554. Nutrition from the Heights & Depths of Earth: Shilajit, Ormus, and Monoatomic Gold

David Reid

August 13, 2024

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

David Reid, master alchemist at Manna Vitality, returns to discuss his latest innovation Manna Gold and its potential to transform human physiology through cellular biology. To try Manna Shilajit, visit lukestorey.com/manna and use code LUKE20 for 20% off.

David Reid has spent over a decade traveling to the ends of the Earth, to the highest and lowest places, finding the best, most active and most available form of nutrients. Then he put them into an easy-to-use, single-dose sachet that you can have in your kitchen or travel bag and consume every day.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Master alchemist at Manna Vitality, David Reid, is back to talk about a golden new opportunity to boost your cellular biology with his latest innovation, Manna Gold.

If you missed our first conversation a year ago, here’s a little background: David has spent over a decade traveling to the ends of the Earth finding the most bioavailable forms of nutrients. Then, he put them into an easy-to-use, single-dose sachet that you can keep in your kitchen or travel bag for everyday use.

In this episode, we dive into how Manna has evolved over the last year and highlight the fascinating ways gold can transform human physiology. He describes how the human body is electric and can be charged by light waves, why consuming nano-sized particles of gold is safe, and gives insight into the process of converting gold into a product that’s edible and bioavailable.

We also touch on one of my all-time favorite supplements, Manna Shilajit. Sourced from 17,000 ft altitudes in some of the most remote locations on earth, Shilajit’s resilience and superfood properties make it a no-brainer for anyone looking to enhance their overall health. To try Manna visit lukestorey.com/manna and use code LUKE20 for 20% off.

We also discuss the benefits of Ormus, ocean plasma and sea minerals. Finally, we spend a good amount of time exploring why the powers that be want to restrict our access to the abundant resources our earth offers and why raising human consciousness is crucial for building new systems.

Tune in to this illuminating chat about the impact of light and gold on our cellular biology, and the genetic liberation they can elicit.

(00:00:02) Long Flight Travel Tips & The Power of Sungazing

(00:08:00) Introducing Manna’s New Innovation: Manna Gold

  • Metallic gold vs. nanogold
  • Explaining plasmon resonance
  • The human body is electric and can be charged by light waves
  • How much gold is in the Manna Gold product?
  • How they plan to mitigate the cost of gold in the future
  • Why gold can have such a huge impact on our cellular biology
  • Uncover the truth with Michael Tellinger
  • Silver Biotics Immune Support Lotions & Supplements
  • Converting gold into a product that’s edible and bioavailable
  • Ranges of application based on budget
  • How nanogold impacts the amygdala to promote groundedness
  • Stacking sunbathing with gold in your system

(00:40:26) Why Shilajit Is Luke’s #1 Superfood Supplement

  • How consuming fulvic acid can replenish nutrients and remove toxins
  • MANNA Shilajit
  • Mitolife Shilajit
  • A warning about taking a psychoactive substance with Shilajit
  • How fulvic acid reacts and interface with our cells and why that matters
  • Saint Humic Acid: humicacid.org 
  • How he sourced such a high quality Shilajit supply
  • What Shilajit is and how it appears in nature
  • YouTube: My Top Ten Daily Supplements
  • How much to use for general health

(00:59:58) How to Source Shilajit & The Benefits of Sea Minerals

  • Collecting and harvesting Shilajit + David’s scary experience
  • How eating the most resilient foods can help our bodies be more resilient
  • Visit lukestorey.com/manna (use code LUKE20 for 20% off)
  • Understanding the allure of sea minerals and Ormus
  • What is ocean plasma and what are its benefits?
  • Ocean Plasma

(01:19:55)  Rising Collective Consciousness vs. Breakdown of Current Systems

(01:46:29) Exploring Paths to Healing: Gold’s Ability to Tap Into the Subconscious

[00:00:05] Luke: So tell me how you travel back and forth from Australia and still manage to be coherent when you show up here.

[00:00:16] David: Yeah, I think it's important to balance it. Get into nature, still try and get some sunlight, feet on the ground when you can, as much rest as you can. Meditate if you can, and yeah, just try and balance it as much as possible so that you can stay centered and still functional to get as much work done as possible and maximize the trip.

[00:00:44] Luke: Do you spring for business class so you get a flat seat?

[00:00:47] David: No, I still fly economy.

[00:00:50] Luke: Oh man. Oh man.

[00:00:53] David: Yeah, it's one of those things where business class is five times the price. And the way that everything's traveling at Manna, there's just so many beautiful ways we can spend extra revenue, including reinvesting into product inventory and R&D for new products. So I'm super fortunate on planes that I can sleep a lot. So that helps.

[00:01:16] Luke: Even sitting up?

[00:01:17] David: Yeah.

[00:01:18] Luke: Oh wow. Wow. I remember a couple years ago, well, a few years ago now, I had a speaking gig in London. And I just don't go anywhere unless I can fly business, especially on a long flight. I have to have a flat seat. It's not a vanity thing. It's literally just, I will lose my shit if I'm sitting in a seat. And they're like, yeah, we got it. We got it. We got you a business class seat. And I got on the plane. And it was like, I forget what airline, but the seats go three quarters way back, which is even worse.

[00:01:49] So I just ended up putting the seat up because you're not really lying down. You're not sitting up. It's in between. And I was like, never again, I have to make sure I stipulate in the contract. Again, not trying to be fancy or anything. It's just brutal. I don't know how people do it, but yeah, you're in the process of building a company.

[00:02:10] And so if you can save that money and spend it where it's of better use, it makes sense. So you were here last year. I think our episode number 468 came out in April, 2023. And we had a fantastic conversation. People love that episode. So I'm excited to have you back. What's new in your personal life, business life? What's happening in the year that's passed?

[00:02:40] David: Yeah. So the business has exploded from a sales and revenue perspective, which has been amazing. And like I was saying to you just before the podcast, it's one thing to create an amazing finished product, but then when the sales start and the management the operations of the project, it's quite intense.

[00:02:59] Something I actually underestimate it. And just all of the little things like the customer service, the consistency of what comes at you for that first-- well, it just doesn't stop actually. So 24/7. So myself and Brad McDonnell who run the business work seven days a week from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep.

[00:03:23] Luke: Oh, man.

[00:03:24] David: Yeah.

[00:03:24] Luke: It's still in the seven-day phase.

[00:03:26] David: Yeah. Which is beautiful. And yeah, it's super challenging. A lot of the reason for that as well is we've invested into three new products. Two have been released in the last two months. And then we've got the Manna Gold coming out in June. So just a lot of intense focus.

[00:03:45] One of the things we've learned over the years is you get the result where you put your attention and energy grows from that space. So yeah, it's a choice for us to develop that obsession in the substances and the raw materials that we deal with. And yeah, we love the process. We wouldn't have it any other way. However, it is a lot.

[00:04:16] Luke: Do you plan on staying in Australia as your home base?

[00:04:19] David: Yes. Yeah, I love it there.

[00:04:20] Luke: Yeah. You text me photos. Sometimes they come in spurts and then I'll start texting you and all of our photos are sunrises and sunsets. You're my sun gazing brother that are super committed to that. Imagining part of-- I haven't been to Australia, but I'm guessing you live somewhere near the ocean and you are in a position where you can see the sun a lot, based on what you text me.

[00:04:48] David: Yeah. So actually for the last decade, I've been living in the Hinterland of the Sunshine Coast, which is about a 30-minute drive, and that's at elevation. So that's really good for seeing the sunrise. I can't see the sunrise from my little cabin, but I've just got to drive up the hill a little bit further.

