461. Quantum Upgrade: Charge Your Health w/ Philipp Samor von Holtzendorff-Fehling & Ian Mitchell

Philipp Samor von Holtzendorff-Fehling and Ian Mitchell

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

We’ve got double trouble today on the podcast, with my friends and former guests, Philipp Samor von Holtzendorff-Fehling and Ian Mitchell. They’ve combined forces on an incredible new service, Quantum Upgrade, which serves as the basis of our conversation today.

Over the past decade, lan Mitchell has developed a series of novel therapeutics using Lipofullerene-Conjugates and holds multiple patents across a host of different scientific disciplines such as nano-medicine and materials science. Additionally, he holds joint patents with the University of Tulsa for personalized cancer screening technology, and personalized cell culture media for both laboratory and clinical settings as well as an antiviral therapeutic for recalcitrant viruses. lan recently developed the first viable gamma ray shielding system for use on spacecraft and in space habitats as well as a carbon negative concrete to inhibit greenhouse gas proliferation. He is the lead scientist at Wizard Sciences, Polymath in Residence at Ecliptic Capital, and scientific advisor for Leela Quantum.

Philipp Samor von Holtzendorff-Fehling is a coach, conscious entrepreneur, and energy healer.  In parallel to a successful international business career, he constantly worked through blockages and barriers that prevented him from connecting with his true self. With that, he started to also see energy fields and developed his unique skills as a healer going through two decades of training in shamanic and other energy healing practices. During his business career he worked as an executive for several well-known companies, including T-Mobile International and T-Mobile US where he served as Vice President.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

We’ve got double trouble today on the podcast, with my friends and former guests, Philipp Samor von Holtzendorff-Fehling and Ian Mitchell. They’ve combined forces on an incredible new service, Quantum Upgrade, which serves as the basis of our conversation today.

We learn how to use quantum energy and quantum entanglement to heal faster, harmonize EMF, gain clean energy, and make your home feel like a sanctuary – mixed in with all the research, science, and double-blind results to back it up. For me, this is a great episode because it delves into the mysterious realm of quantum energy healing, while also delivering the brainiac science on how all this stuff works.

I've interviewed both these guys individually, but it was a real delight to share space with both of them at the same time. get ready to tap into the latest and greatest in quantum energy technology, which for me, might just be the brightest future the world of healing has to offer.

If you're keen to try out Quantum Upgrade for yourself, get your seven-day free trial at lukestorey.com/quantumupgrade.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

00:03:17 — Working in the Quantum Realm 
00:31:18 — The Hawkins Scale of Consciousness
00:56:04 — Quantum Energy: How It Works
  • Can it be used for negative purposes?
  • Channeling the Source Energy
  • Breaking away from fear-based brainwashing 
  • How Luke combats the 5G frequencies of Austin
  • Unpacking their strict global research protocol
  • Reversal of blood clotting in vaccinated subjects 
  • How frequencies impact your blood
  • Basics and validity of darkfield microscopy
  • How Quantum Upgrade gets to your home
  • Making sense of what we can’t see
  • Appreciating this profoundly important moment in time
01:39:49 — Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Mitigation
01:54:55 — Best Practices for Using the Technology 
  • Quantum Upgrade vs. Leela Quantum Block 
  • Customization and frequency boosters
  • Charging items, pets, food, etc.
  • Meditation and breathwork
  • Structuring pool water
  • Recommended distance between Leela blocks

More about this episode.

Watch on YouTube.

 [00:00:00] Ian: I think that's one of those things that's just hard to grasp that we are in fact all connected. And when you open the gates up and you're willing to express, I want to enhance this connection for some positive, beneficial outcome, then it actually begins to happen. I mean, we're proving that definitively. And as hard as it is to grasp, the universe is much more of a large thought than it is a large thing.

 This is your host, Luke Storey from lukestorey.com, here to deliver another fascinating episode directly into your eardrums. You'll find your show notes, links, and transcripts for this one at lukestorey.com/upgrade.

[00:00:40] Luke: All right, here's what you'll learn in Episode 461, featuring Philipp Von Holtzendorff-Fehling and Ian Mitchell. First, we take a super deep dive into the exciting new subscription service called Quantum Upgrade and how to use quantum energy and quantum entanglement to heal faster, harmonize EMF, gain more energy, and make your home feel like a sanctuary; the nuts and bolts of how Upgrade works on your home, car, pets, cell phone, and even your body and the challenges of explaining the value of something inviscible; how the folks at Quantum confirm that the energy levels are present at the target location once you activate the subscription; how the Quantum boost features work and when and how I use them strategically in my daily life.

 We also explore the abundant positive feedback from Quantum Upgrade users so far and we also get into many of the clinical studies on the effects of Quantum Upgrade using stuff like darkfield microscopy and HRV and also the research conducted on vaccinated test subjects, which was fascinating to learn.

[00:01:44] Luke: We also talk about how upgrade works with Leela and the benefits of using both of them together and also because I knew you were going to ask, and while I was curious myself, we talk about how Quantum Upgrade differs from FLFE and why I personally love them both.

And finally we hear the unbelievable story of my friend Todd Shipman's fish allergy and how quantum energy halted his reactions. It's really wild stuff, so I can't wait to share that story with you as well. And for me, this was a great episode because it delves into the mysterious realm of quantum energy healing, but also delivers the brainiac science on how all this stuff works thanks to Ian Mitchell's high level intellectual capacity. So I was glad he also joined us on this one.

I've interviewed both these guys individually, but it was a real delight to share space with both of them at the same time. And I'm stoked to, uh, tap you into the latest and greatest in quantum energy technology, which for me might just be the brightest future the world of healing has to offer.

And one of the most interesting intersections I like to explore is where spirituality and science collide. And that's definitely what happens here. So enjoy the show. And if you're keen to try out Quantum Upgrade for yourself, get your seven-day free trial at lukestorey.com/quantumupgrade. Again, that's lukestorey.com/quantumupgrade. All right, let's do the damn thing with Philipp and Ian.

All right, fellas, here we go. For those watching, uh, on the video, we've got this immense Infinity Quantum bloc from Leela here. Let's start off, uh, Philipp, by just explaining to the people that can see, and for those that can't, we're looking at almost like 18 by 18 or something massive Leela bloc.

[00:03:38] Philipp: Good guess. Yeah. In this case it's 16 by 16 by 16. So really good guess indeed. It's pretty big Should I say what it is? What it does?

[00:03:46] Luke: Yeah. Sure. I mean, as much as you want to say. I just know that anyone who's-- I mean, most people listen, but for the people watching, if they're like, uh, what's the elephant in the room? Literally. 

[00:03:55] Ian: The golden elephant.

[00:03:58] Luke: Yeah.

[00:03:58] Philipp: Yeah. So the plates are charged with pure quantum energy and we've further advanced and advanced and advanced the technology now. This is extremely strong. So on the Hawkins scale, this goes up to 2,000 on the Hawkins scale. Uh, but it can level it down to anyone in the room that may not be able to take in such levels because they're not used to it from the nervous system or because they have so many toxins in the body that they would just start sweating and detoxing.

So it would, scale it down for these people, but it doesn't do that then for everyone in the room. Really, it goes to everyone, to exactly the level they need. So almost to the perfect level that you need in each moment, which is pretty fascinating. It's really a new development in that case.

And the size is because people requested, literally people out of our community kept asking for a whole year. They wanted a bloc of this size. We did a big poll and they said, this is what it needs to be because they want to charge their salad bowls. Ian charges his coffee there. But if you have a salad bowl, a whole plate or--

[00:05:08] Luke: Could put a whole pot of coffee.

[00:05:10] Philipp: Yeah. If you have a barbecue, put your meat in there and it's no issue. And then some people-- we have a couple others that have this here. Not of this strength, but they lay in it literally.

[00:05:22] Luke: I'm going to do that. The first thought I had because I've crammed my head inside the--

[00:05:30] Ian: I think we've all done that.

[00:05:32] Luke: The Quantum and the Infinity blocs. But my first thought was this is going to be the dog and cat's new little healing portal. If I can put something in there to, um, incentivize them to lie down.

[00:05:45] Philipp: There you go.

[00:05:46] Ian: They'll find their way to it. I can attest to--

[00:05:48] Luke: They will?

[00:05:48] Ian: Yeah. Cats and dogs do that all the time.

[00:05:50] Luke: Are you a proud cat owner?

[00:05:52] Ian: Yes. My Schrodinger's cat, yes.

[00:05:54] Luke: Is the box thing universal with cats?

[00:05:57] Ian: Oh yeah. Absolutely. Yeah.

[00:05:59] Luke: Because anytime we get a delivery--

[00:06:01] Ian: Best Christmas ever.

[00:06:03] Luke: It's the tape though. Uh, our cat, Jelly, is obsessed with eating the tape, with packing tape and only packing tape to to the point where in the past before he was our cat and he was just Alyson's cat, he would eat a bunch and have all these digestive issues and it would make him sick.

[00:06:21] Ian: Jelly's a tape connoisseur.

[00:06:23] Luke: Yeah. So-- 

[00:06:23] Ian: I'm sorry, I only--

[00:06:25] Luke: So anytime a delivery comes and there's a lot of deliveries coming since we recently moved in, Alyson's like, put it away. So I have special hiding spots for any boxes with tape on them because he will find them and eat it.

[00:06:35] Ian: Yeah. No, Schrodinger nailed it actually using a box as a reference because cats do in fact love boxes. If you leave a box out, a cat we'll find its way inside the box regardless of how high you place it.

[00:06:47] Luke: Okay. Well, I'm glad that's not just our cat. I feel like he's more normal now. Ian, how did you get connected with Philipp and the Leela Quantum Upgrade world? If I'm not mistaken, I think you're the one that told me about it, right? 

[00:07:04] Ian: Yeah. I did. 

[00:07:05] Luke: been a few years now.

[00:07:06] Ian: Yeah. Probably been three or four years.

[00:07:08] Luke: And I think that was, if I recall, the reason that I gave it my initial, um, curiosity--

[00:07:14] Ian: Yeah. Because you asked me if it was legit or not.

[00:07:16] Luke: Yeah. Because there's a-- and we're going to talk about this, I'm sure, and we have on our past podcast with Philipp, but it's probably been 20 years people have been coming up with these little quantum necklaces and stickers. And I think by the very nature of quantum energy, it's easy for a misguided, or in some cases, unscrupulous people to claim that something is that. 

[00:07:37] Ian: Yeah.

[00:07:38] Luke: But yeah, you lending some validity to it definitely had weight for me because I know you're a pragmatic, science-minded person. 

[00:07:47] Ian: Yeah. There is science behind it.

[00:07:48] Luke: Well, I know you're honest also. So you're honest, you have integrity, and you're competent about these things. But I don't think I ever learned like, how did you guys first meet and how did you--

[00:07:58] Ian: Actually, interestingly enough, I got a phone call from Philipp about four or five years ago when I literally was in Santa Fe. And I was walking, which is where you now live or right outside of there. And it was a funny occurrence, but I got this phone call and you had reached out to me about carbon 60. And you were looking at doing some things with carbon 60, and you had already done some research on it.

And so that's where the initial conversation started. And then we started talking more and more. And then as you were developing Leela, um, initially you had worked with a group, uh, 90TEN way back when that was doing quantum behavior and manipulations thereof. And then you started Leela and really took it to the next level.

And the thing that really was great to me is the science behind it because everything has been rigorously tested. And we were joking before the podcast, uh, I've been doing testing at a university on the new Quantum Upgrade and it's all double-blinded stuff. And I've got a biochemistry professor assessing everything and nobody knows except myself, who has the notes on what's what.

And the results are consistent. They're repeatable, and it's remarkable. I mean, it's just-- that's the thing that gets me about it is, even though I know what's going on, it's still so far ahead of where we really are. You know what, we can't actually directly measure what is shifting on the quantum behavior, but we can actually see the secondary, tertiary, quaternary effects of it and say like, yeah, a 100% of the time, this is working.

And the thing that really intrigued me when I started working with Philipp on Leela and why I wanted to do the advisory role for the science was everything was being vetted, tested, double-blind studies. It was done the right way. And so I could actually hang my hat on it and say, yes, if you do this, it's not some fru fru concept.

