308. Ending Infant Trauma: Dangers of Hospital Birth, Ultrasound, & Circumcision w/ Jeanice Barcelo

Jeanice Barcelo

October 6, 2020

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

My guest is Jeanice Barcelo, an author, researcher, educator, and activist dedicated to exposing the dark side of the medical establishment.

Jeanice Barcelo is an author, researcher, educator, and activist dedicated to exposing the dark side of the medical establishment. In her first book, "Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine, Jeanice offers a critical analysis of technological interventions during childbirth and exposes systematic abuse against infants and parents during hospital birth.  Jeanice argues that medical violence is deliberate and methodical and reveals a decades long agenda to alter our species by inflicting trauma on us at the earliest stages of our lives. In her second book, The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound, Jeanice exposes the dangers of ultrasonic radiation in utero, as well as the ever-present danger of wireless radiation that is now ubiquitous in our world. Jeanice offers lectures, webinars, radio and television interviews, parenting courses, pregnancy coaching, preparation courses for conscious conception, as well as healing for birth trauma. To learn more about Jeanice’s work, please visit www.BirthofaNewEarth.com and/or www.RadiationDangers.com.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Today we’re facing a dark reality of what has become normalized in our country: infant trauma and abuse by the medical establishment.

Some of you may be resistant to the ideas brought up in this episode, but I urge you to hear us out. The medical establishment has gone through a lot of effort to make you think that hospital births, circumcision, epidurals, incubators, and prenatal ultrasounds are all the healthiest and safest options for your newborns — but, in most instances, that’s simply not the case.

My guest is Jeanice Barcelo, an author, researcher, educator, and activist dedicated to exposing the dark side of the medical establishment. In her two books —“The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound and the Dangers of Non-Ionizing Radiation” and “Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine” — Jeanice argues that medical violence is deliberate and methodical, revealing the systemic abuse against infants and parents during hospital birth.

This is perhaps one of the most important conversations I’ve ever shared. If we don’t protect our newborns from harm, our species is doomed — and recognizing the problem is the first step. So please share it with anyone who is planning a family or needs this information.

09:20 — The trauma that pushed Jeanice to become a researcher and activist

  • Two months and two days of watching her child in neonatal intensive care
  • “I didn’t have a language to understand what was going on, but I could feel the evil.”
  • It was a repetition of her own birth trauma
  • Five years of intense PTSD
  • How Jin Shin Jyutsu saved her life
  • More than 98% of hospital births are considered at least moderately traumatic
  • What happens during the birthing process when you’re carrying unresolved birth trauma
  • The satanic rituals performed in hospitals

20:10 — How the medical establishment is intervening even pre-pregnancy

  • Dangers of birth control pills
  • Imprinting rejection at birth
  • Our divine birthright
  • Cellular memory
  • The sequence of events in a typical American pregnancy

37:00 — What’s the deal with ultrasounds?

  • Ultrasounds are non-ionizing radiation
  • EMF exposure to the fetus
  • Why radiation damage is so insidious
  • Radiation from heart rate monitors
  • Things that can go wrong if you don’t get an ultrasound
  • Fetal surveillance

50:35 — Medical indoctrination

01:00:05 — Induction, umbilical cord clamping, cesarean sections, and harmful pharmaceuticals 

  • The harms caused by induction
  • The etymology of “induction”
  • How toxic drugs like Cytotec (Misoprostol) and Pitocin are used
  • These are rituals, not just protocols
  • Why it helps to have a doula to advocate for you
  • Epidurals and why to avoid them
  • How long has this model been in operation?
  • What they don’t tell you about sections
  • How cord clamping robs babies of vital nutrients and hurts their health
  • Hospitals selling infant blood
  • What happens to the umbilical cord and placenta in natural birth?
  • “Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine”

01:39:41 — Why fathers and family are often kept out of the room during birth

  • No one should touch your baby before you do
  • Luke’s realization about his birth during an ayahuasca retreat
  • The work isn’t fun, but the benefit of healing from these traumas is immeasurable
  • Incubators and how they affect babies psychologically

01:49:55 — The horrors of circumcision

  • The benefits of having foreskin
  • Robbing men of their full sexual expression and ability to connect emotionally
  • The process of removing foreskin
  • The attack on men

02:08:10 — Where parents can begin if they decide to have a natural birth

More about this episode.

Watch it on YouTube.

[00:00:00]uke Storey:  I'm Luke Storey. For the past 22 years, I've been relentlessly committed to my deepest passion, designing the ultimate lifestyle based on the most powerful principles of spirituality, health, psychology. The Life Stylist podcast is a show dedicated to sharing my discoveries and the experts behind them with you. Jeanice, welcome to the show.

[00:00:30]Jeanice Barcelo:  Thank you so much. I'm really happy to be here. I appreciate the opportunity.

[00:00:36]Luke Storey:  Thank you. And I do, too. I'm so stoked that I found you because this is a topic or series of topics that I've really been wanting to cover at depth, and your experience, and knowledge, and expertise when it comes to birth is unparalleled. And the stuff that I've read from you and heard from you on other podcasts, they'd just blown my mind. So, in an effort to continue your work and amplifying your message, I'm really happy that you're here.

[00:01:03]Jeanice Barcelo:  Thank you so much. And amplify this message is so important. So, I guess part of my task in this life is to lift the veil and help people see what's really going on, what's being done to us, and our children, and our families. And the medical establishment is causing fundamental problems in relationships between men and women, and between us and our children. So, it's so important to cover this material and I'm thrilled to be able to spread the information as far as possible. Thank you.

[00:01:45]Luke Storey:  Cool. Well, I want to start with you.

[00:01:47]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah.

[00:01:47]Luke Storey:  How did you first become aware of the shenanigans going on in our birthing medical system? And what was like the first wake-up call for you personally that got you into this work that you're so passionate about?

[00:02:03]Jeanice Barcelo:  Well, I had a baby that was born not breathing. And this was a very well-prepared for home-birth that went wrong, and we ended up with me getting rushed to one hospital and her getting rushed to another hospital. And she was put in a neonatal intensive care unit. And I watched for two months and two days, what they did to my baby, and it was one of the most horrifying traumatic experiences that I could ever imagine happening to any parent. And I didn't have a language to understand what was going on, but I could feel the evil and I could feel the intensity.

[00:02:56] There were times when the energy was so uncomfortable that I couldn't even stand being in my body watching what they were doing to her. It was so seriously bad. And in that experience, also, memories of my own birth started activating. A lot of what happened to her had also happened to me in my own birth, and it was a repetition of my own birth trauma. So, when it happened, I went into post-traumatic stress. It took me at least five years of extreme trauma, like being in a vortex of trauma that I could not pull myself out of before I actually found a teacher for birth trauma. 

[00:03:55] And she's the one that, pretty much, the work that she taught me saved my life, Jin Shin Jyutsu, and it helped me, with her help, to understand the connections between what happens to us during our own birth and what happens when we go to give birth to our children. The same thing for the fathers because the mothers and fathers are bringing their own birth experiences into the birth field. And if there's unresolved trauma, which there always is, if you are born in a hospital—okay. 

[00:04:33] Almost always. More than 98% of hospital births are considered at least moderately traumatic and most are considered severely traumatic. Okay? So, if you're carrying unresolved birth trauma, when you try to give birth, this will activate, and this is what happened in my own case, only with my daughter, the trauma was escalated to an extreme degree. So, she didn't make it. They actually ended up killing her and I almost didn't make it as well. But it was through the Jin Shin, doing Jin Shin Jyutsu every day that a lot of the resolution happened. 

[00:05:25] And as the memories were surfacing and as I was getting clear about the origins of what manifested in the birth of my daughter, I was also starting to see that what they were doing was extremely methodical. There was, in other words, deliberate trauma being inflicted on babies, not just in the NICU. In the neonatal intensive care units, it's off the charts, what they're doing to those babies. And I've written about this in my book, Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine.

[00:06:10] So, I have to say that it took me some time to integrate all of this. I'm now more than 20 years past the time of the birth of my daughter, and not only have I integrated how systematic this trauma is, but also that there's a satanic element to what they're doing. These are rituals that are taking place in hospitals every day. And these rituals are designed to alter us, to create a species that will be in service to those we call the elite, who are behind the medical establishment, who are running the medical establishment. 

[00:07:09] So, there's a very heavy element to this that I don't know how much your listeners might know about this yet, so I kind of want to apologize upfront to say, this information, it can be super painful because we've all experienced this at some level. For the men, it goes even deeper, American men, that is, because of the circumcision trauma, which is the worst, in my opinion, of all of the traumas that they're purposely inflicting on us. And so, I want to apologize for any pain that comes up for people as you hear what I'm about to say, and also, to please not feel guilty about what's happened, but to understand that we are under mind control. The mind control is very deep and it starts with the pregnancy process. And the trauma is specifically for purposes of mind control.

[00:08:20]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Well, thank you for the disclaimer and I'll probably give another one when I post-record the intro to this. As someone who's been kind of on the fringes of media and information for a long time, I don't blink when someone says something like there are satanic forces, and rituals, and things like that, because I started to dive into that type of information probably 20 years ago. And even then, it was a bit novel. And I thought, well, there's some bad actors in the world in terms of the people running education, finance, medical, et cetera. 

[00:08:54] But surely, it's not that dark. And listening to people like David Icke, whom I've interviewed, and then thinking, well, I can go along with it to a certain point, then it sounds a little crazy. But then, what's come to light in recent years, especially in the past couple of years with the child trafficking and just the overt mind control of mainstream media and so many of these things that used to sound like conspiracy theories or be labeled that way are now actually coming to fruition or coming to light.

[00:09:27] And so, I would like to encourage anyone that feels a bit shocked by that languaging, that whether or not you go along with that there are nefarious intentions there, the facts that you're about to unveil are well-researched, and like to talk about like what happens when you get pregnant, what happens when you go to have the baby, what happens after you have the baby, just standard operating procedures. And if people want to read something deeper into that, they can.

[00:09:55] I'm of the belief that there are some, I don't like using the term evil, but there are some people that are devoid of empathy and devoid of love that are in very powerful positions, and that have set up the entire world system. And that's become increasingly clear to me, as has the absolute insanity of how babies are born, which is why, again, I was so excited to talk to you, which is like anything I look at. 

[00:10:25] When I look at nature and how things are done in nature, and then I look at how humans have devolved or been devolved by these influences, it's no wonder that so many people are crazy, and we have mass shooters, and drug addicts, and alcoholics, and pedophiles, and people with all of these different mental disorders, and mental illness, and all this. It's like, leave alone the generational trauma, but let's look what happens to you as you're coming into this world. It's like, it's a wonder all of us don't turn into sociopaths.

[00:10:59]Jeanice Barcelo:  True.

[00:11:02]Luke Storey:  I feel like after all the shit I've been through in my life, I'm happy above ground, but to actually have been shown the grace to have a life that I think is benefiting more people than harming is a real gift. But, man, it took a long time to get here. But let's talk about, if we can, and I know we only have a little bit of time here and this is 20 years' worth of your work, so it might take us five episodes, and I'll do. I want to get as much of an overview in here as we can today.

[00:11:34] So, starting with, before a woman gets pregnant, many women have been on the pill or on the pill, then they stop and get pregnant right away. They're having mammograms. There are things that are going on with the woman's sexual organs and physiology within the medical system paradigm before they even conceive. So, can you give us some of the things that we might want to avoid pre-pregnancy, some of the low-hanging fruit of the really gnarly shit?

[00:12:01]Jeanice Barcelo:  Well, definitely, the hormonal changes that would occur as a result of taking birth control pills can even lead you to the wrong partner.

[00:12:10]Luke Storey:  One sec, Jeanice, the mic just went crazy on your end for some reason. I don't think you did anything. 

[00:12:17]Jeanice Barcelo:  Okay. You hear me okay?

[00:12:19]Luke Storey:  No, it sounds like Darth Vader. Unplug it and plug it back in for a second, see if that fixes it. And if not, we'll just do it just the regular way and it'll probably be fine.

[00:12:29]Jeanice Barcelo:  I actually think that might be the best.

[00:12:31]Luke Storey:  Okay. Let's just do that.

[00:12:32]Jeanice Barcelo:  We're having so much trouble with the mic. So, it's like what you said, okay, the birth control pills are changing your body and your hormones so much that you can become attracted to a person that you would otherwise be repulsed by. It's kind of like what perfumes and colognes do, they contain pheromones that interfere with smell, and smell is a very important way that we know if a person is immunologically and genetically appropriate match for us. 

[00:13:05] If we don't like their smell, obviously, we should not be with them. But if they're wearing perfume or cologne, it gets confused, you see. So, we can be attracted to people we'd be repulsed by, and this is what happens with birth control pills. It's one of the many things that are a problem in terms of creating what I'm going to say are false unions. There are millions of them occurring right now, people who are not with the right person that is for them.