[00:05:05] And there's a beautiful lookout. That cabin, the actual roof collapsed on it about four months ago. It was super old. And so I've actually moved down the coast now, right near the beach. So it's a beautiful location because we can see the sunrise and go for an early morning swim and early morning walk, and it's a beautiful way to start the day.

[00:05:30] Luke: Epic. And tell people why you're into sun gazing.

[00:05:36] David: It's the most powerful thing that I've ever still found, the most powerful practice. And I guess because the Sun is really the source of all life and that light that comes from the Sun, especially early morning or late afternoon, it has so many of the light codes that are so important for our cellular biology and so important for our internal biocircuitry and our biochemistry and our bioenergetic field as well.

[00:06:08] So it's like we discussed last time. The body is the most advanced technology in the universe. So once we accept that, if we zoom out, it's like with any technology, we want to be able to upgrade the hardware and the software. So the codes from the sun is really one of the best ways to do that.

[00:06:31] Luke: Have you heard of this Australian guy, Santos Bonacci?

[00:06:34] David: Yes.

[00:06:35] Luke: I was listening to a podcast. Is that how you say his last name? Bonacci?

[00:06:38] David: Yeah.

[00:06:38] Luke: I was listening to a podcast on which he was a guest and he was talking about how the sun is actually a concentrated rainbow. He makes a habit of debunking a lot of things about our cosmology and the nature of our earthly realm and astrology and things like that, as you probably know.

[00:07:00] But I thought that was really interesting. And I was like, yeah, the sun isn't a fiery ball as we've been taught. It's just a round rainbow. And we probably don't see it that way because of the visible light spectrum. We look at the sun. It looks yellow or white, and then a little orange in the morning and night, but with our naked eye, we can't see that it does have that full spectrum of light. And that's the light that creates rainbows. So that's really interesting. I never heard that before.

[00:07:31] David: Yeah, and that white light, which is really how we see it when it's not in a sunrise or a sunset situation, white light contains all light.

[00:07:41] Luke: Oh, right.

[00:07:42] David: So all the colors of the rainbow exist within white light. And even within the yellow and golden color, that also contains all wave forms of light. So gold as an example is crystallized light in a metallic form, and that color actually holds all the wavelength lengths of visible light.

[00:08:05] Luke: Gold does?

[00:08:06] David: Yes

[00:08:07] Luke: Interesting.

[00:08:08] David: Actually, since we've been dealing with the nano-gold that's in our new product, we've had that experience directly, that the different size nanoparticles and the different shape and the different charge reflect different wavelengths of light.

[00:08:25] So the smaller nanoparticles, around 10 nanoparticles, are actually red. And then when you get up to 100, they're purple. And that whole spectrum from red, which is the lowest frequency light, to purple or violet, which is the highest, and everything in between is the colors of the rainbow. So even at a nanoparticle size, gold holds all those different frequencies of light.

[00:08:51] Luke: Wow. That's epic. I interviewed a guy named Dr. Edward Group the other day from a company called Global Healing, like a really high-end, beautiful product line that he's created over the years. And one of his new products is methylene blue, and he puts the monoatomic gold in there and explains something about the refraction of light.

[00:09:15] And because methylene blue is photodynamic, as are metals like silver and gold, and I've heard of people putting colloidal silver in methylene blue. So I did that myself. It was just an experiment, not really knowing what I'm doing, but just like, ah, it makes sense. But yeah, I forget how he explained it exactly, but it was really interesting. It had something to do with increasing the potential of the photobiomodulation element of methylene blue. And I bet it has something to do with what you're talking about.

[00:09:46] David: Makes sense. Colloidal silver and colloidal golds, I see them as pseudo products to some extent. They're not necessarily real particles of silver or gold. However, the atomic size of gold is super interesting as well. When we're talking about monoatomic, mono, obviously meaning one atom, and the radius of a gold atom is about 0.144 nanometers.

[00:10:24] And 144 is actually the number of light as well. So there's a little clue there with the gold. But once we get into the nanometer size of gold, and I'm talking pure gold, pure 24-karat gold, it has the capability and capacity to hold all different wave forms of light.

[00:10:45] So it actually changes color, again, depending on the size, shape and charge. And it can actually pass through the blood-brain barrier, which is the most selective part of the body, because of that size, charge, and shape as well. The shape being the geometry, so you can have little stars or little spheres.

[00:11:06] Luke: Really?

[00:11:07] David: Yeah.

[00:11:08] Luke: So right now, because I just had some of your Manna Gold, your new product, which is not out at the time of this recording, but will be for those watching. You can see what it looks like right here. Beautiful packaging, by the way. So right now I have atoms of gold in my brain?

[00:11:26] David: You do.

[00:11:27] Luke: I took it, I don't know, 30 minutes ago or something.

[00:11:29] David: Yeah, so there's the atomic world, and then you get into the nano world. And the nano world is, let's say you have 10 nanometers. That's a cluster of approximately 30 gold atoms. So under that doesn't really pass through the blood brain barrier, and then above 100 nanometers doesn't really pass through the blood brain barrier. So there's a sweet spot there.

[00:11:52] And yeah, nanogold acts very different to metallic gold. The main difference is that it's bioavailable, so it doesn't accumulate in the body as heavy metal. If it's around that 10 nanometer size, it can pass through the kidneys and leave within our urine. And if it's a little bit bigger, it will pass through our liver and leave through our stool, but it doesn't accumulate in the body. So there's no risk of heavy metal.

[00:12:22] Luke: So you're what I would consider to be an alchemist based on our first conversation. This stuff you're dealing with Ormus and sea minerals and shilajit, that seems to be your lane. Would you classify yourself as that too? Or is there a better word for your model, like what drives you and the kind of tinkering you do with these different substances?

[00:12:44] David: Yeah, it's really an obsession for the truth, Luke, and none of this is new. It's been used by the Egyptians. It's been used by the Essenes. It's written about in a lot of sacred text. I guess nowadays we have the opportunity with technology to play with things like nanoparticles in a very precise way. And I actually do clinical studies and test a lot of these things.

[00:13:09] At the moment, there's actually a term called plasmon resonance or surface plasmon resonance where they're using this in mainstream medicine. They're using gold nanoparticles in these different nanometer sizes to actually induce coherent light emissions at the cellular level. It turns into energy and they're using it to treat all kinds of things.

[00:13:37] Luke: Really?

[00:13:38] David: Yeah.

[00:13:39] Luke: That's interesting because what I've learned and my knowledge of this is limited, so in layman's terms, what I've learned is that the mitochondria actually produce infrared light, which is really interesting. And it has a lot to do with why infrared saunas are great for energy production and so on, cold thermogenesis, doing ice baths.

[00:14:02] There's something that stimulates your mitochondria to make more infrared light. And then somehow that's related to making the exclusion zone water in your body. It's super interesting. Most of it's a bit over my head, so I just take the broad strokes and go, yeah, do more saunas, do more ice baths, and drink structured water, and do the things that I do.

[00:14:23] But I think we're headed in a place that's really interesting, especially as you said, when mainstream science, includes of course, many brilliant people and innovations, but also in some ways is very archaic and in some cases even destructive and antithetical to life. So the fact that they're starting to apply some of this, science is really interesting.

[00:14:46] David: Yeah, it's awesome, and it's a sign of the times that we're in as well. As I said, this has been used throughout antiquity, and it usually presents itself at specific times in specific cycles, and really it's about getting more light into the biology. So it's increasing that quotient of light, upregulating more bioluminescence within our body, and that really allows us to transform that biochemistry, upgrade that biocircuitry. And once we can operate in that higher frequency state, our entire reality can change

[00:15:23] Luke: Can you explain how the human body is electric?

