DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.
Struggling with low energy, brain fog, or hormonal imbalance? Recharge your body with minerals! Caroline Alan reveals why food alone isn’t enough, and how fulvic and humic minerals enhance absorption, detox heavy metals, and fuel mitochondria to restore balance and optimize health.
Caroline Alan, co-founder and CEO of BEAM Minerals, is a health survivor turned mineral enthusiast committed to educating others about the critical role of minerals in human health. Her extensive research spans topics like cellular biology, quantum physics, and glyphosate toxicity, focusing on how plant-based humic and fulvic minerals support healing and wellness. Known as "The Mineral Geek," Caroline is a sought-after speaker and regular contributor to health-focused podcasts and events worldwide.
It’s time once again to sit down with the brilliant Caroline Alan, mineral expert and co-founder of BEAM Minerals, to talk about one of the most underrated yet absolutely essential aspects of health—minerals. Caroline breaks down why nearly everyone is mineral deficient, how these nutrients fuel everything from mitochondria to brain function, and why bioavailability is key. If your supplements aren’t delivering results or you’re curious about the science behind mineral absorption, this episode has all you need to know.
Caroline explains why most mineral supplements—made from rocks and shells—are poorly absorbed, and how fulvic and humic substances provide a more effective alternative. We also get into why it is nearly impossible to get what we need from food alone. From there, we get into mineral imbalances, their impact on hormones and neurotransmitters, and how fulvic and humic minerals naturally detox heavy metals, cross the blood-brain barrier, and support optimal cellular function to put your body back in homeostasis.
You don’t want to miss Caroline’s PSA on salt-based electrolytes and why minerals are the key to proper hydration. Plus, we dive into their nootropic benefits, how they can provide nervous system support and cognitive boosts. If you're looking for a simple biohack to elevate energy, mood, and resilience, I definitely recommend checking out BEAM Minerals. Visit beamminerals.com/luke and use code LUKE20 for 20% off.
(00:00:08) Choosing the Right Minerals for Absorption & Balance
(00:12:22) Why Minerals Are the Foundation of Health & Detox
(00:27:34) How Minerals Influence Energy & Brain Health
(00:46:15) Why We’re Mineral Deficient & How to Fix It
(01:11:58) Minerals for Pets, Bones, & Fasting Benefits
(01:25:19) The Truth About Salt-Based Electrolytes & Better Alternatives
[00:00:01] Luke: So Caroline, you are the first recording of the year 2025.
[00:00:08] Caroline: I love being the first.
[00:00:10] Luke: Yeah, yeah. I've been on a little bit of a break over the holidays and focusing on writing and stuff, so it feels good to be back in the seat with someone that I already know, that I feel very comfortable with, and who is always inspiring and full of great information.
[00:00:24] So let's start out being the new year and all, what's happening this year? What do you guys have going on in the world of minerals over at BEAM? What are you excited about? What are you apprehensive about? How's your year looking sitting right now at the beginning of January?
[00:00:41] Caroline: 2020. When I woke up on New Year's morning, I heard this year is going to be a banner year, and all you need to do is envision what the banner's going to read at the end of the year. So I've been working on seeing-- not working on it, but envisioning what that might be. And for BEAM Minerals, there's huge growth. But around the message of minerals, that's where I'm really in a learning curve, how to bring this message to a greater audience. Because it's 2025, and people are still mineral deficient.
[00:01:18] Luke: Yeah, you're never going to go out of business because there's billions of people that don't even know what a mineral is.
[00:01:25] Caroline: Right, right.
[00:01:26] Luke: I think back in the day when I first started, I don't know, I was five years old. My mom used to give me supplements. I don't know if there were minerals in there, but in the early days of going to the health food store and buying vitamins, minerals were always these chalky powder, and they're always much cheaper than the rest of the supplements.
[00:01:44] So I just thought, eh, they probably don't do anything because they're much more affordable. Come to find out years later that a lot of those forms of minerals are inferior and your body doesn't even recognize what they are, which I think is what's exciting about the way you're approaching it.
[00:01:59] So for the people that didn't hear your last episode, which by the way was number 518, and we're going to put all the show notes for this one at lukestorey.com/minerals, for those that didn't hear your last episode, break down what our common understanding of minerals is in terms of supplements, like your chalky tablets that you can get, your magnesium, zinc, yada yada, versus a whole food mineral complex like you've discovered from the earth in the balanced ratios.
[00:02:34] So I think that's a great place to start. And then we can talk about why they're important to get into your body. But I think the forms of them is something that would really serve people to understand.
[00:02:44] Caroline: Yeah. Most mineral supplements, if you go to the aisle in the health food store where all the minerals are, you'll see all these bottles of pills, and most of them are made from rocks, shells, and bones. And then there are some that are made from salts. The ones that are made from rock, shells, and bones, those chalky ones, they don't actually digest well in human digestive tract.
[00:03:09] If you are eating and you get a rock, shell, or bone, you spit it out because you know you're not going to digest it well. Even though they're powdered, they still have to be broken down so much farther into their ionic. It's called ionic chemical component size. So that's very, very small. So that they can actually hit receptor sites on your gut lining to be absorbed into your bloodstream. So this is very, very small. Only about 10 to 12% of those kinds of supplements get ever digested down to the component size where they're ready for absorption.
[00:03:46] Luke: So we're talking about a lot of expensive pee in most cases.
[00:03:49] Caroline: That's exactly right. Even worse than all of the expensive urine, this is the thing that I'm really wanting people to understand. Your gut microbiome and what we know about it now is it's like a forest. It's got a lot of fungi and bacteria and microorganisms and all these microflora that work together.
[00:04:14] When things are healthy and balanced, it thrives, and it's a really beneficial environment. So imagine a beautiful forest with all the right nutrients in the soil, the plants have been growing and then they die and they decompose and they put the nutrients back into the soil and there's enough clean water and there's fresh air and that forest thrives.
[00:04:39] Now go take a wheelbarrow of, let's say, potassium, and throw it on the floor of that forest. That's the equivalent of you taking a pill that's full of potassium. It becomes a concentration in your gut microbiome, and your gut microbiome doesn't work well with concentrations like that. It has to eliminate most of it and use a very small amount of it. And it messes up the balance of that beautiful ecosystem you have there.
[00:05:11] Luke: I just did a show on mineral balancing, doing the hair test and mineral balancing and things like that. And one of the things I've learned working with Matt Coffman, who's a practitioner, and we've been working on this stuff together, is the delicate balance between minerals in your body. It's so weird.
[00:05:30] If you take too much zinc, it knocks out your copper. Or if you take too much calcium, it knocks out your magnesium, whatever it is. I don't even remember at this point. But it's a real science to start to understand the relationship between these minerals and taking something that is even good for you can throw off the balance of other minerals and make you now deficient in those. It's so complicated. It's really hard to understand.
[00:05:58] Caroline: Well, and the beautiful thing though, it is-- it's actually impossible to completely understand. I've done a huge amount of study about these relationships between minerals. I wish we could show people what it looks like, this complex mineral, wheel they call it, that shows all the relationships.
[00:06:18] The algorithm is so, so complex and is changing. It's a dynamic system in your body that's changing all the time. So there's no way that any practitioner or person or even an AI could determine what your body needs in terms of minerals at any given time. Because in this part of my body, I need a lot because I'm lifting at the gym.
[00:06:44] I need a lot of magnesium. But I don't need it in other places. In other places I might need calcium. All sorts of different things. Let's say I've just eaten a candy bar. I need some chromium. So there's all these different physiological events that are happening in your body all the time, and there are different requirements for all sorts of different minerals at any given moment.
[00:07:10] So instead of trying to hack or think that you can figure out that algorithm that's impossible, instead, what you want to do is find a way to give your body all the minerals that your body needs using natural tools, natural ecosystem-based tools. Then your body and its incredible wisdom will pick and choose what it needs, when it needs it, where it needs it, how it needs it, because it will be available.
[00:07:43] Luke: What about this issue of heavy metal toxicity and certain metals attaching to the binding sites of where you need minerals?Again, I don't remember which one's which, so just know that what I'm going to say is not accurate, but the concept, say, if I have really high aluminum, then I'm not going to be able to absorb silica or whatever it is, right?
[00:08:08] I think that's like another depth of complexity to the issue too, that if we could go back 20,000 years before industrialized food or even agriculture, and we're eating organ meats and we're eating foods in season according to where we live, yada, yada, everyone probably had plenty of minerals.
[00:08:28] Then they have generations of people whose parents and grandparents and their parents and their parents going back were all out of whack with not only deficiencies but the addition of heavy metals with industry and this agricultural system where we make food that is actually poison. It gets super complex. At a certain point I'm just like, "I don't know."
[00:08:50] Caroline: Again, it gets so complex. And the beautiful thing-- because I've really gone down the rabbit hole and gone into that complexity, I came at that at that rabbit hole from a different perspective because I was looking at these plant-based humic and fulvic mineral substances and saying, "How could they work so well?" How could they have the incredible, positive impact that they have? And in the process-- I have to cough, so I'm going to cough. Oops, sorry. Suddenly I had probably an allergy thing.
[00:09:26] Luke: That's all good. Would you take a timestamp on that?
[00:09:30] Caroline: Yeah, sorry about that.
[00:09:31] Luke: That's okay.
[00:09:33] Caroline: So let me go back.
[00:09:35] Luke: When you started, you were saying when you started looking at the fulvic and humic.
[00:09:39] Caroline: Oh, yeah. I was looking from a different angle. So I was looking at how fulvic and humic could have such a positive effect in the body, and what I found out is that they work together to remove heavy metals from cellular systems. They have this natural innate ability. And we can talk about the specific ways that they work to both remove heavy metals from inside tissues, which is inside cells, and then ultimately remove heavy metals from whole entire cellular systems like your body.
[00:10:21] And when you think about it, if you think about nature, back when the dinosaurs lived or when there were volcanoes, or when there was the very beginning of cellular life, there were always concentrations of substances, and most of them are minerals like sulfur or, the kind of gases and things that happen around volcanoes.
