315. A Spiritual Awakening with the David Hawkins Map of Consciousness W/ Clayten Stedmann

Clayten Stedmann

November 17, 2020

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Clayten Stedmann dives into the work of Dr. David Hawkins and the Map of Consciousness, as well as a brief overview of his FLFE system.

In 2008, two men met through a mutual friend. They were both working on accessing and utilizing high consciousness fields. Jeffrey Stegman was creating high consciousness fields and cultures in business and Clayten Stedmann, as a coach in business as a spiritual path, was creating high consciousness fields for healing the human mind, body and spirit.

They came together with an inventor who had devoted his life to creating free energy for humanity. Although he did not create a free energy device, He had discovered a way to redirect and focus large amounts of life-force energy (also known as subtle energy) on an object.

Between Jeff's experience in engineering and Claytens knowledge and extensive practice in Consciousness Kinesiology and the Hawkins Map, they re-engineered the original device to broadcast a high consciousness field to specific locations around the world. 

At first, Clayten and Jeffrey used the device and associated technology to raise consciousness around the world as a public service project. As they were able to increase the power available and the ability to positively affect a property, they brought the consciousness raising technology to the public as Focused Life- Force Energy (FLFE). 

Today, after an additional ten years of research, thousands of customers and hundreds of testimonials, Jeffrey and Clayten are expanding the process of developing public awareness of this unique consciousness-raising technology.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Clayten Stedmann is the co-founder of FLFE, or Focused Life-Force Energy, and is an avid student of the work of David R. Hawkins, who you’ve probably heard both guests and myself bring up quite a lot on the show in the past. He was a visionary psychiatrist, physician, and spiritual teacher, and it’s really only recently that we’ve seen people like Clayten applying some of his teachings to catalyze incredible transformation. Clayten’s commitment to truth and spiritual advancement is truly inspiring, and I think even Hawkins would be proud to see how his work is helping people today.

We focus on the Map of Consciousness as created by David R. Hawkins, and the spiritual power (or lack thereof) of various beliefs, teachings, people, places, and things. The level of consciousness or degree of truth of anything can be determined using muscle testing or kinesiology, one of the most important discoveries of all time, and we’re going to dive into this incredible discovery and why it’s more relevant than ever before.

If you’re interested in FLFE and want to try it out, we have you covered. Clayten is generously offering Life Stylists listeners and opportunity to raise the consciousness of your environment and mitigate all EMF in your home at the same time using a free 15-day FLFE experience. There’s no obligation to buy and no credit card or cancellation necessary.

Go to www.flfe.net/luke and try the FREE FLFE experience.

08:54 — How Clayten discovered the world of David R. Hawkins and who David Hawkins was

Starting in the world of coaching

Five clients told him about his work and he had to check it out

Seeing him live and feeling the energy coming off of him

David Hawkins discovered that Kinesiology is a non-local phenomena

Your body is connected to divinity at all times, and you can bypass the consciousness to connect directly to it

The scale of muscle testing

If you’re below 200 in your overall consciousness, there is often a big jump when you make it over that threshold

The other big threshold is 500, when you transition from reason to love

24:53 — Calibrating your Map of Consciousness level

David Hawkins was born at 799. The highest level you can be born at is 800.

Accurately learning how to take measurements

The protocol for taking complete assessments

35:25 — The role of Kinesiology for measuring non-local phenomenon

Creating an assessment for measuring this

Looking for the missing protocols

Once you’ve done it hundreds of times, you easily know the language

The physical and non-physical mechanics of Kinesiology

Accounting for the placebo effect

Being able to discern truth from folly and why this is such an incredibly important discovery

01:02:36 — Other contemporary teachers that are calibrated highly and other healing modalities

Sri Amma Bhagavan, the Hugging Saint

Ram Dass is another one

01:08:11 — Calibration indexes

Hawkins originally said UFOs are not real, but it may have been based on the way the question was asked

Research implies that UFOs are in fact real

George W. Bush Jr. has a high calibration index and denies that 9/11 was a conspiracy

Doing political analysis of Map of Consciousness calibration

Being in the office of president raises your calibration unless you are incredibly low

How intention may override a lie

Whether or not President Trump calibrates over the critical level of 200

The influence of politics on the world

The calibration of the COVID response

Taking plant medicine to raise consciousness

02:05:52 — What is FLFE?

Activates a high-consciousness field

Giving free testing of your calibration

Turning this into a business in order to serve as many people as possible

A physical technology to raise frequencies non-locally

More about this episode.

Watch it on YouTube.

Luke Storey:  I'm Luke Storey. For the past 22 years, I've been relentlessly committed to my deepest passion, designing the ultimate lifestyle based on the most powerful principles of spirituality, health, psychology. The Life Stylist podcast is a show dedicated to sharing my discoveries and the experts behind them with you. Clayten Stedmann, welcome to the Life Stylist podcast, man. Good to see you.

[00:00:31]Clayten Stedmann:  Good to see you, Luke. Thanks for having me.

[00:00:32]Luke Storey:  Absolutely. I am so excited for this conversation. We had our preliminary call the other day, which was a blast. And oftentimes, when I do a preliminary call with someone as a little warm up, we end up having such a great time that I think, man, that could have just been the podcast. So, I'm glad we got to get to know one another and not start here cold today. I think what I'd like to start with is just, because a lot of the conversation today is going to be about the map of consciousness, the work of David R. Hawkins, how you've continued that work and applied it, so maybe we'll just start at the beginning. How did you first find the work of Dr. David R. Hawkins?

[00:01:14]Clayten Stedmann:  Well, back in 1995, I got into this emerging profession called coaching. And previous to that, I'd spent 11 years being very active in an Eastern-based philosophy. So, when I got into coaching, I started to specialize in business as a spiritual path. And in 2004, I had a pretty substantial practice and I had five different clients telling me about the Dr. David Hawkins guy. So, universe tells you once, maybe you missed it; twice, maybe you missed it. After three times, you start to pay attention. 

[00:02:00] After the first person, that's like, okay, I got to read this book. So, I went and got Power vs. Force, and I read the book, and I was like, wow, I see why people recommended it. And I remember the first time I read it, I thought, if it was true, this changes everything. If people can figure out how to measure truth like this, it just will change the world. So, that was how I got introduced to Dr. David Hawkins through friends and clients. They just kept notebooks go around and people talk to each other. Yeah.

[00:02:35]Luke Storey:  Yes. It was a similar story with me. I think there were a few people that I knew personally, but then there were also other teachers like Wayne Dyer and people like that, that I was listening to at the time. And that book just seemed to drop in over and over again. And when I first read it, and I haven't read it in a long time because I went on to study a lot of his other work, as you have, but it was a bit dry. It was kind of hard for me to dig into.

[00:03:04] But when he started making correlations between different spiritual practices and he gave so much emphasis to the 12 steps as a teaching, really got my attention because my subjective experience had been, by just applying a few very simple spiritual principles in my life, it had been completely transformed beyond whatever I could do myself. And I always found that to be such a mysterious curiosity. And then, he really unpacked how it works. And so, that locked me in. And once I made that connection, it was just like, okay, and then I just became obsessed. 

[00:03:42] I mean, I listen to, I don't know, hundreds of hours of audio and watched all the videos, went to see him speak in Sedona. And it's just, I mean, any chance I could get, I would be absorbing his content. And so, I think that's why I was drawn to the work you're doing with FLFE and interested in what we're going to talk about today with your coaching experience in the past and all of that. I want to ask you, you were able to go see Dr. Hawkins in person, what was it like to be in a room with him while he was teaching, and to go up on stage, and get to look him in the eyes? Was there a felt kind of Shaktipat happening there?

[00:04:26]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah, I remember I was standing in the audience in LA and I got there like I think I was the fourth person in the line. I got there like three hours before the seminar opened because I want to get in the front row. And I was there with some people you've also interviewed who are friends of mine. Wade and Matt from BiOptimizers, and Catrine was there, some other friends, and Claude. And so, when the opportunity came up for questions, Wade and I got right in line.

[00:04:55] Now, Wade is the five-time all-natural Canadian bodybuilding champion of Canada. I think it's five times, gosh, at least three. Anyway, he's very fit. So, I'm standing behind Wade in line, and we're like, there are hundreds of people, we got maybe halfway into the line. Other people knew about the Q&A, we didn't, it was our first time. So, I was standing behind Wade, and I'm like, it's the only thing I can do, just to stand up.

[00:05:24] And I couldn't figure out what it was. And Wade is in front of me, so I tapped him on the shoulder, I said, Wade, is it me, man? Is there some kind of energy coming off the stage that's just like so strong we can hardly keep ourselves standing? And Wade turned around, he kind of had this like bewildered look on his face, and I think you said something like, I feel like I am standing in a solar wind storm of light penetrating my body. Wade talks like that, right? 

[00:05:54]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:05:54]Clayten Stedmann:  It was like, thank God it's not me, but hat energy coming off Dr. Hawkins at that time was just extraordinary. So, it's like standing in like, I don't know if you've ever been in a windstorm and in a sandstorm when the wind is just like hitting you, and get in your eyes, and it's getting in everything, and it starts to actually hurt at some velocity of wind. It felt like that. It was a solar wind storm.

[00:06:22]Luke Storey:  Yeah. As I was telling you the other day, I'll just recount the story, but the two times when I went to see him speak, one was in Sedona, and then one, I think his last talk, I think it was in, I don't know, Cottonwood or Prescott, somewhere around Sedona. And the first time, I definitely got hit by a couple of waves of that presence where my eyes would well up. And it's just experience, it's ineffable, really. It's just, there's an energy running through your body.

[00:06:53] And the second time, which ended up being his last public talk, he and his wife, and partner, and a test subject, Susan, were on stage and the whole talk was about love. And that time in my life, just relationships, and things like that, and around love, as activated and demonstrated through a romantic relationship, was challenging. And I was there with a buddy of mine and I just cried the whole time. It was such an incredible experience not only to feel the energy that he had been gifted with or cultivated, but also, the interaction between he and Susan, and just the immense, unconditional, deep love that they had built together.

[00:07:36] And it was just, being in the energy field of that and witnessing that is such a healthy, high vibrational relationship. At least, you never know what goes on behind the scenes, but by all accounts, sitting there was palpable and it really left an impression on me. And there was a real pivot in my life at that time, especially in that area of having to see like, that's the target. I have no idea how to get there, literally clueless, but there was an imprint made and there have been a few other experiences like that with great teachers as well.

[00:08:11] And so, I feel very fortunate to have had those couple of live experiences where I was able to really sense what a high vibrational field feels like. For those people that are lesser familiar with the work or not at all familiar, can you give us a little summary of who David Hawkins was and some of his basic teachings? And then, we'll jump into the map of consciousness, and how you've taken that further and applied it.

[00:08:43]Clayten Stedmann:  Sure. So, Dr. David Hawkins was a psychologist. They have a very large practice in New York City. I think it was the largest in the states at the time. And at one point, he discovered that kinesiology was a nonlocal phenomena. So, that means that use of kinesiology is quite common in nutrition. Well, it was quite common in the fields of nutrition. It was Dr. George Goodhart that originated that work. He was one of the pioneers. And it's also used extensively now in chiropractic.

[00:09:23] I don't know what it was back then in terms of the chiropractic background. So, it's basically muscle testing. It's based upon the principle that your body is connected to divinity at all times, and that if you form the proper inquiries, you can bypass the mind's filter, and connect straight to divinity in such a way that your body will respond positively to truth and negatively to falsehood. So, the nonlocal phenomena part was that you should be able to test me from LA, I'm up in Nelson, British Columbia, Canada, you can test me just as well as you can test a supplement right in front of you. That was the leap that he made in his work.

[00:10:17] And I think it took him a few years to just absorb that realization. And then, from there, he went into doing research with kinesiology, with different groups of people. And his first book, which most of us don't talk much about, is the qualitative and quantitative analysis, the scientific kind of approach to kinesiology, then he came up with Power vs. Force and many of the subsequent books. I think he published nine when he was alive and two after he passed. Say, nine plus the qualitative and quantitative analysis. So, muscle testing, he created a scale from one to infinity. The human realm is one to a thousand. The angelic realm is 500-up. Archangels are 50,000 and up. The scale is logarithmic, which is really important. So, 202 is 10 times less powerful than 203 on the scale.

[00:11:25] On the scale, 20 is shame, 50 is grief, 100 is fear, 150 is anger, 180, 190 is pride, 200 is courage, 300 is willingness, 400 is reason, 500 is love, 600 is peace, 700 is the beginning of enlightenment, a thousand is the highest level of consciousness that a human being can sustain. There is a certain number of microwatts of electricity associated with each level of consciousness, and that calculation can be found in the back of Power vs. Force just around the consciousness compensation chart. So, there's a few more delineations in terms of the numbers, but is there anything else you think I should add, Luke?