[00:15:29] David: Yeah, so every aspect of the body is an electrical circuit and has an electrical potential. So we even measure within our cells, there is a cell membrane potential or a phase angle. And my background's in electrical engineering, so it comes naturally for me to view the body as an electrical circuit.

[00:16:00] But yeah, cell membrane potential is measuring the charge between the inside and the outside of the cell. Every single cell has it. So there's usually a negative charge on the inside of the cell. It's usually between 20 and 200 milivolt. So if we use an average of 40, which is most healthy cells, it has a negative charge on the inside, positive charge on the outside.

[00:16:26] And then we're made up of 37 trillion cells. So there's a lot of cell membrane potential or voltage potential inside of our body. So it's really important for us to have a powerful charge, and a lot of our cellular biology at the moment is operating independently from each other. So those millivolts or that charge doesn't get the opportunity to accumulate.

[00:16:55] However, when we take some of these substances like Ormus or even certain salts or in particular gold, which is superconductive material in electrical circuits, if it's bioavailable gold in our circuitry--

[00:17:14] Luke: Right. I'm thinking about high-end, audio equipment. If you buy speaker cables and things that always say like gold tips for better conductivity and sound, there's something to that in the world of electronics. There's always an emphasis on things being gold plated and things like that.

[00:17:31] David: All electronics.

[00:17:33] Luke: Interesting.

[00:17:33] David: Fans, computers, anywhere where there's a very critical area, they'll still use gold. Because what that's doing is removing resistance in the circuit. And so that's what it's doing in our body as well. It's removing resistance. It's making things super conductive, which gives those cells-- that voltage the chance to accumulate and raises the charge and the voltage of our body.

[00:18:00] And it also has the capacity to absorb those light waves when it's in that nano size. So it's literally the highest frequency nutrient we can absorb in our body, and it's literally food for our light body.

[00:18:18] Luke: Wow. That's so epic. So when you create something like Manna Gold and it has actual gold in it, how is it not $500 a packet? You know what I mean? I had these earrings that I bought in Hawaii about 20 years ago or something, and finally, after maybe 20 years, one of them fell out and I lost it. And so I just forgot about it. I thought, you know what? I still have the one. So I took it to a jewelry store here and was like, hey, can you guys match this other earring and make me one? And I don't know how big is a tiny little hoop earring, and it was like, I don't know, $600 or $800 for one of them.

[00:18:59] And they're like, yeah, that's the price of gold. I think it was even cost. They're like, we're not going to charge you for making it, just for the gold. I was like, Holy shit. So is there such a small amount of gold that's needed to produce the effect that you described that it's not like buying a piece of jewelry or something?

[00:19:18] David: Yeah, it is quite expensive.

[00:19:20] Luke: I guess I don't know the price of it. Maybe it's not $500. So the regular Manna, which we'll do a review of for people that missed the first episode, is it 100 bucks for the big pack or something? I forget.

[00:19:35] David: Yes.

[00:19:36] Luke: Okay. So for contrast, what's the gold going to be?

[00:19:39] David: 300.

[00:19:40] Luke: Oh, okay. So it is. I thought I was way overshooting at 500.

[00:19:45] David: Each sachet has five milligrams of pure 24 karat gold in it in a nanometer form. We actually did our first bulk production last Thursday, and I literally put half a million dollars worth of gold into a 200,000-sachet run.

[00:20:05] Luke: Wow. No wonder you're not flying first class. Now I get it. Before I was like, dude, you could carve out a couple of extra grand. Okay. Oh, that's interesting.

[00:20:17] David: Yes, we're literally reinvesting all of our revenue back into this product, and we're running Manna as a not for profit simply because of that. And we hope that a lot of other people do this as well. We also hope that some of the new technologies coming through can drive the price of gold down. And we're involved in a couple of those technologies quite intimately, where they're right on the cusp of being able to get monoatomic forms of gold and cluster it, which is what nature does over tens of thousands of years.

[00:20:50] When I say cluster it, it puts it into sizes that our technology picks up as gold, and then we can cluster it even further into the yellow gold that we're familiar with. But nature takes a long time to do that. Now there's some technologies that can do that in days.

[00:21:09] So that would actually lower the price of gold very significantly because the monoatomic forms of gold is super abundant. It's everywhere. But with gold being the greatest storage of wealth on the planet for the last 5,000 years, it's a big deal to start to change with that, start to change that and alter that.

[00:21:31] So it's obviously linked in with consciousness and the part of the cycle that we're in. And there may be resistance to that from particular people as well. So it's quite a sensitive area. And at least at Manna, we actually have the product in the market and available now. And we just feel like we're stewards for that.

[00:21:53] We feel super proud that we've got to this point because understanding how consciousness works now that we've done it, hopefully a lot of other people will do it. And what excites us the most is the impact that it does have on the body of being able to pass through the blood brain barrier, get into the amygdala, and totally transform the human physiology into a state of genetic liberation and creating a whole new human species.

[00:22:20] Luke: Oh, just that?

[00:22:23] David: Yeah.

[00:22:24] Luke: Dude, that's incredible. Wow. As you talk about gold and going back as our primary measure of value over the past 5,000 years or however long it's been, I've always found it interesting that humans all over the planet have revered gold as much as they do. And one could say on a surface level, oh, it's difficult to find and mine and refine and turn into something that you can carry around as a commodity.

[00:22:51] So there's maybe some of that as probably easier than diamonds, for example, but maybe a little harder than silver. So you see why it sits in the middle there, but I've always felt intuitively that there's some other significance to gold. Like, why is that the thing of all things through all these different cultures throughout history?

[00:23:09] There's something more to it than just like, oh, we can use this as a bartering tool. So maybe other cultures have been aware of some of the higher consciousness elements that you speak to.

[00:23:25] David: Totally. I think there's things about gold that we're still figuring out as our consciousness changes. We'll learn more about it. I think it has different light waves and different magnetic properties that we're attracted to outside of its shininess and its value. And I think one of the most amazing things about it is it is this incredible food for the light body and for aspects of us that are just starting to get turned back on and present themselves.

[00:23:57] There's a lot of research on ancient civilizations eating gold. There's a lot of research on advanced beings coming to the planet for gold. I don't know if you've seen any of the work of Michael Tellinger, but he's researched that quite passionately and found some very interesting research and examples of that throughout South Africa and all across the world. So yeah, gold is the most revered element of all of the, and I think it goes much beyond what we currently know.

[00:24:30] Luke: So cool. The idea of eating a metal, I think, is probably foreign to some people, especially people that are on the cutting edge of health and biohacking because we're starting to learn how detrimental the accumulation of metals is in the body. Heavy metals, lead, cadmium, mercury, and so on.

[00:24:49] One of the companies I work with called Silver Biotic found a way to formulate their colloidal silver so that it doesn't bioaccumulate in the body. And they've done testing to show that it's gone in 48 hours or whatever it is, which I think is interesting. But I have had messages from people like, ooh, I don't want to take silver because I don't want to be full of heavy metals.

[00:25:07] And I've worked on detoxing heavy metals for a long time. So I think many of us just have a kind of an intuitive aversion to putting metal in our body. But I think maybe there's something different with this from what you said earlier with, a, it doesn't bioaccumulate because of the way that it is metabolized, and not all metals are created equally. So what you're describing is this bioluminescence and things like that. We don't get that from a lead or a mercury, right?

[00:25:35] David: Not at all. It's very specific to gold, and yeah, you're exactly right. Even gold, it is a heavy metal. So if you were just to take normal parts of gold, it wouldn't be bioavailable. It wouldn't be good for you. But again, breaking it down into these nano size particles, it's a 100% bioavailable and can be processed and utilized by the body very efficiently. And again, it is in mainstream science. So even if you were to Google bioavailability of nanoparticle gold, they will admit that the body can absorb it and process it.

