318. The Neuroscience of Stress: How To Meditate Like A Monk in Minutes W/ NuCalm Feat. Jim Poole

Jim Poole

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Jim Poole returns to talk more about NuCalm. We chat about the mechanism of action that makes NuCalm work and the hard science that backs its efficacy. This has become a vital part of my daily routine, my daily reboot, and I can’t wait for more people to try it.

Jim Poole, MBA

Chairman, President and CEO of Solace Lifesciences, Inc., maker of NuCalm®

Jim is an accomplished business executive with extensive experience in the dental, healthcare, biotechnology, market research, and IT industries. Mr. Poole manages the strategic direction and ongoing operations of Solace Lifesciences, Inc., a neuroscience company focused on personalized wellness and performance. 

In 2015, Solace Lifesciences, the maker of NuCalm, was granted the worlds sole patent for Systems and Methods for Balancing and Maintaining the Health of the Human Autonomic Nervous System. Mr. Poole has successfully launched global products, managed growth strategies, and effectively optimized business operations for large and small organizations alike. 

Prior to joining Solace Lifesciences, Jim Poole co-founded Focused Evolution, a premier global management strategy-consulting firm. As a Managing Partner, Jim managed mergers and acquisitions, due diligence, and growth strategies for venture capital and private equity firms. Under Jim's leadership, Focused Evolution grew into a multi-million dollar consulting firm, serving a global client portfolio of 49 companies, across a broad range of industries. 

As an accomplished business executive with extensive experience in the dental, healthcare, biotechnology, market research, and IT industries, Jim serves on the board of directors of several medical device firms around the world. He is a recognized business leader, public speaker, an accomplished author, and he has published numerous articles in industry trade journals and lectures all over the world globally on topics including stress, recovery, performance, and business strategy. Jim has published over 30 articles in industry trade journals. 

A New York state native, Poole earned a BA in psychology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and an MBA in International Business & Marketing from Babson College.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

I first got to talk to Jim Poole about NuCalm back in episode 265, when we chatted all about how stress affects the body, why the stress epidemic is getting worse, and how NuCalm helps combat stress like nothing else I’ve ever used.

And I wanted to have Jim back on the show because being a human being in 2020 has been stressful, and we could all use some help calming down and recovering in 2021. So, if you’re struggling to meditate and relax, this is the episode for you.

Or if you’re just into tech, because this device is ridiculously cool. NuCalm is the world's first and only patented technology clinically proven to lower stress and improve sleep quality without drugs or side effects. Using biochemistry and physics, NuCalm flips the switch on stress with a safe, easy-to-use, predictable, powerful, and enjoyable experience. The cutting edge neuroscience platform of NuCalm took over 20 years of invention by acclaimed neuroscientist, naturopath, quantum physicist, Dr. Blake Holloway.

We get into the mechanism of action that makes NuCalm work and the hard science that backs its efficacy. This has become a vital part of my daily routine, my daily reboot, and I can’t wait for more people to try this now that the business model is even more accessible.

And if you want to try NuCalm, I have a few ways you can save even more money:

  • Use “LUKE50” at checkout to get 50% off the first month of the direct to consumer subscription product at nucalm.com/luke-storey
  • Use “Luke25” at checkout to to get 3 months free off the yearly subscription (25% off) at nucalm.com/luke-storey
  • Use “LUKE100” at check out to join the mastermind for $100 off at nucalm.com/luke-storey

09:10 — The effects of stress & how Dr. Blake Holloway’s invention helps bodies recover

  • How Jim Poole developed an interest in neuroscience
  • Helping you manage the negative consequences of stress
  • The cascading effects of stress on our bodies

15:14 — The effects of cortisol and adrenaline, and why it’s so damn hard to calm down once you get triggered

  • How stress affects your digestion
  • Why your reptilian brain has an evolutionary advantage over the rest of your brain
  • The chemical reaction that induces a fight or flight response
  • Why we can’t just talk ourselves out of a fight or flight response
  • The Second Great Age of Anxiety
  • Giving strangers power over your health (and how to avoid doing so)
  • How to break the habit of looking at social media first thing in the morning
  • PTSD
  • When your brain is injured by trauma, the abnormal becomes normal

42:23 — How mindfulness and meditation affect your brain

  • Creating new neuronal coherence
  • Disrupting the patterns created by dysfunctional relationships
  • The physiological response to mindfulness
  • Liberating yourself from your lizard brain

51:24 — Why meditation is so difficult for some people

  • How Luke’s experience has changed since he started his meditation practice
  • Building resilience

59:39 — How NuCalm works

  • How NuCalm transforms Luke’s meditation practice
  • A neuroscience-based approach to mindfulness
  • How binaural beats work and the difference between NuCalm audio files
  • The mechanism of action of the biosignaling disc that comes with NuCalm
  • How GABA works on our brain
  • What is bioresonance?
  • The lessons they learned from our ancestors
  • The hard science and research behind NuCalm
  • Creating heart-mind coherence

01:29:35 — How Tony Robbins and Roger Waters got into NuCalm

  • Is there a connection to Joe Dispenza?
  • Why this technology is so popular with the military and pro sports athletes

01:33:10 — The new NuCalm subscription model

  • Stress management should be a no-brainer
  • Why NuCalm compliance is so easy
  • Use “LUKE50” at checkout to get 50% off the first month of the direct to consumer subscription product at nucalm.com/luke-storey
  • Use “Luke25” at checkout to to get 3 months free off the yearly subscription (25% off) at nucalm.com/luke-storey

More about this episode.

Watch it on YouTube.

[00:00:00]Luke Storey:  I'm Luke Storey. For the past 22 years, I've been relentlessly committed to my deepest passion, designing the ultimate lifestyle based on the most powerful principles of spirituality, health, psychology. The Life Stylist podcast is a show dedicated to sharing my discoveries and the experts behind them with you. Jim Poole, welcome back to the show, man.

[00:00:27]Jim Poole:  Thanks for having me. I love it here. I love your place.

[00:00:30]Luke Storey:  Thanks, dude.

[00:00:31]Jim Poole:  I love your energy.

[00:00:31]Luke Storey:  I'm glad we got to hang out a little bit today before the show, too. Every Wednesday, we've got the leaf blower here, and I keep forgetting to block out my calendar to make sure that I don't book recordings right at that time, and I always book them right at that time. And so, the fortuitous nature of that event was we get to hang out and toy around a bit in the biohacking haven, that is the Luke Storey, Inc. headquarters.

[00:00:55]Jim Poole:  Well, you're a busy man.

[00:00:57]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:00:57]Jim Poole:  Yeah. You have a lot going on.

[00:00:59]Luke Storey:  I do, good stuff.

[00:01:00]Jim Poole:  So, sneak in here, I made the leaf blower come at 3:00. I said, hey, do me a favor, show up a little early.

[00:01:07]Luke Storey:  Hey, man, I'd give you 50 bucks, blow on that thing for a while so we can hang out.

[00:01:10]Jim Poole:  Exactly.

[00:01:11]Luke Storey:  But I'm real stoked for this second conversation. In the first episode we did, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I told you before we started, this is probably going to be about 60 minutes, and then we end up going some three hours.

[00:01:21]Jim Poole:  We did, yeah.

[00:01:21]Luke Storey:  Yeah. And we went deep into neuroscience, psychology, stress relief, relaxation, meditation, all the things that I love to learn about and talk about. And of course, the NuCalm technology, the company that you represent, I've been using NuCalm ever since we did that interview, maybe a little bit before, actually. And it's just become part of my daily routine, and it has replaced so many different styles of meditation, different relaxation apps. It's just kind of the all-in-one thing. And the reason I wanted to have you back on is because, for those of you that heard the last one, you'll understand why. 

[00:01:55] And for those of you that haven't, I recommend you go back and listen to that one because we did like a super, super deep dive. But I got a lot of feedback after we did that episode from people who were really interested in neuroscience and this approach to restoring your body and your mind, but found that the old pricing structure of NuCalm was prohibitive because it was like a few thousand dollars. It was kind of a rich man or woman's game at that time, and that was fine for the pro athletes, and military, and people that could afford it, but the regular folks were like, this sounds awesome, but this sucks, I can't afford it.

[00:02:29]Jim Poole:  So, it was a teaser.

[00:02:31]Luke Storey:  Yeah, exactly.

[00:02:31]Jim Poole:  It was a teaser podcast.

[00:02:32]Luke Storey:  Yeah. But then, you guys made some changes. We're going to talk about that later in the interview, which I'm really excited about, because I think, literally, everyone needs this in their life. I really believe in it that strongly. And so, I'm excited that you guys made these changes. We're going to talk about it in a bit. But before that, let's go ahead and really add some value and give people an understanding of what we're going to be talking about and what the purpose of using a technology like this is. So, I'd like to start with just a little bit of your background because you've had a diverse career and what brought you into the neuroscience space to begin with.

[00:03:10]Jim Poole:  Always a curiosity on neuroscience. In fact, got accepted to an MD PhD program for neurological pathology, eight years of school, and I said, no, I think I'd rather start a family, so I went to business school instead. Raised by two psychotherapists, so most people would say, you're inherently crazy from your environment. Also, we've had a very welcome house of crazy people. So, I think always a curiosity, very strong female, compassionate mother figure in our life, and so always had a lot of empathy, always were able to kind of observe in a manner that was easy for me to feel energy from people. 

[00:03:51] So, my course of my life, like anybody, took a circuitous route, and it wasn't until 2009 when the neuroscientists who invented this product called our consulting firm because he was working with a dentist to alleviate state anxiety in a dental chair. And the dentist happened to be a key opinion leader who had heard that our consulting firm made another dentist a lot of money through one of the largest private equity acquisitions in the history of the industry. So, a very strange path.

[00:04:24] Dr. Holloway, being an exceptionally gifted, talented neuroscientist, quantum physicist, clinician, serving in a clinical environment, most people of his clientele were traumatized, comorbid with addiction, and so he developed this technology. And how he got my attention, which is not easy to do, especially if you've invented something, I typically would not take on that initiative, was, Jim, I've invented something that quickly, predictably, and safely relaxes the mind and body within minutes without side effects. I'd never heard that sentence before. My initial thought was marijuana, but marijuana has side effects. I'm serious. Okay, I don't know what you're talking about.

[00:05:04]Luke Storey:  And also not very good for people that are trying to get sober.

[00:05:07]Jim Poole:  No, not good for people trying to get sober or not good for-

[00:05:09]Luke Storey:  Welcome to rehab. Here's the joint.

[00:05:11]Jim Poole:  Yeah, not good for the snack diet. So, we drove in on a 10-week discovery into this, because when he explained what it was he invented, I knew even less. But we've been at this for 11 years. And so, it's funny. We always had the initiative and always had the vision and the mission to solve stress, anxiety, fear, depression, and poor sleep for humanity. You can't do it in a manner where you have a classy medical device, and you had all the regulatory and all the stuff that's associated with hardcore science. So, we talked in December, and you're right, we're kind of on the backend of a four-and-a-half year curve that brought us here.

[00:05:54] So, for me, I've done a lot, I've been inside a lot of companies, I've had a lot of fun doing what we did, but I never was a part of something that felt a sense of purpose, ever. And then, this has just always felt natural. And at some point, just like what you're doing with your career, you become ingrained in it and you don't know where your DNA ends and where the company's DNA. And so, it's just part of my being, and I never feel overburdened, I never feel anything besides gratitude and an honor to lead this enterprise because I know what we're doing is tremendous.