[00:10:44] These too many cellular organisms are toxic. So there had to be a way-- nature had to develop a way to remove these concentrations of these non-beneficial minerals. Now, I do also want to say that some minerals are really bad when they're in concentrations, but they're also beneficial when they're in very, very small trace amounts. So what we're learning about minerals and really beginning to understand about minerals is that we don't know a lot.
[00:11:16] Luke: So do you think, based on your research, that a lot of this mineral balancing and trying to detox the metals and then fill in this mineral with that mineral, do you think that is futile from where you've arrived now and that you can just blast your system with these fulvic and humic minerals and just remove the need for all of that extra work and expense and the minutiae involved in that?
[00:11:48] Caroline: I want to say this, that first of all, everyone is deficient in minerals, even if you eat from your backyard garden. If you're eating food from the grocery store, the chances that your mineral deficient are very high. And we're not just talking about that you have low mineral, low magnesium or something, calcium, whatever it is.
[00:12:13] But we're also talking about the balance between them, and this is what you've talked with the person that you recently spoke with about minerals. The challenge is this, gaining and maintaining homeostasis, which is balance, is an ecosystem issue. So if you have a deep depletion in one particular mineral, as your friend said, it could be because there's another mineral, maybe a heavy metal that's too high or that's getting in the way of that absorption because it's taking up the receptor sites, as an example.
[00:12:52] But it also could mean that you have parasites, or it could mean that you have candida or you have some other ecosystem issue, which is affecting the metabolism or the bioavailability of minerals in your system. So what I've come to understand is that we're trying to solve ecosystem problems with single solutions, and we're not looking underneath the whole thing.
[00:13:23] We're looking at, oh, somebody has heavy metal toxicity. They have mercury. We have to get rid of the mercury. Now, I'm not saying you don't. Of course, if somebody has very high mercury, it would be really, really important to find a way to lower that. But I'm saying that hitting it hard without really understanding what's happening in that entire ecosystem could have really challenging and negative effects for that individual.
[00:13:52] Luke: So in essence, it's a mineral take on terrain theory, looking at the whole body as a complex system rather than this mechanistic slice and dice, which seems to me, ultimately you could end up chasing your tail a lot, getting overly analytical about it.
[00:14:15] Caroline: And what do we have in this world? We have obesity, and we have thyroid issues, and we have lots of hormone imbalance issues, and we have a lot of adrenal issues. And we have stress issues, you name it. All of these kinds of chronic, they start low level and they grow over time.
[00:14:33] These are ecosystem issues. So the first thing that if somebody-- I work with a lot of practitioners who come to us and want to understand more about minerals and use our products with their clients, and what we first tell them is, you want to first support the entire ecosystem,. Give it the tools it needs to create balance because the amazing thing about the human body is the complexity is beyond belief.
[00:15:04] But it actually knows how to do what it needs to do. It just doesn't have enough energy like fuel to do it. So the first stage of using minerals, from my perspective, is provide all the minerals in these balanced ratios. So you're giving your body those foundational tools. After that, then you can start-- many people, even if they have lots of imbalances, if you just use humic and fulvic over a space of nine months or so, things will start to balance naturally.
[00:15:43] Luke: Interesting.
[00:15:43] Caroline: Yeah.
[00:15:44] Luke: You just reminded me-- I was thinking about the relationship between minerals and hormones and neurotransmitters and whatnot. As I'm starting to understand it, almost every biochemical process in the body is downstream of minerals. I think that's the funny thing. Because going back to the '70s health food store, it's like, yeah, minerals are the unsexy supplements, especially nowadays. This crazy biohacking supplement technologies and things like that.
[00:16:12] But I think what a lot of people miss is that the things downstream that we're trying to fix are ultimately probably able to be solved if you just fix the minerals first. Would you agree with that?
[00:16:26] Caroline: I totally do. And it makes sense because this whole entire body is made of cells, and inside the cells we have these mitochondria, and the mitochondria generate all of the energy in the body, almost all of the energy in the body. So my moving, my talking, my thinking, my seeing, my hearing, my smell, the heart pumping, the lungs, every biosynthesis process that's happening that requires a certain amount of energy to produce, everything requires minerals.
[00:17:00] And it's not just four or five electrolytes. It's 17 or 22, depending on who you talk to, foundational minerals needed in different amounts. So you have the macrominerals, which are electrolytes, we call them-- they're the ones you need a lot of. And then we have lots of smaller minerals, some that people have never heard of, like molybdenum, vanadium, boron.
[00:17:26] Of course, we've heard of chromium and selenium and iodine. There are so many, and you need them in the proper ratios so that they can balance, like you're saying, and create that natural support for the whole system.
[00:17:43] Luke: When it comes to brain function and cognition, how do minerals play into that? And I'm asking because I just remembered, I recently did this incredible neurofeedback training in California called Holon as a week long, five-day retreat. And it is just wild. Anyway, I'm going to do a podcast about it for those listening. We'll dive deeper into it. But every day part of our required supplementation in their protocol was BEAM Minerals.
[00:18:14] Caroline: Oh, that's cool.
[00:18:14] Luke: Yeah. The attendant would come around with a little shot and I was like, "Oh, that's interesting." And I forget what Dr. Drew-- I asked him about it, and it had something to do with the electrical conductivity. It's like you're asking your brain to do this really demanding work that's very energy intensive. And he said something about, because you're on this QEEG thing and all that, that it's really important that you're able to fire on all cylinders, to put it in a really simple way.
[00:18:43] And I was like, "Oh, BEAM Minerals. I take that at home." But that's really an important part of their protocol. And it had to do with neurotransmitters and just the brain performance. So from your perspective, as someone who's been diving into all aspects of minerals for a long time now, how do they relate specifically to our mood, cognition, brain function? Are minerals a nootropic, or could they be classified as that?
[00:19:10] Caroline: That's an interesting thought. I'd have to think on that. So I think it's an interesting idea because they certainly have nootropic effects, but here's the foundation everyone needs to know. We talked about the cells, and inside the cells you have these mitochondria.
[00:19:29] It's not just one mitochondria inside the cell. So on the back of my hand here, in a single cell, there's maybe 200 mitochondria. In my heart, in a single cell, maybe 5 to 8,000 mitochondria. In my brain, in a single cell on a neuron, up to 2 million mitochondria.
[00:19:52] Luke: That's crazy.
[00:19:53] Caroline: Yeah. Now, what you have to understand is every single electrical connection that happens in your body requires minerals. Minerals are the electrical capacity in your body. If you take the minerals out of your body, you could throw a radio in the bathtub and you wouldn't die because you'd already be dead. No, but you get my point.
[00:20:22] Luke: It's funny you mentioned that. I forget who it was, but I asked when we were talking about water and distilled water being devoid of all minerals, and we were talking about the conductivity and I asked him. I was like, "Could you throw a toaster in the bathtub if it was distilled water?" He is like, "Probably, but don't do it because there could be some trace mineral somewhere."
[00:20:41] Caroline: You could actually, but probably it wouldn't. The electricity wouldn't really operate well in the water as long as you weren't in there. Because you probably have minerals in you.
[00:20:50] Luke: Right, right, right. Yeah, yeah. But I think that's a really interesting thing about minerals, is that the conductivity, it's like the spark of life kind of potential there that's very interesting.
[00:21:00] Caroline: It's absolutely the spark plug. We call them the spark plug of life. Exactly. But the fact that you have 2 million mitochondria in a single cell and a neuron in your brain makes you understand how much mineral content is being utilized for me to be thinking about what I'm going to say, and now the words are coming out, all of the neurological activity that happens in he body, not just in the brain, but actually throughout the body to make this possible.
[00:21:31] So that's the fundamental understanding, is you absolutely have to have minerals. And you also have to have minerals that are going to cross the blood-brain barrier. So that's the beautiful thing again about humic and fulvic, is they cross the blood-brain barrier. They become available in every part of your body, and not all minerals do.
[00:21:54] Luke: How does that ionic exchange work? I think myself and probably many people have a very cartoonish understanding of the blood brain barrier. I've always thought of it that there's some valve in an artery that opens or closes and stuff can get up into your brain. And someone explained to me-- again, I learned so much on this show-- that, no, it's an electrical process. It has to do with positive and negative charge as to whether or not something enters. So tell me about how fulvic and humic minerals get into the brain.
[00:22:25] Caroline: So most things require that electrical charge. So every barrier in your body, whether it's your gut lining or a cell lining or the blood brain barrier, these are cell-based barriers. And depending on where it is in your body, even your skin obviously is a barrier. It keeps the wet stuff inside, etc.
[00:22:54] So really what happens is there are cells, and these cells are pushing up against each other, and they're creating a barrier because they're pushing up against each other. Now, each one of these cells has a lining, and in your gut they're called villi.
[00:23:13] But in other places in your body, they have different kinds of surfaces that are creating that barrier. But those surfaces are lined with these cells, and the lining of the cell becomes the barrier. So when something comes up to that barrier, the barrier only allows certain things through.
[00:23:38] In your gut, it would be like, oh, this-- or let's say a cell lining in your bloodstream. You have a cell in your bloodstream and a magnesium molecule floats by and it hits the cell, and the cell goes, "Oh, that's magnesium. Let's open up and let that magnesium in." But if it's, I don't know, some non-beneficial substance, it's like, no, we're not opening. We don't recognize that.
[00:24:05] So it's the same with the blood-brain barrier. It's only going to let certain things in. Now, here's a cool thing about particularly fulvic. Your body recognizes fulvic, and when whatever barrier that it hits, it's so much smaller than a cell. It's a very, very small molecule, but it carries with it a full spectrum of minerals.
