288. Breathwork, DMT, & Next Level Living W/ Dr. Har Hari & Troy Casey

Troy Casey & Har Hari Khalsa

June 23, 2020

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Troy Casey and Dr. Hari Hari KKhaalsa join to talk Kundalini yoga, converting to Sikhism, healing from trauma, ayahuasca and DMT, breathwork, ice baths, biohacking, alternative healing modalities, Troy’s book “#Rippedat50: A Journey to Self-Love,” and channeling sexual energy.

Troy Casey, Certified Health Nut, has successfully restored physical, mental, and emotional balance to clients who have failed with all other systems. His unique holistic approach uses nature-based simplicity anyone can follow. As a Versace model in Milan, 28 years ago, Troy studied nutrition, herbs, and internal purification as a way of looking and feeling great in front of the camera. He has scoured the Earth for the most powerful health and healing methods, working with indigenous tribes in the Amazon as a medicine hunter, studying the ancient Vipassana Meditation technique, Ashtanga Yoga, and more recently at the world-famous CHEK Institute, working closely with Paul Chek. His book is #RippedAt50, A Journey To Self Love -- RippedAt50book.com. He continues making videos that have helped millions of people live healthier, Troy was hired off his youtube channel to work on Discovery’s Network and continues to work in the media to this day. His Vision for clean, air, water, soil, and equitable systems for all mankind in his lifetime drives his passionate work for personal and planetary wellness.

Har Hari Khalsa, DC, is a highly experienced holistic chiropractor who has been assisting people on their healing journey since 1988. At Transformational Healing Universe in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, Dr. Har Hari focuses on chiropractic, medical, and yogic healing. He specializes in several techniques and fields of healing, including chiropractic adjustments, Kundalini yoga and meditation, the Wim Hof Method, and Summus Laser treatments (formerly K-Laser™).

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

You’re in for a treat because we’re joined by a double dose of wisdom and inspiration: Troy Casey and Dr. Har Hari Khalsa. 

Troy is a certified health nut and has successfully restored physical, mental, and emotional balance to clients who have failed in all other systems — and his system is incredible. He has a unique holistic approach using simplicity as a guide, which is detailed in his fantastic book, “#Rippedat50: A Journey to Self-Love.”

Dr. Har Hari Khalsa is an extremely experienced holistic chiropractor who’s been assisting people on their healing journeys since 1988. At his clinic, Transformational Healing Universe, he focuses on chiropractic, medical, and yogic healing. He specializes in several techniques and modalities, including chiropractic adjustments, Kundalini yoga, meditation, and the Wim Hof method.

We cover a fascinating breadth of topics in this conversation: the benefits of Kundalini yoga, Har Hari’s conversion to Sikhism, how he heals from past trauma (including the death of his wife), all the lessons they’ve both learned from ayahuasca and DMT, breathwork, ice baths, how each of them got into biohacking, their favorite alternative healing modalities, Troy’s book “#Rippedat50: A Journey to Self-Love,” and channeling sexual energy.

We also cover all of the cutting edge tools Har Hari uses at Transformational Healing Universe, such as lasers, Pulse Centers PEMF, BioCharger, and tons of other gadgets. This is an educational, inspiring, and deeply funny conversation.

09:09 — The impetus to get into biohacking for Dr. Har Hari Khalsa

  • Learning about PEMF
  • The book “The Cancer Cure That Worked!” by Barry Lynes about Royal Raymond Rife and how his methods were suppressed and wiped out
  • Using a Rife machine
  • Why big pharma doesn’t want holistic treatment to be taken seriously
  • Har Hari’s wife being diagnosed with cancer
  • How Western medicine killed his wife

15:08 —  How Dr. Har Hari is dealing with the grief of his wife’s death

  • Feeling more anger than grief
  • Going on a healing ayahuasca journey
  • Exploring deeper into alternative modalities
  • Breathwork and the Wim Hof method
  • Parallels between breathwork and the original kundalini practice

17:57 — Converting to Sikhism and all about the Sikh religion

  • Seeing the Sikhs as odd but interesting and fascinating
  • Having a lucid dream and meeting a Sikh guru
  • Being a Sikh in a past life
  • Realizing his own inner connection with the Sikhs
  • Being about inner discipline more than religion

21:39 —  The core tenets or principles of Sikhism

  • Work hard
  • Share what you earn with others
  • Meditate on God
  • Serving food and helping people during the pandemic
  • People equating Sikhs to Muslins post-9/11

24:23 — The meaning behind turbans

  • The power behind hair
  • Guides losing their skill when they cut their hair
  • Channeling cosmic energy through ground chakra
  • Insulating your face from the moon
  • How Troy’s life changed when he grew out his beard
  • Grey hair is wisdom

27:19 — How Troy got interested in breathwork

  • Practicing Ashtanga yoga in 1999
  • Yoga is an eightfold path
  • Yoga as unity of body and mind
  • Noticing an instant shift in his state
  • Filming his breathwork online
  • Experimenting with ice baths
  • Getting into cold showers
  • Doing crazy stuff when the camera is rolling
  • Using media to further the mission of raising human consciousness
  • Showing people how adaptable we are

38:56 —Breaking down the modalities available at Har Hari’s clinic, the Transformational Healing Universe

  • Scanning first time patients with a CyberScan to get a deep understanding of their body
  • It takes 2-3 hours for a patient to understand what’s happening to them in order to have a life-transforming healing experience
  • The strategies we can implement in our lives today
  • Starting breathwork right away because your life is at threat now
  • The Pulse Centers PEMF raises the mitochondrial function quickly
  • If someone has an autoimmune disease they can do the BioCharger with the right support program
  • The Plasma Field Chamber is incredibly profound healing for holding trauma
  • Ampcoil
  • How “Pandora’s Star” replicates a psychedelic experience
  • Epoch Lasers - mention Dr. Har Hari Khalsa

52:20 — Breaking out of our oppression

  • The planet is in a cocoon, a global metamorphosis
  • 2012 was a portal
  • Less pollution and fewer chemtrails since the shutdowns
  • Transformation consciousness
  • Transformational Healing Universe

01:03:30 — “#Rippedat50: A Journey to Self-Love”

  • The incredible journey detailed in this book
  • Surrender to ayahuasca
  • Why Troy focused on stories and principles over how-to’s
  • Until you have the foundational principles of your health down, there’s no need for anything fancy

01:12:20 — Lessons learned from ayahuasca and DMT

More about this episode.

Watch it on YouTube.

[00:00:00]Luke Storey:  I'm Luke Storey. For the past 22 years, I've been relentlessly committed to my deepest passion, designing the ultimate lifestyle based on the most powerful principles of spirituality, health, psychology. The Life Stylist podcast is a show dedicated to sharing my discoveries and the experts behind them with you. Alright. So, we're here with Har Hari and a third-time guest, Troy Casey, a.k.a. The Certified Health Nut. And for those of you listening, we just did—I don't know, we've been here maybe four hours doing all the modalities, all the biohacks here at Har Hari spot. Now, I hadn't seen him in a couple of years.

[00:00:46]Har Hari:  Three-and-a-half years. Well, we've seen each other, but we haven't connected.

[00:00:49]Luke Storey:  I haven't been here to your spot. So, he since moved and expanded. And now, he just has the most incredible healing center probably that I ever been to definitely in LA. So, it was so fun to come hang out. So, we're going to talk about that. We're going to talk about Troy's latest venture, Ripped at 50, his new book, which I had a chance to scan through in my speed reading way that I do crushing for interviews, and we're going to have a good ass time. 

[00:01:14]Troy Casey:  Sweet.

[00:01:15]Luke Storey:  So, I'm going to start with you, Har Hari since it's your first time on the show. What was the impetus for you as a Sikh Kundalini Yoga guy, chiropractor to get into all of these alternative modalities before it was even called biohacking? Like how did you first start to get into this? And what were some of the early devices, and contraptions, and things like that that you came across?

[00:01:41]Har Hari:  I think it was around 2000 or maybe the late '90s. I learned about the PEMF from Germany. The QRS was the very first one. I don't know if you remember.

[00:01:53]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:01:53]Har Hari:  That one, white pad. And back then, that was the biohack. That was it. Now, it seems so antiquated. But back then, it was a big deal. I think right around then, I had read the book about Rife, Royal Raymond Rife. Right. I think it came out the '80s or something, right after I graduated chiropractic school. I read that book and I was like—do you know that book? Have you ever read the life story of Royal Raymond Rife?

[00:02:21]Luke Storey:  No, I haven't. I mean, I'm familiar with Rife and Rife frequencies, but I have not read the book.

[00:02:24]Har Hari:  Well, there's a book about his life. And I got my hands on it at one point. And I was pretty stunned, to say the least, because he was curing end-stage cancer in the '20s with frequencies. And subsequently to that, he got suppressed, and then they destroyed his lab and discredit him. But all of this came out. It was public. It was like in the newspapers, you can Google the old newspaper articles of him curing all these people at USC. He was actually backed by USC before the Flexner Report came out to discredit all holistic medicine. 

[00:03:03] But he got caught up in that whole cycle where they started discrediting homeopathy, herbalists everything back in the '30s. And so, that knowledge pretty much got suppressed and was wiped out of the culture until like the late '80s, early '90s. I think we started getting some information that there was cool stuff out there that we didn't have access to. And then, I think around that time, I got introduced to a woman who had a Rife machine, like actually had one with the tubes and gas tubes.

[00:03:39]Luke Storey:  The tube, like noble gas, tubes that you hold onto.

[00:03:41]Troy Casey:  And scaling, I had those.

[00:03:43]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:03:44]Har Hari:  This was a different one than that, although that's another one. This one was actually just straight up Rife frequencies programmed into a box. This is like pre-internet, you had to dial in the numbers. But you know what? Those machines worked. I used them in my clinic back then. People would come in like, say, with a strep throat or something, and we dial in the strep throat frequency and, boom, they're better, one treatment. It was like crazy. By the way, that's what we should be using now in hospitals because it's ridiculous, these people are dying, when we've known for years about this stuff and nobody wants to take it seriously right now because it's a 3.5 trillion-dollar industry, the big pharma. And they don't want any of this stuff out there.

[00:04:38]Troy Casey:  Well, it's the programming that goes along with it, and the whole system, and the setups of all the systems, actually. The Rockefeller Foundation funds everything. They started the American Medical Association. Only a state-licensed medical doctor can treat, mitigate, or cure any disease. The control on what you can say or can't say about cancer, et cetera. And of course, these are outside of the bat paradigm healing modalities. But what did Tesla say? If you want to understand the universe, understand energy, frequency, and vibration?

[00:05:13]Har Hari:  Yeah, that's it. And back then, this is the late '90s, early 2000s, my wife at the time who since passed away, but she got diagnosed with cancer in 2001, right after 9/11. And that was really a dark period like, globally, but also just in my personal life. When she got that diagnosis, I had three young kids. And we were looking at everything holistic and medical both. I actually took her to Germany at the time. There was a clinic there that was like the most prestigious, like holistic medical clinic. 

[00:05:52] And they were doing hypothermia with low-dose chemo and all these exotic things back then, glutathione, the stuff that is very common now, they were doing it back then. And they told me, they said, "Listen, we can keep her alive probably forever if she stayed in Germany, but if she goes back to the hospital in Santa Monica, St. John's, they will kill her." And that's exactly what happened. They killed her, unfortunately. I'm not going to sue them, but straight up, they killed her with the whole brain radiation that would just wipe out her brain, and that was it.

[00:06:35] It was funny because the radiologist gets on the phone with me and says, "If we don't do this radiation", whole brain radiation, by the way, this is the most devastating form of radiation. They only do it on like one patient a year and she'll die within two months, right? And she died within two months of him telling me if she didn't, that she would die. And she went and did it. And then, I think that ended her life, was that radiation.

[00:07:01]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[00:07:01]Troy Casey:  Did she make that decision, or did you guys make it together, or was it out of fear?

[00:07:06]Har Hari:  I mean, I was opposed to it, but she wanted to do it. And I couldn't oppose her because it was her decision to do it, and that was it.

[00:07:17]Luke Storey:  On a side note, how did you deal with or how are you dealing with the grief of that experience?

[00:07:23]Har Hari:  I mean, it was tough. I would say had more anger than grief. I would say, I had some grief, but I had a lot of anger. I mean, because I felt totally powerless as far as the medical profession, myself as a healer, there's just lack of power, total lack of power to do anything. I also realized that everybody has their own kind of destiny in this life, how they're going to die. So, that whole process took me into my own deep inner healing, like you guys were talking earlier about ayahuasca and things like that.

[00:08:07] I ended up in ayahuasca ceremonies myself about three or four years ago, and that was the biggest leap forward, I'd say, in the emotional healing on the level of grief and inner anger. I think that gave me the biggest healing that I have had because a lot of that stuff just gets suppressed after a while, like you just don't even want to deal with it. But then, the plant medicine brings it right to the surface, and then you got to deal with it.

[00:08:40]Luke Storey:  And then, I'm assuming also that that would have been a huge motivator for you to start exploring even deeper in all the different alternative modalities.

[00:08:48]Har Hari:  Totally. Totally. I mean, that just launched me especially deep into the breath work, all forms of breath work, but especially like right now, I'm focusing on the Wim Hof method just because of the immune aspects, the known immune aspects of how it helps build your immunity. In these times, that's like super important.

[00:09:10]Troy Casey:  So, tell us, everybody listening at home, there's a lot of breath work online right now, so you're doing, what, three rounds of 30 of deep breaths with holds?

[00:09:20]Har Hari:  No, I'm going more like six to 12 rounds a day.

[00:09:23]Troy Casey:  Okay.

[00:09:23]Har Hari:  Yeah, I'm going deep. I mean, I don't want to fool around.

[00:09:26]Luke Storey:  And how long is that? And that's good because actually, I want to talk about breath work. Because, Troy, every time I see you on Instagram, you're doing some crazy ass shit. And so, I want to find out what your latest developments are with breathing. So, for those watching the YouTube video, you're a Sikh dude, you practice with Yogi Bhajan for 25 years. You got your turban. Very nice orange kind of marigold, perhaps, turban. Do you find parallels between the trends we're seeing in breath work, and these different modalities, and just the old-school, original Kundalini practice?

[00:10:02]Har Hari:  Totally. I mean, to me, like it's just a continuation. Like Yogi Bhajan was like the pioneer. By the way, side note, Yogi Bhajan's being bashed right now, pretty hard, as you know. I don't know if you know what's going on, but-

[00:10:17]Troy Casey:  Tell us.

