361. Cosmic Energy, Magnetism & Frequency-Focused Transcendence w/ The BioCharger

Jim Law, Jim Girard, and Colin Bester

August 3, 2021

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

The fuel behind BioCharger, Jim Law, Jim Girard, and Colin Bester, join me for a high-frequency conversation about their software-based revitalization platform that’s regenerating everyone’s health, one machine at a time.

Advanced Biotechnologies, LLC (ABT) is the innovation leader within the emerging field of subtle energy revitalization platforms (SERPs). In 2013, the company acquired the assets of Advanced Technology Concepts, Inc. the provider of the original BioCharger, which was the #1 rated wireless, electromagnetic frequency generator. In addition, Jim Girard, the inventor of the BioCharger, has joined ABT’s world-class engineering and development team. Since that time, they have taken the torch of their predecessors and continued to investigate, experiment, and build on a solid 100-year (+) foundation of proven, groundbreaking research. The leadership team at ABT has been assembled from many diverse industries, such as intelligent control systems, subtle energy research, software-based energy solutions, and aerospace. This fusion of distinct experiences provides a unique vision for the future of subtle energy revitalization platforms. Regardless of how innovative the science behind the BioCharger is, the team’s common ambition is to apply technology to improve the quality of people’s lives. Our groundbreaking, inspiring concepts have led us to the introduction of the most effective, easy to use, touch-free, safe, and software-based revitalization platform available: the BioCharger NG

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

This week, we’re tapping into the energy field in the cosmos with the genius brains behind the BioCharger NG: a wireless, electromagnetic frequency generator.  

Before you roll your eyes, wireless transmission of energy isn’t as woo-woo as it sounds. As you’ll learn today, it builds on the scientific breakthroughs made by Nikola Tesla and George Lakhovsky. There’s more than enough research to ignite a conversation around the BioCharger as a high-functional solution for heightened mental clarity, chronic pain, and athletic performance. 

Here to explain this world-class device in greater detail is Founder and CEO, Jim Law, and his two accomplices, Jim Girard and Colin Bester. During this electrifying roundtable, we’ll be exploring the machine’s benefits (this bad-boy knocks out my jetlag in literally minutes), the nuances of the BioCharger menu, and upcoming updates to get excited about. Along the way, we’ll bust some myths about EMF shielding and grounding too. 

This is a top-line biohacking product that was on my wish list for a few years – back since this machine was on the periphery of the wellness space. Since then, it has found its way to more practitioners, centers, and gyms. I’m impressed by the team’s collective passion for getting this technology to as many people as possible.

They’ve, very generously, offered a $500 discount to listeners. Simply head to biocharger.com/luke. You can even experience the BioCharger for free first by filling out their online form to get your hands on a “Charge Card” for a complimentary BioCharger session near you.  

06:38 — Meet the Team Behind It All

  • Engineering expertise, career background, and roles at BioCharger
  • The birth of the BioCharger 
  • What is a Tesla coil? 
  • Creating variable frequencies and harmonics in the BioCharger 

22:45 — How the BioCharger Differs From Rife Machines

  • Going from analog to digital 
  • How the user experience has evolved over the years
  • Takeaways from reading The Body Electric
  • Achieving self-calibration with their machines

33:44 — How You Could Benefit From the Technology 

  • Increased energy and cell regeneration 
  • Closing the gap between lifespan and healthspan
  • Why do animals love the BioCharger?
  • Ultraviolet light and water purification research
  • Tracking improved sleep patterns 
  • Mitochondria support
  • Grounding, EMF, and pulsed waves vs non-stop waves
  • Sound therapy potential (I love using NuCalm)

1:13:35 — Breaking Down the BioCharger Menu

  • Core recipe variables: voltage output, frequency, duty cycle, and time
  • The decision-making process in recipe formulation 
  • Recovering from jet lag and being run down   
  • Using a BioCharger as a practitioner 
  • Try out the BioCharger for free! Head to: biocharger.com/luke, fill out a form, and receive a “Charge Card” for a complimentary BioCharger session near you 
  • The communal nature of the BioCharger 
  • Installing the BioCharger in a grounded and EMF-free space
  • Is “grounding” really beneficial for your health?  

1:46:46— Additional Resources About the Technology 

More about this episode.

Watch it on YouTube.

[00:00:00] Luke Storey:  I'm Luke Storey. For the past 22 years, I've been relentlessly committed to my deepest passion, designing the ultimate lifestyle based on the most powerful principles of spirituality, health, psychology. The Life Stylist podcast is a show dedicated to sharing my discoveries and the experts behind them with you. Alright, guys. Here we are with the trifecta team from BioCharger, really excited to sit down with you two again.

[00:01:32] It's been a couple of years. And we've got our new friend, Colin, here, who wasn't with us last time we recorded. To give the audience some background, we've got two Jims here. We've got Jim Girard and Jim Law. I might use your initials throughout the interview when I ask you something just so people know the difference. But we met a couple of years back, God, it's almost four years ago, at a Tony Robbins event in Florida and recorded a podcast there.

[00:01:58] And I want everyone to know, you can find a lot of their back story on that episode. In the interest of having three people here and wanting to just dive into the technology hardcore today,I'm just going to advise people go back to that episode. We'll put it in the show notes. But, man, you guys have really blown up since I last talked to you, at least in the world of health and wellness, and biohacking, and stuff like that.

[00:02:21] It's been really cool to see your meteoric rise to popularity. And in my circles, just about everyone I talked to now knows about the BioCharger. And when I first interviewed you guys, no one I knew personally knew what it was. It was on my like Santa's shopping list of, someday, I'm going to get one of those things, and now, I have one. Unfortunately, it's in my garage for the renovations, covered, I might add. But it's great to see you guys again.

[00:02:47]Jim Law:  Great to be here.

[00:02:48]Luke Storey:  So, let's just start out with the three of you just introducing yourself and what your role is with BioCharger. You want to start, Jim Law?

[00:02:56]Jim Law:  Sure. I'm Jim Law and I'm a Co-Founder and the CEO of Advanced Biotechnology, home of the BioCharger. And with my two partners here, we started the company about six years ago, and it's been an amazing journey and continues to be.

[00:03:17]Luke Storey:  Awesome. Alright. What about you, Colin?

[00:03:19]Colin Bester:  Yeah, I'm Colin Bester. I look after the technology, hardware, software, working with the team to build the architecture, kind of along the lines of what it is left on today, if you had the facilities of what we've got out here. To me, this is just a blast. Literally, it's been fun.

[00:03:38]Luke Storey:  Awesome. Well, you must be doing a good job, because I've used the shit out of my BioCharger for the past couple of years.

[00:03:43]Colin Bester:  We know. We can tell.

[00:03:45]Luke Storey:  You guys see me on the back end, on the cloud, huh? You probably noticed the drop-off about three months ago to zero, like what happened? He got bored of it? No, it's the contrary. But honestly, it's one of the few pieces of high technology that I've had over the years that literally has never had any problems.

[00:04:02]Jim Law:  Super tier.

[00:04:03]Luke Storey:  Yeah, it's amazing. With the exception of me not having enough Wi-Fi to get to it, to update the software, and then I just ran an ethernet cable. By the way, thank you for putting the ethernet cable in the back of it. A lot of people don't do that, and then you rely on Wi-Fi, which is not always reliable, or if you're like me, you don't even want Wi-Fi in the house. So, thank you for hard-wiring it. Alright. Jim Girard.

[00:04:23]Jim Girard:  Yeah. My name is Jim Girard, and I do research and testing. I began experimenting with the subtle energy technology back in 1988 and have been doing research pretty much ever since.

[00:04:39]Luke Storey:  So, you're an OG when it comes to this type of technology, to say the least. I guess, Jim Girard, tell us about the moment that you first discovered Nikola Tesla's work at this organic farming expo.

[00:04:51]Jim Girard:  Yeah, that was surprising for me, just because going to an organic farm convention, you wouldn't really think about subtle energies and Nikola Tesla. But I came across this work and I was just really fascinated by the story. And for me, that's the curiosity behind trying to understand some of the stuff that's going on. And reading the folklores and stories piqued my interest and drove me to just start experimenting with all sorts of different sizes, dimensions, coils, shapes, geometries, anything that I felt I like would want to try to build, I just work on.

[00:05:29] And through this process, I start coming across all these other researchers. And that's what led me into the subtle energy field of healing. So, Tesla wasn't really—a big part of his work, his legacy is about with the healing, but his main work was all about power transmission. So, I'm reading later on about George Lakhovsky and Royal Rife really, really piqued my interest in this whole field of subtle energy and the possible benefits with it. And reading about some of the folklores, and the stories, and the success rates that they had, and just really finding out, let's put the rubber where the tire hits the road there. So, trying to figure out the technology, and then leading it from there.

[00:06:18]Luke Storey:  When you were at this farming conference, were you just chatting with someone there or was someone doing an exhibition of some kind?

[00:06:26]Jim Girard:  Well, the first thing it popped up was they talked about The Philadelphia Experiment. So, it was the movie, Philadelphia Experiment, that came out and they talked a little bit about the story. And somebody had mentioned something about Nikola Tesla, and then start to walk around, and seeing some of the things set up. They started applying some of the radionics and subtle energies towards health and healing. But it was just really, just who is this guy, Nikola Tesla.

[00:06:49] And then, afterwards, going back home and reading—back then, it's going to library and things like that, ordering books, not just blowing things up off the internet. And then, just reading about all these different stories that just made me really wonder about possibility. Turn the last century, the world was full of possibility. I mean, there were so many new technologies were coming out. And now, we just feel like almost everything's been invented. There's nothing new under the sun. But you hear some of these stories back then, it just really, I thought, was the driving force for me is, is it real?

[00:07:25]Luke Storey:  And you were having some autoimmune issues, alopecia or something?

[00:07:29]Jim Girard:  So, I had alopecia. So, part of what inspired me to go the Organic Farm Convention was I had a landscaping company and I was exposed to a bunch of pesticides. So, I started coming down with alopecia. I was pretty young, 20, 21 years old, started getting big spots on the side of my hair where hair fell out or I had hair falling out. And so, I looked at my diet and lifestyle.

[00:07:54] Okay. That's probably it. Went the environmental, and as we all know about Monsanto, and the Roundup, and things like that, that there have been issues with it. And I felt that that was probably where was coming from. And that's what drove me to go to an organic farm convention. As a subsequent, we did buy a bunch of fertilizer there and I started putting it down on the lawns, but that was sort of, then, more of a hobby. My peak interest had been, at that point, Tesla.

[00:08:20]Luke Storey:  And what year was it when you first started tinkering around in your garage and came up with the first iteration of an energy technology like this?

[00:08:28]Jim Girard:  1987, 1988, might go in there.

[00:08:32]Luke Storey:  Oh, my God. So, you've been exposed, and for those watching in the YouTube video, you can obviously see, we actually have a BioCharger here in the shot, which is running. It's extremely powerful. I'm thankful it's not frying our microphones, because sometimes, electronics act funny. So, you've been around these kind of energies for that long, developing these things and having these things going on, you look to be perfectly healthy.

[00:08:57] So, that would indicate to me most of what you've been doing appears to be safe. And also, you've got more hair than I do at the moment. So, you must have figured out the alopecia thing, too. In your tinkerings, have you ever had anything happen that was a big whoops? Like have you ever blown up the garage or had any situations in which it got potentially dangerous for you, working on stuff, tinkering around, or have you just-

[00:09:22]Jim Girard:  Well, early on, I knew nothing about electricity. It was more of just this curiosity. There were a couple of times that I was doing things that probably weren't the right things to do, and I had gotten shocked a few times. I started getting into the big coils at that point. So, I was trying to build the big Tesla spark. So, I was more into the four-foot coil, eight feet tall, shooting ten-foot lightning discharges, running your big telephone pole transformers off of it.