We can show you images of your darkfield microscopy, shots of your blood, and say your blood is going to change, the quality of your life is going to be enhanced. And it was just the efficacy. It was off the charts. And that that's-- I mean, ultimately that's what you want. You don't necessarily have to understand how the technology's working down to the nuts and bolts of it.

Most people who get on a jet cannot describe the inner workings of all circuitry in the cockpit. But you don't need to. You need to know that if I do this thing, it's going to benefit me biologically. And it's just been-- we've just developed the relationship over the past four or five years and used it as an opportunity to, from my perspective, push not just the esoteric components of it from the subtle energies and things like that, but to take that and bring it into the mainstream science and say, "Okay, how is this functioning? What is it doing? How can we test it?" 

Because we've been doing wound healing experiments as of late, trying to show differing rates in the, uh, the progression of tissues, and then a lot of experiments on showing ATP levels, which is-- and we'll talk about that later because those still blow me away. I mean, again, I'm the guy doing the experiments and it's double-blinded and it's just hard to wrap your brain around that remotely 10,000 miles away, you can do something in a lab that is going to a 100% of the time change the outcomes. I mean, you don't generally see something that has that efficacy where it's a 100% of the time. It's bizarre. 

[00:11:20] Luke: Yeah. We try to get that with, uh, pharmaceuticals,

[00:11:23] Ian: Yeah. Good luck.

[00:11:26] Luke: Anyway, I don't want to throw a negative spin on the conversation this early. So Philip, people that have listened to the show will know you from your prior appearances where we were talking about, um, what we have here, part of the Leela Quantum suite of products. And then a few months ago you reached out and said, hey, we've got this new thing called Quantum Upgrade, which is a, I guess a subsidiary of your mother company, could you say? 

[00:11:50] Philipp: Sister.

[00:11:51] Luke: Sister company. Okay. And you're like, now we've figured out a way to use this quantum energy that's been so effective with, uh, the Leela physical products. Now we've developed a way to do it without having the physical product in your house, um, which is intriguing to me. And so I got the service and I've been trying it out.

And I actually had, and we can talk about this in a bit, I had a booster set for 1:00 PM today, when we were going to start the interview, and then flights got delayed and stuff. So the house probably felt great at 1:000. Um, but I don't know where we are now. 1:30, so maybe. I don't know if it's still on or how long it lasts, but, uh, I've been playing around with it with the different boosters and I mean, I love this kind of stuff. Oh my God, these s's.

[00:12:35] Ian: Suffering succotash.

[00:12:37] Luke: I will have already explained this in the intro, but, uh, yeah, I'm having a very hard time with s's because I have fake plastic teeth in my head at the moment. I'm going to use this as an opportunity to practice. Oh my God. It's funny. Um, so I guess my question to you is this, at what point did you realize that you could start to use the methods with which you've infused physical objects with quantum energy to be able to transmit them non-locally based on these unique identifiers such as your car, your pet, your house, even you. What was the, um, transition there, the discovery moment for you guys to be able to do it?

[00:13:20] Philipp: Yeah. So that already happened years ago. Frankly, when we developed the first blocs. Relatively early on, we already knew we could actually really apply quantum entanglement. I mean, the 2022 Noble Prize for Physics was awarded for research on quantum entanglement, but all that is, it doesn't interest me a bit actually.

I think it's cool that it comes into the mainstream. People hear about it, but there's really nothing behind it. We actually apply it. You can literally test it. Um, because even with a bloc like that, you can take a picture of yourself and put it in and you are in the field, and you can go to town while you're in the field.

So that is the first where we knew that there's quantum entanglement. We did experiments like that, and people apply that at home. They have an that doesn't feel good and they put the picture and however there's limitations with a regular bloc, because you have a bloc usually at a specific level.

Let's say it's a 700 on a Hawkin scale, or 900 on the Hawkin scale, and then that's the level you have. You put the picture in, and that's that. And also you couldn't put more than one picture inside because you would commingle the energies. And so we always work with the highest integrity because this is powerful stuff.

Some people may still think it's woo woo, but it's really powerful stuff. But it has to be handled with the highest level of integrity. And we could not offer something where suddenly people's energies get commingled. Or you put an elephant in the zoo in there and a cat, and then a guy and a girl and whatever, and then you commingle these energies.

You can't operate like that. And so we developed a whole new set of systems, actually, based on this technology, where now we removed all of those limitations where we have complete flexibility in the Hawkins scale up to a certain level. And also we've removed the issue with putting in one or two, three or a million different people.

So that was a long development process. So that probably took us 12 months, uh, in total to develop until we had that all set. And then there's a whole bunch of other stuff that we obviously needed to develop like how do you then actually do it that someone can customize it? Because now to explain to the people, so with the service, you can book this for your home or for yourself, or even for a dog or a cat. Uh, and then I think we have a car and a business. 

So let's say for yourself, you set it for yourself, then you can set, um, a certain Hawkins value for the daytime and for the nighttime. And then as the company, you need to think about, okay, but not everyone lives in this same time zone. So you need to fix that. And then the whole system needs to be set up the way that it does that also, that you live in Austin, I live in Santa Fe New Mexico, it needs to recognize that and all that. So the whole development was a long time. Yeah. And finally we had it all finished.

And now we still keep developing because it never stops, frankly. It's not like we don't have this now, and then we just sit on our asses and we're just letting it ride. No. It's like we want to continue to hear from the people, what else do they want? Oh, they want additional frequencies. So how can we include frequencies that people can book certain frequencies in?

Yeah. Now someone can sit on the sofa at home and use their cell phone and literally say, okay, I want this type of energy now for the day and at 3 o'clock I have an important meeting, or I have a tennis match, whatever I want to set my 30 minute booster to higher energy. And I felt a little angry lately. Maybe it's because I haven't been grateful for the things I have in my life. Maybe I'll book in the gratitude frequency. You can do that in almost-- it's a near real time, frankly. It's within five-minute lag time, our system reacts to what you put in. And it's humbling, frankly that that works.

But then we wouldn't want to stop there. We needed to have the science because that's so important. Because we could tell people it works, and then you have people that see the energy and you have some people that experience the energy. That's great. But I think where humanity is right now, there's positive energy needed on Earth, frankly.

And that's, we see ourselves as just being helpers in whatever is being birthed. There's a lot of companies and great people around the globe, what you're doing, what you're doing, everyone does their part, but that's like our part. We just help with that.

[00:18:27] Luke: Well, I just learned, uh, a couple of important things. One is that you had this under wraps for a long time and didn't tell anyone because if you've been working on it for that long, and then you're like, hey, Luke, we have this thing. So I'm glad that you didn't just get the idea and put it out in the world without being thoughtful about it.

But perhaps more importantly, uh, when you mentioned you don't want to put two pictures inside of a Leela Infinity bloc. Uh, right now in my office, I have a picture of our dog Cookie and a picture of my mom. And as you're saying that, I'm like, is my mom going to start barking? I got to fix that. I'm going to take Cookie out and leave mom in. I didn't know that. It's a nuance of that particular product. So I think--

[00:19:05] Philipp: It will probably be okay. But it's interesting because we had, um, someone report, it's actually K L Murray. He's also a biohacker and he's very active in the quantum power group on Telegram. And he had forgotten his dog's hair was in the Infinity bloc while he had his picture then. He literally noticed over a few days, and he didn't know that he suddenly communicated better with the dog. He understood suddenly when the dog was hungry or things that he wouldn't notice usually. And there was a deeper connection. And then at some point he removed the photograph of his and then saw that the dog hair was in there and then a light bulb went on.

And so it's not always bad. We recommend still to not do that because usually really commingle energies. Partners can do it, for example, if they both consent because things may come up. Because everyone has stuff in the relationship that may be buried, like some underlying issues that you didn't talk about, but you need to talk about in order to resolve it, then that may bring it up. So you need to be aware of these things.

[00:20:15] Ian: One of the, uh, the stranger, but probably the most tangible things I've seen was, a friend of ours, Todd Shipman, left sage for a day inside the bloc, and then he had forgotten that it was in there, and then he took it out and he put milk in to charge his milk before he drank it. And when he took the milk out, it tasted like sage.

[00:20:36] Luke: Oh, wow.

[00:20:37] Ian: Yeah. So that's one of the things that I find incredibly intriguing. And wedid an experiment with Todd on stage that we've talked about, it's up on YouTube at the 2021 Biohacking Conference, where he has a horrible shellfish allergy. He's super allergic. So we took crab meat and opened a can and took the juice and derma rolled his arm and put the crab on. And instantly, like an old school dermal stamp test for histamine reactions, it swelled up, blew up hives on one arm. And then I put it in a bloc and talked for maybe, I don't know, two, three minutes about waveform dynamics and what's really happening because there are a whole lot of things that are actually going on that we don't normally think about.

Everybody thinks of a wave as this, it's this motion, but it's really spheres moving in and out with a pressure gradient, rotations, and chirality, and there's a whole host of different things going on there. And the shifts that we're listening from changes in the quantum behavior, they cascade up from the very base levels.

And that's why you can take something, uh, a frequency that would be related to the taste of sage or in the case of Todd, we negated the negative effects of the crab meat. So I took it out and derma rolled his other arm and put the juice on and nothing happened. And literally at the end of that, everybody in the audience walked up to look at it, because it was such a-- everyone knows that if you're allergic to something, you're going to be allergic to it three minutes later.

But that's not actually the case because what you're really reacting to is everything that's manifest. We think of ourselves as a solid thing, and we express solidity. But really we're a coalescing of all these vibratory things that have come together. And it's electron cloud repulsion.

 When I touch you, it's I'm sensing the push of my electron cloud on your electron cloud, and the repulsion they're in. And so when you take something like the crab meat, you're really looking for constructive or destructive interference of a waveform, because we're all just big waveforms. My particular take is that our consciousness actually expresses the waveform to coalesce in a certain way.

[00:22:40] Ian: So you express as Luke, you express as Philipp, and I expresses Ian, and we coalesce in those waveforms. So you can use something like a Quantum bloc and actually modulate very subtle behaviors so that something that would be potentially detrimental for you, like in the case of that, uh, shellfish allergy, it's really not, because you negate the issues with destructive interference.

And so the waveforms actually sync together. So it's like you're sanding off the rough edges at a submolecular level. And so when you actually ingest it, then you don't have a problem. And those are the things that I find remarkable because we're touching on things that are the subtle essence of what we are. And it just cascades up from there. 


[00:23:20] Luke: I remember, uh, at that conference, the buzz about that particular demonstration and I was off podcasting or something as usual, so I missed all of the speakers, which I always do. But yeah, there was these murmurs in the crowd. Did you see the thing? The Leela? It was a big buzz. I think because in that world too, a lot of people, I think are in earnest making claims about things and describing the benefits of their products or services. But, uh, but, uh, I'm never get over this. I'm sorry, audience. I'm probably noticing it more than anyone, but, um, it's really cool when you can see--

[00:24:00] Ian: Yeah. Real talent.

[00:24:01] Luke: The quantum realm come into the visible spectrum and go, "Oh wow, that arm looks like that. That one doesn't." Um, that's very compelling. Now that said, let's give a disclaimer. Obviously, if you're allergic to something, maybe don't try this at home.

[00:24:15] Philipp: Yeah, I mean, that's what we definitely say right now. Don't try that at home. It's too early because we need to provide more guidance. There's too many different substances out there, too many different allergies and all of that. So, uh, it's really at your own risk at this point. But because we've heard it so much from so many different people about gluten sensitivity, about a person that could never eat a lemon or drink even a drop of a lemon juice, now being able to do it.

[00:24:43] Ian: Dairy sensitivities, crab.

[00:24:45] Philipp: Dairy sensitivities, all that. Now there's a clinic in Munich, in Germany that is a pretty famous clinic there, and people from London and all over Europe fly there to get treated. And one of the things is they have a $50,000 device to test for allergies. It's a medical device and then they can test also reduction in allergy response and stress responses and stuff like that.

And their pilot study they found-- and they only charged all the substances for three minutes, where we told them four minutes, please because that's what we energetically can see and observe as being the minimum you should do it if you wanted to use it for a food allergy, a 65 to 95% reduction in allergy response across all substances they tested.