[00:06:34] I know we're helping people on a scale that's just magnificent. And it's really simple. Conceptually, Luke, all we're doing is helping you manage the negative consequence of stress. But as we talked about the first time, humans are really bright, we're problem solvers, we're exceptionally talented, our brains are incredible, but we're really limited when it comes to something intangible because you can't see stress, or smell it, or touch it. You're not even sure if it's even there. You trick yourself. But it's there. And the anatomy and physiology of the negative consequence of not addressing stress will kill everybody. It's kind of a big deal. It's kind of really important that people are made aware how stress kills you because nobody knows, no one's educated on it.

[00:07:26] It's not that difficult. It's anatomy and physiology. If you don't get restorative sleep, you don't manage stress, and you're too high in cortisol, and you interrupt the gut bacteria, and you do all these things over the course of time, your cells break down, the mitochondria is not restored, the cells don't clean their toxins, the cells forget their job, communication doesn't happen, disease starts, disease proliferate, you get stressed out because you have a disease, and it's a cascading effect. So, I personally would like not to die of a nasty disease, whether it's immunosuppressive disease of my stomach, or cancer, or something like that. And it's all stress-modulated. So, that's what we're doing.

[00:08:04]Luke Storey:  That's interesting you mentioned that gut biome, because over the past few years, I mean, thankfully, this happens less and less frequently, but at times of acute stress, a business deal issue, the end of a romantic relationship, having to move suddenly and not have a place, these kind of big life upheavals, a death in the family, this kind of thing, I just had a close friend of mine passed away, and super, super stressful in a sense just because of processing the grief and having something happen sad, but one thing I noticed in the past couple of years when I would have a bout of extreme stress where I'm in that fight or flight thing and I just can't get out of it is my digestion, no pun intended, goes to shit immediately. Sleep and digestion. And I go, what's wrong with me? I'm eating the same stuff. I mean, I have the diet pretty locked in at this point. I cheat a little here and there, and pay the price, but overall, I know what my body likes and what it does, and then I tend to follow that diet. But even in that, in times of stress, my gut gets wrecked.

[00:09:07]Jim Poole:  It's got nothing to do with the food that you put in your belly. It's got everything to do with the cortisol that's wrecking.

[00:09:11]Luke Storey:  So, how does stress affect your digestion, which, of course, then, as you indicated, affects your ability to detox and your ability to assimilate nutrients.

[00:09:23]Jim Poole:  Stress is designed to protect you. So, if your central nervous system feels like you're in danger, it activates fight or flight, or if you're going through grief, loss, confusion, denial, depression, anxiety, it's a flood of cortisol. It's a flood of stress hormone that interrupts the gut and there's too much acid in there. It's simple. You have a brain in your gut, we call it intuition. Scientists call it the enteric brain in your gut. Everything's related from your tummy to your brain. So, when your fight or flight is on and your reptilian brain is saying, we're in danger, this is a bad place for us to be, we need to get out of this place, it's just flooding your body with the cortisol, and adrenaline, all the excitatory neurons and toxins. 

[00:10:10] So, yeah. As soon as you eat within about five minutes, you're sitting on the toilet. And it's uncomfortable and you're not getting the nutrients you need because stress is winning the battle. And I think we showed this last time, if the reptilian brain in our fight or flight is 40 million years evolved, your frontal cortex and prefrontal cortex are only four million years of old. it's your cognition, emotional stability, rational thinking, ability to talk yourself out of something. So the reptilian brain is activating that cortisol response as a 36-million-year head start.

[00:10:44]Luke Storey:  Wow. So, this is why when you're starting to trip out and go into that fight or flight state and if you have some self-awareness, as you know, many people listening to the show would from meditation and just being mindful about your state, even when it gets triggered, you know it's being triggered, and even if you know the thing you're freaking out about is not real, the threat is perceived, you still can't stop freaking out.

[00:11:10]Jim Poole:  You cannot.

[00:11:11]Luke Storey:  So, that's because the reptilian brain is saying, we're going to die, we have to protect ourselves or run, hide, kill, et cetera. And even if your prefrontal cortex, which is relatively new, in contrast, is saying, no, no, it's fine, like you're just imagining this, it's all in your head, that doesn't help you get out of it. And that's so frustrating. When you have some self-awareness, and you're like, okay, I just got this text or trolled on social media and your rational mind goes, this means nothing, this is meaningless, this does not affect my life, but there's a part of you that's threatened and you can't talk yourself out of that feeling.

[00:11:50]Jim Poole:  You see a text of something that's really emotionally triggered, immediately, your mouth gets dry. All of this happens in a nanosecond. You're not thinking through, you're not saying, hey, this is a trigger, I should prepare myself for battle. No. Your central nervous system is constantly surveying your life emotionally, psychologically, and in where you live for safety, security, and familiarity. That's its primary function, to protect you. 

[00:12:18] When it senses, through any sense or through emotion that you are in danger, at risk, or fear, and triggers that response, the nanosecond to go to the amygdala, and the amygdala then triggers what's called the HPA axis, hypothalamic pituitary adrenal cortex. It's a unilateral axis. Once that's triggered, it's all hands on deck. The alarm bells are ringing. So, it's not that you have a choice to think rationally, there's no blood flow. Blood flow is cut off to the frontal cortex.

[00:12:48] Why? Because all your resources are coming to your visceral organs to fight. So, you're not even talking yourself out of it. If you look at someone who's in a fight or flight response, whether it's a near-death experience or a fight, if you look them in the eyes, they will look like a shark because they're completely cognitively dissociated. When you are trying to break up a fight, the key is to turn people's eyes away from the opponent. That's how you break up a fight, because otherwise, you're locked in. 

[00:13:16] You're not thinking, you are surviving. So, NuCalm comes to the world at a really poignant time. I mean, it's beyond crazy all the variables we're having to address as humans. And it's here to level the playing field, and say, you know what, reptilian brain, you're not in danger, life in America isn't that challenging, you're not struggling to live every day. When nightfall comes, predators aren't coming to kill you. So, let's stay in this. And it's really about the autonomic nervous system.

[00:13:53] How do we stay in balance away from the sympathetic nervous system that's driving the cortisol and all the acid? How do we get into the parasympathetic? Through meditation, mindfulness. But if we think for one second, if we don't have the humility to believe that a 40-million-year fight or flight mechanism that has been designed to keep us alive, if we think we can talk ourselves out of it, then we're not thinking clearly at all. Because where do you think phobias come from?

[00:14:20] Do you think a little bug is going to kill me? How many bugs can kill a man? How many? Not many. When you see a bug, why, for many people, does it elicit pure panic? And you can't talk them out of it. You can't say, that's just a little bug, let that little bug live. No. If you want true fight or flight, be the bug that's looking up at a human with a flip-flop hitting them at terminal velocity. That's fight or flight. So, a phobia is a great example to the challenge that we have as humans to balancing our rational mind with the reptilian mind.

[00:14:59] And we have to give ourselves the understanding and humility to say, hey, when we're in that space, we have to find a way to cope because you have to be removed from the stressful response to equilibrate. Here's the challenge, Luke, most people don't equilibrate. Most people stay with the foot on the accelerator, and they're building more and more trauma. Little things build into bigger things, right? Like you said, move, economic uncertainty, COVID virus, social unrest.

[00:15:29] There are so many moving parts that easily trigger you, and just add on to this cascading mountain of stress, fear, anxiety, and depression. We're in a really tough place. We're in a tough place. I mean, our planet is out of balance. Our families are out of balance, our communities are out of balance, our schools are out of balance, our politics are out of balance, our international relationships are out of balance. We're out of balance, and every single one of us knows it.

[00:15:53] And then, you're in COVID and things that were simple to the central nervous system, simple pattern recognition, okay, I'm going down Sunset Boulevard, there should be people at restaurants, your brain, it's all off now. So, I can't, as a human, even rely on simple pattern recognition. I'm overstimulated just trying to get to a normal function. I mean, going to the grocery store early in COVID, you go to the grocery store, you have a mask on, you're not talking, you're looking around, then you get home, and you're washing all your clothes.

[00:16:21] What is this? So, everything has been turned upside down. And prior to COVID, we were already suffering through the second great age of anxiety. The first one was after World War One when the world did not seem grounded. We were already there. And now, you have the Me Too Movement, and you have a galvanizing force of saying, hey, there's things here that are corrupt and need to change. You have racism and all the stuff happening there. Again, another catalyst, you have COVID. What is COVID? Well, it's a virus? Can you see it? No. Can you touch it? No. Can you feel it? No. Is it real? I don't know, right? So, you have all these things, it's just adding up. So, many people, your audience, try to meditate. Good luck, man. Good luck turning off monkey mind when we're dealing with a heap of shit. 

[00:17:10]Luke Storey:  Especially if you, like myself, sometimes, unfortunately, I hate to admit this, but if you look at Twitter before you meditate, I've been struggling with this ever since cellphones came out because I was meditating before cellphones were ubiquitous. And I always had this thing, I'd read my spiritual literature, especially when I was early in recovery. There were two certain books I would read every morning. That's the first thing you fucking did if you want to stay sober.

[00:17:35] I read those books and I get spiritual principles in mind. Truths, knock myself in the head with those truths, then I'd meditate and pray. And then, I go out and interact in the world, and make phone calls and stuff. And then, when cell phones came to be, I mean, they were a lot less functional then, you couldn't get online as easy, but as cell phones became more connected to the web and you had smartphones, I had this habit of, I'm just going to check this one thing, and then I'll meditate. 

[00:18:03] And what I perceive is happening, and I still struggle with it to this day, now, even I have NuCalm, the thing about NuCalm is, you guys will learn this later, but the app is on your phone. It's not, you go buy a device, which is great, because then it's just on your phone, it's very convenient, but it's like, hmm, to click on the NuCalm neuroacoustic software and listen to a track, or click on Twitter, or whatever telegram, or these other apps that I have that are more private, and there's groups of people that I'm part of, and we're sharing really provocative information because we're trying to avoid censorship and whatnot.

[00:18:38] But the more provocative that information, the more triggering it is to the nervous system, especially first thing in the morning. And I find on days where I do have the discipline to resist, and I'm like, nope, only going to—and I don't have any notifications on my phone except tax. I don't get any notifications. Well, now, I got this camera and alarm on my house, someone tried to break in the other day, the other night, so now, I have a notification if someone's up my porch.

[00:19:01]Jim Poole:  It was me. I was just a couple days early, I'm sorry.

[00:19:04]Luke Storey:  But man, the discipline it takes to go in and click my NuCalm icon rather than one of those other apps, with so much going on in the world, it's actually really difficult. I think, when things at least feel more normal on the surface, it's like, I never used to follow news, or politics, or any of that, because it's just like, who cares? It's all the same. They put another bonehead in office, it's all just theater. And then, a few years ago, it changed. The theater at least changed dramatically, the characters changed, and I started paying attention to some of that stuff.

[00:19:36] And then, the world has become so polarized, I feel it's incumbent upon me to stay alert to some degree as to what's happening. Not like I have any power over it, but it's just intriguing, it's sticky, the click bait of what kind of shit show is happening today. But I do notice if I activate that, even if, rationally, I'm like, no, I have a great life, I got a podcast today, like wonderful woman in my life, a great, cute dog, I'm eating well, everything's fine, even rationally, if I look at that stuff and I start feeding into it before I really checked in and calm down with my center of who I really am, I do tend to have a lot more anxiety throughout the day.

[00:20:19]Jim Poole:  Of course you do.

[00:20:20]Luke Storey:  I can't shake that initial peek out into the world.