[00:09:50] Did not have it totally shut down. I was doing some adjustments. I did get a few shocks on it that way. But yeah, for me, it's been just building, just that idea of curiosity. And I tried all sorts of different coils. I tried cylindrical coils. I tried conical coils. Made a coil, a lot of pyramid, wrap it out in the shape of a pyramid, to double-ended opened coils. I mean, just anything sought my fancy and try to build different things.

[00:10:15] And then, when I cam across Lakhovsky's work, then I started thinking more about the health side of it. Up to that point, it was more into Tesla's wireless stuff that I was more interested in. But then, late '80s, early '90s, I started to first sell my first BioChargers. So, it was an old archaic spark gap system. I was the first one to add the glass tubes to it. So, I actually got a patent in and around adding the multi-gas tubes, but it was a very antiquated system, but it worked really well.

[00:10:50] And it just confirmed all the different ideas, the stories that we were hearing on the effectiveness. And pretty soon, people were just coming all over using it. And for me, it was a really exciting time at that point, just because you start to see the results from it, you start to hear the stories, you start to hear the, someone recovered really quickly from a broken bone.

[00:11:14] And then, Epstein-Barr, I mean, the people just started coming to me with all these different stories. I mean, they're all anecdotal, what do you say about it, but there was just a major attraction to it. And the area I was living in, Montana, was pretty open to it. They were aware of Nikola Tesla. They were aware of Royal Rife. They were aware of George Lakhovsky, so they sort of gravitated to it. And when they started to see what was actually going on, I mean, I think that that helped build that momentum.

[00:11:43]Luke Storey:  Break down for us what a Tesla coil is. I think a lot of people throw around the word, Tesla, and kind of say, I mean, I'm not even talking about the car company and the space guy, but people kind of throw around the Tesla coil thing, and I don't think many people, including myself, know exactly what it is. Give us the kind of rudimentary breakdown of what the coil actually is.

[00:12:04]Jim Girard:  So, it's a resident transformer. So, essentially, internally, in the unit, whether it's the spark gap, a vacuum tube, or like the BioChargers today, a solid state, there's this LC circuits, inductor capacitor circuit. So, what happens is that the capacitors build up a charge and they do a discharge. It creates this very strong magnetic field. So, if you've ever seen some of the PEMF systems out today, they sometimes work on that basis of that LC circuit.

[00:12:32] So, it produces a very strong magnetic field. But then, there's this column in the middle, the secondary coil, that has a certain resonance to it. And when you time the pulsing of it to the resident frequency, the secondary, you get a large spark from it. So, there's a tuning process that's involved in building Tesla coils. It's part of the art behind it. And once you understand that part, how you deal with the tune, then there are certain adjustments you can make, and everything starts to work with it.

[00:13:03] And there's a lot of advantages with the Tesla coil. You get a magnetic field. You get this electric field with that high voltage. And that was really the basis of what Lakhovsky's work was all about, was utilizing the Tesla coil. And then, he had these special antennas that he would broadcast this wide spectrum of frequencies and harmonics. So, really, no matter what it is, it's a radio transmitter.

[00:13:27] And depending on how it's made, you could generate hundreds of thousands of different harmonics and frequencies, and change it. So, what we created with the BioCharger today is the ability to be able to create that variable frequencies in harmonics. So, the old spark gap systems would only generate this one set that is beneficial, but you can't really vary it. So, one of the ideas I wanted to create in the evolvement of it is to create that variable frequencies and harmonics, which is what Royal Rife discovered.

[00:13:58] So, part of this process that I'm going through in learning about Tesla's work and Lakhovsky's work, I came across Royal Rife's work, which is sort of in that same realm of producing radio frequencies and harmonics, but Rife utilizes the shortwave radio instead of a Tesla coil. And I saw the advantages of the Tesla coil to Lakhovsky's work of the magnetic field and the electric field that you don't get with a shortwave radio. 

[00:14:25] But what Rife discovered is being able to create variable frequencies and harmonics. And many people in this arena think that the multiwave oscillator is just frequencies and harmonic thing. It's called the multiwave oscillator. But Rife was really more of that. And most people think of Rife as this frequency specific guy, but if you actually measured it, he produced this wide spectrum of harmonics and frequencies, and he was able to vary it. And he came up with the really ingenious way of varying it, by which I like to compare it with music.

[00:15:00] So, when you have two different notes, you generate harmonies or harmonics. And if you vary one of the notes, you generate different sets of harmonies or harmonics. What Rife discovered is you have this fixed carrier wave, which is a note, and then he had this pulsing frequency that he could vary it. And so, as he vary that pulse frequency, he generated unique sets of harmonies or harmonics that followed no mathematical engineering principles. So, as a result of that, we figured out a way we could actually calculate these harmonics of frequencies, so we can actually generate virtually anything we want with it.

[00:15:33]Luke Storey:  Wow. God, that's wild. So, years ago, I got into biofeedback machines, and PEMF, and all of the stuff, and one of the things that came across were a couple different iterations of what people called a Rife machine. And these would be people that were terminally ill, in really bad shape, and maybe the owner would be a practitioner, or oftentimes, would just be a device that was passed around amongst friends. You could borrow it for a couple of days if someone was sick, stuff like that.

[00:16:00] But what I remember was like a PC computer, like a laptop that had software, I guess, with banks of these frequencies, and then you'd hold these two gas-filled tubes in your hands, and kind of felt a little tingly in your hand, and then you would look up in a book basically, which frequencies were for what. So, if you had parasites, or this, or if alopecia, or whatever, there would be these banks of frequencies in there, and then you would have to hold the tubes. What's different about the BioCharger, in that you don't have to hold anything, you just sit in front of it. Like I wouldn't want to actually grab those tubes. It looks like there's a lot of power coming off, as I've learned when I've touched it and gotten a little shock.

[00:16:47]Jim Girard:  Well, as you mentioned, there's a lot of different Rife machines that are out there. If you look at the real original Rife machines, it was more of a radiated device that you set near. Some of them were a little bit more offshoot. But still, the idea that you were mentioned about analog, so what I met Colin and Jim, I was an analog guy. I was that guy sitting down with the knob. I was adjusting the knobs on this old vacuum tube-type system.

[00:17:12] And that's where Colin came into the picture that really made that big jump, that big breakthrough of being able to create the recipes and being able to digitally control everything that we're doing and make it so it's just very easy to use. You're not going to a book and looking for all the different frequencies that you want to run. We create the recipes, you just hit the button, and off it goes.

[00:17:34] And that's what really made the difference, because when I first started doing the Rife stuff in the '90s, that was the big problem with it, was just so cumbersome to operate. And even when I got into 2012, '13, when I finally made that jump from spark gap, the vacuum tube did allow me to do all that, I was still in the Flintstone Age as far as I'm concerned. So, Colin was one that was just like, this is the way we want to do it, and we created this awesome team that would get us there.

[00:18:03]Luke Storey:  So, Colin, what was the process like of moving out of the Flintstonean technology that he described where everything was manually entered in the user interface versus what you have now? And I'll just maybe describe that as the end consumer, what it looks like for me. So, I have the device. There's a touch screen on the device, which are viewers of the video can obviously see. And then, I'll go in the back end and log in to my account for the device, right?

[00:18:32] And then, I'll go in and just pick all these different sets of frequencies, and then program them into my BioCharger so that they're readily available for what I want to work on. I might want more energy, or help with sleep, or a meditation, pineal, Theta kind of thing. I mean, I use a wide variety of them. But what was your role and kind of what were some of the hurdles in taking this technology to the next level, and integrating the software?

[00:18:59]Colin Bester:  Yeah, great question, and I won't deny, it was scary. Yeah. For me, I would say that keeping in the energy theme, my feet are pretty grounded, so it took a lot of opening to think of this, being in a different start. It was definitely a challenging project, because firstly, as an engineer, you are trained to design products that don't emit noise. Noise is the enemy. And yeah, you got JG telling you, I want 1,000 amps or I want 700,000 volts.

[00:19:30] I want noise, but controlled noise, in a controlled way. So, I come from a background, where basically, walking out of school, I've always been involved in energy somewhere, more transmission of electrical-emitting, but still energy-related. So, there's always a fascination, the person I actually worked with at the time, he went off, eventually became partners in business, he introduced me to the book, The Body Electric.

[00:19:56] And that's where the seed started. Kind of laid dormant for a while. Life just gets in the way, but there was always that nagging thing. What else can you be doing in life? Just do better things. And if fast-forward to like six years ago when I went up to Cape Cod to look at it, and I realized, from JG's stories, there's been a lot of experimentation. I've blown enough things up myself to know that there are lessons to learn in that. It's not mistakes. Those are education fees that you pay.

[00:20:31] And to me, I think one of the biggest challenges we had is, generally, when you're designing a product, you're designing for a consumer, you're designing for an age group of people. Yeah, we're designing for something from your fairly young to fairly old, technical, non-technical. Yes. So, how do you create a product that can be used with such a broad spectrum of people? And with everything, there are pros and cons, there is give and take, and such a solution. So, it took a lot of whiteboarding to come up, we had a lot of discussions. A lot of JG's experiments, he didn't talk about burning down the barn, but I believe we've all made-

[00:21:11]Luke Storey:  Oh, you skipped over that one. Don't burn down this barn. This is a really beautiful barn we're in, for those on video.

[00:21:19]Colin Bester:  So, those are powerful lessons, of where were the failure rates? And that's what we looked at first. Where were the problems? And like JG mentioned, tuning the knobs, and that is fine, you can get there. The problem is that setting doesn't stay constant. You move the device, the humidity changes, the temperature changes. That all affects the calibration. And if you look at the spark gap technology, you always had to recalibrate. You always had to do something with the coil and readjust.

[00:21:48] So, one of the things we wanted was a self-calibrating, didn't know how to do it, but we knew we wanted something that could self-calibrate and maintain itself. We didn't want someone to have to send it in every year to be calibrated. We knew that it's important that the device has a long lifetime. We want upgrading. We want to be able to do features. And I think the most important thing, and I've always lived by this in design, for a successful design, you have to design for the unknowns of tomorrow.

[00:22:17] And this is a prime example. If we are going back six years to look now, I mean, this was the unknowns of where it is. And even if we look at the growth in the different areas, I think we go back six years, it was different. So, it's a typical thing of teching, to follow where the market is. And then, also listening to JG, what would you like? If you could forget how, what would you like? And one of the things that G mentioned was, can we get rid of the hum? So, my question is, what hum? He says, oh, I can hear the 60 hertz. I couldn't hear the 60 hertz.

[00:22:57]Luke Storey:  Really?

[00:22:57]Colin Bester:  Yeah.

[00:22:57]Luke Storey:  You couldn't hear it?

[00:22:59]Colin Bester:  No, I couldn't hear it. No

[00:23:00]Luke Storey:  Sorry to interrupt, but is the 60 hertz that you're hearing, JG—I like that JG, helps me differentiate when I want to get over to Jim Law. Don't worry. We're getting to you. So, we're hearing this [making sounds] the different frequencies that come out of the—what's the thing on the top?

[00:23:19]Jim Girard:  We call it the arc rod.

[00:23:19]Luke Storey:  The arc rod, yeah, but you're talking about, you could just hear a hum of the electricity in it before?

[00:23:22]Jim Girard:  Well, what it was is the way it was designed before. So, we actually did some changes in the power supply, and I think that that's part of our intellectual property.

[00:23:29]Colin Bester:  That was the big thing, yeah. So, you got the 60 hertz coming in and you're transforming that, you're switching that, but you've always got the 60 hertz carrier running. And if you listen to a lot of especially old ones, I'm told, I'm deaf to it, you can hear the slow modulation. So, JG said-

[00:23:46]Jim Girard:  As soon as he hit the 60 hertz or the 120 hertz, I would hear the different, you'd hear it start to cycle up and down. 