[00:12:12]Luke Storey:  That's really good. In fact, I have the map in front of me here for those watching. You can download this. It's the map of consciousness by David R. Hawkins. And those of you watching on Instagram @LukeStorey, Facebook @MrLukeStorey, you can see it, too. But now, it's like, wow, you nailed it. I've tried to explain this to people over the years. And I'm like, yeah, there's the one down at the bottom is the one thing, it gets a little vague, but the thing I found interesting about the scale is how it correlates to different teachings and especially to the teachings of the 12 steps, each of the steps. 

[00:12:49] For those who aren't familiar, they're a practice that you apply to your life or even do in a sequential manner in order to pull yourself or allow yourself, rather, to be pulled out of addictive patterns and whatnot. And all of those 12-step groups are based on that teaching, but they really start at the bottom of the scale because you hit a bottom with, you overeat, you over-sex, you overdrink, you over-shop, whatever it is, you over-codependent, and then you come in at the level of shame, which is this really low-base level, which is at the bottom, right? 

[00:13:23] And then, it goes up to guilt. You start to feel guilty about the way you're living, then there's apathy, where it's like, God is my life even worth saving? And then, so on, grief, fear, but then comes desire, right? And then, you're pissed off about what your life has become, then your pride kicks in, and you think, God, like, I can't live like this, I'm such a loser.

[00:13:47] And then, the critical level of 200 is where courage comes in, says, you know what, I'm going to muster up the courage to face what my life has become, and then so on into neutrality, willingness, acceptance, reason, and all of those others. But perhaps, you could give people the context of the critical level of 200 of consciousness, in that under 200 would be more negative emotions and a negative impact on all life, et cetera, and then moving past 200 into the higher states of love, et cetera. That might be a great way to kind of set up the frame.

[00:14:24]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah, it's a really important distinction, explanation of the tipping point, if you want to call it, 200. Without that, it's not a complete understanding of the map. So, at some point in life, we become positive instead of parasitic, I suppose, is one way to say it or there's a jump between non-integrity and integrity. And Hawkins' work, that's 200 on the map of consciousness. There are many other maps of consciousness out there. There are different ones that people have been exposed to.

[00:15:03] The perennial philosophy is quite thorough as well. And a lot of people know Ken Wilber's work. He seems to be a real proponent of models. I think his book, The Brief History of Everything, has one of the better compilations of models. So, if people are looking to compare the Hawkins' map to other models, they can look at that. So, yes. So, 200 is a major threshold. So, what typically happens when people have a breakthrough in their integrity is, if you're below 200 in your overall consciousness or even in a part of your life, and there are many ways to kind of look at the different areas of life, you won't just go from 199 to 201, you'll go from 199 to 230 or 240.

[00:15:53] There's usually a big jump because of the tension that comes from making that change into integrity. So, that's a very important distinction in the map. And the other big threshold is 500, going from reason to love. Now, what Hawkins talks about in one of his hundreds and hundreds of hours of videos is that they're actually little kind of base camps. And I could use the metaphor of getting to a thousand as like climbing Mount Everest.

[00:16:23] So, there are different base camps at every 50 points along in the Hawkins map, he doesn't talk about that much, but there's a little threshold. If you're calibrating people's level of consciousness in multiple parts of their lives, if they have a lot of numbers at 250, 300, 400, there's a lot of calibrations at a 50-point integer, and they're usually getting ready to make a major jump because they're gathering their resources. And so, things kind of get static in a bunch of areas until the energy builds. That's a little more geekier than just the 200 and 500. 

[00:17:01]Luke Storey:  Clayten, we can go super hard down the geeky path in this podcast, because this is—I mean, hopefully, the audience is willing to go with us. But after all, we're the ones sitting here, so let's do what's most fun. One thing I think is really interesting, and I've never seen anyone do this, is the document you sent me where you did a case study of Hawkins and you calibrated, and we're going to talk about how you figured out how to do these calibrations also, which I found to be exceedingly difficult, personally, but you calibrated Dr. Hawkins on this scale, beginning with his birthday in 1927. And he was born at 799, which is extremely high, is it not? 

[00:17:52]Clayten Stedmann:  The highest you can be born at, by the way, if you're going to go to Geekdom here is 800. So, the highest of being can come into a human body is 800. And it takes a very high vessel, a very high person to hold that energy. So, in his last incarnation, as best as I can tell, he was at age 50 when he left. And I think he refers to that in some places. And there's probably plus or minus a point there, Luke. I mean, I'm not saying my level of accuracy is that succinct, but I don't know if he talks about the highest level you can come in at as a being, but I've done—maybe he talked about it, but I've done 7.2 million calibrations now. So, when you do that many calibrations, you go down lots of rabbit holes and you get curious about things, right? 

[00:18:46]Luke Storey:  Dude, how long did it take you to accurately learn how to do the calibrations? Because when I was at the height of my Hawkins obsession, which has been many years, and especially, there was a period of about five years where I was just absorbed, as I said, I would try to do the muscle testing, and I would see that my intention was pure, that I was unattached from the outcome. I mean, I did all the basic things that he would talk about. 

[00:19:12] And it was really difficult for me, A, to find test subjects that didn't also have an invested will in the outcome. And also, just finding people around me that had the patience to be like, hey, stand there and hold this thing in mind, or even I would try to do it just in the more simple way that you describe often chiropractors or health practitioners do, where you hold a book against your solar plexus or a vitamin in your hand, or a piece of fruit, or whatever it is. 

[00:19:40] I mean, I see people every once in a while at the health food store going around testing themselves on different foods and supplements, and I just got frustrated because it's like I couldn't get repeatable answers. And I just thought, I don't know, maybe I'm just not cut out for this. I feel like I'm over 200 and I have integrity or at least the ability to be honest with myself about what my intention for doing this is. I'm quite certain that I did, in fact, but still couldn't nail it. So, how did you get to the point where you became first interested in, putting that much effort in, and then end up doing these millions of calibrations?

[00:20:19]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. Well, when I came across the book, I thought, well, if this is true, this changes everything. And it was 2004 when I first read Power vs. Force. My father had just passed over, and he passed over in February. I think I got the book in June or July. First thing I did was I talked to two friends of mine. One was an 89-year-old chiropractor who was still practicing and was considering making a career change into landscaping. He was just that kind of guy. He was an extraordinary man.

[00:21:00] And another friend was scientist. He'd spent twenty five years in the biology field. So, he had an extraordinary sense of procedure, process, and protocol. And my friend, who was the chiropractor, he understood the body really well, and I think kinesiology is a body-based phenomena. So, we talked about the book, and we thought, we had some friends who tried to figure it out and they couldn't figure it out. So, we said, well, let's see what we can do.

[00:21:29] And we made a commitment to, I think at the time, we wanted to give it at least six months, one night a week. So, the scientists, he started organizing the procedure, the process, and the protocols. And we got together one night a week. I had a special little briefcase with envelopes. And we started off with the level of consciousness of the chapters of Power vs. Force. We assumed that they were accurate. And we spent six months driving ourselves crazy. It was just so frustrating.

[00:22:03] It was like, God, I don't think we're ever going to get this to work. And the guy who was most accurate was the scientist because he would say this disinterested control, so he would say the same thing the same way every time. And the chiropractor and I, we would just change the words once in a while, was like, we felt, really, now, one word is not a big deal. So, we had some success sometimes. And what happened was that around Christmas of 2004, we had taken a break over the holidays and we didn't know if we're going to continue because it's like, well, how long do you beat your head against the wall if it's not working? 

[00:22:49] And I read in the first edition of Power vs. Force, it was page 117, paragraph two, and it says, you might find it interesting to calibrate the level of consciousness of your inquiries. And when I read that, something went off in my head. It was like, it reminded me that the scientists said the same things every time, and he had wrote down some of his inquiries. And so, what it really meant to me was that, he had mentioned that in his book, on that page, but he didn't put that in his protocols. 

[00:23:29] So, why didn't he put in his protocols that you should write down your inquiries and make sure you say them the same way every time. Now, later on, he talks about that as being important. But what I assumed from that point was that there were pieces missing in the protocols, and that's why people weren't able to figure it out. And I found that that's true. So, I'll give you another example, in the beginning of Truth vs. Falsehood, that's the big thick one with all the charts in it, he says, he couldn't release the book due to the conditions in the world at the time, something to that effect.

[00:24:14] So, what that meant to me was that the last calibration you should check is it is in the highest and best interest of all creation to release this information to the person or the people in the way that I'm holding in mind or that I have written down, right? And that wasn't in his protocols. So, it's like, okay. So then, I assumed that the protocols weren't complete and that's why people couldn't get it to work.

[00:24:50] There's a persistence thing as well. So then, I had my coaching practice, and I thought, if I can create an assessment where I can measure people's level of conscious in different parts of their lives, and then measure the level of appropriateness of different tools to use on those areas, I can really help people. And so, I spent the next five years, I read each book 12 times, I did 2.75 million calibrations. 

[00:25:22]Luke Storey:  Man, just listening, I mean, Power vs. Force is somewhat pared down, and then one of the books that came out after he died, Letting Go: Surrender really easy read. I mean, difficult to accept in your life, perhaps, but easy read. But the ones in between, I mean, one of his books, Reality vs. Subjectivity, that book took me about two to three years to read because I could only digest a sentence or two at a time in order to—I mean, I could read it like you could read the newspaper, but read it in terms of spiritual study where I could take in the principles and the truth behind it, and integrate it as I'm reading it.

[00:26:06] These books are very dense, and his way of writing, I think, because he's just a scholar and an intellectual. Well, he's a rare breed of someone who's highly intellectual, highly intelligent, and also, deeply spiritual. So, that combination, I think, makes his reading a little bit inaccessible for many. And I'm a decent reader, but to say that you read all of his books that many times, I mean, for anyone that's not read his stuff, I'm just going to give you props. That's a deep level of commitment because they're not an easy read, especially the ones, like I said, in the middle, those big thick ones. 

[00:26:44]Clayten Stedmann:  The Eye of the I.

[00:26:46]Luke Storey:  Oh, dude, yeah. 

[00:26:48]Clayten Stedmann:  They're dense, man. 

[00:26:50]Luke Storey:  Ain't about that, though, and I have to have to say, I give my dedication of my own, a little pat on the back, after really working through that book for a period of time, every once in a while, I go back to some of those books and I read those paragraphs that used to be just so mind-blowing to me, and it's kind of like, oh yeah, duh, because now, they've become an interface with which I operate in the world. And so, it's no longer a head knowledge, but more so a practical just way of being.

[00:27:21] And I think that's a really good sign and maybe a recommendation for people, is read a spiritual book, put it on the shelf for a couple of years after you've applied it, and go back and see if it becomes much more elementary to you. I think that's a good way to gauge one's progress. Anyway, I totally cut you off. So, you're working for about six months. You've got a few friends. You start integrating this model into your coaching, and then expanded, perhaps, you could explain for people, I'm struggling here a bit, and because I know what we're talking about and you know what we're talking about, could you maybe just explain a little bit more of the kinesiology part?

[00:28:02] You mentioned how, typically and historically, it would be used to test something in the physical presence, like a book, a supplement, et cetera, versus Hawkins' huge discovery, which was, it could be used as a nonlocal phenomenon, where in the body is a meter of sorts or an antenna of sorts that's tapping into consciousness and truth or falsehood can be discerned based on the body's reaction. Could you maybe just kind of create your picture of that from your point of understanding right now?

[00:28:35]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. I guess a couple of things I just wanted to say about reading the books, I've read the books, and made notes, and gone back, and swore, I didn't read that before. It was my writing and my underlinings. So, I get that phenomena. And I read those books from the point of view of looking for missing protocols. Now, I've read them, I learned a lot, but I read them for that reason because I was specifically trying to reverse engineer the protocols. It took me five years, 2.75 million calibrations.

[00:29:08]Luke Storey:  Catalog your calibrations as you were going to get that count?

[00:29:16]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. Well, I'm still averaging about 30,000 a month, which is almost a thousand a day. We just do a lot of testing in FLFE. And when you're doing kinesiology. So, the first protocol is you check your polarity. So, if you check your polarity, that's one calibration, then you check, if you have permission to make the inquiry, then you have to have an inquiry already made. So, that's not a calibration. And then, let's say you're checking someone's level of consciousness, this person's level of conscious on average or the previous week is above 200, above 300, above 400. 

