381. Super Learning, Memory Gains, Remote Viewing & Manifestation W/ Dr. Patrick Porter of BrainTap

Dr. Patrick Porter

November 30, 2021

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Brain expert and health tech entrepreneur, Dr. Patrick Porter, unpacks his ever-evolving journey in neuroscience and explains how BrainTap Technologies helps restore the brain’s natural balance.

Dr. Patrick K. Porter, PhD, is an award-winning author/speaker and the founder of BrainTap®, the leader in technology-enhanced meditation. Dr. Porter pioneered the use of brainwave entrainment to improve clarity, sleep & energy, and remains at the forefront of scientific research. He founded BrainTap with the goal of making this technology accessible to everyone. BrainTap offers over 1000 original audio sessions in 12 languages and serves a worldwide user base with its mobile app and headset. Dr. Porter has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, People, Entrepreneur, INC and on ABC, NBC, CBS as an expert in brain health & wellness, and in 2020, Dr. Porter received the IAFNR lifetime achievement award. 

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

This week’s guest, Dr. Patrick Porter, is an award-winning hero in the field of brain training and a dream guest that’s been on my list for years now. 

Prepare to be bowled over by this rare human who has been manipulating his brain waves since the age of twelve. Fast-forward to today, by way of some out-of-this-world encounters, entrepreneurial triumphs, and divine interventions, he’s created BrainTap Technologies, a global leader in self-improvement.

Dr. Porter relays his long and winding journey into neuroscience, spirituality, and research as a pioneer in brain health (back when the topic was pushed to the peripheral edge of scientific interest). Dr. Porter has seen and done it all, from Remote Viewing at The Monroe Institute, to hypnosis, psychedelics, kundalini yoga, breathwork, and more. 

Somehow, he has managed to distill his wealth of knowledge into the BrainTap device that’s been wrapped around my head since the day we spoke. Try it – your brain will thank you for it. 

07:55 — Training the Brain 

01:07:00 - Hypnosis and BrainTap 

  • Using NLP
  • How BrainTap helps you find your own genius 
  • BrainTap’s unique take on affirmations and their effect
  • Seeing beyond what’s in front of you
  • Why I use Braintap after a workout 

01:01:29 — The Science Behind BrainTap 

  • Converting energy through eyes 
  • The frequency and information found in light 
  • Why pain is optional 
  • Teachings from Stuart Wilde 
  • The power of mixing up your meditation routine 
  • Explaining binaural beats
  • Are these technologies invasive? 

More about this episode.

Watch on YouTube.

Luke Storey: [00:00:02]I'm Luke Storey. For the past 22 years, I've been relentlessly committed to mydeepest passion, designing the ultimate lifestyle based on the most powerfulprinciples of spirituality, health, psychology. TheLife Stylist podcast is a show dedicated to sharing my discoveries and theexperts behind them with you. Patrick Porter, here we go, dude.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:00:27]Alright. Let's rock.

Luke Storey: [00:00:28]Man, it's been a wild weekend for us. We had the Mastermind with the BrainTapcrew and the Modern Nirvana event. I feel like I have not stopped running thewhole time since you've been here.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:00:39]Yeah, our staff was talking, this was probably the most amazing three days, andnow, this is the coup de gras, doing this here, so here we go.

Luke Storey: [00:00:49]It's a long time coming. You've been someone that's been on my list. I have amaster document of people that I want to interview, and you've been on therefor a number of years, and I'm just like waiting until I run into in person, soI don't have to be relegated to a computer screen to do it. So, I'm reallystoked to talk to you. So, I want to start by asking you, what's the mostexciting thing going on in your life right now?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:01:10]Well, right now, just that it's the era of the brain, man. I've been doing thisfor so many years and feeling like I was at another planet, and now, it seemslike I've shifted to the right planet at the right time, and people arerecognizing how brain fitness and energy are so important. And it's not abizarre—when you're talking with the medical world that I am, they always thinkthat's weird when you talk about energy in the brain, most people think thebrain isn't something that can change. Now, we know it can, and it just seemslike I should have been born now, but somebody had to lay the groundwork. Andluckily, we were part of that team that did it, not the full team, but we'repart of that equation.

Luke Storey: [00:01:46]So, do you feel partly vindicated?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:01:50]Oh, yeah. Most people would have quit a long time ago, because one thing youfind if you're the first, like we were when we invented the first light andsound machine, just like the guy that goes out as a scout, you're going to havethe arrows in your back, and a lot of people are going to try to tell you,that's BS. And when we first started, there was no way to measure it. Now withthe biohacking world, now, we know we can, we can even do it ourselves. Ofcourse, the clinical solutions were there before the ones we can use forourselves. But to me, it's like I've been saying it, been feeling it, but noteverybody can feel energy.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:02:25]So, they have the experience, and they go, oh, yeah, that was nice, I took anap, or it made me stop smoking, or lose weight, or whatever, but I'm not goingto do that the rest of my life. They don't think in terms of evolution, theythink in terms of a change, like I want this change, but the reality is thatit's a lifetime experience. It's not a one time thing. And that's why even likethe name of your podcast, it's a lifestyle, it's not like, oh, I'm going to godo this today, and that's it. I always look for things that are sustainable,that will improve the quality of my life, that it's something I want to do forthe rest of my life.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:03:00]It's not like when all the things I do every day, people might think I'm crazy,but the reality is that they've been tested, we can do it. In today, in ourenvironment, it's the most wonderful time to be alive if everything else wouldjust leave us alone, right? So, the key, I think, is that people are nowknowing what intuitives actually feel, because at first, I didn't even know Iwas very intuitive. But now, looking back at it, when you start inventingthings or creating things, that's from that intuitive space.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:03:33]Before, I thought it was real technical in doing that, but then when youmeditate and you do those kind of things, you're kind of using bothhemispheres. And I've really developed my intuition over the years and I thinkthat's what's really doing it. And I knew inside, there's been a lot of people,especially because I've come from the world of psychology, so a lot of myfriends when I first started, you're going to take us out of a job. I go, atthat time, there were five billion people, and I said, we can't get to themall. We've got to have technology that's scalable, that we need to change themental awareness of a planet, because we're all focused on the wrong things ora great number of people are still focused on all the wrong things.

Luke Storey: [00:04:12]Absolutely. And what got you started on the journey of brain entrainment in thefirst place?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:04:17]Well, there was a company called The Silva Method and it was a meditationpractice, and my dad was an instructor, and he was a very gifted alcoholic. So,everything could be going great, but he would find a reason to go drink, right?He was an addict, right? And he couldn't get help. AA didn't work for him. Andwe now know that standing up and affirming you're an alcoholic might help somepeople.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:04:41]They have a 2% success rate, so I mean, 2% of the people, it works for, theother 98% struggle, they go back. So, they need to find a lifestyle, really.They need to find a way of living. And the church elders, actually, the priestand the nun came to the house, and said, Michael, we want you to attend thisrelaxation seminar we have. And when he went to that seminar, they playedsomething called the Silva sound.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:05:04]It's isochronic tones, but they didn't call it isochronic tones, they justsaid, hey, this is the Silva sound. Now, with research, we knew what it waslater. He sat on the floor, and he got up, and he never drank again, because itchanged his way of—at that moment, he said, I'm relaxed. He thought he couldonly relax through the use of alcohol. And there's a really good book calledFinding Your Perfect High, it's by John Marshall, and before I wrote theprogram for DUIs for the state of Arizona, I used a lot of his material,because it proved that most addicts aren't trying to get high.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:05:38]They're trying to get balanced, and that was my dad. And so, my dad was smartenough to know, hey, I've got nine kids at home, they're going to be just asscrewed up as I am if I don't help them, right? So, we're only as smart as thenewest information we have available to us, so my dad started teaching us, andthen for years, we would help set up the chairs, be in the seminars. I'dprobably done the Silva seminar a thousand times.

Luke Storey: [00:06:03]Wow. Is that something that still carries on today?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:06:06]Oh, yeah, millions of people are doing the Silva method. My dad was fortunatewhen Jose was still around, he studied with him here in Laredo, Texas. That'swhere it started. And one thing that I find is it's kind of like one of theprinciples of AA, right? Once you get help, you go help other people, and mydad thought, this is what I'm going to do the rest of my life. And everybodythought he was crazy, too, and there were a lot of struggles doing that, but mymother was a very successful beautician, and we had a 12-station beauty salon,made a lot of money, so my dad didn't have to struggle with money.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:06:37]He was able to follow his new passion, which was helping people, went back toschool, got a PhD, and then I was never going to do this, this was not going tobe my career path, because when you grow up and you hear your every four letterword but love, and then he changes, and you don't really believe it as a kid,but then he said, you don't have to do what I'm doing, let's do this forsports.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:07:03]So, I actually created my very first affirmation tape that I woke up to,because I found an alarm clock that would wake up to the sound of a—you couldput a cassette in there. And even to this day, I recommend people don't usealarm clocks, you need to wake up to something that's pleasant, because ournervous system is listening all the time, you don't want to just shock it, orwake up at your own time. 

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:07:24]In Silva, they taught something called sleep and wake control. So, once we gotinto that, and then there's a unique story, maybe we can get into it later, ofhow I found the technology, and that's really what got me on to everything wehave going now. It was a series of happy coincidences that happened, and it wasactually predicted by someone, and a lot of people think that's weird, but I'vehad my first book, I was talking to Alyson this weekend, and I've written abook called Shamanism in the 21st century, because I have a series of spiritualawakenings.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:07:58]I tell people, you don't have to wait until your midlife to have your crisis, Iget mine at 12. So, I always tell people, you don't have to have a breakdown,but you need a breakthrough. So, universe is going to put you on track,whatever you need, and you're not always going to get what you want, but you'regoing to get what you need. And if you're wise enough to understand that, andit's not all, I've been knocked around, kicked around, had to struggle, but Ikept that vision, and now, it's expanded. It used to be, I wanted to help abillion people, and since, we've blown way past that, now, it's a billion.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:08:33]I said, that wasn't big enough, if I could accomplish that in 20 short years,we might as well go big or go home. And I think that this is a way that peopleare looking for solutions that are easy, that get results, and it basicallyhelps. It's something that it doesn't have to be what we do, obviously. Theyhave to find a way to calm down their nervous system, find themselves, and thenshow up. You can't just go all the time.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:09:00]The American way is let's work hard, work through it, and we're going tosucceed, but then what happens is we retire and expire. They're like the salmonswimming upstream, they get their seeds, they fertilize their seeds, they gettheir retirement money, they got their golden parachute, next thing you know,they're pushing up daisies, because they didn't have the future in mind, right?We got to have that future in perspective.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:09:26]And for me, when somebody says, man, because "I've already retiredonce", right? But I'm never going to retire. I mean, there's too manypeople to help, and I love what I do. I still get paid to do fun things. Istill feel like I'm setting up chairs for my dad, because I love seeing peoplejust light up, and realize that the solution's within you. And there's a lot oftools to do that, and I think binaural beats are one of them, because it's beenproven.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:09:53]And it's been around since the 1800s, so it's not something—I wish I inventedit, but it's been around, and I like to tell people, everything you see in theworld is actually an ancient tradition that has been transformed into moderntechnology, because we're still playing out the same roles, the same scenarios,the same archetypes. And who are you playing, you playing the victim or youplaying a superhero? Because if you're playing the victim, you haven't elevatedyour story to get your—you've got to get your superpower, and mine happens tobe what I do.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:10:27]I tried to do other things, by the way. When you become successful, well, I'mgoing to do everything, I'm going to do this other thing and that thing. Andthen, I realized after failing really quick that this is what I do. And so, Ijust stay with it, and I'm like a dog with a bone, this is what I do. And aslong as it has to do with light, sound, and vibration, I'm all in. There's alot of other things that are good, and people can do those, and I'll supportthem, and use them. In our clinic, we use a lot of different technologies thataren't mine, because I think you need more than just one thing.

Luke Storey: [00:10:57]Did any of your other eight siblings pursue similar paths?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:11:01]Oh, yeah. Michael, my brother is still our educational director. He's been thesteady one. What really got us into this, I should back up a little bit, mymother, we lived in Battle Creek, Michigan, which is the very first health foodstore in the world, was there, Dr. Kellogg was there in 1890s. He started doingcolonics, and everybody thought he was crazy, and we had a Seventh DayAdventist hospital there that was all health.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:11:24]You would think it would be in California somewhere, right? But it was inBattle Creek, Michigan, and it was all vegetarian, healthy foods, everythinglike that. So, you had a choice, you could go to Lyla, which was the jabs, thesticks, the pills, or you could go over to the Seventh Day Adventist Hospitaland have a holistic experience. So, when Michael, who is my older brother, andI write about it in one of my books, I've written nine, the one called Awakenthe Genius, I talk about him, that they couldn't start school until he ran lapsaround the classroom. 

