449. Nature's Best Medicine: The Science & Secrets of Colloidal Silver Revealed w/ Steve Revelli

Steve Revelli

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Here we are, my fellow health enthusiasts. Today, we’re talking nature's best medicine, the science and secrets of colloidal silver – revealed. I recorded this one out in Salt Lake City, Utah at the Silver Biotics headquarters with Steve Revelli, their Chief Scientific officer.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Here we are, my fellow health enthusiasts. Today, we’re talking nature's best medicine, the science and secrets of colloidal silver – revealed! I recorded this one out in Salt Lake City, Utah at the Silver Biotics headquarters with Steve Revelli, their Chief Scientific officer.

Steve’s an expert on silver technology who has spent decades of his career working with and advancing silver science. This is a topic I've wanted to cover for years as silver has been part of my healing arsenal for a couple decades. But I had to find the right person for the job, and Steve delivered big time.

If by the end of this episode, you want to get into the silver game yourself, here's what you do. Go to lukestorey.com/silverbiotics, and for your first time purchase, use the code LUKE30 for a whopping 30% off after your first. And after your first purchase, you can use the code LUKE for 10% off.

This incredible metal just has so many useful applications. But as you'll soon learn, not all silver products are created equal. So this one's going to bust many myths and set us all straight.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

00:04:10 — Getting to Know Steve Revelli
  • Background in education 
  • Healing a wounded alley cat 
  • Rich history of silver use around the world
  • “Born with a silver spoon”
00:10:00 — Learning About Silver
  • Treating burns with silver 
  • What is colloidal silver?
  • Colloid vs. ions 
  • Bioactive silver hydrosol
  • Ideal parts-per-million
  • Battling with Big Pharma
  • Deep dive on Silver Biotics science 
  • Issues building up in the body
  • Keeping your gut bacteria alive 
00:34:56 — The Healing Power of Silver
  • How does silver work in the body?
  • Prioritizing ongoing research 
  • How it kills pathogens 
  • Silver and your immune system 
  • Off-label uses of silver products
  • Working with FDA clearance 
  • Kills mold and fungus 
  • Formulating silver toothpaste 
  • Visit lukestorey.com/silverbiotics
  • Use the code LUKE30 for 30% off
  • Treating psoriasis and eczema
  • Formulating products for pets 
  • Plastic vs. glass packaging 

More about this episode.

Watch on YouTube.

Steve Revelli: [00:00:05] We can get our kill times with 10 to 30 parts per million, where they're using hundreds, if not thousands of parts per million to do the same thing. And our kill times are faster.

Luke Storey: [00:00:16] You're talking about--

Steve Revelli: [00:00:18] Like Mersa. If we put Mersa with our silver, it's dead within minutes, if not sooner. This is Steve Revelli, and this is the Life Stylist Podcast.

Luke Storey: [00:00:33] Here we are, my fellow health enthusiast. Today we're dropping Episode 449, Nature's Best Medicine: The Science and Secrets of Colloidal Silver Revealed. The show notes, links, and all the things are located at lukestorey.com/silver. So I recorded this one out in Salt Lake City, Utah, at the Silver Biotics headquarters with Steve Revelli, the chief scientific officer. 

This dude's an expert on silver technology who has spent decades of his career working with and advancing silver science. And this is a topic I've wanted to cover for years as silver has been part of my healing arsenal for a couple of decades. But I had to find the right person for the job, and Steve delivered big time. So if you are silver curious or a long-time user like me, this one is going to blow your mind. 

This incredible metal just has so many useful applications, but as you'll soon learn, not all silver products are created equal. So this one's going to bust many a myth and set us all straight. Here's a quick teaser of some of the topics we get into. We of course, talk about my epic tour of the Silver Biotics Factory, which was very impressive, to say the least, and the magic of silver and how ancient peoples have used this element to live healthy lives prior to modern antibacterial technologies; the do's and don'ts of colloidal silver; the future of colloidal silver, and how we might be able to undo the damage caused by the overuse of pharmaceutical antibiotics; how hospitals use silver as an antiseptic; how it helps heal burns; decoding marketing speak like nano silver, coated silver and ionic silver, the optimal ppm or parts per million for oral silver products and why higher isn't always better; the potential risks of silver building up in your tissues and why some silver kills our natural probiotics and how to prevent this; how exactly silver supports the immune system; silver and its effect on inflammation; using silver in a nebulizer and nasal sprays; using it in your eyes and ears, and why silver is so awesome in dental care products. 

We also talk about its applications for psoriasis and eczema and even using it for your pets. I'm really stoked to share this one with you, so we'll go ahead and jump right in. But before we do, here's the skinny on your obligatory discount should you decide to take up silver biotics on their kind offer. 

And for the record, this is the silver brand I use and I love it. In fact, a couple of days ago I had to shave my face clean for the first time in at least, I don't know, 10 years for some dental work. And I was concerned I might get razor bumps or some skin irritation. So I slathered on a big dose of their silver healing cream. And just as I expected, the results were flawless. It actually worked like a charm. So I love this stuff. 

If by the end of this episode you want to check it out yourself, here's what you do. Go to lukestorey.com/silverbiotics and for your first-time purchase, use the code LUKE30 for a whopping 30% off. And after your first purchase, you can use the code LUKE for 10% off. Again, that's lukestorey.com/silverbiotics. Okay, guys, let's get ready to learn how another one of nature's most powerful healing agents works and how to best use it with Steve Revelli. Enjoy the show. And if you dig it, tell a friend. Steve, good to meet you, brother.

Steve Revelli: [00:03:47] Nice to meet you.

Luke Storey: [00:03:48] Yeah. This is fun. What an incredible day. So we're here near Salt Lake City, Utah. For those listening, I just went and did an insider tour of the Silver Biotics headquarters, which was like half Sci-Fi, half Willy Wonka, really interesting operation. And the scale of it was really impressive. So I'm just a geek that loves learning about how things work and especially seeing it. So thank you so much for the tour and having me over there today.

I guess what I'd like to start with is a little bit of your background. I know you're a scientist, a former teacher. How did you get into lab work and the things that ultimately led to what I witnessed today?

Steve Revelli: [00:04:33] Well, I was in public education for 30 years in high schools and university, and I retired about seven years ago. And it's my neighbor's company, the Muellers. So they've been pestering me for years to retire so I could go to work for them and be their science guy. That's what they call me. And so I still teach part-time at university and still dabble in that, but full-time for American biotech, ABL manufacturing, and I've had a great career, so I thought I'd just stay with it and enjoy myself.

Luke Storey: [00:05:09] And do you remember the moment when you discovered silver as it applies to health and well-being versus a precious metal that has monetary value?

Steve Revelli: [00:05:21] I do. I do. But that was a lot of years ago. That was probably 20 years ago when the Muellers first started their company. And one of the first products they had was a wound care gel. An interesting story, it's a little bit out there. But we had this old alley cat at home and it was always getting in fights and it was torn ears and everything else. 

And so the Muellers brought me over one of these tubes of the wound care gel. And I thought, okay, I'll try it. So I squirted it on the cat and thought, okay, let's see what happens here. And within a week, the wound was healed, the cat was fine. And I thought, oh my heavens, I didn't have to take it to the vet. I didn't have to get medication down his throat. It healed it up just perfectly.

Luke Storey: [00:06:11] Wow. That's cool. So that got your attention into the potential power of that substance?

Steve Revelli: [00:06:17] Absolutely.

Luke Storey: [00:06:18] The silver thing has always been fascinating to me because you have a metal. And it's like you don't think of ever putting a metal intentionally in the body, especially with all this awareness that we have now around heavy metals and things like that. But I've always been fascinated with humans and the value that they assign to different metals that are mined out of the earth. 

And this one being so unique, you have people that are into this monoatomic gold and stuff like that, which I don't know anything about, but I remember very early on in my health journey learning about colloidal silver and its many applications and stuff. And it's just strange to me that humans figured this out. 