[00:23:53]Colin Bester:  Yeah, it's just an amplitude is modulating.

[00:23:55]Luke Storey:  So, when the device is on now, are we getting blasted with 60 hertz?

[00:24:00]Colin Bester:  No.

[00:24:00]Jim Girard:  No, we filtered that.

[00:24:01]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[00:24:02]Colin Bester:  He wanted it out.

[00:24:03]Luke Storey:  Thank you for doing that.

[00:24:04]Colin Bester:  So, it was tremendous effort put into it, just from a technology point of view, and reliability, being the most important, how do we get this power supply super, super smooth? And the effort that we went there, to be honest, there was no expense spared. I was told, we want it smooth, so we got it smooth, and then we chop it up to do the controlling we want. So, that was a big breakthrough on how we generate those voltages, how we switch them, how we control it. And yeah, that's proven to be successful. It's a very clean note that comes off the device.

[00:24:43]Luke Storey:  It is, yeah. And when you were in your former engineering work, you mentioned that you're a bit more fixed in your understanding of things, was The Body Electric really the turning point for you, that book? I mean, I know that book is mentioned so much.

[00:24:58]Colin Bester:  Everywhere, yeah. What it showed me was there's something more, there's something else. And to me, I looked at these doctors that were trying these different things, and I thought that, yeah, you're writing a book, and what they're doing is so simple, they just don't have—it's simple to someone who knows. To someone who doesn't know, it's not necessarily simple.

[00:25:20] But what can you bring to the table? Understanding that technology, understanding that side of the world, not knowing that you can apply them. I mean, that was a different field for me. And so, for me, I've loved the technology. I love learning. I kind of like the battle, too. That's kind of weird to me. So, for me, it's been a path. It's been a journey.

[00:25:44]Luke Storey:  And so, now that the hardware is very stable and reliable, then because you set it up with the future in mind,now, anything that you guys want to do can essentially be done through updating the software.

[00:25:59]Colin Bester:  Yeah, this firmware updates. And then, there's obviously the recipe update. And we tweak them as well. Like in the beginning as an example on the recipes, and this is just ignorance, we focused on specific things, we want to follow the recipe. And you sit there, and you're, ah, this feels good, you're being calm, suddenly, this is good change. It scares you, or kicking so hard, or you're busy listening, and suddenly, it's gone, is the thing broken? What has happened?

[00:26:25] So, simple things like slow ramp in, slow ramp out, little things like that just made those differences. And by having the ability to change it on the fly, and then make it available, and you don't even have to go download it, it knows that you've got that recipe, and it will automatically go and fetch it for you. So, that was a big part, how do we keep this product alive, not knowing what tomorrow will be? This is as simple as that.

[00:26:50]Luke Storey:  Jim, let me ask you, Jim Law, we've already covered kind of your history and how you two met, which is a great story. Again, people go back and listen to the origin story in our first episode. Maybe since we're getting a little granular here, which is really like what I want to do, because I'm just so fascinated by this thing, but maybe give us a little bit of background on some of the—I know you guys are always very respectful of not making medical claims, and you as the CEO are always the person kind of guiding the conversation. So, it cures cancer, but what are some of the kind of user case scenarios that you guys see typically? And while you can't say that it cures or heals and does all those things, which I'm sure my audience is very used to understanding, what are some of the benefits that people get from this technology that these two are starting to pick apart?

[00:27:41]Jim Law:  Sure. One thing, if it's okay, I'd like to just back up on the technology, because there was one other design factor that I think has made part of the reason the BioCharger is successful, and it took a lot of effort on these guys' part, but haven't worked for Apple a number of years ago. And then, was Steve Jobs at Next. One of the things that he always had as part of, begin the design with the end user in mind.

[00:28:08] And when we think about Apple products, that legacy still continues. But the reality is that we have made it so the user experience, you don't want to be attached to anything. You talked about holding the tubes or feeling, in some cases, people discomfort, or having to exert yourself, or to have multiple people share it at the same time. So, we thought, instead of your traditional medical or a therapeutic treatment, let's call, because we're not a medical device, what can we do to make it as pleasurable as possible?

[00:28:49] And the way that the BioCharger has been designed and the way that they created the energies to be able to emit the way they do allows for that. So, A, without touching, sitting there, having a conversation with someone else, four to six people can simultaneously be receiving the benefits of the BioCharger in a 15-minute conversation, and get up, and then go do their thing. So, the end user experience, we get a lot of really good feedback on that.

[00:29:19] The kind of the problem that we're trying to solve, and going back to the, what are some of the benefits that people are getting for it that we see, you and I were talking about this earlier. In January this year, the EPA released a study that showed that Americans spend 93% of their time indoors. And not only do we feel better when we're outside, but now, the Yale School of Environmental has proven that you have to be outside to receive the energies that are in nature in order to be healthy.

[00:29:57] And another stat that is pretty startling, at least to me, is that now six in 10 American adults have at least one form of chronic disease. And when we look at all of that, say, okay, we don't spend any time out in nature, people are getting sicker, there's biohacking, biotuning, hyperwealth, and all of these things, why is the needle moving in the wrong direction, basically?

[00:30:26] And we think that it's lack of exposure to those natural energy sources in nature and that we're sitting in a very beautiful home right here, but we're basically blocked from any of those energy sources, and the only energy we're receiving, aside from the BioCharger are manmade energies, and as we know, aren't necessarily helpful. So, going back to your original question, everybody can benefit some way from the BioCharger, because what we're essentially doing is, Jim can do a deep dive on this, as you well know—how'd you like to have to work with these two guys all the time?

[00:31:05]Luke Storey:  It would be a lot of mental gymnastics to keep up.

[00:31:09]Jim Law:  I love it, but I'm tired at the end of the day after that. But if you think about it, all of us can use more energy, and at the cellular level, and you know Tennant's work in Voltage is Healing, there's a lot of validation, scientific, medical studies done on the impact of voltage at the cellular level, and that the only way our bodies can heal is through regeneration, making new cells. Two to three million new cells a second.

[00:31:40] Let's make sure they're healthy cells. And what Tennant is identified is that all chronic disease had one common characteristic, which is inadequate cellular voltage. So, we look at the BioCharger, and say, okay, if at the base level, at the cellular level, we're able to help provide something that your body needs that it lacks, then your body can function the way that it's designed to. And so, there's an overall wellness sense, going back to who benefits, anyone can benefit from it.

[00:32:11] And the people that are living everyday life, and just we don't have to look for stress, it finds us. And at the pace that we're going, just our modern lifestyles are preventing our bodies from having a chance to recover. And that degrades your body and starting unhealthy cells, unhealthy body, right? So, the idea of the recipes allow us not only to have a general wellness benefit, where everyone can help get more energy, but now, we can target specific desired outcomes and the idea of the recipes.

[00:32:53] So, the folks that are using those, I can give you, we have people in health and wellness centers that are obviously looking for a way to feel better, and whether to them, that's so that they can go out and reach new personal best or if they can go take a walk around the lake with their family. They want to improve and the BioCharger has the ability to help them gain the next level and help them feel better.

[00:33:19] And one of the things I like, we've been talking to the folks at Restore Hyper Wellness + Cryotherapy, and they have a really good approach. They talk about life span, but then they talk about health span. And the average life now, I think we live to 79, but you start getting really unhealthy about 16 years prior to that. And so, how do you close that gap so that your life span and your health span are one?

[00:33:50] And so, things like the BioCharger and a lot of other complementary therapies can help you get there. And we think we're really just getting started in that. But we've got super athletes. We've got, in fact, I can't pronounce his name, but just won the tennis US Open yesterday is a huge BioCharger fan. We've got Bode Miller, one of the world's best skiers, still holds the Men's World Downhill record, he goes and talks about it.

[00:34:29] And next thing you know, we've got the Arizona Diamondbacks calling us and wanting to use it. And just the word of mouth, people fall in love with the BioCharger and tell others about it. And I wish I could say we have just outrageous marketing, I mean, we're pretty good, but it's really the fact that people get such a great experience like you. You've had it for four years now.

[00:34:53] You benefit. We're sharing some of the benefits you have. So, it's a good addition to your life. I've heard it called, make it part of your lifestyle, the BioCharger lifestyle. We can't really talk about some of the specific cases, but I can tell you in general that no one ever sends a BioCharger back. We have a 45-day money back guarantee, we have since the day we started, no one ever sends them back.

[00:35:28]Luke Storey:  That's a good point. And to that, I'm thinking, all these things are coming to mind as you talk, because I can't believe it has been four years since I've had this thing and since we first had our initial conversation. I don't know how many people have sat down next to my BioCharger. It was kind of the centerpiece of my Zen Den back in LA, where I had the hyperbaric, and the infrared sauna, and the cold plunge, and all the stuff.

[00:35:51] So, when people come over to podcast, or hang out, or whatever, I'm just like, what are you going to do? That thing sitting there, you can't not turn it on. And I'm thinking about it, I've never had one person sit there, and go, meh. I mean, like everyone notices the energy. In fact, I had one friend of mine who is a shaman back home, and I guess he's sensitive to energies, and I turned it on, and he started freaking out, and he's like, whoa, whoa, whoa.

[00:36:15] He had to back up. I'm like, like I sit with my face right next to it. I just love it. But then, he kind of settled down. He's like, man, that thing is powerful. And I think that speaks to your comment about our natural relationship with these energies, these cosmic and these subtle energies on Earth and throughout the cosmos. This is something that we've been attuned to since the inception of human life, right?

[00:36:46] And I love that part of the message, too, that I think at the root of what ails us is that we're divorced from that. It's just never before in history as a human animal, we've just isolated ourselves from these life-supporting energies, and that's really the way I think about biohacking and all of these technologies in general. Some people that are kind of just, well, why don't you just eat an organic diet and everything will be fine?

[00:37:12] And I said, well, that would have been fine 10,000 years ago, but we would have been outdoors all the time. You would have fluctuations in temperature. You would have been exposed to the sunlight. There was no artificial blue light. There's all of these sort of additions to our lives which have made them more convenient, you could say, but there's also a lot missing that's supportive of our biology.

[00:37:35] And to me, I don't know what other technology you'd want, really, but things that take something that exist in nature, mimic it authentically, and then amplify that. And I think this is a great example of that. You can go outside barefoot and you can get grounded, you can earth, you get those electrons, depending on where you are, I guess, you might get a lot of other, as you were mentioning, frequencies, EMFs, and things like that that you don't want, but this is like taking that grounding and amplifying it by a few thousand in magnitudes. So, yeah, I really agree with that particular perspective.

[00:38:15]Jim Law:  The key is authentically. So, replicating those energies authentically, and the more you look at, and there are some great systems out there, the duo light, pulse electromagnetic fields, frequencies, and voltage, there's just no system that combines the four of them into one platform. But when you look at how nature produces those energy, so there's 100 lightning strikes a second happening around the globe, those are creating infinite, charging the atmosphere, but also creating infinite frequencies and harmonics.

[00:38:48] Those are exciting the inert noble gases in our atmosphere, part of the reason the sky is blue, it's the same energy our bodies need, and also, in a pulsed state. So, when you think about your pulse, the way our systems work, our lymphatic system, all of that, it's not a constant state and our bodies aren't designed around that. So, some folks look, and say, yeah, we offer light, we offer photonic energy, biomodulation, and then we'll go look at the system and it'll be hard-wired.

[00:39:22] And not that you're not getting the benefit of it, but we're not hard-wiring these plasma tubes. These are being excited the same way that nature does it by high voltage that's not hard wired, but that's actually being created in the atmosphere while it's creating harmony of frequencies and harmonics. So, we think that's a really important distinction and we think it's a big part of why people gravitate towards this. They don't even realize it, but it's just kind of getting them in tune, aligning their chakras, if you will.