[00:10:18]Har Hari:  There was a book written recently that came out that basically painted a real bad picture of Yogi Bhajan being somebody who abused women, and things like that. But my experience of him was quite different, though. I mean, I was around him pretty much all the time for 25 years, and my wife was massaging him at night pretty much for 10 years. So, if he was abusing anybody, he'd literally only had about two or three hours during the day to do it. So, I don't know whether he would have been doing it. He was a really busy guy. He ran 13 corporations, for God's sake, so I don't know. 

[00:11:00] But I never felt any form of negativity from the man. I always felt that he would use force and anger in some respects to wake you up because he even said, I'm a Saturn teacher, meaning, using that Saturn energy to wake you up. So, I never felt that—he was not hiding anything, like he was fully open to what he was teaching, how he was living. So, I don't get it. I got an email, I was telling you earlier, and I want to talk openly about it because why not? We should talk about the truth.

[00:11:40]Luke Storey:  It wasn't something I plan on touching on, but in the context of practice and for historical purposes, we're sitting here in his office.

[00:11:48]Troy Casey:  His library is right here.

[00:11:51]Har Hari:  This whole building was his office.

[00:11:52]Luke Storey:  Being someone who's practiced for many years and done a bit of teaching, people ask me, what's your take on this? And I honestly don't have enough of the data, even form an opinion, and I wasn't around when he was around. So, just for the record, my answer is, as a survivor of sexual trauma, I feel for anyone that's experienced that in any way because it fucks your life up so bad.

[00:12:12]Har Hari:  Yeah.

[00:12:13]Luke Storey:  It's a long, hard road to recover from. So, if any of that was true, it's a crying shame. And I will also say that anecdotally, anyone I know personally like you that was around him a lot back in the day, they all vehemently professed the same experience, Guru Singh, Tej, all the OGs that I personally know are like, nope, all those people are trying to sell books, or make money, or this, or that. And only two people know, like Yogi Bhajan and whoever that happened to or whoever is lying about it, so we don't really know.

[00:12:44]Har Hari:  Yeah, I think they'll-

[00:12:45]Troy Casey:  Let's be specific. What are his allegations, sexual allegation?

[00:12:48]Har Hari:  Oh, there's many. Many people have come forward, like at least 11 women that if you go through the Facebook, there's different groups that are focusing on it. And they hired a investigation company that actually goes through and interviews these people and gets their story. So, they're actually doing a whole investigation on the whole thing right now. And they're being transparent. They're going to bring it all into the public's eyes. So, nothing is being hidden.

[00:13:18] But just from my own experience, I would say that the experience of being with Yogi Bhajan, to me, was very similar to the experiences I have when I do plant medicine, as far as the elevation of consciousness, which is undeniable, right? That's your own personal experience. So, that's kind of my take on it. It wasn't anything but what I was personally experiencing within myself. So, he may have not been a perfect human, and he also openly admitted that he wasn't a perfect human, I don't think anybody is. So, for what it's worth, but my take overall is that he was the one who brought this technology, and now, we have many teachers that are bringing forward, him being one. And Wim Hof and-

[00:14:11]Troy Casey:  Did Wim Hof study with him, too? 

[00:14:13]Har Hari:  I don't think so, but he, Wim Hof, obviously is a very accomplished Yogi because I've watched a lot of his YouTube videos where he's doing advanced yoga. I mean, obviously, he learned that somewhere.

[00:14:27]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I've had a hard time with the thing a bit, although, as I said, I don't know a lot about it, but I had a picture of Yogi Bhajan on my wall and not because I'm, per se, a devotee or something, it just was a cool picture, and I had a little round frame. And so, I thought, who's someone I could put in there? And so, he's got the beard, it looks kind of mystic, it will be cool in my office. That's really kind of it.

[00:14:52] And then, when this happened, I'm like, well, in the event that there was any truth to any of the allegations, I don't want to be associated with that at all. So, I replaced him with Keith Richards, who has only been accused of being a junkie survivor. So, he has not harmed anyone that I'm aware of. But, yeah, it's a bummer. It's sad if any of it's true, it's fucked, it's super sad. If it's not true, it's also super sad.

[00:15:16]Har Hari:  The other thing is the concept that people have to understand is that I talk to some of these women actually, because I'm friends with a lot of them that have come out with all these stories. And one of them told me in confidentiality, listen, this was the '60s. He came with his students, if you saw the original pictures of Solstice, were completely naked. They were having orgies, okay? Those were his students. So, you could deviate off to, okay, he's a bad guy, but he transformed those hippie, naked Yogis into Sikhs who became prosperous, law-abiding, very upstanding people and created billions of dollars of companies, Akal Security, Yogi Tea.

[00:16:05]Troy Casey:  Yogi Teas.

[00:16:07]Har Hari:  Huge corporations came out of these small, little group of hippies, basically. So, people have to understand the context of like what was going on back in the '60s. 

[00:16:20]Troy Casey:  Yeah. I mean, I don't claim to know about these peoples' lives. I know Tony Robbins got hit up for the same thing. And back in the '80s, they were different people. And I don't claim to know anything about Tony Robbins or anything, I just know that there's a lot of hearsay out there in the world, and a lot of accusations, and some of it's true. And so, I don't know. But we're also living in different times. And now, there's a lot more victim consciousness, if you will. There's a lot more people coming out, if you will.

[00:16:50] I was in the modeling industry as well, so I saw plenty of abuse there. It was around those types of psychological mental gymnastics, if you will, game-playing, manipulation, control. It exists. I definitely feel it exists. But again, there are different times and people are into different things at different times in their life. And in the '70s, we were swingers or people were swingers, not we, but people were—I got to be really sensitive about what I say. But in general, he way I see things is things change, and people change, and people's outlook on things change. And now, everybody's interested and calling forth what was once accepted. 

[00:17:37]Har Hari:  Yeah. I mean, I think it's just an evolution. It's really what's happening, is the evolution of consciousness. And all these biohacking things are, to me, it's like once enough people get it, it's going to transform medicine because a lot of this stuff, it actually heals people. We can't say the cure word, but we can use the heal word, right? Heal is okay because heal implies that your body's healing itself, which is really technically what's happening, right? We're not curing anything. We're just giving the body the proper nutrition and environment so that it can literally do what it's made to do.

[00:18:18]Troy Casey:  And I would also say that it really comes down to consciousness. I've been off pornography for a while now. I think pornography has seeped into our culture, and television advertising implied, and television programming. It's throughout our society. It drove the internet, the business of the internet, but sex is still very taboo. I know that this study of yoga, Tantra, as well as sexual kung fu with the Taoist. I mean, this is a powerful energy that the human being possesses.

[00:18:51] Can we have a conversation on it? Can we have open education on it? Can we be open and really understand this and bring it to the forefront instead of just pushing it underneath the rug? It's a very powerful force that we have. And I'm noticing with the pornography and growing up on pornography at whatever level. And certainly, with the internet, it's freely available. Now, can we bring it out into the forefront so we're not doing it in the closet, and then have a more honest conversation about it, and the healing can come forth? 

[00:19:23] And I study sexual kung fu right now with my wife, and word around the campfire, with Mantak Chia and the technology that he discovered, you can actually achieve miraculous states. You can activate the DMT, you can do sexual healing on each other. And not only that, but creation. You can bring your dreams into the forefront and take that powerful sexual orgasmic energy, channel it to not having an orgasm and have a long-term, full-body orgasms, and taking that energy and the ideas that you want to propagate, and put them out into the world, and accelerate them at a much higher level. This is the technology of the sexual kung fu and I think it warrants an open discussion and going deeper into our own sexuality. 

[00:20:11]Luke Storey:  I agree because I think where so much of the misconduct is rooted is in people that have been victimized and traumatized. And because there's nowhere to go with it, because it's being suppressed, then it starts to proliferate from the victim's life into them being a perpetrator. 

[00:20:31]Troy Casey:  Victim-perpetrator roles.

[00:20:32]Luke Storey:  It's that cycle. And it is a weird time right now as watching the whole, and this is as three men obviously here talking about this, because I said I have direct experience of being on the receiving end of that, not that that gives me license to condone anyone's behavior one way or another, but with every awakening, there's people that get swept into it, you know what I'm saying? So, it's like, there probably are a lot of accusations now that are false because so many real accusations have seen the light.

[00:21:02] So, it's like a net positive, but we have to be really mindful, I think, just about proof, you know what I mean? It's like people, it's not cool, be it man, woman, whoever, that someone is presumed guilty before the facts actually come to light. So, it's a weird time. There's not a right or a wrong answer, but I'm with you, Troy, that as we start to become more open about—individually, it's been terrifying for me at times. I've been more open about some of the things in my past in ways in which I was harmed, or hurt myself, or others. 

[00:21:35] And it's in that that my own individual healing facilitates, but also gives others the permission to think, oh, shit, I didn't know we're talking about that, so maybe I can talk about this thing happen to me, and then it stops, this generational pathology of any kind, not just sexual misconduct, but just all of those trauma cycles that you see, like you said, coming out of a plant medicine experience. You go, oh, my God, my great grandfather was an alcoholic and I see how that came down to that, that, that, that, that. You see the whole thing, and then you have the opportunity to unravel it and cut off that thread.

[00:22:08]Har Hari:  Well, forgive it, I think.

[00:22:10]Troy Casey:  And face it, face the dragon and forgive it, which is a big part of my book and relationships as well. 

[00:22:16]Har Hari:  And grieve it, too. I found that grieving was a huge part of it for me.

[00:22:22]Troy Casey:  Yeah. And I think when it's at the forefront, and you can look at it, and you can talk about it, and you can face it, and then you're not a victim anymore. I grew up with a lot of trauma in my life and, I don't hate my parents, right? I have workedto forgive them, to understand them. When I visited the orphanages of my father, my stepfather in Scotland and heard the stories of him after the war and not having shoes, not having long pants, and being in an orphanage, and being switched to another orphanage, and being whipped in front of other boys for a crime that he didn't do, and it was only having money, right? 

[00:23:06] They accused him of stealing. And so, he was whipped in front of these boys. And at that point, I forgave him. I was like, oh, my God, the trauma that you went through, yes, I experienced it. But Jesus, to hear those stories of a child going through that type of experience with no mother, and being displaced from his other brothers, and being put into a larger boy's home, and when he transitioned, they accused him of being a thief because they found the money that he had saved up.

[00:23:39] And just hearing that level of trauma was just like, shit, man. Alright. I forgave him them. I can understand where it came from. And then, also, carrying that burden, I don't like to play the victim at all, but I think that there is a part of me that has pity for myself in there. And that's just a weak position for a human. I don't want to carry that around and I don't want to be—I'm a victor. I am the victory and the light. I want to carry that forth regardless of anything that happens to me.

[00:24:12] So, my point is, if we can bring this out on the table, talk about this honestly without embarrassment, and obviously, the sexual aspect is very personal. And if it's where our power is, then, of course, that's a huge, weak point, man, because there's two forces, Yin and Yang, and you can always flip that Yin-Yang coin over. And so, it is a very weak point. And so, I think if we can openly bring it out, I think the power is in there and really honor it, hone it, face it, and take it to the next level, what can we do with it then?

[00:24:45]Luke Storey:  I got two questions for you. One is I want to know where you're learning this sexual kung fu. I find this fascinating. And also, what was the impetus to remove porn from your life and what effect was it having on you? What effect do you think it has on society or men in general? I mean, men being, by and large, the biggest consumers of pornography, as they say. What's your take on both of those things?

[00:25:11] If a guy like me or Har Hari, for that matter, want to go this sexual kung fu, where do you start? How do you learn how to transmute that energy? And rather than just—I'm trying to clean up my accent in terms of the show, but rather than squandering that energy as we men typically do, and I like how you're talking about the Napoleon Hill kind of taking that energy that's creative energy and channel it out into the world and creating positive change, et cetera, and improving your life. But where can people learn how to do that?

[00:25:42]Troy Casey:  Yeah. Sexual transmutation, I do believe, is the chapter in Napoleon Hill's book. And again, this is the most powerful force us human beings have. And I first was told by a psychic woman that I was leaking sexual energy, and I was like, really, what's that all about? And I relate it back to watching porn, and then being out in the real world, right? You're in a fantasy when you're watching porn or looking at pornography magazines, and then going out into the real world and wanting to penetrate women at that psychological illusion.

[00:26:21] And she said, you're leaking sexual energy. And it never had dawned on me. And interesting woman. She had worked as a translator for the CIA. And she was a psychic. She was a very interesting woman. And she recommended I read a book called The White Tigress Teachings. And so, it was an ancient practice where Chinese men helped cultivate their sexual energy and I found it extremely fascinating. So, in it, there's exercises to stretch your ligaments.

[00:26:55] You have a lot of vascular and potential vascular impingements. They think that the prostate issues are coming from sediment that goes into the prostate, and also, all the vascularity and the circulation that goes through there to loosen that up. So, you could do washa on those areas. You can do skin-brushing. There's ball slapping. There's the guy that you said on the meme that was hanging from the ceiling with his ball sack.

[00:27:20]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I don't think I'll be practicing that one, but it was impressive.

[00:27:26]Troy Casey:  But the technology behind that, word around the campfire, goes that there's a ligament from your tongue, and it goes through your heart, down into your genitals. And for men, you do stretching exercises to that ligament. The older you get, the more driedout and calcified that ligament gets. And so, you do stretching exercises with your penis and your balls. Circular motions down, up and stretching everything out. And then, you can also tie weights to it, which builds strength there. And then, my friend, Ryan O, Ryan, he is the motocross champion of the world, he turned me on to the ball flapping. And I was like, that's nuts. And I'm going to do a bunch of nuts.

[00:28:08]Luke Storey:  No pun intended.

[00:28:09]Troy Casey:  I'm in the-

[00:28:10]Har Hari:  Is that with like a penis slapper or what do you-

[00:28:13]Troy Casey:  No, it wasn't a penis slapper. 

[00:28:14]Luke Storey:  Ping pong paddle?

[00:28:15]Troy Casey:  Just his hands. And actually, it's-

[00:28:17]Har Hari:  Just like a gentle slap? 

[00:28:18]Troy Casey:  Well, gentle, but your balls are pretty sensitive, right? So, when I tried it, I was like, oh, Jesus Christ, and then I got into it more, especially out of a cold shower, right? And it gives you that stimulation. And then, I talked to my wife's Taoist teacher and he said, "Yeah, ball slapping or rubbing", and my sexual kung fu coach, she told me, "You roll your balls in your hands to the age that you are", so 50 times each morning, and it gets the fluids and the circulation going.