[00:13:36] And this is a core piece of the breakdown over time of relationships because we're not with the right person to begin with. Of course. We've all been so beaten down in terms of self-esteem that we're settling for a lot less than what we should be calling to ourselves because we don't think we can attract something that's that worthy. There's a lot going on there. And the topic of sexuality and how we're drawn to each other, this is a full-on interview on the topic of sexuality. 

[00:14:19] But just to quickly say that we are being conditioned, this has been a well-planned system of getting people to be drawn to each other based on physical attraction and carnal impulses, carnal desire. So, if we look at somebody and we think they're physically attractive and we're feeling some sensation in our genitals that makes us want to get with them, we're in a society that says that's good, and that's okay, and you should do it because the ultimate goal is the orgasm, so go ahead and do it. 

[00:14:57] But you see, the problem there is what we call, sexuality is actually life-creating energy. It's designed to create life. And although we have been taught that we can separate it from its life-creating potential, in other words, that we can use that energy just for physical pleasure. And we've even been taught that, yes, that's what God really wants and designed us to have lots and lots of physical pleasure. That's what's important. 

[00:15:31] Forget that life stuff, forget creating life, take your birth control pills, if you use your condoms, if you have an accident, and you get pregnant, kill the baby, right? Have an abortion. This is really what's going on in our society right now. We've come so far from the divine pass that we're murdering children, our own children. And we're often conceiving them with people we do not love and who do not love us. And of course, the children who are conceived as a side effect of fleshy gratification are immediately, their link with the divine mind is immediately broken because of that approach to conception. 

[00:16:29] You see, there's no way that they can come in, in the design of our creator because they've been created through carnality, which is really in the Luciferian realm. Okay. And this is a very deep topic. And it's one that we should talk about at a later date, but suffice to say, there are so many children on this earth right now who were not wanted, who were in wombs, where they were not wanted. Many have been killed. 

[00:17:05] Okay. The ones that made it through, like myself, have imprinting that affects our ability to attract authentic love because our first imprint was one of rejection from our mother and perhaps from our father as well. When they discovered my presence in the room, it was not welcoming. It was not an emotion of joy or we're so glad you're here, what every baby needs and deserves to experience when they first arrive in the womb. 

[00:17:49] On the contrary, it's one of rejection. It's thoughts of, should I kill this baby? Should I kill you? And this stays. This is an imprint that will affect you for your entire life, unless you bring it to consciousness. They call this discovery shock. This is in pre and perinatal psychology. There's many, many things that can happen in the womb that can cause prenatal trauma and being unwanted or having an experience when you're discovered in the womb where your mother is like, oh, shit, now, what am I going to do? 

[00:18:36] You see, this gets stuck in the body because you don't have the emotional capacity to process that you're not loved or wanted. This is totally contradictory to what our divine birthright is. And often, this imprint gets lodged in the lungs because our lungs are developing around the time that we're discovered, usually six to eight weeks. So, you find people with chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, smoking addictions. Okay. So, you smoke and wanted to suck back, suck down those unresolved feelings of not being wanted. There's tremendous pain from this. 

[00:19:26]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[00:19:27]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah. If I went deep just into the prenatal stuff, what can happen, that's a whole show. Okay. There are so many things.

[00:19:36]Luke Storey:  Well, I think, actually, I would like to do a show in the future with you where we really go into the human sexuality piece, and the sex with and without love. And also, I know you do a lot of stuff about pornography too, which is, I think having worked with a lot of men over the past couple of years that are wanting to develop themselves spiritually, that's something that's really come to light in our community as well. And not from a moral standpoint, but just a mental health and healthy relationship standpoint. So, I think that you're right. It really is its own thing, because as we learn more about and embrace healthy relationship with our sexuality, that's inherently, obviously, the seed of life that's going to then be carried down through the generations to follow. And as you said, they're going to be imprinted, right?

[00:20:26]Jeanice Barcelo:  These memories are what we call imprints, right? So, they're preverbal, which means they really are cellular memories. It's not that we always have them in the intellectual part of our minds, but there's still cellular memories. And they do affect our experience in life and our behavior. And there's a lot going on with the imprinting in the womb, an adverse that's all pre-verbal and has very long-term impact.

[00:21:02]Luke Storey:  Got it. This brings to mind this thing that I've heard where women will put headphones on their tummy, and play beautiful classical music to the baby, and things like that. Like there are positive things that you can do obviously, too, but I guess unless we're taught those, that's not going to happen. We're just going to go about our life. So, in terms of when a woman finds out she's pregnant, what's kind of—if she's just going full on Western allopathic medicine, what's the first thing that's going to happen? She misses her cycle, and then she's like, oh, I might be pregnant, does a pregnancy test, goes to see her doctor, then what is the sequence of events that would take place in a typical American pregnancy?

[00:21:49]Jeanice Barcelo:  Well, the sequence of events would involve something like, we're going to do some testing on you. We're going to take your blood and deplete the baby's precious blood supply and oxygen supply by repeatedly checking your blood every time you come in for prenatal, what we call prenatal care. We're going to do some invasive testing, maybe like amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling to make sure you don't have any birth defects. We're going to expose you to all sounds.

[00:22:23]Luke Storey:  How are those tests done, the first two that you just mentioned there, that check for birth defects?

[00:22:29]Jeanice Barcelo:  Well, without going too deep with amniocentesis, for example, they stick a needle in through the mother's stomach and in through the amniotic sac, into the baby, not the baby's body, but the baby's little pouch there and take some liquid out of it. So, this is a very dangerous procedure for a number of reasons. It can cause miscarriage, but particularly, if you're an RH-negative mama, you do not want to have people poking around inside your body with needles, because if there's a puncture and your blood mixes with your baby's blood, your baby can end up dead if your baby happens to be RH-positive.

[00:23:18]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[00:23:19]Jeanice Barcelo:  Okay. So, RH-negative mothers have particular challenges to deal with in terms of this medical model, because they're also going to be told that they need to take RhoGAM shots and all this nasty stuff, which causes problems. This is a whole another—I want to get into the birth stuff because I think this is the most critical for tonight. But all of the testing that they do is invasive and potentially extremely harmful. And really, if they find a problem, let me just cut right to the chase here, if they find a problem, there's not a thing that they can do about it. They're not going to be able to get in there and fix your baby if they find your baby on the ultrasound has very severe birth defects. They're not going to go in there and fix your baby. It's very, very rare that there's anything that they're going to be able to do for your baby. And so, your only option is going to be to kill your baby through abortion. Okay? 

[00:24:30]Luke Storey:  Or the other option is to have a baby and have a baby with whatever defects are presenting at that time, right? 

[00:24:38]Jeanice Barcelo:  And I can tell you that many people have gone ahead to have their babies and their babies are fine, despite these horrific diagnoses that they've been handed through the ultrasound, especially. Okay. And the stress that's caused during pregnancy through these tests, through this testing, okay, not to mention that the interruption in bonding when the parents have been terrorized, that they're going to lose their baby or give birth to a very sick and damaged child. 

[00:25:19] Okay. It definitely interferes with bonding, which, it needs to begin before conception. I mean, right now, if you want to have a baby and you're with your beloved, you should be talking with your beloved and talking to your baby, communicating with your forthcoming child right now before you even bring your body together to bring this child in. The bonding should begin. Like you have a clear sense of what kind of child you want to bring to this world and how much you want to contribute to the divine fulfillment of love on Earth by bringing in a special child. 

[00:26:01] It's like you can be, right now, in communication with God to say, I really want to serve the good. I want to serve love. I want to bring a special child here with my beloved. And both you and your beloved can be on the same page with this, and talking to this being, and saying, we can't wait to get you or we're going to prepare everything for you. Even before we bring our bodies together, we're going to prepare a very special space for you to come in, to conceive you in, to gestate you in, to birth you in. We're going to prepare ourselves every step of the way before we even bring our bodies together so that we can make it so good for you to come here.

[00:26:49]Luke Storey:  That's beautiful. I love the way that you look at that, and having been a meditator for many years and had some pretty fantastic experience within that, and also, doing different plant medicines and things like that, I've absolutely seen, subjectively, that there's another world other than this physical world and that you can communicate with energies, entities, intelligence, God, call it what you will, on the other side of this limited perspective. The bandwidth of our reality is so narrow in terms of the potentiality of what's actually happening and what's there. So, I love that, and that was a really good takeaway for me personally. I'm going to remember that. 

[00:27:31]Jeanice Barcelo:  One thing you might want to do is, if you see a picture of a child on the internet or anywhere that seems like, that child kind of looks like you and kind of reminds you of the kind of look that you expected your child may have, keep that picture, keep it handy, and look at that picture, maybe even keep it, if you want to have a child, this is, maybe even keep it as a screen saver. And when that picture of that child pops up on your screen, see that as your future child and talk to the child.

[00:28:03]Luke Storey:  I'm like, but wait, that's someone else's.

[00:28:07]Jeanice Barcelo:  It doesn't matter because it's not like you're there thinking carnal thoughts. You're thinking loving thoughts about your future child. So, yeah, I don't mean to influence people in a negative way.

[00:28:22]Luke Storey:  I mean, I do visualization with the home that I want, or somewhere I want to travel, or something like that. And I'm not trying to get that person's house when I visualize that, it's just a house like that. 

[00:28:35]Jeanice Barcelo:  Exactly. Exactly it.

[00:28:37]Luke Storey:  Yeah. That makes perfect sense. Let's go into the ultrasound piece, because like myself, you're someone that's sensitive to EMFs and very EMF-aware, I've looked on some of your blog posts and things like that, and you're definitely outspoken, as am I, about this plague on the planet, but what I found most terrifying, quite frankly, about your work, and I suspected that ultrasounds weren't good because it's not natural to be able to see through skin like straight up. It's like an x-ray. And then, I started listening to some of your podcasts and stuff, and I'm like, wow, this ultrasound thing, in and of itself, if that was the only thing we did that was unnatural in the process of having a child, in and of itself, would be really bad. So, what's the deal with ultrasounds and what happens if we just don't do them?

[00:29:32]Jeanice Barcelo:  Well, we haven't done them for the last several millenia, and everybody did just fine in terms of bringing children into this world, despite what the medical establishment feeds us a bunch of lies about how all the babies and mothers were dying. We wouldn't be here if that were true. Ultrasound is radiation. Point blank, that's what it is. We've been lied to and told that it's just sound waves. It is not. It is radiation. It's of a lower-band frequency than x-rays, but it's the same energy. Okay. It's called non-ionizing radiation. 

[00:30:18] And whenever you expose a living thing to technologically produced frequencies that are radiation-emitting frequencies, you're going to disturb the development of that living thing. All living things are affected by these technologically produced frequencies and radiation. Babies, of course, are the most vulnerable because they're in developmental stages. So, when you expose a baby to ultrasound, especially early in pregnancy, the chances that the baby will have bad results are very high and you may not see those results when the baby is born. Okay. It's the kind of thing where, you know how radiation causes infertility?

[00:31:21]Luke Storey:  Mm-hmm.

[00:31:22]Jeanice Barcelo:  Okay. You know cell phones are causing infertility? 

[00:31:25]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:31:25]Jeanice Barcelo:  Especially male infertility. So, this is something your baby may be born with, that it is infertile. And you won't know that your child is infertile until they're 20-ish, until they come of childbearing age, and they try to have children, and they can't. So, with radiation damage, it's very insidious because you may not see it right away. It may take five, 10, 15 years for cancer to develop or any one of a number of radiation-induced diseases.

[00:32:11]Luke Storey:  Does a female fetus already have her eggs intact?

[00:32:17]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yes.

[00:32:18]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[00:32:19]Jeanice Barcelo:  Not only are you irradiating the mother and the baby that's in the womb, but all of her eggs, all the mother's eggs and all of that baby's eggs, if that baby is a girl. Okay. So, we also know that radiation causes genetic damage. And we also know that many autistic children have genetic damage, what's called de novo genetic mutations. These are new, de novo means new, and that means that the genetic mutation has not been in the family before. 

[00:33:04] It's showing up for the first time in the child who has the genetic mutation. So, the medical establishment will tell you that these De novo mutations are happening spontaneously. And I'm going to tell you, that is bullshit. They are happening because of radiation exposure both in the womb and throughout the birth process, because those fetal heart monitors, those Doppler fetal heart monitors, where they listen to the heart, and also, that they strap around the mother's body during childbirth for, sometimes, hours at a time, this is radiation.

[00:33:50]Luke Storey:  So, this heart monitor is another level of radiation beyond even the ultrasound then.

[00:33:57]Jeanice Barcelo:  The heart monitors are usually Doppler.

[00:33:59]Luke Storey:  Okay.

[00:34:00]Jeanice Barcelo:  Okay. So, Doppler is heavy duty-

[00:34:03]Luke Storey:  Isn't that like radar?