[00:20:25]Jim Poole:  I think you have more discipline than you give yourself credit for. I think there's a subversive sabotage happening here because you definitely have the discipline not to click on, and you're giving power to strangers over your health, don't click on it.

[00:20:41]Luke Storey:  Thank you.

[00:20:41]Jim Poole:  Never again. 

[00:20:42]Luke Storey:  Thank you, Coach Jim. 

[00:20:43]Jim Poole:  Don't do it. I had the same issue. I mean, I run a global neuroscience company. I fly over the world. There's a lot of responsibility. And it's an honor, it's of gratitude, it's social responsibility. And I used to have my phone on all the time in hotel rooms and I would get text from Pakistan or wherever, and it would wake me up all night. And then, I had a realization about five years ago, wait a second, I don't need to let other people interrupt my health, I turn the phone off, it's so liberating.

[00:21:09] So, now, when I get up in a hotel room, I make a choice, do I want to turn this on and activate because it's rarely 10 out of 10 is great news, or do I want to NuCalm first, reset myself, get to a place where I can respond to stimulation instead of react. It's all this is, it's giving you pause because your brain chemistry is in a better place to look at things with a perspective that's not easily triggered. You do not have to look at Twitter, and relinquish control of your health, and well-being, and your anxiety, your reptilian brain. Don't feed it. You're feeding it. You're challenging yourself by feeding into the reptilian brain, and saying, okay, I'm going to solve it with NuCalm. Don't do it.

[00:21:56]Luke Storey:  Well, that's the thing. If we meditate, whether it's NuCalm or however we tune into that witness observer place in ourselves, which is in that quantum field primarily, that's where you live as consciousness, and then you're embodied, and an embodied is where all the threats are because it's the body that's trying to protect itself, but when we check in with that first and remember who we are fundamentally, that we're not this body in this house with this career, and this partner, and all that, then it seems that we have a buffer as we go throughout the day where there's a little bit of separation between perceived threat and real threat, which there ultimately is no real threat because we're timeless, eternal beings, according to my calculations, and observations, and realizations.

[00:22:43] So, I think it's incumbent upon us each to build the discipline, however we're checking in with our highest self first thing, especially first thing in the morning in order to build that resilience. So, when the material world starts chasing our ass throughout the day or that we perceive that it is, we have that perspective that we don't need to attach to all of those dramas that are going on throughout the day. 

[00:23:08]Jim Poole:  In the morning, your cortisol is the highest. So, in the morning, you're more vulnerable to be triggered. 

[00:23:13]Luke Storey:  Oh, shit. I never thought about that.

[00:23:17]Jim Poole:  So, you're adding fuel, and challenging your ability, and giving people control over you, people that don't deserve that control, they didn't ask for that control, they simply are doing this, and you're receiving it, triggering you because your cortisol is at the highest level in the morning.

[00:23:38]Luke Storey:  Goddammit. I got to break this habit. I fall in and out of it.

[00:23:42]Jim Poole:  You did, you broke it already. Tomorrow, you're not doing it. 

[00:23:44]Luke Storey:  We did it. So, for people listening, do you have any tactics that they could use to prevent, whether they're using NuCalm or however else they're checking in with themselves in the morning and getting grounded, how can one resist the temptation? It's like really is so addictive to check in with what's going on in the shit show of the world that we find ourselves in now. Like how can you find the discipline to take care of yourself first, then check in after your cortisol is dropped down to a manageable level and you can, as you said, respond rather than react?

[00:24:13]Jim Poole:  It's not really a choice. You have to make yourself a priority. You have to build a habit and a pattern in the morning that served you. You can't serve everybody else if you're broken, if you're fragile, or if in the back of your mind, you're worried about something that's inconsequential. Think about back in the day, maybe 10, 15 years ago when you went on vacation, it took four or five days to relax and get to that place of balance.

[00:24:39] And then, you were on vacation for like two days and you had to leave, but that fifth day, you reach that place of wellness. All you did was turn your phone off for a day, because the next day, the world's still here. We put a lot of pride in our organization and we take care of humans. And when taking care of sick humans, or you're taking care of powerful professional athletes or the military, you're kind of on-call all the time. But I warn and share with my team, say, hey, this isn't a 911, no one's dying.

[00:25:17] Maybe someone's having an anxious response, maybe someone needs a little TLC and some love, but at what expense? So, you have to take care of you. And COVID has changed the family dynamic. I think it's been a pattern interrupt. I think the world will never be the same again. I think people are seeing the rat race that they were in and the gerbil wheel that they were running on, really had not as much consequence as they thought. You can't take your life, and your job, and your career path too seriously because it's not going to fill you up, doesn't fill up your bucket. 

[00:25:52] Your bank account gets filled up, but your bucket gets depleted. It's really the people around you, where it's all about love and energy. Your being is about energy, and you have a choice. What kind of resonance do you want to have? I fall victim to this, too, sometimes, I say, okay, it's 9:00, I've been up since 5:00, I've already walked, I've already drank my lemon water, whatever routine I'm going to do. Alright. I'm going to check CNN. I'm just going to see if the world is still here.

[00:26:23] And then, within five minutes, I am completely out of center, and I am agitated, I am impatient, I am confused, I feel disheartened, I'm just like, oh. I don't need it. I've never turned off the news the last 10 years, and felt a sense of peace and calm. I just haven't. So, we all fall victim to that, but tonight, when you go to bed, promise yourself tomorrow, first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take care of me. I'm going to be present, and do things that are healthy for me, and I will take care of my spouse and my children, and I'm going to check in with them, be present with them.

[00:27:00]Luke Storey:  Do you think that people that have suffered trauma, emotional, physical trauma, et cetera, earlier in life, are more predisposed to the addiction to drama and the addiction to fight or flight?

[00:27:15]Jim Poole:  That's absolute.

[00:27:16]Luke Storey:  How does that work?

[00:27:17]Jim Poole:  The traumatized brain is beyond sad and beyond real. The whole mental health landscape is so confusing, because again, humans can't understand what they can't see. Your thoughts are real, right? The itty bitty shitty committee behind your eyes, it tells you, you're not good enough or your audience doesn't like you, you don't resonate with this person, or you have an insecurity about going to a party, or meeting strangers, all that garbage, it's real because that's your reality.

[00:27:49] PTSD has a damage to the brain, a physiological damage to the brain where red blood cells in cognition and what's called neuronal coherence is interrupted. So, you think about it like a bruise. The hippocampus, the prefrontal cortex, and frontal cortex are directly impacted to the brain of a traumatized victim. The hippocampus is your memory center. So, for the rest of your existence, unless you get help, you're going to be perseverating over the trauma. Frontal cortex and prefrontal cortex, how do I rationally distance myself from the physiology? 

[00:28:25] So, that person's central nervous system, remember earlier, I said, hey, your central nervous system governs you for security, familiarity, and protects you. When the central nervous system has been compromised and no longer trusts, whether you were sexually assaulted by a family member, whether you were physically assaulted, emotionally, it doesn't matter, the assault doesn't matter. Okay. It changes your central nervous system. Your central nervous system says, Luke, you mess us up, brother, you didn't protect us, so we are going to protect us and we're never going to trust again.

[00:29:01] The central nervous system has given up trust, so we're always going to be hitting that amygdala because the slightest thing is going to keep us in a hyper vigilant state. That's what leads to the comorbidity of alcoholism. This isn't confusing, this is really simple. Your brain is very sophisticated and your brain knows, intuitively, that a sip of alcohol will take this pain away. So, as you're driving down the road, you turn left to go to a bar.

[00:29:32] Intentional or not, your brain is basically dictating, I need help, and the fastest thing for me to take care of the psychic pain is to drink. It all makes perfect sense, your body and your brain is a full ecosystem, a highly compensatory ecosystem, so when you fuck something up, it overcompensates. Look at the information response to a wound, all these cytokines come, just like, hey, chill out, this isn't a big wound, we don't need the army, but the body's like, hey. So, the traumatized brain has an incredible adaptability to normalize what is not normal.

[00:30:18]Luke Storey:  Oh, that's good. 

[00:30:19]Jim Poole:  So, people get stuck in their pain, they get stuck in that label. The challenge for trauma and what just breaks my heart is that it's all real. So, your reactivity, your impatience, you're judgmental, you're critical, you're supercritical of yourself, all those elements are real. The homicidal thoughts, the suicidal thoughts, all these just negative energy, they just cycles around that. 

[00:30:42] Reptilian brain is so on overdrive, and the challenge is, if I'm living in a high-stress, poor-sleep, high-stress, poor-sleep, high-stress, poor-sleep cycle, I'm never getting to a place where I can be observing in my life, where I can take a deep breath, and reflect, and pay attention, can't do any of it because I am consumed with fear. So, think about the last time you just said a friend of yours passed away. That's less fear than it is grief. Let's say the last time you remember was in a car accident or something, that fear grips you in a manner that's incredible, and think about that all day long and in your sleep. That's PTSD. 

[00:31:23]Luke Storey:  That's really profound, the part about when your brain is injured by trauma, that the abnormal becomes normal. And that reminded me of different patterns that I've had to work to unravel, especially in interpersonal relationships, having had many traumatic experiences with different humans as a kid of all different types. I was really perplexed for a long time as to why I would repeat those same dynamics with people that I would invite into my life. 

[00:31:59]Jim Poole:  Comfort.

[00:32:00]Luke Storey:  Yeah, with my conscious mind, I'm like, oh, man, that thing happened to me when I was a kid. One of my parents did this or abuser did this, never going to let that happen again, and here I find myself in relationship with someone who does that very same thing. And in a sense, it feels right. It feels familiar. There's a familiarity to it. 

[00:32:19]Jim Poole:  Stay focused just there because it's not right.

[00:32:23]Luke Storey:  Yeah, it's just familiar.

[00:32:24]Jim Poole:  It's just familiar. And the brain needs pattern recognition. We normalize insanity, but it's a pattern. So, in these abuse cycles, there's a pattern. You can identify it in any abusive relationship, pattern, pattern, pattern. It's the balance between your central nervous system protecting you and triggering your autonomic nervous system, the autonomic nervous system governs fear, stress, anxiety, and depression. That's all happening in your midbrain. So, we have to figure out how to interrupt that pattern to say, hey, this may feel familiar, but familiar is not good enough.

[00:33:03] I need to override the central nervous system and I need to take some risk, I need to push through this adversity. And you have to follow your enteric brain in your gut we call intuition, because a lot of times, we override it, because the central nervous system says, no, Luke, we're going to take that path because I know that path. That's comfort. I can kind of see how it's going to be. There might be some pain involved and you might not like the outcome, but we're going there.

[00:33:31]Luke Storey:  It's the known way.

[00:33:32]Jim Poole:  It's the known way.

[00:33:33]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I remember early in my recovery when I first got sober, my grand sponsor, who I had recordings of, I never met him, but I used to listen to his tapes over and over again because he was the only human I think I had heard at that point that made any sense to me about what was wrong with me. And he said, I used to have the saying, alcoholics—let me make sure I get it right because I used to say this all the time, but I think it's ingrained in me now, hopefully, but he said, alcoholics would rather do the wrong thing even if they know it's the wrong thing because they've done it before, rather than doing the right thing when they know it's the right thing, right? 

[00:34:12] So, it's like you're walking into this pattern voluntarily, a melodrama with the person, or you're dishonest, or you're being selfish, or whatever it is, you're angry again, and it's like, you know you're going in the wrong direction, but you can't stop it because it's just what feels right. It's like, this is the way I do it. It's the way I've always done it. Even if you've had some spiritual growth, and you've matured, and you "know better", you still find yourself compelled to repeat that same thing again. It's crazy.