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:11:54]And my mother went to a iridologist, where they look at your eyes, and in fact,we're going to a iridology conference here at the end of the month, because Istill support them, because of how they helped my family. And they looked intoeach of our eyes and they told us about our health. It's like, what? This ismagical. So, now, we know that our body's a hologram, but at the time, whatthey told my mom was, get us off sugar, red eyes, everything we know about todaythat this part of, really, the biohacking journey or experience, my motherstarted doing that.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:12:23]In fact, for those that are old enough, I was predicted to replace EuellGibbons, the great medicine commercials, by my friends. In my yearbook, it saysthat, right? Because I eat weird food, I brought my own food, and that wasbecause of my brother, Michael. And he still, to this day, eats very weird,that people would think it was weird, but we would say, he's eating healthy, andhe's two years older than me, and he's still physically fit, and he's in there.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:12:23]And then, we have the rest of them do everything that we're talking about here,but they didn't do it as a profession. At one time, I had six siblings workingfor me when I had a franchise company. I used to have 108 locations around thecountry, and we used to have, it was called positive changes, and we used tohelp people with their personal problems. And it was a counseling center, andwe franchised it, and I sold that in 2002 to pursue other things. 

Luke Storey: [00:13:16]Wow. And what was the work you did in Arizona with the DUI program?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:13:20]When I went into practice there with positive changes, I had to leave at onetime, I was getting married, of course, and so I didn't want to work for my dadanymore. Up to that point, I was working with dad, and so I wanted to work onmy own, and I said, Dad, you can buy me out or I can buy you out, but we can'twork together. It got to a point where I didn't want to just be an employeeanymore, I wanted to be the owner.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:13:48]So, he said, I'll buy you out. So, I had about seven months to go open up aclinic and I didn't have anything to do. And a weird story, I always tellpeople, you've got to do what you need to do now, so you can do what you wantto do then. There's no sacrifice for the work. So, I had savings set aside, andI wasn't making any money, I was walking my son to school, and there was a signin the window of 7-Eleven that said, they had an opening. And I'm 24 years old,and I think, well, I'm not doing anything at night. I'll work and I don't sleepthat much, although I get really good sleep scores, but I don't sleep thatmuch. And usually, six hours is like sleeping in, because I'm doing theBrainTap. I've been doing it since 1986, so never missed a day. So, yournervous system stays peaked.

Luke Storey: [00:14:35]What do your HRV scores look like? I know that you can't really compare applesto apples, because everyone's physiology is unique. I'm just curious, though.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:14:42]Usually, mine is around an 80 to 85%, but if I do a session, then I can get itup to around 100 right afterwards, but that's a halo effect. I'm 60 now. So, asyou age, we've got to—with the biohacking, though, I found that I did two livercleanses before coming out here, it really boosted my scores, and I learnedthat from a doctor group, he was telling me that most people have only 15% oftheir liver working. So, I said, wow, and I had a problem, when I went to thedoctor, he said, there are too many red blood cells, and I said, I have thickblood, so he says, this is what I need to do. So, will know when I get toCalifornia, because that's where I'm going next. I'll get my blood checkedagain and see how it worked out, and things like that.

Luke Storey: [00:15:26]So, 7-Eleven.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:15:27]Yeah. So, 7-Eleven. I go in there and I didn't tell them I was Dr. Porter.Obviously, they wouldn't hire me to work at 7-Eleven, but weird story, I'msitting in there, and I have almost a photographic memory, a didactic memory.And so, when somebody came in to buy beer at night, it was the middle of thenight, guy in a bicycle, he looks like a kid, I asked him for his ID, he showsme his ID. He's old enough. I sell him the beer.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:15:52]The next morning, this was overnight, I only worked at night, so I could workduring the day on other things. And I get a call from 7-Eleven saying, hey, weneed you to come into the center, we have to talk to you. And I'm like, wow,what happened? They see me with the cookie or something, I don't know what'sgoing on. So, I walked out, because it was just around the corner from where wewere living, and I get in there, and they show me this video of me at thecounter, this guy is doing his thing, and they said, do you remember that?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:16:16]And I said, yeah, because it was like only four people in the middle of thenight who came into 7-Eleven. And they said, do you know where he went? And Isaid, yeah, I know exactly where he lives. They go, how do you know that? Isaid, I had to look at his ID, he's over there in Apartment 104. And they said,really? And they went over there, and they got him, he was sitting there, hehad just shot a guy two blocks away, who was the sheriff's son.

Luke Storey: [00:16:36]And you remember because of the memory you have, you looking at the ID?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:16:39]And they didn't know where he was. And so, they tracked him there, and theywent there, and then that's when the guy running 7-Eleven said, who are you?And I said, I'm just Patrick Porter, whatever. And then, there was a guy I wasworking with, that, actually, the first publisher of my book, he heard that Iwas working at 7-Eleven, and he thought, damn, Patrick was really hard up formoney, but something must have really happened, he's hit rock bottom. 

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:17:06]So, I'm filling the cooler, and I hear somebody open, Dr. Porter to the cashregister, I'm like, what? And nobody knew I was Dr. Porter, right? So, I goout, and he goes, what the hell are you doing here? And I said, well, I'mspending money just doing things I can make. But then when I got my firstpaycheck, that was my last paycheck, because I go, what, I worked all thesehours and I got what? It's not worth my time. But it was a good story.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:17:28]I actually got a little pin that I keep still, because I answered all the rightquestions when they sent a secret shopper in. Jerry said to me, he goes, hesaid, I've been looking for you. He says, there's a group over here at theArizona Health Council, Vivian's looking for somebody to write a program basedon AA, but isn't AA, can be accountable for second-time offenders, and they'dlike a meeting with you. So, when I went to meet with them, they said, wow,because I studied with Richard Bandler, and John Grinder, and Tony Robbins,Tony wasn't really a trainer at that time.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:17:59]I did the fire walk for $250. I'll give you an—how long ago that was? But whenI met with Vivian, she said, if you write the program, we'll sell it. So, Iwrote a program, they got the request for proposal, they got $60,000 to writethis program. So, obviously, I didn't have to work at 7-Eleven anymore. Andthen, they let me train the PhDs and social workers to give the program, and Imade $8 every time somebody took the course.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:18:24]So, it was my first taste of reoccurring revenue, right? So, that's been myhistory since then. I always like to say, every day, I make a little bit morethan I did yesterday, because, yeah, the more people you help, the more moneyyou make. So, that got me into it. And then, they used the program for aboutthree years. And then, of course, something new came along. But we alwaysfigured, if you get caught once, maybe that's an accident.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:18:45]I don't believe that. I think the universe was already telling them, hey,you've got to take a look at this issue. But when you get caught twice, drivingdrunk, you probably should look at that. So, it was an intervention seminar. Itactually is the book, Awaken the Genius, if people want to know what it is. Iconverted it to a book, because I was trying to train these social workers andthese psychologists, because they were all stuck on diagnosis. And I said,they're not the diagnosis. Number 1 law of psychology states, you can't be abehavior.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:19:12]So, why are you telling these people they're alcoholics, they're whatever? Theyfunction perfectly, just not the way they want to work. The brain is doingexactly what they programmed it to do, we need to just teach them how toreprogram. And I used to tell people that I'm a software engineer for the humanmind. If your brain isn't working for you, I help you write new programs. It'sreally what's going on.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:19:31]And in one day, they weren't getting it. The program was actually called HiddenSolutions. And I said, I got to wake up you guys as geniuses. We were doing thetraining, and we rolled, and I just did a little mini-NLP seminar, teachingthem each of the techniques, and my wife was in the back, and she said, weshould make this a book. And Jerry was there, the guy that became my firstpublisher, because he was supporting me in this thing, and he says, if youwrite that book, I'll publish it.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:20:03]And I said, Jerry, take out a napkin, you write that down right now, if I writethis book, you're going to publish it. And we signed a contract right there ona napkin. I handed him the book three months later, he published it, and at1994, it was the best self-help book voted to by a couple of differentexchanges, because we sold 100,000 copies in Russia. In Greece, sold a bunch ofthem. And of course, in America, we sold a bunch, too.

Luke Storey: [00:20:27]Wow. That's fascinating, man. What a cool life you've had. For those listening,I want to let you know, you can go to lukestorey.com/braintap to get all thelinks and stuff that we're talking about. So, any book you mention or anythingwe talk about will be at lukestorey.com/braintap. Tell us about remote viewing.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:20:44]I was fortunate. We used to have a facility that actually Michael and hisfamily lived in, in Chipman, Virginia, right down the road from The MonroeInstitute. So, if you want to learn, I'm a big one, if I want to learnsomething, I'm going to go to the master. So, Monroe Institute are the masters.They're the ones that got on the scene first, and so we were working with themto use their binaurals and things like that, with our product called theM-C-Square, which was the first light and sound machine.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:21:12]So, we found when I was going up there, I always wanted a property, when youuse your—GPS just came out when we got it, and it used to say, you're nowleaving the map network. I always wanted to be off the grid, right? You hearthat all the time. So, we always make fun, but we had a property there, so wegot to meet Patrick Flanagan and we had meetings with them all the time. And Ihired someone who worked for The Monroe Institute to come work for us and teachus some things about it. So, I got to sit down with them all the time.

Luke Storey: [00:21:37]I'm going to just interject for saying, do you use the Patrick Flanagan megahydrate or have you ever used that product?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:21:44]No.

Luke Storey: [00:21:45]Oh, yeah, he came up with this hydrogen product. It's like super powerfulantioxidant. Very cool. That's how I know him. And then, Patrick Flanagan, healso had this little device. I don't know if you remember that thing.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:21:57]The Neurophone?

Luke Storey: [00:21:57]Yeah, the Neurophone.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:21:58]Yeah, we love that. Yeah. 

Luke Storey: [00:21:59]Yeah. Was that legit? That was one of the first biohacking brand things I everhad, and I think I lost it at some point, and newer stuff came out, and Iforgot about it.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:22:06]We used to use it at seminars to show how we're all connected, but you had touse the goo, so people didn't like it, right? So, we would have somebody put iton the back of their hand, and then everybody grabbed hands, and you couldn'thear anything. We take the other one to the other side of the room and put iton somebody else's hand when we're all hand, now, we could hear the message.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:22:24]Now, the same message, the same entrainment everyone's doing, and it's goingthrough the bone structure. So, because it really was the first, what do theycall that? Bone conduction. But we thought that for people, if you want to getdirectly into the subconscious, you can bypass the neural networks that controlthe hearing and get it right into the bone.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:22:44]So, we used to do like put in solfeggio frequencies and Nogier frequenciesthrough that, and do it with groups, 20 to 30 people, and it blew them away,because if somebody, I said, take your hand off, then someone would say, thisis what happens if you have a group and you're not all cohesive, you don't havethat harmonization, that cohesion that happens. I said, we all have to be inthe same frequency, the same vibration. That's a cool tool. It's stillavailable, but you got to buy it outside the country. It's like crazy. Anythingthat works, they get rid of. I don't know.

