350. The Miracle Molecule for Radical Health & Energy w/ Ian Mitchell

Ian Mitchell

June 1, 2021

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Learn everything you’ve ever wanted to know about Ozone from Ian Mitchell, the genius behind Biocharged Resistor, the first ever, quantum-charged, ozonated oil capsules.

Ian Mitchell is a research scientist who studied Chemistry at MSU and Jazz Performance at the UNO. 

Over the past decade, he has developed various novel therapeutics using lipofullerene conjugates and holds multiple patents in the field of nano-medicine. As the former CTO at M&M Biomedical, he developed multiple products focused on the convergence of mobile telecommunications and biomedical engineering, as well as nanofluidic multi-assay systems for use with lab-on-a-chip (LoC) devices, and holds joint patents with The University of Tulsa for viral inhibition. 

He was a lead fabrication consultant for NASA’s Endurance mission to Europa and has over 25 years of experience in project management across multiple domains. Today, he is the lead scientist at Biocharged, Polymath in Residence at Ecliptic Capital, R&D researcher for Biohacked, Inc., biochemist for Transcriptions, and CSO at the Bio Renati stem cell clinic in Mexico.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

I’ve been fortunate enough to interview some brilliant humans on this show. Still, I must take my hat off to this week’s guest, (mad) scientist and researcher, Ian Mitchell, for constantly pushing the boundaries of quantum physics and science. 

He’s always cooking up meaningful magic in his lab, and today he’s here with his latest ground-breaking invention: quantum-charged, ozonated oil in a capsule. Up until now, dabbling with ozone was a sticky, smelly, and somewhat invasive way to optimize your energy levels on a cellular level, thus, we’re staying in the realms of “extreme” biohacking territory. 

Now he’s captured nature’s disinfectant in a bottle; everyone can reap the ample health benefits of this incredible, ozonated oil. We discuss how and why he started working with ozone, and the magnitude of scientifically-proven health benefits that ozone has in supporting your body. It assists it on a cellular level and accelerates your mitochondria supply. 

If you’re looking for an innovative, yet straightforward, way to supercharge your body, detox your gut, and protect it from all these viruses going around, head to biocharged.co and use the code “LUKE10” to save 10% off Resistor ozone capsules. 

10:14 —What He’s Working on Right Now 

48:09 —Why He Started Working with Ozone

  • How he perfected his ozone formula
  • The perceived extreme side of biohacking 
  • How ozone is created
  • Making ozonated oil and the side effects
  • Topical ozone products. Verdict: smelly but effective
  • How ozone kills bacteria and viruses

1:19:50 — Ozone Effects on the Body

  • The way to use ozone treatment
  • Ozone, senescent cells, and mitochondria 
  • My ozone generator 
  • Can ozone heal leaky gut issues?
  • Using ozone on acne and eczema 

1:34:36 — The Science Behind Biocharged Resistor 

  • Why Ian chose sunflower oil over olive oil 
  • Using a binder with ozone to detoxify
  • How to incorporate Biocharged Resistor into your biohacker routine
  • Ozone cleaning in Morozko Forge ice baths
  • Questioning the moon landing

More about this episode.

Watch it on YouTube.

[00:00:00]Luke Storey:  I'm Luke Storey. For the past 22 years, I've been relentlessly committed to my deepest passion, designing the ultimate lifestyle based on the most powerful principles of spirituality, health, psychology. The Life Stylist podcast is a show dedicated to sharing my discoveries and the experts behind them with you. Hi and welcome back to the show.

[00:00:26]Ian Mitchell:  Thanks, man. I'm super happy to be here.

[00:00:28]Luke Storey:  So, as always, we just had the conversation to end all conversations before the mics were on. I can't tell you how many times that's happened. We sit down, hey, good to see you, man.

[00:00:37]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, quite a few at this point.

[00:00:39]Luke Storey:  We start chatting about all things off the record, and I'm always going like, God, I wish I'd just hit the recorder right now, we already have it done. But we do have a topic today. And sometimes, in conversations with you, I notice we're able to stick to a topic. Sometimes, not, because you're a non-linear being.

[00:00:55]Ian Mitchell:  That is very true. 

[00:00:56]Luke Storey:  Just like myself. So, I'm excited to meander where we want to go. We're definitely going to be talking about ozone today. So, those that saw the title of this podcast and are wondering like, when's the ozone part? It will happen. But first, I want to ask you, you are a mad scientist in the truest sense. You've got a laboratory and you are working on all sorts of solutions to improve the lives of humankind all the time. I think you told me one time, you have a whiteboard in your office that's like global warming, cancer, then like the big ones, right? 

[00:01:29]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah.

[00:01:29]Luke Storey:  So, I wanted to start off by asking you, what are the things you can talk about? I understand there are patents and things, sometimes, to get in the way of that, and legal, and medical claims, and all that, but what are some of the things that you're working on right now that are making your head spin in the best of ways?

[00:01:44]Ian Mitchell:  Well, okay. So, the things that I actually find really kind of cool right now, one is the carbon negative concrete. And I've been working on that for a while, because that's actually pretty profound to me, because carbon generally accounts for about 8% of all the CO2 emissions, because it's the most kind of ubiquitously used product for construction in the world. And actually, if it were a country, it would be the third largest producer of CO2 behind China and the US. Yeah, it's actually pretty chunky.

[00:02:13]Luke Storey:  What about India?

[00:02:15]Ian Mitchell:  No, it's way down below that.

[00:02:17]Luke Storey:  Really?

[00:02:17]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, actually, surprisingly. Yeah, just the industrialization. They haven't quite hit the same point in the curve.

[00:02:22]Luke Storey:  Makes sense.

[00:02:23]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. But China, they're really pumping out quite a bit, almost double with the US's, pound for pound. And not in terms of population though. Per capita, it's far less. But overall, the totality, because their population is almost five times as big, it has more of a pronounced impact. So, the concrete is neat, because it negates the 8% that would be produced, and then it offsets another 24%.

[00:02:48]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[00:02:49]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. So, if everybody, and I know that it's a pipe dream, like everybody isn't going to, just across the board, switch to it, but it would negate about a third of all the global annual greenhouse gas emissions, which is great. 

[00:02:59]Luke Storey:  In terms of with this carbon negative concrete that you've created in terms of scalability, is the technology simplistic enough to replicate, where-. 

[00:03:13]Ian Mitchell:  Crazy simple.

[00:03:14]Luke Storey:  ... the whole could be on this type of concrete?

[00:03:15]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. And that was actually one of the goals with this, was to do something so that quite literally, just a couple of components had to be swapped out. And the people who are actually placing the concrete, they won't know. There will be no shift. It's just in the manufacturing process, they'll be a couple of tweaks done, and then that just sets up a cascade, and then that wave just propagates. So, it's easy.

[00:03:36] And that was part of it, because if you come up with some really very bizarrely abstracted thing that's difficult to do, how much positive benefit are you really going to be able to leverage? Not that much. Because if you make it untenable for people to actually move forward with it, you haven't really done much. It's like being the most evolved person who hides in your cave. I mean, how much you change in the needle for humanity. 

[00:03:59]Luke Storey:  Right. Yeah. And in the experience I'm having of renovating this house here in Texas, which you're going to see, and after we're done, when I started looking into different ways to—I mean, it's not a new build, but basically, I took everything down to studs, sheetrock, and concrete. I mean, just the whole house is gutted, which was not the original plan, as I'm sure anyone that's renovated a home knows. You're like, hey, let's take down that wall, too. So, it's quite a project and not an easy one.

[00:04:27] But when I started looking into materials, and I'm like, well, I want green everything, I realized very quickly, A, that the market is definitely less saturated with green products of all types. And B, that they are way, way more expensive, generally speaking. I didn't know it's a nuanced kind of market. But I looked into no VOC, engineered wood floors. And I found some that were comparable that looked nice. And then, of course, the no VOC paint and looking at ways to filter the air.

[00:04:56] And speaking of ozone, I just stumbled across, I forget the name of the company, but I'll put it in the show notes, O3—I'm so sorry to them. They were so kind to me. And they sent me this spray bottle a few months ago that you plug in and it creates ozonated water and that becomes like your new whole house cleaner. It's insane. And all you have to do is put water in it and charge it up. And then I found-

[00:05:18]Ian Mitchell:  That's what nature uses.

[00:05:19]Luke Storey:  Right? And we're going to be talking about ozone. And then, I found someone on Instagram that listens to the show, sent me this ozone generator that connects to your washer, your washing machine, and negates any and all future use of any disinfectants or-

[00:05:35]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, no detergents necessary.

[00:05:36]Luke Storey:  ... detergents, anything, and it's like $400.

[00:05:39]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, it's brilliant.

[00:05:40]Luke Storey:  I mean, I probably spend $400 on laundry soap from Whole Foods every four months or what. It's like I see the auto ship actually come from Amazon, I'm like, how did I spend $150 on laundry soap? Like I wear the same jeans every day.

[00:05:53]Ian Mitchell:  Actually, they're using that for pools, too. Like large scale ozonation, they use it in pools.

[00:05:58]Luke Storey:  That's what I want in my pool, because that's the thing. The other day, the new pool guy, whose name is Alonzo. I will give him a shoutout, although I don't know his company. I'll get that in the show notes. Great guy. And he comes over, and I was like, I don't want chlorine in my pool. I'm not going to do anything. So, I just let the pool sit there and it was right after the big Texas snowpocalypse. So, all the trees had lost their leaves.

[00:06:20]Ian Mitchell:  That's a petri dish, man.

[00:06:21]Luke Storey:  Yeah. And all the leaves in a square mile where I live went into my pool apparently, and the water turned opaque green and smelly, and even I didn't want to get into it. And I swim in creeks with like cottonmouths, like I don't care. And I talked to him and he had to do this thing, it's called a shock.

[00:06:41]Ian Mitchell:  Shocking it.

[00:06:42]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:06:42]Ian Mitchell:  Harsh chemicals.

[00:06:43]Luke Storey:  Yeah. He had to put all this stuff in there. I'm like, I don't want that. We drain the pool, it's going to go into the water table and into Lake Travis. I'm not about that. So, I said, hey, man, how can we disinfect the pool and not use chlorine? He's like, you have to. And I said, aha, au contraire mon frere, what if I do a saltwater pool? He's like, yeah, bacteria grows in salt, too, you still have to put a little chlorine disc in your pump? So, I was like, okay, I guess I have a chemical pool and there's no way out.

[00:07:10]Ian Mitchell:  Ozone.

[00:07:10]Luke Storey:  There are ozone pool systems? 

[00:07:13]Ian Mitchell:  Mm-hmm. Absolutely. 

[00:07:14]Luke Storey:  Rad. Okay. So, that's one. Anyway, this company that I'll put in the show notes, which you can find at lukestorey.com, they make this little wall unit, and it cleans your freaking clothes and prevents any mold from building up in the internal parts of your washing machine. So, I'm like, again-

[00:07:29]Ian Mitchell:  That's a fantastic setup actually. I've looked at it, yeah. 

[00:07:31]Luke Storey:  Ozone does like everything and we're going to talk about it. But anyway, back to the concrete, I'm finding like having a green home is not as easy because of the availability or expense of materials.

[00:07:44]Ian Mitchell:  And that's got to change. I mean, you look at the companies that are doing the different green products and you're doing zero VOC paints, so probably like regal aqua velvet, and like all the really premium ones, and they charge for that. 

[00:07:57]Luke Storey:  You should've seen the look on my GC's face when I was like, here's the paint I want. He's like, no, you're not. Not with your bid. He goes, have you heard of this thing called an allowance? You just went over. So, he's going to get like Behr, no voc paint from Home Depot, and I just-

[00:08:13]Ian Mitchell:  I'll take the paint that they put all of the other VOCs in.

[00:08:16]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:08:16]Ian Mitchell:  At a discount.

[00:08:18]Luke Storey:  You got to choose your battles. But from what I understand, this concrete that you developed is also super badass-looking and black.

[00:08:25]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, it looks like onyx. I'll send you some pics. You can put them up. It looks super cool. 

[00:08:29]Luke Storey:  Oh, man. When I do the next move, which I don't want to get ahead of myself, but it'll be a build, because no house has all the things the way I want, of course, being the neurotic nut that I am.

[00:08:40]Ian Mitchell:  You need more biohacking space. Always, always.

[00:08:43]Luke Storey:  Right. But I mean, how sick would that be to make your whole foundation out of this black, and then you could have like really cool concrete floors that are polished black and look like obsidian?

[00:08:52]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. And there are some other benefits. I mean, like normally, I wouldn't even delve into it, but concrete has kind of a draining effect on your physiology, Bau-Biologie, which is kind of the German science of building biology, which actually came about because after World War II, when the US came in, and they were doing reparations, they were building a lot of houses, and dwellings, and businesses for people, and they found that the incidence of cancer was going up.

[00:09:18] And a lot of things were kind of dysregulating physically. And so, they started studying what was going wrong and they found that it was actually based on the buildings, the techniques that they were using. And so, there are a lot of places where concrete, they would actually have cork inserts in the floor where people were going to stand a long time, because what happens is your body's kind of a balance of paramagnetism, biomagnetism, right? 

[00:09:41] And so, you're a balanced system. And if you stand on something that is completely skewed to one side, you're like a little bitty magnet on a giant magnet and you're trying to balance out the net charge. And so, it ends up draining you. And the Germans had this really kind of advanced tech. I mean, it's just about the best thing I've seen other than some old-school Sthapatya architecture stuff, which is 6,000 years old, but quite literally, I don't think I've ever seen a better building system.