So to that end, when I was doing my research today on the history of silver being used by humans for health purposes, I found some stuff on the Silver Biotics site, which was really interesting, and I'm just going to rattle them off here and then we'll get into some of your expertise. So the Greeks used vessels made of silver to keep water and other liquids fresh.

The Roman Empire stored wine and silver urns to prevent spoilage. Thus, silver was used in dishware drinking containers and eating utensils. I thought that was really interesting because you have grandmas like find silver. And I just thought, well, it's because it looks pretty. But there was another reason. And then Middle Ages silver where silverware was believed to be what protected the wealthy from the plague. And then settlers in the Australian outback used silverware in their water tanks to inhibit spoilage. 

Pioneers of the American West found that if they placed silver coins in their casks of water, it preserved the water longer from growth of bacteria and mold. In the early 1800s, doctors used silver sutures in surgical wounds with successful results. And finally, Silver Leaf was used to combat infection and battle wounds sustained by soldiers during World War II. 

That's a pretty impressive history of use. And when I read that stuff, I'm like, why doesn't everyone know about this? Which I guess is part of my role as a podcaster. What do you think about the historic relevance of silver?

Steve Revelli: [00:08:28] Well, one adage that's always been used that sticks in my head is that person was born with this silver spoon in their mouth, like, okay, that's true. Royalty and things like that, they ate off of silver utensils, which we get a daily dose of silver. And of course, the peasants, they eat off of wood and they weren't as healthy.

Luke Storey: [00:08:51] Wow, that's interesting. I never made that correlation of the silver spoon comment. That's pretty cool. Okay, when we were touring the facility today, we were talking about the fact that some hospitals are supplied with silver and I think you guys fortify some of the hospitals. If I went into a hospital here in Salt Lake today with an acute injury, a wound or something like that, a burn maybe, what's the likelihood of them applying some silver product to that wound?

Steve Revelli: [00:09:24] Very, very readily. There's another product out there that is used in babies. They put it in their newborn's eyes all the time. It's still for silver designing and there's a lot of different silver products that are out there that are used. We are getting to the point where our silver is actually in pharmacies, in hospitals, and so we will see some of our products used, especially in burn units. And again, it's for abrasions, first, second-degree burns, lacerations, emulsions, and things like that. So you're very likely to see silver in the near future if not now.

Luke Storey: [00:10:01] That's super cool. What's the mechanism of action with burns? Because that seems to be one of the most common applications. Is it that the antimicrobial effect of silver is stopping the burns from getting infected, or do you think there's something else that's helping to speed up or facilitate the actual healing?

Steve Revelli: [00:10:19] There's a little bit of both. With our immune supplement, it's the same thing. Well, how can you support the immune system with silver? Well, what silver does, of course, is it gets rid of the bad bugs, pathogenic bacteria, molds, mildew, and fungus. And it allows the body to do what it can do most efficiently. So in a burn site, yes, that's the most important thing, is to get rid of the microbes in there that are actually tearing apart that new growth of tissue that is very susceptible for damage. 

And so the silver protects that by allowing those tissues to heal much more readily, much more efficiently than they would if they weren't protected.

Luke Storey: [00:11:01] Oh, that's interesting. So some of the energy that your body is going to spend to regrow that tissue is being spent on fighting the infection. Oh, that's interesting. You're taking the burden energetically off of the body so that it doesn't have to spend any of its energy on the infection part of it. It can just get to the reproduction of the skin cells.

Steve Revelli: [00:11:22] Exactly.

Luke Storey: [00:11:22] Oh, that's interesting. That's very cool. So what is colloidal silver? I want to get into some of the definitions. When you go online or on Amazon and you start looking for silver products, there's all of this-- I don't know. There's just this sea of different terminologies. It's very confusing. I've always just called it colloidal silver, but we're going to get into some of the other terminologies. But is what Silver Biotics, the company that you work for, does considered colloidal silver?

Steve Revelli: [00:11:50] Yes. Yeah. Scientifically, that's my realm. Scientifically, a colloid is a substance that is dispersed, not dissolved, is dispersed in another substance, a solvent. And those particles are usually somewhere between five and 200 nanometers, which is really, really small. In order to be considered like nano- the big word nano is out there right now, a substance is usually between five nanometers and 999 nanometers is the official version of that.
So our silver particles are usually between five and 15 nanometers. So they're quite small. They're on the lower end of the nanoscale, but they are again, particles that are dispersed in this case in water. A lot of your products out there, they are not colloids, they are solutions. And I say that because the solution takes up two major pieces. A solution is usually ionic dissolved into water, whereas a colloid is a particle that is suspended or dispersed in water. It's not dissolved. 

Ions are very small. They're usually between 0.3 and 0.5 nanometers, less than a nanometer. And so they are actually chemicals ions that are dissolved into the water instead of dispersed in the water, suspended in the water. And that's the definition of a colloid.

Luke Storey: [00:13:22] Okay. Because that was the other thing I was going to ask you about is nanosilver. This is a term that you see thrown around a lot in this field.

Steve Revelli: [00:13:30] And most silvers out there, they are nano. Period. It's very hard to get particles that are small enough to do what they're supposed to do in the body or on the surface of the body, destroy microbes that aren't nano.

Luke Storey: [00:13:45] Okay, Got it. Perhaps now more than ever, humanity is under an incredible amount of stress. How even when the world is not this insane, normal life can be stressful. And aside from just being uncomfortable, stress can take a toll on your body, raising your blood pressure, making it harder to sleep, draining you of vital energy, and making you more irritable. 

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This stuff's incredible and actually took one this morning before I left the house. I was thinking about that as I record these ads. I'm like, okay, when did I use it last? Yep, it was today and almost every day. So for an exclusive offer for you, Life Stylist Podcast listeners, go to magbreakthrough.com/luke and use the code LUKE10 at checkout to save 10% off and get free shipping. That's magbreakthrough.com/luke and use the code LUKE10.

And then what about coated silver? This is another term that I see. In fact, there's-- and we'll get into the preferred ppm or parts per million, but there's one influencer that comes to mind that's promoting something. I think the brand name might even be coated silver, which is a 20,000 parts per million. And based on researching how you guys do it, that's not the goal. But anyway, what does coated silver mean to you?

Steve Revelli: [00:16:12] Morsels coated silvers are coated with protein, various kinds of proteins, and the proteins are pretty much inert. That's not really the problem, but that's how they suspend their silver product is usually coat them in proteins. And so some people, okay, where do the proteins come from? Are they considered to be prions, which have a negative connotation to them? And so most of those particles are large because they are coated with a large protein.

Luke Storey: [00:16:43] Is this why they have a color? I'm thinking about this coated silver, and if you put it in water, it almost looks like iodine or something that's brown and it swirls around and suspends itself in the water.

Steve Revelli: [00:16:56] Exactly. And again, these are large particles, and that's why you're able to quote-unquote, "see" them is because they are quite large. And I know there's a lot of silver products out there that out that it can't be a colloid because it's transparent or it's colorless. That's not true. It's just that our particles are smaller and they really don't reflect light.

Luke Storey: [00:17:17] Okay, interesting.

Steve Revelli: [00:17:18] Because color basically is reflected light. And so the particle has to be large enough for that light to be reflected back to your eyes so you can actually see it. Our particles are smaller.

Luke Storey: [00:17:30] Interesting. Okay. And then what about bioactive silver hydrosol?

Steve Revelli: [00:17:38] It's a big word, right?

Luke Storey: [00:17:39] Yeah.

Steve Revelli: [00:17:40] I love marketing. Marketing to me it's still fascinating. It's like, okay, let's throw these terms at it and let's see what sticks like throwing paint on a wall and see what sticks. Marketing is similar to that. Okay, let's break it down. So bioactive, does it work with a biological system? Does it work in that biological system? Does it work for that or against that biological system?