[00:29:56] Let's say it's about 500 yes and you have 600 no, so you split it at 550y. Now, say that you go to 525, then you get a no, so they're at 520, so you just go back and forth. So, there are like ten calibrations there. So, it doesn't take long to get a lot of calibrations under your belt. Yeah. My business partner at FLFE, Jeff, he's done, I think, 1.2 million calibrations. I pretty well taught him everything. And we do testing every morning. We test all the new people in the free trial at FLFE. There's probably like, we spend an hour in the morning, it was probably 150, 200 calibrations we do just to make sure everything's working well, check on the little variables.

[00:30:44] So, just to take some of the mystery out of how you can do that many calibrations. When I got into it, and I said, if I can get this to work, I'm going to set my life up, so I have to do this because this is so profound to me. So, that's why I created these assessments because I would have to make my living doing testings, because if you're doing it all the time, you stay sharp, right? You do it every day, and you do hundreds a day, and you know the language, and you're in the field. Let's say you're practicing it for entire of the year, right? It's practice, right?

[00:31:23]Luke Storey:  Yeah, absolutely. Would you explain the physical procedure of having someone hold their arm up versus the little O-ring that you can do with your own fingers without another person for people that aren't familiar with kinesiology or muscle testing as a modality?

[00:31:38]Clayten Stedmann:  Sure. Yeah. Didn't want to avoid your question, just wanted to take some of the-

[00:31:41]Luke Storey:  That's good.

[00:31:43]Clayten Stedmann:  Like, impossible, well-

[00:31:46]Luke Storey:  Yeah. well, it makes sense, actually, because if you consider how many thoughts you have during one day, and if you just turn that thought into an inquiry that you test for, and then you do the test, I mean, it's like, you'd be blasting through them in no time, just based on the fact that all you have to do is think a sentence, do something real quick, which you're about to describe, and then that's one, you know what I mean, or within one inquiry, you said there could be multiple done just to fine-tune the validity of the outcome, right?

[00:32:19]Clayten Stedmann:  You could spend hours getting the inquiry right, and then use that inquiry over and over again for your whole life. You could actually do a couple hundred calibrations just shopping for groceries, as you said earlier, just going around testing the food. You do a couple hundred just in there. No problem. Because then, most people don't think of it that way, like chiropractors, my chiropractor's a kinesiologist, who has kinesiology and he probably does 300, 400 a day just with patients, testing the muscle strength, making adjustments, testing if it's stronger, I think it's at least that, I think. So, just make it part of your day-to-day life and those numbers can add up pretty quick. 

[00:32:59]Luke Storey:  Right. So, explain the physical mechanics, and then the, perhaps, nonphysical, at least according to your perception or understanding, the nonphysical realm of where the answers are coming from using the body as a tuning fork of sorts.

[00:33:15]Clayten Stedmann:  Sure. So, kinesiology, the technology calibrates at about 600. I think as a research tool, it calibrates around 650. So, when you start doing kinesiology, you are starting to deal with a technology that calibrates really high and starts to align you to that. Well, that, I think that's worth seeing. Dr. Hawkins' body of work calibrates at 998, so it doesn't mean everything calibrates at 998, but the totality of it does. And som one of the things that we started doing in the first study group was we would put Hawkins on the background because this field is so strong that we would just have it off just to help alignments, that the field has a little tip.

[00:34:05]Luke Storey:  That's cool. That explains why I used to put his tapes on and go to sleep, and I would just have them on repeat all night long for a couple of years.

[00:34:17]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. I mean, if you just keep the books around, they radiate at the level of conscious of the books, they'll fill your home with energy. And yeah, if you play his lectures in the background, even with the sound off, that will radiate positive energy into your house.

[00:34:36]Luke Storey:  Wow. It reminded me of something that I was doing, and then whatever, I fell out of the habit of it—and forgive me for interrupting again, I'm just so excited about this particular topic. But I'm sure you've heard his reading of the 91st Psalm, he reads it, dude, I used to listen, Stop, just over and over again. When I was going into meditation, or if I was hitting a really trying time in life, or going through some stress or difficulty in a relationship, work, et cetera, I just put that on and it's just like, whoa, it almost brings tears to your eyes. It's so powerful, just that simple prayer in the way he reads it. And then, even some of the music that he would play at his events, I tracked down that music on Spotify. 

[00:35:23]Clayten Stedmann:  Oh, the Kyrie. Yeah.

[00:35:25]Luke Storey:  And I actually jacked his playlist. And I'm not doing workshops now because of the COVID thing, which I want to calibrate with you, but I would play the Kyrie and a lot of the songs that he would play in his events, and if it did nothing for the people there, which I'm sure it did, it brought me into the energy field that I has experienced going to see him speak, of just listening to his talks. It was just that visceral whole being memory of that field and was able to bring me into that so that I could be of most service to the people in the workshop. Just really powerful stuff. 

[00:36:03]Clayten Stedmann:  Well, the Kyrie is by Robert Gass in case anybody doesn't know, it calibrates at 700. I have one CD in my Jeep. 

[00:36:09]Luke Storey:  Oh, really? 

[00:36:11]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. Other people got kind of tired of it, but it takes me back. I just heard that when I walked into the first—well, when I walked in, it probably wasn't playing because I was there really early, but I really associate that song with being with Doc. Yeah.

[00:36:31]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:36:32]Clayten Stedmann:  And Ben Bigelow was a guy, I guess name's Ben Bigelow on YouTube, he has a recording of Hawkins doing the elm and he's mixed it in with a few things. So, I just had that playing sometimes in the background. It, oh, yeah, just takes me away.

[00:36:47]Luke Storey:  And then, he had the one guy who was kind of his assistant who did that Buddhist chant. Remember that cat who is kind of his right-hand man there.

[00:36:58]Clayten Stedmann:  For a while. God, I can see him come to me.

[00:37:02]Luke Storey:  And he would do that Buddhist chant of [chanting] , and it went on and on forever. And I'm like, how did he learn this prayer, like he must have studied for years just to get that one down.

[00:37:17]Clayten Stedmann:  It's a big commitment.

[00:37:18]Luke Storey:  Yeah. What is that guy's name? He was in Hawkins' funeral or his memorial service, whatever it was, and that guy was there. I was like, oh, that's the guy I've been listening to do that for-

[00:37:29]Clayten Stedmann:  It will come to us.

[00:37:31]Luke Storey:  Okay. So , like someone holds their arm up, someone does the ring with their fingers, give us the physical mechanics of the kinesiology.

[00:37:40]Clayten Stedmann:  So, there are different ways to learn muscle testing like a new skill. There's an Applied Kinesiology Association of the United States of America and Canada, and other places in the world. So, you can go there and learn testing in a certain context. Just to give people some places they can go, you can learn it from Theta healers. You can learn it from different modalities. So, I have a good friend who's a Theta healer, and I took her course and got certified as a tester in that modality. 

[00:38:12] When I was working with the scientist, he read the book, and he said, the best way he thought to learn it was to have a subject, an auditor, and a calibrator. So, the calibrator would form the inquiry. They would make inquiry. They would say it out loud. And the auditor would audit how it was being said. Once we got past having it the same way, this is when we learned the fastest because it's very easy to start to express the inquiry. So, the inquiry is the declarative statement.

[00:38:55] It's not a question. And the reason that declarative statements are the key is that the universe is actually a positive place. And we were talking to the universe, if you're talking in a positive, declarative statement, you had better access, that's kind of one of those things that you usually get into after a couple million calibrations because you're wondering why you're able to do this with an inquiry and not a question, yeah, with a calibrated statement, which they call inquiry rather than a question.

[00:39:28] So, you have your collaborators forming the inquiry, the auditors auditing the statement, and the subject is the person's arm you push down. So, the person to hold their arm down, the callibrator will say, I have permission to make this inquiry for the highest good level of conscious of this chapter in the book is about 200, yes, about 500. So, that's the way we studied it and that was the rigor of the scientist. And then, you would switch roles, right? 

[00:40:07] So, everybody gets a chance to practice because you have to have three people that can test and not everybody can test, about 20% of the population could test for Power vs. Force as written back in, I think, it was '86, he wrote it—actually, no. I can't remember. '86 was when the world went over 200. I'm not sure when he wrote Power vs. Force, I could pull up my copy. So, we practiced in a triad. And then, we would go to blind testing. And blind testing is where the calibrator would hold the inquiry in his mind and not state it out loud. So, you wouldn't have the auditing function, but you would have a better control because the subject could not be biased to the stated inquiring.

[00:41:03]Luke Storey:  So, you eliminate placebo in that method. 

[00:41:06]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah, you reduce placebo significantly. I mean, I was with a scientist who was like 25 years with one of the largest chemical companies in the world. So, he was ultra rigorous and he would probably want to talk about placebo control for longer than we would want to hear it. But yes, a placebo is a big effect. So, that's the way that I learned it or practiced it. And then, I do a lot of self-testing, and then I do a lot of batch testing. So, for self-testing, you can just use your two fingers, and then say, do I have permission to make this inquiry? Yes. Well, first of all, you check your polarity.

[00:41:52] Hold a positive image in mind. You can hold Doc Hawkins in mind. You could hold Jesus, Buddha, Krishna. Other people hold hold a saint or something in mind and you have to test your polarity first. And then, you have to have an inquiry that's Integris. And forming the perfect question took me, yeah, that took me about five years as well, because you have to have all the variables figured out, the protocols to manage your own state, and that leads to be able to refine how to make the perfect inquiry. So, it's kind of technical and I don't want to get too far down the rabbit hole. 

[00:42:39]Luke Storey:  I think that's a good explanation of it. And for people listening, I think, it's like I want to impress upon them the magnitude of this discovery and why I was so excited to find you after Hawkins passed. It's like, well, okay, that's great, he gave us all these answers to these really important questions that could have a huge impact on our current state as a species, our future, our individual spiritual evolution. But then, once he was gone, I was like, well, that's all we get.

[00:43:08] There's no more testing because no one can seem to figure it out. And so, what we're talking about here, people, is, and many people have this ability, not just Clayten, he just did the due diligence and put in the time to figure out, but we're talking about, is to be able to take any questions you have about anything in the universe throughout all the time and discern whether or not that is true or false. And this is the great folly of the human experience, is our inability to discern truth from falsehood.

[00:43:40] This is where all the suffering originates, right? And so, to me, it was just like, when I couldn't figure out how to do it, it was so frustrating. Not that I've tried that hard, I mean, I went on for a few weeks or months kind of trying to cobble together a method, and I just moved on to other things. But to me, it's like even just to know someone that has the ability to do this with some degree of accuracy and reliability is such a huge gift. 

[00:44:08] And so, I'm so thankful that you put in that work, and then also, that you've, which is, we're going to do another podcast tomorrow for those listening, next week's show is going to be based on like the culmination of Clayten's work with his partner, Jeff, in the FLFE, which is, we'll get into a bit here, but it's a whole—we needed two podcasts to cover it all. But this is such an important discovery and to the point when I found you and I apologize in advance and in retrospect, but I was like, you've got to calibrate all my EMF tools because I don't want to have—a lot of them are not provable in a linear sense because they work energetically. 

[00:44:46] And so, by the way, thank you. I sent your wife a list of the five or six products I have on my site, and said, tell me if these are legit, because if they're not, I'm going to take them off my site, and I think all but one of them passed the test, and the other one wasn't negative, like it didn't have a meaningful enough effect to promote it, in my opinion. But I was really excited to hear that my discernment had led me to getting some really solid products to recommend to people.

[00:45:18] But beyond that, I mean, there is such a far-reaching influence that this could have on our life. And it's just incredible, and I hope that more people will follow suit and discover Hawkins' work and the work that you're doing. And imagine if everyone knew someone in their periphery that had the ability to do this, that they could ask questions like, hey, should I—it serves the highest good for me to stay in this relationship, no. The level of consciousness of this potential business partner is over 200, no, done.

[00:45:52] I mean, you can just like cut your way through the weeds of life with such speed. I just think it would save people so much suffering. And I want to go back to something on that note, so thank you for summarizing kind of the physical practice, and how you fine-tuned it and refined it. But going back to the life of Hawkins, I found it so fascinating, as I said, the case study that you did on him. And I just want to refer back to something here that's so interesting.

[00:46:21] So, he was born in a rarified state at 799. And then, I've always wondered about the period in which he became an atheist, and a drug addict, and an alcoholic, and how far down he went, and there was a period, it looks like, around from 15 years old to 35 or so years old, that he did in fact drop down to 400, which is still relatively high in terms of a functioning human. It's hard for me to imagine a practicing alcoholic being above 200 because it just necessitates such selfishness, and dishonesty, and all of the things that come along with the degradation of your character when you're addicted to drugs, typically.