[00:24:31] So when it hits a cell, the cell goes, "Oh, that's fulvic. We know what that is." Because all the cells in your body evolved next to fulvic throughout millennia, and it recognizes fulvic as a beneficial substance and it allows it to enter. So it's not just carrying one molecule of magnesium. It's now carrying a full bolus of a whole bunch of minerals into your cell or through that blood-brain barrier.
[00:25:01] Luke: That's so cool.
[00:25:01] Caroline: Isn't that cool?
[00:25:02] Luke: Yeah, it's epic.
[00:25:06] Caroline: It is mother nature's mineral replenishment technology. It truly is a technology.
[00:25:13] Luke: Does this ability for the fulvic to gain entry to the cell explain why psychedelics are much more potent when you take them with Shilajit or BEAM minerals or something?
[00:25:28] Caroline: It's exactly why.
[00:25:29] Luke: Is it? Okay. I've discovered this accidentally.
[00:25:31] Caroline: Oh, you did?
[00:25:32] Luke: Yeah. Taking what I think is a microdose or maybe a handshake dose on a day off where I don't have any work to do. I'm not trying to have a journey but bump it up 100 milligrams, and if I slug it down with BEAM minerals, it's a lot stronger, and I'm wondering if--
[00:25:48] Caroline: It's literally because--
[00:25:50] Luke: It's not placebo then. Okay, good.
[00:25:52] Caroline: No, no. Fulvic is actually one of the strongest flavonoids, which is an intercellular transporter. So what happens is that those molecules of the psilocybin are clinging to the fulvic molecule because of its strong electrical charge. It hits the cell, the cell opens, says, "Great, bring it on in." It brings it in, and then it changes its polarity and it drops all that off into your tissue. Boom.
[00:26:18] Luke: That's crazy.
[00:26:19] Caroline: In fact, I've had people who are drinkers-- they use it for that. I personally have experience of something like that, what you're talking about.
[00:26:29] Luke: Interesting. Yeah. I noticed it one time in particular when I took like a pretty large dose of Shilajit, not really thinking about it, but just like, "Oh, I know--" when you use psychedelics, it burns your minerals out badly, especially larger dose journeys and things like that. So I'm always taking a lot of minerals. So I was going to do just a little bit more psilocybin and thought, "Oh, I'll take a bunch of Shilajit. I was like, "What the hell happened?" It was like way stronger than I wanted it to be.
[00:26:58] Caroline: Right.
[00:26:59] Luke: I was like, "Is that real?" So I guess that is real.
[00:27:01] Caroline: It's absolutely real. And Shilajit is a humic and fulvic substance. Yeah.
[00:27:05] Luke: Right. Okay. We may have covered this last time, but there's going to be tons of people that didn't hear that, and now I don't remember what your answer was. What's the fundamental difference between the BEAM minerals-- and for those listening and watching, I've got a big bottle of the Micro-BOOST here.
[00:27:24] I go through this stuff like freaking water. But it's dark brown, like a dark tea, but the consistency is like water, and it's virtually flavorless. And it has a mild earthy flavor. Whereas Shilajit is very difficult to work with because if it's cold, it's too hard. You can't break it up.
[00:27:45] If it's hot, it gets sticky and gets all over everything. It's not a very practical thing to take supplement wise. But from what I understand, both of them come from ancient decomposed plant matter somewhere under the earth. So what's the difference between the tar Shilajit and how you formulate-- well, I guess God formulates your minerals. But this version of it that's suspended in water and is easy to take and easy to travel with and all that stuff.
[00:28:13] Caroline: Yeah. There's a couple of differences between Shilajit and what we have. So the liquid minerals that we make actually come from a material called humate, and it's a black, crystalline, sandy-like substance that comes from about 10 to 12 feet below the earth.
[00:28:31] Both Shilajit and humate come from ancient decomposed rainforests. So 65 million years ago, the earth was covered with rainforest all over, and a meteor hit the Yucatan. It killed 75% of all life on Earth in a few hours, and all these rainforests around the earth died and decomposed.
[00:28:55] So in the Himalayas, that material became Shilajit. In the British Isles it became peat. In the Amazon Basin, they have something called terra preta. And in North America, there's humate leonardite, a few others like that. So the main thing I want people to know about Shilajit, it's definitely a really good, powerful humic substance. There are three challenges with using Shilajit. One is the flavor. If you're sensitive to flavors, it can be a bummer. Okay.
[00:29:34] Luke: I live with the woman who's very sensitive flavors and--
[00:29:36] Caroline: I don't like it.
[00:29:37] Luke: Try to get her to take Shilajit is a little bit of a challenge.
[00:29:40] Caroline: Yeah. And if you're really trying to get your minerals in every day and you just are struggling with that, that's a drag. So that's the first thing. The second is that, for people who are very sensitive, if they've had autoimmune, Lyme's disease, Long COVID, or mold exposure, their systems can be very sensitive to detox responses. And humic, and especially a strong humic substance like Shilajit can cause detox responses when you're first using it.
[00:30:14] Again, remembering that these are ecosystem tools, you need to use very small amounts if you're sensitive to introduce it to your ecosystem. Then your ecosystem goes, "Oh, cool. Great. I can finally get rid of some of this stuff." But if you add a lot right away, your body says, "Cool. All this toxins I've had, I'm going to get rid of them now." And you might get achy kidneys or achy joints or a rash or a pimple, things like that.
[00:30:39] Luke: Yeah, like Herxheimer reaction kind of situation.
[00:30:42] Caroline: Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. So that's the other thing about Shilajit. It's a little hard to know how much am I getting. So it's harder to titrate or start small and build up for someone who's sensitive.
[00:30:58] The third thing with Shilajit-- and I should send you a video about Shilajit sourcing. So the challenge of Shilajit is in the East, they've learned that Westerners will pay a lot for Shilajit. So they will take a very small amount of Shilajit and they'll add other tarry substances to build it out into a larger amount.
[00:31:21] So if you're going to use Shilajit, you absolutely have to check your source, ask for a certificate of analysis, and make sure that you're actually getting a humic substance and not something else.
[00:31:33] Luke: Yeah, it's, from what I understand, pretty prone to things like mold and heavy metal contamination--
[00:31:38] Caroline: That's the other thing.
[00:31:39] Luke: And all this funny stuff. Back in the day, when I used to first buy Shilajit, I realized it's also really expensive. So I was ordering it on Etsy from some old witchy woman in Siberia, and she had her lab report on there. But I never knew if the lab report was real. You know what I'm saying?
[00:32:01] Anyone can make a PDF and throw it up on your Etsy account. So I was like, "I don't know." I took it and I seemed to be fine, but I just had to take her word as some unknown person that I've never met that her lab report, the analysis was accurate and recent and all of that.
[00:32:19] I'm sure there are some unscrupulous vendors out there that probably are putting up a fake lab report or else just don't have one at all, and they're just like, "Oh, trust us. It'll be fine." So that's interesting though, going back to these decomposed rainforests and how they showed up on different continents in different forms.
[00:32:42] Caroline: Materials. Yes, yes.
[00:32:44] Luke: Going back to the peat, really interesting substance. Some people make bedding out of peat moss and things like that. It has a superpower, some kind of mystical, out of radiation protection. I forget what it was, but it's something that's on my back list of things to research. Have you looked into other uses of peat?
[00:33:09] Caroline: Well, peat is actually a really cool substance. It's a humic substance, and it's well known in the shamanic people. The British Isles used humic for healing, and peat Moss for all sorts of-- they packed wounds with it, all sorts of things. The problem with peat is it's a not a sustainable resource at all, not at all. So there's only a certain amount of it in the British Isles. That's it. That's where peat is.
[00:33:39] Luke: So it can't be ethically and sustainably harvested.
[00:33:42] Caroline: Not really. No. No. And if you go out and you'll research it, you'll find out. You can buy peat moss in a bag and put it on your house plants. And they're like, "Don't do that. There's only so much of this and you're just--" Because you're really destroying natural ecosystems.
[00:34:06] Luke: And where you are mining your minerals, I'm assuming doesn't have that issue. And is there just an unlimited supply if you have the mineral rights to that particular land, I'm assuming where you're getting yours? Is there ever going to be a point where you're like, "Oops, we hit the bottom. It's gone."
[00:34:23] Caroline: What I'll tell you is we sell our products all over the world, and we're not a humongous company, but we've gotten pretty big. And in a year, we maybe use three tons of humate of the original material. And I don't know. I'm trying to think of how many orders that is to give you an idea, but I can't pull that number out. But there are literally hundreds of millions of tons just in the deposit where we get ours. And there are many other deposits around North America.
[00:35:04] Luke: Interesting. Going back to the blood brain barrier, you reminded me of this issue with EMF. I always talk about EMF because I just think it's the elephant in the room. Everyone's hung up on Froot Loops and I'm like, "Meanwhile, we're being poisoned in the skies and freaking 5G towers outside every school and church."
[00:35:23] It's just such a horrible issue. But there are certain things you can do in the physical realm, in the energetic realm, but something that I'm very interested in is what we can do to fortify our body inside. And one of the main issues with radio frequencies is this calcium influx.
[00:35:43] You have this voltage-gated calcium channel in your cell. And when you're exposed to radio frequencies, it allows too much calcium to flood in, causes magnesium deficiency, causes you to be, I'm assuming, probably having other issues related to your cells just being the wrong pH or whatever it is.
[00:36:02] I just know it's not good for you. Have you seen any research in terms of fortifying the body with minerals and fortifying the cells, as the way you described, as an internal protection against some of those fields? Is there any research or anything you've seen to that end?
[00:36:20] Caroline: I haven't actually done that research. It's a really interesting topic. And I've gotten really interested because I'm very interested in how, in modern people, the pineal gland gets calcified. And the pineal gland is super important for all your mind opening processes and for mental health cognition, as well as so many other parts of the body in terms of the release of endorphins and other neurotransmitter washes in your body.
[00:36:54] So it's something that I'm working on because I have learned about this and I'm like, "Wow, if my pineal gland is calcified, how am I going to clear it?" Because there are ways that you can do that. And a lot of those are using minerals. I'm going to go back to the ecosystem.