Luke Storey: [00:23:16]So, going back to The Monroe Institute, give people a little background of howthat led into—kind of actually explain what that institute was. I think hisname was Bob Monroe. And I used to use those HemiSync tracks for years.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:23:29]Well, dude, there's a book he has, and you probably should let him know, it'sMy 5,000 Journeys Out of the Body, and he was the first one to step up, andsay, hey, there's something else when you leave your physical form, what do youdo? Where are you going? And they have different journeys, right? I'm not anexpert at it now. They've probably progressed way beyond. We sold that propertyin 2002 when I sold my company, because it was also our warehouse that held allof our—we used to have cassettes, and CDs, and things like that.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:24:00]But up to that point, you could go there, and actually, it's a unique seminar.You go there, you take naps with the HemiSync, right? You all get a littlebunk, but then you come and you talk about it, and the experiences, everybodyhas the same kind of experience. You go to the same place in the astral plane.So, that got me into looking at Paul Twitchell, and that's another story.Remind me of that one, I'll tell you, because I don't want to confuse the BobMonroe. But if you read that book, he goes to some pretty spooky places.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:24:32]But that's not where you go when you go to The Monroe Institute, but he was amilitary guy. So, I think what your mindset is, you go to the level of theseother dimensions, whatever you're vibrating at, you go to that level, right?So, he would go to these warring levels, and I didn't want to go there. Iwanted to go where the spiritual beings were, and where I could feel nurturedand loved, and find that community there. And we'll talk about Paul Twitchellin a moment. But what they did was, you go to these seminars, they still arehappening right now.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:25:03]In fact, we just had three talks. This is kind of good, because we're bringingsome of The Monroe Institute product onto BrainTap, because we've been in touchwith them. They only do sound. And I said, wow, I can take those binaurals andmake it bioptical. So, we can get the eyes, because what we do is whatever'shappening in the right ear happens in the left eye. We can do the same thingThe Monroe Institute was doing, but we can activate 100% of the neural network.That's the difference between light and sound, but sound can do it.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:25:33]And so, when they were teaching the remote viewing, they teach people how toremote view. And we did this with Silva, too. Everybody is like super psychicthe first time, and then their conscious mind gets in the way, and they startquestioning it. I mean, if you grew up in my neighborhood, you're going to goto the Porter's house and have an aura reading, because we'd have aura parties.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:25:55]We would have a sheet put up on the wall, put a candle behind it. And if you dowhat's called soft eyes, and Michael and I still joke, we went to the communitycollege there, because they had a bathroom that was all mirrors, and now, theyhave little booths you sit in. But when you're in there, if you defocus, youwould see all the entities that are around, all the spiritual beings,everything were around you.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:26:15]So, if you ever had to remember, just get in the mirrors, you soft eyes, andyou'll start to see things that you think you're alone, you think you have ideas.The reality is that we don't know, because I remember sitting in businessmeetings, and watching someone come over, and whisper in the ear of thisperson, and they have this great idea, and they think they had it.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:26:35]I'm going, that wasn't your idea. That was somebody helping you out. We havethis whole team of people, or entities, or energy beings helping us out. And ofcourse, growing up Catholic, we called them guardian angels, right? So, thereare different names for them. But what they do with Monroe Institute is theyteach you how to tune your brain, so you're balanced. And we know actually nowthrough neuroscience that almost all problems we have in this world with ourbrain start with an imbalanced brain.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:27:04]So, the Hemi-Sync would balance the brain, once that happens, you can theneject out of your pituitary pineal region and you go on these spiritualjourneys. And people like Dick Sutphen, who's a friend of ours as well, SutphenResearch and things, they started doing out-of-body stuff and remote viewing.But I think Patrick Flanagan, he was the main guy. And then, they also werepart of the Stargate program. It's part of what they did for the military thatthey say they stopped, but he said they haven't. They're still doing it, theyjust don't talk about it.

Luke Storey: [00:27:37]This is where a trained soldier goes to Afghanistan remotely and goes BinLaden's in that cave kind of thing, right?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:27:45]Yes.

Luke Storey: [00:27:46]I mean, I'm using just a crude example. 

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:27:49]Exactly. Right. Well, the thing is that we see only the particles of reality.We don't see the waves, because they're infinite. But when you go into this wholebrain state and you go into this space between what is and what isn't, I callit the quantum gap, when you get into the quantum gap, basically, people thinkthey're here. I remember the Maharishi and even Swami Rama did this when theywere doing research with him for neurofeedback.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:28:14]They're doing his brain, and they said, what are you looking up here for? I'mhere. He's not here. I mean, but everybody thinks it's up here in your brain,right? But we have brains, our cells are brains, everything is energy, so itall has information. And so, with remote viewing, if you get into that spaceand you train your brain, what happens to most people when they meditate isthey shut down the frontal cortex, this frontal lobe, because what we're taughtunder stress, what do we do?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:28:44]We close our eyes. If we're watching a scary movie, it's just a movie. But whatthat does is it shuts off this capacity to think. And then, we go into ourlimbic brain, and then we don't even have emotions, really. We're just kind ofreacting to things that we're not going to be remote viewing at that point. Butif we can learn to meditate, and that's where breathwork comes in, too, becausethey would teach some breathwork to do that, because we have to oxidate.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:29:08]Our brain uses so much energy, and most people think of meditation, they go, Idon't get any results from meditate, all you do is fall asleep. Well, that'sbecause you're not meditating, you're falling asleep. You've got to staybetween, and what they would do in their binaural is try to keep you in Alpha.And Alpha's a timeless place that you go to, but also, when you're in Alpha, wenow know, they didn't know this back even in 2000, that when you're in Alpha,you have a Gamma burst, which means you have this burst of Gamma energy, justlike they now know that when you're sitting in meditation with gratitude andlove, you start generating these Gamma brain waves that breaks down amyloidplaque and get your brain to work better.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:29:47]But you also have a Delta burst. And that Delta burst means that your brain isnow detoxing. It has to make room for this new energy, so it displaces thetoxins, so your brain can operate at its highest level. So, the more you canstay—in Silva, we called that level. In The Monroe Institute, they just calledit binaural beats, but they were going to that same level.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:30:08]Now, we also know, because nobody could go to Theta, very few people, I mean,you have to be a real meditator, somebody who's really perfected it. And by theway, I've actually measured the brains of gurus in India, and some of themdon't even have highly efficient brains. I mean, I would say most of them, youcan tell who the pretenders are and who the real people are by seeing how theirbrain operates.

Luke Storey: [00:30:30]Are some of them able to drop into Theta?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:30:34]Oh, yeah.

Luke Storey: [00:30:35]Okay.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:30:35]Some of them, you say, go to this brainwave, they go there, go to thatbrainwave, they go there. They don't need a BrainTap to do that, they just doit. But others, it's like their brain is really hurting. They suffer the samething that happens to everybody else, stress.

Luke Storey: [00:30:53]Eating too many lentils.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:30:54]Yeah, probably. So, in the process of what they do with Monroe Institute isthey get you into the state. Once you're in the state, I tell people, it's likeif you're looking for the Statue of Liberty in LA, I don't care how determinedyou are or how motivated you are, how positive you are, you're never going tosee the Statue of Liberty, you need to get to New York, so you've got to get tothe right state first.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:31:14]So, they teach you to get into that state. Once you're in that state, I tellpeople, we can get you to the state that a guru goes to, and I'll give you anexample since you're into psilocybin and things like that. A study we're doingwith a group in Dallas, Dr. Rosenthal. We were doing a PTSD study there, andthey want to do with the psilocybin. He said, what do you think about apsilocybin in BrainTap?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:31:34]I said, well, you might not need BrainTap if you're using a psilocybin, butlet's see what happens, because I know when you're doing a psilocybin, you'reactivating gamma, because we've measured that, right? And he said, we have somepeople in the study that don't want to do a psilocybin, because they'readdicts, and they're afraid they're going to get addicted or whatever, eventhough that's never been kind of proven out, you don't really get addicted toit.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:31:54]But if they're afraid of it, whatever they think about, they're going to bringabout, right? So, we said, okay, I said, give me 10 scans of the brains ofpeople while they're on a psilocybin. So, I made sessions in BrainTap, they'rethe Gamma sessions we have, and we're getting people having a psilocybin tripsdigitally, so they don't have to take the drug, they just have to get into thatstate.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:32:15]Now, what they do there is up to them. Now, the awareness, now, they get there,what do you do? It's kind of like, if you went with me to Hawaii, I could lookat the map and take you to places, but what if we went and found a Huna thatknew all the places, he could take us everywhere? So, we need to find somebodywho's a guide who can take us to those places. So, think in terms of gettinginto that state, a lot of people want to get there, but they don't want to havethe patience or the practice to get into that state, but they think, we werejust talking about this on the way over, jokingly, I used to have a slide Iwould show, it was carnation chocolate milk, but I had it changed to a littleBuddha.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:32:15]And it said, two scoops to instant enlightenment, instant Buddha. That's whatpeople want. They want to get up in the morning, tether milk, stir, sip, I'mBuddha. That doesn't happen. I mean, the reality is we can't be more than weare, but we can realize more than we are, because of our limited beliefs thatwe've been fed. So, that's part of the mission, I think, of Monroe Institutewas. 

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:33:11]They were the first one on the scene. They're the big granddad, that basically,they didn't evolve. That's why nobody hears about them now, because theythought, sound, sound, sound, but in '86, light came about, for the masses, Ishould say, because it's been around since 1930s, but we couldn't afford it.They didn't have a way to deploy photobiomodulation at that point. So, that'swhen the LED chip started really coming out and doing its thing.

Luke Storey: [00:33:39]Wow, fascinating. Have you ever had any remote viewing sessions, where yourconsciousness and awareness was definitely somewhere else and had that verifiedin any way?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:33:50]I've never personally had it verified like that, but I have a friend that hisname is Gil Gilly, and he was brought up with a guy named Ernest Holmes ifyou've ever heard of Church of Religious Science, and he was one of my mentors.And we had an uncle that we couldn't get him to stop drinking. He said, just aminute. He says, just about that fast, this was in Phoenix, he says, go outinto the little alley behind the house, go down three garbage cans, his bottleis right there, because we couldn't figure out where he was getting the alcoholfrom. 

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:34:30]We went down there, there it was. He went right there, and this guy was sounique that he could read your mind. I had a cousin that said, no way. I said,well, you come with me, you talk to Gilly, and he freaked her out. She left,because everything she was thinking, he just would tell her. Boom, boom, boom.And he's the guy that told me about this technology, actually, the first lightand sound was because he told me, Patrick, you need to go to my place, he was amentalist at the Sahara, but he was actually a doctor of natural medicine.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:35:04]But his side job was being a mentalist, because he said, everybody thinks he'ssomething unique, but he's been tested and he's normal. Everybody else isabnormal. We're all supposed to be doing this. And he told me I would meet thiswoman, her name is Lanea, at the show, and she's going to teach me about thistechnology that's going to change the world.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:35:23]And I didn't even have enough money to get there. And so, he gives me his blackcard key to the Sahara. I drive up there. I'm walking between events, and thiswoman stops me, and says, hey, I want to show you this—you know how people areat booths, they try to grab you, and I said, I'll be back, I want to go hearthis lecture. And she says, my name is Lanea. I said, Screw that, I'm overhere.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:35:45]I said, what do you got for me? And she says, well, we have this device. It'scalled the SILS, Sensory Input Learning System. It was a big box, and it hadtwo cassettes that would go into it, and you had to manually watch respiration,heart rate. It was only biofeedback. There was no such thing at that time asneurofeedback. That wasn't invented yet. But I laid down on the mat, she put iton me, boom, and the most bizarre thing happened to me. I was flying throughspace, as real as we're sitting here, as real.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:36:15]I mean, it was a transparent spaceship. I was the captain. I knew everybodythere. We're on our way to Earth. We can see it there. And I'm telling them,we're going to go to that planet. And we're having this long conversation withmy crew, and she wakes me up, and I go, what are you doing? I said, I'm havingthis great hallucination. And I did some pretty neat stuff in college. So, I'mthinking that this is waking up my brain like that.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:36:42]She said, what do you mean? I said I was on a spaceship. She goes, really? AndI went back, I kept going back during that event, and trying to recreate thatexperience. It never happened again. But I became involved, and this is how theuniverse works that I like to tell people is, if you're ready, remember, I hadno money, I said, I want one of those, they said, well, it's only $10,000,right?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:37:05]I said, $10,000, I can't afford that. But when I went back toward the end ofthe show, she's crying, Lanea's crying, Larry's all distraught, and I said,hey, what's going on, guys? And they said, Dr. Robinson died. He's the guy whoinvented the SILS. And I said, oh, man, that's a bummer. I said, what are youguys going to do? We don't know what we're going to do. We have family inScottsdale. We're going to go there. I said, I have an office in Scottsdale.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:37:30]Why don't you come use my space? I have empty rooms I'm not using. Myundergraduate is in electronics. I said, I'll help you re-engineer this,thinking we could take a $10,000 machine, and maybe I could make one, and getit for free or something like that. So, they brought the machine put at myoffice. I got to use it every day, didn't have to pay for it. And one thing ledto another. We're trying to recreate this device, and by the way, he didn't letanybody know how to build it, what it was involved with, it was like so sneaky.There was a guy named Dr.-