[00:10:09] And they had so much stuff dialed in with Sthapatya veda, or the other term it goes by is Vastu Shilpa Shastra. And that was very dialed in terms of geomagnetics. But they, in Germany, did scans and they could see that there was cellular paralysis occurring in the cells that were in contact proximate to the concrete. And they weren't processing waste and it was just causing cellular paralysis.

[00:10:32] So, they would do these cutouts where they would have people stand on floors. And actually, in Europe, they outlawed fiberglass insulation, and asbestos, and things that we eventually did in some cases. We haven't done fiberglass yet, but they were very much ahead, because they were actually looking at what's the physiological impact of the built environment, and how do we mitigate negative things and promote positive things? 

[00:10:57]Luke Storey:  Wow. That's so interesting.

[00:10:59]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. There's a whole Bau-biologie institute in the US. The fellow who used to run it was a guy named Helmut Ziehe. I haven't looked at it for probably like 20 years, but it was kind of an interesting thing. And I remember looking at it, and there was an architect in Austin here named George Swanson, who developed a bunch of houses kind of around Bau-biologie principles and built that in a community called Radiance, which was kind of like a TM community.

[00:11:24]Luke Storey:  Oh, wow. Cool.

[00:11:25]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. They have a dome in the whole nine yards, much like Fairfield.

[00:11:28]Luke Storey:  Oh, that's so cool. Have you heard of, by chance, biogeometry?

[00:11:33]Ian Mitchell:  No. 

[00:11:34]Luke Storey:  This gentleman that I'm going to interview soon, he developed this system called biogeometry and it's so bizarre. It's like the interview I did with our mutual friend, Philipp, last week, the quantum stuff. It's like there are things with energetics that just make no sense on a fundamental level just to the common person, including myself, being quite common, and not understanding the physics and the way that it interacts with biology, and all of these things, which I'm doing my best to learn.

[00:12:03] But he essentially has refined a system of building, and not just of building, but also of changing the energetics within a pre-existing, poorly designed building through the insertion of little geometric shapes and even kind of hieroglyphics. Is that the word, hieroglyphics? That are inscribed on various devices. And you put them in very specific locations around your house, and one of the net effects is EMF mitigation, and the other one is a harmonizing field of the said space.

[00:12:36] And so, when I hear things like that, I'm always like, okay, show me the proof. Cool idea, but I want to prove it. And one of the many things that he's done, and I can't wait to interview him with his thick accent, hopefully, I can catch it, he's a brilliant guy and he's done some things—he works a lot in Switzerland, which I thought he was Swiss, but turns out he's Egyptian. But one of the things he did in this town in Switzerland is it's kind of a remote rural town and they had installed a bunch of cell towers, my archnemesis, right? 

[00:13:03] I love my cell phone, hate the towers. And so, all of the livestock were getting ill, and the yields of agriculture were going down, and the people in the town were getting sick. And you imagine, like Switzerland is being this pristine, sort of preserved natural environment, at least based on pictures. I've not been there, but I picture like rolling fields in Switzerland.

[00:13:24]Ian Mitchell:  I have the same mental image, yeah.

[00:13:26]Luke Storey:  Seems like a great place to store your money and perhaps live. And so, anyway, he went into this town, and he very specifically placed and buried these tiny little objects around the cell towers. And not only did people's health go back to baseline, but people became incredibly healthy, because the effect of these objects with his biogeometry system actually transmuted the negative impact of that radiation. He essentially changed the shape of the wave of the radiation to where the cell towers became good for you. I know it sounds crazy. 

[00:14:03]Ian Mitchell:  Actually, it doesn't. Really, that's something I've been thinking about ways to move the needle, which is kind of what I'm always trying to ponder. And one of the thoughts I had recently was using cell towers, because it's everywhere, right? Everybody has a cell phone. I mean, even if you go to sub-Saharan Africa, everybody's in communication with a cell phone. And my thought was the same thing. I mean, it's great to know that it's already being done.

[00:14:26] I was just thinking, wow, if you already have this thing that everybody's doing, this was kind of the same impetus for the concrete, right? Everybody's already doing this thing. If you can make them do that thing and offer them the ability to do it in a way that actually benefits everybody, way better. That's how you make the big leverage movement. So, if you take some EMF transmission, and you say, oh, instead of completely whacking your calcium channels, we're going to set this up so that you're robust and healthy.

[00:14:52]Luke Storey:  There has to be a way.

[00:14:53]Ian Mitchell:  There is a way. It's absolutely doable.

[00:14:55]Luke Storey:  I don't know that the biogeometry that he did in some of those experiments is necessarily scalable, because you'd have to get the municipalities locally to buy into it and have the motivation to do it. The telecommunications industry is, I would guess, probably not that interested in it.

[00:15:13]Ian Mitchell:  I wouldn't think so. Dollars and cents, right?

[00:15:16]Luke Storey:  Yeah. They won't even admit that it's going on, for starters. 

[00:15:19]Ian Mitchell:  To back over the new millennia.

[00:15:20]Luke Storey:  But it's a really interesting field of study and development, like our friends at FLFE found a way to take some crazy Tesla coil energy transducer, transmitter thing, and then program logistics into it so that it creates a field of energy on the location where you program it and point it, right?

[00:15:43]Ian Mitchell:  And step up someone's consciousness remotely.

[00:15:44]Luke Storey:  Yeah. And I know you have it on your house. I have it on mine. It's on my cell phone. And I love it, but things like-

[00:15:48]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. I have it on my cell phone. I haven't done it on my house.

[00:15:50]Luke Storey:  Oh, man. You've got to get it in your house. It's like $30 a month.

[00:15:53]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. Their rates are insanely cheap. 

[00:15:55]Luke Storey:  They are so cool. But I have to say that I find things like this difficult to share, because when you get into the unseen realms, it's difficult to quantify and it's difficult to prove for lack of a better sense, so how do you think we can adopt these types of technologies that are more energy-based, but find ways to quantify them and show people that it is legitimate science, that it's not woo-woo, wishful thinking, or placebo?

[00:16:26]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, it's difficult. I think the best way to do that is to go from the known to the unknown, right? Because if you go back in time 400 years ago, a lot of the stuff that we're talking about. I mean, people are going to be watching this stuff all over the world. Literally, they could be dialed in watching us from Asia right now. And Tesla actually talked about that in IEEE convention and people panned him.

[00:16:51] It was over 100 years ago. He said, in the future, people will communicate in real time. You'll be able to see them and talk to them. And everybody thought he was insane. And if you go back 300 more years to say 400 years ago, the stuff that we're doing is magic. I mean, for all intents and purposes, it's just magic. But that's always the way that it seems when you have a new technology that you can't quite grasp yet. 

[00:17:12] And like Philipp's stuff, the reason I was impressed with that is I understood conceptually what they were doing and the people that he's working with, Roman and some of the other guys, that obviously, their consciousness is very advanced and they're able to do things that normal people, generally speaking, aren't going to be able to do. But they also took the added step of saying, okay, rather than keep this in the realm of woo-woo, let's quantify it, let's do dark field microscopy, let's do HRV readings, let's look at what it actually does, which holds validity to a much higher degree.

[00:17:45] I mean, it's hard for me to go like, oh, I believe this when people aren't going to be able to demonstrably show it, right? When I was trying to do the biocharge project, I had to build the test rig to test for what was there, because nothing existed to test for that, right? So, it was kind of one of those like Frankenstein things with the whole desk in the lab was literally covered with electronics I was ripping apart from other things in like setting up effectively like Kirlian photography rigs with photo readers and all kinds of stuff to try and figure out how do I quantify this thing. 

[00:18:23] And that part's difficult and it's also not recognized. Things like blood work, that's recognized. Everybody's aware that we do, in fact, have blood. And when you look at someone's blood work and you see clumping, because things aren't freely floating, that's a problem. And then, when you see like the little talisman effectively that you have on, I mean, that canula, it's holding three little titanium spheres that are charged to do a specific thing with those frequencies.

[00:18:50] And sounds a little woo-woo, but when you look at the blood work from somebody who's just put one of those things on, well, there you go, the proof is in the pudding. You see the blood work before you. You see the blood work five, 15, 30 minutes afterwards. And you can note just this huge change, then that is something that people can grasp. So, you go from something that's known that they're comfortable with and move towards something that's a little fringy, because a thousand years from now, none of this stuff is going to seem farfetched. 

[00:19:18] People will probably manipulate energy and frequencies with impunity and just do it, hopefully, in a positive way. Like the guys at FLFE are doing where they're trying to actually move the needle for the benefit. And the same thing with Leela Q, they're bringing forth good technologies, EMF-blocking products, things like that. There's a whole little cache of people that are trying to benefit, I think, the world. And so, I kind of seem to be in a space where I'm lucky, because I get access to a lot of those technologies like you do before they're everywhere else.

[00:19:55] And for me, it's super fun, because I see it, and I'll just rip it apart in the lab, and start playing with it to see, okay, well, how do I quantify this? What does it do? Philipp sent me stuff months before it was even out so that I could do testing on it, and look at it, and see what the effects were. Unfortunately, I broke my new fangled testing rig during the process, but it was fun for me, because I was thinking, okay, well, can I feel the difference? Because that's the first check, is to actually feel something when it's considered fringe or woo-woo. And with that, yeah, you can feel it. And same thing with the FLFE stuff, when it kicks on, you feel it kick on.

[00:20:27]Luke Storey:  Yeah. With the FLFE, too, one of my favorite things to do, and I've been meaning to beg them to give me even a higher boost, but they have a feature when you have the FLFE home service that's called a Boost, and you get 30 minutes a day. So, you log into the portal and you click this button, Boost, and that brings you up, I think their normal level is like 540.

[00:20:50]Ian Mitchell:  It goes to 11.

[00:20:51]Speaker3:  Yeah. Well played. On the Hawkins scale, I think the normal FLFE service is 540 on a logarithmic scale from one to 1,000 that we were discussing earlier. And people can go back and listen to that episode with Clayton and Jeffrey to learn more about that. But you have this boost to 600. And every day, I savor that boost if I'm stressed out, or typically, if I do a Zoom interview or I have a business call, I'll go in, and boop, and I'll boost it. And I swear to God, I feel it the minute—I mean, I should have Alyson like blind placebo me to see like, did she hit the button or not? But I'll sit there, and I'll always be like, alright, is this real? I click the button and it's like my body goes [making sounds] . It's palpable. I mean, it's undeniable.

[00:21:39]Ian Mitchell:  Well, it's like you were talking about the geometry of space, is all that stuff has an impact. To think that there's not some sort of order is just folly. It just means it's a human trait and I think we describe things like, oh, well, you can't know that, it's unknowable. No, more than likely, your consciousness can handle it, it just has to expand to the point where it actually makes sense and that it falls into a framework that's tangible. It's like non-linear dynamics, and chaos, and things like that.

[00:22:07] When you start looking at that, there are patterns, they're just patterns that were buried beyond our level of perception. And at a certain point, you come out of that threshold and you can feel it. You can see it. And with regards to the space, and just planting little hieroglyphics and things, that makes perfect sense. And the old Sthapatya Vedic tradition from the Vedas, they would actually take and build an appellate, just kind of a grid over the site that you were going to build on and they would map it out.

[00:22:39] And all of the points where the lines would intersect on this grid called marma points, and they corresponded to all of the pressure points in the chakras. And they would build the whole place so that the built environment, and the space, and the energies moving through the space were in accord with a person's physiology. And so, I mean, it's all linked.

[00:22:58]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[00:22:58]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, there's a difinitive pattern.

[00:22:59]Luke Storey:  That's so cool.

[00:23:00]Ian Mitchell:  It really is. That actually is truly to date in terms of architectural systems. It's the most well-thought-out thing I've ever been exposed to. And I'm sure because it was developed by seers, and sages, and rishis, and those kind of like, put the nail here.

[00:23:15]Speaker3:  Yeah.

[00:23:17]Ian Mitchell:  It's a whole lot more thought through than I think most contracting is probably these days, as you would know, right now.

[00:23:24]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Interestingly, I had Brian Hoyer from Shielded Heeling, who's been on the show a couple times. He's at the house now. You'd probably meet him when we get over there. They're over there shielding the bedroom and a couple of the other rooms. And when one of his reps, Nick, came out to do the testing on the house, they test for geopathic stress. They were trained originally, I think, by Geovital, I think they're out of Switzerland, actually. And so, they take these dowsing rods and they walk across the room. 

[00:23:49] And they're not moving the rods, the rods move themselves when you cross these ley lines, right? And so, he did a grid of the whole bedroom, and then they have the different colored bars that sort of extend out kind of like a tape measure. And then, he showed me the whole grid where the whole grid is in the bedroom. I mean, you could take tape and show this geometric pattern of energy that's under your foundation, which are these points at which radiation comes through the cracks in the Earth or there might be water veins underneath, and you don't want to put your bed right on top of one of those, right?

[00:24:22] I mean, they're linked to cancer, and there are areas in which trees won't grow, and things like that, because they happen to be planted right on one of those. And that was trippy. What was really trippy is they take these bound, sort of twisted figure eights of copper that are about a foot long, and they put one of those in a specific place in the room, and then walk back across with the dowsing rods, and they don't move. It's like just with a piece of copper, you can nullify the magnetic field coming through the foundation of your house. 