Luke Storey: [00:18:03] Does it have a mode of action?

Steve Revelli: [00:18:05] Does it have a mode of action?

Luke Storey: [00:18:05] It is a no to me.

Steve Revelli: [00:18:06] Exactly. And what was the other part of it?

Luke Storey: [00:18:09] Hydrosols.

Steve Revelli: [00:18:10] Hydrosols. Well, that means it's in water.

Luke Storey: [00:18:13] That's it. It sounds fancier than that.

Steve Revelli: [00:18:15] Yes. Yes. Hydro is water and sol, again, sol is like it's just suspended in water. It could be dissolved in water. Sol means it's just something in water. So hydro, water. Sol, something's in the water.

Luke Storey: [00:18:35] Okay, cool. Thank you for clearing that up. And then what is this, speaking of sol, your silver sol technology? When I go on the site, there's a lot of emphasis put on that as it being a differentiating factor and something unique to the way you guys make silver.

Steve Revelli: [00:18:53] The silver sol is basically what it is. It's a silver dispersed in water and that's what sol is. And so sol, it's an old Latin term. If you look at the terms of solvent solution, sol is that root word in there and it just means that something is in something else. So our silver is suspended in water.

Luke Storey: [00:19:21] Okay. And then going back to the ppm or parts per million, from your perspective, what is the safe and ideal parts per million when you have products out there that are touting 20,000 and all these ridiculously large numbers? And then you guys are coming in, I think like 10 to 30 parts per million. Maybe break that out, because my goal here is to dispel some of the confusion that's created by marketing because everyone wants to have the best product. And so oftentimes when that's the case, they get into this more is better mentality, which isn't always the truth.

Steve Revelli: [00:20:00] So true. So true. Our testing that we've done, we've done extensive testing. We have literally hundreds of third-party tests with Nelson Labs, with Pacific bio labs, with these very reputable lab companies that we've done testing with. And what we found out was, number one, our silver will do the same, if not better, usually better kill times with many, many less parts per million.

We can get our kill times with 10 to 30 parts per million where they're using hundreds, if not thousands of parts per million to do the same thing. And our kill times are faster.

Luke Storey: [00:20:36] And when you say kill times, you're talking about--

Steve Revelli: [00:20:38] We're talking if we put a bad bacteria like Mersa, that's pretty bad stuff. If we put Mersa with our silver, it's dead within minutes, if not sooner.

Luke Storey: [00:20:48] Really?

Steve Revelli: [00:20:48] Yes.

Luke Storey: [00:20:49] That's crazy. Recently, I was having some issues with tinnitus and things like that. And so a gentleman that I interviewed said, "Man, you probably have a-- I think it's called a Mersa, macons infection. It's antibiotic resistant bacterial infection in your nose. And I just intuitively started spraying the silver at my nose and nebulizing it and stuff like that. 

But even in so doing I thought, well, I'm probably just shooting in the dark here because I figured if it was antibiotic-resistant that the silver probably wasn't going to hit it. Are you saying that even when something like Marsa or maybe even macons is resistant to antibiotics, that silver can still neutralize it?

Steve Revelli: [00:21:35] Right now there is no antibiotic resistance to silver products with bacteria. So VRE, Mersa, macons, we have great success with all of those bacteria. So there is no antibiotic resistance to silver.

Luke Storey: [00:21:52] Wow. God, that's so crazy. Then why? I guess I know the answer. It's because there's a lot of money to be made in the pharmaceutical industry. Let's throw another antibiotic strain at it or something. Instead of just going, "Well, we know what works. Let's use that." But it's 40 bucks a bottle instead of a couple of hundred or whatever. And then maybe there's the rub.

Steve Revelli: [00:22:16] There's a big rub with the industry, with Big Pharma. We've stayed away from Big Pharma because Big pharma can cause problems.

Luke Storey: [00:22:24] Yeah, they get your ass down.

Steve Revelli: [00:22:26] There you go. There you go. And they have the lobby, they have the FDA in their pockets. Big pharma, they can be pretty scary, but going back, I want to go back just for a minute about the ppm values. So our testing that we've done with those labs, we've discovered that anything over about 50 ppm, actually becomes cytotoxic to what we call somatic body cells.

And so our products are never over 50 ppm for that reason. And we say that 30 to 35 is as far as we want to go with our products, to stay away from that cytotoxicity for our own cells. And so our testing is proved that. So that's where our products are always under there. But they have the same efficacy as those products that are thousands of ppms.

Luke Storey: [00:23:20] Is that because of the size of the particle, you guys have been able to produce?

Steve Revelli: [00:23:24] It's part of the size of the particle, but it's the way that our particle works as well.

Luke Storey: [00:23:28] How so?

Steve Revelli: [00:23:29] So if we want to get into how that process works, we have a structured silver particle between five and 15 nanometers. Now, on the outside of that particle is a structured formula of atoms, a collection of atoms of silver and oxygen. 

We call it AG404 or Tetris over tetraoxide. And it is that oxide silver coating surrounded, I should say, it surrounds a metallic silver core. So in the core of our particle is metallic silver. And on the outside of it is AG404. And that's what makes our product different than any other product. And that's what our make our product work. That's what makes it work.

Luke Storey: [00:24:14] Interesting. Okay. And then with the silver in general, some of the criticism that I hear out there in the world is that you run the risk of it building up in your tissues if you take it on a regular basis. What have you got to say about that particular issue?

Steve Revelli: [00:24:36] Everybody knows who the Blue Man is. He's actually a Utahan that lived in Utah and he was partaking of a large concentration of ionic silver products. And it turns out that ionic silver, which is just a silver atom that's lost an electron, very simple little particle.

But what it does is it doesn't like to leave the body. And in fact, what happens is it likes to put itself into adipose tissue, fat tissue, usually underlying the skin. And so when ultraviolet or sunlight hits that little particle inside of a cell, it actually gets reduced down to a silver atom, which is colored silver metal. So that build-up of that ionic silver in the adipose tissue, the fat cells underlying the skin turns the skin a tint of blue or gray.

Luke Storey: [00:25:36] Is this guy that you're speaking of, this is a real person?

Steve Revelli: [00:25:38] This is a real person. Yeah. He's on the Internet.

Luke Storey: [00:25:41] Really?

Steve Revelli: [00:25:41] Yeah. I think you can do Blue Man Silver Guy or something like that.

Luke Storey: [00:25:46] And he just got overzealous with his silver?

Steve Revelli: [00:25:48] Oh, my. Oh, my.

Luke Storey: [00:25:48] Interesting.

Steve Revelli: [00:25:50] And the thing is, is that it's not toxic. It just turns you permanently blue and gray.

Steve Revelli: [00:25:56] Permanently?

Steve Revelli: [00:25:57] Permanently.

Luke Storey: [00:25:58] Oh, damn.

Steve Revelli: [00:25:59] It is a permanent self-induced tattoo if you want to call it that.

Luke Storey: [00:26:04] I made some mistakes experimenting with different health practices. Luckily, I don't think any of the things I've done wrong have been permanent, at least not visibly so. I probably have hurt myself here and there over the years, just not being thoughtful about the way I do things. That's really interesting. 

So the thing that I've been curious about is, well, if the silver is an antibiotic, essentially, do we run the risk of killing off our good probiotics within the GI, etc. if we were to consume like you guys have the immune product? Yeah, the immune support. And I love that. I keep it just up in myself, in my cabinet, and let's take a swig of it. I don't really measure it at a tiny little sip, maybe a teaspoon or something every couple of days. And I enjoy it. 

And incidentally, I can't remember the last time I was sick with anything, so it might be contributing to that. But sometimes I do think, oh, man, but I just took my probiotics, so maybe I shouldn't take the silver because I think it's going to wipe out the colony that I'm trying to build. What's the deal with that particular aspect?