And again, that was just three minutes. So we're assuming at this point this will probably be rather 70 to 100% in that realm, but it's the largest study that's going on right now. Before that we tell people to not use it. And that also brings me to the point, we're talking about Quantum Upgrade, but now we have this thing here.

So to not confuse people, there's obviously a big difference because the Quantum Upgrade is really the service. It's something you don't need a physical device. Basically you are in the field if you have it for yourself or your home is in the field, and things like that. And you can customize it up and down however you want it.

It's way more powerful than what a single bloc could do, uh, in that sense that it goes way deeper if you have the field for you than just a bloc. But then there's also things you cannot do with a Quantum Upgrade and that's, for example, charging this coffee. You could not charge the coffee.

I mean, we could find a way, but it would be just too complicated. So you, at home, you couldn't do that with a Quantum Upgrade. So if you want to deal with charging, structuring your water, and things like that, you actually need a physical device. But it's interesting, we've now heard lately in the last four weeks from several people with gluten sensitivities and allergies that if they eat that type of stuff and they set their Quantum Upgrade on booster, that they have less issues.

So there's something there as well. Again, don't try this, but maybe-- for example, I don't eat a lot of meat. I'm like 90, 95% vegetarian, but I do eat meat. So every now and then, every two weeks I do eat a piece of meat, maybe on average. But when I do, usually I feel very heavy afterwards and there's just a lot of work to digest. So I now always set the, uh, booster for the time, and the booster's 30 minutes. And by the way, you can set another booster right after if you wanted to. So if you have a longer process to digest, it actually helps. So it's cool.

[00:27:32] Luke: That's very cool. Yeah. Well, the thought that I had, uh, speaking about the fish allergy with, with our friend, uh, Todd Shipman, is this block is about the size of a single, uh, serving pizza . I was like, dude. Every once in a while I fall off the wagon and I think, no, I'll be fine this time. It's like years of not being fine every time I eat gluten and I'll take charcoal and enzymes. It's a borderline eating disorder rather than just going, I can't eat this stuff and just leaving it alone. My wife constantly is like, "Dude, again?" I'm like, "No, I feel pretty good. Don't do this at home, but I am going to put a goddamn pizza in here and I'm going to see what happens.

[00:28:10] Philipp: You can do it with sugar, by the way. And sugar is great. The clinic also tested sugar. Same results. There was a huge reduction in stress response. So you cannot be allergic to sugar, but you can have a big stress response. So if you put your, I don't know, your chocolates in there, your cookies, uh, for quite some time, you can feel really good about it afterwards.

[00:28:29] Luke: Well, digestion has been one of my sticking points. I'm really healthy, vital, great sleep, all the things, great energy, but I do struggle with digestion sometimes. So you'll see we have the Quantum bloc on the kitchen isle and that wasn't just to honor you when you came over. It literally stays there all the time. And it's right there because that's where our food and smoothies and stuff gets set usually before we eat them. So even Alyson, who's not typically that interested in all my funny biohacking stuff in the house, she's gotten in the habit over the years of putting her stuff in there too.

And I think if it's good for her, she's much more discerning than I am about this stuff. But we put everything in there, coffees, smoothies, meals, supplements. I mean, it's just part of our assembly line now in the kitchen.


[00:29:15] Luke: But I do want to differentiate between, to not confuse people again, and thank you for that, the Leela, we're talking about physical blocs and we've done shows on that and people can learn more. But I wanted you to weigh in, Ian, about the Hawkins Scale since the Quantum Upgrade service is using that, um, model in their calibrations. And if I'm not mistaken, it was a year or two ago that I said, man, you got to check out this Hawkins stuff.

And it seems like since we've talked, you've really taken that teaching and run with it, where now you're when we out at your lab, we'll talk about that in the podcast, we're going to do it, but you're in the car calibrating stuff and you're using muscle testing all the time. Um, so either of you really-- I mean, maybe you could explain for people that haven't heard my prior podcast where I've talked about David Hawkins and the map of consciousness and all of this stuff, maybe you could break it down and then you guys can talk about how and why you use that model as a metric with the Quantum Upgrade service.

 It's an incredibly effective and simple method to follow. It's a logarithmic scale from zero to 1,000. And the states of consciousness, the lowest consciousness you can express to the highest that's achievable in a physical body without blowing apart just because you're flowing so much energy.

[00:30:32] Ian: So, uh, the idea of the Hawkins scale is David Hawkins was MD PhD, very sharp, but more importantly, uh, a very enlightened guy. Truly just one of those individuals that comes along every couple of centuries who codifies things and breaks things down. And he made the assessment after seeing someone doing kinesiology and doing a test, uh, just a kinesiology test to see muscle resistance.

He realized that what was actually happening there was they were tapping into the field of consciousness. And what that really means is, like I was saying about an allergic reaction, things are either constructive or destructive. So it's a very binary function. If something is true, it's stronger because there's constructive interference.

And so what happens is when you get something like that, there's a sympathetic resonance and there's an increase in the amplitude. So the strength of the signal goes up. So that's why when you ask somebody, is this healthy for you and you're pushing down on their arm, if their arm just flops down, it's because they've lost tone in their muscles because there's a destructive interference.

Effectively, you could say they're allergic to the dis-truth or the absence of the truth. And if you say, is this good for you, and it's true, then there's integrity in the system and there's an increase in the amplitude. So the strength of the system, including their physiology, because as I was saying, we're not really super physical, we're actually energetic and that cascades up. So that constructive interference, you actually see a correlation to people's muscular impedance, um, and how much they're able to resist. 

And so with the Hawkins scale, when you start to move through the states and you go through the normal states of awareness going up from say, 200, where you become a normal person, probably everybody that's listening to this is going to be above that threshold. And then you move up to say, the 600s, which is the rarefied air where you're actually starting to have the experience of enlightenment. And then you move beyond that. What's happening is your energetic potential is moving up. You're becoming more and more coherent.

Truly the big shift, um, is when you hit 600, what actually changes is you become energetically coherent. And there are varying degrees of that coherence, which is accounting for this scale from the next, 600 through 1,000. But as you become more coherent, I always tell people it's the difference between a light bulb and a laser.

You can have the same number of emissive photons, so the same little packets of energy coming out, one warms a hotdog, one will punch a hole through steel. The difference is coherence. Everything is moving in phase at the same time, at the same rate, with the same intent. And that's what's happening. So with the Hawkins scale, you're assessing reality through the lens of things being not coherent to things being completely coherent.

And so with the blocs, the thing that's really marvelous about the blocs is you can-- some of the earlier blocks were in the 700 range, which is a very intense range. But if people weren't capable of taking that in, it would, not all the time, but sometimes trigger sweating. Or in the case of a friend of mine at a conference a couple of months back, he caught me--uh, Larry [Inaudible] he's name, and he called me as I was walking into the hall and we had the new eighth gen bloc out. And it was at-- LOC was 1200, which is exceedingly high. 

And he grabbed me and said, "Hey, check this out." And he was monitoring his heart rate and when he would walk across towards it, his heart rate would go up 20 bpm. And then he would walk back and it'd drop, and he'd walk over and he'd go up, and he'd walk back and it dropped. And he goes, "What the hell's going on? How does it work?" And I said, well, it's there's too much energy there. 

It's like a penny in a fuse box. You're not supple enough in terms of your nervous system to handle that capacity. So you have to tailor things, which is the beauty of the way the Quantum Upgrade works and some of the newer blocs, is they actually restrict themselves so that they maximize the amount of energy that you can take in without actually triggering any negative feedback in your own system.

[00:34:37] Luke: Cool. Great explanation.

[00:34:38] Philipp: It's a perfect explanation. There are some limitations. So if someone never worked with energy, for example, and then comes here and puts the hand in there, they'll start sweating, probably relatively quickly, uh, because detox will start. So it doesn't go to the low levels on the Hawkins scale. It can't do that. Uh, so it's still very powerful. I'm picturing holy water on a demon. If somebody calibrates at 65 because they're a psychopath, it's going to be, um, it's going to affect their coherence, I guess.

But I want to add to that. Your one question was, so how did-- when and how did we come up with using the Hawkins scale, actually? And that's, I think a year and a half ago maybe, because we used at first the actual quantum consciousness levels, or you can call it quantum perspective levels, the actual ones, but no one can see those.

I mean, you have maybe a handful of people, 10, 20 people on Earth that can actually see these levels really on the granular level. And yet at some point people can put it in perspective, but then people ask, so how's this here in relation to the Hawkin scale? And that happened in the Telegram group. And they asked over and over again, and then we said, okay, let's just start calibrating some of our products.

So a year and a half ago, we already told them, okay, the Quantum bloc is at 571, the basic Infinity bloc is 733. I think the fourth generation of Infinity bloc was at 942. I think I brought you that one in the second podcast we had. So that was a lot at the time. And now he was talking about the almost 1,200 level eighth generation, I think, that we had at this conference in February.

Yeah. Since then we've been using that. For the frequency products, we shy away from using the Hawkins scale, even though we know it's always between 500 and probably 640. Because the focus there is not really the level on the Hawkins scales the actual frequencies. So that would be really measured in a different way.

And then maybe some people may have the question, so I just described the Hawkins scale from zero to 1,000, but at the same time, a minute later, he talked about a bloc that was at 1,200 and I mentioned 2,000. And also on the Quantum Upgrade, you can set boosters to 1,200, and actually you'll soon be unlocked to the 1,300 and 1,400 level.

That happens after some time, that people get unlocked for these levels. How's that possible? And the reason is that Hawkins didn't write his book yesterday. It was quite a long time ago. And when he wrote the book and basically got all the information in, it wasn't possible for any objects. And frankly, people on earth to vibrate at that level. So he couldn't see that. So at 1,000 it was over. And now you can have multiple people calibrate it. Our products, and the Quantum Upgrade, it is just higher. And we have, with this harmony and buffer features that we're working, we added a level where it doesn't fry people, or the detox that you don't have these issues.

You couldn't do that with just a regular Infinity block at such a level because it would be too much. But the energies on earth are shifting. So Earth itself, um, or herself, whoever wants to do that exercise, um, shifts the energy, and literally we see it shift dramatically in a positive way. And so the energy levels that we can vibrate in also change. And I feel it's a great story actually. It's really a great story. And we always look, what levels can we even make available? 

I think a year ago we couldn't have made this and put it out with this level. And the Quantum Upgrade, we probably would've stopped at, I don't know, at the level 1,000. Now we're introducing, as we speak, the 1,300, 1,400 booster. Yeah. Because it's now possible. And it's good. It's the right thing to do. People can tolerate it. We have the mechanism to offer it. I don't know what we'll be able to do in a year. I have no clue, but we'll see.

[00:39:19] Luke: In terms of the calibrations and checks and balances, um, if you're using muscle testing, how do you determine who's actually conducting the testing accurately? Because, I mean, I've had people that know how to do muscle testing. I've texted stuff to Ian or Ian, sorry. Uh, and then someone else.

And they get radically different numbers and they both, I think, are in integrity and have put in some time to practice it. But the kinesiology itself is not something that comes easily. It's something that really takes hours, I mean, probably hundreds of hours of practice to get really good at and to be able divorce yourself from your, um, your intention, and what you want to happen. 

Because of course, our nervous systems are prone to hearing what we want to hear, which is why I've never been good at it, because I can't seem to divorce myself from the outcome that I want to hear. So do you have a team of healers where there's cross-referencing of calibrations or how do you know that you're getting accurate numbers?

[00:40:21] Philipp: It's not our main method, kinesiology, frankly. That's a tool that someone needs to use that can't exactly see it. It's still an advanced tool and you need to be very advanced and very practiced and trained in order to do that right. And you have to be doing that for quite some time in order to really produce accurate results. But, uh, yeah, we work with Roman Hafner, together, who they call the winokan in Europe. He was born with the ability to see each and every frequency on a super granial level. Uh, I mean, it is just almost ridiculous what he can do.

Already as an 11 year old, he was on stage in front of 300 people telling all the people their problems, why they had the problems, how to fix them. They would ask him-- doctors would book him, as an 11 year old already to ask him, okay, how can we treat this patient? We don't know what to do.

We don't even know what he has. And he told them, oh, he has that, because he can see the heartbeat, he can see everything. And so that's our main one. And then we cross-reference that. And Ian, for example, then also calibrates with muscle testing. But for us, that's a secondary method. 