[00:24:56] And then, you just keep that thing in your house, and then the whole thing is now mute, essentially. I find this stuff to be so fascinating. And I think why people that are very skeptical, critical, analytic-type minds, and thank God for those people, because they keep the rest of us from being bullshitted out of our pocketbook, I think because the human mind is generally so susceptible to falsehood, that many people that are less than integris use these energy technologies, and quantum stickers for your phone, and all this stuff to make money.

[00:25:31] Many of whom probably know full well that it's total bullshit. And so then, that kind of ruins it for the rest of the people that are actually doing it with integrity and can provide some of the testing that you described. In fact, to that point, I posted—or I didn't post, but my social team posted a snippet of my interview that I did here with Philipp from Leela Quantum Tech. And I didn't even watch the clip, so I don't know what was said, but I think I was talking about this little ampule with the titanium spheres, and he was explaining what it is and how it does.

[00:26:02] And someone commented and he might be watching, if you're watching, this is for you, he said, I'm going to call BS on this. How do we know? [Making sounds] And I comment about it, so we need to watch the whole interview, because in the interview, Philipp described the blood testing that they're doing, the HIV testing, et cetera, all the ways in which they've quantified the efficacy of these technologies. 

[00:26:22]Ian Mitchell:  Have you seen the actual blood work?

[00:26:24]Luke Storey:  Yeah, it's incredible.

[00:26:26]Ian Mitchell:  It's profound.

[00:26:27]Luke Storey:  It's incredible. And the first time I experienced that dark field, my cost—what's it called? 

[00:26:33]Ian Mitchell:  Microscopy. Dark field microscopy.

[00:26:34]Luke Storey:  Microscopy, strange word, was at a conference years ago for these Magnetico Sleep Pads with Dr. Dean Bonlie, who's an incredible mind in the realm of magnetics. And he created these pads that are really expensive, that you put under your mattress and they create this—sort of mimic the magnetic field that would have been present thousands of years ago, the beneficial magnetic field, and they mimic that, because it's now missing, because of the polar shift in solar wind or whatever was causing it.

[00:27:04]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. There's a lot of degradation that's been going, Schumann resonance is changing.

[00:27:09]Luke Storey:  Yeah. So, he sorted that out and made these pads. 

[00:27:14]Ian Mitchell:  I love how easy that sounds. He sorted that whole geomagnetic thing.

[00:27:18]Luke Storey:  Yeah. But what was really interesting, as I said, alright, what's this thing? It's $10,000 for a pad, you put it under your mattress. Come on. Like how does this work? And he goes, okay. So, I go over to the nurse, and they take some of my blood, and then I go lay on this little kind of massage table to have one of these pads on it for about 10 minutes. They go and take the blood. They put them on a computer monitor, and the before was all coagulated, and they were all clumped together, and behaving in strange ways, like an unhealthy blood sample.

[00:27:47] And then, I lay on this freaking seemingly inert magnetic field for a few minutes and the after blood was just perfect. Everything's just spaced out perfectly. It's just the healthiest blood you've ever seen. And at that moment, I was like, okay, I'm never not believing anything again, first, I'm going to do my research. But I think these ways of quantifying some of this technology is-

[00:28:08]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, trust but verify.

[00:28:10]Luke Storey:  Yeah, trust but verify. Trust God, tie up your camel.

[00:28:14]Ian Mitchell:  Right. That kind of stuff where you're moving from like the unseen to the seen, anybody who doesn't think magnetic stuff is really impactful, because it's just EMF waves, but it's in the specific band, look at transcranial magnetic stimulation. I mean, you can elicit huge, very profound responses in somebody's brain just by the application of a magnetic field. You can do the same thing on your arm, and train your muscles, and they completely start twitching, and all sorts of stuff.

[00:28:42] And it's just its manipulation of fields that are unseen. It's just that we're such tangible critters, that I think it's difficult sometimes to go, oh, there's more. But at the same time, kind of if you said, well, you generally don't see the air, but you know it's necessary. I mean, you generally don't see the energy, but it's even more necessary than the air. Like intrinsically there is a field that is promoting life, and the fact that we're like fish in the ocean, going, what? What water? A lot of times, the best proof that it's there, it's such a fundamental substrate beneath everything we do.

[00:29:18]Luke Storey:  That's a great example.

[00:29:19]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. I mean, the life force that just supports us and holds us. And I know as a scientist, that sounds kind of froufrou to say that, but the reality is you have to sort of accept the reality for what it is. And when you do the testing and it all leads you into one direction, you go, oh, okay, well, I guess we just don't understand that yet. And I mean, I've been open and candid about seeing things that don't really jive with the way I was trained, and the things I studied, and what I was taught, and what I learned.

[00:29:45] And sometimes, when you see that you have that option of just going, it didn't happen, it didn't happen, or you go, well, obviously, it happened. I'm either completely losing my mind or it happened, I just don't have the terminology, the technology, the understanding. So, for me, I mean, we're friends, I'm super curious, right? So, I'm like, well, I don't know, I'll go figure it out. Like I will take a year. Like in the case of this stuff, that was from something that I saw Dr. Moore going to do.

[00:30:13] And it kind of tripped me up and I didn't understand how it was possible. So, I spent a year effectively figuring out how to do that mechanically, to manipulate things in the same way as somebody, because saying, oh, I charge this, I put lifeforce energy into it. And okay, well, that's kind of an ambiguous term. What does that really mean? And so, I just kept peeling back the layers until I figured out how to actually mechanically do the same thing. And interestingly, when I did it, I called, and said, okay, so here's what I've got, here's how I did, is that right? And he said, yeah, that's it. And I said, okay, good. He said, if you had asked, I would have told you.

[00:30:52]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Thanks for telling me now. I think, perhaps, the greatest gift we have as embodied souls are these physical bodies with our senses, right? And for anyone that's done substantial doses of psychedelics or plant medicines, you quickly realize that the world that we perceive through our senses is but a fraction of what's actually there, right?

[00:31:18]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. And it's so different from-

[00:31:20]Luke Storey:  It's like this gift that we have, oh, my God, I'm in a body, I have senses, matter appears to be solid, and I get to interface with the material world as another seemingly solid being, but we really are in terms of the inner dimensional nature of reality. We really are kind of locked into a prison of sorts in terms of our understanding and capacities when we limit what we are able to believe based on what we can perceive through our senses.

[00:31:50] And so, there's a sect of people that I think are so committed to the physical material world, because that's what they're used to sensing through their body that they negate the rest of it, which is, in my experience, the bandwidth that we're experiencing sitting here now is the tiniest sliver of all reality within the cosmos. And it takes finding ways to sort of move past that to where your consciousness can then explore the other realms.

[00:32:18]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. Quite literally, it's, I think, in terms of the EMF structure that we can perceive at something like .0001% of the total EMF spectra that we, as physical beings, are able to pick up just through sight, hearing, touch, taste.

[00:32:34]Luke Storey:  Right. The spectrum of visible light is a sliver in the-

[00:32:38]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, 300 to 700 nanometers if you're lucky. It's usually more like 400. But if you think about a tetrachromat, normally, you have just three of the cones in your eyes to pick up color, and guys, sometimes, only have two. But there are some people called tetrachromats that have four. And their perception of color is so much broader than ours is. It's almost like another order of magnitude kind of thing where they pick up subtleties and colors that we don't even perceive.

[00:33:04] And I've only been around that, I know of one person who was like that, and it was bizarre, because their perception of color was so much more subtle and nuanced. Like I couldn't discern between two shades of blue. And they're like, are you kidding? This is so very different. And to me, it was the same, because that was the perceptual blockade that I had. I was locked in having three cones, so my color perception was this, and that's it. But for her, she had that fourth cone and was able to just completely discern with amazing degrees of specificity, oh, well, this is a little bit more like this, and this is like this, and it's all blue to me.

[00:33:42]Luke Storey:  Wow. Well, here's to the unseen realms. I fear that we could divert the topic of this conversation forever, but I do want to ask one thing, and then I really want to get into the ozone, because it's something I'm so passionate about and have been into for so long. And you've done something miraculous in creating a product that doesn't require putting things up your butt or in your vein. And this stuff right here called Biocharged, if you can center in on my camera, very, very, very cool innovation.

[00:34:11]Ian Mitchell:  It is good stuff actually. I really love it.

[00:34:12]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I took one earlier. It's amazing. But with the concrete, to digress a little bit, are you in the process of patents or is this going to come to market anytime soon? 

[00:34:26]Ian Mitchell:  It is, very, very shortly. Yeah. I'm about to do a test lab in West Texas and some other stuff. And yeah, so it'll be coming to market really quickly.

[00:34:34]Luke Storey:  Awesome. Wow. 

[00:34:34]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. So, I'm lucky, because that's something I believe in. Some of the other stuff that I'm getting to play with is gamma shielding. That's very cool, because in order to do space travel, I mean, our bodies will get just obliterated if we're exposed to gamma rays once we're outside of the magnetosphere. So, I came up with a way to do gamma shielding that's kind of elegant and hadn't been done before.

[00:34:56]Luke Storey:  Are you in touch with Elon Musk?

[00:34:59]Ian Mitchell:  No.

[00:34:59]Luke Storey:  Like I hope he hears this, and if he does, I want to tell him, EMFs are dangerous. I heard him on Rogan the other day, I'm like, this guy's either not as smart as he appears to be to many people or he is the devil, because he literally said, he's like, electromagnetic radiation is impossible to hurt you anyway, so you could strap 10 live cell phones to your head and it would do absolutely nothing. You could just walk around like that. And I'm like, really?

[00:35:28]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, the data is kind of in on that one.

[00:35:30]Luke Storey:  There are 30,000 studies, 30,000 studies linking EMF exposure to all sorts of different pathology. And that's excluding all of the studies done like in the '90s and the beginning of the telecommunication rollout of cell phones that were about the heat transference, right? Like having a cell phone on your head has nothing to do with the heat, 30,000 legitimate studies.

[00:35:53]Ian Mitchell:  I decided I'm going to just put an egg in my mouth so it get hardboiled. 

[00:35:55]Luke Storey:  Right. Exactly. And that was one of the first ones I saw that was actually looking at the heat, right? You put two cell phones that are calling each other on the either side of an egg and it cooks the fucking egg.

[00:36:08]Ian Mitchell:  I've got EMF meters at the lab, but if you put an EMF meter around a cell phone, or in my case, my iPhone, this is why I don't use the earbuds. I actually have the old school plug-in cord, because it's just a little magnetic membrane and it's a little bitty membrane that's fluctuating, which is a whole lot better for you, because there's not much juice there. If you're putting something that's kind of Wi-Fi signal, it's like hearing aids that cross between the two and are pulsing frequencies through people's brains.

[00:36:34] That's not so good. And you have to look at, sometimes, when people are like, oh, well, it can't be that bad. Actually, go to the FDA, they approved a thing called the tumor treating field therapy, which is where you use an electromagnetic field and it's for people with cranial cancer, like glioblastoma, and things like that, astrocytoma. They put them around their head, and they carry a battery pack, and the field inhibits mitotic spindle formation.

[00:37:00] So, it doesn't allow the cancer cells to separate, to replicate. And that was approved by the FDA. And actually, I think they just approved it for thoracic cancers, too. But you have to say, okay, if it has such a pronounced impact that it can stop cancers from forming under this condition, then obviously, there's got to be the converse to that, right? Like you have to be able to say, okay, the field obviously has an effect, what can it do both beneficially and detrimentally? 

[00:37:28] And you just have to go in eyes open. It's hard for me to think that somebody in this day and age wouldn't realize that. Of course, by the same token, if your building devices where people are sitting inside effectively, like on the inside of the Faraday cage, being exposed to something, that's maybe something you don't want to do, because I think you're going to have a hard time finding somebody at Verizon, who's like, oh, cell phones, that'll fry your brain.

[00:37:52]Luke Storey:  Totally. Well, it's funny, I asked Philipp about that in our last interview.

[00:37:56]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, because he was at T-Mobile, right?

[00:37:58]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I think he was the CFO. I mean, he's a really high-level executive.

[00:38:02]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, he's an international VP, I think.

[00:38:03]Luke Storey:  Yeah, international VP of T-Mobile. And I asked him during the interview, I said, I mean, when you guys are like in the back room, are you guys talking about the dangers? He's like, nope, never heard about it ever. No one talks about it. No one knows about it. If they do, they—and I said, well, is it a nefarious sort of element to the industry? He goes, to be honest, not really. They just don't really know and don't really care. They want to provide a service for people and get paid for it.

[00:38:28]Ian Mitchell:  Ostrich minds, man, keep your head in the ground. It's that Upton Sinclair thing, though, of, you'll have a hard time trying to convince someone of something that they're paid to not understand.

[00:38:40]Luke Storey:  Well said.

[00:38:41]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, Upton Sinclair, sharp.

[00:38:43]Luke Storey:  Alright. Let's get into the ozone. So, oh, man, I have so many questions about this.

[00:38:47]Ian Mitchell:  Oh, you're pulling out a paper. Woo.

[00:38:49]Luke Storey:  Oh, yeah. I always have notes. My first question was, what is-

[00:38:52]Ian Mitchell:  Do I need a number two pencil? 

[00:38:53]Luke Storey:  Yes. The first one is, what are some of your latest discoveries? And now, we're an-hour-and-a-half in and we haven't gotten to the second question. So, let's stay focused here. I'm speaking to myself. How did you get into ozone in the first place?