[00:34:05]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yes, heavy-duty post frequency, that we know the pulse frequencies that are coming off of our cell phones, for example, will cause heart irregularities. These pulses are coming off smart meters, a number of devices. So, it disrupts the electrical signaling, the pulse frequencies of the body. We are electrical beings. Okay. Our entire development is based on the electromagnetic connection to the Earth and to our source, okay, the natural frequencies that assist us, and support us, and enable us to communicate with the divine mind. 

[00:35:05] And in come these artificial frequencies, if I tell you how they're created, I mean, it's unbelievable violence, and here they come, attacking babies as they're developing. How can this possibly be good? Keep in mind that these things were developed as weapons from the get go. Ultrasound was developed as a naval weapon. They used it in submarines to detect submarines in the ocean. Okay. These are war technology. These are weapons. They have been from their inception. All wireless technologies, all non-ionizing, and ionizing technologies are obviously weaponized.

[00:36:06]Luke Storey:  Wow. What about the element of sound? When I hear the word ultrasound, it sounds really loud. Does this have any correlation between babies being born with hearing loss and things like that?

[00:36:18]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah, because it's so loud to a baby in the womb, especially because the water amplifies the frequencies. So, it's been recorded at 120 decibels in the womb. That's like being in a subway station when the trains are coming in. That's how loud it is. And not only is it damaging for the ears, but it's traumatizing. Babies will try to get away from it. They all start bouncing all over the place. A lot of mothers will tell you, they could tell that their babies were very disturbed by the ultrasound, although the medical people will tell you, that's just normal and isn't that cute, how the baby's putting up its hands and going, please, leave me alone, you're terrorizing me. Some babies will dissociate in the womb. 

[00:37:12] I've heard interviews with two-and-a-half-year-old child, saying, there was thunder in the womb. It was really loud thunder. And she had to get away from the thunder, so she went up in the clouds. And then, the thunder went away. This means she dissociated, she left her body in utero. Just left her body there in order to get away from what they were doing to the body. Of course, a two-and-a-half-year-old has no language to understand this. Most people don't because they don't understand satanic ritual abuse, and that the purpose is to cause dissociation so that all the personalities can be created, that will be in service to the dark side.

[00:38:05]Luke Storey:  What is the stated benefit of ultrasound, to determine the gender, to determine the health of the fetus? Like what's the official record of like, hey, the doctor says this is why we need this ultrasound? And to me, the risk is getting an ultrasound, even just based on my research and hearing yours, but what's the official narrative if you go to the doctor, and say, I don't want an ultrasound? What are they going to try to scare you with that is going to make you want to do it? Like what's the designated benefit of it, if any?

[00:38:47]Jeanice Barcelo:  They give you a whole list, and I put this list in my ultrasound book so that people can see all the things they're saying. So, let me just quickly say, if they say they're going to do it to determine the sex, if I told you that they're using ultrasound to stop sperm production, it literally stops sperm production, two 50-minute blasts to the adult male scrotum and you have a minimum of six months infertility. Okay. And the infertility can be permanent. What do you think is happening to the developing testes and ovaries of your children when they direct that ultrasound beam at the genitals to discover the sex?

[00:39:27]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[00:39:31]Jeanice Barcelo:  Okay?

[00:39:32]Luke Storey:  Bam. 

[00:39:33]Jeanice Barcelo:  Bam is right. And it's very, very, very, very deep. They can also cause complete sterility by extreme heating in the adult male genitals. They can actually block off the vas deferens by using ultrasound. It burns, it cauterizes, and blocks the vas deferens so that the sperm cannot get through to the penis. It's a permanent form of sterility that they can cause with the use of ultrasound. 

[00:40:10]Luke Storey:  So, if a mother that's pregnant decides to forego ultrasounds altogether, what are the potential risks, if any, of never taken a look through the transparent stomach made possible by the ultrasound?

[00:40:27]Jeanice Barcelo:  My personal opinion, there are no benefits, none. But what they will tell you is we have to look to make sure where your placenta is. Just 50 years ago, midwives could actually feel, they could palpate the womb and see where your baby's head is, where your placenta is, you don't have to have a frickin x ray to determine where these things are, if you have any skill as a midwife, which most midwives don't have anymore because they've come to be part of the medical establishment that uses these wicked technologies to peer inside the womb. 

[00:41:06] This is a form of surveillance of the baby. And they'll come right out and call it fetal surveillance. They do. This is all in my book. This is all in my ultrasound book. They're not hiding what they're doing, but they're just very clever at trying to convince people that you need this and they'll even get so uppity about it that they won't like take you on as a patient if you refuse to have ultrasound. I've seen midwives turn people away because they refused to have ultrasound. 

[00:41:40]Luke Storey:  And in a healthy pregnancy, how many sessions of ultrasound is typically given?

[00:41:47]Jeanice Barcelo:  Well, it depends on who you're going to. I mean, I've seen statistics where people are receiving 10 to 15 in one pregnancy, and it's much worse if they tell you, you're high-risk. They might tell you to come in every two weeks or something like that during your pregnancy.

[00:42:05]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[00:42:06]Jeanice Barcelo:  My personal opinion, and you'll understand why if I tell you enough about what they're doing, is to avoid them like the plague, avoid the medical establishment like the plague.

[00:42:20]Luke Storey:  I think based on my research and experience, they are the plague. And that leads me to my next question, and that is, as I was alluding to earlier that it's become more clear to me that there are, in fact, people or entities in charge of many of the world systems that lack empathy, lack love, are based on selfish agendas, greed, power, control, some of those innate human tendencies that many of us learn how to overcome as we evolve, and I guess there are many in power that haven't or won't. 

[00:43:02] And to me, it seems that systemically in that pyramid structure that the few at the top, the Rothschilds, the Rockefeller, et cetera, now, the Bill Gates, the George Soros, like all these kind of Darth Vader figures that have immense power and unlimited resources, have built these systems, the banking system, the financial system of the world, the education system, which is just absolutely, in America, just complete brainwashing, indoctrination, and it's getting worse and worse, and the medical system. 

[00:43:34] But I also know doctors personally that are really beautiful, conscious, kind people and would never knowingly do anything to hurt a mother or her offspring. So, it's like, it seems as though at the top of the power structure, the people that designed these systems and took a military-grade weapon, and said, yeah, let's point this at pregnant women stomach and tell them they have to have it, it's like, the people on the bottom are just good people that work at the hospital, your nurses, your doctors, and they're just doing kind of what they've been told or what they've been taught. So, is it not really just a systemic issue where not everyone is knowingly hurting babies? Right?

[00:44:18]Jeanice Barcelo:  No, many of them are under mind control. In fact, medical school is an indoctrination of trauma-based mind control. This is also in my birth trauma book. You're going to read about it because I'm going to send you a copy.

[00:44:33]Luke Storey:  I can't wait.

[00:44:35]Jeanice Barcelo:  But when you're in medical school, you are deliberately sleep-deprived, nutrition-deprived, sunlight-deprived, your condition to do some of the most horrific things to people's bodies and to babies' bodies, and to learn how to dissociate, basically, so that you can become part of the medical cult.

[00:45:07]Luke Storey:  Wow, that's so interesting. So, by that mechanism, then you have good people that are caring, loving people, that have a family, and they went into medicine with the intention of wanting to help people and heal people, but because there's no, or I wouldn't say no way, but it's difficult to get through that system unscathed because you're adopted into this model that is inherently stripping you of your common sense and what you know to be true, that it's difficult for people to slip through. So, even if they're well-meaning, and have no intention, and heard a conversation like this, and thought us two are a couple of nut jobs, they're unknowingly doing this harm. But then, there are also people that are setting the system up and at the higher chains of command that know exactly what they're doing, and they do meant harm.

[00:46:01]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah. There are many, many Satanists within the medical system, point blank. There are. And there are good-intentioned people who are operating from a place of mind control. And if you say to them, for example, cord clamping is very harmful to an incoming baby, and you should look at the science behind what this is doing to the baby, they all vehemently argue with you about it, having never looked at the science, but because they've become part of the cult and because they've inflicted this kind of damage on infants. And so, it's kind of like, a similar reaction might happen to a mother or a father when they discover what circumcision really is. They may completely go off on you, and get very angry, and tell you that it's beneficial. It's beneficial to cut off a healthy body part, especially the one that is designed to trigger the male brain to produce neurochemicals of love and bonding. It's good to cut that off.

[00:47:15]Luke Storey:  You know what's funny about that, Jeanice, the episode I did, God, it's probably three years ago, I did with Brendon Marotta, the director of the film.

[00:47:24]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yes, I know who he is.

[00:47:25]Luke Storey:  Yeah, great guy, very knowledgeable. The film, I mean, actually, it was really depressing, to be honest, as a male who was circumcised when I saw that film. It was pretty traumatizing because I realized what had been done to me. I never even thought about it because you look like the other kids in the locker room, and I'm like, well, at least I'm not the weird kid over there who hasn't been mutilated. I mean, that was my perspective as a kid. But after that film, but what was interesting when I did that episode, it was a popular show at the time, people liked it, especially women, but what was interesting is the pushback I got were from men who had been circumcised. 

[00:48:03] All of the women got it. They were like, oh, this is horrible. I'm never going to circumcise my kid. And men were like defending it and it had happened to them. And it was like a Stockholm syndrome kind of thing, where I'm like, dude, like, do a little research, watch the part of the—and I would implore anyone to go to the show notes, and listen to the episode, and watch that film, but there's a part of the film where they show a standard operation of a circumcision. And it is absolutely, I mean, you use the word satanic, there would be no other way to describe that. And I'm like, how does any adult male with a rational brain watch that film or that part of that film, and go, no, this needs to happen, like what is wrong with you? It's just insane.

[00:48:46]Jeanice Barcelo:  Well, the psyche has been completely assaulted by this. And there's no way, when you had that done to you as an infant, to try to imagine that your parents would let that happen to you without asking a single question, and then to say that this was bad, not only bad, but extremely harmful, this is just over the top for a lot of men to integrate and it may take years. 

[00:49:26]Luke Storey:  So, it's a cognitive dissonance kind of thing. 

[00:49:30]Jeanice Barcelo:  Hugely.

[00:49:30]Luke Storey:  Doesn't compute. 

[00:49:31]Jeanice Barcelo:  Deep emotional trauma and mean that there's no way to reconcile in that moment. So, they'll deny it. They'll deny that it is trauma. And they'll deny that it's harmful. They'll tell you it's beneficial. I have much less compassion, actually, for people like my own mother, who also allowed that to happen to my brother, and refuses to apologize, and instead, says, she thought that what she was doing is right and she'd probably do the same thing again because she thought it was right. So, even when you find out it's not, to try to like not deal with what you did, you just say, I would probably do it again because that's what I believe is right.

[00:50:22]Luke Storey:  That's tough because the basis of forgiveness comes a lot easier when the transgressor has made amends and admitted that they made a mistake. The forgiveness is kind of just inherent to that conversation. But if there's a denial and a refusal to take responsibility, or at least, to acknowledge that something might have harmed you, it's difficult for both parties to move past it.

[00:50:46]Jeanice Barcelo:  I've read stories so many times for my clients, my friends, people that have had massive trauma in NICUs, being in incubators, things like this, and realizing that this has affected their relationship with their mother, for example, their capacity to bond with their mother, when they bring it to their mothers, their mothers get really upset. Like how dare you say that I wasn't a loving mother? I've tried all my life to be a loving mother. Totally missing the point that the bonding has been interrupted and if your child is feeling that he or she is not loved because of that interrupted bonding. So, instead of the mother saying, oh, my God, I'm so sorry I never wanted to hurt you, and I wish that that never happened, and what can we do to try to heal the bond wounds, we have mothers doing the opposite. 

[00:51:53]Luke Storey:  I want to jump in to some of the other standard procedures in birth. You mentioned cord clamping. What's the stated purpose of that and what happens if you do it versus don't do it?

[00:52:06]Jeanice Barcelo:  Shall we go through the whole? 

[00:52:08]Luke Storey:  Do it. Yeah. 

[00:52:09]Jeanice Barcelo:  The birth process?

[00:52:11]Luke Storey:  Let's do it because I'm clueless. I'm 49, I've not had kids yet, so I know nothing about it, except having knowing a friend, and they get married, and they have a kid, and that's that. I'm not part of the process at all, so I really have no idea other than studying health and wellness over the years and getting a little glimpse, but I don't have a firsthand experience other than my own birth and some of the mishaps therein.

[00:52:35]Jeanice Barcelo:  Well, we can take a pretty good dive into what they're doing. With cord claming, it's coming a little bit later in the birth process, but I think it will help to have a chronological order to it. So, I will start with the process of induction. Okay. Induction is basically a medically induced premature birth. Okay. So, pay attention to the word induction because military people are inducted into the military and police are inducted into the police academy. It's an initiation, okay, into some type of cult. They chose that word purposefully, induction. 