[00:26:16] Luke: Really? Even censored Google?

[00:26:17] David: Yeah.

[00:26:18] Luke: Sometimes I'll look things up and I'm like, I know it's going to lie to me, but I'm just like, I'm just going to test out. Or doing AI, I'll go on chat GPT and like, oh, hey, what do you think about this or that? And it's like, I know if I cross certain boundaries, it will spit back pseudoscience and just complete fallacies to me because there's someone behind the scenes controlling the flow of information that doesn't want me to know that or wants to paint a different narrative for me. So that's interesting that you can break through the firewall with gold that even mainstream will admit like, oh yeah, it does this and does that.

[00:26:54] David: And I think it's because it's being used so much in medicine. So they're actually having it going into cells that are incoherent, and they're putting specific waveforms of light into the nanoparticles, which is creating energy in that cell and coherence in that cell, which is removing the incoherence. I won't necessarily talk about what kind of cells they are, but it's all there.

[00:27:21] Luke: We can read between the lines. We know when cells go rogue, it usually starts with the letter C. We can say that.

[00:27:29] David: So that's [Inaudible] because they're using it a lot, and it's working.

[00:27:34] Luke: So as someone who likes to know the way things work, and I do my best to visualize it, but I really like going. I would love to go to your manufacturing plant and watch the process.

[00:27:47] I just geek out on stuff like that, but I'm picturing you dropping half a million dollars on gold that is a chunk of metal. I'm picturing a big gold bar from the US Mint or whatever. What's the process of taking that and making it into something that's actually edible and bioavailable?

[00:28:07] David: Yes. So there's an antiqual process and then there's a modern-day lab process, and we use both. So there's still a component of it that's done by hand, especially grinding the gold down into very thin sheets and then melting that gold and putting it through a death and resurrection process. We call it a calcineration process.

[00:28:32] And the power of that being done with yantras and mantras is it's in training the gold to be self-sustainable. So when it goes into the biology, it's also in training the cells to be self-sustainable. So that's just something that's part of the process that we love, but the rest of it is utilizing technology to get the gold particles into the right size, the right geometry, and also have the correct charge because that's the critical component to them being bioavailable as well.

[00:29:09] Luke: Wow. So there's going to be a number of people that see the value in something like Manna Gold and will find a way to drop 300 bucks on it. If somebody was being conservative and they're like, wow, $300 is half my rent or whatever. That's a lot of money. What would be the minimum effective dose in terms of-- could you take one a month and derive benefit, or is it something that if you could afford to, you take once a week or daily? Give me the range of application based on budget.

[00:29:44] David: Yeah, it's a great question. And the way we've designed our other products is there's 30 sachets in a box. So you take one sachet a day, which in this case would cost you 10 a day because a sachet is $10 or $11.

[00:29:59] Luke: So you could quit Starbucks and afford it.

[00:30:01] David: So we understand that super expensive. At this stage, there's nothing we can do about that because of the cost of the gold that's in there. Gold's roughly $75,000 a kilo at the moment. And then to actually get it into this nanoparticle form is very, very, very expensive.

[00:30:21] So it's been a labor of love, and to answer your question, we're not going to have a subscription model with this. It will be limited to how much we can just produce inside the project. We're not raising any capital to do this. It's all funded through Manna, and so you could add one sachet to a liter of water, which I think for you guys is maybe 64 ounces.

[00:30:55] Luke: Something like that.

[00:30:55] David: Something like that. And you could drink it over a month.

[00:31:01] Luke: Ah, okay.

[00:31:02] David: So the five milligrams of nano gold that's in every sachet is literally trillions and trillions and trillions of gold nanoparticles.

[00:31:15] Luke: Oh, wow.

[00:31:16] David: Yeah. So five milligrams, to give you the correct number, it's actually 10 to the power of 13. So that's one with 13 zeros after it. That's how many nanoparticles are actually in there. So even though we recommend a dosage of five milligrams a day, if you were just to put one sachet in 64 ounces of water and drink it over a month, you would still be getting those nanoparticles going through the blood brain barrier.

[00:31:44] And the beautiful thing with it passing through the blood brain barrier and getting into your system is it gets through to the amygdala, and that's where all of our emotions and our flight and fight responses.

[00:31:59] Luke: Fucking amygdala.

[00:32:00] David: Yeah, yeah.

[00:32:02] Luke: I've been trying to calm that thing down for 30 years.

[00:32:05] David: Yeah. Well, this is why I'm so passionate about the product and people even just getting small amounts in there, is it starts to alleviate a lot of that emotion, a lot of that fear, and balances it out. So that's the first thing that the gold's doing. It's giving us that solid foundation really of peace and groundedness.

[00:32:28] And then it can start to regulate those higher processes. So it'll start to get into the cerebral spinal fluid. It'll start to get into the medulla oblongata. So that's the part of the brain that's regulating our bodily functions, like our heartbeat, our blood pressure. And so once we have a certain quotient of light within the body, it will actually start to regulate those secretions up and down the spinal column as well. And that's when our interaction with life starts to really transform.

[00:33:08] Luke: Wow. So epic. What about the implications of stacking sunbathing, red light therapy, and so on? Of course, I'm always like, that's nice. How do we maximize it? But if you're getting that photoreactive effect and the capacity to conduct electricity in the cell and to interact with photons, seems it would make sense to take your Manna Gold dose and go out and get some safe sun exposure, depending on how much melanin you have, I guess.

[00:33:43] Safe is subjective to each person. I can handle a lot of sun. I go out in the Texas sun. I could sit there all day. I don't get sunburned. Some people do. But say a red light bed or getting out in the sun. Is there any evidence anecdotal or scientifically that would speak to potentiating the effects of having gold in your system?

[00:34:07] David: Yeah, absolutely. So with any substance, there's three main ways for us to ingest it. We can ingest it through the gut, we can inject it, or we can inhale it. So this is giving us--

[00:34:22] Luke: Or you can keister it.

[00:34:25] David: True.

[00:34:27] Luke: People that have done time in prison will know what that means. You guys look it up.

[00:34:32] David: However, this gives us a way of ingesting things through that blood-brain barrier, like I mentioned. So with the shilajit in Manna Gold, as an example, it amplifies the effect of the shilajit 10 to 100 times from the research that we're doing. Because once it can go through that chamber, it gets into the central nervous system, and that goes out to the cellular receptors, so cellular receptor network.

[00:34:59] So it's a greater upregulation of any of those other micronutrients that we're taking. Once the gold gets into the central nervous system or into the spinal column, then we can use things like the Christ breath. We can work with sunlight, back to your question about different kinds of light, and we can start to move those fluids up and down that column and into different parts of our brains.

[00:35:36] So an organic process of purification is when the pineal gland will actually start to open up and secrete a substance called amrita. And when that comes up and down that spinal column, down to the sacrum, you can bring it back up if you don't actually use that or if you hold that seed and you don't dispel it, then you can bring it back up and utilize it in the brain, and utilize it in that central nervous system going back all through the body.

[00:36:14] So to take the gold with other micronutrients, to work with it with light or other purification methods, beautiful spring water, sun gazing, shilajit, ocean plasma, all of that is like a purification process. Again, it's going to be raising the biochemistry in the body, raising the software of our system, if you will, which is really important for this time that we're in so that you can receive those codes that are coming in from the sun at the moment and utilize them in a way that are beneficial and peaceful and harmonious.

[00:37:00] Because otherwise, it can be really challenging and will continue to become more challenging as those codes are coming through because they're bringing stuff up that has to come out for us to be able to stay here. And so this is a way of being able to integrate that in a more harmonious way.