[00:47:09] And then, he had a near-death experience at 38 years old, his second where he popped from 450 back up to 850. So, there's a couple of curiosities there. But furthermore, what I found to be really interesting was that at the end of his life, going to 84 years old in 2011 through the rest of 2011 at 999.4, which is like Avatar status, then in 2012, 85, 86 years old, he dropped down to 600, 540, and then 500. And I wondered if you did any—and not that that's bad, 500 is still, you're a pretty high-functioning spiritual being, but as compared to Avatar status, it's a bit lower, especially in the logarithmic scale. Have you done any research as to why his level went down near his death?

[00:48:15]Clayten Stedmann:  Well, if I did, I can't remember, I've got a lot of banker's boxes full of yellow notepads that I haven't typed up because I used to do my research on yellow notepads and blue pen because I was told that helps you memorize it better. I just assumed it was because he was getting really old and frail. And he had a lot of diseases which he covers in Healing and Recovery. And he overcame a tremendous amount of physical ailments. So, I can't remember anything else other than that was my assumption, it's just age.

[00:48:50]Luke Storey:  Yeah, that makes sense. I mean, from his teachings, I gleaned that one of the purposes of keeping your body healthy and your nervous system strong, and this would definitely be in alignment with my Kundalini yoga practice, which is all about strengthening your nervous system and having a container that's able to withstand the spiritual downloads that you're getting in meditation and whatnot, but he would talk about how the physical body needed to be of a certain strength in order to contain that energy.

[00:49:22] And one of the things I found interesting was when students would ask about why there weren't more female avatars, mystics, high spiritual teachers on record, or at least ones that he had calibrated, and I remember him testing something to the effect that it had nothing to do with gender, it just had to do with the physical body's capacity to hold energy. And that's why over the great expanse of time, more male bodies had been chosen by creation, God, et cetera, to be vehicles. It's not about a man or woman thing. It's just about physical body being able to handle it. And that would that would definitely align with what you said, as he was old and frail, the spiritual energy that he once was able to carry might have been too strong for his body to be able to handle.

[00:50:13]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. I mean, I went down the road of looking at the male nervous system and a female nervous system, and I figured that was a no-win solution, so I just let that go. There are certainly some extraordinarily high women on the planet right now. There's a couple in India, Amma and Bhagavan. We talked from the oneness movement. She was quite ill, and it looked like it was going to pass, and now, it's coming back, but her level of consciousness is, she's the highest woman on the planet at this time as far as I know. 

[00:50:49] She's at around 860, 862. And some of those inquiries in that chart, I mean, I wouldn't claim to have accuracy of 999.4, but I'm probably within a few points. What I would do with something like that is I would do maybe 20, 30, 40, 50 calibrations because I was really interested in his life, and then I would take the mean average of those, and that's how I would do that. Get the 999.4, I don't claim that kind of accuracy. So, that's how I would do it is the mean average. 

[00:51:24]Luke Storey:  Right. Speaking of Amma and Bhagavan in India and you calibrating her as really high, as I was telling you, it must have been 2004. So, I went to Oneness University in the Golden City in India, and I remember sitting in Darshan with Amma. It was just a day where she was there. And again, similar to experiences I've had sitting in the presence of other high teachers, I remember sitting there, and just having tears of gratitude flowing, and just being extremely moved by just being in a room. 

[00:52:00] I'm not breathing in any special way. I'm not necessarily saying prayers, or meditating, or doing anything that would facilitate a high state of consciousness, it was coming from her, this radiating, loving, matronly energy, and it was palpable and very real. So, it's cool to hear that you, in fact, tested her level of consciousness as being very high because that was my experience as well.

[00:52:28]Clayten Stedmann:  That's the grace of the guru, Luke. 

[00:52:32]Luke Storey:  Who are some other teachers or teachings that are contemporary that you found calibrates really high like that? Are there any other teachings or modalities? You mentioned Theta Healing, or things like Pranic Healing, or different types of yoga, or breath work, does anything come to mind based on your research as being worthy of pursuit at this given time?

[00:52:59]Clayten Stedmann:  God, there's so many. I mean, Amma and Bhagavan, they were very high. I mean, my partner, Sharilyn, is a pretty big student of theirs, and I got trained as a blessing giver, maybe you did at one time. I got involved in it because they were the highest couple on the planet. I'm in relationship with Sharilyn, so I figured there are some things I can learn from that field, just like you got from Susan and David. I'm not saying everything they teach is really high. 

[00:53:31] It's interesting, but Bhagavan, when he was doing his teachings in Indian, his teachings in Indian would celebrate much, much higher than his teachings in English because I think it's his second language, so he didn't have the linguistic distinctions to convey what he was perhaps thinking. So, Mother Mirror is another high one. I haven't studied her, but I was trying to figure out who the top 10 people on the planet were at one point. And my friends and I were putting all these people down. Amma, the hugging saint is extraordinary. In fact, if you measure someone's level of consciousness and you can measure the level of functioning, which is how active they can be in the world, right? 

[00:54:20] So, what happened with Hawkins and what happens with everybody that I've ever tested is that you can come in really high, and then when you get to four or five years old and the mind kicks in, that everybody that I've ever tested, including Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, all the ones that have reached a thousand, and I think Hawkins was there for probably six months, I'm trying to remember the exact number of months, they all go down below 500. They go into the high 400s at about four or five years old, and then they had to transcend the mind. So, many of them, they don't do that until their late teens or 20s.

[00:54:55]Luke Storey:  Oh, that's interesting. So, that explains those dips in there, right? Because you have to integrate the personality and the ego, and then kind of overcome that again, even though you have done these numerous incarnations before, because you're now embodied again, and you have the epigenetics and all of the karmic baggage essentially of your lineage, then now, you've got to kind of work your way back out of that as a stepping stone to get to the higher state later in life, where you, again, continue to teach and pass that on.

[00:55:27]Clayten Stedmann:  Absolutely.

[00:55:28]Luke Storey:  That's really interesting.

[00:55:30]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. And I've written out that theory and tested the level of conscious of it, it's very high. 

[00:55:34]Luke Storey:  Oh, cool.

[00:55:35]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. 

[00:55:36]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Amma, the hugging saint, man, I went to see her a couple of years ago, and, boy, it was not a hug that came easy, the whole, you're up all night, man. So, I'm waiting in line and there's a well-oiled machine that they have, but definitely, she was not the most accessible person on the planet, I guess for good reason. I'm curious about a few other things, and I'm going to throw a few things out, and maybe you've tested them, maybe you haven't, what about the teacher, Ram Dass? Did you ever test his level?

[00:56:08]Clayten Stedmann:  He just passed. I did, and I can't remember. Yeah.

[00:56:16]Luke Storey:  He's another one of my favorites, I think it's as far as picking up the torch with someone else, probably as much as Hawkin's. He would be another one of my favorites. There was something you mentioned that Hawkins would put in his protocol, and that is to ask permission whether or not the question was valid or allowable. Is this God's will? Does this serve the highest good to even ask this question? And I remember in the audience at one time, someone asked if he would calibrate John of God, the now healer in Brazil, and he went, well, we've tried to do it before, and we got a no.

[00:56:59] And then, he asked, do we have permission to ask this question? And he got a no. And then, he mumbled something about blah, blah, blah, we don't want to go there, we don't want to go there. And it definitely was not his normal kind of reaction to a question. And I thought, that was weird, because at that time, one of my goals was to go there and see if he could fix my back because I always had these back problems. And then, now, you never know what's true, but there seems to be mounting evidence that he was up to some pretty nasty stuff.

[00:57:31] And when I found that out, it was like, oh, man, that's interesting. I remember Doc not answering that question, and then definitely not being very enthusiastic about that particular person in Brazil. So, I like that part of the model where it's like, we don't just ask whatever we want because it might not be in service of our highest good or the people listening to the inquiry and the answer as to whether or not they even get that.

[00:57:59] So, hopefully, the question about John of God was like discouraging enough to other people as it was to me, where they're like, I'm just going to leave that one alone until I get further information. A couple other things I found interesting, and I want to see if you've done any calibration in this area, I think this was in Truth vs. Falsehood, which I would highly recommend to anyone who just wants an encyclopedia of calibrations of so many books, movies, countries, philosophies, political systems, et cetera. I mean, it's incredible. And people ask this question, too, are UFOs real?

[00:58:39] And Hawkins got a no, and that was one I always had a problem with, and I think, it's that I want to believe that they're real, A, and also, I'm not naive enough to think that there aren't other forms of life in an infinite, ever-expanding universe, but I think that was a no because of the way the question was asked, like, are UFOs are real, is a pretty broad statement because that would indicate what people typically think to be 1950's sci-fi version of UFOs versus multi-dimensional shapeshifting, intergalactic, interdimensional craft entities, beings, et cetera. Have you done any calibrations of your own that are worth sharing around the idea of consciousness or beings that are not of this earth that come here or have been here?

[00:59:36]Clayten Stedmann:  I've done a lot of research on that. In FLFE, when we're writing these requests to divinity that we put in a high consciousness field, the level of consciousness of the programs have to be at 999 or higher for us to be kind of clear of any karmic consequences, so to speak. That's what we determined. And so, sometimes, we have to rewrite the definition of a word because it doesn't calibrate high enough to have the program be at that level. 

[01:00:18] So, we have a whole glossary of terms, pages, and pages, and pages of words that we have to reference in a contextual definition for the request to the divinity we're making. So, the default definitions that we use in writing our programs, and the default definitions that we use as a society, and the stated default of definitions that I use in the inquiries, unless I state otherwise, is the Oxford Dictionary. Calibrates above 460.

[01:00:57] So, if you are going to—I mean, in an ideal world, what I would have liked and probably what a lot of people would have liked DOC to do is to state the inquiries that he used that he made or to make the conclusions he made and to transparently reveal that the unconscious default to his definitions would be the Oxford Dictionary. So, the Webster dictionary calibrates around 350. So, it's a very different level of consciousness. So, I don't know what definition he was using.

[01:01:43] And I think in other of his teachings, he talked about, the universe is such a big place and to think we're the only intelligent species out there is really kind of arrogant on our part. And so, it's a bit of a paradox. And that's one of the few paradoxes. Actually, there's only one calibration of his, one statement of his, it was around the social influence of people. And I've just never figured out how to make that inquiry about social influence.

[01:02:10] It may seem obvious to somebody else, it's not that I don't have permission to make it, I just haven't figured it out. So, yeah, for UFOs and other beings from other star systems, even, not just our solar system, even the galaxy we live in, my research indicates that there is definitely—that some of these beings are real. There's a lot of misinformation in the UFO community and I think Doc, at one point, calibrated abduction experiences at 70.

[01:02:58] And there are other abduction, individual abduction experiences that seem to calibrate very integrously, but I happen to agree that to look out into the night sky, and look at all the stars out there, and think we're the only intelligence species, that we're the most advanced, and that other species—look at how far we've come in our lifetime, Luke, with cell phones. Now, imagine what we're going to be in a hundred years, I mean, in another 10 years.

[01:03:25] So, I think that's just self-evident. There's a lot of talk about the honeycomb earth theory, that there are enormous caves in the earth, that there's other species that perhaps moved into those areas during enormous volcanic events or asteroid events, where literally, if you didn't find another place to live, you wouldn't survive very long on the surface. So, some of those theories test as integris as well.

[01:04:00]Luke Storey:  Wow. That's wild. So, that's that's one I've always—I'm pretty open-minded and I'm willing to consider anything's possible. I think anyone that's done ayahuasca would probably have that point of view. Experiences like that, you just go, oh, yeah, I don't know shit, basically. There's so much more inter-dimensionally than meets the eye. And to perceive your reality with the limitations of our senses is really kind of immature, I think, not to be judgmental, but honestly, there's so much more there. 

[01:04:35] But one that's always kind of, I'm like, eh, and that's that there are beings living under Mt. Shasta and this kind of stuff, like the existence of any kind of sentient life forms that exist beneath us, I've always been like, that's pushing a little far. But then, again, I've not been down there. I don't know what's there. Maybe there's a huge pocket of air and they have their own sun underneath there, who the freak knows in this holographic weird planetary experience we're in. 

[01:05:07]Clayten Stedmann:  Some people make claims that have gone down there and they test as integris, some make claims that don't test as integris. Funny, now, it's an interesting phenomena. I don't have any personal experience of going into caves where there's other beings living, but there's an enormous cave systems in the world, just enormous. So, you can imagine if they're that big and we know about them, what don't we know?

[01:05:30]Luke Storey:  Right. There was another paradoxical test that Doc did, and it used to piss off all of his liberal fans, that was, he test George Bush Jr. as like fighting, it was 400, which is well above 200 level of integrity, and also, this is the one thing I've always pegged on him, is like I just think he was mistaken, he must not have tested it. And that was that there was some degree of inside job in the 9/11 event. And he used to joke about how stupid people were that think that steel doesn't melt. 