[00:41:33] Luke: Got it.

[00:41:34] Philipp: That's how I would describe it

[00:41:36] Luke: I know people listening to this, because I've already gotten questions when I post about this, "So you're not using FLFE anymore?" I'm like, "No, I love FLFE. But people will no doubt go, well, hey, FLFE has a remote subscription service wherein they're elevating the level of consciousness of your location or objects and things like that.

And I've been using it for years. I love it. I remember finding their website researching, uh, EMF solutions and I was already longtime obsessed with David Hawkins' work, and I saw that they had married that scale and appropriated it to their model of sending energy to your house, for example, and mitigating the EMF.

And I've done shows with them and, for the record, I love it. I still use it. I have it on in the house right now. It's great. So there's no-- I think people get very black and white. It's either this or that. What's the best? And for me, what I feel in the house is that it's very complimentary. Even though it's similar, I don't feel any dis-coherent energies at all. But maybe considering that I'm a fan of both, so I'm partial, maybe either both of you or either of you could speak to what makes it different and explain why someone doesn't necessarily need to have that black or white, either or, better, worse perspective or whatever your perspective is.

[00:42:56] Philipp: Well, so from my perspective, first of all, there is no-- it's not biting each other because both are really great energies. FLFE is one of the rare companies that also works with pure, good, positive energy. Uh, we actually recommended them in the past while we still were in development. But at the same time, you don't feel any of it because it's just too low on the Hawkins scale. It doesn't bite, but it's not-- if you have the Quantum Upgrade on, it just vibrates on a way higher level and you have something that vibrates here.

Yeah, it's still there. It's not biting each other, but it's also, if you left it, it wouldn't make any difference. the main difference in terms of the power on the Hawkins scale. It's like, if you have a bloc that vibrates at 571, then you bring in a bloc into the house that vibrates at 942, it's no problem that that one is there, but the dominant energy in the house will be coming from this bloc.

That's pretty much how the levels work. And what's different, I think the level of customization is really the key that you can level it up and down at any time. You can set specific levels for the nighttime. For example, I always put it very low on 500 or at most 600 at night for me. And then I use the inner peace frequency. That's my favorite. Doesn't make you sleepy, but it's a very-- it helps calm the mind. That's what it does. It's for anything stress related and all that. And I just came to really love it at night and turn it on because it's just a wonderful energy to bath in, if you will.

And as I said, it's near real time. You can set a lot of boosters. Yeah, I think that's the main thing. Oh, and you can have these bundles, for example. We set up like a pick three, pick four, pick five bundle, that means you can have up to five different services, for example, for your whole family. And then the question is, "Okay, if I have that for my whole family, do I then have to manage that for my son and for my wife, and I always have to set like their frequencies and their levels?" They always tell me. 

You can have this share function, and I don't know if you know that, but we added this two months ago where you can literally add your wife to it and then she has access, not to your whole account, but to her specific service. And then she can manage it on her phone and just turn up and down the levels. I probably forgot something, but-- 

[00:45:42] Ian: Well, yeah. I was just going to say in terms of, uh, FLFE, I love it. Um, Jeff and Clayton both I think are really on point. And when I initially started doing calibrations, I had actually reached out to Clayton because I knew he had done that forever in a day.

[00:45:57] Luke: and He's masterful to say the least. Yeah.

[00:46:00] Ian: Yeah. It was interesting. After, uh, being exposed to Hawkins' body of work, all of it really rapidly after you and one other friend had turned me onto it, and both of you within a 24 hour period said--

[00:46:11] Luke: Oh, really? 

[00:46:12] Ian: Yeah. 

[00:46:12] Luke: Oh, that's cool. 

[00:46:13] Ian: Need to check out this guy David Hawkins. So I did, and it literally opened me up in a very peculiar way, but I couldn't calibrate. That seemed to be the cornerstone of a lot of what he was doing was the muscle testing. And so literally every day for six months, I worked on it every single day. And there was this one breaking point where about six months in, I had gotten up at 3:00 AM and I was driving from Tulsa to Austin. And after about five hours of working on it, I suddenly could do it.

And it clicked. And it was, as you had said, the breaking point was, I was no longer concerned with the outcome. I was completely dispassionate about what it was, which is funny because everybody has some intrinsic idea of what you want the outcome to be. But I would say with myself more than 50% of the time, it's definitively not what I would like it to be.

But I don't want to be, as the phrase would be, and ask hole and ask the question, get the right answer, and then not do it. So I try to be consistent in whatever the result is, I listen. But I would reach out to Clayton and say, "Hey, is this right?" Or Jeff and say," Hey, is this right?" Initially.

And how I knew I was actually doing it, because you had asked earlier, how do you know? Well, I had a friend in Europe who could do that. And so I called him and we did it live on FaceTime, and we both wrote our number down and held them up at the same time. And both got exactly 544 was the number for the question we had asked on the Hawkins scale and got the exact same number at the same time. Shout- out to Tom. 

And, uh, and that I thought, "Ah, viable." And then since then I use it and it seems, to my way of thinking, it's about the most scientific thing you can do because I'll do, a group of tests in the lab and I'll calibrate all of the answers. And then I'll still go in and run a full spectral analysis or a full assay. And almost all the time, they line up. I just did one with a cancer serum and we had four different tests, and three of them were spot on. One of them was off by 7%. The difference is one takes a couple weeks to get the data set back and the other, literally, just a matter of minutes. 

But if you think of-- it sounds strange, but when you think, we're a subset of everything universally. So of course we're plugged into it. So of course the universe is going to have some reference point and relevance to it. And so the FLFE stuff, how I came about that was when I started looking at it, I thought, "Wow, this is pretty fantastic." And I got the service and I got, I think, five services at the time. It was before Quantum Upgrade existed.

And we were doing the Biohacking Conference, and they actually were in my booth. I had shared my booth with them and then you were directly adjacent to us. And so I think we all have a mutual respect because we're all trying to move the needle in a positive direction. And for me, the telltale thing that made me buy off an FLFE was I had a massive headache and I remember taking out my phone and they had a boost function, and it went from 500 to 600.

You could get a boost to 600 for 30 or for just a few minutes. And so I hit the boost function and when it went horizontal, instantly my headache went away. And I thought, "Wow, that's pretty remarkable." So I used that for quite a while. Now I actually just use the Quantum Upgrade. Not to say that they are competing because I think they're both beneficial.

 But I actually like the way that you're able to tailor with your service, you're able to tailor things a little bit more. And also the relative strength of things. I do think one is dominant. And from my own assessment, the other thing that I noticed that was very different is there's a disparity in the amount of frequencies that are actually affected.

[00:49:49] Ian: So the Quantum Upgrade seems to be occurring over a host of frequencies that I wasn't able to touch with FLFE. So both great services, I think they're both viable. But my preference is, at this point, is definitely Quantum Upgrade now, just because I think it's a little bit more tailored.

And again, if you use both and one is exceedingly dominant in terms of the strength of the signal that you're getting, you don't really need to do that. I mean, I don't need to wear six parachutes if I jump out of a plane.


[00:50:23] Luke: well, Well, I guess I'm a six parachute guy. I mean, like I said, I find it to be complimentary, so I-- 

[00:50:29] Ian: I do too. 

[00:50:30] Luke: So I'm sticking with what I'm doing, which is both and I'm sure life would be great with either, but I definitely wanted to address that because people are already asking me, and I'm sure when this comes out--

[00:50:41] Ian: Oh, yeah, I get the same questions actually. But one of the things I really do love is I love the fact that everybody in this space, we're all solving. I mean, it's like me with the nanoparticle stuff. There are other guys doing it and I recommend them. Because I had somebody ask two days ago, like, is this company-- I said, yeah, "It's great. Go for it." Because we're all trying to move the needle for people to get the positive.

[00:51:02] Luke: Yeah. I think that's really the key here, is people-- I don't know, it's intrinsically, I guess, part of our nature that we want to have a camp. And it's like I'm in this tribe or that tribe. And I use all kinds of different products and services all the time that, from a very limited perspective, one could say are competitive in nature. But I don't look at the world competitively because I look at the world as a place of infinite abundance. 

God makes an apple tree over here make way too many goddamn apples for anyone to ever eat. And there's a different type of apple over there, same thing. It's like you don't have to pick., it's everything's great, with the exception of people that are obviously not in integrity or competence, and are either producing things and bringing them to market that they know don't work and they want to make money, or they think work and they're just, they're mistaken, and they don't.

So the job for me is, I guess in the role that I've taken on, is really interviewing people like you guys and doing my best to have objective integrity and in earnest, find things that I really believe, are real, and work, and are worth people's time, energy, and money. And I think you guys, well, I don't think, I know you guys have done that because I've talked to each of you enough times about this stuff. I'm like, okay, it works. It's legit. Let's do it. 

Another question I have, I just love understanding the way things work, for Quantum Upgrade, do you guys have some master? What's that? Quadra heal-- what's that thing? The Quadra, uh, what's the word? Particle, generator, combustor. Do you have a physical object somewhere?

[00:52:40] Ian: The large Hadron Collider?

[00:52:42] Luke: Yes. Hadron Collider. That's I'm thinking of. I imagine this lab where there's lightning coming off this thing, like the biocharger or something, where it's like, eh, and it's transmitting the energy, or are you just harnessing and directing energy that already exists in the field, I guess?

[00:52:59] Philipp: Well, we have a large system, frankly, that we've built that was part of the development process. It's an analog system, so it cannot be hacked. And then the trick was to connect it to the digital front end, basically. Because on one end you have all the people that want to say what they want to have and they want to make changes and booking the frequency and all that. And on the other hand, you have a large analog system. So building that bridge and how you do that, that was a big part of that.

But yeah, we do have that. And we're in the process actually of building multiple of these that we will put in various locations across the globe just because of security reasons. Can tell you more, uh, after the--

[00:53:46] Luke: Off the record,

[00:53:48] Philipp: Um, well, it's just something that we never want to go down and it wouldn't, because it's analog, it doesn't ever go down. Really. But, uh, it's still something where we want to stay ahead of the game and have multiple locations where that's active.

[00:54:04] Luke: Well, when you're dealing with a physical object that's producing energy, that can have an effect on one's state, I mean, if it were to fall into the wrong hands, it could be used nefariously. I mean there are-- and this isn't the conspiracy theorist in me, I'm actually a conspiracy analyst for the record, not a theorist expert.

Yeah. But, uh, military energy weapons where they're using, uh, millimeter waves for crowd disbursement and to regulate people's moods and make people have crazy thoughts, and maybe even assassinate someone, I mean, this is not science fiction stuff. This is real. And if you could only imagine what we don't know as citizens of the public, I mean, you look at technologies that roll out from military agencies and whatnot and we think, well, this is this new thing they come up with. No, it's probably been around for 80 years. New to us because they're finally going, "Hey." I mean, you look at this sprain up in the sky, I just saw an article the other day and it was like, new tech startup is going to try to limit the heat of the sun by putting particles into the atmosphere.

I'm like, "New? Really?" I was alive in 1995, and I remember when it-- I mean it probably started before then, but when it was undeniably present and it's the way they do things. So let's say, God forbid, something happened to you and your other founders and some Dr. Evil got a hold of your technology. Could they use it to program to lower the consciousness of their enemies?

[00:55:36] Philipp: No.

[00:55:36] Ian: This actually one of my favorite things.

[00:55:38] Philipp: Yeah, no. Yeah. it's impossible to do. And first of all, it's really a whole system. So it's not one device, it's actually multiple devices, um, to picture that. But the principle is the same as like with the blocs, for example.

At the time where we made the decision that we can even publicly offer the blocs was only because it cannot be manipulated. It cannot be used for nefarious purposes. You cannot in this thing copy a fear frequency, for example. Think of voodoo as an example. You could in theory come up with, oh, I have a picture of this guy and I want this guy to break his leg, and then put the picture in and the intention this guy will break his leg next week or something like that. You can think about these things. That would be something nefarious. 