[00:37:20] Luke: What is the deal with the humic and fulvic acid in shilajit and its ability to penetrate the cells and get nutrients in and toxins out? And I asked that because I've heard that. Someone said it on the show probably and I'm like, oh, I logged that in, and it sounded true. I don't know if I looked it up, but subjectively, I have experienced on a couple occasions where I've taken your first Manna product, which is a gram of shilajit, which for anyone listening, that's a shit ton of shilajit.

[00:38:01] If you take the little pills, like my friend Matt at MitoLife, he has little tablets, and I think you'd have to take quite a few of them to get a gram. They're convenient though. But yours obviously has some other special sauce in it. But knowing that, I've experimented a couple times taking what I thought was a micro dose of mushrooms with your Manna product.

[00:38:23] And it was like that classic meme, these edibles ain't shit, and you're having visuals. So word to the wise, warning, it is really true if you take, especially a psychoactive substance with shilajit, especially yours and that much, it definitely unequivocally potentiates the effects of that.

[00:38:44] And so I heard that, tried it out, proved it to be true for myself, and I'm imagining it's true, as you described, for the gold, or if you were to mix your Manna product with any other supplement or something like that. Can you talk to us about your understanding of how those acids react and interface with ourselves?

[00:39:07] David: Yeah, absolutely. So you're right. 1,000 milligrams of shilajit is a very high dose, a very generous dose. And the shilajit that we get, which is a pure resin from above 16,000 feet has a really high fulvic acid content as well. Some of our lab results show it to be 88%, but it's always higher than 44. And a lot of shilajits are between 7 and 20.

[00:39:31] Luke: Really?

[00:39:32] David: Yeah.

[00:39:33] Luke: Not to mention a lot of them are contaminated with heavy metal, mold, all kinds of weird shit, and they're not tested. I used to buy it from a vendor on Etsy from Siberia, and I would check for the lab test, and they show their lab tests. Oh, the heavy metals are safe. There's no mold or fungus or any of that.

[00:39:50] But they could be faking that too. I thought about it after using it for a couple of years and I was like, well, I could make that on Photoshop. I wouldn't think it from like a company like you that's regulated and stuff, but if you're buying something off Etsy from some witch in the Siberian mountains, who knows if it's legit. So anyway.

[00:40:14] David: Yeah, it's important to lab test it. Everything shows up in there, and fulvic acid's a really good marker. So back to your point, we've got a generous dose. We've got a high percentage of fulvic acid, and then one of the beautiful things with fulvic acid, it's actually known as nature's miracle molecule.

[00:40:34] There's a really good website actually called fulvicacid.org, and it's got 100 different things that it helps with. Some of them are, again, pretty profound. There's clinical studies in there. There's research from doctors. It's really amazing. And a lot of it is around its adaptogen qualities. So it makes other vitamin and mineral preparations easier to absorb. It also amplifies them. It also increases--

[00:41:04] Luke: I can verify that.

[00:41:05] David: The cell membrane potential. And then again now with the gold being able to get that fulvic acid that's in the shilajit through the blood brain barrier, it's amplifying it even more. So yeah, fulvic acid, I think, is one of the most powerful super cell conductors that there is full stop.

[00:41:28] It's almost like a lost cell or a lost nutrient because it's no longer in the soil anymore from agricultural and commercial farming over the last several decades. Because it's meant to be in there with the compost and the mycelium and all of that, but if you test it, it's gone.

[00:41:55] Luke: How did you discover that your source for shilajit that high? 16,000 feet? Is that what you said? Did I get that right? I didn't even know there were land masses that went that high, so I'm like, okay, where the fuck is that? But I remember in our last conversation, you gave me a tale of a very Indiana Jones super food, super nutrient hunter kind of life, which I found really interesting.

[00:42:26] And now I forget the details, but how many, I don't know, sources did you try to vet or find to get the purity and lack of contaminants and also that really crazy level of humic acid?

[00:42:41] David: So initially I was introduced to shilajit at Mount Kalish. Mount Kalish is the most revered mountain on the planet for the Hindu and Buddhist religion. They believe it's the home of Shiva. And there's a pilgrimage you can do where you walk around the mountain for three days, took me four days, and that's at high altitude.

[00:43:02] And that's where I was introduced to shilajit. It's really good when you're at high altitude to help with altitude sickness as well. And I was using that as a supply about 10 years ago. And selling that into the market, just in little glass jars. And that was from a descendant of the Royal Family of Tibet.

[00:43:22] His lease and capacity to supply was quite small, so I ended up testing about 20 different kinds of shilajit through 2018 and 2019, and that's when I feel like I became an expert in understanding the different kinds of shilajit and how the altitudes and regions affected the nutrient content.

[00:43:47] And so now we get our shilajit from the Himalayan Mountains and also some locations in Siberia where it's above that 16,000 feet mainly because the fulvic acid content is really high and there's no heavy metal. So it's almost like nature goes through this natural filtration process of removing the nasties and the concentration process of improving the nutrient content.

[00:44:14] So yeah, we're super specific and don't compromise on quality at Manna. That's our biggest thing, whether it's the ocean plasma or the shilajit or the gold. And that's why we run it as a not for profit, is it just allows us to keep those product costs so high. Whereas anybody else that came into the business would be like, what are you doing? This doesn't make any sense.

[00:44:40] But they're the most powerful three substances I've found for our human biology. And so just having the absolute best sources we can find of those, I know that that will be inductive enough for us to be able to sell what we can supply. Because we can't get access to massive supplies.

[00:45:00] It's a fairly boutique product because of the way we do it, but it just means we can stand behind it with full integrity and share the absolute best that we've found with whomever it resonates with.

[00:45:15] Luke: Do we know where shilajit comes from? I've heard different things that it is, on the more logical side, ancient decomposed plant matter that's concentrated those minerals and nutrients. But I've also heard people say that it could be inclusive of bat dung, ancient decomposed animal parts of it. Where does it come from?

[00:45:42] Because for those listening that are unfamiliar with shilajit, basically it's like a black tar that seeps out from between these rocks and the mountains. Is that a basic description of how it appears in our world?

[00:45:54] David: Correct. Yeah. It's 100% plant-based, so it doesn't have--

[00:45:58] Luke: There's no decomposed dinosaurs. Actually, I don't even think dinosaurs are real at this point, but that's another conversation. I just learned recently. I think that's another one of the many psyops, fossil fuels and all this stuff. So is there any possibility of ancient bat dung in there?

[00:46:17] David: No, it's 100% plant-based.

[00:46:20] Luke: I wouldn't be mad at that by the way, as long as it didn't have any creepy crawlies.

[00:46:24] David: Totally, yeah. And I don't have any problem with animal-based products, but it is a plant-based product. Maybe people think that because it's so high in protein and amino acids. It's literally the most concentrated form of nutrients that I've found. It has full spectrum amino acids. It has full spectrum vitamin Bs. It's 32% protein.

[00:46:52] Luke: Really?

[00:46:53] David: Yeah.

[00:46:54] Luke: So weird.

[00:46:55] David: It has all the minerals. It's full of magnesium, potassium, sulfur, calcium. It's full of triterpenes, which is the protective compounds in mushrooms. It's full of enzymes. So it's literally a superfood that you could live off.

[00:47:12] Luke: Well, people, of course, ask me because I have these cabinets. I'm so grateful to be in the business of men. People send me stuff all the time. It's awesome. I used to spend all of my disposable income on supplements and superfoods and stuff that I couldn't even afford. I would put shit on my credit card and end up in debt just because I had to try the shilajit supplement.