[00:28:51] And so, when I was talking to my wife's Taoist teacher, he said, "Yeah, rolling, rubbing, slapping, whatever." And then, I know Dr. Har Hari, he was immortalized in that documentary, Sky Cowans, you know that I mean, with the paida, which was slapping the meridians behind your knees or inside of your elbows to release stem cells. So, this type of technology has existed. You look at the Shaolin monks and they have steel punching bags to increase the bone marrow in their forearms, their shins, kick boxers do this as well. And it makes the shin and the bone reinforced with this marrow. In fact, I think there's this technique called iron fist or iron bone.

[00:29:38]Luke Storey:  Kill Bill, man. She did it in the box.

[00:29:40]Troy Casey:  Kill Bill and Bruce Lee, iron shirt, right? Eventually, you get that energy. It's a level of Chi that you just bring over your whole body and nothing can penetrate it. And yeah, they've got the razor-sharp spears that they put in their neck. And I've seen the masters walk up and they'll bend the whole steel thing without it going into their jugular. They'll put it at the front of their clavicle, something razor-sharp spear, and it doesn't penetrate.

[00:30:09] So, when you look at this stuff that the Talas have done, that the Yogis have done, and say, hey, well, this is what's possible. So, let's bring this technology to the forefront. And so, this whole idea around scientism, which science is the methodology of observation, it's ever-evolving, ever-changing, or as the Greeks said, Gnosis, Praxis, and Telikas were ever evolving to know, to do, to become. And the Yogis and the Talas have figured a lot of this stuff out.

[00:30:37] Let's bring it back to the forefront. Let's understand our own sexuality. Let's understand our own genitalia, our own reproductive system, work towards optimizing that with the breath work, with other things with breath work as part of sexual kung fu as well, and then really bring that energy up. And then, you don't know the stranglehold the pornography has on you until you actually take yourself off that. And I didn't really have a big problem, per se, only 30 to 90 seconds a day.

[00:31:07] It wasn't a big problem, right? I wasn't fully addicted to it, like I got to have it every day. And there were multiple times in my life where I said, maybe just let go of this for a while, let me see what happens, but then, I would creep back to it. And now, it's a much more devotional practice of cleaning up my own energy. I really like not having that there. I was able to remarry my ex-wife within the year that I quit that. So, I think that has a component to it.

[00:31:33] Also, I'm not utilizing it once we're back together, so I'm not hunting the next big bubble butt around the corner, the fantasy that I have. I'm going to love the one that I have and I'm going to transmute that sexual energy. I'm not going to expend it on the internet or looking at pornography. I'm going to keep it there and I'm going to let that energy drive towards the one that I love. At least, that's my working philosophy, present-moment style. 

[00:32:02]Luke Storey:  Makes a lot of sense.

[00:32:04]Troy Casey:  So, it's worth a try. 

[00:32:08]Luke Storey:  I don't tell people what to do, but it's been a huge improvement on my life to let go of porn. It really is just a waste of energy because I used to wonder why it bothered me so much, like I would do it, and then I would feel really gross. And it wasn't because I had some moral stance against it. I'm super free-will, and like, I don't give a fuck, like I mean, I used to work in the sex industry, which totally other story no one will ever hear.

[00:32:35] So, you know what I mean, I don't have any kind of like moral, religious, spiritual thing with sex. It's like if you're not hurting anyone, go nuts, literally. But the porn thing, I would feel shamy the next day, and I couldn't talk to women, and just couldn't look people in the eye. It was just weird. And then, I started looking into it. And I guess worth, the listeners, especially the males, or females, or anyone in relationship with a male who's kind of doing it too much and it's having a negative effect that I had the realization that having a bit of a purview into the back end of that industry, again, no pun intended, on the back end, but seeing some of the behind the scenes stuff, as I did back in the day, a lot of the people, and particularly, the women are on drugs, just specifically crystal meth and coke, crack, like the stimulants.

[00:33:25] There's a lot of that there. And so, a lot of the people performing and the people producing are doing it for their addiction. Not everyone, but many are. And so, in that, you have the exploitation of people by themselves or by, to a degree, perpetrators that are feeding off their energy, their sexual energy. And that's not to put anyone down in the industry. I'm sure there's people that are high vibe, having sex, and filming it, and making money, do your thing, but these are just the ways I was looking at it, that energetically, it's got a vibration, right?

[00:34:00] A level of consciousness. And then, here I am, doing the Kundalini Yoga, the Vedic meditation, the breath work, going to India, and it started to occur to me, those two things aren't in the same range of energy. Just energetically, it's not a moral right, wrong, I'm better than them, I'm holy thing, it's just like, oh, Luke, no wonder there's a mismatch of energy here when you partake in that. And I started to see that. Then, I interviewed John Gray, who is a famous relationship expert.

[00:34:28]Troy Casey:  He's great.

[00:34:29]Luke Storey:  Yeah, amazing guy. He's also OG Yogi. He was the right-hand man for the Maharishi for like nine years and this deep meditator. But now, he teaches relationships primarily based on hormones. And I said, "John, why do I get so weirded out if I do porn, but I could go have sex with someone that I don't care about at all and she doesn't care about me, we've agreed just to use each other for sex, and I feel amazing afterwards?" And he said the reason why, it has to do with hormones, because when you watch porn by yourself, there's no human contact. And so, you have this huge surge of dopamine. And when you're with a partner of any sex, of any type, of any level of intimacy, that dopamine is buffered by, I think it was-

[00:35:09]Har Hari:  Oxytocin.

[00:35:10]Troy Casey:  Oxytocin.

[00:35:12]Luke Storey:  Yeah, oxytocin and norepinephrine.

[00:35:13]Troy Casey:  Norepinephrine.

[00:35:13]Luke Storey:  And so, when you orgasm with a human being, no matter, what the emotional situation is there, and I'm sure it's healthier if you love them and vice versa, but he said that it balances that out. And so, you're able to balance out that huge rush of of dopamine, and also, you don't lose as much testosterone because it's balanced out by your partner. Anyway, he had this whole thing, and I was like, holy shit. And I started putting all those pieces together.

[00:35:38] And once I had that much information, I thought, I just can't do it. It's just not worth that, like you said, 60, 90 seconds, whatever, maybe on a good day, five minutes, if you're really making the best of it, edging your way through that thing, but it's a low-energy thing for me, man. And so, I encourage guys, especially younger guys, and the way that it transformed my interaction with my loved ones and relationship was profound and is continuing to be so because it's only been a couple of years that it's been phased out, and it's just a whole different thing.

[00:36:15] But it also takes some getting used to because like you said, you have this like degradation of your sensitivity and it's not natural for a human, a male animal to see that many different bodies at once, and that many climaxes, and all the things that you can go down the rabbit hole with porn. In nature, you would never, ever, in any of your lifetimes, ever seen that much sex or that many naked females, or males, or whatever you're into, right? So, it's like just so supernatural that it rewires everything.

[00:36:46] So, I've had to really like kind of like re-calibrate what it's like to love someone and just be with that one person, as you said, and see the beauty and the attraction in them, and know that they have their own unique signature, and they don't look like the porn girls or whatever. Maybe they do, but there's still just one of them, you know what I mean? So, it's like having to recalibrate all of that to have greater intimacy with myself and the other person. What's your take on like healthy sexuality, Har Hari, and pornography?

[00:37:18]Har Hari:  It's interesting because there's like a level of guilt, I would say, for doing it too much. I think that it's something you can grow out of through like the discussion we're having, right? So, it's not something like you would necessarily feel guilty for. That's the first thing I would say. So, to release the feeling of guilt, oh, I shouldn't do this because these guys are talking about it and it's bad, it's not that it's bad or good, nothing's bad or good.

[00:37:50]Troy Casey:  It's thinking like an optimal hacking, right?

[00:37:53]Har Hari:  Exactly.

[00:37:54]Troy Casey:  Optimization.

[00:37:55]Har Hari:  Yeah.

[00:37:56]Troy Casey:  I agree.

[00:37:56]Har Hari:  And what I've done because that's been an issue for me too, obviously, because I'm a man, right? So, to me, it's all about just doing more of the things that I do, like the Wim Hof breathing, I'm in the ice water every day. I'm really pushing my body to channel that energy because my wife's not here right now, so I have to really move my energy, like go on a 20-mile bike ride, get back in the ice bath, just to hang in there. But as long as I'm on my discipline, I'm good.

[00:38:28]Luke Storey:  Right. Yeah.

[00:38:31]Har Hari:  It's interesting because, yeah, I mean, it's something we all have to deal with as humans, male and female, both.

[00:38:39]Luke Storey:  I think about kids, when I was a kid, I'm maybe a couple years behind you and a few behind you judging by the white beard, is I grew up in the '70s and I remember around, it was probably '77, '78, somewhere like that when the Betamax came out and I had these one set of friends, the Conti brothers, Joey and Tony Conti, by the way, kids, if you hear this, hit me up. Thanks for the introduction of porn, but they had some money and they had a Betamax and like a big theater screen or big TV thing, and they had like Deep Throat, Behind the Green Door, and a couple of the early classics, Debbie Does Dallas, legit, I mean, these are like famous porno movies.

[00:39:19] And that was, I mean, one of the ways I found out about sex. So, it's like you think about a kid. And that was like lightweight shit that was really hard to get to. The parents had to be gone. It was a whole production. Whereas now, literally, I mean, I would freak if I had a son now that could just turn on his iPhone and be like bukake party, like what the—you know what I mean? Like it's not good. It can't be good for a growing brain to be provided with that much artificial stimuli.

[00:39:50]Troy Casey:  Well, they said that in the TED talk, the one guy that did all the research on it, they couldn't find a control group because now, from 12 on, everybody's hooked. And they said that the erectile dysfunction in the 60-year-olds was easier to unravel because of the neural nets and the myelination of the neurology, but with the younger people, they were so stimulated for so long that to get them off their erectile dysfunction, and Paul Chek talks about this as well, working with athletes that are addicted to Viagra, they can't have sex without Viagra at 25 years old. 

[00:40:24] And not all of them, but he's seen them. And this is a huge phenomenon, not being able to get it up in your 20s. And so, because you don't have that stimulus, it's affecting erectile dysfunction even in youth. And I got divorced right around I was 50. I think it was approximately 50 when I get divorced, maybe 51. And I was reading about polygamy and Chris Ryan's book was out there. 

[00:40:58]Luke Storey:  Think of how many relationships his book tanked.

[00:41:01]Troy Casey:  I know.

[00:41:03]Luke Storey:  It sounds great on paper, then you try it and people get hurt, my opinion.

[00:41:06]Troy Casey:  Yeah, totally. Well, that's what I realized, that emotions are real. And I also understand why men go out, and women shut down, and then men are like in a relationship. And so, men start searching outside. The society and the systems that we have set up that, they need to be talked about because it's not just like a bunch of men are bad guys, bad actors, and then the divorce rate, the cottage industries around divorce, and everybody's working, who's watching the children, who's nourishing the children.

[00:41:39] And then, divorce is so easy, and then the state steps in, I think there's a lot of research on African-American communities with the divorce rate, and not having a father, and how it perpetuates the separation of the family. I mean, it runs deep and this all needs to be talked about. It's not just something you can oversimplify. And I think a lot of it has to do with how we treat sex, and understand sex, and then our natural roles.

[00:42:03] I really like David Deida's work around masculinity and femininity, divine feminine, divine masculine, and really understand these at a deeper level. He also wrote a book, Finding God Through Sex. And so, I think these things are all worth deep exploration. But I will say on my own experience, once I got divorced, here I am back on the dating field, 50-year-old man, I'm healthy. I'm like, free lunch, I can start dating women, get tender, bubble. So, on tap, right? 

[00:42:38] And so, I started dating women and I realized quickly, and you hear you hear about this, you're going to pick up their energy or whatever, and I started dating women, and I had sex with a few of them, and I instantly realized that as soon as you have sex with them, you get their whole emotional body. And then, there's all this expectation. And now, we have text messages. If you don't text someone when they text you, they get offended.

[00:43:01] And I just got out of a relationship that was oppressive, and not so much oppressive, but controlling, manipulative. And it was just like, I don't need any more headaches. And so, I was looking for a free lunch, basically. And what I realized towards the end of my dating career, before I got off porn and before I remarried my ex-wife, was there is no free lunch. When it comes to sex, there is no free lunch. You don't just have sex with this person, and then it's easy.

[00:43:29]Luke Storey:  Yeah, so true.

[00:43:30]Troy Casey:  Well, there's a greater responsibility for that as well, and I don't want to hurt other people's feelings. And so, towards the end of my divorce, I was basically celibate. And then, that's what helped me realize my commitment to my wife. My wife and I started getting closer. And then, I was off point for a while and I just really realized it was all connected. And so, this time around, I have a higher dedication to myself, as well as my wife, but mainly, the dedication and the commitments that I've made to myself.

[00:44:03] And I got remarried on ayahuasca at Rythmia. And the commitments that I made, and the dedication, and the forgiveness, and the healing, a lot of that was just an inside job. It wasn't so much just be a better guy for my wife, it was like be a better guy for myself and my own spiritual evolution. Not to sound selfish or anything, but I think the real healing happens when it's an inside job. I'm not doing it for her.

[00:44:31]Luke Storey:  Yeah. She just reaps the benefits, obviously. And I met her and it seems like she is—you got a great lady, by the way. I'm glad you reeled that back in. You won the lottery, dude. Like how often does that shit happen?

[00:44:44]Har Hari:  Well, the fact that you both can vibrate at that high level, that's beautiful. I'm hoping someday to do that with my current relationship. I mean, she's already there in some ways, but she's afraid of actually taking the sip.

[00:45:01]Troy Casey:  Right.

[00:45:01]Luke Storey:  I get that. I get that. I was actually very thankful to, now, currently in an amazing relationship with someone who is a shaman and is open to certain explorations in that way. It's profound. Like I always say, peyote married us in its own way. We're not married in the legal system, but it bonded us in a way that it would have taken a lot longer for that to happen. I want to go back a little bit. It touched on the controversy of the Yogi Bhajan thing. And I think there's not much more to say about that because who fucking knows what's going on with it, but I-

[00:45:39]Troy Casey:  Read the book, guys. I want to read it because-

[00:45:42]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I do too. I do too. 

[00:45:43]Troy Casey:  ... I don't know the story.

[00:45:44]Luke Storey:  I actually looked for it on the audio book, and they didn't have it. And I'm lazy.

[00:45:49]Har Hari:  I think it's on Amazon.