[00:34:41]Jim Poole:  It's crazy.

[00:34:43]Luke Storey:  Are these neural pathways that you're describing? 

[00:34:46]Jim Poole:  Yeah. So, when you do mindfulness, you do meditation, your practice of meditation, what you're doing is you're opening up oxygen-rich red blood cell flow to the frontal cortex and prefrontal cortex. You're creating new neuronal coherence. You're creating new opportunities to take those challenges that don't seem like the comfortable road of pattern recognition, but you can reflect, be observant, be patient, and be present in the moment. And you can listen to your intuition. You already know what the answer is. Now, you get to take actions that override the central nervous system and that need for pattern.

[00:35:23]Luke Storey:  And when we do that, and we do override it, and say, I'm thinking about, let's say, you've always been in romantic relationships that are dysfunctional, you swing the spectrum between being the unavailable, heart-protecting, close-heart person that doesn't let anyone in, can't trust anyone, or you are the needy, co-dependent like love addict that just needs validation and attention all the time, I guess those are two contrasted ends of that spectrum, right? Let's say, through painful experience, one starts to find that pattern. I did it again.

[00:35:58] Someone wanted to get close to me, and I wouldn't let them in, and they're a great person, and I just stonewalled them, and then they got so bored or frustrated, they left, and here I am alone again. And so, you start to see these patterns, and work on yourself, and break through that, and then meet someone where you have that fork in the road and you see that opportunity to listen to your gut or to follow that pattern, you listen to your gut, you whole heartedly go in, and allow yourself to be vulnerable, and you allow for true intimacy or at least up to your capacity at that time, don't you then build a new pathway where that becomes normal?

[00:36:36]Jim Poole:  Yes.

[00:36:36]Luke Storey:  Where that intimacy, closeness, that love, everything you've always wanted is now the new normal, and to go back into that Old pattern of pain for both parties is like not even an option. I mean, I guess it's always an option, but it becomes a much more clear and much easy to resist, that becomes now foreign? 

[00:36:54]Jim Poole:  Correct.

[00:36:55]Luke Storey:  Is that the way it works?

[00:36:56]Jim Poole:  Yes.

[00:36:57]Luke Storey:  Seems to be my experience.

[00:36:58]Jim Poole:  So, you can pattern-interrupt, and that's what you have to do. That's growth.

[00:37:02]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Because when I look at my relationship now, it's just so fulfilling, it's so peaceful, it's so comfortable, it's so safe, it's so fun. I mean, it really is, all the time. It's just fun all the time. I keep waiting for like, when everyone says, in a relationship, you're always going to fight, and this and that, like you go through these things, I'm like, I'm not. No, we're not. It's a completely new world.

[00:37:31]Jim Poole:  Trust, respect, listening.

[00:37:33]Luke Storey:  Yeah. But I think back now on my behavior and the behavior that I put up from other people in relationships, I go, what? Who was that guy that would ever been so shitty or would ever have put up with such shittiness. It's like another lifetime.

[00:37:52]Jim Poole:  You know who that guy was? 

[00:37:54]Luke Storey:  Who?

[00:37:54]Jim Poole:  A scared boy. It's all that is. Getting into dysfunctional relationships is just your inability to manage your fear, and that pattern keeps finding those triggers and keeps being attracted to people that are going to give you that comfort, but it's just fear. And then, when you protect your heart from all the scar tissue, that's just fear. If you're being vulnerable, again, fear. What's the worst thing is going to happen? You're going to feel hurt. You're going to feel pain. You're going to feel loss. Is it really that bad? It's part of being human. We're going to feel lost our entire life.

[00:38:32] We're going to lose people our entire life. And we are going to impose loss on people. That's part of being human. So, what's so fearful about that? And if you don't give, why are you doing it? If you don't relent, and take that scar tissue, and say, hey, let me show you what's in there, and I hope you like it, I hope you like this person, because when you live a lie or you're in this matrix of dysfunctional relationships, you're not even yourself, you're compartmentalized. You're only by yourself when you're in the shower or on the toilet. Even when you're lying next to the person, you're not connected to them, you're in your head. 

[00:39:11]Luke Storey:  Right, because there are still parts of yourself that you're withholding out of self-protection to avoid the vulnerability because of all the patterns before they felt from doing that and having it not do well.

[00:39:22]Jim Poole:  Very complex. Being a human's really complex, but reality is, trust and love, take that to the forefront. Challenge your fear. Challenge the historical patterns of dysfunction that didn't serve you well. The whole mindful path, there's a physiological response to mindfulness. People don't understand that either. People think, okay, yoga, taichi, and meditation, and deep breathing or whatever, they just see it as someone, I don't know, I don't know what they see it as. 

[00:39:54] People perceive mindfulness in many different manners and it's not pervasive to the world yet. But the whole benefit of mindfulness is to oxygenate red blood cells to the entire organism, from your toes to your frontal cortex. That's all you're doing. When you sleep on something, you're getting restorative nature of Theta brainwave function. So, when you wake up the next day, you're like, oh, that wasn't so bad, that text or that Twitter wasn't so bad. I don't know why I was so triggered. 

[00:40:24] I don't know why I was so triggered, seriously. Could have been cortisol, could be my Bulletproof coffee. I don't know what it was but something just called me. But the next day you wake up, all that is, is you've had the practice of Theta brainwave function and oxygen. Oxygen-rich red blood feeds your body and your brain so you can create new cognition, you can create new pathways, new ways of thinking. So, say you're in a dysfunctional relationship 11 in a row, your central nervous system is laughing at you.

[00:40:56] Number 1, it's like, hey, you fall for this every time, right? And your gut's like, would you please listen to me just once? So, the 12th relationship, you finally interrupt that pattern, now, you're on that path. You've taken the lead away from this and you were creating new cognition, building a new network in a schema so that in your head of your relationships, historical, present, future, there's a pattern now developing. That's how you move away from dysfunction.

[00:41:29]Luke Storey:  So, the good news is you can change. 

[00:41:31]Jim Poole:  Always. 

[00:41:31]Luke Storey:  No matter how stuck one feels they are in these patterns.

[00:41:36]Jim Poole:  But the only way you change is through enlightenment, enlightenment through oxygen-rich red blood cells to the key areas of your brain. This is Anatomy of Physiology 101. You need to have blood flow to the areas of the brain. If you're stuck in the amygdala and the reptilian midbrain, you will always be consumed by fear, stress, anxiety, and depression. You will always play that whole course of treatment. For what? You can easily be liberated from it.

[00:42:04]Luke Storey:  One thing I've noticed over the years of doing different types of meditation and whatnot, and now using NuCalm, and this was especially true when I really committed to my practice of Vedic meditation, where I do 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes at night, I went through this phase where rather than becoming this peaceful monk, I became really irritable. I was just super pissed off, maybe the first few months. And then, I asked my teacher, Jeff Kober, about it, I said, dude, I mean, if I'm meditating, it's supposed to make you more chill, I'm becoming more of an asshole.

[00:42:38] He said, perfect. That means you're doing it right. And the way he described it from that lineage of teaching was that you have all of these repressed and suppressed scars, emotions, triggers, et cetera, and when you're dipping into that, I guess you would refer to as that Theta brainwave state in your neuroscience vernacular, I guess they would just call it the field, right? When you're dipping into that, you're releasing this pressure valve that all of those old things are coming up.

[00:43:06] And so, there's going to be a period of a little bit of a shit show on your way to building a new way of reacting or responding to your experience wherein you become, less fuckwithable, less triggerable. And I have noticed over the years, through all of the different practices that I've done, that it's much harder to trigger me. And even if I do have a moment where I get sideways, I have a much easier time coming back to center.

[00:43:37] And I've noticed this with Alyson, too, I observe for some time, and she's been on her own shamanic path and doing her thing, but she'll get annoyed with me, like get pissed off for a second. My old pattern is to like, hold my breath, freak out, because I had people early in my life that were really mean, and abusive, and explosive, and violent, right? So, when someone that I care about and I trust acts like that, I think that I'm about to get really hurt. 

[00:44:00] So, I see that in myself, calm myself down, and then I'll watch her, and it's like five minutes later, she goes in and does whatever she does in her way and she's over it. So, it's like nothing ever happened. Maybe we need to communicate for a minute, and just go, you did this or that, and, okay, I'm sorry, I'll change, thank you, thanks for the feedback. It's not only in relationship with people that are close, it's all through the world, even in the COVID drama.

[00:44:32] And there's rioting and all the crazy shit going on in the world. I have noticed that it's rare that I get taken for a ride. Like I was calling you for some advice a couple of weeks ago, and I was in it, and you told me, you're like, oh, you're locked in it, however you phrased it. And I was like, I know, I'm stuck in this thing, I'm in my limbic system, I can't get out. And I was doing all the things. But that doesn't happen for a long, long time.

[00:44:57]Jim Poole:  It was a big deal.

[00:44:58]Luke Storey:  Just like a year or something where I spent days with bad digestion and couldn't sleep, I just couldn't get myself out of that fight or flight thing. So, the good news is, is that no matter how much shit we've been through and how locked in that lane we seem to be when we are willing to practice mindfulness in whatever way we choose to be most effective, we can actually build resilience, where even if you get jarred loose for a minute, you get out faster and it happens less frequently. Instead of every couple of days you're in this fight or flight, it's every few months, you have a bout for a couple of days where you going through something.

[00:45:37] And it's usually warranted because it's something substantial and meaningful. It's not something totally imagined. And that's what used to happen to me, it's like I would—I don't know, maybe you get a parking ticket, and it's like my mind would build this whole story and my whole day, if not week would be ruined by that 80-dollar loss, and how dare they? And why am I such an idiot for doing that? And all these stories that I start to build around something that was completely insignificant in the large scope of things.

[00:46:06]Jim Poole:  Do you think of a reptilian brain would perseverate over a parking ticket? Yes. Do you think you're higher-conscious brain would? No, because it's so inconsequential. So, the challenge of going into meditation in the first six months, being impatient and kind of being a dick, yeah, guess what, you have work to do because you can't just go like this, say, okay, I'm going to be more present and have better energy. I'm going to be able to respond instead of react. So, you're doing the hard work. Did it kill you? No. Was it that difficult? No. Did you enjoy it? No. Did you get through it? Yes.

[00:46:42]Luke Storey:  When people start doing NuCalm, and then it works for those that are like, what are you guys talking about? I'm sure at this point, I've said the word so many times, someone's going, what? But when someone starts doing NuCalm, that's never really meditated and just really sat with themselves, is it common that they go through a little period of off-gassing old stresses?

[00:47:01]Jim Poole:  NuCalm is amazing because humans are amazing. NuCalm is the same tool for everybody. You do the same thing I do. You're different. Your subjective neurology is different. Your epigenetics are different. Your scheme and your network of experiences are different. So, when you put somebody in the healing zone, Theta brainwave function, or the quantum field, you have no idea what the outcome is going to be. If it's trauma-related, we all have a narrative. Everybody's gone through something. 

[00:47:33] Okay. No one's alone. The numbers are too conservative, but one in five males are abused and one in four females. I don't believe that to be true at all. It's probably more like one in three and one in two. Any continuum of the abuse cycle. And we build the narrative to protect ourselves. We don't have that. I call it the itty bitty shitty committee. We've had a narrative with our inner self since you can remember, and the inner self narrative usually isn't all that positive.