[01:06:17] And his perception of the argument that there was a 9/11 conspiracy in relation to the Twin Towers and Building 7 was that idiots out there think that steel can't melt. And he would say, well, how do you think they make steel beams? They melt it. Where the real point of contention with theorists is that jet fuel scientifically does not burn hot enough to melt steel. And beyond that, he also never addressed the fact that there was never any evidence of a plane at the Pentagon, nor was there any evidence of a plane in Pennsylvania. 

[01:06:52] And so, that always gave me like a bit of skepticism about some of his other theories and calibrations, because I'm like, he's so intelligent, and so wise, and he calibrate so high, how could he miss such an obvious, like a sloppy crime? And George Bush Jr. being obviously complicit in that whole lie because he had to have been part of the cover up, or at least, whatever, no one really knows what happened except the people that all did it.

[01:07:23] But then, I looked at it from a deeper perspective, and this is going to be difficult maybe for some people to hear, but from a very zoomed out point of view, I don't know that that event, even though it took the life of whatever it was, 4,000 people, and as a result, got us into the Middle East, where tens of thousands of people were murdered for no reason, and the whole thing was just a huge debacle, but I can't say from this vantage point that whoever did that didn't produce an outcome that was the lesser of two evils as compared to an outcome that could have transpired, right? 

[01:08:05] So, maybe there were things going on in the Middle East with Saudi Arabia taking over, and this, and that, that your average person like me has no clue about that could have ended up in a more catastrophic world event, where Europe got involved in Middle Eastern wars and everything just went completely tits up. So, for that reason, he might have been purview to a more broad perspective, and that was an area where I really had to kind of open my mind, like really, George Bush? And I'm not even politically attached to one side or another at all, but I remember him just getting—you can hear people gasp in the audience when he said George Bush Junior had integrity, because he was clearly, like in my take on it, not an honest person, but perhaps, he was being dishonest with the intention of the highest good according to his perception.

[01:08:54] So, have you looked into world figures that we would perceive generally as being negative energy, but their intentions, so they might be dishonest or something like that, like Donald Trump, which we can talk about, maybe they do things that are dishonest, or unkind, or they lack decorum, or they're rude, or mean, and angry, and they're very low vibe, but their intention is higher, therefore, they don't drop under the critical level of 200 as being a real nasty person or someone who actually wishes harm on other people. Have you done any kind of political analysis from that perspective?

[01:09:42]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. I mean, I probably won't get into the exact numbers, but I'll talk about some principles. And yeah, again, 9/11 and a lot of things, I would really like to see Doc's inquiries and what he is using as unconscious assumptions. But I'm not saying—I mean, first of all, I'm not the best Hawkins student out there, I'm not. I'm a pretty good kinesiologist and I have persisted, but I'm not claiming to be the best Hawkins student. I don't know what went on in his head.

[01:10:15] He was an extraordinary man. My God, one of the most influential people in my life, I have a lot of respect. And if you're going to go into a field of science, which I consider kinesiology to be, then the more transparent you can be with the people that you're helping, including putting in the inquiries. It's a test if it's in the highest, best interest of all creation to release the information you've tested to the people you're considering releasing it to. That's a valid inquiry and that should be near the end of his protocols, and it's not.

[01:10:55] So, when people say, well, how do you know there was some protocols that he didn't include? Well, I think it's self-evident. It's in page 117, paragraph two, to write down your inquiries, and then the first part of Truth vs. Falsehood, and I don't have the chapter and verse of that because I encourage people just to do some work and look it up, that's a valid inquiry. And that should be included in the protocols. And when you test the level of appropriateness, so when you get into scales, so the Hawkins map of consciousness calibrates about 840, 850. 

[01:11:35] Another scale that I use a lot is a scale parallel to the Hawkins map of consciousness, where 1,000 represents something because of all the logarithmic factors in it. And another scale is a percentage scale, which we're all used to in school, right? The percentage scale is typically the lowest-conscious scale because it doesn't use divinity as the ultimate source of truth, so the level of consciousness of the scale is limited by the precepts. So, I kind of lost my train of thought there. 

[01:12:14]Luke Storey:  Talking about calibrating-

[01:12:19]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah, political figures. Yeah. So, when you're looking at calibrating somebody, it's really interesting. I mean, I'm still learning things and I've now created like probably a dozen assessments and have done 4,500 of the assessments that I sent you, Luke, just to give you a sample of what they look like. So, there is about 300 to 400 calibrations in each assessment to gather the data. So, when George Bush, Jr. went into the presidency, he calibrated 110 points higher when he was the president for 30 days.

[01:13:09] So, the office of the presidency calibrates in the mid-high 400s. So, when you have all those professional people around you, guiding you, consulting you, helping you, teaching you, if you're not at that level, it will tend to bring you up unless you're very obstinate and don't listen. The reason I think Doc was able to maintain himself in the 400s while he was an alcoholic was that the professional standards of the psychology accreditation require you to maintain kind of a 400's approach to life. Like in order to be accountant, or a lawyer, or a psychologist, there's a pretty high bar in the professional standards of things you can and can't do.

[01:13:53] So, maintaining those professional standards in your day-to-day life will tend to keep you in the 400s, even if you're drugging and drinking. There's maybe part of your life that's very low, which is slightly different than John of God, because I couldn't figure out what was going on at John of God. I had a severe health issue in 2008. I almost passed. And I was going to go see John of God. And I've done a lot of testing on him, but I did the testing before I figured out how to test for multiple personalities. 

[01:14:35]Luke Storey:  Oh, snap.

[01:14:38]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah, snap.

[01:14:43]Luke Storey:  So, one living being could have different calibrations based on entity possession, multiple personalities, et cetera. Wow. That explains it actually.

[01:14:56]Clayten Stedmann:  And you've got to figure out how to test that, if you're going to do like this kind of work professionally, you're going to figure out how to test that right on, like right in the beginning and test people before you start going down the road because I made that mistake can cost a friend of mine dearly because I recommended he do business with somebody, and that person had a multiple personality, and he caught the person lying about him on record, and he played that to me because I—and it cost him money, I've paid a chunk of that back just because it's like, I gave you a recommendation that was wrong.

[01:15:29] So, that's in my assessment, and it's pretty wrong there at the beginning. So, John of God is the real deal in one personality and he's very troubled in another. And the one personality is, the positive one is present 95% of the time. So, when I was running the numbers on him, I never found the multiple personality until about—because I believe what the people were saying, but I never found it until—and I never tested him for multiple personalities because people weren't asking me about them.

[01:16:02] But one day, I tested, and if I'm going to really look into somebody, I'll just run them through the assessment, it's all there, but I didn't run him through the assessment, and when people told me this stuff came out, it's like, I kept running the numbers, and one day, he tested very, very differently, and it was his other personality showing up. So, that's a pretty big distinction, extraordinary, yeah.

[01:16:30]Luke Storey:  That's fascinating. Going back to the Bush, Jr. thing, one perspective that I considered at a certain point, because if he had been calibrating him at 400 or whatever it was, that would indicate that that person is above the critical 200, and therefore has integrity and is therefore honest. And there were times in which Mr. Bush was definitely not honest, especially as pertaining to the 9/11 situation.

[01:17:00] But then, I thought about it from the perspective, again, that if his intention for being dishonest calibrated higher, then would it be possible for him to be purposefully dishonest and still calibrate at that level? Have you ever looked at the nuances of someone's thought process or the criteria by which they make decisions as being able to contain both of those at the same time while they are in integrity, but at the same time doing something non-integris because the intention of that is higher?

[01:17:43]Clayten Stedmann:  Good question. Oh, yeah, a Hawkinite, as I call them, would ask something like that, because it's a very specialized field, right? You start talking about these things, if you're not into it, it just could sound-

[01:17:59]Luke Storey:  Well, hopefully, we didn't lose everyone at this point. I talk about David Hawkins so much on my podcast that I'm hoping I would have piqued people's curiosity into his work. I want to just run a couple more things by you, and then I do want to give a bit of a teaser into the FLFE stuff. We'll do another episode tomorrow, which will air a week after this, but there is kind of a purpose to bringing all this together other than just, wow, we're curious about the nature of the universe. You've been able to do something with it that's really fantastic, and I want to cover that. But I can't resist just while we're here, have you, and I know the answer to this because I got an email about it according to what you feel is the highest good, but does the current president of the United States calibrate over the critical level of 200 of integrity?

[01:18:51]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. So, let's talk about this. So, when you're celebrating people and you're learning to do assessments, there's a bunch of things you need to test for. So, one is the number of times they switch polarity per day.

[01:19:05]Luke Storey:  What does that mean? You mentioned that switch polarity earlier, can you define that?

[01:19:08]Clayten Stedmann:  So, switching polarity is different than a multiple personality disorder. Although people that switch polarity a lot, that can be an indication of multiple personality disorder. And so, I had to be careful here because I'm making a claim that I can test that, there's probably some psychologist out there that would—I'm not a psychologist. I don't have the professional credentials in some ways to make that claim. And I'm accurate enough as a kinesiology and I've had enough experiences with it that I certainly have evidence anecdotally, and amongst other people, that it's accurate.

[01:19:51] So, I'm just aware that I'm probably stepping up to a line that I don't know how to handle, if someone wants to ask me about it, so I don't know where to go with that in this moment. When you're testing people, you want to test the number of times they switch polarity a day. So, you switch polarity, you go below 200. So, let's say, say, you're 400, and you lose your temper or switch polarity like five times a day, and let's say you spend three percent of your time in a negative state during the day. 

[01:20:27] So then, you can calibrate when that happens, what point in the day that happens, because if a person will typically lose their temper at work or they switch polarity at work, and they stay 3% of the time in a negative state, they could be too moody to really have a very responsible position, right? So, when you're looking at employees, it's very, very important. The other thing is people can be 400 in their overall life and they can be tragic in one part of their life. 

[01:21:03] So, again, you have an accountant, or a lawyer, or a doctor, who's, they have years and years of training, they have professional disciplines they have to adhere to, to maintain their credentials or their designations. And they can be excellent accountants, or lawyers, or doctors, and they may have a real problem in their personal lives. They could be a gambling addict. They could be an alcoholic, drug addict. 

[01:21:25] So, you really want to test people in different parts of their life to understand that completely. Another thing to consider is that some people appear much higher than they are when you're in their presence because of their heart chakra. If a person has a like a heart chakra that calibrates 125% out of 100%, they kind of experience the life through their heart, and they'll feel much higher than they are.

[01:21:53]Luke Storey:  Oh, interesting.

[01:21:54]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah, that's really interesting because I've been around people, it's like, they tested 520, which is high, but they feel really, really high. It's because their heart chakra just fills the room. Another thing, and this is probably more pertinent to where you were asking is that we got to talk about emotional age. So, when you're calibrating emotional age, there are two bodies of work that I cross-reference to get a complete understanding of the emotional age. 

[01:22:27] So, you're doing kinesiology, you're using these definitions, either conscious or unconscious, and when you're using kinesiology to measure people, and you're trying to understand a concept, you have to take bodies of work, and take bits and pieces of bodies of work, and align them or organize them in such a way that you can have a complete 1000th of 1000 understanding of that phenomena on Earth as it relates to humans.

[01:22:55] So, this gets to be just—I mean, the amount of minutia you have to go into to get some of these inquiries, and some of them, I could never figure out how to ask the question because I don't have the specific knowledge to even make the inquiry good. I usually make a decent inquiry, but some of them, I can't because I just don't know what data to reference. So, the reason I did so many assessments for so long is because I found the inquiries and I could just do the same ones over and over again, thank God, because the research is just like, it's crazy making sometimes. 

[01:23:30] It's just, at some point, it's like, I got to stop and go have a life or something, so that's why people say, 7.2 million calibrations, why would you even want to do that many? I don't necessarily want to, but if you want to figure something out, you just got to dig, and, dig, and dig, and dig, and I think eventually, if you persisted long enough, you would get it. But life makes you pay a big price for some answers, huge price. And it's time, and energy, and persistence, and a bit of insanity.

[01:24:01]Luke Storey:  Hawkins' right-hand man was named Nikko. 

[01:24:07]Clayten Stedmann:  Nikko, N-I-K-K-O.

[01:24:09]Luke Storey:  Popped in my head as you're talking.

[01:24:11]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah, Nikko. Yeah, of course. 

[01:24:13]Luke Storey:  What did you discover about our president, Donald J. Trump?

[01:24:17]Clayten Stedmann:  So, emotional age, right?

[01:24:20]Luke Storey:  Let's preface this by saying like, this is not about whether you like someone, or support them, or whatever. It's just like, what are the facts of the discovery in terms of calibration? I mean, I was never a fan of any of the Bushes. Still am not, but I have to reconcile if I'm going to go along with this model that there may have been some redeeming qualities to that man that I'm unaware of. So, that could perhaps be the case with the leader of the free world right now. It's such a polarizing climate that we have socially, politically in every way right now. But I'm not interested in who's right. I'm interested in what the truth is. And so, that's why I was curious about this particular question.