[00:45:50]Luke Storey:  Yeah. So, I might just have to get the book because I would like to know all perspectives. That said, to me, it's never been about the teacher. It's always been about the practice. So, I'm curious, what led you, Har Hari, into—how did you first discover Kundalini Yoga here in the late '60s, whenever it was?

[00:46:07]Har Hari:  Well, I got into it in 1980 because I'm like, I was like in between group because it was the hippies, and I was like a kid in 1960, and I was only eight years old. So,. I met Yogi Bhajan when I was 19, I think 1979, something like that. And it was really interesting because what a lot of people don't talk about concerning Yogi Bhajan, and that's something I'll tell you now, which is quite amazing, and I'd actually like to write my own book about this because it's pretty mind-blowing, but the first time I actually met Yogi Bhajan was in a dream.

[00:46:45]Luke Storey:  Whoa.

[00:46:45]Har Hari:  Yeah, it was trippy. I didn't know who he was. In the dream was I was running from this guy who looked like a sumo wrestler, a big fat dude was chasing me down in the dream, running after me, and he finally caught me, and he wrestled me down on the ground, and he snapped my neck, and killed me in the dream. And I woke up after that dream, I'm like, I'm still alive? Like I thought I was dead in the dream. I don't know what that means when you have a dream where you die. And then, I didn't know who the heck that was. And then, about six months later, I met him here in LA, came to one of the yoga classes he was teaching. And I was like, oh, my God, that's the guy in the dream.

[00:47:35]Luke Storey:  Whoa.

[00:47:36]Har Hari:  Blew me away. And then, I ended up moving to an ashram in Colorado because I wanted to literally just get away from all humans that I knew. And I just wanted to focus on yoga. This is like 1980. And I continued having more and more dreams about him for you for at least two years, right? And then, one day, he shows up in Boulder to teach a course and people were going up to talk to him like at the end of the course. I went up to say hi, right? "So, I just wanted to talk to you, sir, because I haven't talked to you before." He was like, why are you lying to me? I'm like, what? He goes, "I talk to you all the time in your dreams."

[00:48:14]Luke Storey:  No fucking way, dude.

[00:48:16]Har Hari:  Oh, yeah.

[00:48:18]Luke Storey:  Whoa.

[00:48:18]Har Hari:  It was deep. And I was like, oh, my God. That's the part of Yogi Bhajan that people don't talk about very much in. And a lot of students have had that experience, by the way. This is, by far, not isolated. So, it was like he would show up in the room where we would be doing our morning yoga, like Sada. At 3:30 in the morning. I would actually see him floating in the room, in the room while we were meditating. It was pretty amazing.

[00:48:49]Luke Storey:  That will get your attention.

[00:48:50]Har Hari:  Yeah. I was like, what's he doing? So, I mean, I had all kinds of wild stuff that happens with Yogi Bhajan. So, I eventually ended up moving here in 1985 because this is where he was living back then, and just started going to all the classes, and became part of the community. I met my wife then. That was a crazy story. I met her at a course. It was a healing course with Guru Dave. Do you know who Guru Dave, the healer from Mexico? 

[00:49:22] He is like a Kundalindero that Yogi Bhajan trained and he passed on this thought, I'm a scion. Do you know what thought, I'm a scion is? Okay. So, basically, it's like "Reiki". It's using energy to kind of heal, right? So I was on a course with Guru Dave and I met the woman who became my wife there, and we were just kind of friends, we weren't romantic in any way, shape, or form, but Guru Dave, after a while, I said, listen, the window's closing, you need to write a letter to Yogi Bhajan because at that time, he would be the guy who would like set people up for marriage and stuff.

[00:50:04] So, I wrote a letter to him, and then the next day, I got a call back. She's not interested. I'm like, okay, fine. So, I'm like, fine, I'll let it go. And then, about three weeks later, I get a phone call from Yogi Bhajan, he leaves a message on my voice mail. This is long before cell phones. And he's like, sort of, G, give me a call. And I'm like, what? Yogi Bhajan is calling me? What the fuck? So, I called and he had me come down to his ashram. And I had a private meeting with him, and he said, "Okay. Are you ready to get married?" I'm like, I guess, ready as I'll ever be. Goes, "Okay. Good. You're getting married in three days." Bam, next thing I know, I'm married the woman who said no. He had worked on her for three weeks to convince her to marry me.

[00:50:57]Luke Storey:  Wow. And was this the woman you were with until she passed?

[00:51:04]Har Hari:  Yeah.

[00:51:04]Luke Storey:  Okay.

[00:51:04]Har Hari:  Yeah. We had three kids together.

[00:51:05]Luke Storey:  Wow. Okay. So, one might hear that from here's a negative connotation of a controlling cult leader kind of energy, right? That's like one way of looking at it. If the marriage had failed within a couple months, I might have thought, like, wow, what a presumptuous move on his part, kind of a power play to like manipulate two people together, but there are human beings who are tapped in to karmic destinies and alignments. And the fact that you're with her for that long and had three kids, that he must have seen something that you two couldn't see.

[00:51:41]Har Hari:  Oh, no. There was a undeniable connection, but we both had our issues. She had been with a guy who dumped her basically. So, she had a lot of trauma around relationships. And also, I found out later, kind of through the process of her cancer, that she was abused by her father. So, there was like this whole abuse thing that, at first, I didn't know about, but it all came out towards the end of her life that that was a huge deal. She forgave her father without ever feeling anger.

[00:52:18]Luke Storey:  Bypass.

[00:52:19]Har Hari:  Yeah, complete bypass. And I think that was the cancer. That was what caused the cancer. And by the time that we both kind of realized that it was kind of too late, it was towards the end because cancer, once it gets to a certain stage, it's very hard to turn it around.

[00:52:38]Luke Storey:  And so, you get married, and then what are you doing at this time while you're practicing yoga, and hanging around Yogi Bhajan, and taking all the classes, and doing all the things in the community? 

[00:52:49]Har Hari:  I was in school. The whole time, I was in school for chiropractic. It took 10 years of doing undergraduate, graduate. So, I finally graduated, I think, 1987 and became a chiropractor. And he threw me in a clinic in Cedars-Sinai with Dr. Saram, who's a real famous medical doctor that worked with Yogi Bhajan. And he's like, okay, either you make it here or you'll never make it. So, I literally ended up with this super prestigious medical practice as a chiropractor with no experience, no clinical experience, no marketing experience, nothing, just literally. And so, he just threw me in the pool and said, "Okay. Swim." So, eventually, I did. I pulled it off, and now, I'm taking over his whole operation.

[00:53:44]Luke Storey:  And then, at what point does converting to Sikhism come in and tell us a little bit about the Sikh religion? I think people from the outside often observe some of the older generation of the Kundalini practitioners, and especially those that were around Yogi Bhajan, and the organizations that do teacher training, and KRI, and 3HO, and all this, that many of the Westerner' converted to Sikhism, and all have the little bracelet, sometimes, the little sword, and the turban, and the whole thing, when did that become part of that journey? And was it encouraged by him?

[00:54:21]Har Hari:  Well, in my case, that's a really deep question you're asking, because in my case, I had a strange kind of connection. And when I first saw Sikhs in the very beginning, like in the '70s, I was like, wow, what the heck is that? Like it was such a odd-looking thing. And I knew it was something interesting and kind of weird, but I didn't know what it was. And then, what happened to me was I went to a retreat, where it was a Kundalini retreat in the desert. I think it was in Joshua Tree or something.

[00:54:56] And when I was at that retreat, and this is long before plant medicine, before everybody knew what plant medicine was. I had this profound dream. It was almost like a lucid dream where I was with one of the Sikh gurus actually, like historically was with him in this whole like episode of what happened historically. And I was like just blown away. I was like, what the heck? I'm with the Sikh guru. Like I'm supposed to be a Sikh. Like I just got it that this guru who is Guru Gobind Singh was my guru. Like I just freaking got it in a dream state. And then, the next day, at this retreat, they told us the story about the guru. I'm like, oh, my God, I had the same dream the night before.

[00:55:52]Luke Storey:  Wow. That's crazy.

[00:55:53]Har Hari:  I was like totally blown away because I was like, oh, my God. I was just like, oh, my God, this isn't happening. I mean, it blew my mind. I was not doing drugs. I mean, I guess Kundalini, in a way, is a drug, right? It's really a replacement for-

[00:56:11]Luke Storey:  Getting high on your own supply, huh?

[00:56:13]Har Hari:  Yeah. I mean, so in a way, I guess doing the Kundalini opens up your inner vision and you see your past lives. And I had a healer once work on me. I had a cut in my abdomen where I had surgery and she put her hands right there, and she goes, You were cut in one of your past lives and you bled out." And I had all this grief and stuff associated with that. And I had a surgery in the same place. She had no idea about my medical condition. And she just tuned into that. I had a scar from a past life as a Sikh.

[00:56:53]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[00:56:53]Har Hari:  Because Sikhs were warriors back then. They're getting cut up with swords. Yeah, it was quite a journey. Quite a journey of, I guess, inner realizations of that connection with the Sikhs. And it just made sense. Everything kind of fell into place. And to me, it's never been about a religion. It's always been about just your own inner discipline, self-discipline, like what Troy's doing, what you're doing. We're all doing it, basically.

[00:57:30]Luke Storey:  And because I don't know that much about Sikhism other than just the cool outfits and whatnot, what are a couple of the main core tenets or principles of Sikhism?

[00:57:43]Har Hari:  I would say one is work hard, hard work, share what you earn with others, and meditate on God. That's it. I mean, it's literally those three things.

[00:57:55]Troy Casey:  That's pretty cool.

[00:57:55]Luke Storey:  Yeah, that's dope.

[00:57:56]Har Hari:  It's super simple.

[00:57:57]Luke Storey:  I'm in.

[00:57:58]Troy Casey:  I got that. 

[00:57:59]Luke Storey:  Let me work on the beard. You got the beard already, dude. You need a turban, get rid of that black, we need a white n there.

[00:58:06]Har Hari:  I mean, the Sikh tradition is like in New York, during this epidemic, there was a Sikh organization in New York that just made, I think, like 30,000 meals that they just delivered to people who were either homeless or couldn't get the food because that's another big tenet of Sikhs is serving food. It's just a big thing of just serving food and helping people.

[00:58:34]Luke Storey:  Cool, man. Well, thanks for the insight. On that note, have you ever received any kind of rejection or backlash from Indian Sikh people?

[00:58:49]Har Hari:  Every experience I've had with Indians has been wide open. When I've gone to India, they just love you. They just love you to pieces. It's like you're just seeing your brother. It's amazing. I'd say the biggest thing I've had, though, was post-9/11 with people equating Sikhs to Muslims, there was definitely a huge backlash in that two-year period post 9/11. That was scary to be out in public. 

[00:59:19]Luke Storey:  Interesting. Wow. 

[00:59:19]Har Hari:  Oh, yeah.

[00:59:22]Luke Storey:  I wouldn't have even thought of that, but it makes sense, actually.

[00:59:24]Har Hari:  The first person who got the backlash was a Sikh in Arizona. He got killed literally right after 9/11. Somebody saw him, guy was a gas station owner, and they came by, and it was just a drive-by shooting. Just killed him because he looked like a Muslim. And that's happened with a lot of Sikhs, a lot of them. And there was a big massacre, I think, in Wisconsin a few years ago. Same thing, the guy is a freaking dumb ass redneck, I want to kill those Muslims. He doesn't even know what the difference is between a Muslim and Sikh. And he goes in there with a gun and just massacres them.

[01:00:03]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[01:00:04]Har Hari:  Yeah. I mean, it's scary, means the level of ignorance is, oh, my God. It's scary.

[01:00:13]Troy Casey:  Can you share a little bit about the technology of the old turban, and the hair, and the whole nine?

[01:00:21]Har Hari:  Well, I mean, it goes back to the time of the Bible, man, the Samson story. I mean, that's it, right? Power.

[01:00:27]Troy Casey:  I definitely feel a lot of power and strength with my beard and hair.

[01:00:30]Har Hari:  Yeah. I mean, the hair is, the Indians, I'm talking about the Native Americans, they knew about hair. There was a story in World War II where they-

[01:00:41]Troy Casey:  Navajo.

[01:00:42]Har Hari:  ... got the guides. And when they cut their hair, they lost their skill.

[01:00:48]Troy Casey:  Their tracking skills.

[01:00:49]Har Hari:  Their tracking skills were gone. So, the hair is like an antenna. Basically, it acts like an antenna, when you wrap it in a bun on the top of your head, it's like channeling the cosmic energy through your 10th gate, through your crown chakra. And especially for men having hair on your face, it's actually insulating you from the moon, the energy of the moon. Men are not supposed to be influenced by the moon. Women are because they have a cycle. But men are just connected with the sun, basically.

[01:01:24]Troy Casey:  Well, I also heard that the beard-

[01:01:26]Luke Storey:  Hey, I want to interject for one second. That was a fucking awesome question, but I just realized—shit, no, I am getting the video. It doesn't matter. It's good. My video/audio editor, take that back. No, that was a fucking great question, great answer. So, let's edit us back in. Pick it up from what you were about to say.

[01:01:47]Troy Casey:  So, yeah, I heard that the beard protects you against the feminine charms.

[01:01:54]Har Hari:  Exactly. That's the moon energy. Exactly. It helps you stay neutral.

[01:01:59]Troy Casey:  And I've noticed that I have a lot more respect. Now, there's a lot of people in the debt slave system. They're like, Troy, you should shave and you'll make more money. And the funny thing is, is I had the ultimate classic look as an actor and a model for so many years. And I had some success for sure, but it wasn't the major success that I wanted. And it wasn't until I grew up my beard that everything changed. People treated me differently because even though I was approaching 50, in my 40s, people still treated me like a kid. I don't know what it was about my energy. And I'm the same person, same personality. But now, when I have the beard, people give me more respect. I'm treated completely different, more like an elder.

[01:02:51]Har Hari:  Yeah.

[01:02:54]Troy Casey:  And yeah, people don't play as many mental gymnastics' games with me, I should say.

[01:03:03]Har Hari:  Yeah. When you have grey, they say, the more grey you have, the more wisdom you have because you've got more life experience behind you. So, yeah, it's a good thing. We all have a little bit. I think I have-. 

[01:03:16]Luke Storey:  Yea, you're leading the charge.

[01:03:19]Har Hari:  I still feel you, though, I have to say I feel amazing.

[01:03:23]Luke Storey:  Both of you guys are really fun, really fun. Yeah, not old folks at all. Troy, I want to ask you about your interest in breath work, and did any of that come out of Kundalini? You do some Yogi-ish type stuff, have you really gotten down with the Kundalini practice at all?