Steve Revelli: [00:27:08] Well, first off, we've done human ingestion studies on a myriad of people, and we have scientific evidence that our silver actually clears out of the body within 24, usually to 36 to 48 hours. It's gone. It clears out through a little bit out of the urinary tract and out of the large intestine. 

And so once you dose with our silver, it does its job hangs into the body for that period of time and then it's gone. There's no chance of it building up in the body. And so, again, along with the probiotics, probiotics are bacteria. But they're good bacteria. They're not bad bacteria. Well, it turns out that a lot of people don't understand microbiology a lot.

So you have pathogenic bacteria on one hand and you have probiotics on the other hand. It turns out that bacteria are far different from each other than what people believe. If you have a probiotic, you could call it a giraffe. And if you have a pathogenic bacteria, you could call it a fish. They are that far apart on the genetic spectrum. And so the structures are far different as well. And so silver in itself has the propensity to kill pathogenic bacteria because it is a different structure. Probiotic bacteria are more hardy. They're tougher.

And so, yes, over a period of time, again, this comes down to that dosage. If you're slamming thousands of ppm of silver down there is going to kill the probiotics where if we tested ours against probiotic-- and again, it's that nice 30 ppm range. If we go above that, yeah, it will harm the probiotics. And that's why our immune supplement is not over 30, 35 parts per million. So it doesn't harm the probiotics, but silver will kill probiotics in high concentrations.

Luke Storey: [00:29:05] Interesting. In my experience, nothing has a bigger impact, and I mean nothing, on how I feel and perform each day than my quality and quantity of sleep. Honestly, I've tried every supplement and biohacking technology out there to improve my mood, energy, and focus after a crappy night's sleep. And there is nothing that makes me feel better than a good night's sleep.

And unfortunately, lack of sleep is simply not hackable in my experience. And the thing that's had the single biggest impact on my sleep is temperature regulation. This company, Chilli Sleep, makes the coldest and most comfortable sleep systems available. I started out back in the day using their Cube, then onto the Ooler, and most recently their new Doc Pro, which is by far my most cherished sleep tool. 

It works like this. The Chilli Sleep mattress pads keep your bed at the perfect temperature for deep cold sleep. And with the Doc pro, I can even set the app to change temperatures throughout the night and even turn warm in the morning to wake me up rather than using an alarm clock. It's really cool. 

And by the way, it also saves me a grip of money on my electric bill to not run the AC cold all night long. So I'll invite you to supercharge your sleep right now at sleep.me/lukestorey where you will save 25% off the purchase of any Cube, Ooler, or new Doc Pro sleep systems. 

Now, this offer is available exclusively for Life Stylist Podcast listeners and only for a limited time. That's S-L-E-E-P.M-E/lukestorey to take advantage of these exclusive discounts so you too can wake up refreshed every day. And trust me, you'll thank me later.

And you guys, you seem to do a lot of research. When it's gone on the research tab, there's all of these studies actually on the side. And what I like about that is the transparency, because you can actually download the results of whatever study you did. And in some cases, you can tell. It's like from a third-party lab and it's like a scan of a piece of paper that you guys probably got in the mail from the lab you did the testing with. 

And then in others, you might want to have a little warning on there, but with some of the wounds, the wound healing stuff, like, oh, wound healing pdf, let me download that. And it's like there's one where this person's hand was practically ripped apart, all these stitches and stuff. And then you show this timeline of applying the silver gel that you guys have and X amount of days, and you see it fade and fade and fade and then it's gone. So it's cool because you see that, wow, if you give the body what it needs to heal, it'll do its job.

But it was a little shock. I was like, I wasn't ready for that. I just ate breakfast. But at this point, you have a viable company, do you still need to prove yourself by continuing research or are you just curious to learn more or is it a bit of both?

Steve Revelli: [00:32:06] Well, of course, it's both. But marketing has changed and we have a lot of influencers now. And again, sometimes the influencers will read something or they'll find something that is derogatory towards silver or towards our particle, for example. And so we have to put that proof out there saying, "No, this is the science. We've done the science, here's the evidence, here's the proof, this is the truth." Instead of somebody saying, "Oh, that's bad, because, well, people can say things, but can they prove it?"

Luke Storey: [00:32:40] Yeah, I like that. It's interesting I've noticed being in the field that I am of working with different brands, of promoting different brands, because I just find things that I think work and help me in my life and I want to share them with people and it's become part of my business model. It's interesting in certain industries how it gets very cutthroat not as much in the supplement realm as it does in the technology like sauna companies are very competitive, mattress companies are very competitive. 

And there's this mentality that there's a shortage of customers out there. And I'm always like, you guys, everyone needs a good mattress. There's seven, however, many billion people, but in the silver industry, in the niche silver industry within the supplement realm, I noticed there's a lot of comparison charts on websites and people talking crap about each other and stuff like that. It's interesting to me that silver in particular is filled with as much contention as it is when it's seemingly something pretty straightforward.

Steve Revelli: [00:33:41] I agree. I'm going really, because I saw a paper that was produced and there was 14 products that were compared. And one of them was one of our products. And they had electron micrograph pictures because that's how you have to see these particles because they're so small. So you have to use the electron microscope. And I saw this silver biotics picture and I'm going, "That's not our particle. That looks like yuck." And I'm going, "Well, yeah, I wouldn't buy that."

But what I have is I have probably 10 years worth of a series of electron micrographs that shows our particle what it looks like year after year after year, because we do third-party testing with that. And so we have to prove that our particle is what it is for certain clients. And so we have that record and we have that research. And I'm going, "I don't know what you took a picture of. It wasn't our particle."

Luke Storey: [00:34:36] So it was totally fragile?

Steve Revelli: [00:34:37] Oh, yes.

Luke Storey: [00:34:38] Wow. I guess I'm not surprised. I'm a guy that tries to have more faith in humanity, that you don't need to do that. Just build something cool and they will come. But I guess I'm just a bit naive in that way or just overly hopeful. Okay, so how does silver actually work? What's the mechanism of action when we're talking about killing pathogens, which it does so effectively? How is it actually doing it?

Steve Revelli: [00:35:07] Our particle, it's amazing. We found out there's actually three main modes of action. Number one, it attacks these cell walls and cell membranes of the pathogens and basically rips holes in them and lysis the cell destroys the cell. Also, we found out that the silver particles do get into the cell. There actually is little pumps in certain organisms that will bring things like this into the cell for who knows what reason. Maybe it's food, maybe it's something else. 

Let's bring it in to find out. Once the silver particle gets into the organism, it actually gets into the way of protein synthesis. So it can't metabolize food, it can't make more of itself, it can't repair itself. It also gets into a little bit of the mechanism that reproduces the nucleic acids, the DNA and RNA.

So it doesn't change them. It doesn't modulate them whatsoever. It doesn't cause that, okay, if it's going to mutate again, it doesn't cause that it just gets in the way of reproducing it so the cell can't reproduce. And so once it's done, it's done, it can't reproduce and so it dies. So those are the three main modes of action.

And whereas antibiotics, as far as we know, we don't know all of everything that antibiotics do, but they have one mode of action for a bacterium, for an example, it will get in, it'll get into the cellular mechanism and block it and cause a cell to destroy that way. But once that cell figures out, hey, I can go around this antibiotic, that's when it becomes antibiotic resistance. Whereas silver, it can't find that antibiotic resistance, so it kills the bacteria no matter what.

Luke Storey: [00:36:49] Wow, that's so interesting. What a trip. And again, I'm always left so often with these conversations, like, why doesn't everyone know about this? Why aren't we just using this? You're talking about Marse and things like this with this silver is like, no problem, nukes it out. 