[00:53:32]Luke Storey:  Well, it's interesting, too, looking at the word as induce, when you induce a response, it's something that's induced inherently, means it's not natural because it's not unfolding in and of itself. You're inducing something. You're forcing something to happen.

[00:53:48]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah. It's a medically forced premature birth. So, the baby is not ready to be born, otherwise, you would have gone into labor naturally. And the medical establishment says, according to our clock here, you should have gone into labor. If you're not in labor by such and such a time, and such and such a day, we're going to force it or they're going to make up some story about how you have an aging placenta, and they have to induce a baby or you don't have enough water, you don't have enough fluid, and the amniotic sac is too old. 

[00:54:29] They make up any one of a number of things to convince people that they need to go into a hospital, and have the medical system, and select all kinds of interesting drugs to try to force the baby to come out. Okay. And this is all before the baby is born. So, in a normal birth, in a natural birth, the baby has dominion over when it's born. It will signal the mother's body that it's ready and the mother's body will begin producing the neurochemicals of birth and the birth process will ensue. 

[00:55:09] It's up to the baby, literally, in a natural birth when it's time to be born. So, with an induction, that is being stolen, the baby's dominion over its own birth. And that's an infant, there's something out there that's trying to control my destiny or interfere with my destiny and that something does not have my best interests at heart. Okay. Babies know this. They can feel it. They might not have an intellectual understanding, but they sense evil 100%. 

[00:55:46] Okay. So, now, what they're going to do is something called an amniotomy, usually. The babies are in an amniotic sac, that's a watery sack that surrounds the baby and protects the baby. It's like padding. Yeah. So, during the labor process, when there's contractions, that watery sack is sort of a buffer from the intensity of contractions until very late in labor, when the water would naturally break. Okay. But they're going to go ahead and break it. Okay. So, now, the baby has no protection at all from the intensity of contractions that are going to be caused by a drug called Pitocin. 

[00:56:32] Pitocin is synthetic oxytocin. Now, natural oxytocin is the hormone of love and bonding. It's the hormone that allows for the let down the breast milk. It's the hormone that will allow for the baby and the mother to bond, natural oxytocin. When you put artificial chemical, oxytocin, into the mother's body, it tricks the mother's body and undermines her ability to produce natural oxytocin, which is going to undermine her ability to experience the neurobiology of love at birth, and also, her baby's. Okay. And it's going to undermine breastfeed, just this one drug.

[00:57:34]Luke Storey:  Wow. And this Pitocin, when this is given to the mother, this is to induce labor then, or one of the things?

[00:57:43]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yes, the amniotomy, the breaking of the water, that's going to make intense contractions that are going to try to push the baby out, the drug itself.

[00:57:55]Luke Storey:  Does the Pitosin also get into the bloodstream of the baby?

[00:58:02]Jeanice Barcelo:  Mm-hmm.

[00:58:03]Luke Storey:  Oh, wow.

[00:58:05]Jeanice Barcelo:  Of course. Baby's bloodstream is shared with the mother.

[00:58:10]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[00:58:12]Jeanice Barcelo:  Right. So, all of the drugs that the mother is receiving, the baby is receiving, amplified, because the drugs are given at a dose that's appropriate for the mother. But the point with Pitocin is that in a natural birth, a contraction will occur. Alright. You'll have a resting period, and then slowly, the energy will build in a contraction. It'll peak, it'll ease off, and the body will rest. And then, a little while later, it'll start picking up again, the contraction will peak, it will ease off, and the body will rest. But with Pitocin, the contractions are like a freight train steamroller, one after another, after another, after another, they are non-stop so that the uterus is turned into a trash compactor instead of a birth portal, literally. You have contraction, contraction, contraction, contraction that are smashing the baby. 

[00:59:21]Luke Storey:  And this is compounded by the fact that that sack that the baby's been cushioned by has been deflated because that fluid has been released from it. So now, it's just the pressure of all of her internal organs are directly on the baby, whereas they would have had a buffer?

[00:59:40]Jeanice Barcelo:  They would have had a much softer experience if the amniotic fluid was still surrounding the baby. Some babies are actually born in the amniotic sac, which is miraculous when you see that because that means the birth was really gentle and these children are said to have a very important destiny, but you would hardly ever see that in a hospital birth because of these drugs and because of what they're doing. So, they often will use the breaking of the waters or the full-on amniotomy to speed up labor. And unfortunately, it causes pain for the baby. And it's well-known that Pitocin causes fetal distress. 

[01:00:22] Well, it's no wonder if you've got contractions that are happening at such an intense level than any mother that has Pitocin can tell you, they think that that's normal to have labor feel that kind of pain. That's not normal. That's the drug. The drug makes women feel sick. It makes women feel cold. I mean, you know it when you get this drug, it's not a good feeling, okay, and it's not meant to be. It's meant to cause trauma to both the mother and child. And if they give you enough Pitocin, there's something that they call pit to distress, where doctors will give nurses orders to actually put their Pitocin all the way up in order to deliberately distress the baby so that they can say, the baby is distressed, we have to move to an emergency C-section.

[01:01:19]Luke Storey:  Oh, damn.

[01:01:20]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah. And nurses have blogged about this, this pit to distress order. So, this is going on, okay, that they're deliberately traumatizing babies because they want to get to the C-section already. C-sections have a myriad of benefits for the doctor, not the least of which are financial and getting out of there so they can get to their golf game, but also, if they are part of the Luciferian structure, C-sections are part of a satanic ritual. But we're jumping ahead of the game. So, if you get Pitocin, the other thing they might give you is Cytotec. 

[01:01:59] Cytotec is actually an ulcer drug that's being used off-label. Actually, it's being used against label in labor. It's not supposed to be used during labor because it can cause a miscarriage condition, but they deliberately use this drug because they want to make the cervix just open and the baby fall out. That's the whole point. Okay. It's a very dangerous drug. So, Cytotec can actually cause uterine rupture or amniotic fluid embolism, which will immediately kill the mother. So, these drugs are highly, highly dangerous and damaging to the baby and the mother. 

[01:02:52]Luke Storey:  It's so crazy, we're not even close to the vaccines yet, and it's like-

[01:02:56]Jeanice Barcelo:  Oh, no. No, no. We haven't even gotten into the birth process yet. It's just the attempt to force the baby out.

[01:03:04]Luke Storey:  God, it's crazy. And out of all these things that we're going through, I mean, I'm assuming, I've thankfully, knock on wood, have not spent too much time in the hospital, but the couple of times that I have, every drug they give you, every test you do, anything they do is another line item on that bill. So, I'm assuming in the monetized standard birth process that we're going through here, that each of these line items is another 250 bucks for this shot, such and such amount for the C-section, and they're just racking up cash at the same time. Again, not because all doctors are evil, but because the system is set up to make money, not to make happy, healthy mothers and babies, right? So, are all these things going to be an add-on cost?

[01:03:48]Jeanice Barcelo:  That, I don't know if they're itemizing it or if they've given these women a set price for the birth. Certainly, C-sections are very expensive. I've seen prices, $50,000. But these are rituals. These are the standard protocols that they're going to do, what I'm sharing with you.

[01:04:12]Luke Storey:  Okay.

[01:04:13]Jeanice Barcelo:  Okay. A mother can say no at any time, but they're not going to make it easy for people to say no. You've got to be super educated and super prepared, and it helps to have a doula who understands what I'm saying to you and will try to stand up for the mother, the baby, and the father.

[01:04:36]Luke Storey:  Got it. 

[01:04:38]Jeanice Barcelo:  Okay. Very important.

[01:04:38]Luke Storey:  So, what happens next if we've been given Pitocin, the Cytotec, where does the epidural come in? Is that part of the-

[01:04:46]Jeanice Barcelo:  Well, the epidural is going to come in because the mother is going to be going, holy shit, this is intense, these contractions, these steamroller one after another after another, nonstop, I can't take this, please, I need some kind of pain relief, right? So, in comes the epidural. Now, what's the epidural? The epidural, it's anesthesia, it's going to numb the mother's body, ideally from the waist down. So, she can't feel her body at all. 

[01:05:21] She can't feel her baby. She can't even roll over without people moving her. She certainly can't stand up or get into a squatting position to help her baby get born. She can't spiral her body, all of the things you need to be doing in labor, walking, squatting, all of this is out. You're in bed and people have to help you move because you can't feel your body. And that in itself is extremely disorienting. Okay. And it's a bit of a satanic experience when you're numbed out during the birth of your child.

[01:06:13]Luke Storey:  And so, are babies that are born under the influence of epidural, are they born like high and numb? I mean, the baby's getting the mother's dose of that, if you imagine the size of your average mother as compared to their baby, is that baby then set up for, I don't know, if it's a dopamine receptor painkiller, what kind of painkiller it is, but is that, in any way, setting the baby up for a cascade of drug problems later in life or are they getting like intoxicated in this moment?

[01:06:48]Jeanice Barcelo:  The Pitocin is setting the baby up for that because it's disrupting the baby's oxytocin receptor sites because there's no real oxytocin in the mother's body. Generally, there's hardly any because Pitocin has been introduced. So, if the baby's oxytocin receptor sites are damaged, and this will influence that baby is going to become an adult, their ability to have their bodies produce oxytocin and to experience love, you see. So, they're going to be having an experience of euphoria, perhaps, because of the Pitocin or Demerol. 

[01:07:35] Demerol would be a perfect example of a euphoria, which is an artificially induced state of well-being that comes through drugs. Demerol is given at birth sometimes. So, if you're born on Demerol, your imprint is not going to be for human love. Demerol is also an opioid drug. It's not going to be for human love, it's going to be for euphoria, which, it's an artificial sense of well-being. And yeah, they might reach for drugs later on because it's their baseline memory of well-being. You see, they might reach for the opioids later on, and especially if they have damaged oxytocin receptor sites.

[01:08:25]Luke Storey:  I'm curious, in terms of the timeline, I think I've heard you say that ultrasounds became common practice in 1975. Is that correct?

[01:08:36]Jeanice Barcelo:  Around.

[01:08:37]Luke Storey:  And then, what about these other drugs, the Pitocin, the Cytotec, the epidural, all this kind of stuff, has this been going on since the '50s, '60s, '70s? Like how long's the current model been kind of in operation? 

[01:08:52]Jeanice Barcelo:  I would say the drug model has been in operation probably since the 1930s, '40s. There's different drugs. When I was born in 1958, my mother was given what's called twilights. And this is a mixture of Demerol and scopolamine. Scopolamine is called devil's breath because you can tell a person to empty their bank accounts on scopolamine and give you all the money, and they will do it, and they won't remember that they did it. They have complete amnesia.

[01:09:33]Luke Storey:  I think I saw a documentary about that drug in South America. It's like a powder and they blow it in someone's face, and then they can grab them, and go back to their apartment, and take them to the ATM the next day, they're like, I don't know what happened, all my shit is gone.

[01:09:48]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah.

[01:09:48]Luke Storey:  Wow. Interesting. So, that was a synthetic version of that drug than the devil's breath, or was it? 

[01:09:57]Jeanice Barcelo:  They might have used the real thing in the twilight sleep, that was given to my mother. My mother was completely not there during the birth process. And I was born on Demerol and I was addicted to opioid drugs when I was a teenager.

[01:10:14]Luke Storey:  Yeah, me too.

[01:10:17]Jeanice Barcelo:  And you're 10 years younger than me, so obviously, it's gone on.

[01:10:22]Luke Storey:  Right.

[01:10:23]Jeanice Barcelo:  Okay. It's gone on for—we're getting close to 90 years that this has been going on, the interference with natural birth and the introduction of all of these drugs that are leading to massive emotional spiritual pain and drug addiction later on, in addition to, we can't find love, intervene with human love. 

[01:10:54]Luke Storey:  So, what comes next in the process? The placenta, the umbilical cord, where does all this stuff come in? 

[01:11:02]Jeanice Barcelo:  Let's just quickly go back to the epidural and say that when the mother can't feel her body and can't help her baby get born, here's an abandonment issue in that alone because the baby has to do it on its own against unbelievable odds with Pitocin contractions coming in. There's no protective sack. The mother is not helping. And very often, the mother's on her back and the baby's like being born against gravity all on their own. And they've been separated from the mother, basically. 

[01:11:37] The mother is not able to feel them or help them. And the baby will experience more pain, you see, because in natural birth, this natural opiates, and beta endorphins, and all these natural, beautiful hormones of well-being and love that should be there that are not, but baby needs these hormones and it's not getting them. All the baby is getting is pain. The mother might not feel anything, but the baby is feeling a lot. The baby is being crushed with these contractions. 

[01:12:16] And the baby's feeling all alone in trying to get born. And there's a lot else on top of this. Okay. So, now, you've got the cascade of interventions that have already occurred because you allowed them to induce you, which you never should have done unless it was a really serious emergency. So, now, they're going to say, you need a C-section. And now, you go in for that satanic ritual, literally, where they've got you on the altar, your body is completely strapped down, you can't move at all. 