[01:03:45]Har Hari:  I love that, Yogi-ish. Maybe that's going to be my name. Yogi-ish. That's going to be my spiritual name. Ish is a God, Ishwara?

[01:03:55]Troy Casey:  Really?

[01:03:56]Har Hari:  Yeah.

[01:03:57]Troy Casey:  Okay. There you go. There's my new name on the Life Stylist podcast. Yogi-ish. I like that. So, yeah. Yogi-ish, I think that defines it pretty, pretty well. I started practicing Ashtanga Yoga in 1999. I studied with one of Madonna's teachers out there. He had just come back from India at the time, and I guess his name is Hanaman or something. And he was, what's his name? Ingrid Casares, Madonna's girlfriend, hooked up with him. And when they came into town, I guess he would train Madonna and stuff.

[01:04:37] And so, he had a studio. And I went back to South Beach in 1999. I studied Ashtanga Mysore. And I took a little bit of yoga when I was in LA, I think, '99, '98, when I started meditating. That whole year, I started practicing Vipasanna Meditation. So, yoga's an eight-fold path. So, when you say yoga, some people think it's meditation, some people think it's breath work, some people think it's asanas or the aerobics of today in Los Angeles, and as you spoke before, there's Seva Yoga, then there's devotional yoga.

[01:05:12] Yoga is an eightfold path. And the definition of yoga is union of body and mind. And so, that's where my yoga path started. But again, that was asanas and some breath work, some breathing, the Ujjayi breathing, scraping the back of the neck. Now, I know that that activates parasympathetic nervous system response. So, yeah, I never had traditional yoga training. I've just practiced it over the years, some asana. And then, when I was going through my divorce, one of my friends who studied with Leonard Orr, and I think he went to the Himalayas as well, he brought me through some Hoolotropic, which is our long, cyclical breathing. That helped me.

[01:05:57] But before that, he came to one of my lectures, my seminars, and he told me about breath work. And he's like, can I share it with the people? And I said, "Yeah. Can you make it short and sweet?" And he did. And he taught me Bhastrika. And so, very powerful breaths. And I instantly noticed that that shift my state. And soon after that, I was facing divorce. I was sleeping on my own couch, waking up 4:00 AM in the morning, 50 years old, midlife crisis. What am I doing? Wife's complaining about money. We don't have enough money. 

[01:06:33] So, we're going to get divorced, and I was like, well, what am I going to live on? And so, this guy taught me breath work. So, let's breathe, motherfuckers. And it's like I just do the three rounds of 30 and hold my breath and, boom, I woke up, and my head was clear, and I was able to carry on with my day somewhat functional. I'd wake up as a basket case. And so, that helped me. And then, I started filming it online and people got a kick out of it. And then, you got an ice bath and I started jumping in your ice bath, Har Hari.

[01:07:09]Har Hari:  It's so funny how we're connected. I did an ice bath with him. He was the first guy.

[01:07:12]Luke Storey:  I remember that. I remember that. I had it at my brother's gym.

[01:07:12]Har Hari:  Oh, my God. Because it's so funny because I just found Jack Kruse, and you're like, yeah, dude, I'm going to Jack Kruse. I'm like, let's go, man.

[01:07:25]Luke Storey:  I remember that. And then, you rode your bike off into the sunset.

[01:07:28]Har Hari:  Dude, I suffered so bad that day. That was the hardest thing of my life after an ice bath.

[01:07:35]Luke Storey:  That was my first chest freezer ice bath. That was the first iteration, yeah.

[01:07:40]Har Hari:  No, I actually got into the cow-

[01:07:42]Luke Storey:  Oh, it was the feed trough.

[01:07:43]Har Hari:  The horse trough, yeah, with the ice.

[01:07:46]Luke Storey:  Oh, that's right. We had that. We had the ice. Yeah. First, we had the ice machine with the trough. That was a pain in the ass. God, I'm glad I discovered the freezer.

[01:07:52]Har Hari:  Yeah. But that was a life-transforming event, that day. 

[01:07:56]Luke Storey:  So then, you ended up coming to hanging out with him and do an ice bath?

[01:08:01]Har Hari:  Yeah.

[01:08:01]Troy Casey:  So, I started doing ice baths here and there with him, and then we got more ice baths. And I'd been doing cold showers. Paul Chek turned me on the cold-water therapy. I studied, when I first started studying fasting and natural medicine, I was living in Miami and I was—I don't know, Michio Kushi, the macrobiotic guy. Somebody turned me on to cold and hot therapy. And so, I would always finish off with cold showers. I run really hot, and lo and behold, I know it grounds you as well.

[01:08:38] So, when I was living in Miami, I would take like seven showers a day. I would go out to the outdoor showers or take one at night. I would always cool off with that. And I got into cold only. And I don't care where you are. Obviously, the cold pins and needles stuff happens, where the ground's frozen outside. But even in Miami, when it's hotter and humid during the winter, maybe it's 70, 80 degrees, it's still colder than the atmosphere outside. It's still a little bit of a shock.

[01:09:07] So, I've been doing that over the years. But then, Paul Chek got me into cold-only shower therapy when you wake up first thing in the morning, hot from the covers, get in. So, I had been practicing that since about 2011. Har Hari comes along with the ice baths, 2017, 2018 maybe. And then, I filmed some of it. Some clients of mine came out from Arizona, and we ended up buying two more ice baths, and filming that. And then, I started doing men's work with the Man Tribe, and we had two ice baths there.

[01:09:44] And so, I started doing it more regularly, and filming it, and it became more popular. And at the same time, I was going through my divorce. I started doing more breath work. That was 2017, I think as well. 2016, 2017, I started doing more breath work. And then, I was like, wow, this stuff works. And then, what people don't really maybe realize because I only realized it a while back myself, is when I flip on the cameras, it's just like I just did the paida with him when Carl did that documentary on us, Sky Cowans, when I turn on the cameras, I'll do scary stuff, like okay, the cameras are rolling now, so there's little performance anxiety.

[01:10:27]Luke Storey:  So, it's like, I better do it. So, if the cameras are rolling, man, I'll jump in an ice bath, I'll do whatever it takes because my mission is to raise human consciousness and change our systems, we got a lot of heavy lifting to do. And the media does a lot of the heavy lifting for us. So, how much awesome, anti-fragile, resilient type of stuff can I do in front of the camera and help people see how adaptable we are? See how that we can take this type of energy and transform into extremely powerful beings.

[01:11:05] And so, I filmed a lot of this stuff over the years, and apparently, people get a kick out of it. And then, I've done so much breathing that I feel I have some level of expertise, if you will. I understand the mechanics of breath work. I also do a lot of Qigong so I know how to re-pattern the breathing mechanics, the diaphragm. And then, I watch my own faulty breathing patterns, right? That mouth breathing, and the neck breathing, and the tension in my neck.

[01:11:35] The panic receptors are in the neck. The sympathetic nervous system response comes from the belly. The parasympathetic, which is the rest and digest. And I've got to cool my own jet so I can be functional in the world. I have anger issues myself from growing up, whatever trauma, perceived trauma I have in me. And so, I wanted to transition through that. So, my methodology is call it Pranayama, call it Kundalini, call it Wim Hof, I don't give a shit, let's breathe. Call it a shit on a stick. 

[01:12:07] I like it. Yeah. I find that pretty much any way you breathe gives you the desired effect. It's just a matter of kind of whatever discipline happens to fit at that time, go through phases of it. 

[01:12:18] There's a couple of more things I want to cover. I'm just going to preemptively announce them. One is I want to run through some of the modalities you have here at your clinic. Now, we did some B-roll stuff, and I don't know how it's going to turn out because I'm shooting everything, recording myself. The videos, I'm sure, worked. The audio was a little dodgy. So, in the event that that's not heard by everyone listening to this official episode, we're going to do that.

[01:12:44]Har Hari:  Okay.

[01:12:44]Luke Storey:  Then, I want the Ripped at 50 book breakdown from Troy. I want this. I want that. And then, don't let me forget. I want to touch on the 5-MeO you guys have gotten down with it. And I want some anecdotal experience of what plant medicines and this type of experiences have done for you. And then, we'll kind of like tie a bow on it. So, break down some of the main modalities here at the clinic that we just ran through because I just did a bunch of them. I'm feeling amazing. Troy got to do a bunch of shit.

[01:13:14]Troy Casey:  I feel amazing. 

[01:13:16]Luke Storey:  What can people expect for coming here?

[01:13:18]Har Hari:  Okay. Well, I mean, usually, a first time new patient, when they come in, the first thing I want to do is scan them with the cyber scan and really get a deep understanding of what they're going through right now in their physical body, all their organ systems, their immune system, glandular system, their pathologies, their psyche. Really understanding the person that's sitting in front of me because ultimately, we're a whole B, we're mental, physical, and spiritual, all wrapped into one thing, right?

[01:13:52] So, understanding all those different aspects of a person, that's the first thing. And then, they get a chance to reflect on their own what's going on? Because a lot of it is just going to do that. It's going to reflect the things that they already are aware of. They may have a digestive issue. They might have arthritis. They might have an auto immune issue. And then, we break it down. Like I usually spend about two or two-and-a-half hours the first time with the patient, just because I find it takes about that long to really get them to understand what's happening with them because most people will go to a doctor like, oh, here, here's your pill, see you later.

[01:14:32] My whole thing is I want to help them get some kind of grasp of what it's going to take for them to actually have a life-transforming healing experience because that's what we're about. Like it's not thought that I don't care about someone's symptom, I'm definitely going to help them with whatever symptom they have, but I want them to understand in a deeper way, just like what this book is talking about, like glyphosates and autoimmune issues that are prevalent, like 80% of all humans in this country have an autoimmune disease now at this point.

[01:15:10] So, I have to address that right up front. Okay. What's going on? That's an immune system that's overtaxed with too many toxins, too much EMF, all these things we're being bombarded with. And literally, like we need strategies that we can implement today, right now in our lives, including the breathing, which is, that's probably my biggest message I'll share with the patient, go home and start breathing right today, don't wait because your life's in jeopardy, literally because you're acidic, you're inflamed, and you're hypoxic. Those three things.

[01:15:52]Troy Casey:  What's hypoxic? 

[01:15:53]Har Hari:  Low oxygen. That's why we do the breathing, get the oxygen through our body, right? So, those are the three things, it gets down to that level because on a cellular level, that's what disease is, hypoxia, inflammation, and acidity.

[01:16:09]Troy Casey:  And the breathing lowers inflammation.

[01:16:11]Har Hari:  Yeah. Lowers inflammation, lowers acidity, and increases oxygen. So, the cyber scan is like the entree into that world of understanding, and also, the idea of mitochondria and how we need to build the mitochondria, like what Jack Kruse is all about. I'm hugely a proponent of what he's talking about, getting in the sun, getting in the cold. Not everybody is going to want to hear this, but usually, when someone ends up at this place, they're ready, they're ready to get the message.

[01:16:46] And then, at that point, I really encourage people to do the cyber scan remedy because it's the quickest, easiest way that you can do that will help energetically start to shift things on the quantum level because from all the work we've all done here that we know the deepest level of healing is happening at the level of the quantum, the subtle energy level. And so, that card that I make for the patient that they wear, that's balancing out their issue exactly to where they're calibrated at.

[01:17:25] So, that's the very first thing I really want to work with the patient, is on that level. And then, following up with them every two weeks and re-scanning because as we go through that process, the deeper issues start to emerge. So, like in my case, I knew I had a knee issue when I first started doing the cyber scan and it didn't really show up in the readings until my third round. But when that showed up and I took the remedy literally the next day, the knee pain was gone that I'd had for years. Yeah. 

[01:17:56] So, that's a big wake-up thing for me. Okay. I need to do this with my patient. So, even though it requires a commitment, time commitment, financial commitment, but what's your health worth? Ultimately, what we're talking about here is wealth. Health is wealth. I've heard it, and you probably have heard this too, but when you work on your breathing, you're really working on your own prosperity because ultimately, the amount of air that you can bring into your body, that's going to raise your vibration.

[01:18:33] And we know the law of attraction is all about high vibration. So, ultimately, it's all about the breath. And instead of just coming in, getting treated by a machine or doing any of the processes we do, you've got to understand you have to work on yourself first. So, that's the first orientation I do with a patient. And then, the pulse then becomes like the next level of care because that's something that they can do, laying on the PEMF table to raise the mitochondrial function and grow more mitochondria in their system very quickly. 

[01:19:13] Usually, it takes about 50 hours of doing pulse to get to the maximum amount of charged voltage in the cells. One of the things I learned from Paul Webb, the guy who had created the system, we went and did a training in Atlanta when we first got these systems. And he pulled me off to the side because he knew I was a Yogi, he's like, I got to tell you what this system really does. I'm like, oh, boy, this is going to be interesting. Because he had spent thousands of hours on the machine, so he knew just from his own experience. 

[01:19:48] Basically, what he said was that the longer you spend on that machine, just laying on it, getting the treatment, it's erasing the trauma that's in your cells from the time of conception all the way to the time of conception. So, when he told me that, I was like, oh, my God, this is like an essential, super important thing for people to get, is that they're erasing all the trauma. I mean, I don't think you can do better than that. Ayahuasca does that too, right? But some people aren't ready for ayahuasca. So, it's good to do just PEMF.

[01:20:24]Luke Storey:  And on that note, for those listening, we did do an episode with a couple of the guys from Paul Centers, the PEMF device that Har Hari is referring to. So, we'll put that in the show notes. I don't have the episode number on hand, but I did cover about an-hour-and-a-half on that to get into the science because it's incredible. I use it a lot.

[01:20:41]Har Hari:  It's profound.

[01:20:42]Luke Storey:  It's wild.

[01:20:43]Har Hari:  So then, that, and then the other thing we do, like based off the readings we get on the cyber scan, let's say somebody got like an autoimmune disease, which is really common. They can go and do the bio charger with the autoimmune support program or whatever condition they have.

[01:21:00]Troy Casey:  The bio charger is a Tesla coil?

[01:21:01]Har Hari:  Yeah, it's the Tesla coil with the right frequencies. He has one, so he-

[01:21:05]Luke Storey:  We did a show on that too. Again, don't remember the episode number. 

[01:21:09]Troy Casey:  In the show notes.