[00:48:08] It's not a cheering section. And it's embarrassing if your spouse, or your girlfriend, or your fiancee wakes you up, and then you say, hey, I didn't sleep well last night. You don't even tell them about it because you're almost shameful of it, this little committee that keeps just racking through my brain. So, this narrative is part of our ego. Okay. When you are guided into Theta brainwave function with a technology like NuCalm, there's no way to caution or share with somebody what's going to happen because you don't know what's going to happen.

[00:48:43] Could it be the first time that you do NuCalm where you're liberated from your narrative, and holy cow, conflict unresolved is in my face? Could it be the third time? Could it be the fifth time? But we do know this, when you're in the NuCalm experience and your brain function is literally oscillating at four hertz to seven hertz, your mind can go through any conflict you want, your body cannot react, It's a very safe place, so we don't know. We see NuCalm tears a lot. 

[00:49:11] I've personally administered NuCalm to thousands and thousands of people across this planet, and I can't tell you who's going to have NuCalm tears and have this cathartic moment where they visited a deceased relative or they sat with Jesus, I don't know, or they saw the purple chakra. I don't know who's going to do what. But invariably, everybody goes on a journey. That's why I always call it. Welcome to your personal NuCalm journey because I don't know what's in store for you. 

[00:49:41] But I do know this, on the other side, you are going to be an exceptionally different, better human being. You're not going to be a NASA astronaut. You're not going be a professional athlete. We're not giving you talent, we're making you a better you, because we're allowing you to be present in the here and now to be reflective, to be responsive, and to be patient. Patience, if we all had a little more patience, we'd have a much better existence on this planet. 

[00:50:11]Luke Storey:  Have a much better Twitter. 

[00:50:13]Jim Poole:  Have a much better Twitter.

[00:50:15]Luke Storey:  Let's explain how NuCalm works. So, you have this neuroacoustic software, this kind of soundscapes you listen to, and then there's a little disk you stick on a specific place on your left wrist, and then you essentially just lie down or sit down and listen to these sounds. And my experience of it is it's like a guaranteed deep meditation just about every time. Now, I've tested it when I'm in full fight or flight and even NuCalm won't break me out of it.

[00:50:47] And I'm just like, well, I'm sure I'm better off after that 20 or 30 minutes, then I was, but I'm still triggered. And that's like that once a year kind of meltdown. Huge shit happens and it just is what it is. But as someone who's meditated for a long time and was very committed to my Vedic practice for many years, it's kind of hit or miss. One morning, I go into the zone, I'm like, I'm in here. Here I am. I'm in here. I'm in Theta. I'm in the quantum. It's emptiness. 

[00:51:11] I watch the thoughts go by. I don't grab them. They're like grasshoppers on a field of wheat. It's just fun. I'm just sitting there, observing, and I feel like Buddha. Next day, get up, I'm like, what about that letter from the IRS? Did you check your email? What if that deal doesn't go through? God, I think that guy's pissed at you. All the shit, all the chatter, the monkey mind. But it's never reliable. And I still think any meditation is a good meditation, and that's how I was taught, because sometimes, the mind just does need to process and it's not like you can, in a quantitative way, say the meditation where you felt stillness and peace was a more productive or better meditation than one in which the mind was very active.

[00:51:54] But I still prefer the one where the mind's very still and I'm able to just sink into that space because that's where I resolve things and that's where I do my creative vision work, is from that space. I see the interconnectivity of the universe, and I put pieces together, and have great ideas, and I come out of it, and I have a way to implement them in my waking state. So, that's my personal experience of it, is almost every single time, I'm just taken into the kind of meditation that I want, whether or not I want to or not.

[00:52:26] And even if I have been somewhat already activated, like in that bad habit I described before, where I get up and I engage with the world a little bit, if I just went and tried to meditate just on the natch after that, there's no way I would be able to drop it. But I can get up, get a little cortisol, do some shit, oh, I have to send a package, do this and that, then I do NuCalm. This is what happened this morning. I did it in the hyperbaric chamber, and I went into the deepest, deepest meditation for 40 minutes, and it was beautiful. 

[00:52:55] That wouldn't happen, it would be very rare and very difficult to do that on my own. So, I can imagine for someone who's not meditated for a really long time, and there's like, oh, I'm going to start meditating today, but first, I'm going to pay some bills, I'm going to respond to this pissed-off email, and I'm going to look at my tax bill, et cetera, et cetera, and then I'm going to go meditate. Like good luck. It's very difficult. So, that's kind of my experience of it and that's how the thing works for those listening.

[00:53:23] But break down for us some of the science. What are you listening to? What are those sounds? Why are they so odd, A, and it's a song, but it's not a song because it's totally unpredictable and you can never memorize it even after 500 freaking times? Who makes the music? How many different tracks are there within one song? And what does the disk do? Kind of break down the whole thing for us because it's freaking fascinating.

[00:53:50]Jim Poole:  It is fascinating. So, we're taking a neuroscience approach to mindfulness and we are taking an approach to create balance of the autonomic nervous system. Most humans run with their foot on the accelerator way too much and don't have enough rest and digest. You could look at mindfulness practice as being the autonomic nervous system of the parasympathetic nervous system. So, our goal with NuCalm is to manage your brain. That's a big task. It took a very, very brave quantum physicist, neuroscientist, clinician over 20 years of exploration, research, and development to figure this out. The brain is a compensatory ecosystem.

[00:54:31] So, if you play with it here, there's going to be something here. Okay. So, this is a three-step process because nothing is that easy. We can't just use auditory entrainment. We can't just use biochemistry, et cetera. So, first things first, the disk on the left wrist. So, the disk, it looks like a sticker, looks like Sesame Street. It is so complex. There is a signature or recipe of frequencies that sit on top of a Lakhovsky MultiWave Oscillator at six levels deep. Okay. That's holding a biostatic charge. There's a software that's imprinted using a Tesla coil on top of that disk eight times. So, on that disk, when it's in the Faraday bag, I have one right here.

[00:55:18]Luke Storey:  Oh, yeah. Let's show it on the camera. For, those of you listening, sorry, we'll have to explain it, but you can watch this on YouTube. 

[00:55:23]Jim Poole:  In this bag, this is a Faraday bag. It's an anti static bag. It's keeping the frequencies inert and safe from EMFs. On top of that disc, this Lakhovsky electromedicine designed element, alright, a multi-wave oscillator in and of itself, is holding a recipe. That recipe is the ingredients that used to be what was called the NuCalm cream, mostly inhibitory neurotransmitters focused on GABA A and GABA B. What we are trying to accomplish is to slow down the body's natural resistance, which is adrenaline. 

[00:55:59] So, anything that you do, your central nervous system governs you for safety and security. Anything that comes near you, surgical procedure, medicament, has to get past, Keyser Soze there, your central nervous system. Okay. So, we are going to negate this and we're going to put you in a level playing field so that we can manage your brain. So, one of the key elements to why NuCalm was so sophisticated and has been awarded the only patent in the world is Dr. Holloway is not a focused, allopathic Western medicine doc.

[00:56:30] He doesn't have an expertise specifically in cranial electrotherapy, stimulation, or neuroacoustic software. He's a holistic practitioner and a neuroscientist. He knows the outcome. The outcome is profound. I want to manage your autonomic nervous system and I have to get through 40 million years of the amygdala HPA axis and I got to go through all these complexities. So, the first step in the relaxation response is to place this disc on the pericardium six-acupressure point.

[00:56:57] This is going to present the brain with a signal. This is its bioresonance. Every cell in your body has a frequency, and when it gets the oscillation of that frequency, it gets in harmony like a tuning fork. So, this little sticker looks like Sesame Street took four-and-a-half years to develop is an exceptionally powerful and efficacious tool to activate what's called your GABAergic system and inhibit the HBA axis so that adrenaline doesn't flood the body while we try to relax you. 

[00:57:29]Luke Storey:  So, it's funny. I don't even know this about the disks because I never asked you how they're made or anything like that. So, out in the zen den there, I have a BioCharger, which is based on Tesla coil, Rife frequencies, and multi-wave oscillator, and noble gases.

[00:57:46]Jim Poole:  Yes, 100 years of electro medicine from Lakhovsky and Tesla.

[00:57:48]Luke Storey:  Right. So, that sort of device is what makes these stickers and puts frequencies like that in these metallic stickers. For those listening, they're a little disk, and they're shiny and metallic. So, these emit a frequency, which is why you told me, don't put it next to your cellphone, don't wear it on the BioCharger, which of course, I've forgotten. I've ruined a hundred of these goddamn things, on the AmpCoil, I have much PMF devices around, and then I've made them inert basically if they're exposed to it, right? 

[00:58:20]Jim Poole:  Correct.

[00:58:21]Luke Storey:  So, that, the frequencies from those technologies are imprinting on these stickers. And then, because your skin is conductive and you're putting it right at that certain spot-

[00:58:32]Jim Poole:  You have electromagnetism, within about a half-inch to two-inch of your body is your cheek, your gas field.

[00:58:39]Luke Storey:  So, there's bioresonance between the frequencies in the sticker and your body, and your body goes, ding, ding, ding, we know what that is.

[00:58:45]Jim Poole:  The body activates and turns on the frequency. The frequency reaches the brain and a tuning fork happens where it starts resonating with the frequency of GABA. Absolutely fascinating. It's like, how did we do it?

[00:58:59]Luke Storey:  So, if the sticker's just sitting there on the shelf, it's not actively transmitting anything.

[00:59:04]Jim Poole:  In its bag, it's completely inert. Nothing is happening. Out of the bag and attached to electromagnetism, it is turned on and it is emitting that signal to the brain. 

[00:59:16]Luke Storey:  And how long do the stickers last? 

[00:59:18]Jim Poole:  These last two to four hours. There is no specific time because you were different today than you were yesterday. Your inability to self-regulate, your deficiency in GABA is different every day. So, the body is so fantastic, compensatory ecosystem, right? It's going to take exactly what it needs from this disk at that time. So, we can't tell you. We just built it so that, hey, the longest NuCalm is about four hours, so it's two to four hours per use.

[00:59:44]Luke Storey:  So, essentially, every one or two times you sit down for a session, depending how long of a session you do, you're going through a sticker?

[00:59:51]Jim Poole:  Yes. And as long as you take this off, put it back in the Faraday bag, and seal it up, and keep it in a dry place, that's it, you're good to go. You can shower with these on, too.

[01:00:01]Luke Storey:  Oh, really?

[01:00:02]Jim Poole:  Yeah. I mean, the disk technology is incredible. This begins the relaxation response and levels the playing field of the 40-million-year reptilian brain and the 36-million head start. Okay. I liken this to having a glass of wine or two without any cognitive impairment. So, say you had a tough day and you drink a glass of wine, and immediately, you feel the weight of the world roll off your shoulders, like, hey, life isn't so bad.

[01:00:29] That's the GABAergic system. Everything related to your biochemistry that is antianxiety, anxiolytic relaxation is GABA A-derived, every alcohol sip you ever had, bound to the GABA A receptor site. Any benzodiazepine binds to the GABA A receptor site. Any barbiturates binds to the GABA A receptor site. That's the sense of relaxation. So, we're basically addressing the GABA A receptor site.

[01:00:54]Luke Storey:  I remember we talked the other day and you were coaching me on some stuff, as I said, I was really stressed out, and if I'm not mistaken, I think you said, before you do the thing, I had a meeting and it was potentially stressful, when you said, go put one of those stickers on your wrist, but I wasn't even listening to the NuCalm tracks. You're like, no, just put it on. 

[01:01:09]Jim Poole:  Yeah, and it just takes the edge off. The other day, I worked for 24 hours and I was kind of at the edge off all day, which I don't like. I like to have the edge on. But I was like, I feel just-

[01:01:19]Luke Storey:  You're a CEO, right?