It wouldn't work because it falls through you cannot manipulate because it's a pure quantum energy field. And the nature of it is it supports anything regarding life and consciousness, and it neutralizes and harmonizes everything that's destructive or harmful to life and consciousness. Sounds extremely big, and frankly it is because it's a form of source energy. But that's the nature of it. It cannot do anything else. So it would not be able to lower anyone's vibration if you set it that way. Or if they would load in a frequency that's, uh, a fear frequency, for example, it wouldn't go through. It just falls through. And so from that standpoint, it wouldn't be possible.

[00:57:12] Ian: I did mean to tell you, I'm actually going to start a new service called Quantum Hex, where we send out curse, coconuts, and you can, but it's a voodoo derivative.

[00:57:22] Luke: Oh God. I mean, it's funny, but not funny.

[00:57:25] Ian: We only accept Bitcoin. It's going to be great.

[00:57:28] Luke: We know this stuff exists. That's the thing.

[00:57:30] Ian: Actually you can.

[00:57:32] Luke: Because brain waves are malleable and you can affect brain waves with different frequencies. I mean, that's all brain waves are.

[00:57:40] Philipp: Exactly. And it's being done. It was especially done in the last two, three years, and we noticed that. Those big stuff, especially in big cities. I know quite a lot about it, not because of hearing, but because of seeing and what we were able to observe firsthand, frankly. Um, and there's this stuff, but then you can counter a lot of that if you provide feels that are coherent and that are highly vibrating. And one of the issues that so many people had in the last three, four years is that they were stuck in a fear frequency and they were stuck also in a lower consciousness level, frankly.

And then everything contracts, system-wise contracts, and you just follow like a robot, these things. Because you're unable to expand and just look at it from a balanced perspective. And that is what these fields do. These high consciousness fields, they lift you up. They remind you of your own connection because everything is consciousness.

We're all the same. There's only one anyway. There's just consciousness. It's just expressing itself in this 3D world through our individual personalities and characters and all of that. But it's all energy. And if energy is in coherence and in positive high vibration, you don't have to not see certain things or you don't have to act because of fear.

And so in a way, it counters that. It reminds us really of our own existence and who we are on an energetic level. We may not, with our thoughts, not really get it because it's just maybe too far off, but energetically our system, our subconscious recognizes that.

[00:59:30] Luke: Totally. And you can observe this when you spend time with someone, even in today's world where you have all of these deleterious energies and mind control, and all this crazy shit going on. But you can spend time with someone who is of higher consciousness and they're totally unaffected by all of this.

I observe that. I mean, it's rare that I meet someone like that, but we just spent time, uh, Alyson and I recently, with, uh, a Vedic monk who spent decades in the caves, in the Himalayas, real deal guy. I did I send you? I sent you a link to his stuff. 

[01:00:01] Ian: Yeah, you did.

[01:00:01] Luke: I can never pronounce his name, so forgive me. I'll try to find it and find the show notes. It's a very long Sanskrit name. But we're around him and we're talking to him about the world affairs. And he had what I would say was a compassionate and appropriate level of concern for humanity, but he was happy as hell. You know what I mean?

It wasn't bothering him. I mean, he was like, yeah, we need to come together, and he had some great ideas on how to do so, but he wasn't living in that contracted state that you described, which is what I've been working for the past, I mean, really since the beginning of 2020, let's face it. To just try to have an awareness of what's going on and not fall asleep and just be subject to whatever they are doing to us or attempting to. Um, to stay aware, but also just live my life and keep my level of consciousness high, which is difficult to do when you have all these oppressive energy is coming at you. You're trying to just live your life. And it's really cool to see someone who has put in the work for enough time that is totally unaffected and just living their best life. It's inspiring.

[01:01:07] Ian: It is inspiring actually, because the universe is either you're expanding or you're contracting. Luckily the universe is seemingly consistently expanding at this point. But I mean, in terms of our energetics, we really are. We're either expanding or we're contracting. And so you can move into the space and embrace it, warts and all, and be happy about it. Or you can have that fear response and compress yourself and try and sequester yourself and separate yourself. And generally speaking that doesn't work so well.

[01:01:35] Luke: I have noticed, and it could be partly nocebo effect, but when I go into the city of Austin, obviously, you guys know, we live in the hill country, so we're not in all the 5G and stuff, but when I go into town, this is especially true, when I took a recent trip to my old hometown of Los Angeles. I mean, I get into that energy and it's just like, oh, it takes so much more of me to remain myself, my positive, happy self.

It's just like, ah, you can just get bombarded. What I have noticed, and this could be, I don't think it's all in my mind, but I have one of the Infinity blocs in my backseat, and I also have the Quantum Upgrade service on my car, and I don't care if it's placebo or not, I feel immune when I go into the city now. I used to get really hardcore fatigue. I mean, that's the best way to describe it. Just be like zapped from energy and when I got home, I just have to lay down just from running a few errands in the 5G zone of downtown Austin. And I swear, I've tested a few times, I get home, I'm like, "All right, how do I feel?" I'm like, "I feel great." 

And I think some of it is even just being in the car. The cars have-- I mean, these modern cars with the computer chips, they got a Wi-Fi router in there, there's Bluetooth, and then you're getting zapped by all of these incoherent frequencies. I mean, we know, oh, 5G is scary, but this certain megahertz is hitting with these gigahertz and they're creating, you mentioned the coherence of lasers, they're creating their own alien EMF just by crossing one another. So you get out in a car in a city, everything is working energetically against your biology and your sense of wellbeing. And I got to say, whatever the reason is, I feel way better. So I had to--

[01:03:24] Philipp: And it's not a placebo. 

[01:03:25] Ian: It's not.

[01:03:26] Philipp: It's definitely not a placebo. And we can say that because we have done the studies. Literally done the studies, and the energetics is the first thing that it works on anyway. And then the physical is the next level because it works on the below sub-atomic level, really works on the energy system and it makes sure that these EMFs-- I describe it always like, if you were to hit me in the face, that would hurt. But if you were to do some acupressure on my neck, it would actually be beneficial. That's the difference, uh, between just EMF and stressor exposure without having a high consciousness field from either within or just from using the Quantum Upgrade, for example.

 And it can be measured. We've done these double-blind studies that Ian referred to, and recently it was the ATP production. Now, I think next week or so we'll start with the wound healing, but, uh, they have been, uh, lifeblood analysis studies as well. Randomized double-blind in 100% of the cases, this stuff works, and it works not just a little bit, it works significantly in a way where, I mean, your jaw drops down. Uh, that's a hard one for German to say actually.

[01:04:42] Luke: We both have a hard time speaking. That's great. We're on the even playing field here.

[01:04:46] Philipp: To a point where--

[01:04:47] Luke: How are yours? Ah, damn it. 

[01:04:53] Philipp: It is working. Yeah. And so to the point where the head of the base institute in Austria, when he called me to give me the results, because we're not present in these studies. We have nothing to do with that. They do that, or Ian and his biochemistry professor run a study or some other lab, and then we wait for a phone call.

[01:05:15] Luke: Are you biting your nails waiting? God, we hope it comes out.

[01:05:19] Philipp: Well, so on a deeper level, I knew it's going to work and it's going to perform really great, and he knew that too. But still, he had tears in his eyes when he called me. He almost couldn't talk because he had witnessed with his own eyes that it worked in a 100% of the cases. Also over this huge distance and was double-blind, no one had a clue. They didn't even have a clue what was going on there and what was happening if anything was turned on or not. And it's totally humbling.

[01:05:50] Luke: Double-blind meaning the folks that are conducting the study don't know, and the subjects of the study also don't know.

[01:05:56] Philipp: Exactly. Only the person operating the Quantum Upgrade, I don't know how many miles away, knew what was going on and when they were going to turn something on, so it was completely double-blind. And it was also randomized, so that no one could really figure out what was happening. And they also made sure, just because--- the thing is that what they-- and that's what I love about them. They made it harder on us, frankly, because they're so detail-oriented and so clear about it that they said they can't even do more than two people a day, just because if you have one person in the room with a Quantum Upgrade, that already has an effect on the other ones. And then you have--

[01:06:38] Ian: It's a field effect. Yeah. 

[01:06:39] Philipp: Yeah, exactly. So they ruled that out completely and even take a day break and then invite the next people. And I'm there sweating like, oh man. I mean, you want make it even hotter? But that's the way to go so that we know for a fact this works.

[01:06:55] Luke: And this is the BESA Institute in Austria. 

[01:06:57] Philipp: Yes.

[01:06:58] Luke: And these are those, uh, blood cell analysis slides that are on your site, right?

[01:07:03] Philipp: Yes, that's correct. So they do two different things. The lifeblood analysis is one of their fields that they test, but they're also the largest independent research and testing institute for, uh, biosystem analysis. So they use, um, the so-called BESA method. It's an advanced decal method where they can test the cellular voltage and energy levels in all the organs, and then the system in general.

And they can see stress levels of EMF, for example. They tested our tech in a Tesla, actually, giving people, on top of that, an iPad and a phone to to use--

[01:07:41] Luke: My worst nightmare. 

[01:07:42] Philipp: Exactly. And blasted them, and then introduced the service or the product to test. So that's what they do.

[01:07:49] Luke: In some of those studies, because I was reviewing them last night, because that's one thing I love about you guys, you keep doing studies. I was like, hey, we did this one thing and we just let it decay on the site. And that's proof. You're always, I'm assuming, spending a lot of money to do these studies.

But I was looking at one in particular that got my attention and probably will others. And that was the test on double and triple vaccinated blood. And man, I mean, I follow some very subversive news sources, you can on my Telegram channel, lukestorey.com/telegram. If you have strong stomach, I repost a lot of the stuff. I got to have my little voice over there going, oh, wake up people.

Um, if one person sees that and chooses to live life as a normal breed of human, then I win. And so do they? But anyway, I'm on there and I see some really weird stuff with this blood. I mean, there's these strange clots and I mean, it gets really spooky, but in the blood, in your test, it wasn't anything, um, supernatural going on or that alien, but it just looked like very unhealthy blood.

And then the Quantum Upgrade was applied and then the blood is beautiful and perfect. You see all the cells aren't stuck together and mutated. And that was crazy because I've feared that when people have elected to do that experiment, that it might be irreversible, and you're just stuck with whatever comes with having blood that looks like that.

But part of that, and maybe you guys can either or both illuminate, um, this, uh, on a deeper level, but the actual clotting was diminished. That was the part that was interesting to me because that's something that we're now beginning to see, is more commonly known. It's the clotting issue with people that have elected to do that. So tell us a bit about that particular study, because that one was wild.

[01:09:39] Philipp: Yeah, so before you jump in, I mean, it's been shown in this study that stage 1 and stage 2 of blood clotting was able to be reversed completely.

[01:09:50] Luke: Yeah, not just made better, but it's not there anymore.

[01:09:53] Philipp: Yeah, exactly. Absolutely. And so for people that don't know, so people were tested, just regularly tested, and then there was no Wi-Fi turned on, then Wi-Fi was turned on and people got tested again. Then you can see the huge differences. And you really see that the blood of everyone got really bad very quickly. For some people really, it led to even stage 2 of blood clotting, because they were already having not so great blood to begin with. For other people it was a little bit different.

But in all case, it was this huge clumping. It looks immediately unhealthy to everyone that doesn't even know anything about darkfield microscopy. No, that's not how it's supposed to look like. And then they left Wi-Fi on, and then turned the Quantum Upgrade on and within, I think it was 10 minutes, 10 or 15 minutes, that's usually what they use, all of that was reversed. And then on top of that many other things. The white blood cell activity is another thing that actually, uh, white blood cells get paralyzed through Wi-Fi. They tend to get paralyzed. In our studies it shows usually they do get paralyzed, uh, at least instantly. And that's part of your army, that's part of your immune system.

So the white blood activity motility always increased in these cases. And they even showed things like a decrease in parasitic load and then the oxygenated blood. So all of these things happen. We certainly can't make any claims in regards to, if someone participated in this experiment, there's a lot of stuff going on there that goes really beyond Wi-Fi exposure. And there's things that we nowadays see that are really crazy indeed. But for the regular stuff that's not good for your blood, this obviously shows significant improvements. 

Uh, we are running a study actually at the moment. It's a pilot study with D-dimer tests, or D-dimer tests are a part of that. It's a clinic in Florida running that. Uh, because D-dimer tests, they can spot micro blood clots. So they're very micro, really. And, uh, so if we're looking at the effects of that.