Luke Storey: [00:38:01]Are there no blueprints, or patents, or anything?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:38:03]Nothing. They only made eight of them, so it wasn't out there. But before theycame to my office, we arranged this, Jerry, that same guy that got me into theArizona Health Council calls me, and he says, Patrick, I got to introduce youto some people. Remember, I just met him a-week-and-a-half earlier in Vegas,I'm now in Phoenix, this is before cellphones, they're supposed to call me,they haven't called me, I've talked to them.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:38:29]I'm like, man, how am I going to get a hold of these people? It's not like,today, you can go on social media and track down your high school sweetheart.And so, the universe, though, introduced them to Jerry. Jerry said, I'm goingto bring them by your office and her name is Lanea Reid. And I said, damn, Iknow her, I met her two weeks ago. She's supposed to be getting with me. Shetold me that she met somebody who had a clinic in Scottsdale, she was supposedto get a hold of him, but she lost the number.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:38:57]So, the universe was going to make sure I met these people. Now, when Gillytold me that, that I was going to help invent this machine, I'm like, are youcrazy? What are you talking about? But when we had it, so while we're buildingthis, I'll make it a short story, so it's in a book that actually I did withStephen E, The Miracle Story. But what happened was we were making theprototypes and we couldn't get it to work. We had to hire another engineer, Ikind of oversold myself, to help us do it.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:39:26]I knew what I wanted to do, but the science was ahead of my experience, butthat never stops me. You go find somebody who has that experience. And theybuilt a little prototype. Everything we built, the first 2,000 were made fromRadioShack, so we've made them in the back office, and soldering irons, and webought we had an E-Prime chip maker. Those just came out, by the way,programmable chips.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:39:47]It was giant. It wasn't like we have today. And so, what they did was I startedworking with people, and I started to realize what the patterns were and howthe brain responded. There was no neurofeedback, so we didn't know if the brainwas really doing that, but what we noticed was the breathing would slow down.We could see the sympathetic release, the parasympathetic go up. And so, we'remeasuring this, and I created 10 different series and we programmed that into achip, so nobody had to sit there and do it.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:40:13]And I said, let's test it and see what happens. I take it to my clinic, I hookit up through all my equipment, I said, you know what, I built that 10,000. Isaid, come over here to this room, because my office was up front. I said, thisis where I'm seeing people, I said, look, and I made a SILS machine. They go,what do you mean? I said, I took that little prototype, I hooked it up to thiscassette player, this thing, and I said, look. They go, you made a SILSmachine.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:40:34]I said, that's right. I said, can we keep making these? They said, oh, yeah, wecan make those. I said, well, I have some friends we can give them to, and theysaid, do you think you could sell those? I said, I would love to sell them. Isaid, my credit card, because I paid for the $2,000 to get all the parts fromRadioShack on my credit card. And I said, why don't you make 10 of them?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:40:53]I'll sell them, we'll see how people like them. I sold them within a week.Before we knew it, we're at the CES show, fast forward three years, we're atthe CES show, getting an award for the best new gadget of the year. And this isbefore cellphones, before CDs, before anything. We're like an alien. I mean,we're on the front cover of the Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago, used tobe there, not in Vegas. And we were on the front cover, we had a line of about2,000 people waiting.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:41:19]That's why we got—and The Rolling Stones were playing behind us. These peopleare all passed out, and we never made it, but one of the big attractors to thebooth was we had Geordi La Forges. We had like a Geordi La Forge headbandsaying that that was going to be the future. That's what I really wanted to create,was something like you'd put on this Geordi La Forge kind of thing and go intothese altered states, and that's really what started the journey.

Luke Storey: [00:41:42]And what about this Paul guy you mentioned earlier? I forget the last name.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:41:46]Well, Paul Twitchell. Yeah. He wrote a book called, In My Soul, I'm Free. So,one thing led to another. This was before any light and sound machines oranything like that. But I was doing my research, and I should even back up alittle bit further so people understand why I got on this bizarre path. In1984, I had a bisulfite poisoning from a factory accident that I was in. And Iwas in the hospital, and I was getting worse, getting worse.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:42:13]I look like I had Parkinson's. I could not talk, I could barely walk. And I wasat that Seventh Day Adventist hospital, because I was vegetarian. And then,somebody said, I shouldn't have been there, because I was probably detoxing, soit was really—but if you were sitting with me at that time, I couldn't tell youwhat was going on, but I could see your transfiguration. You would be changinginto all the different people you've ever been while I'm sitting there.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:42:37]And I was freaking out, I thought I was going crazy, like wild craziness. Andmy sister said, she came to visit me at the hospital, and the next day, theywere going to do a full blood transfusion, try to figure, because there'ssomething in my bloodstream, they figured it was the bisulfites from themetering pump that kind of blew up in my face, and it did blow up in my face, Ishould say. And so, I breathed it in, in my lungs, I had what they callchemical pneumonia.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:43:01]So, my lungs actually sounded like Reynolds wrap. So, while I'm sitting therein the hospital bed, she says, I'm going to send my guides to heal you tonight.I'm thinking, I couldn't say anything. But then, that night, I'm laying in bed,and I mean, I can't explain it, but there was a golden being that came into myroom. And that golden being said, go to sleep. And before that, I could notsleep.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:43:28]My body was so toxic, so polluted, I would lay down, I would do everything, Ijust could not sleep. But I freaked out when this thing came into my room. Ihad sleep paralysis. I couldn't move while he was in the room or she was in theroom. I couldn't tell. It was a big giant golden being. And after they left, Idon't know how much time they were there. It's like a timeless thing. I ranout.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:43:52]Remember, this is a long time ago. There weren't phones in the room, so I hadto go out to the hallway. And I called my sister. She said, Patrick, you'retalking. I could not talk before that, I just couldn't get—I knew what I wasthinking, but I couldn't get my body to do it. And she said, well, what didthey say? Because I told her, Shelly, don't ever send your guides to see me. Itscared the hell out of me. And she said, well, what did they say? And I said,they just said, go to sleep. She said, well, go to sleep.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:44:15]I said, well, I can't go to sleep. I've been trying for the last two weeks.They even gave me the hardest narcotics to go to sleep, it wouldn't put me out.She said, just go to sleep, they told you to go to sleep. I went to sleep. Theycame in at 11:30 the next morning to wake me up to have this blood transfusion,I slept through the night first time, and the doctor said, whoa, let's checkhis blood, let's see what's happening.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:44:34]Nothing in my blood. They kept me in the hospital for over two months to figureout how they healed me. Now, I never told them that a golden being came in, butone thing, one thing they did tell me was I was too happy. Could you imaginethat, being told by your doctor, you're too happy? They thought I wasdepressed, that's what my problem was. Now, I'm too happy. I was happy to bealive.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:44:54]And still to this day, I wake up every morning and go, wow, I get to do anotherday here, because I felt like I was dying for the three weeks I had thatpollution in my body. And they checked me out, nothing in my bloodstream. Theycouldn't figure it out. So, they said, we need to give you lithium. This isbefore they knew what lithium even did. I was one of their guinea pigs. So,Michael, he brought me the book by Maxwell Maltz, Psycho-Cybernetics.

Luke Storey: [00:45:17]Oh, yeah, I love that book.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:45:18]And he said, read this book, don't take that damn pill. So, they wanted me totake the pill, I put it under my tongue, they walk out, I'd spit it out. Butthe weirdest thing was, after two weeks, they said, I leveled out my lithium,because what I started doing was holding it in my hand, going to a level, whichwe learned in Silva, and said, whatever this lithium is supposed to do for mybrain, my brain can do it, because it's just a reaction to it. That's what Ilearned in the book. 

Luke Storey: [00:45:44]Like the Hapbee device, the non-covalent bond molecules, right?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:45:47]Yeah.

Luke Storey: [00:45:48]Interesting.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:45:48]So, I started doing that for myself, and they said, my lithium, they go, we gotthe right amount of dose for you, we're going to monitor you for a month, andif it works, and they actually gave me a year off of my job, which I'd never goback to, it was a really polluted environment. It was a plating company thatmade the grills. Now that I think about it, I was there to see how greeddestroys our planet, because the guy didn't care.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:46:14]He was like killing really beautiful land in Michigan, where I was working, andit was just terrible. But he didn't care. Greed, he just wanted to make moneyand create this. So then, as I was doing that, I went out, because I'mthinking, who is this golden being? What is this? I was brought up Catholic. Ionly knew that there was Jesus and I still think Jesus was a real master, but Ilearned there are a lot of others. I'm like, what? I didn't learn that. I mean,I grew up in a town that was so Catholic that I didn't even know there wasanother religion.

Luke Storey: [00:46:52]Seriously?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:46:53]Seriously. I mean, after this happened, I go, there's another religion? I mean,we thought Born Again Christians were like, why did they leave the church?What's going on? This is weird. And now, I know, I tell people I've kind ofgraduated, although I think all religions are good, it's the people in themthat make them negative, because people are going there for some spiritualnutrients, right? So, I went on a mission, so I was reading a book. 

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:47:18]There are two books that actually changed my life. One was My Life Preceding5,000 Burials by Hamid Bey. If you haven't read that one, most people knowabout Paramahansa Yogananda, right? Paramahansa Yogananda got people to histalks, because Hamid Bey would put himself into a state of abeyance, he wouldbe pronounced dead, they would bury him 5,000 times while Paramahansa Yoganandagive a lecture. Then, after the lecture, they would unbury Hamid Bey, he'sdead, he'd bring himself back to life.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:47:49]He was a six-reading Egyptian master. And I thought, wow, that's amazing. Buthe died in 1976. He was trained, actually, in the book, he'll tell you, he waspicked out of all the kids in Egypt, because they knew in the future, there isgoing to be somebody, the magician, Houdini, was going to say, he could mimicanything spiritually, right? Anything you do spiritually, you could mimic withmagic, right? That was his thing.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:48:18]When he arrived in New York, the same day that Houdini died. So, they say itwas an energy clash, because he prepared his whole life to come over here andchallenge Houdini that Houdini couldn't do those things. Houdini was doing itwith magic, Hamid Bey was doing it with spiritual nature or whatever he was doing.So, I knew Paramahansa was there, so that's why I moved to Phoenix. Actually, Imoved to Sedona, because I saw a brochure of Sedona, I went, oh, my God, that'swhere I'm supposed to live. This is amazing. But coming from Michigan, I droveto Sedona, it's beautiful. I went there a lot and used to be on a camp on BellRock, and the vortexes, and that. But when I went there, I go, how do you get ajob here?

Luke Storey: [00:49:01]I wondered the same thing recently.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:49:03]Like, well, how do you make a living here? So, I kept going down to Phoenix,and that's when I started to research all these other kind of spiritual andawakenings, and just stayed involved with the technology, because again, youwant to be in that state. And for me, what helped me was going into thatmeditative state, so I never missed a day of doing—I still do othermeditations, too, even though I own the BrainTap.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:49:26]I do other meditations, because I think you've got to keep your body tuned andkeep receptive. And so, I was always looking for, what's the next thing? So,when people say, why is he talking about Neuro Institute or Paul Twitchell, hewrote the book, In My Soul, I'm Free, and they talked about these spiritualplaces. And the reason I went to him was, I was doing a Jyothi Meditation,which, by the way, is another reason why we do the lights in the eyes.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:49:52]Jyothi Meditation, for those that haven't researched that, that's a candle thatyou look at, it's just far enough, when you breathe, you kind of make itshimmer, and you look at it, and you're doing this gazing, so you're gettingthe light in your eyes, and it's actually changing your brain frequency. Weknow now it's 10 hertz frequency. Fire burns at 10 hertz frequency.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:50:11]So, when you're sitting with Alyson near the fire and you're having a greattime, you're both swimming in these acetylcholine and other neurotransmitters,you're in the right state to be in love, because the fire is going. So, thefire adds to the environment, right? Our brain is always matching itsenvironment. So, I'm doing this Jyothi Meditation, and my parents, which Imoved to Phoenix first, then my parents followed me.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:50:36]My whole family followed me. I had to get out of Michigan, because my friends,when they found out what happened to me, they would show up with a joint, orwith some beer, or something going, because I used to own a house with sevenguys. They would rent rooms for me. First thing I did was tell them, you got tomove out. That's not Patrick anymore. In fact, I was known as Pat then.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:50:55]When somebody says, why do you go by Patrick? I said, Pat was the guy thatpartied, didn't give a shit about anybody, and was just in it for himself. AndI've always had a knack for making money. And now, I know through numerology,it's because I'm missing an eight, but my destiny, I'm an 8188. So, my destinyis to make money, but I'm missing it, so my karma is to make money.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:51:17]It's one of those weird things, when somebody tells me they can't make money,I'm going making money is the easiest thing. It's helping people, it'sdifficult or my problem is keeping the money, because I give it away and dodifferent things with it. But in the process of doing all this, the experiencewith Paul Twitchell was I wanted to go to the spiritual plains.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:51:37]And I still remember, because I also joined Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism,because I'm thinking, I want enlightenment, I'm going to go do Buddha. This isthe, what is it? The 72 Buddha or whatever. It was Nichiren Daishonin. So,you're chanting Nam Myoho, Renge Kyo, and one day, I'm in the chants, andsomebody, they go, what are you chanting for? And somebody says, I'm chantingfor a car, I'm chanting for a relationship, I'm chanting. I'm going, what? Inmy brain, I'm going, what?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:52:05]You can go buy those. I'm thinking, why would you chant for those? It's like,do the work and you get the reward. I want a chant for something you don't gethere. Like I want to have, I didn't know at the time, love, I didn't know whatI was missing, because I never had it. I didn't have that feeling of acceptanceand love. We came from a big family, but we didn't hug. We were the family thatmade fun of the family that hugged in church, because we were Irish Catholic.You don't do that. You're tough, you don't cry, all those kind of things. Youdon't show emotion. And so, it took a lot to break that down.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:52:41]But I got out of Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism because of something that happenedwhen I Gohonzon, which is, after you've done it for a certain level and you canchant all these different, they will give you your life mission on a piece ofpaper that you chant the rest of your life. And I researched it, and basically,I'm chanting for my crops to grow, basically, it's like, this isn't spiritual,what are we doing? It's crazy.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:53:05]But the thing that really shocked me was, I actually just told the story,coincidentally, this morning to the staff or the team, because we're talkingabout you got to live what you preach, right? You've got to be the person thatyou want to be. And there was a thousand people getting their Gohonzons thatday. It was an awesome ceremony. You're sitting there and the energy is up.Everybody's chanting. It's awesome. And when they're walking back, his handler,this was the monk from Japan, he stops by my booth there. I mean, where I wassitting in the temple, and he says, he wants to talk to you. So, I get to goback with six other people and have a private meeting with him just out of theblue.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:53:48]I don't know how that happened. It's one of those things the universe justbrings it to you. I'm sitting there, we're having a great conversation, and theguy reaches over, and smokes a cigarette, the monk. And I guess you could seemy face. And so, his handler said, he wants to know what's wrong. And I said,well, I can help him with that. He goes, what are you talking about? I said,well, if he's addicted to cigarettes, I can help him get rid of that.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:54:12]And he goes, he's not addicted to it. He said that when his master died, hismaster used to, every night, go out and have one cigarette and watch thesunset. Now, we know nicotine is okay, right? I mean, there are some parts ofnicotine with the biohacking, they talk about it. But back then, I'm thinking,one cigarette, okay, that's fine, you have one cigarette, that's not going tohurt you.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:54:31]It's like a peace pipe or something, he's out there doing it, and hopefully wasusing the non-chemical cigarettes and things like that, but he proceeded tochain smoke. And I think it was the universe telling me, you're not supposed tobe a Nichiren Daishonin Buddhist, you're just supposed to go there and learnthat chanting runs energy through your body, because I would just be vibratingit.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:54:53]I mean, I could easily go to a temple and just be there, just let me staythere, and chant, and do all those things, but that's not my mission, right?I'm not supposed to just go do that. So, I did that with several differentdisciplines, and something would always, even Paul Twitchell stuff, and there'sa lot of you can chant the you, and I still do that, that's how you go out ofthe body. So, it's another technique to remote view. And so, when you'rechanting you, which is very simple, but it's hard to perfect, you basically cango to these spiritual planes and have these talks.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:55:27]But what happened with me in Phoenix where I was doing that Jyothi meditationwas, in the middle of it, I'm in this deep state of Alpha or whatever I was in,and my brother comes up, and he says, dinner's ready, slam. He just opens thedoor while I'm meditating and slams the door. Well, next thing I know, I'mwalking through the kitchen with who I now know as Rebazar Tarzs, but I didn'tknow Rebazar Tarzs at the time.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:55:52]And he says to me, that's your father, his name's Michael. That's your mother,her name's Nancy. That's your brother, his name's Michael. Everybody, pointingout everything. He says, that, the dinner you didn't eat, because you've beenwith me for the last two hours. And then, I could see through the house, allthe way to where my body was sitting, he says, that's your body, you've got togo back now.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:56:12]Boom, I was back. I'm like, what the hell just happened to me? And I didn'tknow who it was, right? I'm walking through a bookstore in Phoenix, and on thecover, there's Rebazar Tarzs, a picture of him that Paul Twitchell had painted.And I asked the book person, I said, who is that person? He said, that'sRebazar Tarzs. I said, I've got to get that book and read about it, so then Icould go visit Rebazar Tarzs and just have conversations with him by going tothis spiritual place, which I didn't know about until that happened.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:56:44]So, that's what I'm talking about. These stories are all written in the bookthat I'll soon publish. My publisher at the time said , this was back in the'80s, so they go, do you want to be taken seriously? Now, we know, I mean, whenlike Alyson's being voted like she's the shaman of the year and all that, now,people like that are accepting it. Back in the 80s, only 5% of the populationwould even talk to you about meditation. So, our world has really changed andevolved over time.