[00:47:31] So I'm very grateful. I'm not complaining, but sometimes it gets a little overwhelming and I'm like, I don't know. There's a cabinet full of stuff. I don't want to overwhelm my body with too many different things at once. So people often ask me, as being a supplement fanatic, if I could only pick one thing, what would it be? It's really difficult to say that, so I did make a video a couple years ago of my top 10 non-negotiable things, and shilajit was definitely in there.

[00:47:56] And I'm not just saying this because you're here, but I think if somebody imposed a rule on me and emptied all my cabinets out and was like, you can only have one substance that isn't just food, I'd probably pick liver or something like that if it was just one food, but in the supplement realm, I got to say, I think it would be shilajit for the reasons you just described.

[00:48:19] There's just nothing else that nature makes that is that potent and has that level of nutrient density. And especially something that's completely organic and just made by the planet and isn't synthesized in a lab or something like that to be so concentrated. It's literally just the way it is at 16,000 feet. Somebody goes up and digs in the rocks and finds this tar and you eat it and it has all the things you just described. It's fascinating to me.

[00:48:47] David: Yeah. It's the same for me as well. If there was one thing that I had to be left with and that I could eat to survive, I would choose shilajit as well. And I'd even put it out there that if there is something with more nutrients in it per gram, I'd love to know about it, genuinely.

[00:49:06] Luke: I wonder how it stacks up against oysters in the food realm. So from what I understand in the hierarchy of foods and nutrient density, you have oysters, number one, number two, ruminant or bovine liver, deer liver, elk, cow liver. That's what I've heard from a number of different people that seem to be smart and knowledgeable. I wonder how shilajit stacks up against oysters.

[00:49:33] David: Yeah. The thing that comes to mind straight away is oysters wouldn't have fulvic acid.

[00:49:39] Luke: Definitely not.

[00:49:39] David: So again, with all of those other nutrients that are in the shilajit, the fulvic acid is amplifying them and allowing them to get into the cell through that adaptogen qualities that we spoke about in a unique way.

[00:49:54] And I'd be surprised if the oysters have the triterpenes or even the amino acids. They may 10 or 12, and that obviously have the minerals. But I don't know if that'd be as concentrated. I feel like shilajit would be, if you could get a hundred oysters and squeeze them into one gram of substance, that's what nature's done with shilajit. And then you could add 50% fulvic acid. Then you'd probably be pretty close.

[00:50:35] Luke: Yeah. Oysters don't travel very well either. That's one thing when I first found your Manna product. I was like, thank God somebody made a portable shilajit. Because the thing is, with those like tubs of it, a, these people are like criminal. Because when I used to buy it on Etsy, it was like $50 for a kilo or something.

[00:50:59] And it just came in this little plastic tub. And then I go to Erewhon, and it's $180 for a tiny couple of grams. And I was just like, people are shysters, so heads up. Really, the shilajit market is very shady in terms of how much people are marking it up. But the thing is I buy these tabs and even in the little canisters, it's like, if it's hot where you store it, then it turns into this tar and it's impossible to dose it.

[00:51:28] It gets all over everything. It's stringy like crude oil, kind of. And then if it's too cold, then you have to chip it with a freaking screwdriver. It's actually just really hard to use it. So as I said, some people make little tablets, which is convenient, but then you have to take so many of them and it ends up also being expensive. So what I liked about yours and like about it still is in the little, what do you call it, ampule? Sachet.

[00:51:53] David: That's it.

[00:51:54] Luke: Little sachet and you just bend it, squirt it in a drink or just right in your mouth. And I keep them in my airplane bag. It's like every time I travel, I'm pounding those things on the airplane. And so that's another innovation I think that you nailed, is actually making it into more of a liquid so that you can properly dose it and make it portable too.

[00:52:15] David: Yeah. Thanks for recognizing that because we've spent a lot of time and energy in finding a way to deliver it in a way that tastes better and it was also easy to use. We're actually in R&D for five years with that sachet machine.

[00:52:33] Luke: Really?

[00:52:33] David: Yeah. To get it right. It's super advanced mechanical engineering. I'll show you a video of how it works.

[00:52:38] Luke: Oh my God.

[00:52:38] David: And it'll blow your mind.

[00:52:40] Luke: For those listening, what we're describing is, and for those watching the video, you can see it, but it's like a little packet that's like, I don't know, a little smaller than a credit card. And then you just bend it in half and there's a little perforated slit here.

[00:52:57] And then you just squeeze it out and make sure you don't waste any. I squeeze mine 10 times to make sure I get every little drop out of there. But when you look at something like this, you don't think like, oh, I bet that was hard to do. I'm just thinking, oh, cool. Somebody figured out a way to make shilajit more practical to use. So five years of that.

[00:53:16] David: Yeah, so that's actually a top and a bottom layer to that. And the liquid has to get in between that top and bottom layer with the four-side ceiling and without it leaking. Because if it leaks when that's happening, then it goes all through the rollers in the machine and all over the polymer.

[00:53:36] Luke: Oh, right.

[00:53:37] David: The top and bottom. Yeah. Anyway, it's super advanced. It's very boutique. There's nobody else that has those kinds of sachets. And yeah, there's times where we've wanted to give up on that. However, we're aware of the challenges that you spoke about with shilajit, and to have these sachets in your kitchen just saves you so much time, and is so easy to use.

[00:54:08] And then you can travel with them and do all of those different things. So we've stuck with it. We've got it right. And yeah, it's super exciting to be able to deliver the correct dosage in a way that is easy and saves our customers' time.

[00:54:22] Luke: So I take one little Manna packet a day. Is there like a law of diminishing returns kind of thing? Like if I did three a day, would it be overkill and be a waste of money? Or is one a day a pretty good maintenance dose for general health?

[00:54:41] David: Yeah, one a day is enough. As we said before, 1,000 milligrams of pure shilajit resin is a lot. The only reason it's a liquid inside those sachets is because we're adding it to the ocean plasma. So 1,000 milligrams of ocean plasma, and then we've got an Ayurvedic professor of 50 years that has shared his chai formula with us.

[00:55:05] And chai actually negates that really strong flavor of the shilajit. It's the combination of the cardamom, the nutmeg, the ginger, and then we have the cinnamon and the vanilla and the clove to give it that kinder flavor profile. Because nutmeg and vanilla, if there's too much of that, it can be quite soapy.

[00:55:27] But that's the only reason it's in a liquid form. I'll show you after the podcast because we just did the manufacturing, the latest run last week, and the blocks of resin that we put into our manufacturing kettle, they're like the blackest, most shiniest thing you've ever seen. They come in a hundred grand blocks from the Himalayas, and they're like concrete.

[00:55:53] Luke: Wow.

[00:55:54] David: So we put them in the mix with the ocean plasma. We do it at low temperature, so it maintains all of those enzymes and triterpenes. But yeah, it's definitely a labor of love. It's a super expensive process to go through. But again, we know that's the actually best form of those substances in the market.

[00:56:18] And that's something that we feel super passionate about in an industry that has so many other versions of products that are just there to make a profit, or they're getting them in powdered forms with other fillers, or they're coming from places where there's basically no life force left in the substances themselves.

[00:56:40] So yeah, we feel really good about being able to get the best quality substances into those little sachets and have them in people's kitchen in a way that they can access that nature, the best of nature, in an easy way that can save them time.

[00:56:59] Luke: And save them from hiking 16,000 feet.

[00:57:03] David: Totally.

[00:57:03] Luke: Who's collecting the shilajit, and how do they harvest it ? I'm picturing little, I don't know, Sherpas up there, rock climbing and getting to these little crevices and chipping it out with a hatchet or something. How does that process work?