[01:13:02] And I have read, and this is, of course, for your safety, as they cut into your body, and I've read story after story after story of women who were not anesthetized and felt every bit of them cutting into her. And with a caesarean section, the birth is stolen, the birth victory, right? When a natural birth happens, the baby has to maneuver through that birth canal. It's got to twist itself, and turn itself, and find its way. And when it succeeds, there's a massive, beautiful thing that occurs in the psyche of the baby that says, I did it. I did it. But with a C-section, that's not the case. It was stolen. And the imprint is, I can't do it, somebody has to save me, somebody has to do it for me.

[01:14:28]Luke Storey:  Damn. I wonder if there are any stats on the level of success in life or ambition in life for babies that are born C-section versus natural? Well, none of this is natural, but let's say C-section versus vaginal, would be really interesting to see a study of how many go-getter entrepreneurs are C-section versus natural birth, people that have that inclination, that I can do this, like I've got this, regardless of your upbringing and your parents instilling that confidence and self-worth in you, but that makes so much sense. I bet, based on what you're telling me, that there is some correlation with your first experience in life being like, I can't do this, right?

[01:15:19]Jeanice Barcelo:  Usually, the baby will try, and try, and try, and work so hard, and you'll see this in a lot of adults. Like I keep trying, I keep trying, and I just can't seem to get it no matter what I do, and this could be a C-section imprint. This could be a birth trauma that needs to heal. And part of what we're doing today is hopefully to bring some of this into the consciousness, so people can say, maybe that's part of what's happening for me, and maybe I need to explore my birth, and try to heal any birth trauma that I may have had so that my life can proceed without so much struggle. And I want success. I don't want to have to say, somebody else has to do it for me. I want to know that I can do it. 

[01:16:16]Luke Storey:  What comes next in the process?

[01:16:20]Jeanice Barcelo:  When a baby is born, I may be missing something here, but they're going to cut the cord, they're going to cut the umbilical cord. Now, keep in mind, when the baby is born, the baby comes out, the umbilical cord is still attached to the baby and the placenta. And the placenta is inside the mother, so it's like the baby is still receiving a tremendous amount of blood and oxygen through the blood that's coming through that umbilical cord to the baby. Babies are not breathing when they're born. They don't breathe in the womb. 

[01:17:11] They get all their oxygen through the blood. So, that's why I laugh at the idea that, oh, the umbilical cord was wrapped around the neck. It doesn't matter. They're not breathing. I mean, it only matters if the umbilical cord is compressed and the blood supply is being cut off, then it's an issue. But if it's just wrapped around the neck, it's not a big deal, but they make it a big deal. They make it a reason to inflict C-section and everything else. But when they clamp the cord, they're cutting off the baby's oxygen supply and forcing the baby to gasp in desperation for its life. That's number one.

[01:18:00]Luke Storey:  Oh, shit.

[01:18:02]Jeanice Barcelo:  Okay. That's just number one. Number two, that blood, that cord blood contains stem cells and vital nutrients that are necessary for the baby to develop properly. When they clamp the cord, they collect that blood, that cord blood, and they sell it. And who are they selling it to? People like Peter Theo who runs PayPal, who is getting injections of young blood in order to stay useful. So, they're giving your baby's cord blood to Satanists, who have, for centuries, used infant blood and children's blood to enhance their own existence. They drink it, they bathe in it, they have it injected into their systems. 

[01:19:28]Luke Storey:  In a natural scenario, what a mother and child in the wild, ancient humans having birth like that, what becomes of the umbilical cord? Is it severed at a certain point or does the baby stay connected to it for a number of minutes or hours? What would happen if we were just left alone? 

[01:19:47]Jeanice Barcelo:  It's totally left alone. I mean, the baby will be born, maybe 10, 20, 30 minutes later, the placenta will come out. So, the baby, the umbilical cord, and the placenta are one unit now, okay? And the mother separate now. Everything's come out of her body. But a lot of people, a lot of indigenous cultures view that placenta as a spiritual being, a guardian angel of the baby. And in some cultures, fathers have very strict protocols they need to follow to protect the baby's placenta and the umbilical cord because they have an understanding that if the wrong people get their hands on it, that their baby could be negatively influenced by the dark side throughout its life. 

[01:20:33] So, they are aware, there are cultures on this earth that are aware of the importance of the placenta and the umbilical cord, the spiritual importance. Okay. Very significant. Never, ever let anybody get their hands on your baby's placenta or umbilical cord. This is critically important. If you're doing a natural birth, a home birth, what you'll see is when the baby first comes out, the cord will be pulsing, you'll see the blood moving through it. It'll be like blue, purple, gorgeous. I have pictures. You won't believe how beautiful the color is. 

[01:21:16] You'll see the blood that's going into the baby. And you'll see that the cord is kind of like knotted. It's got knots in it and it wraps around. Eventually, the blood will be less, the cord will unravel, like the knotting will disappear, and eventually, the court will turn white. Okay. This means that the baby has received all of the blood that it needs for its well-being, for a proper immune system, for proper lung development, for all the stuff your baby needs, okay, has gotten to the baby, and now, it is safe to cut the cord. Only then you have to cut the cord.

[01:21:59]Luke Storey:  That's insane. So, what you're telling me is, in a standard hospital birth that they're clamping that cord to cut off the oxygen, to make the baby force-gasp in air and breathe prematurely, taking that blood, selling it off so the baby's not getting those vital stem cells and those nutrients, and that just gets discarded, or sold, or whatever, put in the hazmat bin, and then that baby's just left with like a partial supply of its first seed of life blood then. 

[01:22:29]Jeanice Barcelo:  It's extremely traumatizing to the baby. I've seen pictures of it. And believe me, it's not going in the hazmat bag, they're selling this blood. Okay. And then, they're going to get fathers, you see, they're going to say to the fathers, would you like to cut the cord? Would you like to initiate your baby into the satanic realm? They get fathers to play that role. It's very, very deceptive and very dark. Those babies are severely traumatized. 

[01:23:00] You can see pictures of it, of how bad they're affected when you cut that cord because they're being forced to separate from something that they're not ready to be forced with, to be separated from. Okay. And not the spiritual being, they consider that a spiritual guardian angel, a spiritual twin that's there to protect the baby. When you respect that, and let's say, you're wise and you buried the placenta in a special place on the Earth, a place that you've created for your children and plant a tree there, your child can go there throughout its life and reconnect with the energy of its placenta and of that energy of spiritual protection and renewal. 

[01:23:50] I mean, the placenta will actually break down its own body if the mother is malnourished and the baby needs more nourishment, naturally. The placenta is a living being. Yeah, you can see it. Like people have reported, in Lotus birth, Lotus birth, they actually leave the baby and the placenta attached until the umbilical cord falls off, which can take three, five, 10 days. And you can see, when the baby's nursing, the placenta starts pulsing. 

[01:24:28]Luke Storey:  What? 

[01:24:29]Jeanice Barcelo:  It's alive.

[01:24:30]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[01:24:31]Jeanice Barcelo:  And it's responding to the baby being nourished properly.

[01:24:36]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[01:24:38]Jeanice Barcelo:  So, it's a trip, dude. I mean, like we don't know a lot. We only have the benefit of midwives and parents who've gone through the natural process and done Lotus birth to testify to what I'm saying to you. All the indigenous cultures that have all of these protective rituals around the placenta, some of which, I've written about in my birth trauma book. So, I recommend people, get the birth trauma book.

[01:25:10]Luke Storey:  For sure. Yeah. We're going to put it in the show notes. Absolutely. And I can't wait until mine arrives. Normally, I read someone's book before I interview them, but frankly, when I found you, I just couldn't wait. I'm just like, this is urgent. Humankind needs this information because we've just all been unknowingly indoctrinated into, this is the way things are and this is the safe way to do it. But as someone who's done a lot of trauma work myself and much in the past couple of years, really, that trauma work has led me back to the birth process. That's like the rabbit hole as I go down. Okay. Something happened at 10 years old. Something happened at eight, something happened at five, something happen at four. And then, at the end of that, it's like, oh, shit, it was on the first day. That's where it all began. And I'll maybe go into that in a moment, but I just-

[01:25:56]Jeanice Barcelo:  It happened at conception and through gestation, too. 

[01:26:00]Luke Storey:  Right. There are even further.

[01:26:01]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah. When you go into that, you're going to see how a lot of the birth is a repeat of what happened in gestation. It's amazing. This stuff is amazing.

[01:26:10]Luke Storey:  Wow. Okay. So, let's maybe go into, what would happen next then?

[01:26:16]Jeanice Barcelo:  Let me quickly say, they're going to do things like they're going to put poison burning gunk in your baby's eyes, and tell you, your baby needs it so that it doesn't go blind. In fact, the baby won't be able to make eye contact. Eye contact is a primary means for the neurobiology of love to activated birth. So, they're going to block it by putting that burning poison gunk in the baby's eyes. They're going to put a hat on the baby's head. The baby's head is actually releasing pheromones like you could smell your baby's head. And that is part of how you bond with your baby. 

[01:26:52]Luke Storey:  Is that why babies smell so good? Like when you smell his head, there's no other smell like that.

[01:26:57]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yes. So, it's all for purposes of the parents recognizing that child as their own and activating the neurobiology of love, the pheromones, the eye contact, skin to skin. They're going to prevent the skin to skin contact by doing things like swaddling the baby, wrapping the baby up in toxic blankets that have been washed in toxic chemicals so that all you smell are the chemicals, tou can't smell your baby at all. The hat, the blankets, the gunk in the baby's eyes, the baby can't smell you, really, because it's like, I don't know. I mean-

[01:27:41]Luke Storey:  They're wrapped up like a little mummy, essentially. 

[01:27:44]Jeanice Barcelo:  And they pretend they're not even with their mothers or fathers. Okay. They're separated immediately. They're put on scales to be weighed, and measured, and hurt, and injected with neurotoxic poisons, and circumcised. It might happen before the mother then gets to hold her baby. I've heard people, people where the baby is coming out butt first, and they cut the cord before the baby's head is even out or they might do a circumcision before the baby's head is even out.

[01:28:22]Luke Storey:  Wow. 

[01:28:23]Jeanice Barcelo:  This is how insane it can get and it has gotten. If the baby's coming out butt first. 

[01:28:31]Luke Storey:  So, okay. I want to back-up to something. I can tell this is meaningful to you, and I'm only laughing because I'm just in shock, like I didn't know it was this bad. It's like, wow, it's going to take a while to integrate this, I think. But something that has always seemed off to me, again, I always just go back to hunter-gatherer, natural humans, what we would do in the wild, and trust me, I don't want to go live in the wild. Like I love having air conditioning, you know what I mean? Like I don't want to go rough it, but I do have a sense that most of our problems have to do with the fact that we're born in the way we are, and then that we spend our whole life indoors. 

[01:29:14] I read the other day that the average American spends only 7% of their lifetime outside, and I'm like, no wonder you end up in the hospital. You go back inside because all you've done is be inside. But the thing that I wanted to touch on was, you mentioned the eye contact, and I'm hoping that this is becoming less rare, but I don't know many men that have been in the room when their kid was born. I mean, I think I have a lot of new-agey friends, and so I think it's becoming more common, but it seems to me that the father should naturally be the first eyes that are there when the baby comes out. Is that correct?

[01:29:52]Jeanice Barcelo:  Correct.

[01:29:52]Luke Storey:  And what's not happening there?

[01:29:56]Jeanice Barcelo:  Well, you've got these medical usurpers stepping in and blocking the father's role, they're catching his baby. Never. That should never, ever happen. Nobody should touch your baby before you do. This is for the men out there. You need to be front and center at the birth of your child. This is very, very important. You need to catch your baby. You need to be the first one to look in the baby's eyes. You need to take your baby and place your baby on your beloved's chest, right? 

[01:30:28] And then, the three of you need time to bond. Okay. And if they try to come in and do anything at that time, the father needs to say, no, you're right over that mother and that baby, and do not back off. Don't let them get to-the first hour after birth is the most important in terms of proper bonding. Okay. If they take that baby away for any reason during that first hour, it's going to be really disruptive bonding. And it's going to influence the family. 

[01:31:06]Luke Storey:  Well, that makes so much sense. And it's just a good time to drop the thing because we're probably going to get to incubators. And actually, I want to dive a bit more into circumcision, but I'll just give an anecdotal report here. As I said, as I've gone deeper into some of the traumas in my life in an effort to heal and become a fully, wholly integrated person that's capable of love, and intimacy, and all the wonderful things that I now experience with my partner, Alyson, which is the first time in my life, by the way, at 49 I've ever been able to do that, it took a lot of damn work and a lot of pain to get here. 