And then no matter how many antibiotics and then the thing, of course, that many people realize the detriment to the antibiotics is that you have to take all these different strains over time throughout the course of your life and just decimating the gut biome. Like playing Whac-A-Mole, not really knowing which antibiotic is going to work for which pathogen, for which infection.

Steve Revelli: [00:37:28] And it always changes because they mutate. They're able to mutate around that antibiotic.

Luke Storey: [00:37:33] So they have not figured out how to mutate around silver yet?

Steve Revelli: [00:37:36] No.

Luke Storey: [00:37:36] That's so awesome. So when it comes to silver, the immune support product, for example, I think you explain this a little bit in that in supporting the immune system, to me, there's like, well, killing pathogens. That's going to do it. But when you're taking an oral product or like you guys have an oral product for pets, which I'm excited to try on my dog Cookie, is it the same thing with the wound healing where you're lowering the pathogenic load, essentially?

Steve Revelli: [00:38:09] bioload.

Luke Storey: [00:38:10] Okay. The bioload. Just explain to me how it helps with immune system.

Steve Revelli: [00:38:14] And again, it is the same thing. If you have a sore throat, why is it sore? Because you have a pathogen in there causing damage. What's the body trying to do? It's trying to, number one, get rid of that. For example, if you have a sliver and you don't know that you have a sliver, but pretty soon your finger feels sore and then you see a red patch and then you see this is called inflammation. 

What's the body trying to do? Is trying to get rid of that sliver and eventually it will hopefully push that sliver out and you'll be able to with pus and everything else that's what it is. Well, pus is nothing more than white blood cells trying to do their job. So what silver does our immune support system does is it says, okay, we're going to get rid of that foreign, we're going to get rid of the bacteria, we're going to get rid of whatever's going on to cause the body to inflame, to fix itself. 

And so the body like you said earlier, it's wasting energy trying to get rid of this bioload, this biofilm, whatever is causing the immune system to activate in order to fix itself. So what our supplement does is it just very simply takes care of that bioload away from the body. And so the body can very efficiently do what it's supposed to do and fix itself.

Luke Storey: [00:39:32] Is that the same mechanism of action that helps silver reduce inflammation?

Steve Revelli: [00:39:38] Yes.

Luke Storey: [00:39:39] That's just a benefit of that process.

Steve Revelli: [00:39:41] Definitely a benefit of that. And silver has some other modes of action that actually helps with that. Some research needs to be done, and I have some ideas that we may talk about later, but silver does modulate pain receptors.

Luke Storey: [00:39:56] Oh, really?

Steve Revelli: [00:39:58] This is an interesting topic that needs to have more research done on that. And I have some really good ideas being the science guy, I am on how that process works. And like I said, we may share that at another time, but if the body is modulating pain and if it's taking care of the bioload, what's the body got left to do but to heal itself?

Luke Storey: [00:40:21] Right. Totally makes sense. This has been my philosophy for 25 some-odd years that I've been into this is if you want to heal your body, a, stop doing the stuff that's making your body sick, b, give the body the stuff that it needs to heal because the body wants to heal. It's like you cut yourself, what's making your cut heal? The body wants to get back to homeostasis. It wants that center-line. And to me, if we're not healing, it's just because we're not giving it what it needs or there's something we're giving it that's interfering with the process.

Steve Revelli: [00:40:53] Blocking. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. And we've noticed that, or I've personally noticed that if I have a chunk of road rage because I'm an adventurous person and--

Luke Storey: [00:41:04] Are you a mountain bike guy?

Steve Revelli: [00:41:05] That amongst many other hobbies, way too many hobbies. But-- 

Luke Storey: [00:41:10] That's pretty popular here because I was with someone this morning. He had a big old road rash on his arm and he was like, "I was up mountain biking in Park City" like, "Oh, okay, you guys are nuts."

Steve Revelli: [00:41:20] Yeah. They'll take you to the top of the mountain on the chairlift and you ride down as fast--

Luke Storey: [00:41:24] Are you serious?

Steve Revelli: [00:41:25] Oh, yeah. It's great fun. But I've noticed that if I got some road rash and I slather some gel on it, that feels better.

Luke Storey: [00:41:32] Yeah.

Steve Revelli: [00:41:33] I know there is some pain modulation with the gel as well.

Luke Storey: [00:41:38] Right. Oh, that's interesting. Well, I support your research, and I want to hear more about that. What's your role? You're chief science officer? Is that--

Steve Revelli: [00:41:45] Yeah, chief science officer, amongst other things.

Luke Storey: [00:41:48] These guys give you adequate budgets to play around in the realm of research that when you want to find something out, are you given the opportunity to do so?

Steve Revelli: [00:41:58] I have free rein.

Luke Storey: [00:41:59] Cool.

Steve Revelli: [00:41:59] Because they love it too. Because if I find something fabulous, of course, that is better marketing for their products.

Luke Storey: [00:42:07] Right. That's cool.

Steve Revelli: [00:42:07] So, yeah, I have fun every day. I get to formulate products. If somebody wants an eczema cream, I look up all the formulas for eczema cream and I make one, and see if it works.

Luke Storey: [00:42:18] Walking into the factory today, I understood very little of what's going on from a technical standpoint, but it looked like you could make some pretty serious stuff in there if you were given, like you said, free rein to do so. Yeah.

I remember first hearing about the medicinal plant kratom years ago as a potential social mood lifter and even natural painkiller. For those of you that have never heard of it, kratom is an all-natural herb related to the coffee plant that's been used in Thailand for centuries.

But even though kratom piqued my interest, I've got to be honest, I was nervous to try it due to it being sold exclusively in sketchy smoke shops and dark web internet sites when I first discovered it. And as a recovering opiate addict, I also had some fears around its reputation as a natural opiate. And I feared I might get addicted, and I definitely wanted to avoid that. 

Fast forward to now, some seven years later, and I find myself using kratom both safely and somewhat regularly. The key for me was in finding a brand I could trust and one that only uses pure leaf and not dangerous extract. And the brand that I found and used today is called Super Speciosa. 

These guys use only the top 1% of kratom produced in the world and boast some of the highest alkaloid levels in the industry, which means it's more powerful and works. Plus they only use one ingredient, pure kratom leaf, and are rigorously tested for purity and safety. 

Now, personally I use Super Speciosa for so many applications, such as relaxation and social settings, but also as a pre-workout and even as a nootropic for work, focus and creativity. Kratom is strange and unique as it helps energize your mind and relax your body at the same time. It's pretty incredible. 

So if you're going to check it out for beginners, I recommend their signature Super Speciosa Strain. To try kratom and get 20% off your entire order, here's what you do. Go to get superleaf.com/luke and if you use the promo code LUKE, you'll save 20% off your entire order. Again, that's getsuperleaf.com/luke and the 20% off code is also LUKE.

So in some of my explorations, working with products like this, as I said, sometimes I just make up a protocol for myself. And one of the things that I did, as I was alluding to earlier as nebulizing and then making nasal sprays with the silver. Is that something that you find a lot of people are doing? Is that something that's gaining in popularity? Is there any efficacy to that as even just as a wellness routine, even if you're not trying to clear an active infection? Is that something that would be advisable just as a maintenance practice?

Steve Revelli: [00:45:27] We have people calling in all the time. And they're saying, well, we're doing this and it seems to be working. Of course, all we can really say on the business model is we know that there's a lot of off-label uses and people are being very successful. And that's really all we can say because the FDA has ears and stuff like that and if you say you treat, cure, or diagnose, you're in trouble.

Luke Storey: [00:45:52] Yeah.

Steve Revelli: [00:45:53] So we don't, we stay away from that. But we do know that there's a lot of off-label uses that are very successful in a lot of different ways. And so we get people calling in all the time saying, "This is working, is it okay?" And I said, "Well, if it's working, it's probably okay."