[00:57:23] David: Yeah, it's super intense, especially at that altitude. So last July and August, we employed around 600 people in the Himalayas to go out and collect shilajit resin. At the place where we were was around 7,500 feet. And it's super remote. It's, at that altitude, some of the scaredest I've ever been.

[00:57:51] Because monsoons come through, and no one's coming to get you. And when I was up there last time, I needed to have oxygen because I wasn't acclimatized. And so I actually went up in a helicopter and we had to do an emergency landing at 17,000 feet, which is about the height where the helicopter can sometimes not start again.

[00:58:26] And we've had six days of monsoons, so the fear was that we mightn't be able to fly for another four or five days. And we only had 24, 48 hours of oxygen. So yeah, it was a pretty scary experience. So 600 people will literally gather it in hand with sacks and then it goes through a filtration process to separate the resin from the dirt and the other things that are in the ground to end up with a pure black resin.

[00:59:02] Luke: I'd like to see that. I'd like to see the 600 people descend on the mountain and just start hunting for it. I picture it just to be a really difficult process, just thinking about how it's stuck up in rocks. It's not just like it's bubbling out like a spring or something and you just go fill it up with a bucket. It's like you've really got to hand mine it, is what it sounds like.

[00:59:25] David: Yeah. And there's some deposits that will come out and you might see a chunk like the size of a baseball. The biggest one I've ever seen was probably about the size of a gridiron. But most of the time it's just small amounts in with all of the rock and the dirt.

[00:59:42] Luke: Oh, wow.

[00:59:43] David: Yeah. Shilajit is super interesting because now they're mining it at 1,000 feet in countries like Somalia. Because you can buy shilajit anything from $20 a kilo up to $2,000 a kilo. That's how much the market is changed for it.

[01:00:07] And $20 a kilo, a powder in China, buy it per ton, and it might actually have 1 or 2% fulvic acid and you don't know what else is in it. But yeah, the other higher forms, they are much more expensive because it's a lot of work to get to them. And you can only access them for about eight or 10 weeks of the year.

[01:00:32] Luke: Is it renewable, or do you see a time when enough humans catch on to how amazing shilajit is and it's all gone?

[01:00:40] David: Yeah, no, the ranges where it exists are massive. So even though it's coming out of those high altitudes, the Himalayan Mountain ranges is massive. It's available in Kashmir and Mongolia as well. The Altai range in Mongolia is massive. And then up through Tibet into China and then up through Russia and Siberia. So often I'll say to people like, those mountain ranges alone is like going from LA to New York and back.

[01:01:11] Luke: Oh, wow.

[01:01:11] David: It's a serious mass of land.

[01:01:14] Luke: Oh, interesting.

[01:01:15] David: Yeah. So there's a lot of abundance. We wouldn't have even touched 0.001% of shilajit amongst all the companies that are selling it.

[01:01:24] Luke: Wow. You'd look at people like Graham Hancock that are giving you this alternate view of archaeology and things like that. I wonder what the truth is about however many thousands or millions of years ago was the top of those mountains the bottom of a sea and this is ancient seaweed. You know what I mean?

[01:01:47] I was like, I wish I could go back in time and just see what was happening. What were all those plants growing on before they became shilajit over thousands of years of getting compacted, however that happens. It's so interesting. Do you have any knowledge at least what the commonly held belief is about what that mountain range was and how did those freaking plants get up there? Because you're talking about above timberline. There's not enough oxygen for plants to grow up there. But at some point there was, because that's where the shilajit came from.

[01:02:21] David: Yeah, not sure. I know in the middle of Australia there's opalized cockles, which means it was under the ocean at some point, in the center of Australia. That would be like saying Denver was under the ocean.

[01:02:40] So it's hard to tell what different cycles the earth's been through, but at that high altitude, the plants that the shilajit is made from, and my best guess would be it's that cactus world, they're exposed to such extreme environmental conditions that they take on and develop a lot of protective compounds to be able to exist in those locations where there's extreme pressure or extreme temperatures like freezing temperatures.

[01:03:18] And I think that's one of the big reasons why shilajit has a lot of those biogenetic stimulant qualities, is because when we're able to extract and ingest those compounds, then our body also receives those protective compounds that the plants have been developing potentially over hundreds and thousands of years.

[01:03:46] Luke: Hence the name Manna Vitality.

[01:03:49] David: Yeah.

[01:03:49] Luke: Reminds me of goji berries. We have the shilajit. I think is more historically relevant to the Ayurvedic system. And then goji berries more in Chinese medicine. And I've heard that about goji berries, that their nutrient density is in part because they have to survive such extreme weather conditions.

[01:04:09] I think that's an interesting way to look at things. So it's like, you want to go into nature and eat the most resilient, living beings to give yourself the most resilience. I wonder if that's true of oysters. I don't know what their life is like. I want to let people know, if you want to check out Manna, we've got a 20% off code here.

[01:04:31] So if you go to lukestorey.com/manna M-A-N-N-A, your code there is LUKE20. And by the time this conversation goes live, the gold will be available too. Because it's about to be available at the end of this month, and this will be out in a few weeks. Also, I forgot to mention before the show notes in general for anything we link here will be found at lukestorey.com/manna2, the number 2.

[01:04:57] There's so many things I want to talk to you about. Let's talk about the sea mineral solution and Ormus. I remember many years ago when I got into all this stuff, Ormus was a really big trend. And I heard things like, oh, there are minerals that exist outside of the periodic table that have been censored or removed from our knowledge base and that they're subatomic.

[01:05:26] And the Ormus just had this kind of allure about it, and there were some products that came out here and there. And it supposedly was Ormus, like little liquid dropper bottles and stuff, and I'd buy them from time to time. And I never really understood what it is. And it's one of those things that just chalked up to me, and it was just a marketing word and it's not a real thing.

[01:05:47] So eventually I just lost interest in it because I could never figure out what the hell it meant. So from your experience, I guess that's two questions. One is the sea minerals, the sea plasma, and then how that relates to Ormus and what Ormus actually is from your understanding.

[01:06:03] David: Hmm. Yeah, it's a really good question. And the ocean plasma, I might just start with that first. So that's a hypertonic solution that we get from the Dead Sea, 50%, and then we also get it from down off Tasmania and put it through a three-year solar evaporation process to adjust those mineral ratios.

[01:06:23] So basically, we're just lifting the magnesium, potassium, calcium, sulfur component and then reducing the sodium chloride and allowing all of those other trace minerals to come into effect.

[01:06:36] Luke: That takes three years?

[01:06:37] David: Yeah.

[01:06:39] Luke: So if you just went and drank some water out of the Dead Sea, the sodium content would be too high. So to get the concentration you'd want of those other minerals would be impossible because you'd be overloading yourself with sodium basically. Is that why it takes three years?

[01:06:56] David: No. So the water that we get from down off Tasmania, that's traditional seawater, and that's 95% sodium chloride. So that's the one we're adjusting.

[01:07:08] Luke: Oh, okay.

[01:07:09] David: And the Dead Sea water actually is only about 8% sodium chloride.

[01:07:14] Luke: Oh, really?

[01:07:14] David: Yeah. It's actually organically really high in those other minerals. Yeah. So when I--

[01:07:20] Luke: Is it crazy high in magnesium?

[01:07:23] David: Yes.

[01:07:24] Luke: Like a float tank? I've heard that you can go to the Dead Sea and just float around like you can in a float tank because of the saturation of minerals in it.

[01:07:30] David: Totally. Yeah. So depending on where you get it from, it's about 55,000 parts per million.

[01:07:37] Luke: Holy shit.

[01:07:38] David: Which is about the same amount as a magnesium supplement.