[01:21:09]Luke Storey:  But yeah. I'm deficient on nootropics at the moment so the episode numbers elude me, but yeah, I saw your bio charger and I was like, oh, that's so cool because people ask me a lot, dude, I mean, some of these things, they're priced for a practitioner or a clinic. And then, you have some well-heeled people that might be able to afford a 13,000-dollar bio charger or the 40,000-dollar poll centers. But that's one of the reasons I like highlighting people like you and what you do is because there are people that haven't stretched their abundance capacity to that level yet, but really want them. But many people, if not most, can make sacrifices in their lifestyle now to be able to afford to see someone like you.

[01:21:51]Har Hari:  Yeah. I mean, we tailor our sessions and our programs to almost anyone. I mean, we've done pro bono work for cancer patients. And yeah, we're really about service because I mean, the way I look at it, my life and my mission is to serve. And the money comes. It just comes. I'm not worried about the money. The money's always there. And some patients are more prosperous than others. But our whole goal is just to serve people no matter where they're at.

[01:22:22] And even in this context of just sharing information, that's serving people big time, right? We're plugging them in. So, the bio charger then is a great adjunct thing. And then, we have the plasma field chamber, which is a GAN's device that comes, originally, from the Cash Foundation, which you guys can look that up. That's a profound therapy. I'm going to tell you separately, I don't even want to say on error, but just to say, profound healing. Just going into a chamber. It's like an MRI machine.

[01:22:57]Troy Casey:  Is that what I went into? 

[01:22:58]Har Hari:  Yeah.

[01:22:58]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[01:22:58]Har Hari:  How was that?

[01:23:00]Troy Casey:  I went out. I started lucid dreaming within about five minutes. And so-

[01:23:06]Luke Storey:  You went all Theta?

[01:23:07]Troy Casey:  Totally. And then, when you do those twitches because you see something in your dream that you think is real, then you wake up a little bit. And then, I went back in and I went for a damn good nap. What was that? Twenty, 30 minutes? 

[01:23:20]Har Hari:  Yeah. You were there for a good time. But that's a very powerful therapy for people who were holding trauma. I had a guy who was an ex-Navy SEAL who'd been having insomnia for 20 years, every night for 20 years, insomnia. He went in there for an hour and he called me the next night. He's like, dude, you don't understand what that thing is. It totally healed my insomnia. So, that was huge.

[01:23:50]Luke Storey:  So, this plasma chamber, the way you described it, when you look at it, does look like kind of a wooden or bamboo kind of MRI, like a tube that then a bed slides into and you're encased in this long tube. And then, there's smaller, clear tubes that go all the way around.

[01:24:08]Har Hari:  That's the fluid, yeah.

[01:24:09]Luke Storey:  Right. So, you can see through it and you can see out. It's not like claustrophobic, but you said that inside those tubes are different fluids going clockwise. One fluid is going clockwise, the other one like counterclockwise, and spinning around you.

[01:24:21]Har Hari:  Yeah. So, that creates like a Faraday cage around your entire energy field. So, it's kind of like going into a womb. Actually, that's the way they explain it. The foundation talks about going back into the mother's womb. And so, your body has a chance to fully rest and just recuperate. So, it's just-

[01:24:40]Luke Storey:  If you were able to afford one yourself and have room for it in your house, could one just sleep inside that thing?

[01:24:46]Har Hari:  Totally.

[01:24:46]Luke Storey:  Really?

[01:24:46]Har Hari:  Totally. Oh, my God.

[01:24:48]Luke Storey:  That's the next level. Just make that your bed. 

[01:24:50]Har Hari:  I went in there one night after I broke my foot a couple months ago and I went into the chamber that night. And I called the inventor, I said, dude, does this thing help a broken bone because it will help it set properly. That's what he told me. And I just laid down it and I fell asleep for like five hours. And I was pretty shaken up from having a fresh broken bone. And when I woke up, it was like there was no break. I mean, it was broken still, but I felt like nothing had happened.

[01:25:21] Like the trouble is gone. It was remarkable. So, we have that. And then, you got to experience the Pandora Star, which is another very powerful psychedelic type of experience that kind of replicates ayahuasca, not quite as extreme, but you get the full psychedelic experience, which is like a whole brain activation, basically, that helps with releasing trauma, but also, activating all the different receptors in the brain, so you're getting this kind of deeper kind of experience. So, one of the things I noticed just recently and why I just started bringing this thing up, because we have so many therapies, it's almost too much to keep track of, but I pulled it out after this coronavirus thing happened because I was like, oh, stress from dealing with it.

[01:26:17] And I laid underneath it, and came out, and I felt like I was free, like the matrix energy was just washed out of me completely, and I felt like a kid. So, that's another, it's just a really powerful thing people can do to kind of just break out of the, really, literally, the matrix we're being controlled under right now. And it's just something I've observed in myself and I was like, wow, I need to start telling people about this because this is like a major thing to help you click out of the suppression, literally. I mean, that's the only way to explain it. Man, we're being oppressed as a planet.

[01:26:59]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Yeah. Like I've got a keen sense of that driving over here today.

[01:27:04]Troy Casey:  Yeah, because it's been relieved.

[01:27:05]Luke Storey:  Well, just on the way here is such like a post-apocalyptic vibe, like a lot of stores are boarded up and-

[01:27:14]Har Hari:  It's interesting as well because I heard a psychic recently, I've been really studying what's going on right now, and this one lady was saying that the planet itself is like in a cocoon, like a caterpillar goes in a cocoon, and then turns into a butterfly.

[01:27:32]Troy Casey:  That makes sense.

[01:27:33]Har Hari:  And it's kind of like that's what's going on right now with the whole earth.

[01:27:36]Troy Casey:  Yeah. That sounds good. I like that.

[01:27:38]Luke Storey:  A global metamorphosis.

[01:27:39]Troy Casey:  That's correct.

[01:27:40]Har Hari:  Yeah, exactly.

[01:27:41]Troy Casey:  And look, I've been praying for this and I've been calling for it, I said for many, many years, I had started drinking ayahuasca in 2006 in the Amazon, I studied all the Mayan temples and Incan temples, and I went through a lot of self-discovery, and I've been saying ever since 2012, 2012, wasn't it? That's just the portal that we went through. That's basically the time keeper. But we're still going to go through that energy. And I could feel the quantum leap coming closer and closer. I could taste it. And then, I say it's coming. And then, 2020 was coming. There's something special about 2020, 2020 inhibition, and I said, 2020 is the year this is happening. 

[01:28:21] And I think astrologically, towards the end of the year, we actually enter into the full Aquarian Age astrologically. And sure enough, man, and everybody's been saying, in my lectures and workshops over the years, oh, that'll never happen and we'll never get off oil, not in my lifetime. We'll always have money and these fiat currencies, even though the history shows that fiat currencies only lasts so long. Oh, it will never change. And I didn't know how I was going to shake out. I certainly didn't know that this coronavirus was coming even though there's been patents and other people working on this stuff, like I didn't know anything about it, I didn't get the memo. And then, next thing you know, everything broke loose. Within one week, the pollution in Los Angeles has cleared up.

[01:29:07]Luke Storey:  Yeah, it's beautiful. You know this trippy thing, and I want to wrap up the clinic too, have you noticed, you guys, that when this thing started, the chem trails immediately disappeared? They stopped spraying.

[01:29:18]Troy Casey:  I saw that. I'll come back a little bit, though.

[01:29:21]Luke Storey:  I've not seen one—actually, no, that's not true. I saw one day where there was a couple of big ones.

[01:29:28]Har Hari:  The day before they clamped everything down, there was a huge chem trail thing, the day before.

[01:29:33]Troy Casey:  Yeah, that's right.

[01:29:33]Luke Storey:  Because the past few days, I haven't seen any. And I've been aware of them since like the mid-90s. That's when I first started seeing them in LA, just tic tac toe all day long, all across the sky, every which way.

[01:29:43]Troy Casey:  Yeah, but it's definitely dissipated a lot less.

[01:29:46]Luke Storey:  It's just like why now, guys? Another time, it happened actually because I'm psycho with it. I always say I'm like Ray Liotta in Goodfellas, and he's high on coke and the black helicopters are after him, that's me looking for chem trails and 5G towers. Legit. But the weird thing is, say what you will, and I'm sure there's a lot of sides to this Orangeman story, but when the current leader of the country was put into office, the chem trial stopped for like a good three, four months, like not one time. And I was like, yeah, everyone's pissed at this guy, but at least he flocked, and stopped that thing, and then it started up again. So, my dreams were crushed.

[01:30:28]Troy Casey:  But ISIS stopped, too, what people didn't realize either.

[01:30:31]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I know. There's been a lot of pedophiles arrested too. But I thought, you know what I thought at the time, I thought, well, this is a guy that's fiscally motivated and I'm sure that's a huge waste of money. The sprain-

[01:30:42]Har Hari:  He was shutting everything down. Including the CDC, he cut the whole CDC program just before the pandemic.

[01:30:49]Luke Storey:  Oh, really?

[01:30:50]Har Hari:  Well, I think actually, right after he got in, he was like, oh, we don't do that pandemic program, let's get rid of it.

[01:30:55]Luke Storey:  Well, I hope he shuts down the cash trails because I would probably vote for anyone if they stop chem trails and 5G. But then, the fucker, he just signed into some order that like helps telecommunications companies roll out more 5G because he's like super pro 5G. Did you see that? Like last week.

[01:31:14]Troy Casey:  I've heard the inklings. I don't follow every nuance of what he's doing. I follow the QAnon post because I really like those and pray that there is going to be a big shift. But the one thing that I noticed, and it came in his Twitter was the Covfefe thing. You want to think about that? 

[01:31:29]Luke Storey:  Yeah. What was that?

[01:31:30]Troy Casey:  The Covfefe thing-

[01:31:31]Luke Storey:  I thought he mispronounced coffee or something.

[01:31:32]Troy Casey:  Yeah. I mean there's a lot of speculation. 

[01:31:37]Har Hari:  It's Covfefe, I've heard of that.

[01:31:38]Luke Storey:  It was a couple of years ago, the whole like Orangeman meme.

[01:31:42]Troy Casey:  So, I've heard recently that that is the antidote for 5G ionization because it's cobalt, FE is iron, right? So, two iron molecules and a cobalt, and it protects against the ionization, something like that. Look into it. I don't know.

[01:32:01]Luke Storey:  Wow. Okay.

[01:32:02]Troy Casey:  Everything's history right now, but I did know that quantum leap was coming. I do know that we are headed towards the light. God is on the planet. God is with us. Heaven is on earth.

[01:32:12]Luke Storey:  Thank you for the reminder.

[01:32:13]Troy Casey:  It's time for us to realize that. Call it forth whether Trump saves the day, or not, or shuts down the swamp and the pedophile rings, or any of that stuff, I don't know, but I do know that we're heading towards the light. And we are the victory in the light. And people that have woken up because I didn't always live an austere life. I wasn't a complete tyrant, an asshole, but I wasn't living the life I am now and I am aligned with many people. Dr. Har Hari, you, Luke, are some of those people and there are many people here in Los Angeles, the City of Angels, that are working towards the transformation of consciousness.

[01:32:48] It is coming. It is here. This is indicative of more of the things that I saw. I saw a vision in 2006 in the Amazon that humanity makes it from the precipice of ecological disaster. When I'm seeing the whole rain forest being cut down through the tributaries, and then up to the saw dust of the mountains of sawdust that was in Iquitos, Peru, and then the two-by-fours come up to the Home Depot, and the oil exploration that I studied with John Perkin's work, I saw our demise. But I saw the fact that we make it. Humanity makes it was the vision that I saw. And it's been unfolding ever since. And so, these are good times, man. These are really good times.

[01:33:29]Har Hari:  Yeah.

[01:33:29]Luke Storey:  I agree. I feel like that was like a great closing statement, but I'm not done.

[01:33:39]Har Hari:  Okay.

[01:33:39]Luke Storey:  Is there any modalities you left?

[01:33:41]Har Hari:  Oh, yeah. There was two. The laser.

[01:33:42]Luke Storey:  Yeah, the laser. And then, what about just the adjustments, the hyper volts, and all this kind of stuff because you do a lot of really cool body work, like the mechanics of the body stuff, too.

[01:33:51]Har Hari:  Yeah. So, basically then, with patient, especially with any kind of chronic, degenerative, joint disease like disc or shoulder, anything where your body isn't repairing itself properly, that laser that we showed earlier is, literally, I call it the God light, because when I experienced it myself two months ago, it was fresh off of getting my foot broken, and I was in a considerable amount of pain, I could barely walk, I was on a on a boot and I have them treat my foot.

[01:34:25] And I'm telling you, within five minutes, it was like I had zero broken foot. And they're like, be careful because your foot's still broken, you're just not going to feel the pain because it took the inflammation completely down. But that laser, not only does it get rid of pain, but it actually stimulates the stem cells. It's like getting a stem cell injection, but it takes about 10 to 15 rounds on any chronic thing.

[01:34:52]Luke Storey:  What's that laser called?

[01:34:53]Har Hari:  It's called an epoch laser.

[01:34:54]Luke Storey:  Epoch laser.

[01:34:55]Har Hari:  It's a Class 4. It's got 17 years of clinical research behind it. That's why I met the inventor, the guy, he was actually the inventor for that whole class of lasers. He's a physicist. Real genius guy. So, really, really excited about using that with patients.

[01:35:14]Luke Storey:  I am, too. I'm coming down here, dude.

[01:35:16]Har Hari:  Yeah.

[01:35:17]Luke Storey:  I got very hopeful when you're working on Troy's shoulder and you're explaining it earlier, I thought, man, this might be the thing that could help my hip, get it unstuck from its lock.

[01:35:25]Har Hari:  I had a woman yesterday who had a hip issue and she texted me this morning, she goes, I'm 100%. What treatment? I'm like, oh, my God. 

[01:35:35]Luke Storey:  That's awesome.

[01:35:35]Har Hari:  Yeah. So then, I use hyper volt course. The hyper volt is a very powerful tool for unlocking the myofascia. And also, I use something called Sigma Instrument, which is a computerized adjusting where it goes vertebrae by vertebrae and it measures the integrity of each segment of the whole spine. And then, it uses a vibration to like correct each vertebra. And then, of course, I do the traditional chiropractic work.

[01:36:01]Luke Storey:  Yeah, we did that, that spine thing a couple of years ago when I came to see you.

[01:36:05]Har Hari:  Yeah, that's when I first got it. Yeah. 

[01:36:06]Luke Storey:  Yeah. That was very cool. I forgot about that.

[01:36:08]Har Hari:  Yeah, I still use that. That's definitely a big part of what I do with people. Of course, the Heally. We did a little bit with the Heally. The Heally, it's just my little precious thing that I love. It's so small, it's really this big, but you can literally heal anything with it. It's so awesome. When I first found out about it, it was a patient friend of mine had sent out a word, she posted it on Facebook about this guy who'd had early onset dementia and he had gone to the Amen clinic and his brain had like holes in it, they look like Swiss cheese.

