265. Maximum Meditation w/ NuCalm: The Ultimate Stress Relief System with Jim Poole

Jim Poole

March 3, 2020

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Jim Poole is President and CEO of Solace Lifesciences, the neuroscience company that makes NuCalm. We talk all about what NuCalm is, how it was designed, and how it trains your brain to respond differently to stress.

Jim Poole is President and CEO of Solace Lifesciences, the neuroscience company that makes NuCalm.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Today we’re taking a deep dive into stress: what causes it, how it affects us, and the various ways we can treat it.

As someone who has lived in a huge city for a long time and who travels frequently, stress has wrecked me in various ways — but I know I’m definitely not alone. Gallup reports that 55% of Americans are regularly stressed during the day, and things just seem to be getting worse, as stress-related mental health issues are notably more common in Gen-Z than previous generations.

So, clearly, this is a big issue, especially within the United States — but the silver lining is that we do have the tools and knowledge necessary to reduce those statistics. That’s why I was keen to sit down with one of the foremost stress experts, Jim Poole, President and CEO of Solace Lifesciences.

Solace Lifesciences is a neuroscience company focused on personalized evidence-based wellness and performance. They created NuCalm, the world's first and only patented technology clinically proven to lower stress and improve sleep quality — without drugs. And by managing the stress response, NuCalm also helps with muscle recovery, healing, focus, productivity, and emotional balance.

I’ve tried hundreds of different biohacks and technologies, and I fall off of most of them after a few weeks. But when I find a modality or device that’s this effective, I just become obsessed with it (like happily making myself look like a crazy person on the plane obsessed). I’ve used NuCalm nearly every day since I got one, and it’s really like meditating on steroids.

Interested in trying out the NuCalm yourself? You can save $500 using the code “luke500” at NuCalm.com.

10:07 — What are some of the most common causes of stress?

  • Everything in modern life causes stress
  • The biggest culprits are technology, the increasing pace of our world, and our food supply
  • Stress is an even more insidious problem than many people think, as most of us aren’t aware of the long-term implications of constant stress on mankind and our planet
  • There’s a cultural issue with work in the USA, with people wearing stress as a badge of honor, but this does seem to be moving in a positive direction
  • The epidemic of overprescribing our children
  • When you’re a teenager, your brain is developing — and adding drugs that suppress the central nervous system is really dangerous
  • What we can learn about stress from Provo, Utah

17:58 — The experience of starting to use NuCalm

  • NuCalm has a cumulative effect
  • How learning the mechanism of action behind a biohacking device helps with compliance
  • I’ve been meditating for a long time and I can do it just about anywhere, but it’s crazy how different I feel when I combine my practice with NuCalm

20:47 — How stress affects your brain and body

  • Self-awareness isn’t always enough to stop a stress response, especially when related to trauma
  • What you should know about your amygdala, cortisol, and adrenaline
  • Reacting Vs. Responding
  • How your brain changes when you have a fight or flight response
  • A perceived threat is just as real as a real threat to your brain and body
  • Why focusing on mindfulness is the best thing we can do to minimize our unnecessary stress responses
  • The intimacy we have with our own stress (and that we never share)
  • Negative thoughts have a greater impact on us than positive ones
  • The difference between fear and anxiety
  • Why does stress wreck our digestion?
  • What the Dalai Lama said about meditation
  • Why is meditation so difficult for some people?

47:00 — The neurotransmitters that calm us down + what’s happening in our brain when we do

  • GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric acid) is responsible for anything anti-anxiety occurring in your brain chemistry
  • We’d die without GABA — but, weirdly, most people have never heard of it
  • How stress creates disease and kills us
  • Most of us will die from stress
  • There are plenty of things we can use to temporarily alleviate stress by stimulating our GABA receptors (alcohol, opiates, marijuana, etc), but these short-term solutions often have long-term negative side effects
  • What about taking GABA as a supplement? Or Kratom instead of an opiate?
  • What is the vagus nerve and how does it regulate our nervous system and mood?

59:23 — How the NuCalm has evolved over the past 10 years + why the most recent version involves putting a metallic sticker on your wrist

  • NuCalm’s 10-year product evolution
  • The chemical messaging of NuCalm
  • How governments classify some things as a drug vs. a food (even when it doesn’t make sense)
  • How the metallic sticker (it’s a little more complicated than that, but that’s what it looks like) leverages cellular communication through frequency
  • What biohacks can you stack with NuCalm? What shouldn’t you stack? (Hint: don’t use it near anything putting off strong EMFs)

01:23:40 — The neuroacoustics of NuCalm

  • How do binaural beats work and what’s the difference between those and these crazy NuCalm audio files?
  • How these audio files induce specific brain states
  • Composing music with mathematics
  • Why they use scales that most people never hear in popular music
  • How you can use frequencies to affect people both negatively and positively

01:55:10 — NuCalm inventor Dr. Blake Holloway create a mathematical platform that can be used to train your brainwaves in a wide variety of ways — and they are working with people like Tony Robbins to create products that achieve different outcomes

  • Ignite, the neuroacoustic audio track that can hype you up instead of chilling you out
  • NuCalm is designed to help every person on the planet, but Ignite is much more specific
  • Why they don’t want someone using Ignite until they make NuCalm a habit
  • What happens if you use NuCalm in addition to alcohol or marijuana
  • The difference between NuCalm and other products out there using sound, like HUSO, Brain Tap, or Alpha-Stim

02:10:28 — Why is NuCalm so helpful for air travel and jetlag?

  • I would freak out if I left home for a flight without my NuCalm today
  • The case studies they’ve done with pilots
  • The wonders of the 20-minute power nap

02:19:20 — The future of NuCalm

  • The launch of Ignite is imminent
  • They will be releasing their first new track for over a year
  • Why do we feel like we can’t take 30 minutes out of our day to take care of ourselves?
  • The more you train your brain with NuCalm, the more quickly you will experience its benefits when you use it
  • Jim’s words of wisdom for the planet
  • Try NuCalm in person in NYC: www.recover.nyc
  • Try NuCalm in person in LA: www.drgalitzer.com

More about this episode.

Watch it on YouTube.


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