[01:01:20]Jim Poole:  Yeah.

[01:01:21]Luke Storey:  Yeah, yeah. Well, you got to have edge off your seat.

[01:01:23]Jim Poole:  Yeah. 

[01:01:23]Luke Storey:  I've tried that role. I'm too mellow.

[01:01:26]Jim Poole:  So, that is the first step of the equation. And think about this as a great equalizer. With the disk, you create, every time, a predictable, deep, efficacious, and fast-acting experience. Okay. So, you've NuCalmed for over a year and you've NuCalmed a lot. I've NuCalmed for 11 years and I've NuCalmed a lot. And you're right, sometimes, I don't go as deep, but I always go. I always go somewhere. And that has to do with your sleep, your stress, your nutrition, and your cortisol levels at that time. Okay.

[01:02:01]Luke Storey:  You want to know something? My favorite time to NuCalm actually is if I got a really shitty night's sleep or I've been traveling and I'm just torqued, and around 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon, that's the best NuCalm. Like when you really need it, it's actually the juiciest. If I feel super energized and refreshed, I'm like, I don't feel like doing a NuCalm because I don't feel tired, and then I'll do it and it's nice, but if I really need to be restored, it's just like, oh, man, that's the best. That feels like you slept like two hours. I do 20 minutes, and I get up, and I'm just like, oh, wow. Okay. I'm fine. It's a complete reset. It's insane.

[01:02:38]Jim Poole:  It's incredible. Between 2:00 and 4:00. In the afternoon, the body's natural biorhythm wants to take a nap. Americans have a culture and a drive to do their to-do list that they reach for espresso. Wrong answer. Pay attention to your body. Listen to your body. It needs a power nap, needs a 20, 30, 40-minute NuCalm experience. According to our research, 20 minutes of NuCalm is equivalent to two hours of restorative sleep. So, if you don't sleep well, you can never make up sleep debt.

[01:03:09] The body is incapable of doing that, where biochemistry and physics isn't. So, you can augment that sleep debt, that's why you feel really good the next day because you got an additional. I would never tell anybody to use this to supplant sleep. No, no, no, no, no. Sleep is really, really important. You need sleep. But in the event that you're sleep-compromised, jet-lagged, whatever it is, use NuCalm to augment that sleep debt.

[01:03:33]Luke Storey:  Another thing that I've noticed is that if I push off my afternoon session too late, and I do it like at 5:00 or 6:00, then it hurts my sleep because I'm super hyper. I try to go to bed at 10:00 or 11:00, and I just lay there, and have to listen to four podcasts. Not my own, by the way. I don't listen to my own podcast. I would never know if it's edited right. That's the funny thing. I was thinking the other day, I said, shit, I don't even know if they're doing it right or I just can't bring myself to listen to them anymore because I did for the first year.

[01:04:05]Jim Poole:  I don't either. I listen to nothing. I just move to the next thing.

[01:04:08]Luke Storey:  I mean, I don't know, it's just, I'm not that excited with myself, I guess. But anyway, back to what I said, and so now, it's kind of like, sometimes, I skip the afternoon if I haven't done it early enough because I know I'm going to tank my sleep. I'm going to get a huge rush of energy at like 9:00 or 10:00 at night.

[01:04:23]Jim Poole:  Yes. So, say if I have to work late, and I know, okay, between 11:00 and 1:00, it's quiet in the house, I can get the best work done, I'll NuCalm at like 7:00 or 8:00 in preparation for that. What's up with that is simple, 20 minutes of NuCalm's equivalent to two hours of restorative sleep. So, if I NuCalmed for 40 minutes, I'm getting four hours of restorative sleep. If I do that at 6:00 at night, you'd never take a four-hour power nap before bed. It absolutely will interrupt your sleep. And so, you're very lucid. You're very clear headed. You've got great positive energy, but you really want to sleep. So, we tell people, after 7:00 at night, don't do NuCalm unless you want to have an incredibly productive, lonely evening.

[01:05:01]Luke Storey:  Right. Yeah. Okay. Well, I'm learning. Okay. So, that's the desk. And tell me about the tracks. And then, also, there are new tracks, which I'm grateful for, because it's, I guess, like you said, it's been about a year since I first met you, I got this thing. The other ones I listen to so much that it's not like they bother me because I just lose it anyway and you go into that deep state, but I was really refreshed to hear some new ones. So, thank you.

[01:05:29]Jim Poole:  And there's a lot of them.

[01:05:30]Luke Storey:  Yeah. So thank you for doing that.

[01:05:32]Jim Poole:  So, there's also an eye mask. Eye mask is simple. Disk and eye mask help with the relaxation response. Most of the method of action of NuCalm lies within $5 million of patented physics, mathematics, and algorithms as we are pacing and slowing down your brainwave function. So, today, you wake up, and you're a little slow in your brain, and you have a cup of coffee. What does that cup of coffee do? It increases the oscillations of your brainwave. So, maybe from 14 hertz to 17 hertz, focus is 15 hertz. Alright. So, my brainwave is going faster. Well, we're doing a NuCalm as a Herculean challenge, because in the daytime, we're taking your brain down into Alpha and Theta.

[01:06:15] So, we are using very, very advanced, patented physics to present the brain with a pattern like a NASCAR pace car. Okay. So, in this amalgamation of amazing mathematics, there are several elements because the brain is so sophisticated and we're going to trick your brain not just once, but for the rest of your life. You do NuCalm every day and you're never going to build resistance to it. So, in here, we're using binaural signal processing, a little bit more sophisticated than a binaural beat. But we're using the physics associated with, how do we present the brain with a beat that your ears can't hear?

[01:06:51]Luke Storey:  So, is that because of the left and right hemisphere because you're listening to it in stereo and it creates a coherence between the left and right?

[01:07:00]Jim Poole:  Actually, it's a lack of coherence. Yeah. So, the caudate nucleus in the midbrain is processing information from the auditory motor cortex. So, your ears don't hear. They bring the signal to your brain. Your eyes don't see. They bring the signal to your brain. The visual cortex is interpreting the information. Okay. So, for the brain, the caudate nucleus is the center point there.

[01:07:20] If I present, for the sake of simplicity, if Alpha brainwave function is 12 hertz to 8 hertz, and I want to present your brain with 12 hertz, I will put 512 hertz in your left ear, 500 hertz in the right ear. So, when it reaches its target, the caudate nucleus, that dissonance, the brain won't accept. So, this is discovered by a German scientist in 1839. The brain naturally subtracts the difference and you're left with the difference, which is 12 hertz.

[01:07:47]Luke Storey:  Oh, that's crazy.

[01:07:49]Jim Poole:  That's binaural beat and binaural signal processing. Absolutely fascinating. Again, the body's a compensatory ecosystem. It's amazing what the brain will do. So, we use binaural signal processing to get a certain beat to your brain that your ears can't hear. We also have a pitch and frequency mathematical matrix. So, say at minute one, it might be 12.5-hertz-frequency and the pitch might be 161. That whole mathematics is throughout the entire track.

[01:08:18] Now, the complexity and why NuCalm is so powerful, and patented, and unique, and valid, and we've served millions of people in the last seven years is that the brain, central nervous system has a little tool called the reticular activating system. That governs all stimulation to your brain. And the reticular activating system has two primary functions, pattern recognition and shortcuts. So, when you listen to a 99-cent binaural beat track or you go to the Holosync in Monroe Institute and you pick a focus track, the first time you listen to it, it's amazing. 

[01:08:57] The second time you listen to it, it's good. The third time you listen to it, it's fair. The fourth time you listen to it, it has no impact because the reticular activating system has figured out the pattern. So, what we've done and why this is so complicated is there is a nonlinear, constant oscillating algorithm perpetually moving your brainwave and perpetually moving your reticular operating system to figure out the pattern, but it's always moving. So, people say, well, my mind wanders in NuCalm. 

[01:09:30] We say, that's a manifestation of the mathematics. We can do a lot with NuCalm. I'm very proud of what we can do, managing the human brain is a really big task, but we can't clear your brain of thoughts. We're not that powerful. So, what we do is say, hey, let's liberate monkey mind to go on a non-linear journey while it tries to figure out this pattern and plays in the kids table while the adult body gets to restore. That's what we're doing. Monkey mind, go on that journey. I don't know what the journey holds.

[01:10:00] It could be linear stuff for a minute. It could be to-do lists. It could be love, could be whatever. But over here, we want to suspend the body in a place of homeostasis and balance, and being in the quantum field of theta brainwave function. So, the complexity of what we've created cannot be overstated. I mean, it's absolutely amazing. And if you look at one single track, one track of NuCalm is almost one gigabyte of information. We're forcing your brain to process.

[01:10:25]Luke Storey:  I remember that. With the old version, I have to download, I'd click download, and be like, it's ready in an-hour-and-a-half or something. The download take forever.

[01:10:34]Jim Poole:  It's not music. It's neuroacoustic software underneath a beautiful soundscape. So, five-and-a-half years ago, we started working with Dan Selene, who's an exceptionally gifted genius in music production. He also has a medical hypnosis background, programming, he understands a lot about the brain. Great partner for us. So, we have a quantum physicist building physics, and now, we have a brilliant person in the same kind of mind frame doing the music on top of our physics.

[01:11:03] Now, if you listen just to the physics, you would have a highly agitated NuCalm experience because it would sound like this, [making sound] , and not fun. So, we lower the decibels of the physics. And then, Dan, using the mathematical matrix, at minute one, Dan, it's 13.5 hertz and 161. At minute three, it's 8.5 hertz. That whole matrix is built to where we compose the music. Then, if that wasn't enough, because that's already like neurosurgery, that's why it takes us so long to build the tracks, we also use the ancient solfeggio music scale, which is synonymous with the golden mean in the mathematics of the universe. 

[01:11:42] Pretty cool. So, you're right. You haven't heard a lot of what we do because we're playing in the 528 hertz miracle tone. We're playing in the 432 hertz healing tone. We're away from conventional frequencies that the human ear has grown accustomed to. So, we're using all these different mechanisms to trick, and create a resonance and a vibrational pattern for the brain to follow. And one of the cool ancillary benefits of the nonlinear-oscillating algorithm that's constantly tricking your brain is because your brain and your central nervous system, I wouldn't say is ego-driven, but it's very powerful.

[01:12:16] You've seen it through pattern recognition in your life and your behavioral pattern. Well, we can commandeer all of its resources because it really wants to figure out that pattern. So, the reason you slip in so strong into NuCalm and you notice this between power nap, and power nap 2, and then deep recovery, we were furthering our strength. We were literally coming up to you and grabbing you like the creature from the Black Lagoon and taking you deep. 

[01:12:41] And you're like, wow, this is noticeably more powerful because we were going reverse. Let's go back in time. Let's study the neuroscience of the vibrational patterns of ancient instrumentation. And what do we learn? These folks were onto something. They were doing harmonic oscillation, tuning fork resonance and vibrational patterns for healing. So, if we can tune them to 528 hertz, put them in the mathematical scale subliminally add a singing bowl, a tuning fork, the tambura instrumentation out of India, that's what we've done.

[01:13:19] So, we already have the most sophisticated patented physics underlying this, and we've had that physics for years, and it's worked like a charm, but we're not satisfied, so we're building, and building, and building to the recipe. So, 1,675 days ago, we began the quest to get away from a classroom medical device that cost $4,695 and truly achieve our vision of liberating people from stress and for sleep without drugs. 

