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LVLUP Health

Hista-Resist is a synergistic formulation for assisting with Histamine intolerance, food sensitivity reactions, and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS).Featuring:DAO enzymes
DAO2 from Porcine Kidney Extract - at a high dose; 20,000HDU (Histamine degrading Units)Powerful mast cell stabilizers and anti-histamine botanicals:-Quercetin Anhydrous-EMIQ (Enzymatically Modified Iso-Quercetin)-PEA (Palmitoylethanolamide)-Luteolin-Bromelain-Baikal SkullcapDAO/MAO-B cofactors: -Vitamin C -Copper Citrate -Vitamin B2HCL stimulating botanical: -Coleus Forskolii (also stabilizes mast cells)

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