Luke Storey: [00:46:09] This is the frustration I have as someone who likes to find unique and novel ways to help people and when they involve products that aren't FDA-cleared for a specific purpose, I feel like the creators and vendors of these products are handcuffed. It's like you have this thing like, off mic, you could probably tell me. "Oh, Luke. Yeah, man. We cure this and that and that."

But being recorded, you can't say that because of the liability. And it's like on one part, I find that really frustrating. But on the other hand, somebody's got to be looking out for the consumer also. So anyone could put anything in a little bottle and say, "Oh, this cure is HIV or something." Do you know what I mean? So it's like you got to have the regulatory agency, but when they're in bed with the pharmaceutical industry, then you get this conflict of interest wherein a guy like he was just stating something anecdotally.

People email us all the time and say they're healing this or that using our product, yet you can't say that because you could be interfering with the profits of a competitive drug or something like that. That's patented and is making someone crapload of money.

Steve Revelli: [00:47:20] It's frustrating. There's no question it's frustrating because we can see how wonderful the product is and the many uses of the product could be for. And so it is very frustrating and we do have some FDA-cleared products, our wound care gels, our wound wash are FDA-cleared products.

And so we can say our wound wash will take care of a wound. It will kill bacteria. It will treat that wound. And with our wound care gel, that's 510K cleared as well. So we do have some 510K cleared FDA products that we can say, yes, this is what they do and this is how good they are.

Luke Storey: [00:47:55] Oh, that's cool. Yeah. Thinking about that, I'm trying to think of ways in which because I've had a suite of these products for a while now and using them in different ways. And one of the things that I've been doing, I guess I can make this claim because it's just my personal experience and I don't have a stake in your company is we have a crazy level of mosquitoes in Texas, and they will just eat the hell out of you. And so I use that healing cream on the mosquito bites, and I don't know if it's placebo or what, but I put some of that cream on and then I forget about those bites wherever I put it. 

It seems to really work well. It's almost like you're using a numbing cream or something. It pretty much neutralizes the itching, and also just the making it worse by scratching it. Because I'll forget, I'm like, "Oh, you're not supposed to scratch them, but it feels so good." Like, "Oh, I'm going to put some of that silver cream on." And then I just tend to forget about it.

Steve Revelli: [00:48:51] Yeah. And the creams, they are. It is a healing cream. And so we can make that claim that it will help healing due to that immune support process. Absolutely. And they're pure products, too. Everything's organic. Everything is non-GMO. They're really pure, clean products. And so we're really proud of those.

Luke Storey: [00:49:11] Yeah, that's one thing. Kudos on that, too. And I'm glad you mentioned that, because sometimes you'll have people that make topicals, different lotions, creams and things like that, and there might be something really good in it, like silver in your case, but then they put all those crappy parabens and endocrine disruptors and all this stuff in the lotion or whatever it is. And I'm like, how you idiots, you have an ingredient in there that's really good for you, but it's now overshadowed by all of the crap that you used and cutting corners and creating the formula for the product. 

So I scanned your healing cream and I was like, wow, this is actually looks to me and I'm not that well versed, but there was nothing on her that rang as a red flag to me as something you wouldn't want to put on your skin.

Steve Revelli: [00:49:52] Well, that's one thing about our products, too, is that one part is the immune support. But silver is the preservative.

Luke Storey: [00:49:59] So you don't have to--

Steve Revelli: [00:50:00] [Inaudible] and benzoits and sorbets, we don't have to have any of that because we have our own preservatives.

Luke Storey: [00:50:06] That's funny, dude. All right, here's another thing I did a couple of days ago before I flew out here. I bought a couple of bags of oranges that love to make fresh squeezed orange juice. And I bought all the oranges and then realized, oh, my God, I'm about to leave town. 

So I juiced them all anyway because they probably would have gone bad sitting on the counter. And then I thought, I don't know if this is going to last throughout my trip. So I put some of your immune support silver in there as a preservative just intuitively. Do you think that could possibly work?

Steve Revelli: [00:50:38] Sure.

Luke Storey: [00:50:38] If it's working for your topicals and stuff, right?

Steve Revelli: [00:50:41] Yeah, one of the main what molds are fungus out there is, is Candida and Aspergillus. Well, we kill Candida and Aspergillus, so it acts as a preservative.

Luke Storey: [00:50:54] That's cool. Are people using the immune support, the oral products for Candida? Is that a viable solution for that? I know you can't make claims, yada yada, but--

Steve Revelli: [00:51:05] Yeah, again, it kills-- that's what it does. It kills bioload, it kills microorganisms.

Luke Storey: [00:51:10] And that is provable based on lab tests where you pour it on that microbe and the microbe dies? Like it's pretty cut and dried?

Steve Revelli: [00:51:18] And again, every product that comes out of our has been micro-tested. So USP61 is done on every one of our products to make sure that it does what it's supposed to do.

Luke Storey: [00:51:36] I've always been a fan of pomegranate, but I had no idea it contained one of the most powerful compounds in the world for mitochondria. It's called Urolithin A and it's incredible for mitophagy, or put more simply, the way your body discards old dysfunctional mitochondria. The thing is that you'd have to eat ridiculous amounts of pomegranate to get a clinically effective dose of this Urolithin A. 

That's why I get mine in a product called Mitopure, available in a berry powder, protein powder, and soft gels. Super easy to take and adopt into your daily routine. Mitopure is a breakthrough post-biotic that activates your body's natural defense against aging. It's also the first product on the market to offer a precise dose of Urolithin A to upgrade mitochondrial function, increase cellular energy and improve muscle strength. 

Mitopure is the result of 10 years of research by scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and its clinically proven benefits are available for the first time in the US through Timeline Nutrition. To learn even more about the science of Mitopure, go back and check out Episode 389 with Dr. Chris Rinsch. It's a mitochondria geek out of the highest order of magnitude and help simplify this complex topic.

And in the meantime, there is a special offer for you listeners. You can use the promo code LUKE10 to get 10% off any two, four, or 12 month Mitopure plan at timelinenutrition.com. And by the way, I highly suggest the starter pack, which lets you try all three forms of Mitopure. Again, that's timelinenutrition.com, and your code is LUKE10.

Okay, so one thing I haven't tried yet, but now it's making perfect sense to me. And I don't know if you guys had it when I found it, if it's new or I just didn't know about it. But you have this tooth gel and then you have a toothpaste, which I'm assuming don't have fluoride and other nasty stuff in them. 

But that actually sounds really cool because one of the problems with Tartar and all this stuff in your oral hygiene is just the bacteria and the bacteria that can get into your gums and then get in your bloodstream. I'm learning more about oral hygiene as it pertains to the rest of your body. So what can you tell me about the oral care products?

Steve Revelli: [00:53:56] The oral care products, they're wonderful. I use the toothpaste all the time. In fact, I formulated the toothpaste, I think it was about two or three years ago. I can't remember. But anyway, so when I formulated the toothpaste, I thought, okay, I'll try it since it's my recipe. So I started using it. Went to the dentist every six months like I'm supposed to. And about a year into it, he says, "What are you doing?"

I'm going rushing. He goes, "Well, your pockets of healed." I'm going pockets. And he goes, the pockets, under the gum pockets. They're healed up. He says, "You used to come to me and used to bleed terrible when I cleaned your teeth." He says you don't anymore. What are you doing? I says, "Well, I'm using this toothpaste."
And he goes, "Okay, let me see it. So I brought him a couple of tubes of toothpaste. And he goes, "Oh." He says, "Oh, okay, These are just clean ingredients, simple ingredients," He says, "But what's the silver stuff?" I'm going, so I gave him the silver story and he goes, "Okay, so you're killing the bacteria that's causing your pockets to grow and to kill the plaque as well."

And I'm going, "Yeah." And so when we produce the tooth gel and the toothpaste we actually did had testing against the two bacteria that really causes plaque and gum disease. And yeah, it kills those as well.