[01:25:00]Clayten Stedmann:  I kind of went around the mulberry bush, as they say around it, so the emotional age of the—so, there are two references for emotional age that's going to give you the data, right? So, if you're out there and you're doing kinesiology, you have a head start on this one. So, the highest consciousness body of work on emotional age that's easy to find is an institute in Europe called Bodynamics, B-O-D-Y-N-A-M-I-C-S. And their level of consciousness on emotional age is in the mid-990s. There is an organization in Cologne called the Center for Trauma Research, I think it's cftre.com, and in 2018, theirs was really high, and their website changed, right? 

[01:25:54] So, all bodies of work change unless they're in a book and they're static, then you can test them. You're testing a body of work that's not static, it changes, so you have to test at different periods of time if you're looking to gather the data to make your inquiries properly. So, if you reference these two bodies of work to make the inquiry about emotional age, my conclusion is that the average North American over 40 years old, because we live in North America, the average for North American over 40 years old, 40 to death, the average person is 15. 

[01:26:34]Luke Storey:  I do not doubt that. 

[01:26:35]Clayten Stedmann:  We've extended emotionally and the Europeans, they're high in emotional age, a little lower in some areas in North America. We all have our gifts, right? Different cultures, different continents. So, I think the trigger that I have when I see Donald Trump is that he appears to be emotionally immature.

[01:26:59]Luke Storey:  Yeah, you think?

[01:27:00]Clayten Stedmann:  Well, actually, II may have other triggers, but that's the one that I'm aware of. I'm not saying he should or should be doing the job he's doing. Like his level of consciousness, if you look at the assessment, first of all, in health, sexuality, income, ability to receive, intent towards all creation, financial resource management, social relationships, lifestyle, those areas, in financial resource management, this man is very high. He understands money and the exchange of value at a very, very high level.

[01:27:39] So, from that point of view, the country's in good hands, from a certain financial resource perspective, and I think that's why people elected him partially. And he's got to work on his emotional age if he wants to, I think, have people trust him deeper than they do because a lot of people trust him, and like him, and respect him. His intent towards America is very high, American people. He loves the American people.

[01:28:09]Luke Storey:  And you believe that to be true, because a lot of his opponents and critics would, there are all sorts of theories that he's trying to get rich from being president, which seems to me not to make sense because he signed away his ability to be in control of his assets. And I mean, he's losing money, if anything. But whatever, people have different ideas, but I have to say in a non-partisan way, regardless of his personality and some of the ways he expresses himself, which are very negative and toxic, I have always had the sense in my heart that he does actually want to see the country be successful including all citizens of the country. And I'm also someone who distrusts the media immensely, where a lot of people go for their source of information and to form a point of view, and you're going to believe and see the world in whatever way the TV tells you to in many cases, unfortunately. 

[01:29:09] And I'm sure I was that way for a time in my life as well, but I have always sensed that. Like as much as he lacks decorum, and I can see what people's grievances are with the way that he operates in the world, et cetera, but I have always felt that from the moment he started running, I thought this guy actually—whether or not he can do it or not, we'll see, but I really think he does not hate the country. And many of the politicians that we see now, I truly believe, they hate America, they hate Western, and they have a desire to destroy it for whatever reason, personal gain, just ideology, et cetera. So, okay. So, intent toward America, over 200, meaning over the critical-

[01:29:58]Clayten Stedmann:  Oh, it's over 500.

[01:29:59]Luke Storey:  Oh, wow. Wow.

[01:30:02]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah, I'm not saying he's—I don't go down the political roads and I don't really get down conspiratorial roads. There's more than enough people that know more about the deep state and other parts of the world than I do and there's enough people talking about it out there. I think I can contribute something in a very specialized kind of numerically oriented kinesiology point of view. And that's where I think I can contribute to the world. I don't think I can serve in those ways that very well.

[01:30:35]Luke Storey:  Well, it's interesting in looking back, and I didn't really understand what he was talking about when Hawkins would often refer to radical leftism, to Marxism, and relativism, socialism, communism, all of these failed ideologies that have proven themselves, over, and over, and over again, to produce death and suffering. And I was much less politically savvy as I am now. And I wouldn't say I'm incredibly savvy now, but I'm almost 50. I have a little bit more of a geopolitical understanding, but I didn't really know what he was talking about.

[01:31:16] And he came off as such kind of a crusty conservative. And at that time, I would have considered myself really liberal hippie kind of basically, which is why I had that point of contention with Bush. I'm like, how is this possible that I'm having cognitive dissonance here? But, dude, watching the unfolding of the social unrest and the infiltration of Marxist ideology, cultural Marxism, et cetera, into the universities, which he also calibrated.

[01:31:45]Clayten Stedmann:  Oh, yeah, the universities have plummeted, man. Some of them just plummeted.

[01:31:49]Luke Storey:  Yeah. And so, now, I listen to, and I'm like, oh, my God, Hawkins was a prophet, man, because he was predicting the outcome. It's not that he was a prophet. He's just like David Icke and a number of other people that, it's not that they're prophetic, it's just that these ideologies and paths that we take politically and socially have a very predictable outcome, and that is death and suffering. And they've always been that way and always will be because those ideologies in and of themselves calibrate low on the scale of consciousness. 

[01:32:20] Whether using Hawkins scale or not, Marxism is a road to suffering. And so, it's really interesting to look at Hawkins' work now, and say, oh, damn, he was right. This is the outcome when you educate the young according to untruths and you use the media to perpetuate untruth. This is the societal collapse that we're kind of in the beginning stages of experiencing now. And I'm hopeful that, somehow, we'll have a positive outcome. But have you observed kind of the premonition that he seemed to have and these undermining ideologies that we've seen throughout history?

[01:33:01]Clayten Stedmann:  I mean, more and more self-evident that when you teach non-integris ideologies, and they're spread throughout our education system, you have generations of people that are heavily influenced by that, that the outcome is going to be tragic. In some ways, it probably already is. I mean, we've all believed things in the past that are not true. I think that's true for everybody as far as I know. I know I have, and I paid a price for trying to unwind those. I'm still probably unwinding some of them.

[01:33:41] Yeah, we pay a price. And yeah, it's shocking. I mean, I haven't really focused on politics. And really, for most of my life, it's been about trying to raise my consciousness. And as I'm getting a little older, I'm a little north of 50, just turned 55, so politics has a big influence on the world. And to pretend that it doesn't is a bit naive. How do you have a relationship with politics and the underpinnings of the belief systems that run it and be at peace? That's what I'm trying to figure out.

[01:34:24]Luke Storey:  Yeah, you and me both. 

[01:34:26]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah, because it seems that the more negative the belief systems are and they create these movements, that there are just bigger extremes, and the extremes affect us more as individuals. That's the best as I can tell. It's something that I'm kind of stepping into because there is part of my life where I'm just not struggling the same way I used to, right? I mean, life is pretty good, so I have a little more time to look into these things. And it's an interesting and disturbing subject. 

[01:35:05] I mean, we had somebody go through our town, it's a little town, 10,000 people, and they went through and spray-painted Black Lives Matter everywhere. It's costing people tens of thousands of dollars in property damage at a time when some businesses are, 20% to 30% of businesses aren't going to make it, including our office, it's sprayed. We were just one of 33 places in town. So, when it affects you personally, it just kind of get your attention more. I try to stay away from the media, most of it's so negative. It's like, God, nothing to watch.

[01:35:36]Luke Storey:  Have you done a calibration on the American mainstream media as a whole, by chance?

[01:35:43]Clayten Stedmann:  I haven't really dug deep into that. I spent most of my time focused on FLFE, like we've assembled this group of technologies to raise the level of conscious of the planet. That's what I focus on because that's—we focus on that. I mean, you could say you have this belief that, according to our testing, it might be negative, but you have this belief and you think they should be spread throughout the world because it will help to raise the consciousness, so you can rationalize that. But spending a lot of time in the media is just a slippery slope. 1You really got to pick and choose carefully, and limit your time.

[01:36:21]Luke Storey:  It's a challenge for me because there's this morbid curiosity, I call it. There's this morbid curiosity. I want to look on Twitter, and look at the political analysts and pundits, and see who's fighting, and what new development, and what city is on fire now, and what EMF, like 5G tower went up at what high school, and gave the kids cancer, and it's really difficult for me to be on the precipice of awareness versus falling into fear. And like what you said, I would interpret that as really focusing on what you want, which is harmony, peace, love, understanding in the world versus focusing on what you don't want.

[01:37:02] But at the same time, I feel it's incumbent upon me to stay aware of the things that are unraveling and unfolding that I don't want so that I am prepared for them. So, it's kind of a dichotomy there. On that note in terms of what's happening in the world right now, have you, by chance, maybe you haven't, because you just said, hey, I'm just trying to do my FLFE work and make the world more uplifted, but have you tested the COVID-19 theory, or narrative, or response by the government? Have you done any work around the "pandemic" and its validity or anything like that?

[01:37:42]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. When it first came out, I did a ton of research on it because I wanted to find a way to be at peace with it, whatever is going to happen. And I mean, I think the evidence is there that there's something called COVID-19, there's no doubt about that. It was artificially created. There's people who've done research on that and proven it in painstaking detail. And there's people right now trying to do, not trying to do, they're doing research on biological weapons in case they need to use them against some other country in the future.

[01:38:28] I mean, humanity has some dark stuff in it. We've got some shadow work to do. And that's gone on as probably as long as biological warfare has happened and will go on until we grow above it. So, the pandemic is partially karmic because of the way we treated each other. I mean, if you continue to spend all this money creating biological weapons, guess what's going to happen one day when it get released? So, I don't know how to answer this, but I think the question I have, I don't have a lot of questions about it, is what's the cost that we should pay as a society to try to protect certain of groups of people? 

[01:39:24] And I don't know how you put a cost on the price of life, I don't know, but what is the cost we should be paying as a society to manage the impact of this? Like we're paying a very, very heavy price and future generations will. I mean, we're going so deep into debt. I don't know what the answer is. I think our response as a society is slightly exaggerated in terms of what's actually happening. Back when SARS was around, I heard 20% of people might die in the States. That was from Obama's lips. I don't know what other leaders are saying, and look at what happened with it, right? So, if you check the level of consciousness of the computerized predictive models about what will happen, it's interesting. 

[01:40:18]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I'm guessing it's under 200. Ninety-five, that would be my guess.

[01:40:25]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. So, when you use a non-integris predictive model, guess what happens?

[01:40:32]Luke Storey:  Right. You get a non-integris outcome, and response, and reaction. Yeah. I mean, I have my perception of what's going on and I've talked about it freely on the show. And I think the whole thing is just an insane manipulation and power grab, but that doesn't change the way that I'm going to live my life. My goal is still the same as yours is, is to raise consciousness. And sometimes, that includes like, hey, there's also some bad news here. There are people that are vibrating at a lower frequency that are still living within their animal, lower-base nature of rapacious greed that don't care about hurting other people if they're to gain. 

[01:41:11] And that's the Earth school contrast, as Doc used to teach. People say, oh, God, why does it have to be evil? Why can't it just be, we all sit around, and sing Kumbaya, and be enlightened? Well, what would be the point of incarnating if you had no contrast, if there were no scale? If every living being was at a thousand, then why would we have to have the earth plane, and bodies, and all of the strife that we go through? It would be pointless. It's like sending a postgraduate PhD to kindergarten. It's like, why would you ever go to kindergarten if you're already there? 

[01:41:48]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah, if you believe and you can remember the the purpose of this life is for maximum karmic opportunity to clear the negative things you've done in other incarnations and raise your consciousness. That's a place that you can go back to, and at least, I can, and find peace. It's like, okay, that's for my karmic opportunity, wow, yeah. We're maxing out right now.

[01:42:13]Luke Storey:  Me too. And that's the beauty of having conversations like this. It's like I get messages from people every single day, man, I got a beautiful one on Instagram yesterday, I mean, I'm just a guy that just talks, I'm not even aware that I'm having an impact because it's just me alone in my ear and you on the other end, I don't have the visceral experience of interacting with all the thousands of people that will hear this, but I got a message from someone, saying, every day, Luke Storey uplifts my life and has helped me so much.

[01:42:44] I've learned so much in just a few months. And I thought, oh, man, it just warmed my heart so much because I'm just doing what I enjoy doing, which is talking to brilliant people like you. And the fact that other people are having transformative experiences to whatever degree they are is just icing on the cake. Me, I'm just here to build karmic merit, undo negative shit that I've pulled when I was less enlightened in the past, and keep it moving. And perhaps someday, I don't have to come back here anymore, where we have the Bin Ladens and whatever, like all the shit that I'm kind of wading through. 

