships, being lensed through pornography that I was exposed to, that I sought out and was exposed to as a kid and things like that. And so now, it's like, there's kind of this Boomerang, I see within myself of leaning into more, somewhat, I think, centrist or conservative values where I think, wow, that's really not appropriate for the kid. But perhaps part of it is a reaction to my own subjective experience, having been exposed to drugs, and sex, and all of these things at an early age and having been abused and really exposed to sex. 

So I don't know what there is in there. It's just a self-inquiry and observation as to how I formed my worldview. It seems that as individuals, we can have a polarized reaction to early experience. And perhaps if it was a little too loose, we can grow up and get a bit more contracted. And if we were too confined in our exploration of what it means to be a person, then perhaps later in life, one could go off the deep end and expand the opposite end of that.  

Jonathan Otto:  [01:47:00] Yeah, that's very interesting. My take on it would be a slight variation, where I would say that, because you have been on that side of the pendulum like super explorative, that it is allowed you to understand things that wouldn't necessarily have to be understood that way. Because like, say, for example, my background would be on the other side, but not completely at all, because I was exposed to exposed to pornography as well and that became something that was a vice for me at different periods of my life. Thankfully, not anymore, which I'm very grateful for. But that was all like a healing exercise. 

But it's interesting that, for me, when I look at my exploration of these things, I start to realize, oh, wow, now I've actually understood something that appeared so attractive and fun, exhilarating, and carefree that had no problems associated with it, I see the problems that have happened. I see how it's caused pain. And so that's caused a deeper understanding. So it's not necessarily that I'm getting older. Well, the age is contributing to wealth of experience. Some of those things being things that are scarring and hurtful that I would prefer if-- I don't really feel like I want to erase things out of my life, but I wouldn't go and do it again or feel like it was essential. I could have found it. 

For example, a good example, I got a three year old and a 10 month old. I don't have to beat one of my children senseless to realize that it's not a good idea to beat him senseless. I could just know from the love that it's great to just love him and to be very kind to him, discipline him in ways that don't cause him trauma. So you see what I mean? There are things that we can do to discover truth outside of going down rabbit holes because you're married man, I'm a married man. There are certain things that would be very hard if I went and explored life with another partner. 

These things went through my mind at one point when my relationship wasn't working out. Even though I had strong Christian values, my desire for comfort then caused my mind to consider and even my wife to consider, oh, what would it be like to be with somebody else or something like this? But thankfully, we saw that we had those thoughts and then we just said, okay, well, let's, put this behind us and close the door to this because this is not going to be something that's easy to recover from. And people do recover from it. But why do that? Because it's just going to hurt self and others.

Luke Storey:  [01:49:40] To wrap up in terms of the influence on media, and the influence, not only of now what we're being exposed to, sometimes overtly, sometimes covertly in the messaging and programming that's been instilled in us without our knowing, we also have now this incredible suppression of information in the way of censorship, which I'm sure you're familiar with due to the controversial nature of the content that you create. Where do you see this going? 

Are we going to have this minister of truth in the regime now come in and just shut down the Internet and cut people like me and you out of the conversation? Is there going to be an emergence of Blockchain platforms or things that are going to evade the powers that be? Are we going to become more savvy about the programming that's taking place? It seems we are. I think that was one of the positive things about President Trump, despite all of his many flaws, is that he really, for whatever reason, called out the media and caused a huge swath of the population to discredit them as they rightly deserved, in many cases. Where do you see the arts and communication going in the age of censorship and this programming?

Jonathan Otto:  [01:51:02] I think it's a very interesting paradigm that we're venturing into because, yes, censorship has been unprecedented. There's certain things that people are not used to it where you just posted something on Facebook, it's been deleted, you've been put in Facebook Jail. You've tried to follow someone, but then it said, you can't follow this person because they shared information about COVID. Then it's so bizarre. But I think what's really interesting, then you have this thing of Elon buying Twitter. And then there's this resurgence of people saying, wow, this is going to be free speech right now. 

And I can't predict every outcome of the things that may happen, but I can say that it's interesting that historically, there's this concept called Hegelian dialectic, I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but it's two dueling ideas, which is thesis against anti thesis, which is what creates the desired outcome, which is synthesis. So what would be the thesis and anti-thesis of censorship? Well, censorship versus free speech. But the key, if there are elites or if there is an agenda, if there is evil and good and these things are over shadowing, controlling or whatever, then what would happen potentially would be that, yes, the free speech argument, maybe there is an era of free speech. And then maybe it's dueling up against the censorship and they go kind of it's a boxing match. 

But it's designed in this way because as long as it still operates outside of the context of love, it never evolves anyway. And so there's a line from the band Fall Out Boy, which, from all their symbology they have a cultic just like a lot of the bands that look like they've been through this Freemasonry thing. They can listen to this and tell me that they're not. They have this line, "I'm an arms dealer, equipping you with weapons in the form of words, and I don't really care which side wins as long as the room keeps singing." And then the chorus says, "I'm a leading man and the lies I weave are oh, so intricate, oh, so intricate." And then just, "All the prima donnas of the gutter. We paint your trash gold while you're sleeping. I wrote the gospel of giving up, you look pretty sinking," strange lines that are very dark, but just talking about these jeweling components. 