[01:36:48]Luke Storey:  I'm familiar with such scans. I have had one. Yeah.

[01:36:50]Har Hari:  Yeah. And he used the Heally for like two months every day, went back, and they re-scanned him, and 90 percent of his brain had regrown on the scan. They said, they'd never seen anything like it. So, I was like, oh my God, I got to get my hands on one of those. We were lucky because right now, you can't get those because they come from Germany, and everything shut down. So, nothing is coming from Germany. I got it before the first of the year through a Hong Kong route. But they'll be available probably in the summer by the time they open things up.

[01:37:24]Luke Storey:  Cool. Well, awesome. And give us the name and website of your business here right now, so I don't forget later.

[01:37:31]Har Hari:  It's really simple, thuheal.com.

[01:37:35]Luke Storey:  Okay, cool. And that's your Instagram too for the practice? 

[01:37:38]Har Hari:  Yeah.

[01:37:38]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Alright. So, you gave a great drop-the-mic moment a few moments ago, Troy, but I'm going to have to pick up the mic again. And for those watching the video, you can see the cover here of Troy's book, Ripped at 50. And as I said earlier, I gave it a-

[01:37:55]Troy Casey:  #RippedAt50.

[01:37:56]Luke Storey:  Yeah, #RippedAt50, thank you. A journey to self-love, you follow this guy, it's like, Jesus Christ, I mean, the physical thing is one thing, right? So, I'm envious a little bit that you're that in shape, but I also don't want to work that hard.

[01:38:10]Troy Casey:  Well, that's the illusion, right?

[01:38:11]Luke Storey:  It is.

[01:38:12]Troy Casey:  Because the nine pillars in there tells you don't have to work as hard.

[01:38:15]Luke Storey:  Okay. Good.

[01:38:15]Troy Casey:  It becomes compound when you put them all together.

[01:38:18]Luke Storey:  Okay. Good. So, give us like the basic rundown on the book because I did give it a nice peruse, and I was like, oh, shit, you're hitting on all the points here. If I were to create a comprehensive kind of lifestyle guide, it would look very similar.

[01:38:32]Troy Casey:  Cool.

[01:38:33]Luke Storey:  I'm just down with all the stuff you're teaching.

[01:38:35]Troy Casey:  Awesome. Yeah. We're on the same page. And so, it's a book on holistic health, the foreword's written by the great Paul Chek. He's probably one of the top sports fitness professionals and rehab specialist on Planet Earth. He's the one who brought the Swiss balls and core function in Paleolithic mentalities around how your core functions, and the inflammation, and the leaky gut, and how that's probably important for you to get up and climb up on top of the Swiss ball and balance yourself with your stabilizers, et cetera. 

[01:39:06] So, I stood on the Swiss ball for the cover and a lot of the technology that I got from Paul in studying with him over the years, I was able to put all together, even though I'd been studying for 31 years, reducing, practicing, fasting for 31 years. So, it has all my stories from the modeling industry. I was a Versace model. I was sitting in Milan. I had digestive issues. I've since realized that your curse is your gift. There are two forces on this planet, Yin and Yang, positive and negative, up-down. And it's the balance of two. All the ancient sages have said, balance is the key, walk them razor's edge.

[01:39:47] And so, I had a lot of anger issues that developed into alcoholism, and I was trying to self-medicate, balance myself that way. That created a lot of imbalances. I found my way through meditation, yoga, ayahuasca, plant medicine. And then, of course, having a family has been really the biggest part of my spiritual development. And all the stories are in the book. It starts out with Tupac Shakur, and Donatella Versace, and the Milan shows in '96, two months before Tupac died. And then, it moves through my work in the Amazon, and then black mold exposure, and how my body broke down, I had autoimmune. And then, it moves through my divorce and remarriage at Rythmia and on ayahuasca.

[01:40:33]Luke Storey:  Did you guys literally get married while on the medicine? 

[01:40:35]Troy Casey:  Yeah, on yahay night.

[01:40:38]Luke Storey:  Oh, God. I hated that night.

[01:40:39]Troy Casey:  The last night.

[01:40:40]Luke Storey:  I fucking hated that night, bro.

[01:40:42]Troy Casey:  Why do you hate it?

[01:40:44]Luke Storey:  That medicine, my bean-

[01:40:46]Har Hari:  Was it a specific type of medicine?

[01:40:47]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[01:40:47]Troy Casey:  Yeah, drenches the bile ducks.

[01:40:49]Luke Storey:  Yeah. It was the cat from Colombia, I believe it was. And it's just-

[01:40:53]Troy Casey:  Taita Juanito.

[01:40:54]Luke Storey:  ... the minute I drank that stuff, I was like, nope, don't like it.

[01:40:58]Har Hari:  Once it's in, it's in.

[01:40:59]Luke Storey:  Yeah. There's no rewind on that. And it's funny because I'm good at not resisting. It lacks humility to say, I'm really good at surrendering, but I've been through a lot of shit, so I'm able to surrender in some discomfort, man. I mean, like sit in the ice bath for 20 minutes and just be like, yeah, okay, this is it. But that medicine, I really had a hard time surrendering to because there was no discernible psychoactive effect. It was just sickness with like nothing happened and I'm just sitting there like bored, frustrated, sick. And that was not the time I would have wanted to get married. I would have been a grumpy groom.

[01:41:37]Har Hari:  So, it's not a psychedelic effect?

[01:41:40]Luke Storey:  No, it's supposed to be. It's supposed to be what it is.

[01:41:42]Troy Casey:  I had three cups myself.

[01:41:45]Luke Storey:  You know what? That's the thing. I feel like in hindsight, perhaps the move would have been cup three because two cups, I was like, nothing happening and just kind of lay there bummed for 12 hours.

[01:41:54]Troy Casey:  Yeah. The shaman said, "The medicine works, just don't miss your neck. Get it down you." And so, yeah. You mentioned my spirit animal, Keith Richards, recently. And so, when I read his autobiography, I was very impressed on how much of a moving train the thing was. It was incredible until he got off heroin and I just threw the book away. It isn't fun anymore. But yeah. So, when I sat down to write this book, I was like, that's what I want. I want a document. I wrote the how-to component. 

[01:42:30] And I was like, God, the world doesn't need another how-to diet in health and wellness, fitness book. And then, I started to tell my stories and to really propel it through, and then have the nine pillars of health. The nine foundation principles or first principles, they call it, in physics. You got to have a foundation to build anything on top of. And so, it has the components of nature, relationships, dream, purpose, and legacy is very important for me.

[01:43:00] I think for as for men, we need that North Star, that direction. And it's been said, when you have a dream big enough, there's no need for a crisis. And so, having that dream is very important. It's a big part of my work and men's work as well. And so, it's a big part of the book. It's the first chapter. And then, it moves through the rest of everything, breathing mechanics, thinking, how the mind works.

[01:43:25] My faulty thinking growing up, the things I went after when I was younger, hydration, nutrition, sleep movement, really getting those foundation principles. There's no fancy stuff in there. I practice some esoteric stuff like Har Hari and I were talking about, some more advanced stuff, and obviously, the healing mechanisms that he has here. But in my book, until you have your foundation principles met, there's no need for the fancy stuff. Get good sleep, get optimal sleep, get good hydration, get cleaned.

[01:43:56]Har Hari:  That's 90% of it.

[01:43:57]Troy Casey:  Good nutrition.

[01:43:58]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[01:43:58]Har Hari:  Yeah.

[01:43:59]Luke Storey:  And the hardest thing to get people to do, I'm sure you realized. People e-mail me like, what's the biohack? I don't have the money for that. I'm like, money, you don't need money. Breath work, sun gaze at sunrise, sunset. I give them all the free shit, and they're like, but what supplement? Like you said you don't want the supplement. You don't have the money. Okay. Anyway, yeah, but the best-

[01:44:21]Har Hari:  Actually, water is fastest, number one.

[01:44:24]Troy Casey:  That's the dry fast.

[01:44:26]Luke Storey:  That's the cheapest and most effective, yeah.

[01:44:29]Troy Casey:  So, I came out of the jungle in 2006 having this vision that humanity makes it. And I put up all this exotic footage online. My child was born in water. And I gained some notoriety, but ultimately, nobody really gave a shit about the environment. And I was just like, wow, how can I affect change? So, I've crystallized my own dream and vision, my mission and purpose on this planet. My legacy is to raise human consciousness and change all systems.

[01:44:55] My vision is clean air, water, soil, and equitable systems for all mankind. If people don't know what equitable systems mean, I've got a one-way ticket to Libya, Syria, Iraq, Darfor, anywhere that has natural resources that are coveted. And so, that's my mission. This is my end round, instead of just getting on YouTube as an early responder in 2006 and sharing the stories and the exotic footage of the shamans in the rainforest. Nobody really gave a shit.

[01:45:22] Okay. This is my end round. This is how I want to save the planet. My mentors told me, you have to chunk it down, meet people where they're at. 70% of the American people are obese or overweight right now. Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases, cancers, one and two, diabetes, 33 percent. So, we have serious issues. So, this is the antidote for that. And now, we have internet marketing. I don't have to wait for a publisher to help me out or anything. I can just go out, and meet, and reach the people exactly where they're at.

[01:45:52] And so, that's my mission. And once the book's out and we get the next phase of marketing, which will be the reviews of the book. So, anybody out there that's listening, I encourage you to read the book and we'll get that out to more people. And then, I'm running for president of Planet Earth this year in 2020. And so, my platform is free energy, gift economy, self-care, education and permaculture. Those are the things that will heal humanity.

[01:46:21]Har Hari:  It's so simple.

[01:46:23]Troy Casey:  It's so simple. Clean air, water, soil, equitable systems for all mankind. That's a platform along with my solutions.

[01:46:30]Luke Storey:  Excellent. How many times have you guys done 5-MeO-DMT, the toad medicine, each, and give me a brief overview of some of the experience or takeaways as a result?

[01:46:46]Troy Casey:  Har Hari.

[01:46:48]Har Hari:  Well, I did it about, I think it's a-year-and-a-half ago now, I think. The reason I did it, I'll say the excuse, let's say, was for a patient because I had a patient who was a dying patient. She had a tumor the size of a nine-month pregnant woman, a pancreatic tumor and stage glyphosate poisoning, by the way, an Iowa farmer, victim of the glyphosate debacle. And I said, listen, we've done everything. She basically said, I'm an open book. You do whatever you want with me. I'm dying, basically.

[01:47:25] And I'm like, okay, well, we need to go as deep as we can go because you don't have a whole lot of time left. So, I said, "Let's have a full death experience because there's a good chance you're going to get some useful information from going out of your body and having a full death experience before you die because that's what 5-MeO is. It's a full death experience. And so, that was my excuse to bring her to the shaman. And so, she went first.

[01:47:56] And it was interesting because when she came out of it, we were like super intense. Well, what happened? Like what did you learn? She was just crying. She goes, they just let go of something, I don't know what it was, and that was it. Like she couldn't remember anything that happened. And that's somewhat common sometimes with this medicine because it's so intense. So, my turn was next and I knew it was going to take me away. And so, I prepared myself by doing Wim Hof breathing. And I just intuitively felt like I needed to do that to reduce the stress of going into that state of death, basically.

[01:48:34] And so, by the time I was done with a Wim Hof breathing, I was pretty good. I was pretty relaxed. I thought, okay, I can do this. And I've been prepped, saw some YouTube videos that explain what the process was. Basically, you're going to die. Would you take it? It's much different than ayahuasca or any other psychedelic because the psychedelics, generally, you're having an experience, right? I'm seeing things, right? There is you that's seeing things. With 5-MeO, the you part of it gets taken away, so there's no you anymore. So, when I took the vape, because it's in an Oregon gas piston type of thing and it's a pure-

[01:49:20]Troy Casey:  Inert gas.

[01:49:21]Har Hari:  ... inert gas and it's a pure—we took the form that was the pure 5-MeO molecule, which is much stronger than just like the toad version. So, basically, within three seconds of inhaling this substance, you lose, you die, you're gone. It's basically like a death. And what I experienced immediately after that, well, I'm not going to say I because the I that's sitting here was literally gone, but the consciousness of the universe was aware of the Big Bang. So, for some reason, I don't know why, but I had this awareness of the Big Bang, like of the creation of galaxies. And so, the way I interpret it is that I went outside of the time and space dimensions of time and space and was able to observe it from a timeless space. That's the only way I can explain what I experienced.

[01:50:22]Luke Storey:  Makes perfect sense.

[01:50:23]Har Hari:  And so, I was observing the timeline of creation, and then I started seeing galaxies forming. And then, at that point, it was almost like I was at a Star Trek episode, going out of warp field, through the galaxies. And then, the next thing I knew, I was actually thinking about the Earth and I kind of just like asked the question, well, what about the earth? Because I was so distant from the earth at that point and it was like, well, the earth doesn't even exist like I thought. And the next thing I know, I'm back at my body. Like all I could say for like an hour was what the fuck? Like I couldn't even talk. I was so blown away from what I just experienced. And it took me at least a-year-and-a-half to, I would say, like integrate it somewhat back into just everyday reality, basically. Yeah.

[01:51:28]Luke Storey:  So, it wasn't that positive?

[01:51:30]Har Hari:  I think so, yeah. I mean, I think the takeaway message though, like once I was back in the physical body and it was like the biggest thing was that the earth itself is an organism, it has its own consciousness. And everything on the earth is this one being. So, you, me, and him, we're all the same being. We're just in like separate entity bodies, but literally, we're the same being. And I had like a kinesthetic realization of that, I think, when I was back in my body.

[01:52:08] And this is the last thing I'll say about it. So, I was driving home after this experience, right? And someone cuts me off in traffic. And I'm about ready to just instinctively flip the guy off, right? But then, I'm like, well, wait a minute, that guy's me. And so, that was just kind of weird of feeling. It's like, whoa, like the connection, it was so powerful because it was like a thin layer between like what this individual is and everything. Yeah, phenomenal experience. Totally phenomenal.

[01:52:44]Luke Storey:  That's fantastic.

[01:52:44]Har Hari:  Yeah.

[01:52:45]Troy Casey:  How many times have you done it?

[01:52:46]Har Hari:  Well, okay, so there are two different ways of doing it. That's called a deep dive and I've only done one. But then since then, I've done what are called bottoms up, where you do a smaller dose and you do it with another person. So, I've done many of those.