[01:31:40] But about a-year-and-a-half ago, after being sober for—I was, as you indicated, I was an addict in my teen years and 20s, and I'm 24 years sober now, just about. And when I was 22 years sober, I went to Costa Rica and did ayahuasca, four ceremonies. And it was a beautiful experience. I've podcasted about it a lot, but on one of those four nights, I didn't have any discernible psychoactive effect of that medicine. I just kind of laid there, and was like, wow, tonight's not as fun as last night, because the night before, I had all these revelations and oneness with consciousness and God. 

[01:32:18] And it was amazing and just profound realizations. But way toward the end of the night, it was almost dawn, and I just kind of dozed off, and I had a little bit of a daydream, again, not hallucinating, not having visuals, none of that, but just kind of a little daydream or a night dream, I guess, as it were, a lucid dream, perhaps, and I saw this kind of vision of what ended up being my birth. So, I was in a hospital and I saw a hallway. There was a door. 

[01:32:44] I opened the door and there was my mother giving birth to me. And I came out, and the nurses put me on my mother's chest, and she was crying, and ecstatic, and happy, and loving, and it was beautiful. And then, a few moments later, the nurses whisked me away, and they carried me by myself down the hall, and put me in an incubator, and just left me there alone. And I kind of just came out of that little thing, and thought, oh, that's weird. I don't know why my mind went there. 

[01:33:13] Like what that was all about. And in the next day, just out of curiosity, I sent my mom a text, and I said, hey, mom, I had this kind of vision last night on ayahuasca, and here's what it was, and I gave her every detail, and she texted me right back, and she said, wow, that's fascinating because that's exactly what happened when you were born, with the exception that I was wrapped in a blanket. Because in the vision, I was just on her chest, bare. 

[01:33:36] She said, no, they wrapped you up in a blanket, and that I could hold you for a few minutes, and then they took you away. And the other part that I didn't know that she told me that wasn't in the vision was that my dad was in the hallway. And so, I got to glance at him briefly because he had arrived a little bit late. And then, they did, in fact, take me and put me in an incubator for a number of days due to, according to her and what she was told, that her water hadn't broken. 

[01:34:00] And so, there was a risk of infection or something like that. So, they kept me in there. But hacking that as, I guess, when I discovered that, a 48-year-old man, I realized it was so obvious to me where my abandonment issues had come from and why it has been so difficult throughout my life to allowed myself to be vulnerable to intimacy, and to be in love, and to be in healthy relationships, and why I just struggle with that so much, even though I've done so much work, and I've grown so much spiritually, and I've been sober all these years, and I've done pretty well for myself in terms of my development. 

[01:34:33] But that was just so informative to me that the very beginning of my life, it was like the message I got is, you're alone. And that aloneness is really what fueled my drug addiction, and all of the self-abuse, and all of the dangerous situations I put myself in where I was further traumatized. And it really was like, well, now, we're going back with you to even before that, the conception and all that, but it was such a powerful realization and just the awareness of that, just like the awareness of the circumstances around circumcision led to my healing. But I'm so grateful that I was able to learn that about the beginning of my life because it's given me a starting point and connected so many of those dots so that, now, I can have a starting point to build myself up and have the acknowledgement of that and move on from that experience, from that trauma.

[01:35:27]Jeanice Barcelo:  There's something else I want that I'm being asked to share about it, and that is the terror of allowing love to come in, and then you're going to lose it. It sounds like you had a few moments of love with your mom, and then they took it away. And so, there's that terror. If I let myself feel that love, then it's going to disappear on me. It will go away or somebody will take it away from me. Yeah. So, it's so emotionally and spiritually deep how this influences us. I have to say bravo for how far you've gone in terms of recognizing a core piece for yourself, of what's been driving.

[01:36:31]Luke Storey:  What's incredible, as you start diving in through whatever means you do, as I said, you go deeper, and deeper, and deeper into this because these patterns emerge as an adult in this dysfunctional way of thinking, feeling, behaving, this lack of connection to people and lack of connection to God. And I guess I've just been driven to find out like, why did this happen? And in an effort to find out why, a lot of it has been healed and it's just, I'm completely renewed through my relationship with God, and through being willing and courageous enough to face some of these dark memories that are even pre-memories or ones that have reemerged. 

[01:37:11] And it's not fun work, but the payoff is immeasurable, because as I said, now, I'm just at a place in life where I've been able to work through so many of those things and I'm more capable than ever of loving another person and being loved. And my relationship with my parents is beautiful. And it's just, there is hope on the other side of this, but the hope is in really looking at the darkest shadow and some of those things we experience.

[01:37:38]Jeanice Barcelo:  Well, I think allowing yourself to feel the emotions around that, allowing your body to finally process all of it. Like the memories won't come until you're capable of dealing with it emotionally.

[01:37:54]Luke Storey:  And what's the deal with incubation? What's the purpose of that? Does it serve any legitimate purpose? Why is that typically done? Mine was in 1970, and as I said, that's the reason they gave my mom. And of course, she's going to-

[01:38:10]Jeanice Barcelo:  That's ridiculous, because the water didn't break, does that mean you were born in the cold? Were you born in the sack? Do you know?

[01:38:19]Luke Storey:  I don't know.

[01:38:20]Jeanice Barcelo:  And they're saying that that's a problem and you should be put in an incubator, that's ridiculous. That's outrageous bullshit, 100%. So, because you might get an infection, the incubators, they're little cages, basically. And I don't know because I haven't lived it myself, but I would imagine there might be an inference of being trapped, certainly, fear of being alone, of being abandoned.

[01:39:02]Luke Storey:  Yeah, for sure. So then, after all that fun, I don't know at what point I was circumcised, but I think I'm pretty sure every guy I know, American guy, has been circumcised because they don't know any different unless I tell them to listen to my podcast or something, and then find out that it wasn't normal and that they've been harmed. But for people that haven't heard the episode I did, what's the standard operating procedure for a circumcision? Because to me, as you indicated earlier, this is the number one crime that's being perpetrated against young males.

[01:39:40]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah. Let me start by saying that the foreskin, it's supposed to cover the glans of the penis. And the foreskin is designed in such a way that when it meets with the vaginal wall, it triggers the male brain to produce neurochemicals of love and bonding, and they're cutting it off. So, this is actually going for the jugular in terms of interfering with this baby's ability to become a man that can experience love in the way the creator designed it. They work over time to hurt us. Okay. So, now, the glans of the penis is completely exposed, and this is a very vulnerable organ and it becomes calloused. 

[01:40:39] I could show you pictures, the difference of the glans of an intact penis with the glands of a circumcised penis, and you can see just the exquisite moisture and sensitivity of the inside penis compared to the circumcised penis that's had to become rough and callous because the glans is rubbing against underwear, and zippers, and all kinds of stuff, being exposed to all kinds of stuff that it should never be exposed to. So, this, of course, is also going to reduce sensation for the man, and it interferes with sexuality on a number of levels, in the sense that the rim of the penis is exposed, the rim at the base of the glans. And when the circumcised penis enters a vagina and pulls out the fluids of the vagina, it pulled out under the rim with it. That would not happen with an intact penis, because when you pull out, the foreskin covers it and all the moisture. Okay.

[01:41:47]Luke Storey:  So, an uncircumcised man is essentially scooping out with the head of his penis the natural lubricant in the vagina.

[01:41:54]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah. So, this is causing an unnatural drying of the female vagina for which women are going to blame themselves, but it's not the woman, and for which our society is forced then to purchase all kinds of lubricants and toxic stuff in order to have normal intercourse. There's a lot going on here that they've done in order to interfere with proper sensation, proper bonding. 

[01:42:24]Luke Storey:  And I'm assuming you've uncovered in your work on pornography a correlation between circumcised men and the lack of sensitivity on your sex organs, necessitating the need for more novelty, variety, more intensity, psychologically, whatever, because the lack of sensitivity on an intact penis, right?

[01:42:50]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah, it may require increased pounding in order to gain enough sensitivity to reach orgasm, whereas just moving an intact penis, the foreskin has so many nerve endings. It's unbelievable when you read stories of men that was circumcised in adulthood for health problems, they'll tell you what they felt before and after. 

[01:43:23]Luke Storey:  Well, in that film, American Circumcision, there are interviews with the number of men that are intact, and the way they describe their sexual experience is insane. They have like the orgasmic potential of women. Like they have multiple orgasms, a bunch of different types of orgasms. I mean, when I hear these men describe their experience of sexuality, it's completely foreign to me. I'm like, what? I've never heard of that. I've never experienced that. It's kind of just one way. And I mean, it's good, it's fine, it's better than nothing, but it's such a shame that so many men have been robbed of their full sexual expression and sensation by having those organs mutilated. 

[01:44:07]Jeanice Barcelo:  My feeling is that to the extent that orgasm triggers the neurochemicals of love and bonding, it's a very beautiful thing. Alright. We have unfortunately focused on that, and Brendon does in his work that the sexuality piece of orgasms, that's a big deal. And I'm not saying it's not a big deal, but really, the end goal is going to be love. The end goal is going to be enduring, fulfilling human love, which is really what we should be focusing on as the most important thing of all. So, all these multiple and expanded orgasms, I mean, it's all—So, what? The point is love. Okay. Fleeting physical sensations are not that critical, what is critical is what's going to produce the neurochemicals of love and bonding. And they're trying to interfere with that by taking off the foreskin. There's no question. That's part of what they're doing.

[01:45:15]Luke Storey:  And what is the procedure like in terms of the needles, anesthesia, things like that? I've heard you describe it as having that foreskin, when it's attached naturally to separate that from the head of the penis is akin to pulling your toenails off or something like that, what's happening-

[01:45:40]Jeanice Barcelo:  Let's talk about the procedure itself. And first, you should know that the babies are put in a board called a circumstraint. It's a little board with a cutout body for the size of a baby, and his little arms are strapped in, and his legs are strapped in, and the only thing the baby can move now is his head. Okay. Very often, they will arouse the baby to get the baby erect, to make the penis easier to work with. 96% of the time in the United States, there is no anesthetic. 

[01:46:24] Zero. Nothing whatsoever. And now, they're going to take a very sharp metal pro. Now, think about the glans of the penis is adhered, the foreskin is adhered to the glans of the penis, it is not separate. Just like your fingernails are adhered to your fingers, the foreskin is attached to the glans, and they take their sharp metal probe, and they shove it in between their glands and the foreskin. And then, they systematically cut because the foreskins surrounds the glans. 

[01:47:18] So, now, they cut around the entire glans to cut off the entire foreskin. All of this is done without anesthetic with infants who are screaming sounds. If you ever watch a video of a circumcision, you'll never hear sounds like this anywhere else because you're hearing the sounds of sexual torture. And at some point, if the infant is lucky. He will dissociate, not all infants can dissociate, but some of them can. And you'll see the baby's eyes will glaze over, the baby's heart rate slows down, all systems are geared toward just a very basic level of survival while the spirit leaves the body because of the excruciating torture being experienced by the infant. 

[01:48:29] In some cases, they use very grueling instruments, which I won't go into detail about, the Gomco clamp and things that will crush the foreskin. I mean, really insane, sadistic, cruel, unbelievable sick minds behind this, every aspect of this. And then, the foreskins gets sold for cosmetics. Oprah puts foreskins in her skin cream. And so, we have extremely Satanic shit going on with baby blood and baby body parts being sold and consumed. 

[01:49:26]Luke Storey:  With the circumcision, we've all been brainwashed, and especially those men, I think, that are having a difficult time facing their trauma, is that we've been brainwashed to believe that there's some sanitary, anti-microbial disease prevention theory behind this. Have you seen any indication ever that there's any legitimate reason medically to do this to boys?

[01:49:54]Jeanice Barcelo:  No, I have not. I've seen just the opposite, multiple studies, even by the US Navy that shows circumcised men actually have higher rates of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV. This is because the glans is exposed. It's not protected by the foreskin and it's very vulnerable. If you get a little slit in the glans, things can travel into it. And there's no protection because the foreskin has been cut off. The foreskin is designed to protect the glans of the penis because the glans is so sensitive. It's designed for other things as well. 

[01:50:39] The foreskin has multiple functions, not the least of which is human love. But no, if you're circumcised, you're going to be more prone to sexually transmitted diseases and HIV according to the science. And people are interested in that. I have a lot of links. It's all over the internet, too. I mean, there's a lot of people on this right now, doctors opposing circumcision, there's a website for that. And they'll tell you the science. 

[01:51:17] They'll tell you what happens to the baby's brain. It never goes back to baseline. The babies got so much trauma. The brain never returns to its baseline plays. And it makes baby boys incredibly sensitive. The boys have been so badly harmed, they're attacking the men. They are attacking the male energy. It's a chronic, now, extremely heightened state of attack against men, in particular, White men. And they're not going to back down because they view White men as their biggest threat, but it starts very early. 

[01:52:14] The attack begins very early. And when you have an imprint of such helplessness, and abandonment by your parents, and betrayal by your parents, and by these people who are doing it, this is going to affect your psyche and it's also going to affect your ability to protect your partner in labor. This is really big for the man. Let me say that a lot of men go in to a hospital and will go into parasympathetic shock, meaning that's exactly what you did during circumcision, you went into shock. 