Luke Storey: [00:57:12]Thank God, because I was weird my whole life, too. It's like, finally, theworld seems to be kind of catching up. I want to remind everyone, because youjust dropped so many books, so many different figures, they can go tolukestorey.com/braintap for the show notes for this episode. My team will do thebest to link out to all your books and all these things mentioned, because Iget questions after we publish these, like, what was that thing he said?

Luke Storey: [00:57:35]I'm like, It's in the show notes, or at least we do our best. So, God, thereare so many directions to go here. How does hypnosis come into your journey andhow does that relate to BrainTap? Because often, when I'm listening to theBrainTap tracks, and since you've been in town, I'm like, oh, I got to get backon it, even though I don't have the full headset with the lights right now.Josh said, just listen to the tracks where you're working.

Luke Storey: [00:58:00]So, sometimes, I'll work and just put on the Alpha wave tracks, sometimes, inthe morning and I'll do the different manifestations. But the ones that areyour voice seem to definitely have an element of hypnosis to them. And often,there's a dual voice, where there's the main track, and then over here in theright area, you're like, and you don't need to worry about remembering any ofthis. It's getting it. It's really cool. I love them. And I don't even knowthis to be true, but is hypnosis part of this? Because it's been something I'veexperimented with and I had some benefits.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:58:31]I think like Richard Bandler says, everything is hypnosis or nothing ishypnosis. So, even down to the clothes we put on today, we thought, how am Igoing to show up today? We have this ideal, and so we dress our—it's likeHalloween every morning, we dress up, and I remember going to a Halloweenparty, they said, what are you going as? I'm going as a hypnotist, because Ihad my office clothes on, right? And hypnosis plays a big role, but it's notthe hypnosis people think about.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:58:59]People think of hypnosis like the stage shows, and I've done a lot of those. Imean, that's what I did with Gilly. I was his warm up act in Vegas, where Iwould—but mine was called the Mystical Mind Tour. I did all spiritual thingsduring my stage show. People that didn't think they were psychic were givingreadings and we would have people see into their wallets and all sorts of andeverybody could do it

Luke Storey: [00:59:19]Because they weren't having someone act like a monkey, or like I remember on a cruiseship, there was a hypnosis show and it seemed real, but he would have someonecome up on stage, and do something ridiculous, and then pull them out of it.And they were like, what? I didn't do that.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:59:33]My dad studied hypnosis. I have to, my franchise used a lot of hypnosis and NLPas we learned it, and it's powerful, but the problem with hypnosis is that youhave to believe. You have to suspend somebody's disbelief in order to get themto believe what you're saying. And the problem is you can't get everybody intothat state, because of their critical mind. Now I believe everyone can benefitfrom hypnosis.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [00:59:56]No question. And it's a powerful technology. But the problem is that people,they get in the way of it working. But the language patterns, I studied withEricksonian hypnosis first, I had an office in Scottsdale, remember? So, MiltonErickson was right there. So, Jeffrey Zeig and those folks. So, I alwaysfigured, my dad was really big at this, he said, everybody talks about theexpense of an education, but nobody talks about the cost of ignorance.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:00:24]So, he told me, he said, and I still take training, I mean, even this weekend,we learned a lot, right? I mean, the Modern Nirvana event, if you didn't go,you missed it. It was incredible. Like what Deepak dropped on us, I mean, thatwas awesome, because that's like a whole different story than I've heard himtell before. And it was really cool. And so, you have to have that child mind.And so, hypnosis was really good. But when I got into NLP, you can use thelanguage patterns, but they gave it formation, let's say, because now, it wasstructured.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:00:58]Like the only reason I could have a franchise was I could record the base, likeI could record the bass drum, and then my therapist could do the interaction,like the coaches. Now, they call them coaches. Back then, that wasn't a wordthat back in that time, when you thought about coaches, thought about footballand that. But hypnosis plays a big role because of language. We need to getpeople to relax, and slow down, and accept the messages. So, when people listento it, they'll hear that dual voice you're talking about. 

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:01:29]I think affirmations are good, but when you think of an affirmation, it's likesomething told to you. But what if you could say, instead of saying, I am rich,that's an affirmation, right? What if you heard, what if you were rich, whatwould you see, hear, and experience? That's a whole different thing for yourbrain, because the brain then can act on that. So, if we can get those neuronswiring and firing around that concept, now, unseen forces go to work for you,proving you right.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:01:55]The other is just, somebody who says, I'm rich, and then they go, but I'm notrich, I have credit card debt, and I'm not able to maybe go out to a dinneroutside of the home. You understand? All that self-doubt. So, it's all aboutwhat, where, when, how. We don't have to worry about the why. Most people, theyget too involved with why they're doing something or why they're in trouble,like you say, what's happening? Why aren't you successful? Then, they starttelling you all the excuses. But what if you were successful? What would youdo? What would you do today? What if you were just put on the planet right now,right this very moment, and we predicted for you your past, and we predictedfor you a future, but you get to change it, because this is a new day.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:02:36]There's never been a day like today. There's never been an experience like now.So, part of what we do is we have to dehypnotize. In fact, we're here at theranch, right? The Music Hill Ranch, and Rod Hairston, who's an expert at NLPand things like that, he probably said it best. He said, what happens withpeople is they have all this uncertainty, right?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:02:59]And this uncertainty causes them to seek out certainty, but what they really findis inadequacy. But then, they don't want to do the activation. So, a lot oftimes with hypnosis, people would come and say, I want this change, I want tobe a non-smoker. No, you don't. You want to have a lifestyle that istobacco-free. You don't want to be a non-smoker. You want the same results thatyou get from the cigarette, from something else.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:03:22]If you don't find it, you're going to keep smoking, because that's your bestchoice right now. We always make the number one best choice, not the bestchoice for us, but the best choice at that moment, given all the parametersthat are there. So, we can go back in time and make all the changes, right? Ifwe had the looking glass, and we could say, wow, go back.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:03:41]So, what we believe is you're already in the future, you've already done this.We know that, because we have the world's greatest biocomputer, 100 billionneurobit processor, and each one of those neurons is more powerful than a greatcomputer. So, imagine the predictability our brain has. When Deepak Chopra says97% of what you're going to do tomorrow, we know about today, what are youpretending not to know?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:04:08]So, when people get up and they have the old bumper sticker that said SSDD,same shit, different day, it's like you created this shit change it, changesomething. And so, with hypnosis, we found that was a good start. NLP was aneven better start. So, I have a book called Discover the Language of the Mindfor those that really want to learn how we put it together. And what I diddifferently than other therapist is I didn't go out to train a bunch oftherapists.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:04:36]In fact, most of the people that took it up, training with me, they wanted tobe Tony Robbins, right? And I think he's great, but there's only one TonyRobbins. I don't care how much you train, how much you do, he's got his genius,you've got to find your genius. So, what I decided was, I'm going to go out tothe masses, I don't want to go to—I mean, of course, I trained a lot of peopleover the years, and I'm involved with Quantum University, where they take mytraining online, but the reality is that I want to help people find their owngenius, because if I do that, that's something I can live with.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:05:06]I can help millions and thousands of people instead of just one person. And so,the technology is something that we need to teach them something that will keepteaching them. So, I call them like the thoughts that I keep on thinking,that's the voice that goes back. So, now, when they're listening, somebodygoes, what voice should I listen to? Neither. Because we're not talking to youanyway. The you that shows up to listen to it has to call on the real you tolisten, because if you could make the change, you already did it. I always tellpeople, your best thinking brought you here, but your best thinking is going toget you out of here.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:05:40]We need to upgrade your thinking, right? So, that's where the dual voice comesin. So, think about it, when you're sitting in a room, like if you went out toa restaurant recently, and you're sitting there talking, and there are millionsof noises going on around you, your ears are taking in 25,000 pieces ofinformation. What are you really listening to? Mostly what you're looking at,because that's the way our primitive brain works.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:06:04]But we're hearing 25,000 pieces, but we're only acting on 40 of them. What arewe missing in reality? We're not even seeing one to 2% of reality. As beautifulas that sunrise and sunset is, we're only seeing one or 2% of reality. They saythat what Jesus saw in two thousand years ago is different than what we see,because there's more light available to us.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:06:27]There are more colors, the color spectrum is different, there are new colorscoming all the time, and neuroscience is now proving that. So, we're actuallyopening up our perceptual filters. And of course, you can do that through apsilocybin and other plant-based medicines that help us to open up thosefilters, we're just seeing what's already there. It's just right there, justlike I was talking about seeing auras, and seeing your guides and things.They're here right now, they're with us, and they're probably laughing, going,oh, he found out. 

Luke Storey: [01:06:57]Wow. That's very interesting. Yeah, I've had the sense in deep meditativeexperiences, or plant medicine, or psychedelic experiences that this narrowbandwidth of our awareness is just that, and that, I don't know, it's almostlike a trick of our evolution that in order to just have the proprioceptionthat we have, that we're limited by our senses and that the bodies are sort ofthis tuning fork or projector that create a reality for us.