 Well, I appreciate that you can't make claims, and thank you for being respectful enough to people to not say, hey, it's going to cure you of this or that. But what you can claim is black and white.

[01:12:24] Ian: Yeah. You can look at 

[01:12:25] Luke: This what happened for those test subjects, we don't know that it's going to happen for every single person, but I would be willing to hedge my bet if it did that for them. I'll give it a shot for whatever, few bucks a month.

[01:12:37] Ian: Well, those things, when you-- yeah. When you look at that, it's microvascular coagulopathy. And so you see those things clumping. And what's really going on there, especially in those experiments, is the exposure to the EMFs. And we've talked about this before, at a subcellular level, all that stuff is voltage-gated calcium ion channels. So it's not some nefarious, evil plot. But when you apply a field at 2.4 megahertz, you can affect a change in voltage-gated calcium potentiation. And so the influx and the efflux of calcium in your cells, which allows them to process waste and to move and to be healthy and to perform their normal functions, gets skewed. 

And so you've got one type of EMF throwing off a magnetic system or an ionic system. And so that's what's really going on there. And so in these cases where people are already marginalized, they're host. And to use this, we're trying to address something at an even more subtle level. And I always go back, because it's hard for people to grasp this, but I think about, before the microscope, pre Van Leeuwenhoek, if you had walked up to someone and said, you're sick because these little microscopic bugs that you can't see, well, you probably wouldn't have used the term microscopic at that point, but these little things, they're there and they're affecting your physiology and they're hurting you. You would've thought the person was a nutter. And so we looking at things that are at such a subtle level that we don't-- I personally don't have, nor have I seen a chronometer anywhere. So I don't have--

[01:14:08] Luke: Coming soon, hopefully. 

[01:14:10] Ian: New pocket chronometer.

[01:14:11] Luke: You have a lot less explaining, do you? So here, look, better.

[01:14:14] Ian: It's a new app, I'm going to put out the chronometer. But before we have the tools to really identify it directly, we were having to do all this stuff indirectly, but you can definitively see the shifting for people who are marginalized when there's just a little external stress applied. The results are very poor. The outcomes are very poor.

Yeah. We can't make a claim that it's going to happen all the time nor would I make a claim that if I dropped my coffee cup it's going to land on the ground every time. But when you're dealing with fundamental forces, you can pretty safely say that you're going to be able to elicit some positive benefit the majority of the time.

[01:14:50] Luke: Yeah. So in these tests, we're talking about the influence of quantum fields, but then the tests are actually in the realm of the physical. And so that's the way that you can essentially prove the effects of quantum energy, is by observing their effect on something you can measure, which is in this case, blood cells, or HRV, or different things like that.

 I don't know enough about the darkfield microscopy to say that it's valid or not. I know that I've had it done on myself. First time was maybe 15 years ago on this Magnetico sleep pad. I was at a conference and they go, "You want to see something cool?" Yeah. They took some of my blood, put it in the microscope, coagulated, not that pretty. I laid on this, I think a 20 gauss magnetic, uh, mat, which I have in the guest room there under the mattress still to this day because I bought one on the spot, which was a lot of money for me at the time. I forget what it was, but it was like, I could have bought a car at that stage.

[01:15:50] Luke: Anyway, they did my blood before, I laid on this thing for 10, 15 minutes. Afterward I was like, "Okay, sold." So when you see it on your own blood, it's pretty impactful. But I have heard people speak out against the validity of this type of test, and I don't know what their argument is. Is there a valid argument against the darkfield microscopy?

[01:16:10] Philipp: So no, that's the real answer. No. But if you think about it, if that tool was still used widely in the us what could it be used for? You could take a pill and see what happens. So here's the thing. What happened in, uh, in the US about 20 years ago? It was a widely used tool, and then they decided to charge every practitioner that wants to continue to use darkfield microscopy as a diagnostic tool $100,000 as a fee per year.

[01:16:41] Luke: That's right. Yeah, yeah, I forgot this. 

[01:16:43] Philipp: And that's how you conveniently make things go away because people can't afford to do it anymore. It's still allowed in the US for research purposes. I mean, it's also allowed as a practitioner, but you have to pay the license. So, in Europe, it's still a widely used tool. It's amazing because it's frankly the only tool where you can see everything in your blood going on in real time in an illuminated way and in a magnified way. It's not some fiction that you see there. You see your actual blood. You see your actual red blood cells, white blood cells in real time.

So it's the perfect way to look at the over overall health, frankly. So there's actually no real argument against it. There's probably people out there that misuse it in a way where they just take a before and an after picture in a, for them, convenient way. And that's why we don't do it that way.

That's how we got started, frankly, to figure out what are the real changes that we're promoting with these products. That's what you want to see, but you can't just offer a person one before and one after picture and say, "Oh, just look at this. This is great." That's why you design these randomized double-blind and single-blind studies so that you can rule out the placebo effect completely. And you need to be able to show that it really happens in all these cases, not just as one-off.

[01:18:06] Luke: Not me on the-- because one could say when I got on the Magnetico that I could have believed that it was going to change the look of my blood. Therefore it did. Which is true. I mean, you can. You can meditate your way into feeling very differently and probably change your physiology just by the thoughts and feelings you're having, and we know this, but the way you're doing it in an external lab and double-blind and all of that eliminates that which is, I think the important distinction there.

[01:18:33] Philipp: Yeah. You use this sham device, so then you would get tested multiple times and you never know, is this now the real mat or is this the fake mat? Basically, that's how it works. Yeah.

[01:18:45] Luke: Okay, cool. Um, Ian, could you wax poetic on the, uh, because I know you can do this and I just love hearing you talk because I can usually barely hang on. It's a fun ride. Um, the quantum entanglement element of this with Quantum Upgrade, how we have this generator or this analog technology that's in one location, and then over here in my house, because I have software that's communicating with that via the internet, is telling that machine to make something happen over here. How is that happening? Because I think that's, despite these tests and these ways that have validated that something positive is happening, it's really hard for me and I think a lot of people to get our head around how something like that can work.

[01:19:30] Ian: I think that's pretty hard for almost everybody to get their head around because it is in truth, I mean, Einstein and Neils Bohr had an argument about what was really going on there. And until the guys got the Nobel Prize for solving Bell's inequalities, um, with testing to prove which was which. And in this case, actually Einstein was wrong and Bohr was right. 

Um, you have this whole-- everybody's heard of the term spooky action at a distance. The idea that something remote has an effect on the other thing, and Einstein's supposition was that those things were connected and when you affected one, the other. And that's not exactly right. It's actually Neils Bohr was right. The states aren't predetermined, um, until you actually observe them.

And what's really strange about this is it's not actually affecting a change on something at a distance, it's affecting a change on itself. Because once you entangle something, it ceases to be a separate entity. It's one consistent waveform. So you're actually pushing on one side of something and the other side is connected because they're a uniform waveform. And so it's tricky because we're big meat suit macro creatures. And so we think of Philipps over here. I'm over here. You're over there. 

[01:20:46] Luke: Until you take enough psychedelics.

[01:20:49] Ian: Right. Yeah. You meditate for a couple decades, take a bunch of psychedelics, you're going to be--

[01:20:53] Luke: All that disappears. And understand this perfectly.

[01:20:55] Ian: Totally different experience on the other side. 

[01:20:57] Luke: And then you come out experience and you go back into thinking it's real again.

[01:21:01] Ian: Yeah, well it's persistent-- yeah. It's a persistent illusion. It's a really pleasant one too. I enjoy it. But the thing is when-- physicality is, in my opinion, the epiphenomenon of consciousness. So it's not that we are aware and have a brain, and then the brain generates consciousness. I think that's ridiculous. I think really what's going on is we have a consciousness and then because of that, we coalesce to a form. And it's much easier to think about how all of this stuff could actually work if you think of yourself as a waveform. 

And so remotely, if one waveform wants to and expresses the intent to interact and couple with another waveform, you're reaching out for the assistance of something else. You're trying to connect with it. It's my estimation based on what we've seen, and we are doing the same thing, we're eliciting a coupling of the waveform.

And I think that the interesting part there is there has to be express intent. You have to want to do it. And it's like, uh, to go back to the Hawkins thing, people who were in his assessment, atheist, could not use the tools. They weren't able to calibrate because by virtue of denying the connected nature of everything, you simply didn't get access to it.

And I always jokingly say that the universe is an idiot. It doesn't give toddlers pistols. You have to accept that there's a connected nature between things. And when you express the intent, in this case of, I want to get the beneficial expression of something for someone else or for myself, then you're eliciting a positive response because you are entangling those waveforms.

So you're no longer something that's completely separate, you've actually melded with them. And I think that's one of those things that's it's just hard to grasp that we are in fact all connected. And when you open the gates up and you're willing to express, I want to enhance this connection for some positive, beneficial outcome, then it actually begins to happen. And that's, I mean, we're proving that definitively. And as hard as it is to grasp, the universe is much more of a large thought than it is a large thing.

[01:23:13] Luke: I like that. That's tweetable.

[01:23:15] Ian: Yeah. And that's what's really happening here, is we are at the very cutting-edge of that. So we're able to see that and demonstrably show that, in my case, in the university setting and the BESA institute, and all these different places where we're actually getting the data and saying, yeah, I get that it seems peculiar. I know that it doesn't make sense the way that we're taught, but obviously we need to make some new assessments because what we were expressed and taught as kids growing up and all the way through school, it needs a little bit of adjusting. And so I think that's really where it's at, is once you realize that there's a connected nature between all things and that you are asking to enhance that beneficial aspect, then it happens.

[01:23:58] Luke: There goes Newton's apple.

[01:24:00] Ian: Yeah.

 Well, something comes to mind with that, and I'm sure everyone listening has experienced this and maybe you just write it off as a fluke, but it's the phenomenon when you're thinking about someone and they call you. I mean, it's not like that happens once. 

[01:24:15] Ian: It happens all the time.

[01:24:16] Luke: If you pay attention, it's always the way it happens, right?

[01:24:19] Ian: Literally two days ago I was having a meeting, or actually it was Monday, so four days ago, I was having a meeting with my staff and I mentioned in the meeting that I was going to be leaving to come see you on Thursday, which is our other meeting in the week. And right after I said your name, you texted me.

[01:24:36] Luke: There you go.

[01:24:38] Ian: Yeah.

[01:24:38] Philipp: There's a great study actually comes to mind, totally unrelated to what we're doing, but this guy approved actually in a larger study that each time someone started to drive home to their dog and the dog had been alone, uh, throughout the day, the dog already, they had installed cameras, and the dog already knew the person would come home now.

[01:25:02] Ian: Yeah, Rupert Sheldrake.

[01:25:03] Philipp: And it'll start to run around, look around, get ready, um, for mom or dad to come home. Yeah. And we can be-- the more tune in we are, the more we can observe these signals. Now, as you described, we're so much in this 3D world and there's so much stuff going on, there's so many interesting offerings out there, uh, that we get distracted from that and then we don't practice anymore. So it's that-- that's what I always tell people, to know these things, or to calibrate or see things, or do energetic things, everyone can do that. Not a single person that can't do it. Everyone can do it. It's just something, it's like a muscle that we didn't use for a couple years. 

Well, then if you don't use your leg for just three weeks, you don't use it at all for just three weeks, you won't be able to walk afterwards just like you did before. It's going to be very, very difficult. That's the same thing. It's just something, if we can just keep training that and being in a high consciousness fields and allowing our inner voice to come through, then we stay tuned in, and that's the whole trick actually.

[01:26:16] Luke: So true. I think about, um, my fascination with mystics and sages and specifically, uh, those that have developed the, uh, abilities to perform sadies, that can manifest an object from here to over there are, the classic, um, the levitating monk. And I've had firsthand accounts of many of these things for a lot of years.

Um, and I've witnessed a couple pretty supernatural things. But it's almost as if we're trained to disbelieve in that. There's some grid, a system, our school systems, all the ways that we're taught to just tether ourselves to the physical provable quotes reality. Yet here are these outliers through discipline and focused dedication, develop these powers that seem supernatural, but it's universal that those that are able to, I mean, just like, I guess, I don't know the Bible well, but I think Jesus says these miracles that I'm doing, so can you.