[00:39:07]Ian Mitchell:  So, one of my friends has a bunch of real estate and he had some daycares that have been shut down because of COVID. And so, we were trying to come up with ways that he could decontaminate and purge those spaces. So, initially, we started looking at UV light, but the problem with UV light, even some of the cooler stuff, where you're changing the spectrum, and you're going down closer to the 200-nanometer range where it's such a tight nanometer spectra, their spectral band, that it doesn't actually damage your skin, because it just won't penetrate. 

[00:39:37] Some of the higher things can actually cause damage to your retina, but the very tight, narrow bands really don't. And so, that was kind of a good option. We explored that. But the problem is, because it's light, shadows get cast, right? And so, if you want something that moves around that, and actually can kind of fill the space, and purge everything, and do it, well, then it's not a very far jump to go from UV to ozone. Because actually, when you're making ozone, there's a little bit of UV emission.

[00:40:05] And so, we started looking at ozone, and spraying ozone, and we were talking about it, and I think it was my friend, Bobby, and I think Bobby said, well, what about replacing autohemotherapy? Like just giving it to people so that they would be impervious. And I actually didn't think it would be possible to do that, because I mean, I've done a lot of hemotherapy and it's a great thing to do. I mean, you've done it. You see like a big shift in the color of your blood, and after you expose it to the ozone, and you pump it back in.

[00:40:36] But I thought, okay, I don't really know that it's possible, but let's see. So, I started playing with it, and I started researching it, and then I found Tesla's work back from the early 1900s when he did the Tesla ozonated oil company, and he had this process where he had these big magnetic field beds, and then he would put olive oil in it, and then bubble ozone through it for eight weeks. And so, then I started looking at ozonated oils.

[00:41:01] And there are companies that have been doing that since, but they all have this process where they pump ozone through for about two-and-a-half weeks and that's it. And so, I thought, well, Tesla was a sharp cat, right? So, what was he doing? Right? He obviously wasn't trying to burn money and time, so there had to be something to that. And then, it dawned on me, I was like, oh, my God, it's a polar molecule.

[00:41:20] So, he's basically like getting these suckers to line up in a single file order so that it's got the highest per unit volume of reactive ozonides that you can get. And I thought, damn, that's got to be so ahead of the curve. But then, I thought, well, I've got 100 years more tech than he had access to, so what would he do if he had all of the ridiculous toys that I have? So, I came up with like this whole crazy thing to keep adding more intensity to it.

[00:41:46] And eventually, that's what we came up with, was at the end of the day, it was this very little tiny capsule that has a very pronounced effect. And I can only think of it like a blitzkrieg, right? Because what's happening is it triggers a hormetic stress response, so there's no actual ozone remaining in it. It becomes these things called stabilized ozonides. And so, the ozonides are basically signaling molecules. So, when you ingest it, it signals to your body that there's an oxidative insult. 

[00:42:17] And so, your body reacts accordingly and mobilizes all of its own glutathione, superoxide dismutase. And it gets ready to kind of put itself on guard, and up-regulates mitochondrial function, and you start pumping up more ATP. And in fact, when you take those, you'll feel the heat. Like in a couple of minutes, you actually feel kind of yourself warm when the capsule cracks open. And it's because your mitochondria are up-regulating. And so, that was kind of the process to get through the whole thing.

[00:42:44] And at the end of the day, I'd still say there's a definitive use case scenario where this is far better, because it's easier to do than go into a doctor's office and do an autohemotherapy all the time. And I just pop them, one in the morning on an empty stomach, and roll with it. And everybody always asks, do you do this every day? And I don't. And I purposely don't do it every day. It's just like C60, right? I don't do that every day either, because your body is brilliantly adaptive and you don't want to do something so that it stops production of its own endogenous antioxidants, because this is a prooxidative thing like carbon 60s and antioxidative thing, but they have the same net effect. 

[00:43:24] Because it's prooxidative and it sends that signal out, your body responds. And basically, what I did that I thought was actually kind of a really keen stroke on this was I figured out a way to up the impact of the signal. So, my joke earlier, but it goes to 11, it was kind of like that. It was like I don't want to add more of the actual compound in, but I want it to be louder so that your body thinks it has to mobilize more of a response.

[00:43:49]Luke Storey:  Funny story. When you were sending me this stuff that we just call internally brain sauce, and I know that that's another one of your pet projects, because I was having some cognitive issues probably as a result of drug abuse earlier in life, and cell tower exposure for three years that I've talked about ad nauseam on this show, because it pissed me off so much. But you had sent me some of the brain sauce that's in a bottle and I love that stuff. By the way, it's been incredible for my brain. Yeah, I can't wait until that's like a real product that I can share with people. But you also sent me, I think it's like a little bottle or a vial of these little capsules—no, it's a bottle. And there was no-

[00:44:28]Ian Mitchell:  Oh, yeah. That's right. It was a little bitty glass bottle.

[00:44:31]Luke Storey:  Yeah, exactly. 

[00:44:32]Ian Mitchell:  I think I just put in that little thing with a lightning bolt on the side.

[00:44:34]Luke Storey:  Yes. Okay. And I just threw it in my drawer, because people mail me so—I mean, I'm very grateful. People mail me so much stuff. I mean, this body can't take it all, you know what I mean? And my friends aren't daring enough often to take unlabeled things out of my drawer, because it might be liquid LSD or something. So, they wisely avoided—and I don't mean a recreational LSD for the record, for microdosing. So, I had that little bottle, and I think it was around the time I was starting to pack my stuff to move, and I had run out of the brain source, and I found that little bottle, and it was kind of sticky inside, and it was hard to get them out. So, it's had some kind of oil in it, right?

[00:45:09]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah.

[00:45:10]Luke Storey:  And so, I was like hitting it on my hand, and then I popped some of them out, and I thought, oh, this is cool, he must have encapsulated some of the brain sauce.

[00:45:17]Ian Mitchell:  Oh, my God.

[00:45:18]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:45:18]Ian Mitchell:  How many of them did you take?

[00:45:19]Luke Storey:  Oh, probably like eight of them, because I'm thinking, usually, with the brain sauce, I chug a good tablespoon or two, right? Pretty liberal, and it agrees with me, and it works well. So, I thought, well, these capsules are tiny, like how many of these do I have to take to get a dose of the brain sauce? So, I took them at night and-

[00:45:40]Ian Mitchell:  Oh, man.

[00:45:41]Luke Storey:  Yeah. 

[00:45:42]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. 

[00:45:44]Luke Storey:  I did not sleep a wink. I was like on meth. I mean, I was so wired and had—I mean, I don't remember my stomach being bad, but it definitely was gurgly. And I was like, what the hell? That's the same stuff I take all the time. What is this? And then, I don't know if you remember, I think I texted you, and I was like, what are those things? And you said, oh, no, that's a different thing, don't do that.

[00:46:08]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. I always tell people, take just one. And if you're ill, maybe take two, because when I get ill, I'll take two, but that's it. Yeah. Oh, my God, you took eight? 

[00:46:21]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I mean, a big handful, honestly, probably half the bottle that you sent. Yeah. Quite a few, six to eight, something like that.

[00:46:28]Ian Mitchell:  That's pretty hardcore.

[00:46:29]Luke Storey:  Anyway, I lived to tell the tale and probably cleaned up my gut quite nicely.

[00:46:32]Ian Mitchell:  I'm sure it did, yeah.

[00:46:35]Luke Storey:  But anyway, then shortly after that, you sent me a text of this weird little picture, where it was like, it's in your lab, and I'm dying to come to your lab at some point, by the way, because it just fascinates me, but it was like, you had made a little box, and it looked like it had like tin foil inside, and then you were shooting a laser.

[00:46:53]Ian Mitchell:  Oh, okay. It's actually very big.

[00:46:55]Luke Storey:  Oh, it is? 

[00:46:57]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah.

[00:46:57]Luke Storey:  It looked like this little box, and you were like, this is the ozone product I'm working on, which is the Biocharged.

[00:47:02]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. That was the process of figuring out how to do it right. So, I built this basically like—and it was lined. It was lined with aluminum foil inside, because like I was doing like a plasma confinement field, right? So, I had a RIF generator with plasma tubes, and then I had lasers firing through beam splitters to basically turn the gel into a hologram, right? Because if you think about a hologram, you've seen holographic plates, right? The glass plates where it has the image trapped in it.

[00:47:30]Luke Storey:  Yes.

[00:47:30]Ian Mitchell:  Okay. Well, glass is an amorphous solid. It's not a crystalline solid. So, it's not really like you'd think of a stable solid over, say, 1,000 years or 10,000 years, like old churches in Europe, how the bottom of the glass is wider than the top of the gwlass. It's because it's actually more like a liquid, like a soap film or a sheet of water that's falling, but it's out of our normal temporal scale, right? To human, it seems like it's solid, but if you expand your time scale out greatly, then it's going to look like it's coming down like a sheet of liquid.

[00:48:03]Luke Storey:  Right. Like glass blowing, right? I mean, it's tied into a-

[00:48:04]Ian Mitchell:  Right. Yeah, it's in a flow. Yeah, it's a flow. And so, it's the same thing over time. It just gravity has an effect on it and it just moves. So, I had this thought when I was working on this, I'm like, okay, I figured out how to get this thing harmonizing in trance states and pump more energy into it through additive harmonics, how do I keep it there so it doesn't just go [making sounds] and kind of piddle out? And then, I thought, well, holographic plates are basically in a liquid just in a slightly different time scale.

[00:48:32] And so, the difference between using a gel and using a piece of glass in terms of how quickly they'll move is much closer than using a very fast pulse laser. Like there's a bigger disparity in time. So, I thought, okay, well, I should be able to holographically lock this thing in as long as I'm using something that's coherent. And so, that's what that field was. So, it's got lasers firing through beam splitters to trap it at a certain specific frequency state and lock it into that media. And then, at the same time, the plasma is pulsing, then I have an auditory component that's going to create mechanical resonance in the thing. So, yeah.

[00:49:10]Luke Storey:  So, to back up a little bit for people that are like, I've heard of ozone, because I remember back when it was in the '80s, like our ozone layer was being depleted, et cetera, so I think that's where I first heard the word. But as I understand it, based on my ozone generator at home, I've got a little medical-grade oxygen tank, and then there's a valve on that. And I turn the valve on and there's a tube that takes that oxygen through some electrolysis system. It's like electrocuting essentially-

[00:49:35]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. It's two plates and it's ionizing between the plates.

[00:49:38]Luke Storey:  Okay. And then, it comes out the other end, which goes either in my ears through a stethoscope or up the [making sounds] with a catheter. People love that one. 

[00:49:48]Ian Mitchell:  Rectal insufflation. It's a past time. 

[00:49:51]Luke Storey:  I got to tell you a funny story about a little press piece I had as I was leaving LA. But anyway-

[00:49:56]Ian Mitchell:  Oh, no. I saw that, man. I actually saw that. Yeah. 

[00:49:59]Luke Storey:  Dude, oh, man. Dave Asprey emailed me a couple of days ago, actually, and was like, congrats on the press. That was great, Luke. Way to go biohacking. I was like, did you see the part where all they did was talk about my butthole? Like the "journalists", like he sat and talked to me for probably about three hours in my backyard. And we talked about spirituality, and how much I value meditation, and it's the inner journey. And then, I have a bunch of toys just to support my biology, so I can do my spiritual work here, which is really the premise of my work and my life.

[00:50:31] And we are really great. I took them out to the BioCharger. Not this, by the way. This is Biocharged, is this ozonated oil we're talking about. And the BioCharger, which is a different device entirely. But anyway, I put them on the BioCharger with all kinds of things, he goes, oh, this is great, is there anything else? I was like, well, I got an ozone generator inside, but like everyone has one of those, big deal. So, he comes in, and he's like, well, how does this work? I say, well, a few days a week or if I'm starting to feel under the weather at all, I do a rectal-

[00:50:58]Ian Mitchell:  Insufflation. 

[00:50:59]Luke Storey:  ... insufflation. And he was, just kind of in passing, oh, okay, whatever. And then, in the article, it's like the focal point. It's me, Max Lugavere, and Aaron Alexander, and really, like I was kind of the star of the piece, thankfully, I'm happy about that. But the main star of the piece was how I like to put things up my butt and how ridiculous it is. And then, he also indicated that—and I'm grateful to be included. And then, he also says like, and there's no scientific evidence to support the fact that ozone has any effect on viruses. I'm like, really? I'm like, how about 100 years of scientific research for you, here you go. But anyway, I digress. That was just a funny thing to share and I'm glad you read it. 

[00:51:41]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, that sometimes, with the stuff that we do, I was talking to another friend that does a lot of biohacking stuff. And I mean, we all do things that are bizarre, right? Like you have a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. I'm now building a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. I burn some squares and I built a TDCS unit, the transcranial direct current stimulator. And I was trying to see if I could potentiate more flow synoptically. And I just thought, oh, the voltage gating, I can crank it up. So, I cranked it up to the highest setting. And after a couple of minutes, I was like, God, I'm starting to feel discomfort. And so, I took the pads off and I had burned square into my forehead. I was like, yeah, that's the downside of that, I think. 

[00:52:27]Luke Storey:  Better living through science. Well, the funny thing is about some of these things that to your average person seem extreme. Okay. So, say to this writer from Los Angeles magazine, great guy. I wrote him an email and busted his balls heavily. And he was kind enough to reply, because there was another comment in there. And it's not like my ego is hurt, I'm just like, dude, you're doing a disservice to empowering people to take care of their own body, and have a sense of sovereignty and well-being. The other thing that got me there was he interviewed me about the inoculations that start with the V. I don't even like seeing the V word on my podcast, because I don't want to be shadow-banned. But he was talking about this virus that's going around now, apparently. 