There's the Coldplay song, Viva la Vida, never an honest word that was when I ruled the world. So it's the dishonesty still, to me, whether it's free speech or censorship, the dishonesty of the mechanism that's behind this because the play is bigger, what we're actually fighting for is not freedom, even though it involves freedom. We're not fighting for free speech, even though it involves free speech. We're not fighting for these things. We fight for love. And it's not even a fight. It's we live according to love, and that's historically, this is my take on it, that that's what we strive for. It's not about opposing things. It's about living the greatest manifestation, relevant, and actualization of love. 

And so what I'm saying even with the Rwanda genocide example is what is it that ends the evil? What is it that finally just stops it in its tracks? And it is love. Like you see examples, these criminals, their hearts were so broken by what had been done by these people, the love. You can see even there's a two guys on tour in Puerto Rico where one of them had killed a relative of the other and they're on tour together talking about violence. And you see examples where even a child was killed by another child and the parent of the child that had been killed takes in the child, the murderer. 

You can look at these examples they exist. And so what I'm saying is when these things happen, that's when evil finally is met, but it's met with love in such a way that it heals the core of everything that's going on here. And so the issue is not that evil is so evil, it's that we're not seeing examples of this goodness. We're not seeing it. We're not sensing or feeling. It's causing us not to uplevel because there will always be darkness in the world as far as like, let's say what the Bible would talk about that it basically explains that none of this is in the heart of God. And if people uplevel and find this love, then they can be taken out of the darkness. 

So I think that's the only real answer I have for people, which I think is the greatest answer, which is, don't look for external factors to validate the love and the reality that you can have in this moment, regardless of the Illuminati, the darkness, the bad guys, what they're doing to you. It doesn't have to affect you. You can have love and joy and peace in your life because the source that you get that from is on access all the time, every moment of every day. And that is only pure love. And my favorite verse in the Bible is actually 1st John 1:5. It says, in God is light, and there is no darkness at all. Because that's my escape from all of this. And so that's where the joy comes from.

Luke Storey:  [01:56:32] Awesome, man. I think we did it, bro. Thank you, sir. That's what was missing yesterday. I was like there's one more piece here or a few more pieces to complete the mosaic of the beginning of our conversation. So thank you so much. I want to ask you one final question. Who are three teachers or teachings that have influenced your life or your work that you'd like to share with us?

Jonathan Otto:  [01:56:52] Sure. So obviously, the first one, people already guess, would be Jesus, not just the way that he taught, the way that he interacted with people, the life that he lived, his life of nonviolence to me is deeply inspiring. So in amidst the worst possible scenario, so that nonviolence, non-retaliation, non judgement in context where it would warrant, all those things as far as I'm concerned. So that's why he's my greatest teacher and role model in all things. 

Secondly, I find the Protestant reformers very inspiring in their stance during the 1500s. They had many flaws, though. So people have to understand they still did perpetuate violence as well, some of them. Martin Luther, just some of his stand to me was just such a beautiful stand, and that he was really contending with freedom of conscience, which is really the underpinning of freedom of speech. It was freedom of conscience, and they risked all and many people were burnt alive at this stake just for the stand, which really did create an underpinning for what we have today. Any freedom that we experience, they were a part of, helping to create that. So they are inspirational to me in that even though they are flawed, incredibly flawed individuals, just like the rest of us. And then finally, I would say, you said speakers and thought leaders?

Luke Storey:  [01:57:24] Anyone. 

Jonathan Otto:  [01:57:24] A friend of mine, a really good friend of mine, Adrian Ebens. He's written a lot of really amazing books. And he has a website where he published all these books for free, Understanding God's Character and How to Open the Heart to Love. And I remember it was when I was reading these books, and I was understanding God in a different way of thought my mind, like literally, it was as if my mind was deprogramming. And that was what basically saved my marriage with my wife and allowed me to be able to open my heart in ways that I hadn't before and it didn't realize that it was all coming from a dark view of God. So he was very helpful for me in that end. The things that he's written on these subjects, I think are really profound and helpful.

Luke Storey:  [01:59:04] Awesome, thank you so much. We're going to put links to those mentioned, your films, your website at lukestorey.com/otto. Man, thank you so much for making the time yesterday and being willing to come back today and wrap a bow on this gift of a conversation. Thank you.

Jonathan Otto:  [01:59:18] Well, thank you so much, man.

Luke Storey:  [01:59:24] I want to thank you for having the stamina to get through this episode. Well, I guess it was two episodes crammed into one. For those of you that listened, you'll know what I mean. If this was a bit heavy for you, you'll find some sweet relief in next week's show. It's number 419. It's called Let There Be Light: How to Illuminate Consciousness and Biology with third time and wildly popular guests and my friend, Mr. Matt Maruca. So next week show is when I'm really looking forward to sharing with you. 

Back to Jonathan, if you want to check out Jonathan's incredible archive of alternative health documentaries, here's where you find them. Go to lukestorey.com/healthsecrets, that's lukestorey.com/healthsecrets. Or if you're tech savvy, you can just click that link on your podcast app show notes, and it'll take you right there where you will find his whole collection of films. And they are incredible as you might have guessed from this conversation. He leaves no stone unturned and gives zero Fs about what the mainstream media might have to say about his approach to creating content. 

Let's finally last but not least, give some huge love to our show sponsors, InsideTracker, Nootopia, Joovv, and Joymode, four incredible brands out there to help you live your best life. And I want to let you know you can find them all in my online store at lukestorey.com/store. All right, I'll be back next week with Matt Maruca.



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