[01:52:50] You may have dissociated. When you go into parasympathetic shock, you do that as a way to survive. That's when it's like you're in sort of almost a catatonic state. You know how in animals, they can fight or flee. And if they can't fight or flee, they'll freeze. That's what babies do, also. They can't fight. They're strapped. All they can do is move their head and scream. They can't flee. And so, they freeze. They go into parasympathetic shock. This may happen. This may become a baseline memory of what your body does when you're confronted with something that is terrifying to you, or just a confrontation in general, men may freeze, circumcised men. 

[01:53:48] This may happen in the hospital when you're attending the birth of your child in the hospital. You may freeze, and you may not be able to protect and defend your child. And this can be the beginning of the end for your marriage because that woman needs you to protect her and to protect the baby. The woman needs the man to be able to protect her and the baby. And if the father can't, the woman doesn't have the understanding of what I just told you. Okay. All the woman knows, and this is on a very unconscious level, he didn't protect me and he didn't protect the baby. I can't trust him to do what we need him to do. This is all unconscious. 

[01:54:40]Luke Storey:  That's so interesting because it's quite common in my observation that with some couples that after the woman gives birth, that the woman starts to lose respect for the man. And part of that is just inherently that she's devoting her time and energy to her infant, I'm sure. But I mean, I've known men that everything changed when they had the baby and she lost respect. And I'm sensing it might have something to do with that in some cases.

[01:55:08]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah. I've heard men say, I went to the hospital with my wife and I lost her there. It's just never the same, but that's because of the medical establishment. They're deliberately doing these things. It's going to break down marriages. It's one of the hugest parts of why marriages are breaking down. You see, childbirth is designed to be the fulfillment of love between two people. It's the grandest thing that two people can ever experience, is creating a life together, two people that really love each other. Okay. 

[01:55:48] When that's interfered with and undermined, and there's so much trauma, and the men have been so traumatized that they can't step up, and say, hey, dude, fuck off, you're hurting my wife or you're hurting my baby, okay, it's going to cause a ripple effect in the marriage, all of it. Every aspect of what they're doing is going to cause a very negative effect in the marriage. And it's designed to do so. You have to see the big picture here. Okay. This is not an accident. They want to break up marriages. This has been their goal for decades, to break down the marriage system, to break down the family, break down, get your hands on the kids so that they can be indoctrinated into the Luciferian order. And we are there big time right now.

[01:56:52]Luke Storey:  As I said, I would have thought that sounded crazy a few years ago, but it's becoming increasingly apparent that there is definitely some forces for evil at play. Well, Denise, I'm sure a lot of people listening to this, especially those that have never heard this kind of information, are probably having their own little trauma response right now. So, I'd like to, as we bring things to a close, give people some hope of alternatives. What are some resources for natural childbirth? And even the healthy conception, love filled conception, like what does the opposite of this abhorrent process look like? Working with a doula, home birth, all this kind of stuff, what's kind of an overview of what that looks like in this day and age? And how accessible is that for people? 

[01:57:48]Jeanice Barcelo:  Well, it's accessible for people if people decide that they want it. Rule number one is control your carnal behavior. This is absolutely necessary. Conceive your babies consciously with someone that you love, and you trust, that you know, you have similar life goals, similar visions for the future, that is not going to abandon you, that in the case of the women, you don't want to have a womanizer man. You want to feel safe with this person before you make a baby with them. You want to know they're not going to circumcise, they're not going to vaccinate. You need to be on the same page, you know what I'm saying?

[01:58:31]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[01:58:31]Jeanice Barcelo:  Very important. All of this is very, very important. I would strongly suggest healing your birth trauma, really, really seeking to work on healing your birth trauma.

[01:58:45] I offer that kind of work. If people are interested, go to my website at birthofanewearth.com or email me a jeanicebarcelo@yahoo.com. And there are many things to do in preparation for conception, preparing a proper space for that, preparing your body, right? You want to not only heal your trauma, but you want to be eating right, getting rid of all the radiation in your environment. There's a lot of steps to this. So, I have a 20-week parenting program that I really want to promote.

[01:59:25]Luke Storey:  Please do.

[01:59:27]Jeanice Barcelo:  The next one starts in October. So, that program really takes people from preconception, through the parenting. It's going to take through every step of the process in order to create the best possible outcome for you, and your beloved, and your child. In other words, the whole program is designed toward helping the preservation of love and families, toward creating a condition in order to preserve loving families. And it's a process of unraveling our past, what's happened to us, healing that past, and understanding the keys, what do we need to do to create the right conditions, to bring a child in the gentlest and most loving way? I can't say to people, just do a home birth, because I can say what happened to me, I just did a home birth, I mean, I prepared for the home birth, what I had missed is I didn't heal my birth trauma. 

[02:00:42]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[02:00:42]Jeanice Barcelo:  You see. And so, my birth trauma activated massively during my home birth, and then it affected the short life of my daughter. And my marriage broke down, of course, my daughter died, and I loved him so much, my husband. It was the deepest love I ever knew and I've never felt it with anybody. I had another husband before, who I loved, but I never experienced the neurobiology of love until my second husband, something I should have experienced at birth, I never had it until my second husband. 

[02:01:26] I only had it very few times. It's very physiological. It's amazing. This beautiful flood of neurochemicals of well-being, it's just enormous, enormous. And it should happen at birth, and it should happen with mother, father, and baby, all making eye contact with each other, skin to skin, in a loving environment, in a gentle setting, without intruders and without trauma. Childbirth is the key to bonding a family. We're breaking it up. This is really something not a lot of people talk about, but it is a key. 

[02:02:16]Luke Storey:  So, there is a way through, and if someone's willing to do the work, and to really go within, and work on themselves, and creating the container of the relationship that's healthy, and intimate, and vulnerable, and able to hold space for this third entity that's going to arrive, then there are resources there that, I'm assuming, are becoming more abundant now just because I see buzz of more home births, natural births, doulas. I mean, I haven't done a lot of research on it, but it does come in the periphery of my awareness just doing what I do. It seems to be something that's becoming more common.

[02:02:53]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah. Doulas are really common right now, and that's a good thing if they know what they're doing. I trained as a doula, and then stopped. And I'm just going to tell you why, because doulas are trained to support mother in their choices, to give mother the best possible birth experience, but they'll support a mother that will circumcise her son, they'll support a mother that's vaccinating. You see, I won't want. No, I can't do it, I can't stand by and watch as this mother is choosing to harm her child. That doesn't sit right with me. So, I couldn't be a doula.

[02:03:32]Luke Storey:  I mean, I have to assume that not all duties are created equal, that there have to be many holistic ones that are in alignment with these values that you speak of, though, right?

[02:03:44]Jeanice Barcelo:  I don't know too many doulas that are well-versed in birth trauma, really don't. A lot of doulas are doulas because they had birth trauma and they're actually seeking their own healing through the work that they're doing. They become involved in birth work.

[02:04:00]Luke Storey:  Interesting.

[02:04:01]Jeanice Barcelo:  They will effectuate their own healing. They may end up very traumatizing themselves, which happens a lot by witnessing traumatic births again and again. But yeah. So, I think doulas can be really helpful if they're conscious of the trauma. They have to be conscious of birth trauma. And same thing with the midwife, you have to have a midwife that will ask you what was your own birth like, that has enough awareness about this issue, to at least ask you what was your own birth like, because if you were born at home, the chances are, you're going to be able to have a home birth, no problem because you don't have the kind of trauma of most people that were born in hospitals.

[02:04:52]Luke Storey:  So, say, right now, a couple gets pregnant, and they're in a healthy, loving relationship, and they want to avoid the medical system altogether, could one just go through the different stages of pregnancy, and then just hang out at home when labor happens and just have a baby? I mean, like what's necessary in terms of, I see people with a kiddie pool and there seems to be kind of a process that one goes through, how does one find out how to do that safely? And is there any point at which you even need to go to a doctor if you've both been detoxing, and leading a healthy lifestyle, and cleaned up the EMF in your environment, et cetera?

[02:05:38]Jeanice Barcelo:  What I would suggest if it's your first birth, there's probably going to be a lot of nervousness, especially if you were born in hospitals, mom and dad. And so, if you're set on, you want to do a home birth, number one, try to explore your own birth and heal it. Number two, look for what's called a certified professional midwife, instead of a certified nurse midwife. 

[02:06:05]Luke Storey:  Got it. 

[02:06:06]Jeanice Barcelo:  Certified professional midwives are trained to do home birth. They're usually very conscious of birth trauma issues and will be more supportive of you than a nurse midwife, who are trained in the medical model and who often use a lot of medical protocols even in the home birth. 

[02:06:29]Luke Storey:  Got it.

[02:06:30]Jeanice Barcelo:  Okay. So, there are varying levels of midwives that are available. But if you want to do a home birth, try to find a certified professional midwife, really try to consider your own birth, to look into it, ideally, before you conceive. But if you find yourself pregnant already, still do it. Try to move out anything that might cause interference with the birth of your child. Try to resolve that prior to the birth. 

[02:07:07]Luke Storey:  And in your course, do you walk through the process of how to shop for one of these qualified midwives and things like that? Is it kind of a start to finish process or is it more about the psychological, and the bonding, and all that, or are there more tactical tools given as well?

[02:07:26]Jeanice Barcelo:  Well, there are two ways I do things. I can work with people who are already pregnant in pregnancy and give them specifics about certified professional midwives, who they might be. In the course itself, I don't give specifics about certified professional midwives other than to say, that's the ideal scenario if you want to do a home birth. There's a lot of focus on birth trauma in the course and tools to heal the birth trauma. So, I teach Jin Shin Jyutsu to all of my students and to everybody that works with me privately, individually, in preparation for childbirth. Everybody learns Jin Shin and how to do self-care because Jin Shin is the key.

[02:08:13]Luke Storey:  What is Jin Shin?

[02:08:15]Jeanice Barcelo:  Jin Shin is a Japanese system of energy medicine that moves trauma out of the body, and it goes very deep in terms of being able to get to the root of where the trauma started. So, it will take it back to prenatal life. Like you will be healing your prenatal trauma. You may not be conscious of it, but when you do Jin Shin, it will be healing. It will be resolving itself just by doing, every day, one flow. Okay. Fifteen minutes, you practice gentian each day on yourself, it's totally based on self-care and you will be resolving your trauma. 

[02:09:00] You can go very deep into this system, as I have. I have a lot of different things that I do for myself every day and I have a lot of different things that I teach depending on what people have experienced themselves. There are different kinds of trauma. So, we go deep into Jin Shin, in the parenting course and deep into the various kinds of conception trauma, prenatal trauma, birth trauma, and deep into the process that we need to take, in addition to healing that, to prepare ourselves for conscious conception, to prepare the space of love. The Ringing Cedars books, if you have not heard of these books or read these books, they are the most important books I have ever read.

[02:10:01]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[02:10:02]Jeanice Barcelo:  Okay. Then, I highly recommend them for people who want to create enduring family love and who want to have happy, healthy children, and happy, healthy relationships. The Ringing Cedars books are magnificent.

[02:10:23]Luke Storey:  Cool. I've never heard of them until now. So, we'll definitely-

[02:10:26]Jeanice Barcelo:  I will provide you a link for where you can get the real Ringing Cedars books.

[02:10:31]Luke Storey:  Oh, cool. Okay. We'll put it in the show notes.

[02:10:33]Jeanice Barcelo:  And they will rock your world. They're the most important books I've ever read and they provide a beautiful vision for the future, for a future earth and how we can get there. And it's happening. It's happening in Russia, where the books were published. These kins domains are going up all over Russia. There are 400 settlements and the books have only been out for 20 years in Russia.

[02:10:59]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[02:11:00]Jeanice Barcelo:  So, it's taking the planet by storm. Russia was the first place they were released because they were released in Russia. So, the kins domains are just coming up everywhere. So, being in a space of love. 

[02:11:14]Luke Storey:  What are these domains, what you're referring to? 

[02:11:17]Jeanice Barcelo:  Kins domains are basically family domains that we create with our beloved for the purpose of our family, our family line, to place on the earth that's approximately two-and-a-half acres or one hectare. And in that place, everything, we create there is for our children and for the bonding of our family. So, we plant a family tree when we first come together with our beloved in our space of love. We plant that family tree and everything thereafter that we create there. 

[02:12:00] We build our home together, a home that's organic, and healthy, and radiation-free, free of all of the technocratic interference that would break the link between our children and the divine mind. We want to create the space for our children to maintain a link and for us to be able to somehow reconnect with it, although I don't know if we can wholly do it because of how damaged we are, but we can make it so that our children will be able to do this. And the Ringing Cedars books will explain all of this, too.

[02:12:39]Luke Storey:  That' amazing. I can't wait.