It's like we look at them as special, and then when you ask them, they say, "I'm not special. You can do this too." And you're like, "How do I levitate?" Well, give it 40 years in a cave and do this breathing practice and move this way and that way, and you'll be able to manipulate matter like I can. But we're, I don't know, it's a shame that humans are, some of us at least, depending who's raising us, are just, uh, made to not believe in magic and that it's not real yet it's in front of us if we have eyes to see it. 

[01:27:51] Philipp: Yeah. The reason is because this 3D reality basically couldn't be controlled by anyone if anyone had access to the real magic and the knowledge of it and the remembering of that. And that's the whole reason, because these things don't happen without a reason.

It always follows a plan and an agenda. But the thing is above that, there's also the universal agenda. So everyone is just always playing a role that is meant to be since it's all one anyway, and all the bad things that are happening or meant to happen. Um, and frankly, if these pushy things wouldn't happen and maybe mind control and negative energy manipulations, then certain other things wouldn't happen.

So I call this the scissors effect that we have right now. There's all the dark things that we witness and they come to light because of all the corruption and what's going on that is like this part of the scissors, but it's the awakening that is also happening. And it's not just a word, it's really awakening. 

People awake to certain things that are going on and they realize that once you are at a higher state suddenly and you see something, you can't unsee it. It just is impossible. And then you will actually see more at some point. And that's where we are right now. It's a magnificent time from my perspective.

[01:29:19] Luke: It is. Thank you for reminding me of that because, um, sometimes in the world today it's easy to get focused on the other side of that duality. There's such a drastic polarity because as you have this percentage of people that are awakening and gaining higher states of consciousness and so on, you have these dark forces that are just like ghouls coming out to of the shadows, aha, world Economic Forum and all of them. We know who they are. At least I think I know who they are.

 But it's difficult to see that at the same time unless you really pay attention. There are vast numbers of people becoming interested in and exploring all sorts of realms of spirituality and, um, and bettering themselves and waking up. And it's really interesting how the universe is set up in that perfect duality. And for me, it takes a constant zooming out and surrendering my judgment as to what I think is good or bad. 

[01:30:17] Luke: Because in 20 years from now, you'll probably look back on the, what I perceive to be in many ways, the dark ages right now with these oppressive powers just strangling humanity. This is the catalyst that's going to take us to the next level. It's like when you look back at the Viking hoards, and you think, oh, the barbarism, how could they, and then it evolved into slavery, which was--

[01:30:39] Ian: Which is a great move.

[01:30:40] Luke: Which was a huge improvement versus just coming into your village and slaughtering and raping everyone. At least now you get to live under-- even though you're subjugated to someone else's will and you're being exploited. And then now, over time, we've moved out of, hopefully in most places in the world, out of the barbarism of slavery. And now we're in a digital slavery under the control of the central banks and taxation. 

And then there'll be, hopefully, one could think a point at which we go, oh my God, remember when we had to pay taxes back in the 2000s or whatever. And we'll think, oh, yeah. But it's like, um, if you think of it as a graph, the consciousness of humanity is steadily going up over time. It seems to be the way that God and nature has designed it. But then there's also these dips along the way. But still, it's steadily climbing. And I can observe this even in my short, minuscule lifetime

[01:31:35] Ian: Yeah. I mean, over the past couple thousand years, there's definitely been quite the improvement, but you have to have something to push against. I mean, if you were in a frictionless environment, you don't make much headway because you can't get any traction.

[01:31:50] Luke: Right.

[01:31:50] Ian: Running on ice, right?

[01:31:51] Luke: Yeah. Yeah. 

[01:31:52] Philipp: And the one thing we can be certain of, and that can maybe give some people a peace of mind is what some of these people that you referenced, what they're trying to do ultimately, is they're trying to contain consciousness and keep it down. Ideally they would like to destroy it or just put it away and contain it.

[01:32:14] Ian: That's fun with that--

[01:32:16] Philipp: it's, It's impossible. It is impossible because it's the only thing that-- it's the only-- that's what exists. It is it. There's nothing else but consciousness and aspects of consciousness cannot contain consciousness. It's a catch 22. It'll never happen. And they'll just bite and bite and bite it until they lose their teeth.

[01:32:40] Luke: And maybe that's the futility in fighting evil also because it has its place to Ian's, Ian, God, why do we keep saying that? I've known you for years, I've never called you Ian, that running on ice. We need that friction and we need the contrast of this experience here on the planet. There has to be a, um, spectrum of choices for us so that we can use our will to be good and to do good. And to express love rather than the lack thereof.

[01:33:10] Ian: You don't fight it. It's, I'm going to quote Gandhi, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. You don't fight hatred and fear and darkness with hatred and fear and darkness. You bring the light. You bring it--

[01:33:23] Luke: I saw what was happening in the, um, was it the-- what was the election when Donald Trump won? 2020?

[01:33:30] Philipp: Yeah.

[01:33:30] Luke: Okay. I saw--

[01:33:32] Philipp: When he won but they wouldn't acknowledge, mean, 

[01:33:35] Luke: Oh no. 2016. Okay. Sorry. I'm bad at politics, but I noticed this emergence, and he was an utter failure in most ways, from my estimation. Again, I'm no expert in politics, but it was interesting to see his rise and the rise of people that were like, we hate people that hate people. It was like, we hate them. And I'm thinking you guys, you're hating right now. It's, anyway-- 

[01:34:04] Ian: Intolerance of intolerance.

[01:34:05] Luke: Yeah. It's a strange social phenomenon. You guys, you're not going to get rid of this guy by hating because you think he hates. Anyway, I digress, deeply. 


[01:34:18] Luke: I do want to talk about EMF more specifically because I love to talk about it. Um, okay, you have two schools of thought, and I've done all kinds of work on this house. It's a great case study where I've had, um, I've had Brian Hoyer from, uh, Shielded Healing come in when we were doing the building. And then most recently, uh, Ryan Blaser from testmyhome.com. And these guys are building biologists. When it comes to EMF, they are only working in the realm of provable physics, straight up physics.

They have a meter and there is either a field present or there is not. And until you do shielding and blocking and there is no more field present, your house is not mitigated, you still have EMF. And I've asked both of them this, what about Leela? What about FLFE? What about Quantum Upgrade? What about the Blushield scaler things? And they're like, "Hey, they might work, but we're only talking about what's provable." 

So what I did, just to hedge my bets, because I can't stand being around EMF, is the bedrooms are shielded and there's all this blocking and shielding, and I have all this stuff on in the house as well. And it feels great. Anyone that comes in here, um, universally says, "Wow, God, it feels really good in here." And there's just very low ambient EMF because we're in the country. But how does something like Quantum Upgrade, which, things like this use the term harmonize, how does that harmonize those chaotic fields in a way that we can explain or prove.

I know we can prove like, hey, you put a Wi-Fi router next to someone's head, you test their blood, their HRV and so on, and you can see wow, when this other field is present also, it seems to eliminate the deleterious effects of that. But in the quantum entanglement realm, how exactly are these incoherent fields being made coherent?

[01:36:13] Ian: I'll take a crack at it first. So when you think of an EMF field, again, people think of a wave as just something like this simple function. It's not. There's actually a tremendous amount of things happening and there are multiple waves inside one wave, you're actually seeing a lot of different spectra. That's why you do a spectral analysis is because there are a lot of different things happening. And so it goes back to what I had said earlier, some things are constructive, some things are destructive. And what you're really trying to do is just mitigate the things that trigger destructive interference.

And so it's like sunscreen. You can go out in the sun, but if you put on a good sunscreen. It doesn't matter that the rays are still there. The deleterious effects, as you said, are negated. And so this is the same thing. You're going to have EMFs present, but if you can negate the things that are destructive in their nature in terms of the interference patterns that they set up with your physiology, it doesn't matter.

You can have them there all day long and you're effectively immune to it because it's going to move through you without triggering an issue. Uh, I mean, we're subject to microwaves all the time. A lot of it has to do with the force and the focus and the intensity that, I mean, you wouldn't want to go climb into, uh, your microwave and turn it on, but you can be around a microwave tower, because the intensity is different. The focal point is different.

But we are using quantum behavior to negate the detrimental interactions, and that's it. So it's just you negate destructive interference patterns and so that cascades up into your physiology, because really, ultimately, nobody cares about the EMFs. They care about the physiological impact of the EMFs. So you can still have the thing there without it triggering some negative effect.

[01:37:54] Luke: That makes sense. Yeah. Well, I mean, I was thinking about, uh, the BioCharger that I have downstairs and I was watching the little software interface and it said,  900 kilohertz or whatever it was, it has these different cycles that it runs through. And I'm looking at that, and I'm going, this thing's EMF. I was like, duh. I mean, you can hold a fluorescent bulb in front of it with your hand and it lights up. I mean, it's putting off a tremendous amount of EMF but it's a different frequency. It's, hopefully, frequency is--

[01:38:21] Ian: Right. And it's constructive, right?

[01:38:22] Luke: Yeah, it's constructive-- 

[01:38:23] Ian: You were at my lab, I have the lakhovsky chair with the coils. And so basically your body is the impedance between two sets of Tesla coils, one sending and one receiving. And that actually charges your cells because it's constructive interference. And you can sit in the middle of that and you feel juiced in the most positive way.

You get out of it and you're like, "Wow, I feel great," because it's actually feeding your cells. I mean, we are not just physical. I mean, you could say a human is photonic, and auditory, and magnetic, and ionic and, I mean, we've got all these different components. That's why when you're trying to fix someone and help them, you can't just address one thing. You have to look at a person and say, okay, we're going to give you something chemical to knock this out, and then we're going to do this to take care of the electromagnetic portion, and then we're going to use red lights to negate this. And because we're an amalgam, we're not just one, two-dimensional thing.

We're this big coalescing of all these different things happening. So our, if you looked at, uh, the EMF spectrum of a human, it's amazing. There's so much stuff coming off in all sorts of different ranges. And so what we're doing is we're just positively amping up the stuff that's beneficial and trying to negate the things that are destructive.

So EMFs, they're just a wave. It's electromagnetic radiation. So that's the sun, that's the lifeblood for our entire planet. I'm going to shield all the EMFs by triggering a supernova. Bad idea

[01:39:54] Luke: Totally. It's funny because the EMF skeptics' argument is like, what? Go outside. That's EMF from the sun and magnetic field of the earth and all that. But to me the defining characteristics there is native versus non-native. So we're dealing with this positive quantum energy that we're discussing today. That's a native energy. These are fields that are present universally versus the cell tower down the road that some-- 

[01:40:19] Ian: Yeah. We evolve that way.

[01:40:20] Luke: Shooting resonance.

[01:40:21] Philipp: Yeah. And thankfully this can override this non-native form of EMF like the 5G, 4G, microwaves, and it overrides it in a way where you can still benefit from all the convenience of using Wi-Fi and 5G and all of that.

[01:40:38] Luke: Says the man used to work in telecommunications.

[01:40:40] Philipp: Yeah, exactly. Yeah. No. But even if I hadn't, I mean, honestly, everyone sees the benefits of being connected in a way. There's convenience factor to it, and it would be-- 

[01:40:53] Ian: Dixie cups and--

[01:40:54] Philipp: At this point of--

[01:40:55] Ian: So far.

[01:40:55] Luke: Yeah.

[01:40:56] Philipp: At this point of evolution, it would be, um, it's a hard catch to now change the world in a way where we shut off all the EMFs. That's not going to happen. So we need to find ways on how we can live with it in a positive way. And from my perspective, I mean, yeah, certain rooms can be shielded and all that, but you can't shield yourself and wouldn't want to do that, permanently and everywhere, uh, from it.

[01:41:24] Luke: Well, there's an interesting counter perspective to shielding your bedroom because of the native frequencies, these micro frequencies, I guess you could say, subtle energies, cosmic energies that we're meant to have, that you're blocking those scalar energy and whatnot. So there's a subset of people that think it's a really bad idea to make a Faraday cage out of your bedroom because you're blocking everything, including those beneficial frequencies.

[01:41:51] Philipp: Thankfully not this. So, um, you may be actually right with, uh, with blocking off certain types of energies that way as well. And that may not be good. But at the same time, you have this, and this will also go through into your bedroom. It doesn't stop.