Luke Storey: [01:07:34]And if we get tricked thinking that that's the only reality, then we tend tolive in those lower states of survival and life can be much less than fun. There'sa lot of suffering in that limitation. What's very interesting about it to meis that, oftentimes, really intellectually adept people are the thickest headedwhen it comes to the acknowledgment of the vast spectrum of reality that isactually present that we're talking about today, right? It's the narrow-minded,skeptic, intellectual academic that thinks that all there is, is what we canperceive with our senses. And I always want to just send them off to anayahuasca retreat, because there are so much more there,

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:08:18]When you start believing your own crap that it's the only thing, the realthing, this is it, you've already lost. I mean, there's only an infinite numberof possibilities from any one moment in time, and you're only leaving out oneof them. There's an infinite number of others. And that's kind of happening inreality right now, right? Religion, we only see things through that.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:08:44]And Deepak, I think his example he gave about the cats, because maybe some ofyour followers watched the Instagram Live, but he was talking about how thecats that were brought up in the horizontal reality couldn't see vertical, andthe cats that were brought up in the vertical reality couldn't see horizontal.Well, that's true for us. What are we? We're brought up in this reality to seethings the way they are right now, what's happening in this world, what are wenot seeing?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:09:09]Because we believe, some people want to hold on to their belief system sofully, and of course, when you believe something, certainty comes from when youconvince somebody else to believe what you believe, and then you believesomebody else, and you think, oh, we have this consensus, six of my bestfriends believe this is the way it is, so this is the way it is. No, it's theway it is for you, but it's not the way it is for everyone.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:09:30]And like I was saying, I was brought up Catholic, so that's the way it is. Ididn't know there was anything else. What are you talking about? That's justcrazy talk. You mean, people can manifest things out of thin air like Saibaba?And I was lucky I went to see Sai Baba many times and got to sit right there inthe front row, touch his feet, get the [indiscernible] ash. How does that happen?

Luke Storey: [01:09:50]Yeah, I went there once shortly before he died and he was quite a bit older, sohe kind of wheeled this little buggy out, I took the buggy through Darshan, butI wasn't close enough to see him. I don't even know if he did manifestanything, but I do have relatives that like you were just sitting right therewatching his hand be empty and watched her ring up here.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:10:12]My wife was so upset. I said, Cynthia, just relax. She had to pick chits to getinto the front row. I was there for 11 days and got 10 days on the front row.Right there. Saw him doing everything, hear him, and he'd come up to me almostevery day, and I got to feel the energy, but the most amazing of one of thetrips that we went there, we went there several times, but it's raining, it's atorrential downpour, like what do they call? A monsoon happening. He has towalk from his two-bedroom apartment over to the Darshan Hall, right?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:10:45]And as he comes out, they're scrambling, they're trying to get umbrellas, andhe waves them off, the rain stopped. He walks under the roof of the DarshanHall, does this thing, talks to everybody. When he's leaving, again, they'rescrambling, getting the umbrella, he waves them off, stops raining. He walksthis thing, and they separate the men and the women, right? So, I'm over here,I don't know where Cynthia is, and so we meet up afterwards. And the rain wasso bad, all of the sandals got washed like almost a quarter mile.

Luke Storey: [01:11:17]Like all the sandals outside.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:11:19]It's like we had to go—you're like looking through this mud pile. Finally, Isaid, let's just go buy new sandals, they were like three bucks over there orsomething like that. And I said, did you see that? She goes, did you see that?The rain stopped. And it's like, what is going on here? It's like, here'ssomebody who can change physical reality. Now, if I told that to some of myaunts and uncles that are still super—and they're just so myopic, it's like Iremember her father and mother, because we were going over there, they go, whatdo you go over there for?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:11:51]And we told them, well, we go over there, because this is a guy that tells younot to give him money, spend it in your own community, the best thing you cando is go home and be the best person you are, don't change your religion, justbe the best you can in that religion, he's not trying to create a following,but what did he do? He created billions of people following him, but he made itvery clear, and they go, oh, I just can't believe. I go, so let me understandthis. There could be somebody like that 2000 years ago. Oh, yeah, yeah, that'sright. But not today? That's right.

Luke Storey: [01:12:23]Okay. One time deal. God gives you one shot.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:12:29]But then, when you research Indian philosophy and the history of the Hindu religion,this has happened many times. It's not a one and done thing.

Luke Storey: [01:12:38]I think that's why I've been so fascinated and enamored my whole life with theIndian mystics, and sages, and such. There are so many characters throughouthistory, and I've been fortunate enough to be in the physical presence of acouple of them, and I really think it had a huge impact on my life. I mean,energetically and otherwise through the teachings. There's something else youmentioned earlier, the chanting.

Luke Storey: [01:13:00]I know chanting for me has been a huge part of my awakening and healing in theKundalini yoga tradition. And we were chatting the other day, and I'm like, I'mlike, what has Patrick not done? It's like everything I've ever heard of ordone, you've done also, and probably more and first. How did you come to findKundalini yoga and what was your experience of that?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:13:20]Well, I went to learn Kriya Yoga from Paramahansa Yogananda, which was reallygood, and I love their chanting, right? You go to the temple there in Phoenix,on Central, and you could go there, and sit in the chanting, and somebody said,if you like the chanting, here, you should go down to Yogi Bhajan's ashram downon 7th Street. I said, that's pretty cool. I went down there, and they said,and I was vegetarian, so they said, if you come at night for five dollars, youcan do yoga and have a meal.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:13:48]So, I'm single, I'm thinking, I don't have to cook, this is great. And I wasreally physically a lot more fit, which I'm committed to do. I've already lost35 pounds since COVID, so I'm committed to get back into the shape that I wasin before, because you get lazy when you're traveling and make excuses. So, Idecided I better start stepping up and doing that. And so, I started goingthere in the evening, and they said, you can go for free if you come at 3:30 inthe morning.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:14:14]So, I started going twice a day, then I started having these experiences,because in the morning, it's even better, because the temple doors open up tothe sun. And in Phoenix, you're always going to get a sunrise pretty much everyday. So, you do these two hours of Kundalini yoga with these Sikhs that arethere, they wouldn't talk to me, because I wasn't a Sikh, but you could getyour little sheep rug out, do your yoga. And then, at the end, they would dothe meditation to the sunrise.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:14:41]And I started having these out-of-body experiences like better than anythingI've ever done. And I started training my body that I could just do a few ofthe breath of fire, and I could, boom, get right into it. So, that's one of myfavorites. We just actually had a published article from AIIMS Bhopal that I'mlisted on with PubMed. We did a research program where we showed how pranayamausing Kriya yoga, how it affects the brain and balances the hemispheres. Itwasn't with BrainTap, but we used our equipment, our HRV equipment, to test it,and we had two actually breathwork published in PubMed this spring aboutbreathing, about breathwork.

Luke Storey: [01:15:23]Awesome. Are those links findable? I mean, like if my team can find them?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:15:26]Yeah.

Luke Storey: [01:15:26]Oh, cool. That's interesting. I think there's one thing I really dig about allof this emerging science, is that, as you said earlier, now, there are ways toquantify spiritual practices, and brain entrainment, and the differenttechnologies, we can actually see what it's doing now, rather than it justbeing limited to the subjective experiencers, anecdotal account of it, right?

Luke Storey: [01:15:51]I mean, I love doing something, and I put on my Oura Ring, and I'll start alittle session, and I'll check my HRV. By the way, I find an interesting thing,I don't know what my brain waves are doing, but in one ayahuasca ceremony,right before I drank it. I started my Oura Ring HRV and my RV tanked for theentire time. I was like, oh, that must be pretty stressful on your nervoussystem. I can see why the integration is so important.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:16:13]We only learn in environments of stress, right?

Luke Storey: [01:16:16]Ah, okay.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:16:16]If people go, I want to learn and grow, but I want to stay in my comfort zone.That doesn't happen. You don't go to the gym and not work out your muscles. So,we have spiritual muscles. We have neurology, we need to exercise our nervoussystem. And these are only things that it's kind of like the phone, the phoneis the vehicle, you're talking to the person on the other end, so somehow,through quantum physics, we get to hear that, but we have to get our body inshape to do that.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:16:44]So, mentally, we have to prepare ourselves, and it's uncomfortable. Like PEMF,I love PEMF, I do it every morning. In fact, I travel with one, because in themorning, that's part of my morning deal, is to energize my body. But if you doan HRV after PEMF, I'm not talking about like, there's other ones that are lowwattage or whatever they call it with PEMF, but the one that I hear, you gotthe thumping, that's going to tear up your nervous system for a little bit.It's an exercise for the nervous system.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:17:14]But most people, when you hear about Fred down the street that dies of a heartattack, and you go, Fred never got angry, he was such a nice guy, why did hedie of a heart attack? Because he never got angry, because he never stressedout his nervous system. We can't underperform either. The body will atrophy.So, that's why it's so important to stress out the body than relax the body.The piece that most people miss is the relax the body, like if you go on to oursite, Sporting Kansas City, actually, we have a picture of their workoutfacility, they put in a 20 station BrainTapping room after the professionalsoccer team works out, because they found they could reclaim 80% of the energythey had before the workout.

Luke Storey: [01:17:56]Wow. So cool. I love to do that too, actually, if I do a really hard workout,I'll do a BrainTap, and just 15, 20 minutes, because I'm just smoked if I do itright, if I do it like yesterday, I went and did one.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:18:09]You've used up that ATP reserve, right? So, how do we get that? Of course, wecan eat food. That'll take four hours. We can drink water or we can dobreathwork, which is instantaneous, or we can do a brain tap and get light. Youcan go outside and just sit in the sun, too, if we didn't have all theatmospheric problems that we have. Used to be, you could just-

Luke Storey: [01:18:27]People blocking the sun. Yeah. I talk about that stuff on the show. People, Ialways drop the word, chem trails, chem trails, chem trails, and people thinkit's not real. I'm like, have you ever walked outside and looked at the sky?Like I don't know, you're older than I am, right? I'm 50. When I was a kid, youlay on the lawn, and you see a plane go by, and there would be a condensationtrail behind it, and you go, oh, it's kind of hypnotic, actually, to just sitthere and watch it.

Luke Storey: [01:18:53]And it would dissipate. And then, somewhere in the '90s, I started seeing in LAjust tic-tac-toe patterns, just these huge plumes of whatever it is goingacross and it would stay all day. And next thing you know, you have a sunny daythat was overcast. It's criminal. And I always like to say for the people thatare environmentalists, God bless you, but why are you not paying attention tothis?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:19:13]Right. They're dropping aluminum into our brains from the sky. If you want todumb down a society, that's one of the ways they did it in Germany. So, theytook that technology now global.

Luke Storey: [01:19:23]Yeah.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:19:24]It's terrible.

Luke Storey: [01:19:25]I digress. I want to keep it positive, but sometimes, I like to drop those in.So, in the last few minutes we have Patrick, let's talk about what BrainTap isactually doing. When you put on these—actually, let me see that device. So, forpeople watching the video here on, I have another pair of headphones on, butyou can see this really sort of space age looking thing. And I know people,when I wear this on social media, they're like, what the hell is that?

Luke Storey: [01:19:51]But on the inside, there are these LED lights, and then inside the actualheadphones, I don't want to break them, but inside there, there are lights thatare hitting your ears. And then, of course, there are all these differenttracks that you listen to in the app. Sometimes, it'll say Alpha, and it justgoes like wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, or Delta, Theta, all the differentbrain waves, Gamma, you just told me, so I don't even know that was in the app.So, now, I'm obsessed with the Gamma ones.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:20:17]So, I'll explain it.

Luke Storey: [01:20:18]Yeah, kind of just break down for-

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:20:19]Okay. So, we started with just retinal flashing. The books aboutneurophysiology and photobiomodulation now show that if you want to boost mood,retinal flashing has now been proven to boost mood. We have studies ourselvesthat have done that, but now, other people have discovered that, too. Your eyesare closed when you're using this, so we're just looking at photonic energy.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:20:39]It's a 470 nanometer light, so some people don't use it at night. About 20 to25% of the people can't, because it'll drive too much energy into the system.Your eyes aren't just attached to your brain, your eyes are your brain. So,it's brain matter. So, when you tell somebody you got beautiful eyes, youreally say, hey, man, you got a beautiful brain, because that's what you'relooking at. But there are some people that can convert energy through theireyes.

Luke Storey: [01:21:04]What about the blue light? If you're at the spectrum of 470, I've wonderedthis, and I've used mine at night a few times, but I'm such a blue lightcontrol freak that I often get nervous about using it, because I'm like, Idon't know, even though my eyes are closed, am I going to shut down melatonin?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:21:19]We have so many sleep studies that show, we've improved coal miners sleep by80% by using blue light at night when they sleep. So, blue light, we're notgiving you enough blue light. This is only eight LEDs. When you look at yourcomputer screen, it's 1,208 times 470. You're talking about thousands of LEDlights. This is just a very small dose, so your eyes are—you can listen.