Luke Storey: [00:55:21] That's badass. I got to get some of that. I wonder if you could-- I don't have whatever the little Spear Keats or whatever up under your gums. The dentist I go to test for that, they swab under in between your tooth and a gum and apparently if you have that, that brushing won't do it no matter what you brush with because it can't get in there. So they recommend water picking. 

And so I don't have them, but I don't want to get them. So I got a super fancy water pick and actually I'm enjoying it. I like the water pick. I've never had one before. It seems to me that it would make sense to make one's own water pick solution and put some silver in that so you can get it up under the gums and up in those little nooks and crannies.

Steve Revelli: [00:56:05] Again, one of those off-label, things that people have probably done and been very successful at it. But again, we've done the testing. It's not cytotoxic, doesn't harm your skin cells, doesn't harm your gum cells. So yeah.

Luke Storey: [00:56:19] Wow, that's cool. So I want to let people know too listening, I'm sure some people listening are like, wow, I want to try this stuff. You can go to lukestorey.com/silverbiotics, lukestorey.com/silverbiotics. And you guys have given us a very-- I'm like, is this a typo? This is a very generous discount code. I hope this is legit. LUKE30 gives people 30% off. So wherever on your team that came from, thank you. I want to mention that.

Steve Revelli: [00:56:46] You're welcome.

Luke Storey: [00:56:47] In terms of the oral care stuff, the tooth gel and the toothpaste, I've had a funny experience that I wanted to share and this has happened to me probably I would say maybe three or four times where I've had the healing cream, which comes in a little tube that looks just like toothpaste. And often at night I only have red lights on because I don't want the blue light and stuff because I'm just nuts. 

I have brush my teeth with that freaking healing cream quite a few times and put it on like, "Why is this so greasy?" This doesn't feel like toothpaste. And it was that. And so I just rolled with it and it probably killed microbes in there. But word to the consumer there, just be mindful that you're not using the cream as the toothpaste inadvertently.

Steve Revelli: [00:57:31] You're not the first one. You're not the only one. We've heard of it before.

Luke Storey: [00:57:34] Because I have it in my little shaving kit. It's literally the same size and shape as toothpaste. So I guess it didn't hurt me.

Steve Revelli: [00:57:40] Well, and the one thing with the tooth gel as well is that the tooth gel, one of our older board members, he had a problem with his-- he's old and problem with his enamel. It was basically been eaten away over the years. And so he wanted something with zero ingredients that would be abrasive. And so the tooth gel is completely and utterly nonabrasive.

Luke Storey: [00:58:06] Oh, that's the difference.

Steve Revelli: [00:58:07] That's the main difference. The tall is in both of them because xylitol is a sweetener that is anti-microbial and wonderful for oral health. And so those two things, that's the silver with the xylitol in both products makes some great products.

Luke Storey: [00:58:22] All right, cool. And then what about mixing oral silver products with other vitamins, minerals, things like that? Is there any counter indication or any added benefit or anything?

Steve Revelli: [00:58:34] No, I don't think so. We've had zero contraindications with any vitamins or minerals, for that matter. The only thing that our silver doesn't play really well with is super high concentrations of salt.

Luke Storey: [00:58:48] Oh, really?

Steve Revelli: [00:58:49] Yeah. But we're talking about putting a teaspoon of salt in your mouth at the same time you're drinking the silver.

Luke Storey: [00:58:56] Okay. What happens?

Steve Revelli: [00:58:58] The silver does have a tendency to turn grey and because the silver is being chemically reduced by the high salt concentration, but that's the only thing that we've ever found contraindicated is super high salt concentrations. You wouldn't want to gargle with as much salt.

Luke Storey: [00:59:15] Right. Okay.

Steve Revelli: [00:59:17] Because some people gargle with salt water.

Luke Storey: [00:59:18] Right, right, right.

Steve Revelli: [00:59:19] Yeah. This is the stuff where you would pour salt in and we've done the testing on it just to make sure where you pour salt in water and it won't dissolve anymore. You drink the whole thing anyway. That's a contraindication for our product.

Luke Storey: [00:59:32] All right, well that's--

Steve Revelli: [00:59:34] And any silver product for that matter.

Luke Storey: [00:59:35] That's a good warning for people. You mentioned eczema earlier in the conversation. A lot of people seem to be struggling with psoriasis and, eczema, things of this nature. When I've looked into it with the experts I interview, everyone always says, "Oh, it's a gut thing. It's a dysbiosis inflammation, which may or may not be true. Probably is true.

But still, I feel if there was something topical, you could at least reduce that symptom and not have to wait around until the two years it takes you to fix your freaking gut or something. Have you guys had any success with people with chronic skin conditions like that?

Steve Revelli: [01:00:14] The healing cream does work well. And we are currently formulating some type of an eczema cream for a customer, and just using just natural products in that as well. And so yeah, that is something that does work. Again, the healing cream does work on basically wounds and eczema is basically kind of an automatic wound that your body creates for that inflammation. And so the healing cream does work with that.

Luke Storey: [01:00:44] All right. Awesome. And what about the pet product? I want to get this, as I said, for my dog Cookie. Do you just put it in their food or in their water? How does that work?

Steve Revelli: [01:00:53] Both. You can just replace their water with it if you want to replace water with it. That's what I've done with my pets in the past. When they have an infection, they're not feeling good, diarrhea, or whatever the case might be, I just take their water and put 10 ppm supplement in the water and they're fine. 

About a day everything's back to normal again and change their water back out to normal water, but you can supplement it with that as well. So yeah, it's nontoxic to pets. The only caution is that you cannot use the oral products with dogs. Xylitol is toxic.

Luke Storey: [01:01:32] Oh, okay. The tooth gel and the toothpaste. Okay.

Steve Revelli: [01:01:34] Toothgel and toothpaste. So we have had customers saying, hey, is it okay to use on my dog? No. Xylitol is toxic to dogs. Just dogs.

Luke Storey: [01:01:45] Right.

Steve Revelli: [01:01:46] Yeah.

Luke Storey: [01:01:46] That's okay. That's good to know. You know what else is strangely toxic to dogs, which I found out the hard way many years ago, Acai berries.

Steve Revelli: [01:01:54] Oh, really?

Luke Storey: [01:01:55] I was dating this girl, and she had a dog, and we would always feed the dog frozen blueberries. And this dog frickin loved blueberries. They were his favorite treat. And then one day, rather than googling it first, unfortunately, I was like, "Well, I wonder if the dog would like Acai berries? It's berries, blueberries. And I gave the dog and he got really sick.
And then I googled. It was like, "Oh, please don't die." So, yeah, it's weird though, with dogs, there's specifically just certain things that don't. Chocolate everyone knows. Hopefully avocados. It's just weird. Dogs have this very sensitive system versus a goat or something. You could probably feed them a tin can, as they say, and they're fine. Then what about kids or women that are breastfeeding?

Steve Revelli: [01:02:42] Always check with the physician. With neonates, with children, I think the label is under 12, always check with the physician. It's just safer to do it that way. Some physicians, I've heard say, okay, it's fine, it's not a big deal. And some say, oh, no, no, no, don't do anything out of the ordinary, if you're breastfeeding or for neonates. So I always check with the physician.

Luke Storey: [01:03:03] Okay, cool. Good. Good to know. Good to know. One last thing I was wondering about here is, I've noticed that there are certain silver products, the oral products on the market that come in glass, and they're really happy and proud about that. And then your product comes in a blue hard plastic. And I'm wondering if there's any issues with that. It seems you guys could use whatever you want. Why did you opt to go for the plastic bottle?

Steve Revelli: [01:03:30] Shipping. Mainly shipping. We've done the research with both. Our product works with glass. We have a customer that has a glass product on a four ounce, but on their eight and 16 ounce, 32 ounce, it's a plastic. So a lot of it, the glass looks medicinal. It's like, "Hey, this is probably medicine. It's probably really good." But we found out that the glass versus the plastic, there is no real difference, but it does depend on the plastic.