[00:39:57]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Well, I think an interesting thing about different technologies is how animals respond to them. And I mean, I think my dog is biased, because she just wants to be with me. So, sometimes, I'm like, oh, she likes this thing and she just wants to be with me. But if I'm not near the BioCharger, my dog still likes to be near it. Same with I have a sauna space, sauna, I just got here in Texas and it's got incandescent near-infrared red bulbs in it, it's just incredible for that red light and also the sweating, and the dog and the cat now just love being in there. They just want to be next to that light. It's one of those things.

[00:40:37] It's just why animals like to sit in the sun. There's something within our biology, just as all living beings, that senses, oh, I want that, I want to get closer to that, I want more of that, which is really, really fun to see. In fact, sometimes, with my dog, I'm like, and maybe you guys could speak to this, but I'm like, I don't know, like I'll be sitting this close maybe three feet away, and my dog's sitting there, and she's just lapping it up. And I think, I don't know, is it too strong for her as a little 18-pound creature? But I guess her heart's beating just like mine is. Would there be any counter-indications for smaller being in the vicinity of this, to your knowledge?

[00:41:13]Jim Law:  No, I have a 15 and a 17-year-old. I have a 15-year-old Golden Retriever and a 17-year-old Labradoodle, they BioCharge with me constantly. They are active. They still run. They don't have joint pain, anything like that. I mean, they're cranking. They love this thing. And I can tell you one of the first, in fact, when we first were starting to talk about getting into this BioCharger business, and Jim brought the original BioCharger contraption over to my house, and I remember setting it up, and I was doing a test, before we started thinking about getting serious, I'm like, okay, I'm going to try this thing, but my dog did it with me.

[00:41:55] By the way, stares at me in the eyes the entire time that I'm BioCharging. I mean, just doesn't do that anywhere. You know how the dogs look at you, but I mean, just fixates. And she, this is the Labradoodle, had a growth on her eye, and they're saying, yeah, you got to have that thing removed, we're going to have to put her under to do that, and I just kept kicking the can up. And about three weeks after we started using this, I noticed that it was like changing, and then it hardened up, and then it fell off. I'm like, okay.

[00:42:29]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[00:42:30]Jim Law:  Yeah. And it's almost like she knew, I'm getting out there, but they know, they come in and they lay down next to it. Yeah.

[00:42:39]Luke Storey:  Well, the challenging thing I find with different technologies, and supplements, and anything that is geared toward health is that because of the FDA laws around making medical claims when you don't have a medically approved device, they're really prohibitive, because it's very difficult to dance around some of the anecdotal stories. I mean, I know people that use the BioCharger at clinics like Dr. Har Hari out of the Transformational Healing Universe in LA, and I mean, he's got people with Lyme, cancer, MS, all that stuff, and they're in there BioCharging all the time, and people are improving, yet as the spokespeople for a company, you can't make claims like that. But I am wondering, oh, there's a deer out there, it's probably coming for the BioCharger.

[00:43:25]Jim Law:  Must have heard the BioCharger.

[00:43:25]Luke Storey:  Yeah. What if it like started wandering toward us? Then, I would really freak out.

[00:43:29]Jim Law:  I'll fire it up, if you will.

[00:43:30]Luke Storey:  But throughout history with this type of technology, there are a lot of reports of them being used for a lot of chronic conditions and things like that. I mean, I know people have been using Rife machines, for example, in the alternative cancer treatment with much success. And there's a lot of documented, actually, not only anecdotal, but scientific evidence that speaks to these types of technologies. So, as much as I think from someone, as Colin started out in that kind of linear way of thinking, some people might think of something like this, oh, energy technology, what's energy going to do?

[00:44:07] But there's a lot of history to this stuff. And I know Jim studied a lot of this, and JG that is, and one of the things that came across when I was doing some studying on Royal Rife and the Rife machines is that there seems to be some evidence that some frequencies have the ability to neutralize harmful bacteria, and parasites, and viruses, and things like that. And I know you're not going to make a claim that the BioCharger does that, but is there any solid evidence around this type of technology, specifically the frequencies in general, that indicates that it can be supportive in those ways in terms of detoxification, this type of stuff?

[00:44:48]Jim Girard:  Well, I can speak to what they worked with, with the pulse ultraviolet light in the field of bacteria and viruses for water purification. So, that's very widely used right now in the fields of, cleaning water, whether it's high voltage. I mean, you get on Google Scholar and start looking up articles for water purification and high voltage, water purification, ultraviolet light, pulse frequencies, all these things have an impact on the bacteria and viruses, and cleaning up water.

[00:45:23] So, I don't want to make jumps, or claims, or anything else, but the field of water purification, there's plenty of evidence that completely supports all that. Even in food processing, they have cold sterilization, where they're using high voltage and pulse frequencies to help sterilize our food, the way they're doing their food processing and stuff now. So, it's not like that this is woo-woo side, they're starting to apply this in so many different applications.

[00:45:51]Luke Storey:  Right.

[00:45:52]Jim Law:  And if you look at the four energy types, they all have National Institute of Health studies on the benefits, health and wellness benefit stuff. The BioCharger, it's the energies that they produce can be researched, and find a lot of really good health and wellness information.

[00:46:12]Luke Storey:  So, let's break down the different energies here. So, you've got a magnetic field that's generating from the bottom part of the device that's coming from the Tesla coil. Is that right?

[00:46:24]Jim Girard:  Well, from the primary coil of the Tesla coil.

[00:46:27]Luke Storey:  Okay. And then, these tubes that we see have inert noble gases in them that are invisible to the eye as we sit here now, but once it's turned on, that voltage then illuminates them like a fluorescent light would be illuminated?

[00:46:41]Jim Girard:  I was going to say, I've seen a lot pictures lately of the aurora borealis, things like that, that's the same type of effect where the gases in the atmosphere get excited to fluorescent. Same thing in your sunsets, beautiful sunsets that you see sometimes are those gases in the atmosphere getting excited and producing different colors.

[00:46:57]Luke Storey:  Oh, cool. Yeah, because when these are all illuminated, I mean, you really have the whole visible light spectrum. I mean, you have like every color of the rainbow somewhere within these vials. So, you've got those, then there's the voltage of an electric field, right? And then, what's the fourth one?

[00:47:17]Jim Girard:  Frequencies and harmonics.

[00:47:19]Luke Storey:  Okay. That's what I was wondering. So, the frequencies that are programmed into the software, say, I run the Theta wave recipe, just for example, are the frequencies and harmonics being carried by the magnetic field, or by the electric field, or by both? Like what's actually amplifying and transmitting those specific frequencies?

[00:47:44]Jim Girard:  Well, it's the interaction between that pulse frequency and the carrier wave. It's what's actually generating the harmonics. So, it's the way you're pulsing it. So, subsystems like the old spark system only was driven by 60 hertz, so there was this 60 hertz component that was mixed with this carrier wave that you would generate specific harmonics. What Rife discovered, what we were able to do with this is by just changing that pulse frequencies, what generates those unique sets of harmonics and frequencies that we're generating.

[00:48:17]Luke Storey:  Oh, interesting. So, it's not just like digital software of the frequency that's then being amplified, the amplification is actually what's creating the harmonic and the frequencies.

[00:48:28]Jim Girard:  Yes.

[00:48:29]Colin Bester:  It's actually a switching process.

[00:48:31]Jim Girard:  So, we're actually switching like if you're running, say, 727 hertz, you're literally turning off and on the radio or the coil 727 times a second, or if we go 50,000 hertz, we're literally turning it off and on at 50,000 times a second. So, it's about that switching or that pulsing is what we're actually doing. And that pulsing just follows these known mathematical principles that you generate these harmonics that scale out based off of what frequency they're pulsing from.

[00:49:00]Luke Storey:  Is there a way to, in terms of the frequencies, because this makes a sound, right? I mean, right now, for those in the video, we've got a cover on the arc rod there. Otherwise, it'd be going either [making sounds] depending on how fast that frequency is. Is there a way to transmit musical tones and incorporate? This might be a question for you as the engineer.

[00:49:24] Maybe you guys already heard of this or thought of it, but is there a way to actually make those sounds what you would want them to be? I know you guys have Gregorian chants, recipe, and things like that, can we actually make it make tones that are pleasant to the ear, that add an additional like fifth layer of audio healing or audio—healing is not the right word, but you know what I'm trying to get at.

[00:49:55]Colin Bester:  Yeah, it's the simulation.

[00:49:55]Jim Law:  Sound Therapy.

[00:49:55]Luke Storey:  Yeah, sound therapy, thank you.

[00:49:55]Colin Bester:  Yeah. The fascinating thing is as the ark rod works, you create this corona and there's a plasma, and just like thunder outside, when you get that lightning bolt, burns the air, the air rushes in, that's your clap of thunder. So, by manipulating the frequencies we control to create that arc, we call it the plasma speaker.

[00:50:16]Luke Storey:  Oh, cool.

[00:50:16]Colin Bester:  Yeah, just a bit of poetic licensee. And that allows us, by modulating that, we are able to generate these different frequencies by how rapidly we do it. And yeah, we've messed around with some classical music, The Bumblebee. I think some other heavy beat music. The product has been designed from the start with that concept in mind, the challenge that we have is, how do we want to use it? How do we integrate it into the cloud? Focusing on what we need to do today is the important thing for us, but that ability to add the music, and if you look at the back of the device, you'll see there's an optical port. So, that's been allowed that you can actually bring that external music into your system.

[00:51:01]Jim Law:  So, when he said, we plan for the future, there's hardware that we haven't even brought to market yet in there that will enhance what you were just describing. Imagine hearing, a lot of people know Tony Robbins, imagine hearing him doing incantations through the arc rod of the BioCharger while you're charging.

[00:51:25]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I mean, I've been to a ton of sound baths and stuff with healing bowls and this kind of stuff, and there's definitely something to be said for the auditory frequencies. right? That entrainment I mean, even the thing I use a lot is NuCalm, I don't know if you know NuCalm, it's this neuroacoustic software and you're just listening to what sounds like just an innocent little song, and next thing you know, you're like just totally in the deepest meditation.

[00:51:51] And it's that kind of entrainment that audio has the ability to do. But that said, I do find actually just sometimes when I do a lot of meditations, probably like most of what I do around the BioCharger, but there is something to be said for even the entrainment of the inherent frequencies here, just the [making sounds] of some of the slower ones, and that'll wind out [making sounds] . Even though I keep it covered usually, so it's not super loud, there still is kind of an element there where there's something in your brain that kind of attuned to the different frequencies.

[00:52:25] On that note, if one is running one of the recipes, I keep going to the Theta one, I think that's just the one I've probably used the most, have you guys done any research or quantification of biological effects, or in the case of the Theta, like is there a way to test with an EEG if someone is going into that entrainment, or do we just know that that frequency is the one that is the same as Theta waves?

[00:52:55]Jim Girard:  Well, Theta wave is more driven about sleep, and one of the things that we do notice is anyone who wears any of the fitness watches or whatever, they all notice. So, you could actually see measurably better sleep, deeper sleep. So, yeah, definitely, those recipes confirm that. But yeah, that is really the idea that we do see stuff like that, especially the Alpha, Beta, Theta waves.

[00:53:28] And then, back to the music part, too, I find some benefit, because that's one of the things I have been experimenting with the BioCharger, because we do have that feedback, and to be able to use those different sounds, and tones, and things like that, the music, I think, makes a big difference, as well as affirmations and things like that. So, sometimes, I'll play affirmations, where it's literally the corona discharge playing the affirmations.