[01:42:07] Luke: That's good to know. And I think for me, I think that quantum energy and scalar energy is going to permeate that gross level of shielding that's keeping out the megahertz and gigahertz of the cell tower down the road.

[01:42:22] Ian: Yeah, it will. Yeah. There are a lot of things that we evolved with like the human resonant cavity. The earth resonates at a certain frequency due to lightning strikes on the surface, and there's a balance between the grounding of the earth and the ionosphere. Every cell in our body has evolved for literally billions of years from the time we were single-celled organisms, to now in the presence of that field, we want that field. If we didn't have that, in outer space, if you're on the ISS, you're going to have an issue if you're not exposed to that thing, because everything has that heartbeat, pulse that every cell in our entire physiology has evolved with.

[01:42:59] Luke: There was an experiment, and I wish I knew more details about it, but I forget what country it was in or what year, but there was an experiment wherein they created, essentially an underground house and put all of these subjects in it where they weren't exposed to any of these beneficial frequencies, and they all got super sick in the course of a month.

I wish I remembered more information about it, but it was a real study and they went, "Oops, we're not supposed to live underground," basically. That was the crux of it. So when we think about people being in caves, they're not actually totally enclosed. So I think they had some air tubes and things like that, so there was oxygen, but they were cut off from those beneficial life supporting fields, and it did not go well. And that was the end of people trying to live underground.

 One of the things what you were saying, Philipp, about, we wouldn't want to have a life without the conveniences that we have now, my personal take is the connectivity is really helping move humanity forward. Not to say that the internet breeds the best outcomes in people, but in general, the fact that we're all connected now, in my field in technology, when you're looking at the evolution of science and the progression of technology, it's happening now at an accelerated race or accelerated pace just because of the connectivity of people,

 500 years ago, if I had some idea and I wanted to talk to another expert about it, it would take weeks and weeks and weeks or months and months and months. And in some case years.

[01:44:20] Luke: Your pigeon might have died along the way.

[01:44:22] Ian: Exactly. But now it's damn near instantaneous. And that's really pushing us forward. But there are times when as a technology, something might be a little detrimental, but ultimately when it's integrated, you go through periods, like in physiologically exposure to deuterium is really harmful. But when you're a young child, you actually need a slightly enhanced level because it triggers growth. There's a reaction. It's like a hypertrophy. You want the inflammatory response when you tear your muscles. That's what triggers the growth. 

And I think culturally that's what's happening is, we're at that weird point where we're expanding culturally and we're getting this connectivity and we're becoming more of a one conglomerate planet where we're all trying to work together, but we're having some harsh growing pains. And I would like to think that the things that we're doing like this are going to help mitigate some of those detrimental effects. But over time, we'll move into the light. People will start to figure it out. 

They'll start to realize like, oh yeah, this was great, but turns out we don't want DDT on all of our crops. Factory farming, maybe not the best thing, but it's incremental. We don't want to lambast ourselves too harshly for the things that we're doing because we're trying a lot of cool stuff. Some's going to work, some's not going to work.

[01:45:43] Luke: Well, to that end, I envision a future world where we have cell towers everywhere, and we're able to be interconnected, which I agree is the best thing ever. I mean, I think it's a-- thing that's saving humanity is our ability to communicate ideas instantaneously. Because the ideas that the baddies want suppressed, even with censorship, they can't keep it down, people are going to talk. But I imagine cell towers everywhere that are putting out Leela and Quantum Upgrade frequencies, and using those carrier waves to transmit data just like we are now, but actually with frequencies that are supportive of our biology rather than deleterious.

[01:46:22] Philipp: We tested that actually with a 5G tower. Yeah. That was extremely successful. That was great energy for the whole neighborhood. We only did it for I think, two, three hours and, uh, yeah. But it's not for us to do. That's what I meant about integrity. It's there's free will out there and there's also things you can't do because it would be manipulative. Also, if it sounds great, if we now turned on all the towers. It's not the right thing to do at this point, at least.

And maybe there will be an evolution towards that at some point. So I even thought, I don't know, give it another year or two, and then maybe I can talk to my old colleagues at T-Mobile and at that point maybe they're open to that and we just do something together. But it needs to be right. But the possibilities are definitely there.

[01:47:22] Luke: Yeah. Amen.

[01:47:23] Ian: Yeah. My lithium and the tap water idea just got mixed.

[01:47:26] Luke: I mean, you can go to some hot springs that are high on lithium and get that effect. 

Uh, well, man, I think we've covered just about everything I wanted to cover here. Let me just check my notes. Um, oh, one question I had, and we may have covered this in the very beginning is, people that already have the Leela Quantum devices physically in their possession are probably going to be wondering, well, now why would I want the Quantum Upgrade service? I think you talked about this with the ability to charge things and stuff. How are they complimentary and how are they overkill, if that's possible?

[01:48:02] Philipp: Yeah. I mean, there's already a lot of people that have both, um--

[01:48:08] Luke: Me too.

[01:48:09] Ian: Well, this is to be a necklace. It's hard to wear as a necklace.

[01:48:12] Philipp: Yeah, no, there's actually a lot of people that have both. And the reason is because you can customize up and down the Hawkins scale basically, adding frequencies and all that, setting boosters and nighttime values and all of that, with a Quantum Upgrade, so it's more powerful, it's more harmonious, it goes deeper and it's just so flexible and customizable, something you cannot do with a block or even if you have two or three blocks, you're always limited in a way in that regard. 

But then the Quantum Upgrade has the limitation really, as I said earlier, if you have sugar that you want to harmonize or other foods, for example, structure your water, charge your silver, or if you want to copy frequencies. That's also an application that a lot of people use it for. You can't do that with a Quantum Upgrade. So for that you need a physical device. So that's really the main differences, I would say.

[01:49:07] Luke: Okay, got it. And with this big daddy here, where the hell should I put this thing in the house? Because I have the Quantum bloc on the kitchen isle. Then I have Infinity bloc in my office, which is where I unfortunately, spend the most time in my life right now. But I was thinking when you walked in with this, I'm like, where am I going to put this thing?

[01:49:26] Philipp: So a lot of people wanted a larger block for the kitchen so they can put their whole plates in there and all of that. So that's one idea at least. And then another one is living room where you can easily maybe even put your legs in or your head and shoulders and all of that. But I would just, when we're all gone here, you just tune in and figure out where you want to put it. You'll have some impulse.

[01:49:54] Luke: When I do a, um, breath work session or meditation or something, is there any harm in me laying with my head in this for 20 minutes to 60 minutes?

[01:50:05] Philipp: Not necessarily. It would be very beneficial at first. And then I would just feel, because that's what we always tell people, this is not-- we can't give you a manual like for a Samsung TV. You turn it on here and this is what it's to do and all that. Everyone is so different. We tell people, feel. And for some people that's like, okay. Um--

[01:50:29] Luke: I'm like that. 

[01:50:31] Philipp: But if you do that, and you are tuned in enough that you will feel it, and the worst thing that can happen is that you feel it maybe two, three minutes too late. And what you do then you just drink a glass of water and you'll be fine.

[01:50:45] Luke: Uh, do you think I could submerge this in my pool for a period and structure the water in my pool?

 I mean, energetically it doesn't impact at all the device. I don't know what it will do to the material, um, but I think if you put it in the pool for a little bit, uh, you should probably be fine. Um, But what I would do actually, um, you won't get as much of a charge, but it will still be enough.

[01:51:14] Philipp: Take a picture of the pool, print it out and put it in there. Yes. And that's the way, how we do it, for example, uh, for a place in Costa Rica, we bought this huge antique, uh, dining table. And it's massive. You need 10 people to move it. And while you can't move it into a bloc, and it's also way too big for a bloc, so I took a picture and put it inside, and then it neutralizes all these energies that were still stuck in there from the last few hundreds years of, I don't know, uh, maybe someone got murdered on the table or whatever, I don't know. But, uh, it had some--

[01:51:52] Luke: The carnibals that used to own it.

[01:51:53] Philipp: It was beautiful, but it had some bad energies in it, and it was completely gone, and it's vibrating nicely. And that's what you can do with way larger objects and a pool. 

[01:52:03] Luke: Yeah, I'm thinking I might just put it in this room, which is where most of the dedicated spiritual practice takes place.

[01:52:11] Philipp: Just keep it, and you know that already, but for everyone out there, if you have more than one bloc, always keep them two, three meters apart, at least

[01:52:19] Luke: How many feet is that?

[01:52:21] Philipp: Uh, I would say that's about 6, 7, 8 feet.

[01:52:24] Luke: Oh, okay.

[01:52:25] Philipp: Six feet minimum. 

[01:52:26] Luke: Okay. Easy to do. So as long as I am apart. Got it. All right, gentlemen. Well, thank you so much for joining me. I'm so glad both of you were able to drop in. We're going to follow this with a solo recording with Ian in a little bit, but, um, I like having both you guys because Ian's able to bring more of the rigorous science, yet still a spiritual guy and you a bit more of the energetics of it. So you guys make a really great team and great guests on the show. So thank you so much. 

[01:52:53] Ian: Thanks, man. Happy to be here. 

[01:52:54] Luke: And also thank you and--

[01:52:55] Philipp: Thank you, Ian.

[01:52:56] Luke: And both of you individually, you with Wizard Sciences and you with everything you're doing in the quantum realm, I just want to express my gratitude for continuing to keep the research going. And I'll just be like, eh, we nailed it. It works. We know it works. We're good, because I'm assuming that these studies are not cheap. I mean, you're--

[01:53:14] Ian: No, they're not.

[01:53:15] Luke: You're employing a group of scientists that are using labs, and so thank you for doing so. Because it makes my job easier when someone comes to me and is like, "Oh, how do I know this works?" I'm like, "I feel it, I feel great." That doesn't say a lot for some people, but I go, look at the studies. That's why I always say on your websites is, I'm like, go look at the studies. I mean, that's-- I don't know what else you want. And if you don't think it works, then don't do it. It's a free world. 

But I mean, that is helpful, especially for the more pragmatic types that are like, ah, I'm not intuitive, I'm not tapped into subtle energies and things like that. And I'm even like that sometimes, especially compared to Alyson who walks in a room is like, oh yeah, that person over there, this is what's going on with them. Could just see stuff that I can't see, which is great. But the rest of us need a little work and we like to read studies.

[01:54:08] Ian: Well, I like the fact actually with just doing the double-blind placebo control or sham controlled studies, it opens it up for the people like that because the idea isn't to just help everybody who's already got that leaning and that's already right at the cutting-edge there. The idea is to try and help everybody. You don't want to just go, uh, forget you guys. Like, sorry, 80% of the populace.

[01:54:30] Luke: Yeah. You need proof. Good luck out there. All right, you guys. Thanks again.

[01:54:35] Ian: Absolutely.

[01:54:36] Philipp: Thank you.

[01:54:37] Luke: Well, I hope this one peaked your curiosity and, uh, got you thinking about the existing possibilities that await us in the realm of quantum energy. I've always been fascinated by this stuff and will definitely continue to dig in and share everything I learned with you on future episodes. Speaking of future episodes, next week's show brings back Dave Asprey for his third appearance. It's called Smarter Not Harder: Top Biohacks for Vitality, Longevity, and Maximum Brain Power.

Now, if you've been a longtime bulletproof coffee drinker like me and are familiar with Dave's work, you're going to love this one. We spent about two hours in my home studio discussing not only the latest in biohacking, but also some really wild topics like his stance on vaccines, censorship, government corruption, conspiracy theories, and smart drugs. I had a really great time recording this one, so I can't wait to blast it your way next Tuesday.

[01:55:31] Luke: And don't forget, if you find yourself quantum curious and want to explore your seven-day free trial of Quantum Upgrade, just go to lukestorey.com/quantumupgrade to get signed up. I've been having a lot of fun playing with all of the boosts and other customizable features of upgrades, so I'm looking forward to hearing some of your experiences. And don't be shy, drop me a DM on Instagram and let me know what you're up to.

You can find and follow me there @lukestorey. And I do my very best to answer each and every message. Now, sometimes I got to admit, I'm short on time. It might just be a thumbs up emoji, but I do try to acknowledge everyone that sends me a message on there. It's getting a little difficult, but I do my best. All right, that's it. I'll be dropping back into your Podfeed next week with Dave Asprey.


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