[00:37:18] The fact is we are part. As you said earlier, we are all one. We're one thing. We think of ourselves as separate from the earth, but we're actually part of the Earth's ecosystem, and we're out of balance and we're making the earth out of balance. So if we can get in balance by putting these natural substances in that are natural balancers of our entire ecosystem, I actually believe we will start to also begin to create more balance systems on the earth or with the earth.
[00:37:53] Luke: 100%. Imagine if everyone was healthy, the kind of decisions they would make. If people were emotionally regulated, were cognitively functional. You know what I mean? It's like we'd have a totally different world.
[00:38:09] Caroline: It's so true.
[00:38:10] Luke: And the understanding that, as you said so beautifully, that I think we think of nature being this thing outside of ourselves that we can go recreate-- recreation, recreate a natural life out there in nature. But the understanding that it's actually what we are. We are nature. If you know your nature, you know that you and that oak tree out there are the same thing. You're not going to walk by and throw your axe to the tree just for the hell of it.
[00:38:40] Or litter or pollute, pour some shit down the drain in front of your house thinking, oh, it's going to end up somewhere. No, it's like ending up in you eventually. You're pouring that paint thinner or whatever, glyphosate Roundup. You think, oh, I'm just pouring it out into a landfill. You are the landfill.
[00:38:57] Caroline: Exactly, yeah.
[00:38:58] Luke: I think there's a lot to that.
[00:39:00] Caroline: There's so much to it. This whole concept and actually experience that I've had of how we are all one thing and ultimately underneath everything is minerals, creating these electrical vibrational-- if you just keep going down the rabbit hole, you end up in quantum theory when you study minerals.
[00:39:20] You end up in everything is vibration. Everything is atoms with neutrons. Even the whole way that protons and neutrons work, the neutron cloud and singularity, this is a whole world that totally blows my mind and has made me even more focused on helping people's ecosystems gain and maintain balance.
[00:39:50] Because the simplest thing that one can do for their health, and I'm not talking about even performance, like high performance, biohacking-- I'm talking about the regular person who goes home at night and doesn't have the energy to do much and just sits and watches TV-- for that person, putting some minerals in their body, some full spectrum plant-based minerals can be an absolute game changer.
[00:40:17] They actually might start going, "Oh, gee. When I put that cup of coffee in, or when I put that candy bar, it doesn't feel really well." Because they might start to actually notice because literally all the vibration in their body shifts. It's like it's a catalyst.
[00:40:35] Luke: Oh my God, you just reminded me of another thing, a hack for people. I'm sure a lot of people use BEAM minerals, listening already. Those that don't, when you get some, definitely try this. Have you noticed, going back to the mushrooms thing, the potentiation-- is that a word, potentiation?
[00:40:52] Caroline: Yeah.
[00:40:53] Luke: Thank you. But putting some of this in your coffee makes your coffee way stronger. Have you noticed that?
[00:40:59] Caroline: Yes. I'm telling you, it will. It totally will. Or a cup of tea. Same thing.
[00:41:04] Luke: Going back to the pineal gland, because this is something in the realm of us metaphysical, new agey types we're always concerned about and looking at the fluoridation of water and like, why would they possibly want to do that? There's no purpose to it other than to try to hurt us or something.
[00:41:21] But many of us have been aware of this calcified pineal gland thing for a long time, and so you hear different things. Oh, this thing decalcified it, and this thing does. I interviewed Dr. Jack Kruse years ago, who's a neurosurgeon. He's opened a lot of brains. And I was like, "All right, what's the deal with this calcified pineal gland? Is that a real thing?"
[00:41:39] And he goes, "Oh yeah, very much." And so I had him explain it to me. And what I was picturing was like, when you get limescale around your sink, that hard white substance, if you have really a mineralized water, hard water. And I say, "That, is it like a crust?" And he said, "No, it's like a white sludge." And he says, "It's very real. It doesn't harden, but it grows over time and just becomes thicker and thicker and eventually just encases the entire pineal gland." And he's seen it.
[00:42:10] He said most people that he opens up have that. And I was like, "How do you get rid of it?" I don't think he knew. But it makes sense that there could be something because Shilajit is one of the things I've heard that helps.
[00:42:23] Caroline: I want to open up my brain and see what mine looks like.
[00:42:25] Luke: That's the thing. You don't know if yours is uncalcified until you die and someone does an autopsy on you. But it makes sense to me, I don't know, the way the fulvic and humic just clean up excess mineral deposits. On a fundamental level, it makes sense. And if it's crossing the blood-brain barrier, it seems that it would assist with that.
[00:42:48] Caroline: Yeah. I definitely think so. And again, we'd have to do some studies to find out. I dream of in my next life I'm going to be a scientific researcher.
[00:42:59] Luke: I think about that stuff too because I have ideas like that one. I'm like, "Ah, I don't know. It makes sense fundamentally and just common sense wise is a broad idea. But where's the proof? Where's the papers?" You want to be able to verify some of your theories that you come up with.
[00:43:16] Caroline: One of the things that we have heard back from people who use the BEAM minerals is that people who are going through lots of change in their life or maybe they're having mind-opening experiences or they're having some big change, like they went to a psychologist, they did some work, or they did some plant medicine or whatever, and they had a big shift, afterwards there's oftentimes that rubber band effect.
[00:43:46] You stretch it so far and it goes right back to where it was, and they're not having that experience. What Dan, who I work with, says is that putting the minerals in the body just on an energetic level allows people to hold a different vibration for longer and sustain it.
[00:44:08] And again, having gone down the rabbit hole and understanding how minerals work at an energetic, vibrational level, it completely makes sense. And that has absolutely been my personal experience. So before taking minerals, I had a lot of anxiety. I had flatlined adrenals because I'd had lived in such intense stress.
[00:44:32] I had trauma growing up, and I didn't sleep at night. I had a really hard time sleeping. And I had, of course, lots of physical, chronic issues, which were also a result of a lot of that psychological stress. So, as I got remineralized, my whole nervous system was able to relax, and I started sleeping at night.
[00:44:57] I started sleeping through the night. I started being able to be more responsive instead of reactive. I started to be able to experience a change that sustained over time and I could build on it and then begin to create a different life that now I really love.
[00:45:18] Luke: Yeah, that's interesting because I go back and forth between the hierarchy of relevance and importance in terms of your mental, emotional, spiritual health, and then the health of the body. And I think I do a decent job on this show of talking to guests that are experts in all of those realms.
[00:45:39] From one perspective, I think, heal your family shit, your trauma, get a relationship with God as you understand God. And if you become mentally and emotionally and spiritually fit enough, then it's not going to matter so much what you eat and your diet and detoxing, and a lot of your physical issues will go away like Joe Dispenza's work.
[00:45:59] People come in and get a meditation and breath work practice, and all of a sudden they don't have lupus anymore or whatever. I definitely believe in that. Yet, on the other side, to your point, if your body is toxic or deficient, it's much more difficult to do that spiritual and psychological work because just the energy reserve's not there, or you're so out of balance and your mood swings and anxiety and depression, it's like you're going against the current, trying to do the inner work.
[00:46:32] So I don't think at this point I've arrived. It's not an either or because I've vacillated between those two. Like, if you just get healthy enough physically, all your problems will go away. And that doesn't work. And just living in a cave and doing breath work; eh, for some might work, for some of us, not so much. You still have to go back and address the gross physical. So what's the balance point between the metaphysical work and the fortification and detox of the body on the physical side?
[00:47:01] Caroline: Here's an interesting thing because I've also been doing Joe Dispenza's work and his meditations, and I've done a lot of study reading what he is talking about and listened to him talk. He's talking about this concept of the quantum, and the interesting thing is a fulvic molecule is a quantum molecule. This is the interesting thing.
[00:47:25] So the fulvic molecule is the only molecule on earth that can change its polarity. And when you study how that polarity change happens, you end up in quantum mechanics, quantum singularities, and studying about that. And so when I went and spoke and listened to Joe Dispenza talk about the quantum and how it works, it dawned on me that this is one of the reasons that the fulvic is helping people, because it's actually supporting their connection with the quantum.
[00:48:07] And it's almost like creating an opening in their body for the possibility of a quantum recognition. That's what I saw. So I actually have this dream of working with a scientist who he's working with and bringing fulvic to them and explaining to them how it works, and said, "Let's take a cohort of his meditators and let's give this cohort fulvic during their workshop and let's not give fulvic to this cohort and see what happens." And I have no doubt that they are going to see their changes that they usually see go off the charts.
[00:48:49] Luke: That would be epic.
[00:48:50] Caroline: It would be epic.
[00:48:51] Luke: That's one of the things I think that's so cool about Dr. Joe's work, is the ongoing research. I think that's really interesting. Because you can go sit in one of his retreats and have an experience and very clearly people around are having some pretty profound experiences by the noises they're making, which is shocking at first.
[00:49:13] You'll hear someone just like, ah, freaking out. And as far as I know, no one's taking any psychedelics or anything. It's just on the natch. But I think it's really interesting where they're doing the QEEGs and blood tests, and it seems like he's always innovating to determine what's working and what's not and then forming the practices around that. But I think any kind of input like that would be really interesting.
[00:49:39] Caroline: Yeah, yeah. And I think I have the same kind of interest, which is how do we help people? Just the regular guy on the street, how do we help the regular guy get up off the couch, turn the television off, and love life?
[00:49:55] Luke: Yeah. I think what you've created is really easy to adopt. I'll use the Alyson example again. I'll try to get her to take a bunch of supplements and she's like, "Dude, I'm not taking 15 pills a day. I don't care." She could be on her deathbed. She's like, "I'm not doing that."
[00:50:12] She just hates taking a bunch of stuff. But keep one of these on the counter and you have your little shot glass and you just take a shot a couple times a day. It's very easy for even a normal person who's not big on supplementing and all that to do.
[00:50:26] Caroline: Exactly.