[00:53:08]Ian Mitchell:  There's a virus going around. What?

[00:53:10]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:53:11]Ian Mitchell:  This is news.

[00:53:12]Luke Storey:  And he was talking about the vaccines that you can get for it. And he said, well, are you going to get it? And I said, no, Peter, to be honest, you'd have to kill me before I would take one of those things, personally. But you do you, anyone out there, my body, my choice, right? Like go for it. I fully support anyone that wants to do whatever they want to do with their body. It's their body. But I would never do it. And I explained some of the reasons why.

[00:53:37]Ian Mitchell:  Did he lambast you as an anti-vaxxer guy?

[00:53:39]Luke Storey:  Well, just a few things, I point out zero liability, we are the clinical human trials for it. Like some of us are volunteering for that, all the things, right? And the article, like it gives my quotes there, which I said a lot more than that, but he made me like anti-vaxxer guy. 

[00:53:55]Speaker3:  It's like a nightmare interview.

[00:53:59]Luke Storey:  But then, the end of the paragraph was this. And it's like, story says, I would rather die than take one of those vaccines, and sadly, that might just be what happens. You know what I mean?

[00:54:09]Ian Mitchell:  It's a shame they don't have the audio where it goes, bump, bump, bump.

[00:54:12]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Insinuating that I might die of an RNA gene therapy deficiency. I'm like, I don't think so. Like if anyone's going to die of this thing, it's probably not me, thankfully. But anyway, hilarious stuff. But to the average person, having an ozone generator in your laundry room, as I did at that time and a couple of days a week, doing the rectal, but the framework I'm coming from here is like, walk into a hospital as a fly on the wall and watch people's brains being cut open, watch triple bypass surgery, watch someone going through chemotherapy, watch someone with diabetes, having their foot amputated.

[00:54:53] I mean, on, and on, and on, right? Like that, to me, and I don't know what world I'm living in, that seems extreme. I'm like, that's extreme. To me, taking care of myself, and using supplements, and technologies, and stuff is not extreme at all, comparatively to the end result of living the modern lifestyle and all the pathology that so ensues if you're not living in a way that supports your health. 

[00:55:18]Ian Mitchell:  It's barbaric, man. I mean, honestly, I think people, again, a thousand years from now, will look back and they'll have the same take that we have when we look back a thousand years ago, oh, my God, they cut off his leg, because it was wet. He had a small infection, he got a scratch, and now, they didn't have Neosporins, so they chopped his leg off.

[00:55:36]Luke Storey:  Think about frontal lobotomies. This is not that long ago, someone was diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar or whatever, and they would just carve out a part of your brain and turn you into a vegetable. That wasn't like a thousand years ago.

[00:55:48]Ian Mitchell:  No, that was less than 100 years ago.

[00:55:50]Luke Storey:  In my lifetime, that was still happening, right? 

[00:55:52]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah.

[00:55:53]Luke Storey:  And so, to me, the extremities of self-care into the biohacking realm is not really extreme at all. So, you burned your head a little bit, it's like, well, better burn your head than end up with Alzheimer's.

[00:56:04]Ian Mitchell:  Well, right. No, that's totally true. And I mean, you're taking the brain sauce stuff, and that's got all kinds of pronounced effects, and they're metered out and tested. And I mean, the proof is in the pudding. You know it works, because you've done it. At some point, the data will come out on that stuff and I'll do something with it. But yeah, we're always trying to push the balance.

[00:56:25] Actually, the thing that's unfortunate to me about an article like that is I wish more people were in the biohacking space, because if nothing else, it just has them take control of their own body, which is theirs from the get go anyway, they may as well do something beneficial with it. If not that, then it's going to be left up to the influence of Madison Avenue and have more Doritos.

[00:56:47]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:56:50]Ian Mitchell:  I'd rather do the rectilinear inflation personally, but that's because I understand ozone.

[00:56:54]Luke Storey:  And to be honest, it's no party, which is why I'm so happy that you produced a product where you take a tiny little pill every day instead of going through that. But backing up a little bit to the mechanics of this, just so people understand. So, ozone created by essentially running electricity through oxygen, and then you get what's called ozone, which is a gas, right?

[00:57:15]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. So, basically, it's oxygen. The type that we breathe is O2 and it's stable. O3 is ozone and it has this extra oxygen atom. And because of that, it has a charge. So, because it's got the extra charge, it's going to interact. And most everything in nature, this is why nature uses ozone as a disinfectant, because nature is not really set up anything and manifest reality is not set up to be able to withstand something stripping away electrons and pulling them apart.

[00:57:44] And that's what fundamentally happens. You've got this unstable thing and it wants to bind. And in the process of coming off to rebalance itself, it pulls electrons off. And so, you stabilize things that way. But it's like forced oxidation, right? You're rusting something and viruses are susceptible, because it rips them apart. Bacteria, same thing. I mean, it is. It's nature's disinfectant. 

[00:58:07] After a lightning storm with high-arching electricity, when that cracks through the air, it strips, and ionizes and strips off one of those atoms, and then they recombine to form O3, but they're very unstable. It's about the third most reactive molecular species. And so, the interaction is really quick. That's why when you do autohemotherapy, you pull your blood. But when you pump the ozone into it, the ozone goes in. And when you see that color change, what you're actually seeing there is the formation of ozonides, which are stabilized signaling molecules.

[00:58:40] Because of this, there is no actual ozone in it at this point. Those ozonides, it's 9-oxononanoic acid. Well, it does all these, it's called a triple redox reaction. It's a reduction, oxidation reaction that basically, it stabilizes those things in a certain format, but they still have a reactivity, which is why your body picks it up as an insult. But it's nature, man. I mean, most of the things that I'll do are just taking something that's already done far better by nature in some form or fashion. 

[00:59:13]Luke Storey:  That's my formula, too. `I mean, think about red light therapy, hyperbaric. I mean, most of the things that I gravitate toward are just either mimicking or amplifying something that exists in our natural environment. And largely, those things include things that we would have had in our experience prior, right? Sun exposure, we're not getting sun exposure. We live under these freaking blue lights.

[00:59:38]Ian Mitchell:  Well, magnetics, right? 

[00:59:39]Luke Storey:  Yeah, all of that. So, you take a PEMF device like the AmpCoil, or the BioCharger, or something like that, and you're just taking something that exists in nature, or the Magnetico Sleep Pads, and you're just harnessing those powers through the brilliance of the human mind and amplifying them into your system. But with all of this stuff, I always think we wouldn't need any of this support if we were 100,000 years ago, or say, even 15,000 years ago, right? 

[01:00:04] Like the agriculture, roving tribes of hunter-gatherer people that were living off the land. We're out in the sun. We're doing our thing. We have resilience from the hot and cold exposure, dipping in the hot springs here and there, jumping in a cold river. Like we'd be breathing heavily, because we're running up a mountain, chasing the deer. There's our breathwork. It's like I think all these biohacking things are just props to prop us up in our domesticated human zoo environment.

[01:00:29]Ian Mitchell:  It is, man. Completely, it's artifice for the sake of trying to get back to what we are naturally.

[01:00:35]Luke Storey:  Yeah. And it's a lot of goddamn work and money. And if I could go back in time, I probably would.

[01:00:40]Ian Mitchell:  Well, yeah, man. But time machines, that's-

[01:00:42]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I would go back and tell them, don't do agriculture, just keep hunting, you guys are fucking up so bad right now. And that 60 hertz in our homes, that would be another one. I would be like, no. 

[01:00:55]Ian Mitchell:  Actually, sometimes, you see things like that, and I wonder, why would anybody pick that specific frequency? I mean, I've heard lots of different theories on it, but I mean, you can look at the detrimental biological impact of that, and right now, there's a lot of work going on with things at 40 hertz, because they're finding that 40 hertz ameliorates the effects of some dementia and the beginning progression of Alzheimer's. And MIT was doing a bunch of work with it. And why not go with that? Right? From your visual perceptual field, there's no difference between something like 40 times a second, something takes cycling 60 times a second. However, biologically, the impact is very pronounced.

[01:01:34]Luke Storey:  It's the same with the ways in which we tune instruments now to 440 hertz.

[01:01:38]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, 440. 

[01:01:39]Luke Storey:  440, yeah. So, it's like, who did that? Why did we do that when it's now proven scientifically that that music is has a more agitating effect on your brainwaves than music tuned to 432, which is what classical music and all ancient music was tuned to. 

[01:01:55]Ian Mitchell:  See, when I always play jazz, I always knew that I wasn't actually flat, I was just being progressive and forward-thinking. I'm not flat, I'm just forward-thinking.

[01:02:04]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I saw an amazing study the other day of the effect of 440 hertz versus 432 hertz and music and the effect that it has on your brain waves. And it was astonishing. And then, it begs the question, well, who did that? 

[01:02:18]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. Why would you do that?

[01:02:19]Luke Storey:  Why was it done? Music was working just fine. All the violins and pianos everywhere in the world were tuned to 432, it was all a big party, and then someone came in like, aha.

[01:02:28]Ian Mitchell:  Okay. Pop quiz. You know any popular songs that are done at 432?

[01:02:31]Luke Storey:  Imagine, John Lennon, or I guess—yeah, John Lennon. 

[01:02:34]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah.

[01:02:34]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I was going to say the Beatles, but no, John Lennon.

[01:02:36]Ian Mitchell:  And when you listen to that song, you feel it. It is definitively a visceral feel. And it's because of that tuning.

[01:02:42]Luke Storey:  Yeah. That piano has this sort of pull. It kind of pulls your awareness in. It does evoke a different feeling. Okay. So, back to the ozone. Okay. So, in your lab. So, you're taking ozone gas and you're infusing this, what is it? Safflower oil? 

[01:03:02]Ian Mitchell:  Sunflower oil.

[01:03:03]Luke Storey:  Sunflower oil. Do you make the oil, and then put it in your laser machine?

[01:03:08]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. So, it's completely ozonated before it goes to the process. So, the ozonated oil, I mean, lots of groups sell that. And it's fine. I mean, it's good stuff. It just doesn't have the same oomph. And you can definitively tell the difference. I mean, you don't have to even do the blood work. You can literally just take one pill, feel it, and then wait a day, take the other pill, feel it, and you notice the difference.

[01:03:29]Luke Storey:  What I found about other ingestible ozonated oil, too, is they tend to make you burp up ozone, which is not an entirely pleasant experience. 

[01:03:37]Ian Mitchell:  It is kind of unpleasant, because I did a lot of research on it before and I tested a bunch of stuff that was made elsewhere. And yeah, I mean, like anything else, because initially, we didn't even think that it was going to be necessarily a product kind of a thing that we were going to do. But it made sense after the fact to do it that way. But it was just like, yeah, well, what can we do to keep people from having this negative impact of being sick?

[01:04:00]Luke Storey:  Okay. So, with ozone in general, one of the things, I'll just think of the things that I use it for or have some knowledge of its use for, is if I ever have a bug bite, or a cut, or a scrape, or a bruise, or something like that. There's a company called Global Healing. I finally found a topical ozone oil that is not super sticky and not super stinky. And that's the one that I finally settled on.

[01:04:24] It's really kind of more viscous. It almost feels like a hand sanitizer kind of. But it's strong and you keep in the refrigerator. Like any risk of infection topically, just immediately gone like. Like the next day, it wasn't even there. It's incredible. But many of them on the market are quite sticky and super, super smelly. And Alyson, the lady at home whom I love so dearly, she hates the smell of the ozone.

[01:04:52]Ian Mitchell:  Actually, I'm not really a fan, because there's an entire quadrant of my lab when you walk by where you just [making sounds] you get popped in the nose by ozone. That's actually when I had COVID, that was how I knew I had COVID, is I was taking a resistor cap in the morning. My daughter had been diagnosed with it, and it was Christmas—or New Year's Eve, rather. And I went in and I took my capsule and I knew that she had been positive the day before, tested positive.

[01:05:17] So, she had obviously been kind of symptomatic for a little while, and probably spreading it, and I got it. But I went in and I took my resistor capsule and I smelled nothing. And I thought, obviously, these guys have either nailed the encapsulation process to a degree that no one actually does or I'm not smelling it. So, I put my nose in the bottle, didn't smell anything, then I actually took one of the capsules, and opened it up, and put it on the inside of my nostrils, and could smell no ozone. And I thought, yeah, that's not good. So, yeah. 

[01:05:47]Luke Storey:  Okay. So, topically.

[01:05:49]Ian Mitchell:  Topically, it's fantastic. We're actually about to do a topical. And I'll send you some, because actually, it has a smell but it does not smell like ozone.

[01:05:58]Luke Storey:  Oh, cool. Excellent.

[01:05:59]Ian Mitchell:  It is.

[01:06:01]Luke Storey:  So, another thing would be the positive effect it has on things like candida, fungal overgrowth, bacteria, viruses. Even in that Los Angeles Times article, he was like, there's no proof that it does anything on viruses. I did a web search of ozone plus Ebola and [making sounds] just all of this research came up.

[01:06:25]Ian Mitchell:  Oh, yeah. No, there's a litany, like a bullet cracks the tail off so the virus can't replicate. With most viruses, I mean, literally, nature's not designed to be able to block something assaulting it at the subatomic level, right? You're going to strip electrons and that's your mechanism of action, you're going to be able to destroy most things that you're trying to destroy. When people are taking this, actually, it's in a specially coded capsule, so it's delayed release.