[01:13:47] That quest led us down two paths. The invention of the biosignal processing disk that allowed the frequency and the harmonics to the brain, and further building out this catalog. So, when we launched the new app on September 15th of this year, we doubled the amount of neuroacoustic software we previously delivered to the world, doubled. So, Dan and his oompa loompas back in the factory were working very, very hard. It's incredible, what we've pulled off.

[01:14:15]Luke Storey:  So, how many tracks are there in the new software?

[01:14:18]Jim Poole:  There's over 12 hours of unique tracks back there. They used to be only 5.67.

[01:14:24]Luke Storey:  You know what's weird about it, too, and I guess it's like, you just explained that it's built that way, but even if in one of the tracks, there's a signature piece of music, there's one little hook, that's on a sitar, guitar, whatever it is, and you're like, oh, yeah, I remember this part, I can never, and I'm a musician, too, I mean, you show me a song, I'm going to learn the song, and remember the song, and play it over and over again, did it for 15 years, maybe not that well, but I did. I mean, I wouldn't be sitting here if I did it great, right? I'd be off on stage playing a song somewhere. But seriously, I'm pretty good at memorizing music. And I'll try to kind of, I don't count bars, but I'm like, right about now, that thing is going to come in, and I'm always wrong. I can never memorize the NuCalm tracks.

[01:15:10]Jim Poole:  You're in the quantum field. There's no way. 

[01:15:13]Luke Storey:  So weird. You couldn't learn one of those songs. It's impossible to learn.

[01:15:18]Jim Poole:  It's impossible.

[01:15:19]Luke Storey:  It's so weird. There's no music that's like that. Every music can be learned, it seems to me.

[01:15:24]Jim Poole:  Well, what's interesting is, and you've mentioned this, if we were to create melodies that your brain connects to, we keep your monkey mind engaged. We cannot engage monkey mind. Monkey mind is at the kid's table, go work with crayons, monkey mind, we're going to heal the body. So, that element is exceptionally powerful. So, we do small hooks, and then we think, hey, your brain kind of deductively reasons we're going to go there. No, we don't, we switch or we bring in environmental sounds. Every piece is meticulously designed for that purpose at that time. If we want you in 5.5 deep Theta, we're going to keep making it, the recipe work to keep you in that space.

[01:16:12]Luke Storey:  And is it just me or at the end of a track, are there better frequencies that bring you out of it and wakes you up because I feel like-

[01:16:23]Jim Poole:  It's not just you, it's absolutely always the case.

[01:16:25]Luke Storey:  Okay, because I start sensing when it's over even though I'm completely out of time space. I'm not checking my watch or looking at my phone to see how far I am in the track. My brain starts go, ding, ding, ding. It hears certain tones and it just kind of knows like, oh, we're coming to the end, and then sure enough, the track ends. It's really weird.

[01:16:41]Jim Poole:  You'd kind of become more self-aware of your environment. I wouldn't say you're waking up because you weren't sleeping, but you were hovering in that quantum field of Theta brainwave function dissociated. So, in the 50-minute master tracks, say rescue 50 minutes, we can't just take you into Theta. Your central nervous system would not appreciate that whatsoever. So, there's what we call the departure lounge. We're tricking your brain for the first several minutes, and you're not really going anywhere.

[01:17:10] And you'd feel this all the time. And then, when we start to say, okay, we think you're ready, we've relinquished that locus of control, we think we're ready to take you into the healing zone, you feel your body like you're going down an elevator and up. Okay. So, it takes us a while to get you down there, then you're down there in Theta for about 30 to 35 minutes. And then, the last four minutes of every track we've ever created, we're bringing the frequency back up to 13 hertz because we don't want you, first of all, not to reach the natural endpoint, but if you don't and you're still going, we don't want you to fall asleep.

[01:17:46] NuCalm isn't about sleep. NuCalm is about being in the healing zone just above deep sleep. But we don't want you coming out groggy. We want you coming out focused, refreshed, and feeling like you had the best night's sleep of your life even if it's just a NuCalm for 25 minutes. So, everything, we could talk for hours about the meticulous design of what we've created because we've had to reverse-engineer everything, and do all the patents and all the regulatory, it's absolutely mind-boggling, what's been accomplished, which makes me think, this isn't really manmade.

[01:18:17] Blake may not be human. It's just, there's a divine intervention to everything that's worked. But the big picture here on the science side is this is proven, patented clinical neuroscience. And the reasons predictable over time is that it's not up to you, we're simply using biochemistry and physics to manage your brain. And the beauty of it, Luke, is we can go from stage four cancer, some of the most fear, high-cortisol profile on the planet, we can go to a period of war veteran who saw trauma he can't reconcile, and it's just out of their mind, and it doesn't matter who you are, from a monk to someone egregiously ill, you go to the same place. 

[01:19:06] And we could look at acute EG, we can look at EEG, we can look at heart rate variability, doesn't matter what we look at, you're all going to the same place, because if the brain and body only communicate to pathways, chemical messaging and electrical messaging, and NuCalm commandeers both pathways, there's no escape route. We know exactly what's happening to you when it's happening. The only difference is what your mental journey is. 

[01:19:31] That's it. The body's doing exactly what it's supposed to do. It's hovering in parasympathetic dominance and it is healing by synchronizing your heart with your lungs, slowing down your respiration to one breath every 10 seconds, which is also synonymous with the golden mean in the mathematics of the universe, and you're breathing six breaths a minute while we fully oxygenate your entire body and mind, and that's the healing property.

[01:19:55]Luke Storey:  So, this is creating a heart-mind coherence, which brings me to my next question, and that is, I figured if I told you this or not, but Tony Robbins is a big proponent of NuCalm, Roger Waters of Pink Floyd fame, you've got high-level Special Ops, military people, professional athletes, really high-performing people and many well-known people, right?

[01:20:20]Jim Poole:  Yes.

[01:20:21]Luke Storey:  There has to be some connection here with Joe Dispenza because I love Joe Dispenza's meditations and his events. I went to his event a few months ago, phenomenal. And when I interviewed him, I said, hey, Joe, I'm doing this thing with your meditations, which are really cool and the music's beautiful, great soundscapes, I don't know if you ever heard them, but I said, and I just got lazy and I stopped doing this, but I said, I have this thing, NuCalm, Joe.

[01:20:42] And I said, what I'll do is I'll put the NuCalm in some earbuds, and then I put your meditations on over it in my earphones because the guiding that he does is fantastic and it really takes you into that quantum space, and it's amazing. And I said, I just double them up. And I'm pretty lucky, most of the time, they'll be kind of in tune. It's not like [making sound] it's not a half-step off of key, it's a harmonic or in unison. Even sometimes, I'll hit it and it's kind of the same key, [making sound] it's all in there.

[01:21:14] And I told him that, and it was just a brief interview, so I didn't have time to really dive deep, but he was like, that's really fascinating wow. And I said, yeah, I'm not doing a justice to explain it, but I said, man, if you could hook up with the NuCalm guys, and somehow partner, and infuse your meditations with that, you're on another level, because already, his teachings are going there. Have you ever talked to him or?

[01:21:34]Jim Poole:  Make the connection because we have a longstanding relationship with Brother Craig Marshall, the monk who was a monk for 35 years and was both George Harrison and Steve Job's personal confidant, taught the Beatles how to meditate.

[01:21:47]Luke Storey:  Got it.

[01:21:48]Jim Poole:  He's doing voiceovers for us in meditation now.

[01:21:51]Luke Storey:  Oh, cool.

[01:21:51]Jim Poole:  You've heard it in the ignite with Tony, taking a voiceover and going down a meditative path while using physics and mathematics to create a permeable brain. We are going to imprint the meditation to your soul when it's a very, very powerful. The word choices are really important, the inflexion is important. That's what we're doing now. We're in collaboration now with Brother Craig Marshall to do that.

[01:22:23]Luke Storey:  There you go.

[01:22:24]Jim Poole:  But we'd love more voices and more ideas. So, introduce me to Joe, let's do it.

[01:22:31]Luke Storey:  Okay. Noted. Noted. Yeah, because his curiosity was piqued. I think he was like, well, my music's great already. I'm like, it is, but this isn't music, I was trying to explain it.

[01:22:40]Jim Poole:  This isn't music. So, if one thing your audience takes away from this, this is not music. Music is a carrier because we want the experience to be nice. 

[01:22:50]Luke Storey:  So that it's not just [making sounds] .

[01:22:51]Jim Poole:  Exactly. This is algorithms, physics, mathematics designed to trick the most sophisticated organ in the history of the planet, your brain. This is now music. Now, the music we're doing and the vibrational stuff we're adding, we're adding strength to the physics because it's all about vibration and resonance, but we are so far beyond anything that's out there in the market. 

[01:23:12] And this first mover advantage, because we're not inherently lazy, we're not ego-driven, and we're never satisfied, we're constantly building. You see every track we come out with is like, whoa, okay, this is better, this is better. And it's just perpetual, continuous improvement. That's where we're headed. So, get on the train now because we're growing, and growing, and growing.

[01:23:31]Luke Storey:  So, speaking of growing, as I said when we did the interview before, I think we maybe mentioned the price of NuCalm at the end. I mean, no idea, but if we did, it wasn't like, hey, welcome to the show, so this thing's five grand. We didn't lead with that. I want to educate people about all things neuroscience, and mindfulness, and restorative rest, and all this stuff. And then, at the end, I think we mentioned it, or it was in the show notes, or something, and I got messages from a lot of people and it was right as COVID hit, people are getting laid off, and quite a few people were like, this is awesome, but dude, seriously, like, who can afford this?

[01:24:05] And so, I thought, yeah, that's true. It kind of sucks if you don't have a lot of cash,. Like you can't do this, and you're not Special Ops, or Tony Robbins, or whomever. So, break down, even for me, I'm not even totally clear on it, the new subscription model, which is exponentially more affordable, because after this conversation, a lot of people are going to be like, dude, I want it, it's such a no brainer whether you're a long-time meditator or not. And as I said, it's added so much to my life. I'm super excited that now I have something I can like promote and recommend to people that isn't impossible for the vast majority of people.

[01:24:40]Jim Poole:  NuCalm is a no-brainer. Let me just reinforce that. Nutrition is a no-brainer. Exercise is a no-brainer. Sense of community and love is a no-brainer. Stress management in your life is a no-brainer. Whether you choose meditation, mindfulness practices or technology like NuCalm, it's a no-brainer. At $4695, there's a lot of brainpower involved in that buying decision, and it took us 1,675 days, very methodical. I know this because I love data, and I'm like, wow, this has been a long journey for us. 

[01:25:12] When this comes to market, this subscription model is very, very simple to understand, $39.99 gets you one month access to full access to the app, every part of the app, all the tracks. It gets you 10 NuCalm pro disks, the NuCalm pro disks retail for $4 apiece. So, for $40, you get $40 in tangible goods. You get this starter package that comes in this neoprene bag, and in there is a premium eye mask, and the 10 disks.

[01:25:44]Luke Storey:  The eye mask is badass by the way. I've tried a lot of eye masks, and even the Mindfold, when I found the Mindfold, I was like, this is amazing, but it scratches your face. It actually is annoying, sorry, Mindfold, you had me there for a minute, but it wasn't soft enough, I'm a big baby. Anyway, I just want to bunch those masks too. They're badass.

[01:26:01]Jim Poole:  I mean, for 11 years, we've traveled the Earth taking care of people. We've heard a lot of commentary. So, we've become experts in headphones. We've become experts in eye masks. So, you get the eye masks, you get the 10 NuCalm pro disks and you get access to the NuCalm for $39.99. It brings you into the NuCalm family. There's no contract, there's no obligation. You do it, you like it, great. If you want to do more than 10 NuCalm sessions in a month, you can buy disks a la carte, okay, or you can do $59.99 a month, voila, 20 NuCalm pro disks, or you can go to the higher level and do $69.99 Cents a month that gets you 30 NuCalm pro disks.