[02:12:40]Jeanice Barcelo:  It's amazing.

[02:12:40]Luke Storey:  I'm ready to go make an EMF-proof forest commune right now.

[02:12:47]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah. So, the kins domains, the settlements are filled with families creating kins domains.

[02:12:56]Luke Storey:  Wow. And they're doing this in Russia, huh?

[02:12:58]Jeanice Barcelo:  I've read the Ringing Cedars books and they're even giving away free land in Russia. They're giving away two-and-a-half-acre partials in Russia, one hectare, to willing families to come and create. Yeah. So, everything written about in the Ringing Cedars books is coming into form. And they're very potent, spiritually speaking. These books are magnificent on every level. And my parenting program is heavily geared when we get to the part about what we need to do. It's heavily geared toward what is being taught through the Ringing Cedars books. 

[02:13:41] And interestingly enough, my daughter who died, her name is Anastasia. And the heroine of the books, the Ringing Cedars books is Anastasia. And the first book is entitled Anastasia. And when I found the books, it's the same time I found Jin Shin. And I knew that my daughter was talking to me through the books, to say to me, this is the world that I need you to create, for me to be able to incarnate and stay, because I'm a special soul and I'm destined to do special things, but I need to incarnate into a special world. And here are the instructions of how we can create that world. So, they're very, very powerful books.

[02:14:44]Luke Storey:  So cool. Thank you for sharing that, and your candid vulnerability around your loss, and your life's work, it's been really, a profound conversation. My last question for you is a question I ask all of our guests, and that is who have been three teachers or teeachings that have influenced your work? And I have a feeling you just named one of them. So, if you want to give me two more, I'll let you slide with that.

[02:15:10]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah. Well, I gave you two of them. One of them is my Jin Shin teacher. Her name is Dr. Stephanie Mines. And she's the one that helped me connect what happened during Anastasia's birth to what happened during my own birth, and even prior to that, what happened to my mother, and my grandmother. Okay. It's a lineage of trauma. So, Stephanie Mines was very important. 

[02:15:41]Luke Storey:  Is she still around, Stephanie Mines?

[02:15:42]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah, she is. And she teaches Jin Shin. She taught me Jin Shin, totally saved my life. Okay. So, she's very important. Jin Shin is very important. The Ringing Cedars books are the second thing that, I would say, are incredibly important. And there's a body of work called the template ceremonies, I don't recommend them anymore because they have moved toward the dark side. But when I found these ceremonies, they really also strongly influenced my life, and help me understand the nature of the dark forces, and gave me some insights into who they are, that they are here, these creatures, that they are responsible for what's happening to us. 

[02:16:52] And we got to get rid of them. We have to make them leave the Earth, because we can't coexist with them, because they're not going to stop. They're not going to stop trying to hurt us. These are Lucifer's babies, quite literally. They are created by him. And they have a purpose. Their purpose is to destroy us and everything that God created. They hate God.

[02:17:19]Luke Storey:  Damn.

[02:17:21]Jeanice Barcelo:  They do. They hate God and they hate us. And so, they take great delight in destroying the Earth. That's why you see the Earth is in the condition that it's in. Everything has been poisoned, everything. And we're at the brink right now of either allowing them to take it out and us with it or getting on the path back to God. We either keep walking the Luciferian path, hospital birth, wireless radiation, the whole ultrasound, the whole Luciferian journey or we shift gears and take the path back to the creator's love and back to the good. And you know what I'm talking about because I explained it and you felt it in your soul when I talked about it. You know it exists because you have memories of it prior to the arrival of these creatures into our dimension. 

[02:18:26]Luke Storey:  Are you optimistic about our chances of overcoming this period of dark age that we've been in? To me, it seems this is really coming to a pinnacle at this point when you see the exposure of the mainstream media and you see so many just moderate, average people starting to awaken to some of these harsh truths. It's like we're waking up from a nightmare, but I see even my girlfriend, Alyson, uses this app, TikTok, and it's like a lot of younger people on there. 

[02:19:01] But listen, though, she sends me these videos of these kids in their 20s and they're like calling out the Clinton crime syndicate, and there are FBI reports, and just all kinds of stuff that would have been so out there, conspiracy theory, that only older people really were privy to years ago. And it's like, I'm going, how do young people know about this stuff? It's like, I think with the advent of the internet, it let the genie out of a bottle, and even with the censorship we're experiencing now, there's no way to hide their tracks anymore is the sense I'm getting.

[02:19:36]Jeanice Barcelo:  Well, we've also totally shown their cards. Look at it now. There's no way you cannot see this. They're going to take over the Earth. 100%, they are attempting to take over this Earth. And not only take it over, they're trying to lock it down with this whole electronic grid, this whole wireless grid. This wireless grid needs to be shut down and we can shut it down with our thought. That's how powerful we are if we came together to do it. Okay. But they're trying to lock this planet down, electromagnetically.

[02:20:14]Luke Storey:  So, are you optimistic about our future in the event that more people continue to awaken and actually exercise the power that each of us possess spiritually?

[02:20:25]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yes. I have no doubt, God wins. There's no question about this. But this is a very interesting time, where we have to make a choice, we have to make a choice whether we're going to follow the Luciferian path, whether we're going to follow these creatures into smart city hell. I'm not kidding. That's their end game, right? They'll have very few people left on the Earth. They've killed off many of us with their radiation. And they only have 500,000 people, whatever number they want, who are going to be slaves to them in their smart cities. 

[02:21:12] Okay. That's what they want. See, they're not affected by the radiation. They're not like us. Okay. They're not like us. They have no feelings. So, we can follow that path and we have been. We've been marching into their hospitals, and using their wireless devices, and participating almost 100%, watching TV, all of it, or we can say no, no way am I going that way. The TVs, out the window, the wireless devices are in the fucking trash, okay, every single one of them, and I'm going the other way, I'm going to a rural place right now for the next however many years. 

[02:22:05] They may get their new world order for a short time, but it's not going to last. And what it'll come to if we do not make the right choices is that those of us who are still alive are going to create some kind of upheaval that takes out their grid because the wireless system is the key to their control system. Your cellphones are a key to their control system. If you do not let them go, you're going to pay a heavy price and your children are going to pay the highest price. 

[02:22:49] I tried to walk up to a pregnant couple today. The mother was out here. They had another child in a stroller, this couple, and they're both on their phones. The mother's right here, right on her belly, and I just said, excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt your day, but I wonder if you understand how much radiation is coming out of your phones and what that might be doing to your baby. Well, the father was so hostile and aggressive toward me. 

[02:23:20] I could have shown him in a millisecond with my meter what was going on, and he could have acted to protect his child. This is a choice. Do you choose evil or do you choose good? Which are you going to choose? And if you choose evil, it's only going to cause suffering for you and your children. Your children, your bloodline won't make it, you see. They're going to make your kids sterile, brain-damaged, perhaps, autistic, and a variety of other illnesses that will occur because of what you're are doing, what you're exposing them to. 

[02:24:12]Luke Storey:  Yeah. 

[02:24:12]Jeanice Barcelo:  So, this is a big part of the parenting program, also, is to teach people how to get rid of the wireless devices. In fact, your program is amazing, what it's teaching people about this energy. 

[02:24:27]Luke Storey:  Well, as someone who's very EMF-sensitive, like you are, as you indicated earlier, it's out of self-interest that I had to figure all this stuff out for myself. In order to do that over the course of 20 years, I figured, well, God, I'm probably not the only one that could benefit from this, so that's why I created that course, and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

[02:24:46]Jeanice Barcelo:  You did a great job.

[02:24:48]Luke Storey:  Thank you. I'll try to make it accessible and simple for people, and allow people to tackle the problem in stages because not everyone's willing to do what you say. I mean, I got my phone sitting right here. When you said, get rid of your wireless, I'm like, I need that iPhone.

[02:25:04]Jeanice Barcelo:  I can't even believe what I'm hearing.

[02:25:06]Luke Storey:  But listen, it's in a radiation proof case and it's always on airplane mode unless I'm using it for something. So, some people-

[02:25:13]Jeanice Barcelo:  You can wire that phone. You can just get an adapter and wire it when you're in the house. You don't need to ever use wireless in your house.

[02:25:23]Luke Storey:  Yes, I'm aware of that. Yeah. But what I'm leading to is that sometimes people need an incremental step by step. 

[02:25:32]Jeanice Barcelo:  A step by step would be go get a 3G flip phone, okay, so that it's not pulsing and you're not getting on the internet with your phone. We don't need to be available 24/7. You can get on the internet through a wired computer, you can run your business perfectly fine like that. You don't need to be available 24/7 with a wired device. This is insane.

[02:26:00]Luke Storey:  Well, thank you.

[02:26:00]Jeanice Barcelo:  This is insane. 

[02:26:02]Luke Storey:  Thank you for the wake up call because I think myself and so many of us have become addicted to the accessibility, right?

[02:26:08]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yes, but why? It's so harmful.

[02:26:11]Luke Storey:  I also remember, I'm a few years younger than you, but I remember when I was a kid and you had to make a phone call, the phone was on the wall, and it had the dial on it, and it took you like, it will hurt your finger, you had to put your finger there and dial the phone, and that was fine. For then, it was like, because we didn't know any different, it was like, wow, that's so cool. There's a phone on the wall. I can call my friend Jimmy down the street and go play. But we forget that we were doing just fine without that. And before we had GPS and before we had cellphones, everyone was getting around just fine. I used to have maps in my car, right? I want to go for a drive, I get up my Thomas guide, and I'd look it up, and I'd find my way there, and I always ended up where I needed to go.

[02:26:52]Jeanice Barcelo:  That's what I do right now. I get on MapQuest before I'm heading, if I'm going long distance, I get the directions to where I'm going on MapQuest, I write them down and I take I take it with me. I don't have GPS in my car. Are you kidding me? I mean, I'm not sensitive that I got to drive around with shielding on any way, shielded hats and shirts, no. No, this is not necessary. It's completely alien. It's a completely alien way of life and it's harmful to us. And if you want to be a parent, it's got to go, all of it. If you want to bring children onto this earth and have them make it, you cannot expose them to this. It's extremely harmful.

[02:27:43]Luke Storey:  Amen. Alright. 

[02:27:45]Jeanice Barcelo:  Okay. So, there I am on my soapbox. We need to protect the kids. Please. The children are in danger.

[02:27:54]Luke Storey:  We all need a good kick in the ass, Jeanice, and I appreciate your efforts. Where can people find your websites, books, social media? What are some good links people can go to that we can put in the show notes for them?

[02:28:05]Jeanice Barcelo:  Okay. I've been kicked off all social media. I'm not kidding, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo. I had so many, I've been kicked off of everything.

[02:28:18]Luke Storey:  Are you serious?

[02:28:19]Jeanice Barcelo:  Multiple times off of Facebook, multiple YouTube channels. They do not like me.

[02:28:26]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[02:28:27]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah. They do not like what I'm saying about ultrasound. They do not like what I'm saying about the medical establishment. Anyway, you can find me at my websites, birthofanewearth.com and radiationdangers, with an S, .com. And you can find me on YouTube, although it's not my channel, there are videos on YouTube, there are many more on BitChute because YouTube has banned so many of my talks, unfortunately. 

[02:29:04]Luke Storey:  Yeah, the big tech, they have a real hard-on for truth. They don't like people sharing truthful information.

[02:29:16]Jeanice Barcelo:  Well, they deleted my Google account. They deleted nine years of my work, my entire blogs, my blog wiped. I mean, I still have it, but to try to repost everything.

[02:29:27]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[02:29:28]Jeanice Barcelo:  Yeah. They don't like my work. 

[02:29:33]Luke Storey:  I can see why. Yeah. 

[02:29:35]Jeanice Barcelo:  Because it's true. They don't like being exposed. They're cockroaches. You shine a light on them and they run. They don't like it, they don't like it. They don't like seeing them for what they are. And I just ran out of have contempt for these creatures that would hurt so many innocent beings that I can't do anything other than shine a light on what they are and what they're doing.

[02:30:04]Luke Storey:  Well, I appreciate you taking the time today.

[02:30:10]Jeanice Barcelo:  Happy to do it.

[02:30:12]Luke Storey:  Alright. Well, I think we've just about covered it until the next time. I'm sure there's plenty more, but this is a good overview for people. And I just appreciate your commitment to the work, and your tenacity, and your fire, man. That's what we need. 

[02:30:26]Jeanice Barcelo:  I used to be a fire dancer, fire chains, fire staves, fire ropes, hoops.

[02:30:34]Luke Storey:  Oh, I can tell. It shows. Alright. Well, thank you so much for coming on.

[02:30:40]Jeanice Barcelo:  Thank you, Luke.

[02:30:40]Luke Storey:  And next time, you'll be well and we'll talk again.

[02:30:58]Jeanice Barcelo:  Bye, everybody. Thanks so much.



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