[00:53:53] And what's most powerful about it is it's just not the audio that you're hearing, but because the way it's all set up, everything, all the harmonics, all the frequencies carry the same melody that goes on. So, you're anchoring it into all frequencies and all spectrums of the melody. And I think that that is going to be a very important upgrade we're going to have for the BioCharger once that's released, that the ability to play that music, I think, is an important part.

[00:54:24]Luke Storey:  Wow. Super cool. Yeah. I should have known you guys were already working on it. Let me see where I want to go at this. I have a ton of questions for you guys and I want to make sure I don't leave anything out. Oh, I know what it was. Okay. So, on your site, you mentioned this Alexander Wurwitsch?

[00:54:42]Jim Girard:  Gurwitsch.

[00:54:43]Luke Storey:  Gurwitsch, there you go. And I'm just going to read something here, in 1922, this Russian biophysicist, Alexander Gurwitsch demonstrated an interesting optical phenomenon associated with cells, a phenomenon he called mitogenic radiation. Based on his own work, Dr. Tom Bearden, PhD, nuclear engineer, stated that infrared Gurwitsch radiations stimulated cellular mitochondria as the sub-cellular target responsible for the subsequent growth phenomenon, which I found to be really interesting, because you guys have a recipe on here for mitochondria support. In a case like that, would the frequencies that are selected for that recipe be specifically targeted toward mitochondria, or any of the other kind of research and science that's out there be a basis for why you choose to put certain frequencies in any of the recipes?

[00:55:45]Jim Girard:  Yeah. So, I had started to lay out all this stuff. So, as you mentioned, that far-infrared, infrared range, that's mostly driven from the molecular side. So, you'll start in early 1920s, physicists started looking at the atomic. So, atoms literally vibrate at the speed of light. And how do we know that is we have different atoms or elements that are inside each tube that get excited to fluorescent, releases the photons of light or the light that we're seeing, and they have characteristics to it. And then, when atoms form molecules, now, you have a different set of vibrations that are going on and that's starting 10 gigahertz up through the infrared far-infrared range. And that's part of the reason why infrared, far-infrared is so powerful, is because that's where on a molecular level, everything is vibrating.

[00:56:33]Luke Storey:  Cool. And so, in the voltage, we're getting an electric field. And when you're exposed to certain types of EMF, they open this gated calcium channel in your cells, which in the case of living under a cell tower, something is not good, because you have this influx of calcium into the cell, but is there a benefit to opening the cells in the same way if it's done by something that's more, I guess, biocompatible?

[00:57:08]Jim Girard:  At the end of the day, it's how you deliver that. So, manmade EMFs are going to be continuous waves. So, what I mean by continuous is it's not pulsing off and on. So, if our power line was set up to be that way, then our motors would be turning off and on all the time. Same thing with communication. We don't have that good connection, then it doesn't work properly. So, those type of systems tend to be continuous waves.

[00:57:35] And when they're continuous waves, they create these reactive oxidative stresses. But it's been also proven that you take these pulse fields, you could take pulse EMF and actually create antioxidants. You could actually reverse it with it. So, the pulsing is what's the key, is it allows the cell to go back to its natural resting position, whereas when you run things continuous, it's just literally an entrainment, because you're not jumping off that wagon, where that's part of the reason why we're doing this pulsing, and that's what nature does.

[00:58:09] So, if you really think about what I consider the electric universe, this is just a series of pulses, lightning discharges, whether it's the 100 strikes here on Earth, or you go to these other plants, or have the same type of storms, the atmospheric storms that are generating harmonics and frequencies, or the solar, we know how much solar storms can interfere with us 92 million miles away.

[00:58:32] We could have so powerful solar storms that will not only disrupt communication, but even power distribution and things. That's how much energy is out there. And when you look at that in the overall universe, the outside our solar systems where the greatest source of this cosmic energy. So, that's all a series of pulses and that's what the driving force I believe in nature is.

[00:58:55]Luke Storey:  So, I guess that's really the difference then, because I've had people, I'm always testing stuff for EMF, especially products and things like that. A lot of health products have some negative aspects and that they produce a lot of EMF. Sometimes, the benefits outweigh whatever exposure you have. But I've had people ask me about the BioCharger, what about the EMF?

[00:59:15] If you want to put up a meter, I'm like, it's probably going to blow up your meter, right? Because there's so much power coming off this. But I think that's really the distinction there is the pulsed waves mimicking what's in nature, versus, as you said, like 60 hertz running around the walls of your house is just nonstop, so it doesn't give your biology a second or your cells, as you said, a second to kind of breathe and pause. That's very interesting.

[00:59:39]Jim Girard:  Well, also, when you look at the overall cosmic rays compared to manmade EMFs, the manmade EMF is actually just a fraction of what nature is producing.

[00:59:49]Colin Bester:  Yeah, that's small in comparison. It's just being continuous is the challenge, is the issue.

[00:59:54]Luke Storey:  Right. Okay. That's interesting. And then, in terms of the noble gases that are in here, as I said, they illuminate beautifully. And I think Jim Law was saying, the noble gases, that's why our sky is blue, because you have these gases that are being hit with this energy, this cosmic energy for the benefit of the noble gases that are in the BioCharger, do you have to have your eyes open, or are they radiating a different type of energy as well, or is it something that you optically want to see in order to benefit from them?

[01:00:27]Jim Girard:  Well, vitamin D, for instance, is absorbed through the skin, so it's not really going through the eyes. So, if I go outside, and shut my eyes, and lay out in the sun, I'm going to get the vitamin D. So, there are many different receptors in and around on the skin has a sensitivity to light, not just the eyes, but will eyes open versus closed? Each one has their own preference.

[01:00:50] Some people like to sit, meditate, and be quiet with it, not to say that it's all going through the eyes at the same time with your eyes shut versus open, but the overall experience, as well as when you look at that whole spectrum. So, when you look at the spectrum from zero, the visible light that we're producing, that's literally quadrillions, the frequencies, visible light is just that little liver of that spectrum.

[01:01:13] So, even if you don't get that entire part of that spectrum, you've got all these other frequencies and also have that impact, the benefit that goes along with it. But I think that there is a big part of it being absorbed through the skin. And pulsing, I think, also responds a little bit different than a continuous light. So, depending on how it's pulse that affects on how much it can penetrate.

[01:01:37]Luke Storey:  Cool. Cool. So, in other words, BioCharger would be best suited for someone naked.

[01:01:43]Jim Girard:  Yeah. I mean, it doesn't work in a public setting. It looks a little bit better in private.

[01:01:48]Colin Bester:  We will keep skip that podcast.

[01:01:50]Luke Storey:  Yeah, right. Okay. Edit. Well, I know that there definitely is something to the light that's emitted and it's not just kind of the parlor trick of like, oh, flashing lights, but I don't know if you guys saw this on social media, but a couple of years ago, I was doing these workshops out in LA and a number of different places, and I would bring the BioCharger and set it up in the middle of the room.

[01:02:11] And we do breathwork, and kundalini yoga, and all the stuff, and I would turn on the—I think it was the Theta that's like 45 minutes long, and all the people around it, within that kind of six-foot radius, and there's people kind of on all sides of it, so a pretty big crowd, they love the light. I mean, people just actually love to look at it. There's something about it that just kind of, it's almost hypnotic.

[01:02:34]Colin Bester:  Mesmerizing, yeah.

[01:02:35]Luke Storey:  Yeah, it is. It's mesmerizing. And I think it's, again, going back to what Jim Law was saying, it's that there's something within our skins, photoreceptors in our eyes that just wants that. It's like when you want to go out in the sun or you see this, as I was describing those beautiful red lights that my pets like to gravitate toward, there's something in us that just knows that those photons are good for us. So, I think that's a really-

[01:02:58]Colin Bester:  And coming back to one of Jim's earlier comments, at a lot of cost, we could generate those frequencies natively of what's coming of a tube, but to me, what's fascinating, yeah, is you've got this Tesla coil, I think that carries about 240 kilohertz, somewhere around there, and we're switching it at the recipe frequencies. And what the plasma tubes are doing is they are transforming that 244 kilohertz carrier to the gigahertz carrier, which is the frequency of the lot, which is switching really fast.

[01:03:32] And then, with the pulsing that we do, that off period is actually pretty long in comparison. You might see this very short of, but in comparison to those wavelengths coming from the tube, it's a very, very long period. So, it's a pretty severely pulsed high frequency that you're getting and that's what you're getting from out there, from the distant galaxies, from, I mean, everywhere.

[01:03:57]Luke Storey:  That's so interesting. Yeah, I forgot about that. When the noble gases are illuminated, they are-

[01:04:02]Colin Bester:  It's the frequency of the light.

[01:04:03]Luke Storey:  ... keeping time, right, because the faster ones that are like [making sounds] , then it just looks consistent when you get down [making sounds] the slower ones, you see them actually flashing.

[01:04:12]Colin Bester:  The rate is rate, because it's running at the frequency of rate.

[01:04:15]Luke Storey:  Wow. That's so trippy, man. I love that. I always wanted to ask you guys that particular question, so thank you. In terms of the recipes, maybe one of you guys could explain what recipes are. And then, I want to get into a little bit of the kind of the menu of recipes and the different frequencies there.

[01:04:33]Jim Girard:  So, the core of the recipe is, we have four different things that we use. So, we control voltage or output. We control frequency, we call it controlled duty cycle. And we control time. That's essential. That's the basis of a recipe. So, the frequency, we have a start frequency and a stop frequency. So, you can make it the same frequency if you want and you could just run one continuous frequency over time, or you can do narrow sweeps or wider sweeps.

[01:04:59] So, the idea of having that start frequency and stop frequency drives how we want to do our sweeps if we want to do a sweep at all. So, that's really the basis of what a recipe is. And then, that's what one stage would be. So then, there can be multiple stages with it. So, we could say, select the recipe of 727 hertz and we may have a little variance around it, so we may start, say, 726 to 727 hertz, where we may only increase it by 15,000 of a hertz over a nine-minute period.

[01:05:32] And what will happen is you get these subsequent frequencies and the harmonics that are all clumped together, that's more of your specific type of recipes or specific outcomes. And then, we also have other recipes that are more of the wider sweeps. So, we don't really have a specific frequency we're targeting, but we'll start to sweep at maybe seven hertz and sweep it all the way up to 50,000 hertz.

[01:05:57] So, we're constantly changing that pulse frequency that we're creating, that the creates more of a random way of generating the harmonics and frequencies. So, when you look at it spectrally over time, it's just a bunch of random points that are generated, versus if I'm just slightly changing the frequency, then I'm only slightly changing the harmonics and it makes everything look to be all clumped together over time. So, that's really the differences, and the clumping together would be more of your targeted versus your wider sweeps.

[01:06:26]Colin Bester:  The water, you can think of, being like a maintainer.

[01:06:29]Luke Storey:  Got it.

[01:06:30]Jim Girard:  And that's one that we use for more of like the general wellness type of approaches. So, we don't look for anything specific that we want to have as an outcome, but it's more of a general wellness.

[01:06:40]Luke Storey:  And who amongst you guys creates the recipes? How do you decide on which ones go into each recipe and how they get their name? For example, one of my favorites is the pineal experience. I just freaking love that one. And I use it a lot for breathwork and meditation. And I don't know if it's activating my pineal gland or not, but I feel really good. But for example, one like that, how does one decide like what frequencies are going to what? And why is it named that, for example?

[01:07:09]Jim Law:  So, we have one of the things, that early on, we also were very conscious about, was not everyone understands all of this. And that doesn't mean that they shouldn't be able to use it. So, even though it's very easy to use, people are trying to use it for so many different things, you can't just ship from a system, and say, here's 1,000 recipes. By the way, there's now 1,100 recipes. Good luck to you.