[01:26:44] So, for $69.99 a month, you get full access to the app, all the neuroacoustic software. Okay. You get the eye masks, the starter kit, and you get $120 in tangible product of the disks. So, we've made this very easy. You've got the 10, the 20, the 30. $39.99, $59.99, $69.99. No obligation. You're in, you try NuCalm, you like it, you adopt it. You're in, you try NuCalm, you don't like it, maybe hand it off to your spouse or your children, right? Everybody could benefit from some mindfulness. 

[01:27:19] So, we've made this exceptionally easy. I have a tremendous amount of enthusiasm, excitement, and pride in having done this because it is not easy to take a complicated neuroscience platform and make it brutally easy for the consumer to use. The app, as you've seen, we've restructured, there's no choice anymore. You simply pick whatever journey you want. There's reboot, recharge, and rescue. It has the icons in there with their four, energy, focus, stress management, sleep. And, then you pick the time, hey, I got 30 minutes. Okay. We'll take care of you.

[01:27:53]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I'm stoked, dude, because like I said, it's much more accessible for people. Even if they do the $39.99, it's like I'm thinking, cancel Netflix.

[01:28:04]Jim Poole:  I drink coffee, you drink coffee, right? 

[01:28:07]Luke Storey:  I mean, I would be embarrassed to tell you the shit that I spend $40 a month on, like sometimes, it's a steak. And I understand a lot of people just lost their jobs, and I'm not trying to make light of the fact that some people can't eat a 40-dollar steak, but I don't even watch my money that well as well as I'd like to, and I'm like, if I was making way less money, I would easily sacrifice a couple of those things.

[01:28:31]Jim Poole:  $40 a month is going to change your life, Luke. 

[01:28:33]Luke Storey:  Thing is you've got to try it, that's the thing. And so, I'm glad there's not like your card gets recharged and you can't get out of it or some weird shit like that. It sounds very ethical.

[01:28:42]Jim Poole:  We are here to take care of people. We are here to manage your stress without drugs, not give you stress as business development for our product. We've always been transparent. We've always been very methodical. It's taken us 19 years and $24 million to get to this point. That's a lot of patience. That's a lot of use of NuCalm. We've never cut corners. And when we do something, we do it right, because if you tell the truth, you never have to remember anything.

[01:29:10] It's a great Mark Twain quote. Okay. Let's just do it right. So then, I don't wake up at 3:00 in the morning when I go pee and perseverate over things or people that are upset with me, because what are you going to be upset about? We're doing our best. We're working really hard to take care of people. And we drove the price down to $480 from $4675, and we're very, very excited to bring this to the market.

[01:29:32]Luke Storey:  Well, I'm happy for you as well as the customer, because I can imagine as someone who's marketing a product that isn't some big tangible thing, when you're talking about $4600, I mean, I want to see like the AmpCoil, the NanoVi, the BioCharger, a sauna, a hyperbaric chamber. It's like you want to see something big that's tangible, like, oh, okay, I see why this cost this much because I have this big gadget. But with NuCalm, I mean, I knew because I was using it, but other people, I'm assuming, were like, what, you get a little packet of stickers and access to an app for four grand? Like it's tough buying it unless you've tried it, and you're like, oh, okay, now, I get it, right? So, I feel sorry for you. I'm sorry that you had to go through that phase.

[01:30:13]Jim Poole:  If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger.

[01:30:16]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I mean, if you're doing the conferences and stuff, and people can experience something, then they're like, oh, my God, I feel amazing. I don't care how much it is. 

[01:30:24]Jim Poole:  But even then, we've had at least 50,000 people try it, love it, and just couldn't afford it. And we always knew, we have to get here, we will get here, and we've done it, we're here.

[01:30:35]Luke Storey:  And so, in the initial phases, you guys had an actual device and you had this Gaba cream, right? And so, there were like bits and pieces. 

[01:30:45]Jim Poole:  We had a stimulation device. We had neural patches. And we had all this stuff, and it was clumsy, and it's amazing how quickly humans are to find shortcuts, not to take care of themselves. I'm like, oh, the batteries ran out, or, oh, I ran out of patches, and make something difficult. Would you like to go learn to meditate like a monk or do you want to do NuCalm? Give us 20 minutes, we're going to take care of your life. It's worth the investment. But people are amazing. They always find shortcuts, so they'll find excuses.

[01:31:10]Luke Storey:  Admittedly, people send me stuff to try out and some of it's really cool, but if it's too hard to use, then my compliance fades after a couple of months. I'm like, uh, I got to go get the thing, and put on all the different parts, and gadgets, and straps. Like I like this thing. This is the Apollo. I don't know if I told you about this. This thing's freaking amazing. Yeah. I'll tell you about it after the Apollo. Basically, this PhD neuroscientist and psychiatrist, Dr. David Rabin, spent about six years, I think, doing clinical studies with different levels of vibration, different frequencies of vibration, and this has a menu kind of like you all's app, and you pick open and social, focus, sleep, whatever, and then as crazy as it sounds, kind of like NuCalm. Might sound crazy, because some people, you listen to shit that makes you meditate, yeah. You put this thing on, and it makes you happy and sociable or makes you focused. It's crazy.

[01:32:07]Jim Poole:  It's all frequency.

[01:32:08]Luke Storey:  Yeah, it's so badass.

[01:32:10]Jim Poole:  Focus is 15 hertz. 

[01:32:11]Luke Storey:  And this, I can use everyday because it's easy. Like I turn the Bluetooth off when I use it, so I have to go put it in the charger to reactivate the Bluetooth because I don't want Bluetooth on my wrist and they were smart enough to build it in a way where you could disable it. But it has to be easy like this. Put on a wristband, click, go on an app, put on some headphones, click, go on an app.

[01:32:30] Put a sticker on. Like if it's not easy, people just won't keep doing it. And I do this shit basically for a living and even I grow bored of things that are too complex. Same with BioCharger, super cool, take your recipe, sit on your ass, and it does its thing, you know what I mean? Whereas, getting in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, you got levers, zippers, pressure, all kinds of things.

[01:32:53]Jim Poole:  Get in a flow tank.

[01:32:54]Luke Storey:  Yeah, you've got to be super committed to use some of these biohacks. So, I'm stoked for you guys. I'm stoked to share what you're doing again. And I feel grateful to be able to do my part to try stuff out. When I find shit that works, share it with people. 

[01:33:08]Jim Poole:  That's probably the most rewarding aspect of what we do, take care of people.

[01:33:11]Luke Storey:  Right? Isn't it cool when you get DMs from people, like, oh, my God, this changed my life, and I always think, what? I don't even remember that. Okay.

[01:33:17]Jim Poole:  It's amazing.

[01:33:18]Luke Storey:  Some episode, or some supplemental device, or philosophy, or whatever it was.

[01:33:25]Jim Poole:  Every little bit helps, especially if it's in the positive side of the equation of our planet.

[01:33:30]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[01:33:31]Jim Poole:  Yeah. So, that's what we're here to do.

[01:33:33]Luke Storey:  Sweet. Well, is there anything else? Did we miss anything? 

[01:33:36]Jim Poole:  I don't believe so.

[01:33:37]Luke Storey:  Okay. Cool. And I'll put the links and all that stuff in the show notes. And when I record the intro later, I'll tell people where to go. But other than that, where can we find you on social media, website?

[01:33:49]Jim Poole:  Www.nucalm, N-U-C-A-L-M, .com.

[01:33:54]Luke Storey:  Okay. Cool. And NuCalm Performance on Instagram. And those of you watching on Instagram, I think it's probably tagged on there right now. By the way, while we're at it, folks, follow me on Instagram @LukeStorey, and you could have been one of the people watching this interview live in the flesh.

[01:34:09]Jim Poole:  You missed out.

[01:34:10]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I like it when the dog does summer, there are leaf blowers, I like when shit goes wrong in an interview, because then I'm like, see, you guys got the raw behind the scenes. Today was actually fairly professional. So, I think that's it, dude. Oh, no, it's not. I'm going to ask you again because I feel like I do ask people that have come on more than once, who are three teachers that have influenced your life?

[01:34:30]Jim Poole:  Teachers, Bonnie Strickland, psychology professor, University of Massachusetts, Tom Marks, wrestling coach, high school, and my three girls. You can learn a lot from the naivety of a child.

[01:34:44]Luke Storey:  Yeah. How old are your girls?

[01:34:46]Jim Poole:  Eighteen, 16 and 13.

[01:34:48]Luke Storey:  Oh, okay. They're grownup.

[01:34:49]Jim Poole:  Three young women.

[01:34:50]Luke Storey:  They're grownup. Damn.

[01:34:51]Jim Poole:  It is. It's amazing.

[01:34:52]Luke Storey:  And you're married, what, 27 years? 

[01:34:54]Jim Poole:  Yeah.

[01:34:55]Luke Storey:  Wow. So, you got four women in the house.

[01:34:57]Jim Poole:  Yeah.

[01:34:58]Luke Storey:  Wow. No wonder you have high empathy. Yeah. Well, going back to what you said about your mom, right?

[01:35:05]Jim Poole:  Yeah. 

[01:35:06]Luke Storey:  You got to have that. I thank God I was raised primarily by my mom because it helped me be able to relate in that way.

[01:35:12]Jim Poole:  It's been amazing.

[01:35:13]Luke Storey:  You're feeling centered person. 

[01:35:14]Jim Poole:  Yeah, raising girls is amazing. Women are so complicated. It's just mind-boggling to me. They can complicate everything. It's amazing. Sitting at the dinner table, I'm like, what is going on here? It's just not that difficult, but men are simple. You got that, everybody? Men are simple. What you think we think is what we think.

[01:35:32]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Well, what did you mean by that, Jim? What I said.

[01:35:36]Jim Poole:  Yeah, it's not that difficult.

[01:35:37]Luke Storey:  Oh, good stuff, man. Alright, dude. Well, thanks for coming by. I'm so glad we got to do another one in person. With the COVID drama, man, it was a drag having to go back to Zoom. I felt like a newbie again. I had to do Zoom in the beginning when I couldn't get someone to come over because they didn't know who the hell I was. So, I've got kind of spoiled, and I'm glad that you're able to make some time.

[01:35:56]Jim Poole:  A little humility never hurts anybody, a little pattern reset.

[01:36:00]Luke Storey:  Well, it's funny. Some of my top interviews in terms of downloads and popularity have been ones that I did on Zoom because it was a fire conversation and the guest was intriguing. Bruce Lipton, I think, is still my number one download, and that one was on, I was did it on Skype at the time, actually, and it was horrific because my internet kept going out, and it was so embarrassing. I was like, I'm so sorry, Bruce, or Dr. Lipton, I'm so sorry. Hang on. And I have to have him start over. And he was so gracious and patient. I thought, man, this dude really walks the walk. He's the real deal because he was so cool to me and we still salvaged my number one episode.

[01:36:36]Jim Poole:  Awesome.

[01:36:37]Luke Storey:  But I just like when I get to know people and hang out, so thanks for coming by.

[01:36:40]Jim Poole:  My pleasure.

[01:36:41]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[01:36:41]Jim Poole:  You're the man. 

[01:36:42]Luke Storey:  Thanks, dude.

[01:36:42]Jim Poole:  Okay. Be well.



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