[01:06:51] And the idea there was I wanted to go all the way down past your stomach and get to the small intestine, so it would open there and be more like a systemic effect, just like autohemotherapy. But if somebody has Candida or something like that, I will tell them, take it with food in the morning. Take one capsule with food, because it'll go into the stomach, and will sit in the stomach, and then it'll start to go past that. And as it opens in the stomach and starts to move past the area where you're going to have all the Candida living, it will have a very pronounced effect on the Candida. Literally, just a couple of days, it'll wipe it out.

[01:07:21]Luke Storey:  Oh, that's good to know, because I just did some testing with Dr. Scott Sherr, and the stool test, and found a little Candida, and I was like, what?

[01:07:29]Ian Mitchell:  Knock it out, man. Yeah. And just do the retest on it. Yeah.

[01:07:34]Luke Storey:  With food. Cool. Yeah. Because he had sent me some kind of herbal stuff, and of course, I was thinking like, I have an ozone generator, like that kills everything. 

[01:07:42]Ian Mitchell:  Actually, the guys at Troscriptions, Scott and Ted.

[01:07:44]Luke Storey:  Yeah, Scott.

[01:07:45]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. They are great. They have become good friends after the introduction from you, so thank you for that.

[01:07:51]Luke Storey:  Oh, cool. I didn't remember that took place. Yeah. They're great. Dr. Ted's going to come out and do another podcast here pretty soon, I think in May. Yeah. So, the thing that I always wonder about ozone is since it's such a powerful oxidizer, and it just nullifies virus, bacteria, fungi, et cetera, is there any risk to it damaging the bacteria that you actually want in your GI?

[01:08:15]Ian Mitchell:  Oh, yeah. 100%. Yeah. 

[01:08:16]Luke Storey:  So, if I were to take like my Just Thrive spore-based probiotic, and then take one of these oxidated oil pills, is it just going to knock out those spores?

[01:08:24]Ian Mitchell:  No. See, that's the interesting thing. That's why I was saying it's kind of like the blitzkrieg effect. So, you can get a direct interaction if you block it and have it kind of open up right where the Candida is going to be or in that vicinity. That's one effect. But in general, it's such a small amount that it's not really going to do that. And that was by design so that it would allow your body to up-regulate its own systems, and have more energy, and mobilize, so it wouldn't just eviscerate your gut microbiota, because I mean, most of this stuff, it's down there.

[01:08:53]Luke Storey:  Which is probably what I did the night when I took the whole bottle.

[01:08:54]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. And that's very, very purposely why I say take one. And I'm a big guy, so I'll take two, but more than that, yeah, you're opening up a lot and you don't want to do that. So, yeah, like anything else, the fact that it has a pronounced effect, you have to use it judiciously. I mean, it's not something—and you know this from personal experience. If you overdo it and you don't do it the way it's intended to be done, you'll end up with a problem.

[01:09:22]Luke Storey:  One of the things that I've heard about ozone that I totally don't understand, it sounds like you might be able to answer, is the increase of systemic oxygen absorption, A and B, how it works to get rid of senescent or dead cells and helps the robust mitochondria to stay intact while getting rid of the old, tired ass mitochondria. Could you break down those pieces?

[01:09:51]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. Okay. So, senescent cells, for everybody who doesn't know, just zombie cells, right? And they get the term, because normally, a cell doesn't just die and go away when it's dysregulated, right? There's a protein dysregulation, and so it's performing some sort of aberrant function. It's not operating at peak capacity. So, it's got a little bit of damage. It's mitochondrially dysregulated. It's not pumping out as much energy.

[01:10:16] So, when you take ozone, the first part of that is the upper regulation in oxygen, is because those oxygen atoms that make up the ozonides, when those things pop off, they re-stabilize. A lot of times, they will interact. But when they don't, they will re-bond, just like with ozone in the atmosphere. It'll re-bond to form O2 and O2, instead of O3 and attaching, say, like a fatty acid or something like that. So, when the O2s kick off, you do end up with extra oxygen in the system, so you have more oxygenation.

[01:10:46] The way that up-regulates mitochondria is more oxygen around there, oxidative phosphorylation is a process where you take in food, and water, and oxygen, and kind of it goes through the process of the citric acid cycle, the Krebs cycle, or the last part of that being oxidative phosphorylation. You break it down, and you shift the electrons and the protons to this whole cycle to end up with more energy. 

[01:11:10] In the case of more oxygen, when you have more oxygen, it's like going into a hyperbaric chamber, you're up-regulating your sub cellular function inside the mitochondria. You have more fuel to burn and you do that. But interestingly, you can also do it with photonics, right? If you use red light, same thing. You're forcibly accelerating the cell cycle, because in that case, it's a little different.

[01:11:33] There's a thing called cytochrome and you actually use the specific red light frequency or infrared light frequency to oscillate it, and it kicks off nitrous oxide, which is then replaced with an oxygen molecule. And that forcibly cycles the cell through oxidative phosphorylation. So, that's why with some things like when you're re-growing dermal tissue, or hair, or something like that, you want to stimulate with red light, because you're trying to end up with a more pronounced growth rate than is normally biologically available to you.

[01:12:04] So, you up the fuel. It's just like your car goes faster if it's an old school gasoline car, and you have an internal combustion engine, it goes faster because you add more fuel. It's literally the same thing. You're just adding more fuel to the system. So, in terms of the senescent cells and getting rid of those, your body goes through a process of autophagy. And it gets triggered when there's an up-regulation of production and you have a surplus of energy, your body reaches this point where it's trying to find homeostasis. 

[01:12:35] So, it's leveling out at a higher level. And if you have dysregulated cells that are senescent, when you have more energy in the system, it goes through and it calls out the cells that are weak and not outputting the proper amount. In fact, it's not just that it happens on the cellular level, it also happens subcellularly. You have the same thing that it's called mitophagy, where your body, inside an individual cell, let's say a cardiac cell, you've got about 5,000 mitochondria per cell, it assesses the output level of all of those different mitochondria, and then goes, these guys aren't working. 

[01:13:09] It stimulates these things called lysosome, and they come in, and they gobble it up, and break it down into cellular components, and then reintroduce it and reuse it. So, you're constantly going through this dynamic process where your body's trying to optimize performance. And so, when you have more energy, it's just like healing a wound or anything else. Really, in a nutshell, what's going on is you're looking at the dysregulated parts and you're replacing them with the components that work and function. So, that's how it happens.

[01:13:38]Luke Storey:  That's amazing. So, yeah, because I always just think of ozone and I relegate it to it's just nature's disinfectant, as you said, which brings me back to when Donald Trump got so much shit for talking about disinfectants. You don't know if he's referring to ozone, but then everyone in the media said he was talking about injecting bleach. I thought that was a hilarious fake news. I'm like, really? Like nature has a disinfectant. Watch a lightning storm, you know what I mean? It's like you smell it.

[01:14:04]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, injecting ozone. I mean, people do direct injections of ozone. Actually, that's one modality I haven't done.

[01:14:10]Luke Storey:  I did that once in an very shady conditions and it was kind of scary.

[01:14:16]Ian Mitchell:  [Making sounds] hey, want some ozone? 

[01:14:20]Luke Storey:  No, it was legit. Anyone in LA has probably been with this guy who administers it. But it was like going to a shooting gallery.

[01:14:28]Ian Mitchell:  Ozone Johnny. [Making sounds] come on over. Ozone Johnny. 

[01:14:32]Luke Storey:  They took a needle like right out of the generator, and filled up a syringe, and then just [making sounds] popped it like right into your vein. And their theory was, and I actually wasn't even going to talk about this, but their theory was that unlike when you do the 10 pass ozone, where you're taking your blood out, and then ozonating the blood, and putting it back in, which I guess you're making these ozonides, right? Is that what it's called? 

[01:14:50]Ian Mitchell:  Right. Yeah, that's exactly what you're doing.

[01:14:51]Luke Storey:  So, they're just putting ozone directly into the blood instead of taking it out and putting it back in. And their theory was that it was a much more potent therapy. But man, it was scary.

[01:15:01]Ian Mitchell:  There's also some problems with that, because when you introduce it to any sort of membrane like your endothelial windings, right? Like all of your endothelium, you're not just hitting the blood with the ozone when you do that, you're hitting your endothelium. And you do not want to rip holes in that. I mean, that's your vasculature, man. That's a little bit dicey in terms of approach. That's why you have to be really careful when you're doing like rectal or vaginal insufflation. You have to make sure that the person is getting exactly the right dose, the flow rate isn't too high, the concentration isn't too high, because those membranes will just get eviscerated.

[01:15:35]Luke Storey:  Oh, interesting.

[01:15:36]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. I mean, literally, it goes in. And I mean, if you think about the process of oxidation and stripping that away, you're actually taking that membrane and excoriating the surface of the membrane. And that's a no bueno.

[01:15:48]Luke Storey:  Good to know, because when I use my own generator, I don't pay all that much attention to the flow rate.

[01:15:52]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. You need to make sure it's metered out the right way or you'll actually damage the lining of the mucosa.

[01:15:57]Luke Storey:  Noted. Thank you for that. You might have just saved my life, because I don't want to spend too much time sitting there with a catheter, you know what I'm saying?

[01:16:06]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. The burns on the forehead, a little easier to deal with than the internal burning. 

[01:16:10]Luke Storey:  Yeah. No, that's why, because I did actually send my—my ozone generator is just a homemade one. I mean, it's legit, but it was homemade and it doesn't tell you what the settings are. I think it's called Longevity something out of Canada, they're the ones that I rep on my site, because they were the most recommended by Frank Shallenberger, who's kind of the granddaddy of ozone medicine at Reno. And Shallenberger recommends that one and my dad got one.

[01:16:36] So, I sent my generator to them to make sure there were no metals or any kind of plastics that were going to leach, and get oxidized, and end up in the gas. And it passed all those tests. But they did something cool, and they tested the flow rate and the different concentration of ozone coming out of it with the different settings. And I actually have that little printout they sent me. I think it was like 500 bucks to get them to look at it and ship it back to me. But then, I was like, that's nice, I'll just keep doing whatever. So, thank you for that.

[01:17:02]Ian Mitchell:  It's good because the guys that work with a lot like Frank Shallenberger and Robert Rowen, those guys really have it dialed in. And that is the core of a lot of—I mean, their practice is ozone. In Cuba, I always tell people, go check out the Cuban research, because there is so much research in Cuba that's truly brilliant. Like they've dealt with all sorts of conditions. Really advanced stuff. And it was out of necessity, right?

[01:17:27] They had access to an ozone generator. They were kind of shut off because of global climate for Cuba and all of the sanctions. And so, they just said, okay, well, we have this to play with. And they really did brilliantly figure out a lot of stuff. Check out that research. It's amazing. Actually, there's a lot of it. If you go to the biocharged.co site, there's a ton of that stuff that's really worth looking at.

[01:17:52]Luke Storey:  Cool. Awesome. Okay. Then, let's see where we're going to go here. I don't want to leave anything out, because-

[01:18:01]Ian Mitchell:  [Making sounds]

[01:18:01]Luke Storey:  Ah, I know what I wanted to ask you. So, it's interesting. The mitochondrial function, and energy production, ATP production, and the autophagy, getting rid of those dead cells, I mean, that in and of itself is really powerful. If you were just going to do ozone for that, it would be just worth doing. But on that note, in terms of the microbiome, have you seen any evidence to support its use for preventing or healing leaky gut issues?

[01:18:29]Ian Mitchell:  Actually, there are some studies on that. I personally haven't done any research on it and we haven't done any testing on it. So, I don't want to speak out of turn. But yeah, there are some studies on that. There was a fellow named Velio Bocci who's an Italian physician and he has a huge tome. It's a big, fat, thick book on ozone and the medical uses of ozone. And you can look in Bocci's book and there are some references to that, I believe.

[01:18:58]Luke Storey:  Cool. Okay. Interesting. And then, let me see what else I was going to talk about. Oh, back on the topical, something that people really struggle with, two things that are seemingly impossible at times to sort out, and that is acne and eczema.

[01:19:15]Ian Mitchell:  It actually does have a really good effect, I've seen, on eczema, because I know some people that have used it on that, and it seems to have a pretty good effect. We haven't done any studies on it. I don't know that I've actually seen any studies on eczema. There are some dermatitis things that I had seen studies on, but not specifically the eczema, but worth looking at. And then, acne, because it will go into, I believe, the sebum and knock out some of the little nasty bacteria that's in there, it does have an effect on that. And I've actually used it on someone that had acne and she said that there was a pretty pronounced effect.

[01:19:53]Luke Storey:  Have you ever heard of anyone using DMSO as a driver to get topical ozone deeper into the tissue?

[01:20:00]Ian Mitchell:  I don't know that I would do that. Yeah, because there's going to be a reaction between the DMSO and the ozone, and you're not going to end up the same. You're going to end up with a slightly adulterated product just because the molecular interaction there is not going to be one that delivers the ozone past the dermis like that. You're going to crack that molecule.

[01:20:19]Luke Storey:  I was just curious because I find DMSO to be one of those things that it's kind of like grandma's-medicine-cabinet-type thing.

[01:20:27]Ian Mitchell:  Horse liniment, man. Truly, it's old-school horse liniment.

[01:20:30]Luke Storey:  It's so simple and easy to use. And any time I want to drive anything like a pain cream, or CBD oil, or something like that into my skin, I always have these rollers of DMSO and it's just incredible. 