[01:43:23] There's one question before we close on the FLFE, and that is, I never heard Doc talk about psychedelics, or plant medicines, or anything like that. And I might have missed it because it wasn't something at the time I was interested in at all. Being a sober guy, it was just kind of not on the menu. I never talked about it. But a couple of years ago, I began to explore this world a bit and it's been extremely beneficial to me.

[01:43:46] And now, I look at the earlier work of Ram Dass, and I see, that's what these guys were up to. And it seems to lead folks to a certain level of understanding. And then, you kind of just got to get off the elevator and do the work. And I think because I was doing the work for so long before I got on the elevator, it's just been a huge gift in my life and in my awareness. Have you done any calibrations or research about the benefits of these plant medicines, shamanic traditions, et cetera?

[01:44:19]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah, a lot. The use of plant medicines to raise your consciousness can be an integris path. So, I don't know if it's the key, but an important point is doing the work with someone who has conscious control over the experience. And that takes training and years of discipline. Taking acid or other psychedelics when you're a kid with your other friends, you don't have a lot of maturity. You haven't been trained as a shaman. It's like, it could not turn out well.

[01:45:10] So, as far as I can tell, the Shipibo tribe in the Amazon are the holders of the most powerful mother plant of psychedelics, which is ayahuasca. So, I've calibrated the level of consciousness of marijuana, peyote, the LSD, there's all these different drugs out there, ecstasy, and the ayahuasca is the highest consciousness one if it's administered by a trained, loving, high-consciousness shaman and done in a safe container with multiple people taking care of that container, who had been trained in that. 

[01:46:07] And I'm talking about three or six months training, you don't run a ceremony unless you've done it for years and years. I mean, I did a bunch of research. I had a client of mine who was really into ayahuasca. And I did a bunch of research on the shamans, and the guy that he was working with was 584 on the Hawkins map. It's like, he spent 18 years working with the highest person on the planet at the time. It's like, yeah, you can trust this man and he's got three or four people with him who've done lots of ceremonies, and they have a safe container, and that's a legitimate path.

[01:46:40]Luke Storey:  Wow, that's great to hear, yeah. The last four ceremonies I did with ayahuasca were in Costa Rica with a couple actually, really beautiful couple of the Shipibo tradition, when they flew them up to lead this weeklong ceremony. And oh, man, like the Hawkins music, I looked up the ikaros that they would sing. 

[01:47:05]Clayten Stedmann:  Oh, yeah, the spirit songs, they're great. 

[01:47:07]Luke Storey:  I was like, that's that's my guy. And actually found recordings of them, and it's just like, oh, my God, such a profound experience. And as you said, they've been serving this medicine for 20-plus years. I mean, it's woven into the fabric of their culture, their being, and they chose the medicine path. I'm sure many people in their tribe went off and did other things, has a little donut stand or whatever, their path was that. And man, I mean, you can tell, it's a much different experience than you described as a kid, when I would go to a Grateful Dead shows, and eat a bunch of acid, and just freak out in a hockey arena or something. 

[01:47:52] So, yeah, that's cool. But it's interesting to hear that you discovered through calibrating that ayahuasca itself is sort of the highest level there because that's also been my subjective experience in terms of transformation. And just walking away a different person and a better person, nothing I've experienced has quite gone to that level, whether it be psilocybin, or peyote, or any of the other things. Have you calibrated magic mushrooms, by the way?

[01:48:23]Clayten Stedmann:  I know I have, but it seems that it's the person facilitating the ceremony that is the tipping point as long as it's integris. And doing it on your own, it's like, if you've had experience with it, maybe, I don't know, I'm kind of a little bit naive about drugs. I haven't done a lot of drugs. I drink. I have some wine once in a while, just not a big drug user. I knew somebody when I was young who was an addict and it affected me a lot. So, I kind of got really cautious around drugs as I've seen what it can do to people, and it's just horrible.

[01:49:04] So, I'm pretty cautious that way. And I was in Eastern-based philosophy for 11 years and you couldn't drink, or smoke, or so much of things you couldn't do in that, I was fairly young at the time, I was 18, 19 when I got into it. And I'm not saying I've never drank too much. I did before I got into that organization, and I certainly have since. So, I think it's more about the person holding the container. And multiple people holding a container with multiple people participating, that seems to be, just from an economy point of view, because you have to pay someone, they're professionals, you got to pay them.

[01:49:45] And there's something about sharing it in a group experience that can be really helpful and beautiful as well if you all go to the ceremony as a social, cultural part of it. Yeah. I don't want to seem like too much of a dissociated scientific analysis of it, but I've just seen the effect that drugs, like addiction could have on people, and it's really about the conscious control of the container. I mean, there's other people besides the Shipibo that are good shamans. 

[01:50:25] There's people from North America that have gone back and forth, and they've earned the right to do it, and hope they can do a great job. There's certain people that do peyote that may do it better than most people that do ayahuasca, right? If you're talking about the mother plant, like marijuana is very legal now in many places, and it was a very powerful medicinal substance, and it still is. But because it's been involved in so many criminal activities for so long, there's an energetic association it has with crime. 

[01:51:03] If you have really conscious growers, perhaps, and really conscious people who facilitate the process, it might be a great experience. But depending on where you buy it and how you use it, it just doesn't have the Shipibo shamanic traditions of hundreds of years, and the ikaros, and the whole container, and the whole field around that, that ayahuasca does. So, I just add some more context to that.

[01:51:27]Luke Storey:  Yeah, that's interesting. It's funny because I used cannabis a lot as a kid and it was just the medicine that I needed. I'm so grateful, but it did definitely pave the way into really deep addiction, as you and I talked a little bit about the other day. But you know what's interesting, I've always loved the smell of it, but as of late, if I smell kind of a waft of it, it has a kind of low vibration. Like there are a couple of days ago, I was laying down, kind of meditating, and I smelled weed, and it kind of brought a lower vibration to the experience that I was having.

[01:52:06] And I would have preferred to not smell it, even though I like the smell of it, just like I would a nice incense or so, I don't think it's an unpleasant smell, but it did occur to me like, yeah, it's kind of a low-vibe smell. It's weird. I can't explain it. It's a very, very strange thing, whereas if I smelled sage, or Palo Santo, or some of the sacred plants that are used in shamanic rituals and ceremony, it's very uplifting and it's a very similar kind of smell, same kind of potency, et cetera. 

[01:52:34] It's just a little more skunky. And I thought, that's interesting. I think I've moved to a place where that smell, it's not a vibrational resonance with me. And perhaps that's why because it's been adulterated by a century of associative crime and issues with legality, the vibration of that plant might, in fact, be compromised as a result. That's an interesting perspective.

[01:52:58]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. I mean, it might have been the people who grew that particular weed or the people who were smoking, what they were thinking, that you might have picked up some energetic, because you have the vaporized substance like that, it carries the energetic signature a little stronger, right? So, we have to dig into that and geek out on it. 

[01:53:17]Luke Storey:  I can see we'll have to do like six more podcasts. What is the calibration of the United States as of late? Have you tested it lately?

[01:53:25]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah, it's calmed down a little bit. California right now, because of the fires, is the lowest consciousness state in the country. Typically, it's not. Well, it's just the fires. Like California is at 100, so it's in fear. Usually, it's in the 400s. At least, the states are around 300 right now. Pre-COVID, it was 420-ish last fall. Canada's where there's, like we have extreme smoke up here, like it's Armageddon-ish. Like yesterday, there was maybe 800 feet of visibility.

[01:54:06]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[01:54:06]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. We have our own fires here but not 100th of what's in the States, and it's just all blowing up the way the winds are blowing. And I've seen it once before, we had a fire localized, I couldn't see across the river. That's kind of one of the things, you live close to a river, you can't look across it, you can see now, so you judge your particulate in the air, but, yeah, it's nasty.

[01:54:34]Luke Storey:  What is a couple generally highest calibrating locations in North America or the world at large? Are there ones that typically resonate really high, like in the Himalayas or places that one might think are holy pilgrimage sites, et cetera? Are any of those valid and kind of maintain that over time?

[01:54:55]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah, I mean, the cathedrals, the classic ones at Hawkins' books are really high. People talk about Stonehenge and the vortexes in Sedona. Sedona has dropped a lot in the last 10 or 15 years. It's still beautiful there, it really helps your spirit, but I think there's been a cultural change. I don't know, do you know Regina Meredith? Have you met her?

[01:55:25]Luke Storey:  No.

[01:55:26]Clayten Stedmann:  She's a pretty big influencer on—well, she's a host on Gaia.

[01:55:34]Luke Storey:  Oh, cool.

[01:55:34]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. And she actually produces her own—she has her own YouTube channel and produces her own shows. So, she lived in Sedona for decades, and moved back and forth, and she talked about the change in Sedona. I'm not saying it's not a great place to live, it's just, it's changed. I mean, if I was going to live in the States, it would be one of the places on my list to check out just because of how beautiful it is and I know some people there.

[01:55:59]Luke Storey:  Yeah. And I'm fairly close to moving there. We're going to go stay there in November to escape the election fallout. And I think this episode will probably have come out after that trip, so people will have an update. But I was just trying to find somewhere where it didn't snow a lot that was beautiful, that didn't have 5G, that had a state where the government's response to COVID was less totalitarian, which typically and ironically ends up being the Republican-governor-controlled states, which is strange. I never would have thought I'd said that, but that's the way it is. And so, Sedona, and also, its proximity because it's close to an airport, it's close to Colorado. 

[01:56:45] Like it's a hub where you can drive to other beautiful places. And so, for that reason, it seemed to be, and fairly decent state taxes. I mean, it's no Texas or Florida, but it's 4.5%, or 4.7%, or something, much less than California, but when I got the report from you that it was much higher, and it had fallen, I was like, no, but if it was 350 or something, like, cool, I'll turn on FLFE on my house like I have here, and I'll make sure that my immediate property lines are taken care of, which brings me to, and again, those listening, we're going to do an entire show on this tomorrow where we don't really talk about much of the stuff we did today and talk about this, but give us like an elevator-closing pitch on what FLFE, Focused Life Force Energy is.

[01:57:33] This is a service I recently signed up for. I was happy to pay the monthly $300-something or whatever just because I believe in the work, and the website, and listen to a bunch of your podcasts, and the general vibe in my home is just beautiful as a result, and I'm 100% sold. Absolutely. And I know you're not a big salesy kind of guy because that's not why you're in it. It's so obvious because you could charge a lot more frankly. 

[01:58:02] And I know you do all the Sava work and a lot of the stuff you do is free anyway, and free trials, and all this stuff, but it's been a really great thing for me to experience, especially as someone who's extremely sensitive to EMF. One of the features of the FLFE service is EMF mitigation, and anything that says that gets my attention. And before this interview and before every interview I do, I always activate my 30-minute daily.

[01:58:33] And it's just, I used to put a note on my desk to do it, and now, it's just like, it's part of turning on Zoom. I open zoom, and I'm like FLFE site, boom, log in, activate the boost, and I activate the boost at my mom's house because I'm in the portal, and it always makes for like a really lighthearted, fun interview. It's amazing. So, tell us a bit about what FLFE is so that I can encourage people to listen to the follow-up interview with you and your partner, Jeffrey.

[01:59:04]Clayten Stedmann:  Sure. So, just one thing you said, you said the monkey was $100 a month. Actually, the monthly is about $35 a month. The annual is, if you pre-pay, it's $350-ish or something like that.

[01:59:15]Luke Storey:  And to say, yeah, that's for the whole year because I trust that this thing works. So, yes, thank you for the distinction, because then, people would be like, wait, he just said he's not in it for the money, $300 a—shit, I could buy a car.

[01:59:29]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. So, FLFE really came out of, once I got good at kinesiology, it's like, okay, where do I do I go with it? And I've developed a bunch of intellectual property, and hopefully, someday, I'll be able to share more of that. People ask me, well, can I take a course from you on kinesiology? And I haven't gotten it's in the highest and best interest to teach everything I know, and I think that's because the power that it would take to steward that, I just don't have it yet.

[02:00:06] So, we're trying to form a group of people that can hold that container. I do have permission to, or it's the highest and best for me to share more of what I do know and I just haven't got around to doing that. I've certainly written a lot of courses and taught a couple on kinesiology, some of them 12 weeks' long, significant ones. And it's not like I'm trying to keep it secret, but if you're going to live by the army, you've got to live by the arm, so to speak. So, by the arm, the testing, right?

[02:00:39]Luke Storey:  Yeah. 