Luke Storey: [01:21:45]So, it's not like walking into a room with fluorescent lights all over theceiling and getting blasted with that really weird-

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:21:50]And we're really only looking at, this is so little amount of energy of bluelight, but for some people, like I said, 20, 25 people, they'll just listen tothe earphones, not the blue light. So, if you're somebody that anythingstimulates you, like my wife can't use it at night, she loves it during theday, in the afternoon. But if she does it at night, it's too much energy,because she has blue eyes. 

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:22:13]Blue-eyed people will take in more energy to the eyes, while brown-eyed peoplewon't because those are designed genetically to live in areas of the worldwhere we have a lot more light. So, all those things happening, but why we uselight? I work with the Neuro Ophthalmology Research Association, and your eyesactually control 30% of your hearing. Most people don't know that. So, ifyou've ever been to a lecture and you couldn't hear the lecture, but then youadjusted your vision, now, you could see them, you could hear them.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:22:42]That's because, remember, all those things happening, your brain has to—whenyou're walking through the forest, you only want to know what you're about tostep on, you don't need to know everything else, so it kind of directs yourawareness. But we also know that hearing only engages about 70% of the neuralnetworks in the brain. When we introduced light, we've now got 100% of yourbrain network.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:23:02]Not that you're using 100% of your brain's potential, but the network isactivated. It comes online. And then, we're going to actually invite cranialnerve, too, to—what happens is our default mode network or some people call itthe reticular activating system, it goes, what the hell's going on out there?Because it's always looking around our environment. Is this safe? Is this okay?Is there danger?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:23:24]It now knows, hey, it's a little weird, but okay, we're going to follow it. So,if you and I were on my spaceship coming toward Earth, what we talked about,and we looked at Earth, we would say, and we had a frequency generator and itwas measuring the Earth, it would go from 0.01 to 100. If we were by a volcanoerupting, it'd be about 100. If we're by the ocean, it'd be about 10. If we'resitting on the mountain, it'd be 7.8. That's the Schumann frequency we hearabout.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:23:48]So, water is 10 hertz frequency, we're designed like a hummingbird to be nearthe water. So, what do we do? We love being by the water, because it activatesa part of our brain. So, we seek that, we seek mountaintop experiences, becauseit creates GABA. No, it doesn't. It tells our brain to tell our gut to createthe GABA, right? So, all these things are happening. So, the blue light isactually being used to engage the frontal cortex. What we want to do is bringenergy to that area of the brain so that you don't fall asleep.

Luke Storey: [01:24:18]Ah, okay. While you're using it.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:24:20]Yes. So, light is converted through the hemoglobin, it absorbs the charge,circulates to the body, just like any light. Any light is going to do this.We're just using tuned light.

Luke Storey: [01:24:31]And there are red light in there, too.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:24:33]So, the reason we have light in the ears is some of our doctors were usinglasers and there's auricular points, right? Dr. Nogier said, there aredifferent auricular points. You could use needles, you can use lasers, you canuse seeds, and everything like I was talking about iridology, it's alsoeardology. The ear does it, the feet do it, the palms do it. Our body is replicatedor duplicated to get to those.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:24:56]So, what we found was, how could we use photobiomodulation? What's the bestmethod? Well, there's a lot of great ones. This isn't the only one, but what wewant to know is in the ears, we have a very special place, because the ears,the blood through the body goes through the ears, it takes three to fourminutes. Everywhere else in the body, it takes 45 seconds. So, when you put apad, a light pad on your body, unless you have the big wall ones that we saw atthe event, which are good, I mean, we have beds that you lay in that have12,000 of them.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:25:22]That's really energizing, but your body is going to accept those, it's going tocirculate through the brain. Now, we went into the brain, because the earscontrol the temperature of the brain. So, that's why when you wear a hat, theblood is warmer, your brain stays the right temperature, but that's going to beregulated through blood flow through the ears. That's part of what the ears do.So, I thought, wow, what if we could use photobiomodulation there, they'realready wearing the headset? So, we did this with autistic children, becausethey can't hear instructions the way that we do. And Jo [indiscernible] who youmet, she helped me with the little experiment. I said, put this on the kids,these lights look solid, they're not, 197 times per second, they're pulsing.

Luke Storey: [01:26:05]Oh, wow.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:26:06]And our brain actually knows that, just like in the movie, where, what is it,Dustin Hoffman, they dropped the toothpicks on the ground, he says 1124 orwhatever, he counted them. Our brain does the same thing. The reason thecomputer screens are so damaging to us is not just the light, our brain, it'strying to figure out the patterns all the time. So, it's actually doing amathematical equation every time that screen refreshes. And now, the screensare refreshing even faster-

Luke Storey: [01:26:37]Is that because of the flicker rate?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:26:38]Yes. So, they're using the technology that we're using here, in a safe way,they're doing it—it could be safe, but-

Luke Storey: [01:26:47]So, you're programming a deliberate flicker rate to induce different stateswith a different goal than just something that's poorly designed, like theselights, they call them Kino Flo lights, and they're fluorescent bulbs, andthey're designed to not flicker, because they're used for filming, right? Ifthey flickered, if you were in slow motion, it would go, wa, wa, wa, wa. 

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:27:07]Yeah. So, these are flickering. Like when we used to have a light bed that wedesigned before light beds are really popular, but they were too expensive.They were costing us 35 to $40,000 dollars to make. And so, we just kept one ofthem. But when we tried to get a picture of them all the time, but because wecould program them to, they're not just light. A lot of people just use, oh,this is 630 nanometer light. This is 810 nanometer light, well, that's just onething you can do with light.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:27:33]You can actually have it flicker at a frequency, because there's not just lightsound, there's vibration. Because everything in this universe, remember, we'relooking at the particles vibrating, and we give it shape and meaning. So, wecan also do that with light. We can give it information. And like solfeggiofrequencies, we can give it information for harmony, for love, for peace, likea digital drug.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:27:55]And right now, this headset is being—the Brazilian government actually investedtheir own money, $250,000, to prove that brain tap is a digital drug, becausewe can show we upregulate 54 different neurotransmitters. So, when the study isover, it's about halfway through the program. It's working great. They're doingblood serum draws. I actually have on my phone. They sent me the picture ofwhen they're doing the draws, and they said, everything's working great, justlike we thought it would.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:28:19]So, with it, that's called in visa in Brazil instead of the FDA, because thegovernment wants to give everybody a BrainTap when they have mental mentaldisorders, because most of the drugs, unfortunately, and if you're taking thedrugs, don't stop, because I say this, just know, go to your doctor and get offthem, but they don't work. The problem is you can't get off them. They're meantfor short-term use to train the brain just like a psilocybin. That's why youhave to do the microdosing. But what they do is they found out, when you get onthose drugs, they say, these aren't addictive. But then, three years later,when you try to get off them, you might as well be on heroin.

Luke Storey: [01:28:55]Yeah, I found that to be the case.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:28:57]Yeah, but we have our own pharmacy. We're only six inches away from the world'sgreatest pharmacy in the world. It's between our ears. It can dispense anynumber of 25,000 neurochemicals with a thought, but also with an experience.So, we can do ayahuasca, we can do light therapy, we can do like all theseneurohacking drugs, or not drugs, they're not drugs, but they're, what do theycall it? Adaptogens.

Luke Storey: [01:29:21]The nootropics?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:29:23]Yeah, nootropics. They're basically reacting to our own brain's receptor sites.So, the reason we can do things like painless surgery, like I had painlesssurgery with my shoulder, my dad taught me through hypnosis how to have itwithout any anesthetic. They've cut my shoulder open, they took a piece of mycollarbone, put it over here, put a screw through it, no anesthetic.

Luke Storey: [01:29:42]Are you serious?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:29:42]Yeah, because pain is optional here. If you want to get pain, go for it. Justincrease your stress, your anxiety, and your fear, you'll have a lot of pain,but if you can get into the zone, you can get into that 10 hertz frequency,between 10 hertz frequency and 7.8 hertz frequency, your brain will create itsown analgesia, and basically, you'll be pain-free.

Luke Storey: [01:30:03]I heard David Hawkins talking about that. He had a number of surgeries anddidn't use any anesthesia, and I had to believe he was in integrity in tellingthe story, but he described it in a similar way.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:30:13]Yeah, I remember a person who worked for us got in a really bad burn accident,all of their whole body, and they have to do the scraping to get the burns off,and he couldn't do it, I said, Paul, I'm going to hypnotize you, and all youhave to do is use this key word, the word is white, white. And if somebody hasthe BrainTap, the similar series is in there called Pain-free. It's in thepower user. I put it in there. It's a 13-session training to teach you how toactivate your own.

Luke Storey: [01:30:40]I've seen that in there. That's cool.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:30:41]So, he used that, and they couldn't believe it. He would sit there with a smileon his face while they were scraping his body with steel wool, because you'renot your body. You can step out of it for a little bit and let them work onyour body, just like you'd leave your car at the dealership, go have a coffeeacross the street, come back with this done, get in your car, and drive away.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:31:03]So, don't identify with this body. I love when Sai Baba actually said that,they said, Sai Baba, why don't you just live forever? He said, why don't youwear that shirt forever? So, what do you mean? He said, this is just a shirt tome. Why would I want to wear the same shirt every day? And so, people get, theystart identifying with this body and think that that's who they are.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:31:24]Now, we need to tune up this body, because this is where we live while we'rehere, just like our car, if you get the oils changed, you change the tires, youkeep it maintenanced, that car will give you year after year of dependableservice, but if you don't, you're going to have a breakdown. Most people,that's what brings them to whatever method of help. I used to jokingly tellpeople, we're a gateway drug to the self-help industry, because people onlycome when they're struggling, when this is for anybody who wants to optimizetheir brain.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:31:54]I mean, we have studies, one of my favorite recent studies, so peopleunderstand it's not just for pain or whatever, Julia Art, who's a highperformance coach with Google, we took some high-performing Google execs, andGoogle measures everything, even keystrokes. So, they know how to measure yourefficiency, and she knows how to get the most out of them. So, I said, what ifwe made a whole series based on your theories with BrainTap?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:32:20]We did the exercise, 19% improvement in efficiency. So, now, everybody who doesher training does it with BrainTap, because you can learn it on the consciouslevel, but how do we deliver to the subconscious? Because that's what's runningthe show. Only 5% of your world is controlled by your conscious mind. AndRichard Baylor says that everybody's running around, and they're chained to theback of the bus, and Freddy Krueger is driving.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:32:46]We need to kick Freddy Krueger off, take the handcuffs off, and drive our ownbus. That's the whole deal. But the subconscious, we have to train thesubconscious, right? It's a great servant, but a terrible master. So, we needto work with that. And that's where the hypnosis and LP, the affirmations. Now,the other thing, if people are saying, I don't want to have anybody in my head,they're already in your head. The thing is that your words, what you say toyourself, what you think about yourself, we now know can upregulate ordownregulate 2,300 gene expressions.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:33:18]So, who are you? You're a bundle of thoughts, and you're not this. You aresomething greater than this. And every once in a while, we get a glimpse of it.But if we get this body in the right place, we get in the right mindset, thinkof your brain like a transmitter and receiver, because that's what it is. There'slittle hair follicles on the brain that they now know transmit and receiveinformation. We have little antenna that get this information.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:33:47]So, like I think somebody this weekend actually said it really well, they said,you don't even know your next thought, so how can you control your life? We'rehere for the experience. Don't try to control it, just be involved in it, setout the right motion and the subconscious will take care of it, but you've gotto do the training. If you go on a vacation without any plans, you might notget a hotel, you might not get a rental car, you might not see the things youhave. So, take the time to plan out that vacation. And for us, that vacationhappens in 24-hour segments. So, choose your adventure as it were every day.That's the key.

Luke Storey: [01:34:24]Going back to the frequencies of light, in the app, I don't know how many, youhave dozens of different programs for different goals and outcomes. Does thefrequency of the lights change based on what's in your ears?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:34:38]Yes. Here's what happens, every session, 1,300 or more now, and I'm adding moreall the time.

Luke Storey: [01:34:44]Oh, my God, there's that many?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:34:45]We have Alyson's on there for those that want to do some shaman journeys, wejust got those on there and those are awesome. So, it's not just me, so ifsomebody wondering, we have 60 other and we're looking for more. So, if youhave something you think we could use at BrainTap and they're professionallydone, then we can encode them to work on the BrainTap network. But everyone isdifferent. There's not one session that's the same, because if we do the same,the brain will learn the pattern.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:35:11]And as soon as the brain learns the pattern, it says, that's wallpaper. It'llbe one of those other 25,000 pieces of information. That's why when people go,oh, I listen to binaurals on YouTube, I go, good luck with that, because I knowin the lab, if you listen to it three times in a row, the fourth time, it's notdoing it. Your brain goes, oh, I know that, I got that story down, what's thenext story? It's always looking for the next challenge. It says, oh, that'ssafe, I don't need to worry about that. And we're really training that limbicbrain, not the conscious mind. We're training the brain that controls the show.