[01:20:41]Ian Mitchell:  Well, it works like a champ. I mean, I used it with the hair serum stuff, because I needed something that was a transdermal agent to push that into the cells. And actually, I pulled my hamstring way back when it was a C60-related accident. And that's what I put on it, was DMSO. And man, that stuff works like a champ.

[01:21:01]Luke Storey:  Just by itself without even using it as a-. 

[01:21:03]Ian Mitchell:  Just by itself. Yeah. I mean, truly, it was old school horse liniment. Dimethyl sulfoxide was horse liniment. I mean, we use it in the lab all the time, because it's a great solvent. Actually, I was breaking down some stuff yesterday and the option was to use DMSO to do the—it was ochratoxin, and it's soluble, and DMSO, and ethanol. Of the two, when I was playing with the ozonide, I opted to go with the ethanol in lieu of the DMSO, because I didn't really think the idea of playing with a hardcore toxin and a penetrant was really, really like, hey, I've got this thing that might just punch all of this into my tissue. Great idea.

[01:21:36]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[01:21:36]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. So, I opted for the ethanol with the DMSO. But yeah, DMSO is fantastic stuff. Actually, it's only approved, if memory serves, for interstitial cystitis via the FDA. But my understanding is that the reason it didn't really get widespread approval is there was no way to do a double blind and placebo-controlled trial, because when you take it, that garlic, man, the moment it hits your skin [making sounds] .

[01:22:04]Luke Storey:  It reeks.

[01:22:05]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. And you taste garlic in your mouth instantly, because it's in your bloodstream in under two seconds.

[01:22:09]Luke Storey:  Yeah. And if you use enough of it, it'll make you smell the next day even after it's washed off.

[01:22:15]Ian Mitchell:  Oh, yes, you do. Yes. You smell very much like garlic.

[01:22:19]Luke Storey:  You smell like a walking bottle of pesto or something, yeah. I know what I wanted to ask you, then in terms of this Biocharged, not BioCharger, that you guys have created, why did you choose that particular oil, the sunflower oil over olive oil that seems to be the most ubiquitous in the industry of ozonated oils.

[01:22:42]Ian Mitchell:  The concentration of ozonides is higher in sunflower oil. And a lot of people go, well, it's a PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid. It's not. At the end of the process, it's not, because you've done this triple pass redox reaction, so it stabilizes four different molecular byproducts. So, it's no longer a polyunsaturated fatty acid, but it holds more ozonides per unit. Actually, hemp, if you're looking just for pound for pound, what will actually hold the most, hemp would actually hold more. But the smell is a little different. And the ozone smell is one thing, but the ozone mixed with hemp, I didn't find it to be terribly palatable. 

[01:23:24]Luke Storey:  Man, I mean, I think—oh, there is one thing I wanted to talk about with the ozone, taking it internally, how does it assist with detoxification?

[01:23:33]Ian Mitchell:  Actually, it's only a peripheral assist. It's not going to be a direct assist. I wouldn't actually do it in terms of detox. In fact, if people have something systemically that's going on, I always tell them to take binders with it, because you can actually trigger, if you take too many of them, you're lucky that you're in really good shape and live a really clean lifestyle, because taking eight capsules or however many capsules that was, you'll trigger a Herxheimer reaction, because your body will mobilize and you'll break down a lot of stuff.

[01:24:05] And when you end up with too many bad byproducts in your system and no way to process those out, it taxes out of your liver and your kidneys, and you'll have a Herxheimer reaction. So, I always tell people, really take it with a binder if you're going to take it for any specific condition. Like if you've got Candida or something like that, suck down some binders, then take the capsule with food.

[01:24:28]Luke Storey:  Cool.

[01:24:29]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. But actually, I wouldn't recommend it specifically for detox. In fact, just the opposite. I mean, it's the thing that goes in and cleans it, but it's not detoxing it. Use a good binder for that, activated charcoal, some C60, anything like that that's going to actually have a bind to the toxins as they release. But the ozone really won't.

[01:24:50]Luke Storey:  I remember texting you on a few occasions and asking you to sort of formulate the sequence of some of the different routines that I do, because-

[01:24:59]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. You mean, very intense routines that you do?

[01:25:01]Luke Storey:  I don't know that we ever got to the bottom of it, but some of the practices that I engage in are creating oxidation. Some of them are antioxidant. Some of them cause inflammation. Some of them nullify the inflammation. So, I'm often wondering—and any of the die hard biohackers listening will find value in this question, others will be like, you're nuts. But when it comes to the sequence, you mentioned red light having this effect, and getting in front of that plasma, and Tesla coil, magnetic field of the BioCharger, and the hyperbaric chamber, and the ice baths, and saunas, like those things where you're causing your body to react in certain ways, have you settled on like a sequence?

[01:25:49] I don't know if you need to include all of those, because it might be a whole other show. And I don't know if you've kind of done the research, but since ozone is such a powerful oxidizing agent, how do you time it with anything, whether it's a supplement, food, or practice that is antioxidant? Do you want to bring in the oxidizing moment first with the ozone, and then later on, stack on antioxidant, antiinflammatory things, or vice versa?

[01:26:18]Ian Mitchell:  No, I usually do oxidizing, and then I squelch it.

[01:26:22]Luke Storey:  So, give me some examples of some of the other things that are oxidizing, in addition to introducing ozone into your body.

[01:26:29]Ian Mitchell:  A lot of vitamin C. Yeah. So, my preference is to always try and do the oxidative approach first. And so, I'll do like high-dose vitamin C or something like that, because small concentration vitamin C, it's in the antioxidant, but it flipflops, it's affecting your body. It's kind of like, you know if you do lemon, you'd think of lemon as acidic, but because of the balance of so many minerals in it, it actually has the effect of being alkaline in your system. So, I really try and do all of my pro-oxidative stuff first, and then I'll hammer it back with large concentrations of, usually, my antioxidant of choice is still C60.

[01:27:07] I'm very much sold in that camp. But there are some other modalities, like I'd very much like, not that this is pro-oxidative or anti-oxidative, because it's balance, but hyperbaric oxygen, I think that's great, because like I had said earlier, you're adding more fuel into the system. I have a bank of red lights in the lab and I love red light therapy. I think it's brilliant, no pun intended, because I mean, it does things that if you were out in the sun early in the morning, you'd have a big uptake and you'd feel great, but those are the kind of things.

[01:27:44] So, I try and do the stuff that's going to boost the cycle, and then kind of subdue the cycle at the end of the day, because you don't want to the real pro-oxidative insult at the end of your day, at least for my way of thinking, because I'd like to kind of relax at the end of the day and allow my body to repair, not be under assault. It's really following more of a natural cycle, where at the end of the day, you're doing the things that are restorative, and regenerative, and restful, hence we sleep at night, as opposed to go out and like, ah, I'm going to drink five cups of coffee at midnight.

[01:28:19]Luke Storey:  Right. That makes sense. So, in the morning then, we would do our ozone, like take a Biocharged capsule, work out, right?

[01:28:30]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, exactly, very oxidative, where you're going to be breaking tissue down. You might do the sauna then at the same time, do all the stuff that's really energy consumptive for your body, and then do the things that are kind of restorative later. So, yeah, break it down where you do your Biocharged, you take a capsule of that, then you're going to go in and work out hard, then you're going to do a vibe plate, and a sauna, and then you start rolling it around. If it were me, middle of the day, doing things like the BioCharger, where you're doing things that are kind of setting up the baseline so that you actually have the energy to move forward.

[01:29:09] And then, I'd start taking the supplements and doing the things like, you were talking about NuCalm earlier and I haven't done it personally, but having seen the effects of it, I would do things like take C60, do the NuCalm, do some sort of meditative practice or kind of a light yoga. Like if you're going to do like Vinyasa flow or something hard work, do it early in the day. If you're going to go out and do Bikram or something like that, do it in the morning, same cycle. Kind of embrace the day, amp up your energy, give yourself the fuel to just charge in. And then, at the end of the day, start cycling down. I mean, it's all a natural cycle, right?

[01:29:42]Luke Storey:  Yeah, makes sense.

[01:29:43]Ian Mitchell:  I mean, we're still creatures that have evolved on the planet.

[01:29:48]Luke Storey:  And where would an ice bath fit into our cryotherapy fit into that sequence?

[01:29:53]Ian Mitchell:  Cryotherapy is aces. That's like the big [making sounds] start of the squelch movement. Since it's the most pronounced, I'd probably work up towards like doing a sauna, and then that's kind of the midday phase where it starts to roll over. As you've done your sauna, you've done the capsule, Biocharged, worked out, vibe plate, sauna, cold plunge, which is a shock to the system, but it's contrast hydrotherapy. It's brilliant. I mean, it works like a champ. And I would go immediately from one to the other. I would do the sauna, and then whack yourself with the cold plunge right afterwards. And then, I would roll into the rest of the day doing all of the antioxidant, relaxing, sorts of restorative things.

[01:30:37]Luke Storey:  Awesome. I love that.

[01:30:37]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, because you end up with the biggest cycle, right? Like you're trying to maximize your energy, because we're friends, I get what you're trying to do, right? You want to impact people's consciousness, and move the needle for people, and change how their perception of the world is. All the cool stuff that we see and have access to, you're trying to get it out to people. So, to do that, you personally need more oomph, right?

[01:31:02]Luke Storey:  You're not kidding, bro.

[01:31:03]Ian Mitchell:  No, man. And that's the thing, is you push hard.

[01:31:05]Luke Storey:  Especially right now.

[01:31:06]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. Well, I try and do the same thing. I'm just excited about I still can't believe that I get to do what I get to do. I feel like a kid in a candy store.

[01:31:16]Luke Storey:  Well, it's funny you say that, because as you're running through the litany of these practices, and modalities, and whatnot, I'm thinking I know there are probably a few thousand listeners that are like, you dicks, I have a job. Like when am I going to do the 50 things? I get it.

[01:31:33]Ian Mitchell:  It's a light for our workout, right?

[01:31:36]Luke Storey:  Yeah, exactly. I mean, I always say this, but it's so important for people to know, I truly don't believe you need any pills, devices, any of this stuff even that costs money to be happy and healthy if you're willing to put in some breathwork, some spiritual practices, getting some cold water.

[01:31:56]Ian Mitchell:  Go outside, walk around with your shoes off.

[01:31:57]Luke Storey:  Yeah, get in the sun, grounding. You know what I mean? Really, I think the most potent things, A, don't take tons of time, and B, are largely free.

[01:32:06]Ian Mitchell:  Grounding is in antioxidative therapy. And it's like, literally baseline, you don't have to do a whole lot to walk outside, and take your shoes and socks off. Most people can find ground. Go to Central Park.

[01:32:20]Luke Storey:  Yeah. And then, for those of us that are so inclined, then we stack 50 things in a day. And I work really hard, as you said, and I'm super busy, and I don't know, I sacrifice other things, like watching TV, or other things, even scrolling on your phone. I mean, how many of us have like gone into an Instagram K hole, and like next thing you know, you pull your head out, and you're like, where did those 45 minutes go? Like I've got nothing done. It's just the hypnotic nature of the technology and things like that.

[01:32:49] So, I think by the same token, many of us actually have much more time expendable in our day than we're aware of if you're not really tracking how you spend your time. So, three minutes in an ice bath every day will change your freaking life. And you can do what I did and get a Sears freezer for $700, and plug that puppy in, fill it up with water, unplug it when you get in, and there, you have an ice bath. I'm excited, though, this Friday, I'm interviewing these folks from Morozko Forge who make a fancy ice bath.

[01:33:20]Ian Mitchell:  Oh, I have seen those. That's like the Cadillac of ice baths.

[01:33:23]Luke Storey:  I'm getting one of those to celebrate the new house. It's a bit of a splurge. But what they did that's really cool is they have an ozone generator in their filtration system that cleans the water. That's the thing with the Sears model, it's much cheaper, but the water gets pretty swampy after a couple of weeks, depending on how many people are getting in it, and how sweaty and gross they are.

[01:33:45] But man, I use the Morozko over at the ARX headquarters here, where I work out on Sunday mornings, and sweaty person after sweaty person gets out of there. I mean, they go in the sauna space on a sweat, then go in that workout, get in that, that water is pristine and clean. I don't think you actually need to even change it, really. It's just that ozone just nukes any bacteria.

[01:34:09]Ian Mitchell:  No, it does. I mean, that's the thing. That's why nature uses it. Nature is nothing if not efficient. Somewhat brutal occasionally, but very efficient.

[01:34:16]Luke Storey:  Yeah, efficient at apocalyptic events every couple of million years that kills all of us. Hopefully, there's not one anytime soon.

[01:34:24]Ian Mitchell:  It's like shaking the Etch A Sketch for people who would actually know what an Etch A Sketch is.

[01:34:29]Luke Storey:  It's funny. I mean, I'm all for environmentalism, and not littering, and polluting, and out against Monsanto, and chem trails, and all the things that I think are the bad players here, but at the same time, I can't help but kind of zooming out from the earth. And it's like George Carlin had a great skit on this one, I don't know if you've seen it, where he's like, really? Like do you think you're that important people that like you're going to kill the planet? Trust me, if the planet wants you off, it's like one sneeze and this bacterial film called humanity is toast, gone, never was here. You know what I mean?

[01:35:02]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah.

[01:35:03]Luke Storey:  It's like we're just at times, unfortunately, very destructive and corrosive film on the surface of the Earth. But by and large, we're such a minute part of the ecosystem when we're behaving ourselves.