We use what we call PET plastic, and that's the plastic that has no effect on our silver product whatsoever. There are some other plastics out there that does have a problem with silver, any silver. So that's where we've done the research and we can do both. We can do glass products, we do plastic products, but of course for shipping and packaging, it's much cheaper to use choose--

Luke Storey: [01:04:21] Glass is heavy.

Steve Revelli: [01:04:22] Glass is heavy.

Luke Storey: [01:04:22] But you guys did find, I'm happily I'm glad to hear that that you researched different plastics and found some of them leach and some of them are just inert and safe. This is what I always tell people is because I would love a world where we didn't use plastic and everything was made at a and we sing Kumbaya around the campfire. But the fact is we're using it. But I've always had the sense and it's been backed up, that not all plastic is created equal.

Steve Revelli: [01:04:47] Oh, no.

Luke Storey: [01:04:48] The water bottle down the floor, these chintzy little crinkly water bottles, I have a feeling probably leach more junk into a liquid substrate than a hard plastic bottle.

Steve Revelli: [01:05:01] Definitely.

Luke Storey: [01:05:03] So I'm glad you guys filled that up.

Steve Revelli: [01:05:04] PET is a very stable plastic.

Luke Storey: [01:05:06] Okay. And you guys tested that, you said?

Steve Revelli: [01:05:08] Oh, yes. Oh, yeah. We test everything.

Luke Storey: [01:05:10] I can tell by the operation you have over there. So you could eat off the floor in your facility there. It looks very clean and everything is really done in a medical degree of cleanliness.

Steve Revelli: [01:05:25] Thank you.

Luke Storey: [01:05:25] And all that. Yeah. Super fun. And thanks for having me over there too. I love seeing how that works. I wish that I could go to everyone's facility that I interview because I'm so fascinated with the way things work. All those big vats you guys had and stuff like that, it's hard to describe to people that are listening, but it's freaking wild. 

I guess one thing I wanted to ask, too, before we wrap it up here, how do you guys deal with-- because you have some products like the immune support where it's suspended in water. How do you deal with the purification of water?

Steve Revelli: [01:05:57] Oh, as our pure? Our water it appears that you can possibly get without doing something chemically to it. And so we use just ordinary culinary water. We bring it in, we do reverse osmosis on it first. It's the first thing we do. Then we run it through charcoal filter, activated carbon filter, and then we run it through a resin chamber which actually takes the rest of the minerals out.

So our water is pure down to less than one TDS or total disolve solid, which is amazing. The culinary water we get comes in at about 6 to 800 TDS. We have very hard water around here because it comes from the mountains. So our water is as pure as you can possibly get it. We actually are selling our water to other customers now.

Luke Storey: [01:06:47] Oh really?

Steve Revelli: [01:06:47] For them to do their work. 

Luke Storey: [01:06:49] Oh, that's interesting.

Steve Revelli: [01:06:51] So it's a little sideline that we have now is we're selling purified water.

Luke Storey: [01:06:55] That's crazy. Yeah, just looking at the factory, the sheer volume of it. Your water bill must be through the roof because I described it as these huge, huge vats. I don't even know how many thousands of gallons of water is being held in those things.

Steve Revelli: [01:07:12] Yeah, we have nine-- right now active, we have nine 6,500 gallon tanks that are active.

Luke Storey: [01:07:20] Holy crap. And you were telling me today how much volume of the silver you guys churn out. What was that number?

Steve Revelli: [01:07:27] We can produce 15,000 gallons every 30 hours.

Luke Storey: [01:07:31] 15,000 gallons every 30 hours. Wow. Are you guys the biggest supplier of this type of silver product?

Steve Revelli: [01:07:40] We are the largest manufacturer in the United States as far as we know in the world of silver products.

Luke Storey: [01:07:46] Okay. I got one more question for you then, you're not off the hook. This is easy. You've been three teachers in your life that have influenced your work, and how you live that you'd like to share with us?

Steve Revelli: [01:07:56] My high school chemistry teacher. That's why I am who I am, and Jim Williams, we called him coach. He didn't coach sports. He coached science.

Luke Storey: [01:08:08] Oh, cool.

Steve Revelli: [01:08:09] He was probably the main one. And then Hal Baird was one of my college professors, an amazing individual. Just took care of us and helped us. And then probably the biggest one, of course, was probably my wife. She taught me how to live properly and be a good person.

Luke Storey: [01:08:37] Yeah, me too. I love it when I interview men and they cite their wife. I'm like, when she hears this, you got major points. No, it's true. I have the same experience. It's like BCAD thing for me. It's hard to imagine. I'm like, how did I even, life must have been so dull before I was married to my lovely wife. And to think all those years when I was young and dumb, was like, "Oh, stay in single man."  I had no idea what I was missing. All right, man. Well, thank you so much.

Steve Revelli: [01:09:09] Thank you.

Luke Storey: [01:09:09] Yeah, I appreciate you taking the time for me. And also, just thank you for doing things right. Just visiting your facility, chatting with you, I feel really good to share stuff like this with the world because there are so many people out there just chasing a buck and actually not doing the thing the way it's supposed to be done at the highest level.

Steve Revelli: [01:09:26] It drives me crazy.

Luke Storey: [01:09:27] So I appreciate your integrity and stick-to-itiveness and putting something unique out there and doing it the right way.

Steve Revelli: [01:09:33] Well, thank you. I appreciate your time.

Luke Storey: [01:09:40] All right. That brings this barnburner to its conclusion my homies and health nuts. My hope is that you walked away from this one, an armchair expert on the almost unbelievable variety of applications of silver. As is often the case, I recorded this and thought to myself, how the hell did it take me six years of podcasting to cover this topic? Well, it took me a while, I admit, but I think it happened right when we needed it most in time for the holidays and all that travel. When you're around a lot of people, this silver can really come in handy. 

Now, I've only got one more episode for you this year, and it's a very special one, very close to my heart indeed. And that's Episode 450, which drops this Friday. It's called Lessons Learned and Wisdom Earned 2022. This is a yearly recap, and I look forward into 2023 with my wife Alyson. We sat down for about three hours and discussed everything we've learned this year, the challenges we've overcome and what we plan to create in the New Year. 

And this is yet another episode where I seriously had the temptation to go back and edit out the more vulnerable parts afterward. Then, upon reflection, I decided to just let it out and all its sometimes messy glory. This was one hell of a year for all of us, right? Some ups and downs, some losses, some victories. But within all of it came the most blessed lessons. So our hope is that by sharing them with you, you might find some perspective on your experience as well. 

So this Friday's show is going to be a powerful send off into the new year. And to make sure that you're part of the magic, here's what you do. Click, follow or subscribe on your podcast app right now so you don't miss this Friday's show for our first show of 2023 next Tuesday, which is called Enlightenment on Demand, Meditation for the Masses and Breathwork Without Borders with Manu Diaz. And I got to say that one is going to kick off your January with some high powered intention and focus. So to make sure you don't miss those again, click subscribe or follow on your podcast app.

And remember, if you want to scope out some silver products, here's what to do. Go to lukestorey.com/silverbiotics and that code LUKE30 will get you 30% off your first purchase. Then the code LUKE gives you 10% off future orders. I'll be back Friday with our final episode of the year with my favorite human in the entire world, Mrs Alyson Storey, bestselling author of the Animal Power Book and Card Deck and host of the Ceremony Circle Podcast. Stay well until then and may your holidays be filled with joy, family and friends.



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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the statements on this website. The information provided by lukestorey.com is not a substitute for direct, individual medical treatment or advice. It is your responsibility, along with your healthcare providers, to make decisions about your health. Lukestorey.com recommends consulting with your healthcare providers for the diagnosis and treatment of any disease or condition. The products sold on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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