Luke Storey: [01:35:43]So, with BrainTap, like there are certain favorites that I have, there's justthe Alpha, there are maybe eight different Alpha ones on there that are justthe sounds, I like to listen to those when I work. There are some of the guidedones about manifestation.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:35:56]As long as you listen to something in between, like if you pick out, even ifyou picked out 10 or 15 that were different, rotate them, don't listen to—whatI'm saying is don't go like, today, if I like, let's say you want to Bust Loosefrom the Money Game, which is what-

Luke Storey: [01:36:12]Yeah, I love that one.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:36:12]So, you listen to that, really want to do that, so you listen to it every day,that's not the same. So, you should then mix that up with the 17 sessions wehave for Think and Grow Rich or the other ones we have in the Wake Up audioseries, which are my favorite business books. If you want to integrate thosebusiness principles, listen to those at the subconscious level, then they showup in your life in ways you can't imagine, because the subconscious knows howto make them work for you.

Luke Storey: [01:36:34]So, you just got to mix them up, so your brain doesn't get that patternrecognition thing. Oh, you just reminded me of something. You have theteachings of one of the books of Stuart Wilde in there. I rarely ever meetanyone that knows who he was, and a couple of his, back when I used to—I thinkone of the reasons I have a podcast is I used to buy these big cassette booksof spiritual books, Wayne Dyer, Deepak, Stuart Wilde, those guys.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:36:57]We got him on there, too. We have those. So, the whole thing was-

Luke Storey: [01:37:01]But he was cool as hell, and then he got pretty out there later on, went intoall the alien stuff, whatever, but-

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:37:08]Well, now, the government's into it. They just released all the alien stuff, sohere we go.

Luke Storey: [01:37:13]I know, but there was like a period of Stuart Wilde teaching that reallycarried me through, really incredible.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:37:18]Oh, I loved it. I mean, it helped me. I mean, I used to read a book a day. WhenI had my radio show for 12 years, I'd have guest on that would send me theirbooks, and they were always surprised that I knew it, because I read—likebefore I came here to meet Rod, I read his book, and then I liked it so muchabout the audio, so I could listen to it on the airplane on the way here.

Luke Storey: [01:37:37]I do that to before interviews. Of course, I didn't read your nine books,because I've heard you talk enough. I'm like, no, I kind of get them enough tocarry a conversation, but now, we're going to put them in the show notes, sowe're going to do that. Alright. So, we know that with BrainTap, we want to mixit up. We don't want to listen to the same one every day.

Luke Storey: [01:37:54]Could you just, in closing, describe what, for those that don't know whatbinaural beats are? I know they've been kind of trendy in the past few years,but as I said, when I'm listening to my BrainTap headphones, I'm just hearingwa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, and to someone who's new to it, they'd be like,what the hell is this noise? How does the sound actually work to synchronizeyour hemispheres or encourage different brain waves?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:38:17]So, what's happening is, remember, our brain is always trying to matchfrequencies. So, it's used to having only one frequency, like that's isochronictones. Like the planet itself is an isochronic tone generator, so it'sgenerating this frequency. And then, there's sub-frequencies, but thatfrequency is there. But if we introduce, let's say, 200 hertz frequency in oneear, 210 hertz frequency the other, the brain doesn't hear either of those. Ithears the phantom sound of 10 hertz.

Luke Storey: [01:38:45]Oh, so the differential between the two? Oh, interesting.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:38:49]And then, what the brain does is that's the one it syncs to. It says, that mustbe it, because it's getting this conflicting information. It's different. It'snot what we usually have in reality. But then, what we found is not everybodycan hear perfectly. So then, we put a layer of isochronic tones in there, too.And then, to make it even better, we mix in frequencies, because we're going tohit different regions of the brain, you might find when you're listening, go,that really hit me here, there's actually a spiritual center in the brain.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:39:16]So, in the Gamma ones, we made sure we hit that place, so you could have thosekind of experiences, because now, even with the cheapest earphones, if somebodywas to use the app, even with the cheapest earphones, it will work. Back in the'80s, we had to buy special earphones that would be surround sound kind ofearphones. They never had those. I mean, when those come out, that was likemagic, wow, these are cool. But the sound, when you have light, sound, andvibration, you make space.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:39:46]So, when people are doing the BrainTap, we create a space, like people willhave what we call island time experiences. And what that really is, is we'redisengaging the nervous system. We're having you forget who you are for awhile, because if you can forget who you are, you can reorganize into who youwant to be. But as long as you hold on, it's like I tell people, it's the sameway we capture monkeys in the wild.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:40:08]They go, what do you mean? I said, if I want to capture a monkey that's thistall, I know with the size of their fist, I'm going to find a jar with a potatoin it, I'm going to have them reach their hand in, they can't get it out,because they're so stupid, they don't let go of the potato. I just reach upbehind them, pop in the head with a hammer, they're in the Chicago Zootomorrow. And that potato's their belief system.

Luke Storey: [01:40:26]I love that analogy. You just reminded me of that. When I checked into rehabwhen I was 26 years old, I read that or heard that somewhere, and that was, tome, the best metaphor for addiction, right? And it's like just not being ableto let go of that thing. It's like, I knew, why won't my hand just release thisthing and I could pull it out, but it just won't do it. It's a great metaphor.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:40:45]Because your identity is linked to that, I'm an alcoholic, or I'm this, or I'mthat, I'm overweight, I'm a smoker, I'm a whatever. You're none of thosethings. Get over yourself. You're an infinite being with infinitepossibilities. There's nothing that can prevent you from doing something otherthan your patience of being there. Sit in the stillness and you'll figure outwho you are. But if you're so busy trying to be, you'll never become, so justlet it be. You know the old song, just let it be.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:41:18]And when you look over your journey, hopefully, like I have so far, and I'mhopefully going to be here another 60 years, it's like, to me, every day hasbeen exciting. To me, it feels like I'm still a teenager, and there's so muchthat we're learning, and growing, and developing, and= the biohacking world hasactually put a magnifying glass on it, because now, we don't have to go to adoctor, we don't have to go to somebody in a white coat to tell us if we feelgood or not. We can do that for ourselves.

Luke Storey: [01:41:46]Is there any risk or danger in terms of like binaural beats or any of thesetechnologies being invasive? Is there any danger to kind of pushing your brainone way or another over just allowing it to naturally go where it wants to go?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:42:05]It's not like magnetic resonance therapy, where you're going to get knockedout, maybe throw up, vomit. And it's not a destructive force, it's an inclusiveforce. So, this is just a gentle way to train the brain and the nice thing isthat we've shown it actually does train the brain. We just did an experiment inNew Bern. It's now being done in Brazil. We took a 45-minute session, fiveminutes of BrainTap HRV.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:42:30]Our HRV can do prolonged study, so we can hit every minute to see where thebrain's at. And then, we did five minutes with music. What we found was thatthat really did get the parasympathetic going, but then right afterwards, itwent right back to their stress state. But we took that same music with ourencoding, they went down a little bit deeper, it didn't totally go back for 72hours.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:42:49]That's the halo effect. So, we proved that with a small group of 15 people.Now, we're proving it with a group of 150 people, students at a university inBrazil, because we want to show that it's not—some people go, well, I can dothis with music. You can get the experience with music, but you can't get thetraining with music. So, we want to train the brain. We always say, don't justmeditate, evolve.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:43:12]We can evolve our brains, we can get it working more. It's just we've beenlocked into this belief that our brain learns a certain way, just like theeducational system is from the 1800s. They haven't evolved. But at QuantumUniversity, when you go there, you're going to get a BrainTap when you join,because we know that we can teach you much faster and easier if you're relaxedthan if you're stressed out, worried about if you're going to learn thatinformation.

Luke Storey: [01:43:33]What about stacking nootropics, microdosing, anything like that? Have you doneany research? I think I'm always taking some kind of nootropic or something.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:43:44]That's what David Rosenthal, who, when he called me about that, I'm thinking,this is like the most straight, narrow kind of guy you'd ever believe, butplant medicines is coming alive. I would have never done it, and I have notdone it in the way that I will do it in the future, because I'm still trying tofigure out what the safest way is for me, I've done some microdosing and youactually helped us out, I think, two years ago after you met my social mediaguy, Andrew, you brought some, we did some microdosing, even my wife who wouldnever do anything like that, I said, just do this, it helps your focus, and shegoes, I'll be damned, man, it's like your focus was there, she got more workdone, and she would never—it's like she's probably purebred, there's no waythat she's going to do it.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:44:27]But then, you met Jo [indiscernible] who has adaptogens like, Adapt &Thrive, when she told me she was, I'm going, Jo, but she saw it in the brainsof these autistic kids. What happens? This is a natural progression. Theuniverse will always provide what's necessary for us to heal, because think ofyourself as an acupuncture needle, every person on the planet is, we're feedingenergy into the planet, and we're taking energy from them. It's a reciprocalthing, like Clint Ober showed in earthing, so it wants us to live and thriveand be prosperous. It doesn't want us to die. It wants us to be healthy.

Luke Storey: [01:45:04]Awesome, man. Well, thank you so much, Patrick. Where can people find you,BrainTap, all of the things?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:45:11]Well, on social media, @BrainTapTech, or @DrPatrickPorter, @DrPatrickPorter.And then, of course, they can go to—if they want to try out the app, theyshould go to your link that you're going to provide.

Luke Storey: [01:45:25]Yeah, I will. I'll put that in the show notes, and in the intro and outro,because I'm sure there's something there for them. Last question for you is,who have been three teachers? I mean, you've named about 100 of them already,but maybe something else will come, Who have been three teachers or teachingsthat have influenced your life or your work that you'd like to share with us?

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:45:42]Well, I think the first would be, Hamid Bey, even though he wasn't alive. Ifelt like I was working with him, because the first thing that I ever did thatwas outside of the world of Catholicism and structured religion, I went to aCoptic seminar, they're the first Catholic Church, the Coptics, but they'revery different than any—there are six ex-Catholic churches, I didn't realizethat. There are six different ones.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:46:06]Coptics are one, and they do meditation. They do eating healthy. Actually, ifyou were a Coptic priest, you would eat a certain way your whole life, so thatwhen you died, they could cut you open and see if eating cucumbers everymorning would make a difference. So, they were scientists. And that hit me, andsaid, these people are just doing something seat of the pants, they're studyingwhat they're doing, and I still carry his book on my phone, because every oncein a while—and he has other lectures, so books about his lectures.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:46:34]So, I'll get something just to—and then I think Paramahansa Yogananda was a bigone, because when he talks about lighting the spark of the divine in the heartsof every person, that hit me, because my heart was closed. I mean, I grew up ina family that emotions were not accepted. You couldn't cry. I'm almost cryingjust thinking about it, because it was such an awakening when I started doingKriya yoga and doing the breath work, doing those kind of things.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:47:02]And then, of course, the Kundalini was good, but I never really got to knowYogi Bhajan, but that was great. And then, I think the third would be RichardBandler, even though he was kind of a—now, he's mellowed out. He's kind of coolnow, but everybody told me, you don't want to go take training with him, he'sevil. I said, oh, leave, you let him be. I said, this guy is a genius. And so,I wanted to learn how he did things, because he could get people to move indirections. There's a lot of other people. I mean, I could probably name ahundred.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:47:29]I mean, one thing that my dad was very big on was training. If I read a book bysomebody, I liked it, I found a way to go train with them. Like Deepak Chopra,I told him when we got to meet with him and talk with him, which was awesome,because the last time I talked with him was in 1989, when he just released hisbook, Quantum Healing. He was a big influence, too. So, I mean, nobody couldget where they are without a lot of people helping them. And when I think back,every day, the teacher always shows up, as they say. And I'm always looking forthat newest piece of information, that new knowledge.

Luke Storey: [01:48:04]I can see that, yeah. We have a lot in common in that way, a thirst for truthand information. Thank you for sharing so much with us today. It's beenincredible. Well worth the wait. It's been a couple of years, man, so I'm gladwe got to get together, and also just hang out a bunch this weekend and get toknow you. It's been really fun, and I appreciate what you're doing in the worldvery much, and very much aligned with your mission. And I love your technology,man. It's awesome, so I'm glad I got to really pick your brain on it.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:48:28]Alright. Well, it's great being here. I mean, we watch your lifestyle podcast,so it's great to be a part of it and be part of the history of it, and helptrain, and motivate people.

Luke Storey: [01:48:37]Awesome, man. Thanks, Patrick.

Dr. Patrick Porter: [01:48:38]All right. Thank you, man.

Luke Storey: [01:48:41]I'm Luke Storey. For the past 22 years, I've been relentlessly committed to mydeepest passion, designing the ultimate lifestyle based on the most powerfulprinciples of spirituality, health, psychology. The Life Stylist podcast is a show dedicated to sharing my discoveries and theexperts behind them with you.



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