[01:35:17]Ian Mitchell:  That's actually just one of the things that worries me, is I'm not worried about the planet surviving. I know that it's going to be ducky. It doesn't care if it's humans, thunder, lizards, six-side telepathic slugs, there will be some organism, whether it's cockroaches and Keith Richards, something will be here and will persist long after the rest of everything is gone. But I just worry about the humanity, what we're doing. Like my big concerns lately are phytoplankton and bees, because my dad always used to call it the cosmic trigger. You've pulled the cosmic trigger, you just don't realize that it's already been pulled.

[01:35:58] And so, you have this very downstream effect where you've done something that's just intrinsically harmful and you can't undo it. And that's why I worry about what's going on with fishing and phytoplankton, because that stuff pumps out, what, like five times more oxygen than all the Amazon rainforest. Our oxygen levels are dropping. No wonder people aren't as bright as they used to be. We're designed for 21% oxygen capacity, and right now, we have 19, and it's dropping. So, I mean, literally, you don't have enough fuel, you're not going to get the thing to go as quickly.

[01:36:33]Luke Storey:  And the bees. The bees, that's always my thing with EMF.

[01:36:38]Ian Mitchell:  Actually, I worked on a lot of tech to block that. And we did some-

[01:36:42]Luke Storey:  Really?

[01:36:43]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. It's funny, because I do a lot of C60 work and I went to hang out with one of the guys who discovered that and got the Nobel Prize. And he's this really cool guy named Bob Curl and he's a professor at Rice in Houston. And I went to see him, and he's genuinely like, you're around some people and you can just tell they're kind. And he's super kind. And of all the stuff that we talked about, what I was working on with bees, I think, was the thing that he found the most compelling.

[01:37:10] And I think that's because he's such a bright guy that he could see that the impact of that was the thing that would move the needle the most of all the stuff I was doing. And some of it was like, oh, cancer research and things that sound really showy, but they're not really the things that are going to have the most profound impacts. I mean, for a long time, I had been working on the gamma thing to get the gamma shielding working. And then, I was working on propulsion systems.

[01:37:35] And I've got a couple of those, because I think the idea of using rockets to get to outer space is ludicrous. I know that that's the common thought now, but I'm sure it's going to be replaced here pretty shortly. I'm actually working on getting some things to run CubeSat, so we can do small testing of ionic drive systems for CubeSat, so that you can change the telemetry on those things, because it's tiny, right? Ten centimeters cubically. So, that's the kind of stuff that I think is going to make a big impact, right? You get people, you get them off the rocks so that they can do some travel.

[01:38:08] And I think also, that would unify things a lot. If people believe that—if they can see the totality of the planet and realize like, oh, look, we're earthlings and we're from this place, and see the commonality with one another, I think that would do so much to just whack the divisiveness and the separateness that everybody has right now. And so, to me, that was one of the things that was on my board, super luminal travel, because I don't really think space travel is going to be all that doable until you have an engine that can approximate the speed of light.

[01:38:42]Luke Storey:  Or, until we can fold dimensions.

[01:38:44]Ian Mitchell:  Well, yeah. I think that's one of the things, you were asking earlier, one of the things that I've been working on that kind of excites me is Ted Achacoso, we were talking like-

[01:38:55]Luke Storey:  Oh, man, I want to be a fly on the wall in a room when you two geniuses—and I'm not blowing smoke up your ass, you two are the smartest humans I've ever known. And maybe I've known a bunch of dumb people and you guys just stand out, but no, both of you are-

[01:39:08]Ian Mitchell:  We go to town, man, like literally, we'll just [making sounds] for an-hour-and-a-half.

[01:39:13]Luke Storey:  He's a brilliant guy, right?

[01:39:14]Ian Mitchell:  He is. He is, and he's so much fun.

[01:39:16]Luke Storey:  And really kindhearted. 

[01:39:17]Ian Mitchell:  I know. His whole approach to pharmacology is just genius, what he's trying to do and how he's trying to promote it. I mean, they were talking about developing non-addictive opioid therapeutics and I so love the way he approaches it. And he is, he's a brilliant guy and it's so much fun to talk to him about stuff like that. And I was talking about this thing that I developed in the lab, because sometimes, I'm spurred on by my kids who don't—like I'll tell them something, they'll go, right, whatever.

[01:39:47] That's not possible. And I had been talking about this thing called an EM drive. And the theory behind it was a little dicey and kind of misconstrued. And they were like, oh, you can't do that. I was like, yeah, I can. And so, I went in, and I sent one of my guys out, and bought a bunch of microwaves and some other stuff, and just broke it apart over a weekend, and built one, because I understood the theory behind it. And I was talking to Ted about it and Ted lit up like a Christmas tree, because he got it.

[01:40:17] And immediately, he started asking all the right questions. And I was so impressed. I was like, oh my God, this is great. Like this cat really gets it. And he did. He asked all the right questions. It was like, well, what about this? What about this? What about this? I was like, oh, okay. And so, I just explained the process to him. And it's neat, because it doesn't sound like much because it doesn't output a ton of force, but the thing is there's no propellant, right? 

[01:40:39] So, you can do it. When I initially did it, I was using a very precise balance to gauge the effects and it was 0.0007 grams of force, which is minuscule. And then, I tweaked everything and got 0.0070. So, it was a good tenfold increase. And then, I went back and tweaked some more stuff, and then I got 0.1417, which was where I stopped tinkering with it, because I only did it every weekend just to prove the fact that I could actually do it. 

[01:41:04] But it was notable, and it doesn't sound like much, but if you look at kind of what NASA's been tinkering with, they're kind of coming up with—one of the postulated ideas was this thing called a helical drive system where they have, basically, like a particle accelerator, and use that, but it would have to be huge. It would have to be like this 200-meter long, 36-foot wide thing that burns 165 megawatts to propel it. It was just a lot of juice as opposed to a slightly more elegant system, which is what I came up with. 

[01:41:40] But there's only so much time in the day to tinker with stuff. And a lot of times, I'll do stuff like that, because I'm like [making sounds] this seems neat. Let's see what we can do. But again, it sounds funny, but the things that I wrote on my board, that was one of the things that I felt like it was okay for me to work on, because it was something that initially, when I wrote the list on the board, I thought, okay, if I can do this, it helps, right? It moves the needle.

[01:42:06] Because if people can actually travel in space freely without propellant-based systems, they'll do a lot more. And everybody knows that. I mean, it's not like some big idea. I actually kind of applaud Elon Musk's approach, because he's taking the old school tech and he's just trying to optimize the old school tech, because it's what everybody's working with. Effectively, it's kind of funny, because it is, it's like taking a gasoline car and making it a better gasoline car, which is sort of antithetical to how he seemingly approaches most things. But you can't go in and change every industry right out of the gate simultaneously.

[01:42:38]Luke Storey:  Right. I think I've always tripped on, and we'll wrap it up here in a moment, but I just never—I don't know if I'm healthy skeptical or paranoid, probably a little of both, when it comes to the powers that be and the information that is dispersed to us minions down here in the lower realms of the echelon of power. But I've always found it very dubious that we supposedly went to the moon on the times or time when we did, and they're calling each other on a telephone from the moon down here. And now, we can't get back there all these years later. Like do you think that we actually ever went there? And if so, why the hell have we not been able to get together the technology to go back?

[01:43:27]Ian Mitchell:  I would like to think that we did. But the thing that concerns me actually—I mean, as anybody who's reasonably thinking, yeah, my take is that we did. But obviously, some things have been lost, I think, because maybe it was that we just didn't know. But I know that if you go outside of the magnetosphere and you look towards the moon, you are just obliterating your genome. I mean, Stanford released some data about a year ago talking about what would actually happen to the gut microbiota if you were exposed to gamma rays long-term. 

[01:44:01] And you could make it to Mars, but if you don't have really good gamma shielding up, if you colonized it, the first generation will suffer a little bit and they'll all get cancer probably, but the second generation, they're hosed. You'd probably end up with having offspring that would make thalidomide babies look like Olympic athletes. I mean, it could be kind of brutal. Well, I mean, you can only allow for so much genetic dysregulation before you actually start having really detrimentally impactful consequences. And if you don't pay attention to blocking that kind of stuff, it actually doesn't make me feel really good that somebody leading the charge on that is like, oh, EMFs, oh, there's nothing to that. That's not really a-

[01:44:40]Luke Storey:  I'm not even exaggerating. You can listen to the Rogan episode. 

[01:44:43]Ian Mitchell:  Rodents of unusual Size, I don't think they even exist.

[01:44:46]Luke Storey:  And even Rogan, he was like, oh, these kooks, these conspiracy theories that think radiation is bad for you, and then his premise was the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, right? 

[01:44:59]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah.

[01:45:00]Luke Storey:  And so, it was like, oh, the non-ionizing radiation is totally harmless. And I'm like, what? 

[01:45:08]Ian Mitchell:  Flatly, no.

[01:45:09]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I mean, I think why I'm so triggered by folks that ignore that for whatever reason is because subjectively, I was so negatively impacted by acute exposure for three years. Like I know, I'm a healthy guy and I got sick, and there was no other intervention at all in my life except to cell towers right outside my bedroom window.

[01:45:32]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, man. Well, we talked about that last year. I mean, it's voltage-gated calcium ion channel flow. It does not take much to just regulate it. With the virus that's going around, it deproteinates the inner mitochondrial membrane. That's one of the things that it does. And you're just talking about little minuscule charges, like things like ivermectin actually reproteinate that membrane, and so it ups the calcium flow. So, it shuts that down a little bit.

[01:45:57] Those are very super, super, super subtle effects, millimolar scale concentrations of things, and they have a huge impact. And you can elicit that same response, whether it's chemically, electromagnetically, and it really doesn't take much. I mean, just look at cells under a microscope, and put a router by them, or try and sprout something, just get some Brussels sprouts, or alfalfa sprouts, or something, and put a router next to it, and then put some other sprouts on the other side of the house, and watch the difference. I mean, if you're really skeptical about it and genuinely curious, that's a three-day experiment.

[01:46:34] Do that and just watch how one grows and one does not. And it will very clearly tell you like, oh, it's not voodoo. It's just subcellular dysregulation of calcium potentiation. I mean, that's like it's right there. It's just because you can't see it like, oh, you don't have the access to see the inside of your cells and what's not happening. And that's the same thing. I mean, you can be an ostrich by virtue of not wanting to believe it or you can be an ostrich by virtue of believing something that's totally fallacious. Same net effect, though, right? You keep your head in the sand, you're pickled. 

[01:47:12]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Well, in closing, I just remembered there is one thing we didn't really explain out, and that was about the bees and why one of my beefs with the way that we communicate wirelessly is the navigation system of the bees being dependent on a magnetic field. They use magnetics to navigate. And when those are interfered with by the widespread fields going through the air to make our cell phones talk to each other, they don't know where the hell they're going. And so, it interferes with their migration and their ability to reproduce. And the net end of that, as you know, but just to share with the audience, what I was leading into was if there are no bees, we got no food. You know what I mean? It's like, that's it. So, yeah, like you said, the planet will be here just going, haha, bye guys, you mosquitoes, that were just-

[01:48:01]Ian Mitchell:  Peace out.

[01:48:02]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Like the planet is not going to miss us, the planet will be fine. It'll just regurgitate a bunch of magma, and make new mountains and oceans, and it'll just go on doing its thing, but we'll be gone. So, yeah, I think it's important topic to talk about and you're doing important work in the world. I want to thank you for coming back on the show.

[01:48:21]Ian Mitchell:  Oh, I'm happy to be here, man.

[01:48:22]Luke Storey:  I mean, like I said, with our hourlong pre-conversation and this one, I'm hoping people that had their interest and passion piqued hung in with us here, because I think there was just so much value.

[01:48:32]Ian Mitchell:  I would like to say, I applaud what you're doing. I mean, you're getting a great message out and it's impactful. I mean, there are a lot of people who are really beneficially impacted by this. So, yeah. Thanks.

[01:48:43]Luke Storey:  Yeah, there are. I'm so grateful for that. I get messages from people every day. I mean, every day. And I appreciate them so much. I read everyone, and they're like, oh, my God, my life has changed so much because of the things I'm learning from your guests and the things that you choose to talk about. And yeah, it feels really good. And on that note, I want to let people know, and I'll put it in the show notes, but what's the website for this Biocharged resistor that we were talking about?

[01:49:10]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, biocharged.co. 

[01:49:10]Luke Storey:  Okay. Biocharged.co. Cool. And we'll, I'm sure, have a code or something for that I can share with people. 

[01:49:15]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, absolutely. Let me get one set up.

[01:49:16]Luke Storey:  But yeah, very cool stuff man. And I'm happy to see you. You've got your work with C60. That was what our last episode was always about, we'll put a link to that in the show notes. And so, I've been kind of waiting as you do these formulations and send me your sometimes risky beta products with no instructions on them.

[01:49:34]Ian Mitchell:  Strange labels.

[01:49:34]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Next time, put a label on there, be like, Luke, do not eat more than one. But it's cool to see that you've now kind of harnessed your creativity and intellect into something that's, I think, going to be so meaningful for people because ozone, in the way that we're used to doing it, is not something that's accessible to so many people, because of the expense and the inconvenience. And so, yeah, kudos on really bringing something cool out.

[01:49:59]Ian Mitchell:  Thanks, man. I appreciate it.

[01:50:13]Luke Storey:  Alright.



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