[00:50:27] Luke: Why can't we just eat freaking food and get enough minerals? If I'm having a super food smoothie every day and taking my desiccated beef liver, why am I just not good doing that?
[00:50:41] Caroline: Yeah. The liver is probably really good. There's lots of minerals in there. And so very few people will do that. So that's a really--
[00:50:51] Luke: I go through phases of eating my raw liver. They don't last long. And then I go to the capsules, but it's like you got to take 18 freaking capsules to equal one bite of raw liver.
[00:51:00] Caroline: Exactly. And plus, that then has to be digested and absorbed and assimilated, which means transferred into your cells. So let's talk about why are people so deficient, why you can't get enough minerals from your food. I think it's so important for people to really get this.
[00:51:21] When a plant grows in the soil, the way that it grows, all of its structure is by taking minerals out of the soil. Because all of the structure on earth in this universe is minerals. If it's a small pea shoot, all of its structure is minerals. If it's a huge cedar tree, all of its structure is minerals.
[00:51:44] Now, in nature, plants grow. Ultimately, they die, they decompose, and all of the nutrients that are in them go back into the soil. But we have been cultivating for hundreds, in some cases, thousands of years, growing in soil, taking the minerals out of the soil. Then we take the food away somewhere else, and we eat it over there, and those minerals never get back into the soil.
[00:52:11] The same problem that we have with figuring out how we can get minerals into our body so that it's actually available, bioavailable, it's the same problem with soil. You can't just throw some minerals, some powders on the soil and expect the plants to be able to access those minerals.
[00:52:27] Same exact problem. In fact, the cells in plants, they work just like your cells. Mitochondria, same thing. Energy generation, same thing. The minerals have to get inside the cells. Same problem. So the sad fact is that to get the same nutrition from an apple that your grandfather ate, you'd have to eat six apples today.
[00:52:55] Luke: I've heard that. Yeah.
[00:52:56] Caroline: And it's definitely true.
[00:53:00] Luke: Sometimes I want to go back in time, but then I'm like, yeah, but I want the internet. There's things in modernity that are great, but many things that aren't. I'm like, someday we will bring enough of the past back. I guess that's what you're doing.
[00:53:14] Caroline: They're doing in region farming. Now lots of regenerative farmers are using humic and fulvic.
[00:53:21] Luke: Oh really?
[00:53:21] Caroline: Yeah, exactly.
[00:53:22] Luke: By putting it in the soil?
[00:53:23] Caroline: Exactly. And there's lots of different agricultural tools. Even for your backyard garden, you can get agricultural tools to put the minerals back into your garden. And if you have a garden, I highly recommend you look into those.
[00:53:36] Luke: And I'm assuming you could get non-food grade cheaper versions of that. So you're not spending your precious BEAM minerals on your garden.
[00:53:46] Caroline: Correct. And so those are usually called humic and fulvic acids. They're extracted using hydrochloric acid. It's not a bad thing. Your stomach has hydrochloric acid in it. But they taste really bad, so you wouldn't want to use those for ingesting. So yeah, there's lots of products out there.
[00:54:04] They are, of course, more expensive than some of the other things you'll get, but they're absolutely worthwhile for amending your soil. So this is one of the reasons that we're mineral deficient, is that we're eating foods that have much lower-- they're not as nutrient dense as they were in our grandfather's age.
[00:54:26] The other reason, though, is that we're all drinking bottled and filtered water. So if you have an RO, reverse osmosis, water filter under your sink, or you're going and buying water at the water store, that water has no minerals in it, and you need to add those minerals back. Now, if you're going to do that in some way, that's with salts or stuff, it's going to make your water taste bad. So instead, you can just use Electrolyze. You just fill up your water glass, pour a splash of Electrolyze in it. Now you've got fantastic mineral water.
[00:55:01] Luke: That's cool. I'm glad you brought that up. The water system we have here is RO, but then it has a mineralization cartridge in it. Actually, recently I just had the water tested just to make sure everything's being filtered right, and it came back with a great mineral profile and no toxins.
[00:55:20] So that was a win. But I do get messages from a lot of people about RO and how to remineralize, and one of the popular methods I'm sure you're aware of is like putting a pinch of sea salt in there. But to your point, depending on how much you use, it might not taste great. Or putting Quinton minerals in there, but that gets expensive. That stuff is not cheap. If you have a couple of gallons of distilled water and you got to put a few ampules, it's going to be cost prohibitive for most people.
[00:55:52] Caroline: Well, the other cool thing though, when you think about Electrolyze and you think about hydration, so you're drinking this glass of water because you want to get hydrated, you don't want it to just go through and get urinated out. You actually want it to absorb into your tissues and assimilate into your cells, which is-- yeah.
[00:56:10] So the beautiful thing about using fulvic rather than that mineral cartridge or this pinch of salt or the Quinton water is those don't have the flavonoid capacity. They may get minerals into your gut or into your bloodstream, but do they have that delivery mechanism for the minerals into your cells?
[00:56:32] That's why I highly recommend people use fulvic, because every nutritional element you put in your mouth that gets digested that ends up in your bloodstream now has a much, much greater possibility of potentiation of ending up in your cells.
[00:56:49] Luke: That's cool because I have a couple of bottles of your Electrolyze and I'm just-- I don't know. I think because the Micro-BOOST is darker and it has a little bit of a taste, I'm just like, "I don't know, I think it's stronger." So I end up using that one. So I have a couple of extra bottles of the Electrolyze, and I always run out of the Micro-BOOST because I drink shit out of it.
[00:57:08] So this is good to know. So even if I am remineralizing my water with that cartridge and I don't know what it's doing, but there are some good minerals in the water. But even with that, for maximum absorption because of the interaction in the cell wall that we can actually get these nutrients in there, I would still be advised to put some of the Electrolyzes in the drinking water.
[00:57:30] Caroline: Yes, yes. If you're filling up a water bottle and going out for the day, put a splash of Electrolyze in it. If you're filling up a glass of water, even though it's been a little bit of extra minerals have come from your cartridge, add some fulvic. Fulvic, put it in your cup of tea. Put it in your cup of coffee. You can't get too much of it.
[00:57:50] Luke: That's cool. I can actually integrate that because I got a new hydrogen machine that makes--
[00:57:55] Caroline: Oh, love those.
[00:57:56] Luke: I have this thing-- what's that fucking-- oh my God, I just had brain fog. I must be mineral deficient. I always think the new thing I haven't--
[00:58:07] Caroline: You can open the bottle.
[00:58:07] Luke: I've this thing called the Axiom H2, and it's this really cool hydrogen machine. And so you can inhale it, or it has these goggles. You can treat your eyes when you're working on the computer, and it has these earphones, which I've been using for my tinnitus and stuff. So it's really cool. But one of the things is you can make hydrogen water super fast. In 10 minutes, you get two parts per million and about a negative 600 ORP.
[00:58:33] So it's really rad. So to your point, I've been making myself a big jug of water every day, and it's my hydrogen water. Jarrod, what the hell is the thing on my kitchen counter, the other hydrogen machine, the little pitcher? Hydrofix.
[00:58:49] Caroline: Oh, okay.
[00:58:50] Luke: I don't want to shit on Hydrofix.
[00:58:51] Caroline: HydroION or something.
[00:58:53] Luke: Hydrofix is awesome for those listening that have heard me rave about it. I still use that in the kitchen because it's just on tap. It just keeps your water hydrogenated all day long. So they're both good. But I like the thing in my office. And the brown's gas machine, the AquaCure, you can make water with that too.
[00:59:09] But to this point, I like the idea of like, anyone, no matter how you do it, making your daily preparation of special water. And you bless it, put freaking crystals in it, whatever. But this is the piece I was missing. Because I make myself one or two of those every day and it's my little pet project. So that would be a really easy thing to integrate.
[00:59:30] Caroline: It's a really good thing. And then the other thing is you have a fulvic spray. So this is so cool.
[00:59:37] Luke: I'm glad you brought that up. Go on, because I want to tell you something about that.
[00:59:40] Caroline: Because this is what you need right now. If you're having a little brain fog thing happening from some allergies or something, you just-- in fact, I leave my eyes open and let it go in because in your eye, on one of the rods or cones in your eye, a cell has 40,000 mitochondria. So if you're a gamer, if you're a person who drives long distances, it's great for--
[01:00:06] Luke: So you can spray this stuff in your eyes?
[01:00:08] Caroline: Yes. It feels so good. No stinging absolutely at all.
[01:00:12] Luke: Because I have eye fatigue quite a bit when I'm working on the computer.
[01:00:15] Caroline: You should totally do this. You'll be amazed at how it feels. You can even do more. Because I work a lot on the computer.
[01:00:22] Luke: We're both going to be super shiny.
[01:00:25] Caroline: Does it feel good?
[01:00:26] Luke: Yeah. I spray this stuff on my face a lot, but I usually close my eyes because I didn't think of that. But what I wanted to tell you about this, and I'm not shitting you because you're sitting here and you're the guest and it's the polite thing to do.
[01:00:38] You mentioned last time that the spray is really good for body pain, sore back, knee, whatever. And I was like, "Ah, how does that work?" But I started doing it. I have these freaking things, the small bottles all over the house. It is the most insane pain killer for the back pain. It's nuts.
[01:00:57] Caroline: It really is.
[01:00:58] Luke: It literally stops the pain in five minutes. And then I forget about it for-- I don't know how long it lasts, but it lasts long enough for me to forget about it until the next day or whatever. And I walk by, I'm like, "Ah, my back hurts." How does that stop pain? Because it's not like menthol. It doesn't have any of the CBD creams and things you would typically use for just tissue or joint pain or something.
[01:01:21] Caroline: So muscles, our cells, are made of cells, and inside those cells are mitochondria generating energy. When a muscle is cramping, all cramping in the body, whether it's a heart attack or a cramping hand, or a foot, or your back is sore, that's basically just literally the local area cannot generate enough energy.