[01:53:03]Troy Casey:  And it's more tantric styles.

[01:53:05]Har Hari:  Yeah. You're looking in the person, of the eyes, and then you merge. And that is a profound experience.

[01:53:12]Troy Casey:  Yeah, that's some serious stuff.

[01:53:13]Har Hari:  Profound. So, I love doing the bottoms-up work. I do that with my patients. I bring them to the shaman, and we'll sit together, and just merge. And it's just incredible.

[01:53:23]Troy Casey:  It's next level, for sure.

[01:53:25]Har Hari:  Yeah.

[01:53:25]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[01:53:26]Troy Casey:  Yeah.

[01:53:26]Luke Storey:  And that's also with the synthesized version as well.

[01:53:30]Har Hari:  Yeah.

[01:53:30]Luke Storey:  Okay.

[01:53:30]Har Hari:  It's much easier to use it, I think, that way.

[01:53:33]Luke Storey:  Got it. Okay. Rather than the toad semen or whatever.

[01:53:39]Har Hari:  I mean, the toad works, just that you have to do a lot more of it, I think.

[01:53:42]Luke Storey:  I'm just picturing that paste. I had never done it. That's why I'm so curious about it. It's on my to-do list, so to speak. But the combo frog, I remember the slimy little like powder by the time you get it, but I was just thinking about, wow, this like kind of slime that comes off the toad, and the frog in that case, and they've dried it and put it in you. And it's a very interesting concept of medicine that these little amphibians have that much power over a big-ass human being. 

[01:54:12]Troy Casey:  Vice did a good report on it with the patient zero or the first guy that kind of figured it out.

[01:54:17]Har Hari:  Oh, with the 5-MeO?

[01:54:18]Troy Casey:  Yeah. 

[01:54:18]Har Hari:  Yeah.

[01:54:19]Troy Casey:  Yeah. Vice did a really good thing on it, going back to the origins of who invented it. It was like an investigative. Vice has two things on it, so you can watch that.

[01:54:29]Luke Storey:  I watched the one with that Hamilton kid where he goes and does it in the desert and flops around in the river and shit.

[01:54:35]Troy Casey:  Yeah. And then, they did another-

[01:54:36]Luke Storey:  Maybe that was on The Hamilton Show, not even Vice. Maybe it was on his Amazon show. He goes, he does every drug. Per episode, he'll do like the ketamine one, then this one and that one. 

[01:54:47]Troy Casey:  Yeah. That was more experiential, and then they did an investigative journalist of the origins of it. The one that Dr. Andrew Weil's friends kind of figured it out. There used to be a little pamphlet.

[01:54:57]Har Hari:  But do you think it goes back to ancient times, though, from-

[01:55:01]Troy Casey:  I think there may be components of that. But in modern times, it came from this guy in the '80s. And there's a Vice piece on that as well. You can look at it. It's pretty fascinating.

[01:55:10]Luke Storey:  I think I saw that, the little pamphlet where they talk about how you harvest it and it's like a little how-to.

[01:55:15]Troy Casey:  They found the guy.

[01:55:17]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I did see that. That was a trip. Yeah, I forgot about that.

[01:55:19]Troy Casey:  And he was friends with Andrew Weil, and he contacted Andrew Weil, and Andrew Weil was like, I don't know, tried to distance himself from psychedelics, but-

[01:55:29]Luke Storey:  And briefly, we will wrap it up here for all of those listening and participating, it's been a long day, but what's been your experience with that particular medicine because I know you're quite the cosmonaut? And we've had some conversations and I imagine one of these days, we'll end up in the same location and some kind of a journey, what's been your experience with that one?

[01:55:49]Troy Casey:  Well, first of all, let's just reference for people listening at home that Rick Strassman wrote a scientific document, it's pretty thick, about clinical studies on DMT. It's called The Spirit Molecule. So, there's a lot of research on that.

[01:56:03]Luke Storey:  And the documentary.

[01:56:04]Troy Casey:  Yeah, Joe Rogan did the voice over on the documentary. So, it's out there already. And there's clinical research on this. And so, very powerful medicine comes in. Within about 20 minutes, you're done from the experience, approximately. But when you go to the zero point, there is no time. So, being inside of it can feel-

[01:56:21]Har Hari:  Like an eternity.

[01:56:22]Troy Casey:  ... like eternity. And so, with my experience, I had a couple of cosmonaut, astronaut cowboys that tried to help me go through enlightenment. I think it was 2014 because this was the second time. I had one very powerful shaman I tried it with in 2011, and I don't think I did enough to go all the way, as they say.

[01:56:45]Har Hari:  Well, deep dive. 

[01:56:46]Troy Casey:  Had a good experience, definitely. I did it and I thought, wow, I spent all that money to fly down to the Amazon and do a-

[01:56:57]Har Hari:  And doing 5-MeO? That was a 5-MeO?

[01:56:58]Troy Casey:  Yeah, it was a 5-MeO. And here, I had this experience, much closer to home, no puking, a lot less work. And it was a very therapeutic experience, although I didn't go to the origins. I kept on. What happens is, is I'd go into my trauma patterns, and I'd start trying to do yoga, and unwinding a lot of my physical trauma inside my body, which happened after the deep dive as well. But I'll get to that in a moment. But I would wake up from the experience and kind of get back into my body, like I wouldn't want to go there. I was just trying to unwind that trauma in my spine and left side of my body, really just doing a lot of yoga. And all the shamans that I was working with, they were like, hey, Troy, listen, just stay down, man, just surrender. And I was like-

[01:57:48]Har Hari:  Let go.

[01:57:49]Troy Casey:  Let go, yeah, that's a good one. Let go, man. And so, I wouldn't let go. And another guy came in 2014, this Burning Man guy. And he's like trying to get me enlightened. He's like, look, you can get enlightened on this stuff, but we might not have enough medicine for you to do it, so just lay the fuck down and just take your medicine. And so, I would literally go, okay, this time, I'm going to do it, right? And I smoke it. And then, I would lay out, sprawl, starfish, right? And then, I wake up and start twisting.

[01:58:26] So, that didn't work, but I had the mystical experience. And it was kind of interesting experience. But it wasn't until I worked with Dr. Har Hari's guy, and I did the deep dive, and I prayed. I was in fear. I had done it with Har Hari's guy the year before with a client. Magic happened with this. I will share this. So, I'm in my divorce. I'm a year into my divorce. I work with a client. Client comes down, very high-powered executive client. I coached her a lot. 

[01:58:56] She came in for a private retreat I do here in LA. We worked for two or three days on all the other foundational stuff. And then, I took her down to see the shaman on the last day and she went for her deep dive. Very successful. And then, he talked about this bottoms up stuff, where you stare into the other person's eye. You do the Tantra and you stay present with less medicine, but you stay very present while this whole powerful experience is happening. And he said, for people that have a problem going all the way and surrendering, this is very effective.

[01:59:28] And I came out of that medicine experience as extremely powerful and it is extremely healing for her. She had some probably sexual Catholic kind of overrides going on in her consciousness. And she was able to get free from that. Very powerful experience. She actually came back to California for some more healing. And a really powerful experience. So, I took away from that, something told me, I was year into my divorce with my wife and we kept needling each other, texting, do this, like don't tell me what to do, fuck you, just back and forth. That's in the book too. I don't know if you got to that part.

[02:00:08]Luke Storey:  Did you put the actual text in there? That would be dope if you could screen-grab the text and then show in the wedding.

[02:00:15]Troy Casey:  Close enough. Yes. Love wins. So, the fact of the matter, I came out of there and I go, whatever is 50% of me going into that text message that ends up in a fuck you, take that out, like whatever it is, just take it out. And it's really hard when you're playing with that spouse, that's your game of, oh, you victimized me, and the perpetrator victimize game, and it goes back and forth, and control, and manipulation. And so, I just said, alright, let me just take my 50% gasoline out of this fire, okay?

[02:00:44] And about a month later, we had a conversation and she was being snippy with me. And I said, well, do you see the difference with me? She said, yeah, but don't expect anything from me. And I was like, alright, okay. And two months after that conversation, she started drinking ayahuasca, and she came to me, and asked for my forgiveness for blaming her—she blamed me for everything, right? And I thought that day would never come. So, lots of healing with psychedelics. Then, a few months after that, we went down for my total surrender and deep dive. 

[02:01:18]Har Hari:  With the guy?

[02:01:20]Troy Casey:  Yeah, with the same guy. And going down there, so this is death. Your nervous system, your soul knows that this is ego death, as if something knows. And I go, okay, Troy, you do the ice baths. You do all this. You've been to the Amazon. You drank the ayahuasca. How bad could it be? And at this time, going through my divorce, I never really had a lot of prayer technology, but I really built a relationship with my heart and the divine. And I just said, protect me, called on Archangel Michael, Gabriel, and all the brothers in the white light, the blue light. I was just like driving over to the space. And on my journey to go see the shaman.

[02:02:02] And I just got clear on my intentions and my prayers, and I said, I'm going to surrender, I'm going to go. Because that time, all the way back in 2011, I just didn't surrender. 2014, I didn't surrender. So, I've done a handful of maybe 15 times, but never had that full experience. Well, this time, I went and I became the sum total of the all. And the whole vibration of the universe, I could just hear and I was it, I felt it. And I became everything. And it was so profound. The shaman said, I had my mouth wide open, and I was just like, wah. My eyes were wide open. I couldn't see anything. He said, my eyes and my mouth were just wide open going, wah.

[02:02:44]Har Hari:  It's an amazing experience. 

[02:02:45]Troy Casey:  It was such an amazing experience. And then, I came out of it. And it was the same thing of kind of unwinding my spine and doing all my trippy yoga stuff. And I remember like processing a little bit. My wife was there to witness. The shaman was there. And I processed a little bit of it vocally. And when I was down and kind of coming back to consciousness, my hands started unwinding. And I started doing the shaking and my knees, kind of like if you ever studied TRE, was it trauma release therapy, where you move your pelvis, animals shake it off when they get off, right? They shake it off.

[02:03:25]Har Hari:  Yeah. I notice a lot of people, when they take it, their whole body starts shaking.

[02:03:29]Luke Storey:  I had that happen in a different type of medicine, yeah, really weird. Involuntary, too, just for hours. It's crazy. 

[02:03:36]Troy Casey:  Yeah. So, that's kind of what happened to me as well for at least another hour. But TRE, basically, you get into like a bridge post, and then you shake your legs back and forth. And eventually, those muscles become exhausted, and then your nervous system is ready to unwind all the trauma that we protect inside of our body, and that unwinds, and that's the thing around TRE. And I found myself doing spontaneous remission of something like TRE, my legs were shaking, my hands was like all of that stuff.

[02:04:07] And then, I came up and I talked to my wife for a little bit and unwound a little bit physically, but I was still there. And then, my neck started going back and forth, and I started shaking, grunting, and it was amazing, man. And actually, now, I've developed that into my drunken monkey Qigong. And so, it's just in there. Wherever there is tightness in my body, I just feel like getting into it, just shaking. And so, yeah, it was a magical experience. And then, I think I did some bottoms up with my wife and that was very healing. And I mean, that was still-

[02:04:46]Har Hari:  Were you able to hold the gaze the whole time while you were doing it?

[02:04:50]Troy Casey:  I was, but she couldn't hold it. And then, she thinks she had too much medicine. It's hard to gauge that medicine. But I've done the bottoms up quite a few other times with that. But that was the major deep dive that I went. That's the only deep dive I've done.

[02:05:03]Har Hari:  Trust me, one is like pretty much all you wanted to. 

[02:05:06]Troy Casey:  Yeah.

[02:05:07]Luke Storey:  I noticed you weren't like, yeah, it was profound, so next week, and I went back and that's the end of the chapter.

[02:05:13]Har Hari:  It put me into an existential journey where I just started studying quantum physics and astrophysics because I was like, what did I just experience? It's like, well, they must know about this in physics, right? Like Big Bang Theory, I mean, because I was experiencing the Big Bang. And apparently, they say the Big Bang is happening all the time on some universe, right?

[02:05:38]Luke Storey:  One can hope. Well, gentlemen, it's been quite a day.

[02:05:43]Troy Casey:  Yeah.

[02:05:44]Luke Storey:  I think we can probably put a nice bow on this. I, as usual, got every possible nugget of wisdom and entertainment possible, I think. And when I see the recorder hit 2, I feel like, okay, we probably did something that will benefit someone here. So, I want to thank you for your book, #RippedAt50, Troy.

[02:06:04]Troy Casey:  A Journey to Self-Love. 

[02:06:05]Luke Storey:  Journeys of Self-Love. 

[02:06:06]Troy Casey:  Subtitle. 

[02:06:06]Luke Storey:  And all that you're doing in the world, you're inspiring many. And Har Hari, it's great to see you again and get to see the expansion of your business. 

[02:06:13]Har Hari:  By the way, this manifested a month after that journey, this whole place. It just kind of landed in my hands. I was like, whoa, whoa. So, it was a cosmic expansion, literally, that kind of opened this whole space up.

[02:06:29]Luke Storey:  Well, I'm glad the stars finally aligned. And thank you for your persistence in inviting me over here. And what a perfect time to do it when the world's kind of shut down at the moment. And here we are, alive and well, thriving, doing awesome, helping turn people on to a different idea. So, with that,we'll call it an episode. In closing-

[02:06:46]Troy Casey:  Thank you, Luke, by the way. I just want to offer a lot of gratitude. Love your work. Your work has helped me reach a lot of your audience as well and very grateful for that. Very grateful for the work that you're doing. And so, thank you so much for having me back on the show. I appreciate that.

[02:07:01]Luke Storey:  Oh, yeah, brother. Give us websites. I know you mentioned years, but we'll do another round of the websites, so people can find more of you, and social media handles, and stuff, and then we'll close it.

[02:07:10]Troy Casey:  Certified Health Nut all over the Internet, social media, troycasey.com. And the book is on rippedat50.com. I think it's on troycasey.com right now as well.

[02:07:19]Luke Storey:  Cool.

[02:07:20]Troy Casey:  So, I'm easy to find.

[02:07:22]Luke Storey:  Okay.

[02:07:23]Har Hari:  And I'm thuheal.com. Dr. Har Hari. You can find me all over the place.

[02:07:27]Luke Storey:  Cool. Awesome man. Alright. Well, let's call it a wrap then. Thanks, guys.

[02:07:31]Troy Casey:  Yeah.

[02:07:31]Har Hari:  Thank you.

[02:07:31]Troy Casey:  Awesome.

[02:07:32]Har Hari:  Awesome.



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