[01:07:37] So, we have an optimization team, and the first part of that is just helping you get connected, get oriented, log into your My Cloud account. And so, you've got everything up and running. And then, the second part of optimization is really where we do an advance consultation essentially. So, we have, in this case, a nurse practitioner or naturopath who actually has a conversation, would then use her client, and if it's a business, we have a team that worked on the businesses, but just say you're an end user, and you've got four or five health and wellness objectives that you want to work with, they'll actually go through and help identify a recipe plan to help gear your support recovery of those conditions or those desired goals. 

[01:08:32] The way the recipes are developed is that we've got researchers who actually—we've got clients that are practitioners and researchers around the world that are constantly experimenting and doing different things, but we are the gatekeeper. We need to vet every recipe before it's released, and we have a team that do that. So, they know how to, they know the ranges, what our guidelines are, and they make sure that we vet everything before it comes in. And if we're creating a recipe, like there was one recently for hypoxia, support of recovery from hypoxia or the effects of hypoxia.

[01:09:13] And there's research both in scientific and medical databases that will tell you exactly what frequencies are associated with the effects of hypoxia. So, there's research done. When we create a recipe, we identify the background, what the intent of the recipe is, what the frequencies of interest are. And so, you can really legitimately look, and see, okay, where do they come up with this? And it's all documented. So, that's part of what we do. And some people might only use two or three recipes, because they're happy to get their general wellness one.

[01:09:55]Luke Storey:  Is that true, you find that on the back end?

[01:09:56]Jim Law:  Yeah.

[01:09:57]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[01:09:59]Jim Law:  And if you think about businesses, like OsteoStrong, they're a biohacker rapidly growing chain. They help increase bone density in seven minutes a week using a very cool biohacking technology.

[01:10:13]Luke Storey:  Love OsteoStrong.

[01:10:14]Jim Law:  Yeah, it's a great product, but you try and introduce the BioCharger in there, what are you going to do? Drop a phonebook down for recipes, and say, so they might only use eight or nine that they'll offer their clients that are geared towards the themes that they work on. So, they're into recovery. They're into, obviously, athletic recovery. They want to have mental clarity. They want maybe the pineal experience. They want to boost their adrenals. So, we'll come up with a suite of recipes, or what do we call it?

[01:10:53]Colin Bester:  Collections.

[01:10:53]Jim Law:  A collection of recipes so that you don't confuse the audience. We have a lot of firepower in terms of what recipes can be used for. It's hard to think of things that recipe we don't have a recipe for now, but somebody will.

[01:11:07]Colin Bester:  They always do.

[01:11:09]Jim Law:  But the idea of helping match the right recipe with persons of personal interest is part of what we do and it's part of what comes with the system. So, I don't want to confuse the audience to think that, oh, my God, this thing's complicated. We walk you through that, and then you just pick your recipe, and you're off to the races.

[01:11:30]Luke Storey:  It couldn't be easier to use. I guess my curiosity is just around my subjective experience and seeing what does what, because some of them are very common, like the pineal, the Theta. Those are definitely ones, if you go on the back end, you're going to see me using those a lot. And I just relax, and obviously, it's meditation, but I think there's a jet lag one now in there, which I discovered a little maybe a year ago or something, then the other one I really like for jet lag, I believe, is called nitro, when it's just like-

[01:12:02]Colin Bester:  I can't run nitro.

[01:12:02]Luke Storey:  It's like you just had 10 cups of coffee. And I think with technologies like this, I feel pretty good and vital most of the time. So, people ask me, what does it do? Do you feel it? I go, I don't know, I just have a sense, and based on the research and conversations like this, it's good for me, so I just keep doing it. But when I really notice the effect of things is when I'm really run down. And any time I fly, that is just ground zero for me, feeling like shit almost reliably.

[01:12:28] But when I get home from the airport, especially when I lived in LA, I mean, just the drive from LAX to your house would wear you out. And I'd get home and put on the jet lag one or nitro, and I don't know, 20 minutes later, I'm like, I feel a lot better. I have so much more energy. It's just crazy how effective it is and how noticeable it is, especially, as I said, when you're really run down. So, I think that's, for me as the user, playing around with the different recipes and-

[01:12:57]Colin Bester:  And listen to your buddy.

[01:12:58]Luke Storey:  Yeah, exactly. Because before bed, I would never run nitro. And it's pretty, I think, intuitive when you start playing around with the menu, you can tell which ones are going to be energizing and which ones are going to be relaxing. And you just kind of plan accordingly. For those people listening, too, I wanted to mention before we start to wrap up this conversation, if anyone's interested in the BioCharger, you got a nice offer you guys have given the audience, which is $500 off one of these bad boys by going to biocharger.com/luke. And if you enter the code, Luke, you're going to save 500 bucks. That's biocharger.com/luke. Thank you for that. I think that this is a really great tool for people who are into optimization. Tony Robbins, I think, has one in every one of his houses or something.

[01:13:49]Jim Law:  In his jet.

[01:13:51]Luke Storey:  In the jet? That sounds dangerous.

[01:13:53]Colin Bester:  He doesn't run it in the jet.

[01:13:53]Luke Storey:  I was like, I don't know, Tony.

[01:13:55]Jim Law:  Well, I don't know about that, but no, he takes it everywhere in the world that he goes.

[01:13:59]Luke Storey:  So, I think people that are able to afford something like this and high-performance people, this is good for, but also, I think because of the fact that you can use it for multiple people at the same time, like four to six people at once, it's the kind of thing like a community could go in on, practitioners, as I said, Har Hari has one, OsteoStrong has them. I think the practitioners and people that have clinics would be great clients for this type of technology in terms of an investment, because what is it like, $14,000 or something?

[01:14:30]Jim Law:  Yeah, it's 14,990.

[01:14:31]Luke Storey:  Yeah. So, this isn't something your everyday person can afford, but it's not necessary that if someone wanted to get the benefits of that, that they necessarily have to own one, because they're becoming more widely available. I know there's a few of them here in Austin at different places, for example, but I did want to throw that out there for people that are like, okay, I want this, because 500 bucks matter, so thank you guys for doing that.

[01:14:54]Jim Law:  Yeah. One other thing for your audience that we didn't talk about before, and I hope you're okay with this.

[01:15:00]Luke Storey:  Okay. Lay it on me.

[01:15:01]Jim Law:  If they go to biocharger.com/luke, in addition to getting the coupon code for a discount, if they're interested in trying a BioCharger, someone near them, we have, we call it the charge card, so all you do is fill out a form online and they're welcome to go, we'll arrange for them to go to a local establishment near them and try a free BioCharger session.

[01:15:27]Luke Storey:  Oh, cool. That's awesome.

[01:15:28]Jim Law:  Because we know not everyone can afford to have one, but our mission is to try and help, make it affordable for everyone to get to it, whether it's going to an OsteoStrong or we have a lot of local health and wellness, many of the national chains you'd be familiar with.

[01:15:44]Luke Storey:  Awesome. Oh, that's great. Thank you. I was going to ask that, if you had some kind of directory or something like that that people could use. So, cool. Biocharger.com/luke. That's amazing. Yeah. And I think with something like this, too, I mean, depending on what your situation is, honestly, if I was really ill, I would find a way—personally. This is just me. I'm not telling someone that's ill, they have to have this to get well, but I would be on this thing probably two or three times a day. For your average person, I think there are benefits a couple of times a week, like you're going to notice improvements in your vitality and the way you feel.

[01:16:17] So, I don't know that it's necessary that every single person owns one, but if you have access to one, that's really, really helpful. And that's what I've been doing here, is I have a workout every Sunday at ARX, just kind of a private thing at their headquarters. And I walked in, I was like, oh, my God, thank God, you guys have a BioCharger, because I'll run the pre-workout before I workout, do an ice bath. Sometimes, if I have time, I'll do the post-workout one. And every time I go over there, they got a group of people sitting around this thing,

[01:16:44]Colin Bester:  That becomes the campfire.

[01:16:45]Luke Storey:  Yeah, it is. I think that's one thing that's actually cool, too. I have other things that I love the AmpCoil and some different technologies, but like right now, my wife-to-be has got a cold, so I run the AmpCoil immunity program for her. It's very helpful. But then, she's using them like, I want to use the AmpCoil. It's like you'd have to like squeeze together and fit the coil on each of your abdomens halfway or something. There's a lot of things like that they sort of isolate you from the people in your home, and the immediate family and stuff like that, you got to go off in another room and it's like just you. But that's one thing that's really cool about this, is it's kind of a very communal thing. It is like sitting around a campfire.

[01:17:25]Jim Law:  The social aspect, we underestimated it. And post-pandemic, it's people gravitate toward it, because of the social aspect of it as well. And not only just in these centers, but families, people, and we have several clients that might have found out about it through their business or bought one for corporate wellness for their own employees or something. And they're like, wait a second, I could bring this thing home. And we never eat a meal together without everyone's phones or whatever, but they BioCharge in the morning together before they head off to work and school.

[01:17:58] And we've seen just a growing audience in that. And the other thing is BioCharger's not the end all, be all. There are all types of therapies and great techniques out there. And try stacking. They complement each other. One of the things that we hear all the time is that like in OsteoStrongs, that the bone density, I forget what they call it, dexometer, it's how they measured bone density, but if they complement BioCharger and the equipment that they have that works on that area, you actually get a better effect. So, it's a very complementary therapy.

[01:18:40]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I mean, if you think about just the PEMF alone, I mean, there are studies on PEMF in improving bone density and healing. I think in horse racing, they use PEMF machines to heal bones, and joints, and stuff like that way faster. So, that actually makes a lot of sense. Have you guys thought about doing any—I know it's difficult to quantify some things, we're talking about just subjectively, anecdotally, people feeling better, people healing faster from different ailments they have. Have you guys messed around with or will you do in like live blood cell analysis pre and post, or HRV, or brain waves, or any other quantification, where someone could like someone like me could geek out, and kind of do a before and after?

[01:19:26]Jim Law:  I don't understand heart rate variability well enough to tell you, but we've heard that that's one of them. Certainly, as Jim mentioned, if you have any type of device that measures your quality of sleep, that is distinct. I mean, I go from 25% restful sleep to 50% restful sleep.

[01:19:45]Luke Storey:  Are you serious? Damn.

[01:19:46]Jim Law:  Yeah, consistently on that. And I mean, it's whether I'm on the road or not. I mean, last week, we were in Miami, and one of the nights, I BioCharged before we came back up, and sleep improve. Next night, didn't do it, sleep was horrible.

[01:20:02]Luke Storey:  See, I love the quantification. All the different stuff I do, I like to see. I just got this thing called a Happy. It's a little magnetic coil that goes around your neck or on your head, and they've been able to identify the frequency of non-covalent bonds in nature. So, they take like a caffeine molecule or a CBD molecule, et cetera, and they've been able to identify, it's this crazy radar from the Navy, it's super bizarre. They got like 21 patents. But anyway, they can mimic a molecule that you would take exogenously, but they're just signaling molecules, so the molecules don't do anything to you, per se.

[01:20:45] They tell your body to do stuff, so they've got this little thing. And so, they have a deep sleep thing that mimics melatonin. It's the exact frequency signature of melatonin. And I thought, I don't know, this sounds a little woo-woo. But man, I put that thing under my pillow and I run it for eight hours, and like you said, I look at my Oura Ring my deep sleep scores are consistently higher than if I don't use it. Of course, if you know it's under your pillow, there's potential for some placebo.

[01:21:13]Colin Bester:  Hey, as long as it works.

[01:21:15]Luke Storey:  I love placebo. I don't care. But I mean, this is like absolutely, for sure, making my scores go up, but I haven't tested that with the BioCharger. That's a good idea. What are you doing with your scores? Let's talk shop here. Are you doing like the Theta or what do you do?