[01:01:49] So a lot of the cells have gone into an anaerobic function. And those cells, when they're in anaerobic function, only generate one-twelfth of the amount of energy. So because fulvic is such a small molecule, again, much smaller than a cell, when you spray it on your skin, we just sprayed it on our faces, it absorbed through the lining of our sinuses, through our skin.
[01:02:13] It went right in our eyes, and the mitochondria in our eyes are like, oh, thank goodness. We've had a recharge. And that's just what happens on your back when you spray it on your back. The muscles in that local area are now supercharged with the full spectrum of minerals they need.
[01:02:30] So again, now we're in this thing where the body says, oh, I need this. I need it here. This is the way that I need it. This is how I need it, and it's all available for me, and I can pick and choose what I need. Now the problem is handled.
[01:02:44] Luke: Makes sense. It's not that I didn't believe you when you told me that, but I probably thought like, oh, she doesn't know how bad my back hurts sometimes.
[01:02:52] Caroline: I'm going to tell you--
[01:02:54] Luke: I'm like, "Dude, it's nuts." I still can't believe it works. Every time I do it, I'm like, oh, I don't know. It's pretty bad today. And then I forget about it again. It's insane.
[01:03:02] Caroline: Every single time I use it, I'm like, "This isn't going to work. I doubt it." Even today, so many years later, I'm like, this isn't going to work. And I spray it. I'm like, "It worked."
[01:03:15] Luke: Oftentimes when I want to put something on my skin and I want to get it in, I'll use my little DMSO roller. I have a little roll on, so I do magnesium spray in sauna and things like that. I have these little rollers all over. And I often do the DMSO and then the spray. Is that like overkill? Do I even need to do that? Or are the molecules smaller?
[01:03:35] Caroline: You do not need the DMSO transportation system with fulvic. So if you don't like that taste in your mouth, when you use your DMSO-- you're probably used to it.
[01:03:46] Luke: Yeah.
[01:03:47] Caroline: But me, because I'm more like your wife, I'm very sensitive to that. I'm like,"Ew."
[01:03:50] Luke: It's very offensive smell.
[01:03:51] Caroline: It's extremely offensive smell.
[01:03:53] Luke: DMSO is rough.
[01:03:54] Caroline: Yeah, it's rough. You don't need it with fulvic.
[01:03:57] Luke: One thing that smells worse than DMSO is glutathione.
[01:04:00] Caroline: Oh, gosh, yes.
[01:04:01] Luke: I have this glutathione spray, which is amazing.
[01:04:03] Caroline: Glutaryl.
[01:04:06] Luke: No. What's the brand called? Oh, I'm sorry, brand. They sent it to me. I feel bad when someone sends me something but I don't give them a shout out. But anyway, it's very tiny, tiny. They managed to get the molecule really small so it penetrates the skin. But I go in the bathroom and spray that stuff. And I knew intuitively don't do it when Alyson's around because I don't want her to forbid me from using it. And one day I sprayed some on and then I took my hand and I was like, "Hey, smell this." She got so pissed. She's like, "Dude, what the fuck?"
[01:04:31] Caroline: Why are you doing that?
[01:04:32] Luke: It smells like a fresh fart in your palm. It is not pleasant. I don't care. I'm not bothered by weird smells and tastes, but yeah, the DMSO has that sulfur kind of thing.
[01:04:45] Caroline: I'm just telling you, you do not need to use a DMSO with fulvic because the molecule is so small, it absorbs through your skin into the muscle three seconds, that quickly.
[01:04:55] Luke: Epic. Good. That's good. You saved me a step. I don't always do that, but sometimes if I'm in like a lot of pain I'll be like, "Oh, I better go extra." I did not know that you could spray the Electrolyze in your eyes. Would there be any harm in making a little Visine bottle of it and taking drops of it in the eye?
[01:05:13] Caroline: I don't think so. I think it'd be fine.
[01:05:14] Luke: Cool. Because I do that with Quinton.
[01:05:16] Caroline: Yeah. I totally think it would be fine.
[01:05:18] Luke: Okay. Epic. Because the eyes strain is a real thing, especially writing a book.
[01:05:22] Caroline: It's really a--
[01:05:22] Luke: It's like, holy crap, a lot of hours staring at that freaking screen.
[01:05:25] Caroline: But you could just spray it. You don't necessarily have to do the whole eye dropper thing.
[01:05:30] Luke: Okay. I'm always just extra. I'm like, "Spraying is good and you get little in there."
[01:05:34] Caroline: I'm telling you, literally--
[01:05:35] Luke: I'm going to saturate the whole eyeball.
[01:05:37] Caroline: Okay, so for one week, just don't use anything else. Just use that on your eyes when you're doing your writing and see how you feel.
[01:05:44] Luke: Okay. Epic. I'm going to do it. Let's talk pets. So when you came, we went for a nice, lovely walk. Thank you for joining me. I really needed a walk before recording, and that was Cookie's walk time. And then we came back for dinner and we gave her some micro boost just because I'm out of the pet formula. I give her some version of your minerals every day.
[01:06:05] I can't tell what I'm doing for her. She can't talk and tell me like, "I feel much better. Thanks for the minerals." But she seems to be doing great for her age, her ripe old age of nine years.
[01:06:16] Caroline: I think when I was last here, I told you, "Put down a plain bowl for her and put a bowl with the minerals in after, and guarantee she'll go for the bowl with the minerals." And you went on a walk and you texted later. You're like, "It worked."
[01:06:32] Luke: That's right. That's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was, I think, the Electrolyze in the water. Yeah. I'm assuming it works for pets the same way it works for us. Is there any difference in the formulation? Is the pet one more diluted or something that's not so--
[01:06:50] Caroline: The main thing is people generally think, oh, I'm going to take the minerals and put them in water, because as humans, we often put them in water and drink. But you really want to make sure that your dog or cat gets all of the minerals. So we always recommend putting them on their food. So we just made a dropper.
[01:07:07] Luke: That's what I do.
[01:07:07] Caroline: And we actually just made a pet formula. It's a slightly stronger concentration, so you can just use a smaller amount and put it on their food and they'll get it all, all in one. Because most pets will eat all their food.
[01:07:20] Luke: Got it. Yeah. She gets raw meat.
[01:07:24] Caroline: Oh, she loves that.
[01:07:25] Luke: Yeah. It's like human food to her.
[01:07:27] Caroline: And that's the way to go.
[01:07:28] Luke: You just reminded me of another thing. I forgot about this because we don't have mosquitoes right now. But sometimes in Texas the mosquitoes get really bad and this freaking spray stops the itching of mosquito bites too. No joke, man.
[01:07:41] Caroline: It totally does.
[01:07:41] Luke: I swear to God, you guys.
[01:07:42] Caroline: We actually have something called BooBoo-Lytes.
[01:07:44] Luke: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[01:07:45] Caroline: And it's in a little purple bottle. It will take the sting away from a bee sting, the itch from a mosquito bite, the burn from a burn. We had our granddaughter. She put her hand on a fireplace glass, burned her whole palm, and we just sprayed that BooBoo-Lytes on. And she would just run away. She'd come back, we'd spray it, and within 10 minutes-- we thought we were going to have to take her to the hospital. Within maybe 15 minutes, she was fine.
[01:08:16] Luke: Wow. That's so cool. I love it when shit works. I can say, with confidence, like, "No, I've used this thing. It does the thing." Most of the time if someone comes on and they're representing a company, I'm assuming they're being honest about whatever claims they're making. But I like it when I've had the subjective experience because I know I'm telling the truth.
[01:08:36] Caroline: Yes, that's the best. And that's the thing that we always tell people, is have your own experience. We're not interested in slugging products. We want people to have their own experience.
[01:08:49] Luke: Do you think that if someone was on a real consistent regimen with, say, the Micro-BOOST version-- say they're using both of them in the appropriate quantities per day. Do you think that would over time eliminate the need for other supplementation, or would you recommend people still hit hard with the magnesium because we burn it so fast or anything like that? Are you 100% just all in on this form of mineral, or do you still use and recommend other minerals?
[01:09:22] Caroline: First, what I'll tell you is, let's say you go get a hair tissue mineral analysis and you find out that you are extremely depleted in one mineral. There could be a case for bringing the level of that mineral up over a short period of time using a single mineral, probably not a pill or powder, just so you know.
[01:09:43] But there could be a case for bringing that up to a closer level in a short period of time. I personally will never mega dose magnesium. People use it for sleep. They use it for elimination. I don't recommend it. If you want to do it once in a while, it's going to cause imbalance, and your body's going to have to work to regain balance again.
[01:10:08] But let's say you really struggle with sleep and you need to get to sleep tonight, and you're going to use it. Okay. But particularly as women, as our hormones change, we can struggle with bone health. I'll tell you a story. So this trainer of elite triathletes came to me and he explained to me, "What am I going to do with my older athletes? They're coming back to me with osteopenia and osteoporosis."
[01:10:38] Now, from the research that I've done, I recognize that what's happened is they've put so many of the potassium and sodium and magnesium in their system that their body was constantly having to balance. Magnesium balances with phosphorus and calcium.
[01:10:57] These are the things that keep your bones healthy. This is why my teeth had so many problems when I was younger and why I struggled with bone stuff, like aching bones. Because I was so mineral deficient.
[01:11:13] Luke: Wow. I wish I would've known about these minerals 30 years ago. My teeth just basically all fell apart at one point, especially when-- I was a drug addict for a long time. That probably didn't do me any favors.
[01:11:25] Caroline: That's a big thing.
[01:11:27] Luke: But then I was a vegetarian for almost 10 years, and my teeth literally just started falling out of my head because I was not getting these fat soluble nutrients and stuff. And then eventually I just had to buy new teeth because they're just gone. I couldn't eat beef jerky. I was like, "Okay, I need to be able to chew."
[01:11:42] Caroline: Right. It's actually a huge part of health, is teeth health.