[02:00:39]Clayten Stedmann:  So, yes, it's not like it's some great big secret and I don't want to share it with people. And if I can figure it out, any reasonably intelligent person can figure it out, you got to put in the time. And even some really integris people who are higher than you and I, Luke, they just can't be good testers, so sometimes, there's a karmic thing in the way. So, this is a long-winded kind of approach, but if you get really good at kinesiology, it doesn't mean you'll get accurate on everything, because if you have a personal bias against something, you won't be able to get good data. 

[02:01:20] So, the benefit of doing testing in a group, which we have in philosophy now, is that each one of you can test the other's percentage of freedom on the subject, which is something else in the protocol, is to test the freedom you have to test the issue. So, when I got really good at kinesiology, I started looking at, okay, what do I do with this? And I was making a good living in my coaching practice, and I thought we could publish the intellectual property because I spent a lot of time developing it. 

[02:01:58] And I'm just like everybody else, I was kind of in my own way to a degree, and I probably still am. I just prayed about, what would you have me do, Lord? What's your will for me? And kept praying, and praying, and praying, and I got told to use my kinesiology skills to assemble kind of a unique combination of all the nonlinear technologies that are out there, that have emerged, that are continuing to emerge, that can help many more people than I can ever help as an individual. 

[02:02:42] And even if I could teach some of the kinesiology stuff, it's there, Doc Hawkins has created a body of work that if you put the time in, you can figure it out. No one can stop you if you're a good tester, if your body is able to test. So, the answer for me was to assemble a unique set of inventions, some of which I knew about and some of which to help me personally in an extraordinary way, and try to help as many people as we can. And that kind of came in conjunction with Jeff and I doing service work with one piece of technology when I was in this conversation with myself and the Divine.

[02:03:34] We were doing service work with the original FLFE, the technology, just before 2012, trying to raise the level of conscious of the planet because there was a big question in the space of humanity of what's going to happen after 2012. And a lot of people don't know that there was several solar flares around that time that passed between the Earth and the moon, which isn't a lot of space in the galaxy, that if they had hit the earth in succession, because they were so powerful, we would likely wouldn't be having this conversation.

[02:04:16]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[02:04:17]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. David Adair is the guy to look upon that, he really gets into the details of it. So, the minds might have been right in one way, it was a fork in the road. So, that was the answer that I got, was to try to do this work with Jeff. Jeff, he's a very understated guy, you meet him, but he was a client, became a friend, and he was practicing business as a spiritual path through raising the level of conscious of his company by helping the culture to create a really healthy culture.

[02:05:03] So, he owns a couple of businesses that are kind of institutional businesses. Some of them been around since the 1800s, multigenerational, solid. He's as solid as a manager you can find, I think, in many ways. He's a great man. So, that was the answer that I got, was to do this with Jeff and see how many people we can help and see how much good we can do. And we only had so many resources personally. So, to serve in a bigger way, we had to turn into a business, or get an angel investor or a donor to give us enough money, but that's basically what it came down to.

[02:05:43]Luke Storey:  So, you discovered essentially a physical technology, like a frequency, Rife, a coil mad scientist back to the future laboratory kind of thing, and then eventually, through your research and use of that, determined that it could be used nonlocally and that the frequencies and the beneficial harmonics emanating from that machine could be transmitted interdimensionally, or I guess you could say, in a quantum level, ignoring space and time, and just be, boink, assigned to a physical address, to an object, the person phone, et cetera, and that's the basis of the FLFE service. 

[02:06:25] So, the technology emanates an energy field of consciousness that can be assigned to different things. And when someone signs up, as I have, it's assigned to my address here, I also have this business service on Luke Storey Inc. I have it on my phone. I have it on my partner, Alyson's, phone, which after I did that, she said, it's cool, but maybe ask my permission before you put some frequencies. But what are you going to do? We lived through it. 

[02:06:58] So, essentially, what's happening is that device or however many devices you have can be assigned to someone's service, and then you've discovered along the way that EMF mitigation, et cetera, these other kind of added benefits that you discovered along the way can also be attributed to that particular location or that person's unique identifier as being their cell number or their tax ID number for their business, et cetera. And so, essentially, in the quantum space of pre-particle, in the wave, you're sending information somewhere that harmonizes the field where someone exists.

[02:07:42]Clayten Stedmann:  Technology is part of God too, not separate. We activate a high-consciousness field around a unique identifier and we're able to put a request to divinity in that field, such as the programs we talked about earlier. You've summed it up pretty well, yeah.

[02:08:03]Luke Storey:  And so, this works for people. I think most of my audience are pretty warm to energetics. I mean, I have channelers on the show and all kinds of things like that. I think I've probably lost a lot of our strictly left-brain listeners a couple of years back, to be a bit out there. But I always try to ring-in some hard science for those folks, too, but the way then one would integrate this would be to sign up for the, is it a 15-day free trial, where they get-

[02:08:39]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah, we have a two-week free trial? You don't have to enter your credit card. We can't bill you unless you come back and sign up. There's no negative billing where people take your credit card if you don't cancel. Just didn't test out as being the best way. It's kind of a not integris model, where you get people to sign up, and they forget to not sign, it may not be non-integris, but it wasn't right for us. So, it's kind of a no loss. You just get to try for a couple of weeks.

[02:09:05]Luke Storey:  Cool. Well, as I said, I'm a big fan of it, so I encourage people to check out the free trial. You've got nothing to lose. I didn't even do that. As I said, I just thought Hawkins, EMF, I'm in. It rings as true. I didn't have to do muscle testing. I just thought, I don't know, this makes too much sense. It's also, I think, knowing, and we talked about this the other day, I have never met someone who's a true student of Dr. Hawkins' work that is not Integris, that's a rotten person.

[02:09:34] I mean, I'm sure they exist, just like there's a lot of Christians that suck, and Muslims, and whatever. I don't know, I've never met anyone I didn't vibe with that was deep into Hawkins' work. So, when I saw that both of you were, I thought, there's no way these guys are going to scam me because they understand the karmic repercussions from studying Doc's work. If you do something knowingly out of integrity, there's going to be a price to pay. So, I thought, alright, fine, I'll pay my 300 bucks or whatever it was for the year and be done with it.

[02:10:03] And I'm incredibly glad that I did. Now, it's a matter for me, I'm just like thinking of, now, all the different friends that I have that either—I think most of my friends would believe in it, but they might not believe in it enough to throw down a yearly subscription or monthly subscription. So, now, I'm trying to find a way to just buy it for a few friends. I have a friend that has cancer right now and he's totally into Hawkins' work, but he doesn't have any money because of the medical expenses.

[02:10:28] So, I'm like, that's where I'm going with it, is like, cool, I'm taken care of, now, who can I actually gift this to in my life that's not in a position to be able to do it for themselves? And there's a few people because it's just been awesome, man. I'm so stoked to meet you and discover, again, I think I told you, I found your site, and I connected EMF and Hawkins, bookmarked it, and then probably a year at least went by, and there's so much noise with all the shit that I discover, I lost touch with it.

[02:10:59] And then, when I found it again through a couple of different sources, I thought I came back for a reason. I'm just super excited to get to chat with you, so thank you so much for coming on today. I'm going to see you again tomorrow. Hopefully, tomorrow, it's not two hours and 22 minutes for your sake, but thank you for your kind generosity with your time, and experience, and wisdom today. In closing, I've got a question for you. I'm going to ask you today, and then I don't have to ask you tomorrow, and one answer might be obvious. Who are three teachers or teachings that have influenced your life and/or your work that you might recommend our audience goes to check out?

[02:11:38]Clayten Stedmann:  Sharilyn said, you're probably going to ask this question, so I did prepare for this one. 

[02:11:43]Luke Storey:  First person ever. I always get everyone off guard.

[02:11:43]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. Well, in terms of teachers, that's a different question. She said, you might ask, who are the three most influential people in your life? So, is it just teachers or-. 

[02:12:03]Luke Storey:  Hey, my question was always in, I don't always get this type of answer because someone would say, oh, it's my dad, which is fine, it's about like, okay, so we've learned a lot from you today about so many different things, two or three people or teachings in general that you might recommend our listeners go study to be able to gain some of the knowledge that you've gained in life.

[02:12:28]Clayten Stedmann:  Oka. Well, I'll answer it the same way I was thinking about. So, the first teaching that I'll talk about is the power of commitment, and that's what I learned from my dad. He never missed a day's work in 25 years. When he had us, like his commitment to us was so extraordinary, in spite of his humanness like we all have. He was absolutely committed to providing and having us be physically taken care of. And I've missed a lot of day's work in the past 25 years because I just worked too much, if I get exhausted, take time off, but you would have to kill that man to stop him from going to work.

[02:13:15] It was extraordinary to be in it. Like I started to really appreciate it as I got older because I was going through that phase where I was kind of angry at the world, and why would God create a world like this where there's so much suffering? I was probably an atheist for years. And until I got the karmic opportunity piece, I think that lingered in me, like why is there so much suffering? So, my dad would be the first one that came to mind. And second, yes, Doc Hawkins. 

[02:13:43] I mean, to have someone that calibrated that level of consciousness that has hundreds of hours of DVDs and material out there, that's just like unprecedented in history. I mean, there's been other people that have been higher for longer periods of time, but to have access to someone that calibrated that high, that discovered this non-linear, unique phenomena, even if you didn't, just who he was, be exposed to that, we're lucky. You just go on Youtube, and watch stuff, it's like, wow. 

[02:14:17] The other thing is, when you live with somebody, when you're a partner with them, to have somebody be willing to look at what's at the highest and best interest of all with you, and whether you do that with kinesiology or however you do that, but to have someone in your life that you live with that is willing to just keep going back to that as the default and to have a way to find out, to determine between the two of you what's in the highest and best interest of all, and just say, okay, that's what it is, that's what we're going to try to do. 

[02:15:00] And it's imperfect, and it's messy, and sometimes, you need to ask the question differently, and it's humbling because you really didn't think to ask it that way or you missed a piece of the context. Context is everything when you're forming the inquiry. Like forming the inquiry is key, like just key. You miss a piece of context, you're not going to have the same outcome. There's a real rigor to forming an inquiry.

[02:15:28] To have someone to share my life with that is willing to go there all the time, man, let's say, Sharilyn's great like that. And so is Jeff, God, like I got a couple of people in my life and we got like our general manager, Ashutosh. We've got a team of people, like these people, they just want to know what's the highest and best interests of all and try to do it. It's like, wow. 

[02:16:04]Luke Storey:  You're blessed. Like I feel you, man. Thank you for that.

[02:16:10]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah.

[02:16:11]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I feel your gratitude. I appreciate it. I'm grateful for your gratitude, Clayten. So, there you go, my friend. Well, tell us where we can find your website, et cetera, as we close out the episode.

[02:16:31]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah, it's flfe.net. We also own flfe.com, it goes to .net because that's what we had first. And yeah, not really a salesy person, so it's always a bit of a question about what's an H&B in this situation. And I encourage your people to do the free trial and see what their experience is. And if it doesn't work for you, it doesn't mean that your did anything wrong, not everything works for everybody, but we just want you to trust yourself, and it's our gift to you, to humanity, to do this and some good things will happen in the two weeks, we believe, even if you don't subscribe some really beneficial things to your body and your environment.

[02:17:22] And 90% of the energy, historically, that the company has, that the technology creates, we do service work with it. So, we're doing a lot right now. We just did a power upgrade a couple of months ago because of COVID because we wanted to do more service, we repeated 40,000 times power upgrade, enormous, and we're just giving it all away because the world needs it. So, it is a business, and it is business as a spiritual path. And we're a bunch of imperfect humans running the company, but service is good. It's integris.

[02:18:02]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[02:18:03]Clayten Stedmann:  Yeah. 

[02:18:04]Luke Storey:  Well, you guys are doing a great job and I'm extremely grateful that you have had the commitment to the teachings, and to further that, and to share it with us here today. And with that, I'll bid you farewell, man, and let you off the hook. And we'll be back here tomorrow to have another conversation. And then, at least, you'll have your other half there so he can fill some of the gaps there, but I look forward to having more of a deep dive into the flfe.net technology and get both your perspectives because I think it's just something that's so useful and much more accessible to people than a lot of the interventions, where you have to have the technology in your house in order to harmonize the field. They can get expensive, and that's a great thing to have. Like I get it, they are, so I think this is really, really useful. So, thanks so much for coming on the show and your generosity of time. I had a really good time hanging out with you. 

[02:18:57]Clayten Stedmann:  Good spending time with you. I thought it was great going deep on Hawkins' work, and there's way more, Luke, we can go way deeper, man. We're just scratching the surface.

[02:19:05]Luke Storey:  I can't wait, man. I'll see you on the next one.

[02:19:21]Clayten Stedmann:  Okay.



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