[01:21:29]Jim Law:  Yeah, I do Theta. One of them that I did, and actually, my wife, she loves this one. I know it's going to be a good night when she says let's do Nirvana, but that takes the stress out. So, end of day, I mean, we do different—one that I've noticed is we have several detoxification recipes, but I did one for parasites, and was doing it with a chiropractor who has live blood microscopy.

[01:22:08] And so, we both drew blood initially, and looked at what it looked like, and then BioCharged, and then did it after. He was quite proud of his blood and that there wasn't a lot of coagulation. He said, yeah, there are some oxidative stress, but for my age, that's minimal. By the way, we're about the same age. And then, he said, yeah, there are parasites. And I go, what do you mean parasites? He goes, you eat sushi? Yeah. He goes, you got parasites. And then, we came back after we did that and his coagulation had separated.

[01:22:46] You could definitely see more movement and oscillation in there. And for whatever reason, the parasites were like moving towards the outer edges of what I was seeing. With mine, the blood looked great. He was like, hmm, there's a parasite, no, it's not. He kept trying to dial in and find, he couldn't find anything. There was no coagulation and my blood was oscillating like that before. And then, I went did it after, and he goes, well, there was no change. I said, because I BioCharge every day. But I mean, not that everyone could go to that extent, but that was a really interesting eye opener for me and for him as well.

[01:23:30]Luke Storey:  The live blood cell analysis is cool. That's why I was wondering that. Years ago, I was at a conference and I did something called the Magnetico, and it's a magnetic pad that you sleep on. And he just had one on a massage table, this guy, Dr. Dean Bromley, who's a really incredible expert on magnetism. And so, it's not plugged in anything. It's not PEMF. It's just a static magnetic field.

[01:23:51] I don't know how to explain it scientifically, but essentially, like the Earth's magnetic field that's now diminished because of various solar influences, et cetera. Anyway, they pricked my finger, took my blood, then I went and laid on this, I mean, just the static, all I did was lay on a magnet for like 15 minutes, then got off, and it was that same thing. Beforehand, the red blood cells are kind of clumped together, and stacked up, and looked all ugly, lay on this thing, looked at the blood after, and they're just beautifully spaced, and vibrant, and just pristine. I thought, holy shit, laid down $12,000 on the spot, and I've been sleeping on that thing ever since.

[01:24:30] And it's going back, God, probably 15 years. That was all I needed, seeing is believing. I think that's what's fun with some of the stuff, if we can find ways to quantify it, then you know it's not just, I don't know, I think I feel it. You're seeing signals from your body that something positive is happening, except in your case, because you BioCharge too much. I had a geeky question for you guys.

[01:24:53] So, I just bought this house, as I was telling you earlier, and due to my negative experience with EMF in the past, I decided to shield my whole bedroom, so it's shielded from all RF. It's grounded. The whole thing's basically a Faraday cage, which I know JG wouldn't approve of, because I'm cutting off all cosmic energy in addition to that. That's another conversation. But one thing I did in a couple of the rooms and why I'm asking this is because the room I'm planning to put the BioCharger in, I didn't shield it, because it's like an open loft.

[01:25:25] So, there's no way to shield RF or radio frequencies. But what I did is I shielded the walls with a low-frequency paint, and then shielded the floor, because there are lighting fixtures underneath. So, basically, I'm blocking off all the 60 hertz EMF in the room. So, no matter where you are in the room, you're not exposed to that consistent 60 hertz. And I thought, man, that's going to be our meditation kind of ceremony room, and I was thinking of putting the BioCharger in that room, probably in the center of the room. Do you see any reason why that wouldn't be a good idea to put it in a room that's grounded and shielded from electric field?

[01:26:03]Jim Girard:  As long as you're up high enough off the ground, if you had it on the ground, that would be a big issue. But normal height.

[01:26:09]Luke Storey:  So, if it's up like this one?

[01:26:10]Jim Girard:  I don't think that that would interfere with the-

[01:26:12]Colin Bester:  Yeah, probably put the things not too close.

[01:26:15]Jim Girard:  And we actually have practitioners that use that shield, the type of paint to shield off some of the unintended broadcast of it, so it keeps everything within the room. So, that's not a problem at all.

[01:26:27]Luke Storey:  Oh, they're doing it to contain the BioCharger frequencies?

[01:26:29]Jim Girard:  Well, say, for instance, you have somebody sitting on the other side of the wall that's running 24 hours a day next to it, that just to-

[01:26:41]Colin Bester:  So, it's not leaking out the room.

[01:26:42]Jim Girard:  Yeah. So, it's blocking that, so it doesn't go to the next room there. The only thing you will be concerned about, is it the paint?

[01:26:48]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[01:26:49]Jim Girard:  So, if it's the paint and it's grounded, and you're close enough to the BioCharger and you touch that paint.

[01:26:55]Luke Storey:  Well, the paint is going to be covered with other latex paint.

[01:26:58]Jim Girard:  Yeah, but it's still not going to be enough of an insulation to—there could be a possibility. If I was like this close to the BioCharger and I was leaning up against the wall, you'd probably feel a little shock as you-

[01:27:08]Colin Bester:  It's a good ground plate. It's like you're touching that little screw on the switch, yeah.

[01:27:12]Luke Storey:  Oh, really? 

[01:27:13]Colin Bester:  Yeah.

[01:27:14]Luke Storey:  Okay. But if I have the low-frequency shielding on the floor, then I put wood floors on top of that, they're like engineered wood floors, will I have any problem if I'm like barefoot on the wood floors that are grounded underneath or are they not conductive?

[01:27:32]Jim Girard:  Well, like for instance, in our office, we have that Pergo-type flooring on cement, and I don't feel anything ever going through the wood or anything else like that.

[01:27:44]Luke Storey:  Okay. Because I have had issues before where this BioCharger is in a concrete room and I had my Earth Runner grounded sandals on, it starts stinging a little bit. I'm like, ah.

[01:27:57]Colin Bester:  Pins and needles.

[01:27:58]Luke Storey:  Yeah. It does not feel good. So, you don't want to be then grounded and be in this field?

[01:28:05]Jim Girard:  No.

[01:28:05]Luke Storey:  You'd want to have rubber shoes on and not touching something that's grounded.

[01:28:09]Jim Girard:  Yeah, you get more of that induced voltage under. And I think that that helps quite a bit, actually increases the voltage. One of my experiments a long time ago, I accidentally discovered there was a way that there was like a little lint that was on top of a wood-burning stove, and when I put my hand near it while I was running near the BioCharger, I could stand it up a few inches away from it, then I went up on a milk crate and I was able to do the same thing a couple feet away from it. So, the amount of induced voltage that was going in my body was much higher. And I also like look at the bird on the power line, too, why is it that bird on the power line not get shocked? That's because it's insulated up off the ground.

[01:28:51]Luke Storey:  Oh, I always wondered that. You see squirrels going across the power line, I'm like, what?

[01:28:56]Jim Girard:  Yeah. So, if you brought the ground wire up to them, you'd smoke them pretty quick. But the fact that they're up off the ground and there's no other ground around, then it's just a high-tension wire is what prevents them from really getting shocked.

[01:29:09]Luke Storey:  Alright. For the two engineers in the room, I got a question for you here. There is an endless debate, and we're kind of going off the reservation here, so just forgive me. These are just questions I've been dying to ask someone smart. There's a lot of debate in the world of grounding and earthing, right? You have these different grounding mats. I have my grounding sandals. Like everyone in the health scene kind of knows, like we're meant to be touching the ground our entire life.

[01:29:32] Think about it, like with the exception of birds and flight, every living being is grounded to the DC current on the planet 24/7 the whole time they're alive, except our dumbasses with our rubber shoes, and rubber-tired cars, and stuff. So, people are really into grounding. My theory is that grounding is probably great when you're in nature, but not so much when you're exposed to an electric field.

[01:29:57] Because fundamentally, I would think, like say I'm grounded right here, but there's an AC current of 60 hertz currents in the environment, to me, that current's now going to find me and use me as the ground, and now, I'm the conduit, where I'm actually getting some level of stress from that current going through me to find the ground, versus grounding outside, where there's no electric field like there would be in nature. Do you think there's any detriment to grounding when you're in an electric field or an EMF field?

[01:30:32]Colin Bester:  It's hard to answer, because it depends on what's an electric field. To give you an example, back in South Africa, we did some work on power stations. There were big signs on the fence and I can't remember the exact numbers, when you walk, don't step bigger than one-and-a-half feet. Of course, I had to step bigger than one-and-a-half feet, and yeah, I've got a belt and a half, because one foot's grounded, I'm lifting up, my body is charging, I put the next foot down, but when you have those closer steps, like shuffling, you're reducing the time your foot is up, and in that case, you're kind of keeping the body grounded, which is maybe a little different to what's you're saying there, but that grounding works.

[01:31:15] And if you allow yourself to come up, and then be grounded, you're going to feel it. Likewise, if you do it over large distances, which there's a big, huge potential, you're going to notice it and you're going to feel it. And like JG were saying that if you insulate yourself from like the concrete floor, you're going to get more effect as opposed to less effect when you're grounded, because you're drawing some of it out your body. What that thing is doing is it's transmitter, and it's looking for ground, it wants ground.

[01:31:41]Luke Storey:  Right. So, that's why in front of the BioCharger, you would get shocked if you're grounded.

[01:31:47]Colin Bester:  Well, I think you'd be running it through your skin, because it's going to follow the surface.

[01:31:52]Luke Storey:  Okay. That's why you feel like that, oh, don't do that.

[01:31:56]Colin Bester:  Yeah, Well, even if you're not grounded, you're still going to feel it, because it still got these currents and stuff running on your skin, but I think it's the way it flows. It's called the skin effect that runs, basically, the skin end up running, not going in. And I think that's why you see the difference when you insulate yourself versus not insulate yourself. But it's so subjective to humidity, temperature, power levels.

[01:32:24]Luke Storey:  Right. What do you think about that? About to ground or not to ground.

[01:32:31]Jim Girard:  I think that there's definitely benefits in the ground just from the electron flow. There is enough evidence that supports the idea of grounding. But the idea of grounding is typically, you're trying to get your feet somehow make the connection, whether it's with the shoes, where they run just a conductive wire plate that you're connected to constantly, that you're making that connection along there.

[01:32:55] Yeah. I think that that's very beneficial. Some of the other ground, when they're doing shielding type of grounding, that's a whole other story for me, just because I think that we're blocking that natural stuff when we do that versus the—you're definitely blocking the unnatural stuff, the manmade stuff, but you're also blocking that natural part. And that's a big concern. And there is a great study that was done at Max Planck Institute.

[01:33:22] It was a 20-year study that they had two separate buildings, one that had that outstanding grounding, shielded environment, the other that one wasn't. And they found within a week's time, day's time, there was change in physiological effects going on between shielding and non-shielding. So, that's one of the reasons why I'm not a big fan of having that full-body-blocking type of stuff is just because of that very reason.

[01:33:48]Luke Storey:  Goddammit. Could have just saved me a bunch of money. I'm still betting on blocking the EMFs is better in my particular case than losing some of that. I guess if I have the BioCharger, and go recharge, and get the energies back. But what I was asking about with the earthing is based on, okay, if you're exposed to a 60 hertz field. Like if I'm next to that wall and that outlet over there, right?

[01:34:12] And you do a skin voltage test to me, you're going to see a charge coming off the wall and it's going to be finding me. If I step on a grounding mat, it will drop that body voltage to zero, but I think why it's dropping the voltage to zero is, because now, I'm the ground and that current's running through me. So, it seems to me it would make more sense to ground when you're not next to that field. That's what I was getting at. Does that make sense to you?

[01:34:34]Jim Girard:  Yeah.

[01:34:36]Luke Storey:  JG?

[01:34:36]Jim Girard:  Yes.