[01:11:45] Luke: Yeah. 100%. I watch my favorite show. I've watched dozens of episodes. It's called Naked and Afraid. Well, I like Naked and Afraid, and there's this other one, Alone.
[01:11:54] Caroline: Oh, I love Alone.
[01:11:55] Luke: But Alone has fewer episodes, so I burned through them all. Naked and Afraid has 17 seasons or something. But there was one guy on there who's done a number of them. He's one of their superstar survivalists. And in one episode he just started losing teeth from freaking nutrient deficiency.
[01:12:13] Caroline: Malnutrition.
[01:12:13] Luke: Yeah, malnutrition. He is just like, "Oh, lost another tooth." I'm like, "Dude, you got to stop doing these."
[01:12:17] Caroline: If you watch Alone, when somebody gets a fish or they get this berry or whatever, they always talk about the minerals that they're getting. And when do they drop out? It's always because of mineral deficiency. It's always because of mineral deficiency.
[01:12:36] Luke: Totally. I know. Imagine if someone could hack those shows and sneak on some of your--
[01:12:41] Caroline: Oh, I always was like, if I ever did that, I would sow salt, Himalayan salt, at least something into my--
[01:12:48] Luke: Totally.
[01:12:48] Caroline: Actually, maybe it would be humic.
[01:12:51] Luke: Have you looked into fasting with the assistance of your minerals?
[01:12:55] Caroline: Yes, yeah. So in fact, just earlier in January, we supported a three-day water fast that Dr. Mindy Pelz was doing. She's really the fasting person. She talks a lot about it. And it's incredibly helpful for people who are doing intermittent fasting or water fasting, any kind of fasting routine.
[01:13:19] Luke: I bet. I bet.
[01:13:19] Caroline: So if you think about when you're in a fasting mode and your body goes into ketosis and into all of those autophagy processes, those are biosynthesis processes. What you want to do is give yourself minerals. A beautiful thing about BEAM minerals, it won't break a fast. It's got no flavoring in it.
[01:13:38] Luke: Mm-hmm. [Inaudible] any calories with them.
[01:13:40] Caroline: It has no caloric content. So you can take these to support all that move into ketosis and all of those autophagy processes, incredible support. Really will with cravings.
[01:13:55] Luke: I wonder if someone could be a real breatharian. They're like bigfoot. You hear rumors of them and you don't know if they're eating tuna in the backstage after their talk about breatharianism.
[01:14:05] Caroline: I really wonder about that.
[01:14:06] Luke: But I bet with the proper minerals that don't have calories, you could get away with not eating for a long time.
[01:14:13] Caroline: I think so. Oh, definitely. I really think that's true.
[01:14:15] Luke: I've been wanting to do a water fast for years and I'm just chicken. I've done a lot of extended juice fast and cleanses and stuff, but never just with water. Or dry fast--
[01:14:25] Caroline: It's serious.
[01:14:25] Luke: That sounds gnarly.
[01:14:27] Caroline: It's a really serious thing, and you should not do it without support.
[01:14:30] Luke: Yeah. But people swear by it. I have friends that have, I don't know about dry fast, but my friend Alec Zeck did a water fest, I think for 20 days. And he is like, "It was the most profound spiritual experience of my life."
[01:14:41] Caroline: 20 days?
[01:14:42] Luke: Yeah, yeah.
[01:14:43] Caroline: That's unbelievable.
[01:14:44] Luke: He said it has revolutionized, not only his physical health, but mental, emotional, all the things. Yeah.
[01:14:50] Caroline: A very dear friend of mine, she had cancer and they basically said, you're done. And she just decided to just do a water fast. And she water fasted for, I think it was a month and a half, and her cancer was gone, and she's alive today and totally healthy.
[01:15:07] Luke: Epic, epic.
[01:15:09] Caroline: Could be better than chemo.
[01:15:11] Luke: Yeah.
[01:15:11] Caroline: And I thought about that. If I ever got, maybe I'll just do a water fast.
[01:15:15] Luke: I try not to think about that, but yeah, as you get older, you start to wonder-- I have conversations with the wife, like, what would we do if one of us got sick? And I'm like, I--
[01:15:24] Caroline: Since you're taking BEAM, that's not going to happen.
[01:15:26] Luke: Yeah, I feel pretty good.
[01:15:27] Caroline: Creates a non-beneficial environment for those kinds of things in your body.
[01:15:31] Luke: Yeah. I've never really been concerned about it. I'm doing pretty well. The only complaint I have is the back pain that I mentioned. I've been doing this podcast for nine years. During the course of that, I've documented so many different immersive journalism trips to go do stem cells or this or that, and lasers. And everything I've tried on my back. I've not been able to fix it. It's crazy. I fixed a lot of other things, but that's one issue that I'm just--
[01:15:58] Caroline: Maybe you should try Joe Dispenza's work.
[01:15:59] Luke: Yeah, yeah. I've gone in and out of phases with his stuff. I get really gung-ho for a while and I'm very consistent, and then I find some other modality and I switch and forget about Joe's work. But yeah.
[01:16:11] Caroline: I have a little healing story with that because on two of my toes, I've had toe fungus for over 10 years, and I've tried probably 30 different things trying to get rid of it. And I went to one of his things, and we were doing a coherence healing, and I said, this is what I'm going to work on, this.
[01:16:34] Luke: Did you get to be one of the healies?
[01:16:37] Caroline: I didn't. I wasn't a healie. I was just one of the co healers. But in the middle of it, suddenly I felt a bright light just hit me. And it was like a crackle, crackle all the way out to the tips of my fingers and toes. And literally two days later I looked down, I'm like, on one toe it was 90% gone. And it's gone now. It's completely gone. Yeah.
[01:17:02] Luke: Wow.
[01:17:02] Caroline: One toe is still growing out a little bit, but it's--
[01:17:04] Luke: Is this the yellow toenail kind of thing?
[01:17:07] Caroline: Yeah, the thickened, all that.
[01:17:09] Luke: I've had that for 30 years. I buy shit like on Instagram ads. You know how your phone listens to you? They feed me ads. I'm like, "All right, here's my 50 bucks. I'm going to try it."
[01:17:20] Caroline: No, I've done so many things.
[01:17:22] Luke: Dude, nothing works. I've done ozone bagging. I've gone hardcore. I've injected methylene blue under my freaking toenails. Finally, I'm just like, "All right. I just have really disgusting-looking toenails. They're an inch thick, and I look like a caveman. It is what it is."
[01:17:38] Caroline: You never know. You haven't tried Joe Dispenza. You haven't tried the quantum.
[01:17:43] Luke: The coherence healing. Yeah, it's funny. There's theories on that too. Of course, I've researched it and they say, "Oh, it's because you have systemic fungus, your whole body." I'm like, "I really don't think so." I do so much ozone, and I don't know. I don't have any other signs of fungus anywhere on my body. I think it's just some mutant freaking alien fungus on the toenails. You're maybe the first person I met that figured it out.
[01:18:08] What else have we got? Oh, I want to let people know that if you want to grab some of these minerals, which obviously I highly recommend-- I'm super obsessed-- you can go to lukestorey.com/beam. That's B-E-A-M. And looks like we've got a code for you. The code is LUKE20, and that gets you 20% off. lukestorey.com/beam.
[01:18:30] Oh, I know what I wanted to ask you, electrolytes. So a few years ago, people started putting out these little packets of the salt and minerals, and I've used them quite a bit in Texas when it gets really hot and you're just sweating your ass off all the time.
[01:18:46] But I find those forms of minerals are pretty rough on the gut. I don't know if other people have that experience, but to take that kind of electrolyte, I would have to sip it very gradually over the course of many hours because I've had experiences that I won't go into detail about where I've just pounded a whole huge thing and it hasn't sit well.
[01:19:09] Why do your electrolytes not have that effect on the gut? What's the difference? Why are those salt-based ones harder on some people?
[01:19:17] Caroline: Okay. This is fantastic. So, so many people are using salt-based electrolytes. Why are they using them? Because there's a lot of really big companies selling them, and they can be made cheap and then they sell them for a lot of money and they make a lot of money, and they use that for marketing.
[01:19:36] But here's the thing you need to know. Your digestive tract is a fresh water system. It is not a salt water system. Your gut microbiome is a fresh water system. It does not want to be washed with salts. That's why you feel queasy. When you eliminate, the reason a lot of people get diarrhea when you're going to go get your colonoscopy, it's because your body says, "I've got too much. I need to get rid of it."
[01:20:07] Salt-based electrolytes were designed for emergency situations. They were designed for soldiers who were on the battlefield. They were about to pass out. They needed a quick pick me up. If you have heat stroke, it's a great way to get a quick pick me up. Well, electrolytes would be even better.
[01:20:26] But you don't want to be using salts on a regular basis in your body, in your gut microbiome. It creates havoc for these athletes that I talked to you about, these triathletes. They hate the salt-based electrolytes. The professional bike riders that we work with, they've always used those salt-based electrolytes. They hate them. They totally trash the stomach, the gut.
[01:20:50] Luke: You know what? I just remembered. They seem like they're hard on the bladder too.
[01:20:54] Caroline: That's the other thing.
[01:20:55] Luke: You have the urgency to pee that's not normal also.
[01:20:58] Caroline: They actually irritate the lining of the bladder. They actually create an irritation. So you actually urinate more. So now here you are trying to hydrate and what you're doing is you're irrigating, you're actually flushing more minerals, more nutrients out of your system when you're trying actually to hydrate.
[01:21:20] And all of that water just goes straight through. It's not actually getting into your bloodstream and into your cells. That's what hydration is, actually getting water into your bloodstream and into your cells. Your skin puffs up.
[01:21:35] Luke: You had me at you're not a salt water fish tank. That makes total sense. Sometimes I just need things stated in the most simple way. I go, "Oh yeah, that's just common sense." Back to the kind of terrain theory idea.