[01:34:36]Luke Storey:  I mean, ideally, and I'm asking, because a lot of people sit at their computers and in front of a bunch of technology and stuff plugged in, they're in a massive electric field, and they're grounding, and going like, my skin voltage says zero. And I'm like, yeah, that's because you're the ground now.

[01:34:50]Colin Bester:  You want to be the bird on the wire. 

[01:34:51]Luke Storey:  Yeah, exactly. Okay. So, if we're in electric field then, okay, the bird on the wire. Perfect. Well, thanks for that little segue there. I appreciate that, because these are some things I just sit around and wonder, and then you try to look it up online, and there are all these different forums, and people arguing that are probably not qualified at all like you guys are.

[01:35:12] We're just about to wrap it up, but I want to ask, if people want to learn more about these types of technologies, I mean, there's so much more to learn about the history of it. And you guys and the resources on your site, named a couple of the people that we've discussed here, but what are a couple of books that people might be able to pick up if they want to understand voltage, and PEMF, and noble gases, and the Rife frequencies, and all the stuff that you guys have put together in the BioCharger, what would be some great, like solid resources for people?

[01:35:41]Jim Law:  Voltage is Healing? Tennant's book, it's a tough read. I mean, I don't know if you've seen it, but it gets pretty detailed or the videos around it, where he's getting the concepts across. That's one that pretty much fascinated me and opened my eyes.

[01:36:01]Jim Girard:  The Secret of Life by George Lakhovsky, written in the early '30s. That was probably one of the biggest influences for me. He detailed some of the scientific evidence and his theories in it. And then, there was also the subsequent experiments. I guess also, the question is, are they look at more of the technological side or more of the historical side, which will drive different sources to it?

[01:36:27] I mean, there's plenty of books about Royal Rife and his life, The Cancer Cure that Worked was a good story about the account of Royal Rife, but Walter Russell, I was a big fan as far as, he was as a big proponent of the noble gases. He was a researcher back in the '30s and '40s. That was another person. And then, Tesla had a number of different books that he had written, I think, that are really very informative.

[01:36:59]Luke Storey:  Okay. Cool.

[01:37:00]Colin Bester:  Yeah, I'd agree with The Secrets of Life, and maybe even take it a step further, we tend to not Google, we'll go to, is it Scholar or Scholarly? Scholar.google.com. That doesn't guarantee that you get less of, yeah, everyone's an expert kind of topics out there. So, we find that a very good resource. And then, the simple thing when you do your searches, specify that your file type must be PDF. If people take the effort to create it and publish it as PDF, that it's not just a blog post that's sitting in text, it tends to be-

[01:37:35]Luke Storey:  That's a good idea.

[01:37:36]Colin Bester:  Yeah, it's kind of to help separate those two. But we found that scholar.google is definitely a good filter.

[01:37:42]Luke Storey:  Cool. Wow. That's a great resource. I never thought of that. But you're right. Usually, if you find some legitimate research or study, it is going to be a PDF.

[01:37:50]Colin Bester:  It's a PDF. They don't want it fiddled with, they want it there.

[01:37:53]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Because any jerk can just go on a blog, and like [making sounds] this is my opinion.

[01:37:57]Colin Bester:  I hate to say, everyone's an expert.

[01:37:58]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Well, especially now, I mean, there are a lot of citizen scientists kind of like myself who are out there doing that. I don't think I would ever try to claim that I did a scientific paper of any type. But yeah, that's a really good resource. Thank you for that. And I want to ask you guys, what's next? I mean, I know, JG, you come up with ideas, and then Colin sees them to fruition in the engineering, and then Jim finds a way to make people know about it and runs the business. If you guys could do anything with BioCharger, what would you want to do or what do you have coming down the pike that's interesting and innovative?

[01:38:38]Colin Bester:  So, one of the things from my side that I'm busy with is kind of building the next platform level. So, this is BioCharger NG, next generation. What we're putting a lot of effort into now is NG Pro. And that's more, well, for the professional user, as the word pro hinted, where you've got more the concept of a membership scheme, different collections, how to manage, as opposed to the current BioCharger, it's a BioCharger and an owner.

[01:39:08] And so, the next level is taking this to like a membership concept. How can you go to different locations, run your recipe? How do you track that whole lot through? So, yeah, I think it's something that's needed. We're in discussions with some of our clients that are using that environment so that we can learn. I don't even know what I don't know at this stage on the topic, but that's a pretty exciting one. So, in the lab, I'm kind of working on the frameworks to build that, and then start discussing with our clients to start bringing that to fruition and better understand it.

[01:39:42]Luke Storey:  Cool. Awesome

[01:39:43]Jim Law:  The beauty of that, by the way, is same hardware platform. It's all enhancements through software. So, as much as we love to sell BioChargers, you'll never have to buy one just because the last one went obsolete on you.

[01:39:57]Luke Storey:  Yeah, because you guys have had the same model, the NG for quite a while now, right?

[01:40:00]Jim Law:  Yeah.

[01:40:01]Luke Storey:  I think that is one thing—I mean, I'm happy for innovation, but some of the different products that come out, red light therapy devices, whatever they might be, you get it, you're like, oh, my God, this thing's so cutting edge, this is bad ass. And then, a year later, it's like there's new hardware and yours still works, but it doesn't have some of the innovations, and bells and whistles of the new stuff. I think that's the advantage of having just set hardware, works solid, never breaks, does what you wanted to do, and then the innovations come on the software side so that the customer is not asked out when they want a new one. Like if you guys made a new BioCharger right now, I would automatically want the newest one just because it's newer

[01:40:37]Colin Bester:  Yeah. And there are benefits people don't realize or think of, is we do our production in St. Marcus. It's fully qualified, next door neighbor's a great crowd, and the effort that's gone into the management of quality. What people don't understand, quality doesn't necessarily bring you a good product. Quality means it's consistently the same. It could be consistently poor, could be consistently good, yeah? But what we've committed to on the production side, the manufacturing, that everyone that rolls out is the same quality.

[01:41:12] Everyone is tested. Everyone is burnt in for so many hours. So, having the ability to keep the same hardware, the same components as far as suppliers allows in this new world of ours, that helps us maintain that quality. If we had 100 different models out there, we'll doing the same thing, that just becomes a not me. It's about streamlining it and making it. It's not just that we can roll out new features, it's we can roll out new features and still keep the quality that we've got.

[01:41:42]Luke Storey:  Right. Yeah. I get the sense from when I put mine back together yesterday, I was going, yeah, I don't think these guys are just making this thing in China in a sweatshop. It's super solid.

[01:41:54]Colin Bester:  There are cheaper ways to make it, and that's not what we do.

[01:41:57]Luke Storey:  Might call it outside of the United States. But that's funny that you guys are right here in Texas. Was that fortuitous that you—I mean, you were already living here?

[01:42:08]Colin Bester:  I was already living here.

[01:42:08]Luke Storey:  You're already living here when you met these guys. And did the production happen in Texas, because you were here, and it was, you could get there or?

[01:42:16]Colin Bester:  It's a nature thing. Is it good luck? Is it good fortune or is it kind of waiting where they all intersect? And I think that was part of where it all intersected. We were fortunate enough that some of the people we introduced it to assist us with this from the networks set on you, it really worked. The Ember Manufacturing was one of the crowds that were recommended for us and it allowed us that if we do it in the US, if the product demands, if it got that big that we needed to go, like to make this one fantastic, manufacturing plants in Mexico, we could do that, but let's keep it here as long as we can, keep the production, keep the quality like we want.

[01:42:59] And it's a 45-minute drive if there's issue that I need to go to. Ad I see them at least once every month. Sometimes, it's just a surprise inspection. Other times, it's taking a potential client that want to see the production. And to give you an example, I would say about four years ago, three years ago, we met the sales team, go to Ember, and people will have, there was something they would see, and they say, we don't think Ember did that right.

[01:43:27] And I said, no, somebody did something that they're not being honest about. And once they went, and saw the production facilities, and how it was manufactured, their questions never arisen. We had a potential client come and look at it, and he said, I'm sold. I know the production. You're just looking at the setup without even—when he saw the working process, and the documentation, and the control mechanism, he was just, because he says, if that one works, I know every one of them's working.

[01:43:56]Luke Storey:  What's the difference between back in the '80s Jim's garage and your manufacturing facility now? I mean, when you go in there, is it super sterile? 

[01:44:05]Colin Bester:  Oh, yeah, it's sterile. It's white coats. Yeah, it's insulated.

[01:44:11]Jim Law:  I mean, a lot of automation. And actually, just created a video on our YouTube channel how the BioCharger's made. And if you're into engineering, or design, or quality, you got to look at it. It's pretty cool.

[01:44:28]Luke Storey:  Oh, that's great. We'll link to that in the show notes. Yeah, I'd love to, if you ever want someone to tag along, I'd love to see that.

[01:44:34]Colin Bester:  Yeah, I'd love to.

[01:44:34]Luke Storey:  I'm like one of those geeks, I watch those shows, like how it's made, any kind of widget.

[01:44:38]Colin Bester:  It's fascinating to see.

[01:44:38]Luke Storey:  You know what I mean? Like sewer covers on the street, like I'm the guy that will watch them pour the mold. You know what I mean? I'm like, how do they do that? It's so heavy. Yeah. So, that's very cool. Did I miss you guys on any innovations or ideas, big dreams of like what you'd like to see down the road?

[01:44:55]Jim Girard:  I think with the innovation-wise, Colin, fortuitously thinking, ask those questions at the very beginning, what is it that I wanted? I had the opportunity to create the wish list and we built that into it. We have released some of it, but a lot of that innovation is still hidden in the BioCharger waiting to be released. So, it isn't just a matter of we haven't had any ideas and we're not going to be moving forward with different approaches, now, it's just a matter of making it happen. But Colin was smart enough to think about what we want to do in the future, what is it the thing we really want to accomplish, and then made it happen. I made my list and I can't see if we could really make it any better personally.

[01:45:46]Luke Storey:  Oh, that's cool. You're stoked, man.

[01:45:48]Jim Girard:  I'm totally stoked.

[01:45:48]Luke Storey:  You scored.

[01:45:49]Jim Girard:  Yeah. Both of these guys were a score in my opinion. I mean, it's just been a heck of a ride. Colin and I have established a really good relationship. We both think the same way when it comes to how we do our testing, embracing the mistakes, and really learning from all our different things that we do to really make this just an outstanding product. So, the idea of just always being on top of it, just to make sure that we are making that reliable, consistent product is what it's all about.

[01:46:21]Luke Storey:  Awesome, man. Well, I think we did it, guys. I want to remind the audience, you can go to biocharger.com/luke, where you can get a 500-dollar discount, or as Jim Law said, you can also get a coupon to go try the BioCharger for free, if we can find one near where you live, which is very cool. So, thank you for doing all.

[01:46:38]Jim Law:  Oh, you bet.

[01:46:39]Luke Storey:  Fun to hang out with you guys today. I could go on forever, as you can tell. I have a million questions. Thank you so much for indulging me and the audience today. I mean, I love this technology. I can't imagine not having one. Honestly, I'm so stoked and I'm really glad also that I was inspired to go set mine up in the garage and get it going again.

[01:46:58] I was kind of waiting until I got in the house and everything look pretty, and when you guys were coming out here, I thought, you know what, I got to get it going again. So, I'll be sitting in my gross garage for the time being, having my BioCharger sessions. But, man, thanks so much for your work, and creating something so cool and useful for people. And it's lovely to meet you as well. And until next time. I bid you farewell.

[01:47:20]Jim Law:  Yeah, we appreciate it.

[01:47:21]Jim Girard:  Appreciate it. Thank you.

[01:47:22]Colin Bester:  Thank you.

[01:47:22]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Thanks so much, guys.



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