[01:21:47] Caroline: So I see this rage of salt-based electrolytes as being this rage. I'm already talking to people and they're like, "What can I do? Because I'm drinking all these electrolytes and I still feel dehydrated and I feel like crap in the stomach." I'm like, "Stop the salt-based electrolytes. Stop them altogether. Do not use them. They're just creating intense imbalance in your system, and they're not helping you hydrate or replenish. Instead, use fulvic."
[01:22:16] Luke: I think the one thing those type of electrolytes have going for them is the ease of portability, in a little packet. It's easy to take on an airplane throw. I have a few on the door compartment in my car, and again, when it's summer here, it's that ease. But one thing you did that I think is super smart is you have your little mini bottles too, which I take on the airplane, and they're small enough to get through the TSA and all of that.
[01:22:42] So I think it's like I would have to just adopt to having a little bottle and reminding myself that that's really not much harder to carry around than one of the little salt packets. Might not fit in your pocket as easy. But if I'm going to feel like I have to pee my pants and get the runs from drinking some water--
[01:23:01] Caroline: It's not good.
[01:23:03] Luke: That's like a sign your body's going, "We don't like this."
[01:23:05] Caroline: So we work with this tennis pro. He's actually second in his age class in the US, and this summer he is doing all these tournaments in Kentucky and Louisiana. Really, really hot. All of the tennis pros are coming off of the courts and they're cramping and they're feeling heat stroke. They're really struggling. And he's doing great. And they're like, "What the heck? What are you doing?" And he says, "This is what I'm using."
[01:23:33] Luke: I shouldn't tell him, man.
[01:23:36] Caroline: This is it.
[01:23:37] Luke: That's trade secret right there.
[01:23:38] Caroline: So I made him into an affiliate because I'm like, "Go, spread the word."
[01:23:43] Luke: That's cool. I'm glad we got to cover that because that was in the back of my mind. I might have missed that one, but it's not that relevant now because it's winter time. But in the summer, man, if you live somewhere hot and humid like this, you can drink water all day long and it doesn't work. You need the electrolytes.
[01:23:57] Caroline: Exactly. You need electrolytes. That's why we call it next generation hydration, because it's truly the evolution of understanding how hydration works in the body.
[01:24:07] Luke: Epic. All right. Is there anything we didn't cover?
[01:24:10] Caroline: No, I think we got it all. You and I, we could probably talk for four or five days.
[01:24:15] Luke: Yeah.
[01:24:15] Caroline: If we brought Alyson in, we'd talk for--
[01:24:17] Luke: If we get into the metaphysical, quantum world, yeah, we'd really be going off on a tangent. Man, it's great to catch up with you. I just love your energy and your passion, and I find it so fun to meet people in general, but to have people on the show. You had this corporate life and you got ill. There's always those great origin stories, but I love it when someone discovers something and they just go all in on that thing.
[01:24:44] You are the fulvic, humic, mineral lady, and that's just it. There's this tunnel vision on research and your commitment to sharing the message with the world. I find that really fun when someone just has their thing and they stick to it. I've always envied that myself as someone who's into a different thing every single day.
[01:25:04] I guess that makes me a good podcast host because I'm going to find the people like you that really burrow into a particular topic and just don't stop until you know everything there is to know about it, and then you still don't stop.
[01:25:17] Caroline: The minerals chose me, so I'm their spokesperson.
[01:25:20] Luke: How did that happen? I know you told me last time, but how did first, of all things to stumble upon?
[01:25:27] Caroline: I was introduced to them by my business partner. He's the one who said, "Hey, maybe you should try these. See if they make a difference. Yeah."
[01:25:36] Luke: And they did and you were--
[01:25:37] Caroline: Yeah. Because they did, and so many different things changed, I had to do the research. And it was when I started to do the research and I had so many aha moments, I was like, "Oh my gosh. People have to know about these minerals." And that was the beginning. And then at a certain point I really got that I had been chosen for it.
[01:26:00] We don't have to go into all that, but sometimes these things happen. And I'm like, I'm so excited about minerals. There are all sorts of different things that are related, whether it's hormone health or adrenals or sinus issues and mold issues or detox issues. But it all comes back to the minerals. It always comes back to the minerals.
[01:26:23] Luke: My apologies. There's one more thing I wanted to ask you about. Psych, we're not done. We talked about this unique ability for the fulvic humic to get into the cell to deliver minerals, other nutrients, psilocybin, caffeine, whatever. Tell me again-- I know you explained this before, but I found this really interesting.
[01:26:42] What about the shuttling waste out of the cell, the detox? We touched on it earlier that people can have Herx reactions and things like that, but how does that work exactly? Because it's not like a binding thing if you take activated charcoal or zeolite or something. It's going in the system and using that absorption to get something then out of your digestive system. But this is working on a cellular level, which is different and interesting to me.
[01:27:10] Caroline: So the plant-based minerals have these two molecules, fulvic and humic. And fulvic is that really small molecule that shuttles in and out transportation for nutrients into the cell. And because it has that ability to change its polarity, it can then drop the nutrients in the cell, but then it travels around in the cell, picking up the bio waste, the toxins, the heavy metals, all of that stuff.
[01:27:34] And now these nanoplastics, glyphosate, free radicals that have gotten into the cell viral detritus, it clings to that molecule. Now it carries it out of the cell. When the channel opens again, now the fulvic gets a free pass through, travels out of the cell, and then it changes its polarity again and it drops that stuff off in the bloodstream.
[01:27:57] Luke: That's so crazy. How does it know how to do that? That's like spooky action.
[01:28:02] Caroline: It's actually not. When you really study it, it's all via this particular process called diffusion, and it's based on the law of the concentration gradient. So if you have more salt inside your cell and a channel opens up, the salt will go out. And if you have more salt out of the cell, then the salt will go in.
[01:28:24] It's just because in aqueous water-based solutions, which inside your body is all an aqueous solution, the law of the concentration gradient makes all solutions try to be equal. So it just naturally happens. This is a very enhanced form of diffusion called cotransport. So this cotransport carry 60 times its weight of nutrients in, drops them off, carries 60 times its weight of bio waste and toxins out, drops them in the bloodstream.
[01:28:57] Now, the humic molecule, which is a very different kind of molecule than the fulvic, it's still a really strong electrolyte molecule, but it's much larger than a cell. It's really sticky on the outside. Because of its electrical charge, has a huge amount of surface area.
[01:29:15] Now, the interesting thing about humic that's important for people who may have heard that humic has heavy metals, yes, it actually does have heavy metals in it. However, the interesting thing is those heavy metals are completely sequestered and bound in the molecule and they do not come loose.
[01:29:34] Luke: Same with zeolite.
[01:29:36] Caroline: Exactly. And in fact it actually chelates, gathers, binds to not only heavy metals in your system, nanoplastics, incredibly effective. It does something called adsorbing with glyphosate. It gathers senescent cells, so these zombie cells. It gathers endotoxins, viral detri to spike proteins. It will literally cling to this molecule. At a certain point, the molecule gets so heavy it falls out of solution and leaves your body.
[01:30:10] Now this is when the Herx can happen. So if your body is extremely toxic and you now are suddenly introducing humic, which easily gets absorbed through your gut into your bloodstream, now you've suddenly got a lot of humic and those things are immediately binding to the humic, and now they're all leaving the body very quickly and you start to get some detox symptoms. It's really the body saying, "Woo hoo. Yay. I can get rid of this stuff, and I'm going to do it all now." And you just need to slow it down is all.
[01:30:43] Luke: What about if someone is very toxic and is prone to those reactions? Would stacking this with a great zeolite or activated charcoal or something assist with that? Or you just--
[01:30:55] Caroline: I don't think so.
[01:30:55] Luke: Want to pace yourself?
[01:30:56] Caroline: Yeah, I don't think so, because really humic is one of the most effective binders out there. So you can continue to use zeolite or whatever if you want, but I think they're double, double duty. Now, what I will say is if you're on a specific protocol-- zeolite and these things aren't necessarily things you want to take all the time for the rest of your life.
[01:31:19] Humic is something you want to take all the time for the rest of your life. If you're doing a specific detox protocol that utilizes some sort of binder, like the zeolite or clay or something, go for it. Great idea, a cell protocol or something.
[01:31:35] Luke: Cool. Epic. All right, that's it. I think those are my last two.
[01:31:39] Caroline: We did it. We did it.
[01:31:39] Luke: We'll quit before I think of more. And we'll go four hours.
[01:31:42] Caroline: Yeah. I'm sure you will.
[01:31:43] Luke: No, thank you so much though. It's always fun to see you. And you are just cool to hang out with. Walk the dog. You're just a fun person and also super smart. So thank you so much for gracing us with your presence again today.
[01:31:54] And you guys, definitely, check out the lukestorey.com/beam. And don't forget your code, LUKE20. Highly recommend. Wouldn't talk about it, wouldn't talk to you if I didn't believe in what you're doing. So thank you.
[01:32:06] Caroline: Thank you so much for having me. It's always a pleasure to hang out with you.
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According to the American Psychological Association, chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death. When most people think of stress, they think of their job, traffic, tense relationships, current events, things like that. But the root of so much of the stress we experience comes down to a deficiency in one overlooked nutrient — magnesium. So, if you're ready to help your body deal with stress, instead of putting a band-aid on it after the fact, you’re going to want some Magnesium Breakthrough. You can use the code “luke10” for 10% off at bioptimizers.com/luke.
Blushield technology is comprised of an innovative and proprietary technology that tunes our cells and supports the body by way of environmental energy remediation. They provide a practical, large area coverage and on-the-go solutions so you don’t have to hide in a faraday cage to be protected at the cell level. Use the code LUKE to save 10% off your order at blushield-us.com
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the statements on this website. The information provided by lukestorey.com is not a substitute for direct, individual medical treatment or advice. It is your responsibility, along with your healthcare providers, to make decisions about your health. Lukestorey.com recommends consulting with your healthcare providers for the diagnosis and treatment of any disease or condition. The products sold on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.