[01:07:41] Luke: Wow.

[01:07:41] David: But then it's really high in potassium, calcium, sulphur, and chlorides as well. So the beautiful thing with the float tanks over there is, you're not just getting-- a normal float tank will just be isolated to magnesium or potassium, whereas it's got all of them, which is super powerful.

[01:07:59] Luke: That's cool.

[01:07:59] David: Yeah. So I was fortunate when I slept on the bank over there for 90 days that I had access to a laboratory that had just been built in the base of Masada, which is a really famous mountain over there. One of the big mining companies had literally just built it. And a lot of the rooms were vacant, and I befriended the manager and was able to test different deposits of water.

[01:08:25] And I presumed it would be sodium chloride as well in a very high ratio, but it was those other minerals that we just discussed. So it's a very different source solution to any other water I've ever found on the planet, but the actual ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Tasman ocean, they are 95% sodium chloride. So if you're just drinking that, you're going to overload your kidneys. It's just too concentrated.

[01:08:53] Luke: You're going to get disaster pants.

[01:08:56] David: Yeah, exactly. If you're still having 30 mils of that a day in a liter of water, it'd be super beneficial for you, and that's basically what Quinton ocean plasma is. They've got an isotonic solution and a hypertonic solution, which is 3.5%. Beautiful product. Love it. That's based off Rene Quinton's work last century, who was healing all kinds of people through France and Egypt just with normal ocean water.

[01:09:28] Luke: Dude, did you hear about the experiment he did where he, I forget how many dogs it was, at least one where he did basically a blood transfusion and replaced its blood with the isotonic and it continued living? It's fucking crazy. That sounds not true. You can look it up. He really did it. And again, I forget the details of how many dogs it was, but he was experimenting, and that's how close those sea minerals are to our own plasma basically. It's super fascinating.

[01:09:59] David: Super fascinating, especially in that percentage ratio is very similar. So again, the blood's really giving us a lot of that electrical charge. Again, back to that electrical circuit, electrical system. So yeah, that's what we're doing with the ocean plasma, but in a very, very concentrated form.

[01:10:17] Luke: So the ocean plasma that we use is between 330,000 parts per million and 350,000 parts per million. And the reason we stop there with the concentration of it is it starts to solidify if you go more than that. So our holding tank actually has crystals growing in the bottom where it is solidifying, and it's almost like a plasma in that form.

[01:10:42] David: So when we mix that ocean water that goes through a three-year solar evaporation process with the Dead Sea water, we do that with a resonant vortex technology that has a rotating magnetic field around that vortex communication chamber and the substance turns white. So it's producing a precipitate that we call Ormus or Manna.

[01:11:10] Luke: Okay, okay.

[01:11:11] David: However, it's debatable whether that is a monoatomic or whether it's a diatomic. We pull back from that now because the whole monoatomic world is very subjective. And what I mean by that is, from what we're learning with the nanogold, in nature there's monoatomic gold in all different colors and forms that are still becoming gold, if you will. They're particles looking for additional electrons, deciding what they're going to become.

[01:11:52] Luke: Oh, wow. So they haven't fully potentiated yet.

[01:11:55] David: Correct.

[01:11:56] Luke: That's interesting.

[01:11:57] David: Yeah.

[01:11:58] Luke: You're into such cool shit, dude. I love this stuff. So fascinating. All right, carry on.

[01:12:04] David: It's a lot of fun, but with the Ormus, there's a precipitate there. It looks like it's elements in other spin rates or elements that our technology doesn't detect yet. So at the moment we've got 118 elements on the periodic table. Potentially, there's many more. We've found additional ones in the last 100 years that were predicted by scientists like Walter Russell, that instead of having a periodic table that's just a 2D chart, he created one that's a spiral, a vortex.

[01:12:42] And he was able to predict elements that we didn't know about then, because he could see the nodal points on that vortex. And since then we've discovered some of those, and there's still lots more to be discovered from his work.

[01:12:54] Luke: Fascinating.

[01:12:55] David: Yeah. So these elements could be those. So there's the ocean plasma. There's the precipitate, which we call Ormus. Does that answer your question on what Ormus is?

[01:13:10] Luke: It does.

[01:13:11] David: It's not even clear to me, to be honest, Luke. I know that there's orbitally rearranged monoatomic elements is what it stands for. I went and stayed Barry Carter for 10 days back in 2014 to learn more about it, and he was known as the librarian of Ormus on the planet. He had basically been gathering a lifetime of work, and he ended up giving me 1.4 terabytes of information at the time.

[01:13:41] Luke: Really?

[01:13:41] David: Which was everything he had, and it was only a year later that he left his body. And it was the same with David Hudson. He was the guy that was finding this white substance on his farm, and he found that when his crops were exposed to that, they were growing much faster, much healthier, and the yield was much higher.

[01:14:05] So he invested millions of dollars of his own money into finding out what that white powder was, but when he was sending it off to get assays initially, they were just coming back and saying it's nothing. It doesn't register in our technology. He was saying to them, what are you talking about? I'm sending you a pound of this stuff, and you're saying it doesn't exist.

[01:14:27] There's nothing there. So that's where he spent millions of dollars of his own money trying to figure out what it was because it was having such profound effects on his crops. And then he had a whole bunch of things happen to him, where he pulled away from investigating it any further. So it's always just been this interesting mystical space.

[01:14:50] Luke: What were some of the things that happened to him? Like visits from men in black, hopping out of black SUVs, telling them to--you know how this is. Say there's a researcher or someone who's just really curious and starts leaving the known paradigm of science or technology or engineering or whatever it is, thinking of people that come up with free energy devices or cars that run on water, and all of a sudden they start disappearing mysteriously and things like that.

[01:15:22] It seems like when we hit a certain threshold of understanding through independent research, that it's somewhat common that the powers that be come in and stamp that out because, in this case, let's just guess maybe they really like the idea of just sticking with the periodic table that we have and you start getting out of that in a way that could really benefit humanity.

[01:15:42] The forces out there that are antithetical to humanity don't want you to do that. Do you think it had anything to do with that in this particular case?

[01:15:51] David: Potentially. One of the stories with David was that he wanted to commercialize it and start producing large volumes. And he had everything ready to go and the factory burnt down. So again, hard to say, was that natural or was that something nefarious?

[01:16:10] I met another gentleman that called himself the Essene in Australia, in Melbourne, and he was also setting up a commercialized facility to produce Ormus. And yeah, he had millions of dollars worth in huge water tanks and then someone came in in the middle of the night and cut all of the pipes that released it all out onto the ground, basically.

[01:16:39] Luke: Wow. Do you have any concerns as you start to further develop your understanding and production of Ormus products? It's just weird because it's not like, I don't know, a free energy thing where it's going to compromise an entire sub straight of the world economy.

[01:16:59] If you come up for an alternative for gasoline, that's a huge threat to a massive industry, but it seems like, I don't know, who would be pissed off about Ormus that has incredible health benefits like the medical industry? It's not like it's curing diseases that they want to monetize the treatment and management of. It's weird.

[01:17:18] David: It is an interesting one. I think gold and Ormus is often referred to as those precious metals coming through in other spin rates, in particular gold. And even with the nano gold, I feel like there is a component that the understanding changes science similar to a free energy device.

[01:17:44] It's like when people turn on very advanced free energy devices, it actually sends neutrinos up into the ionosphere and they can detect that and go to the location really quickly. And there's a component of that that's not necessarily bad either.

[01:18:09] It is like a national security risk because some of those devices, some of those advanced units of those are reproducing a sun, reproducing a desktop sun, or creating a black hole. And some scientists that I know that have built free energy devices that are working off toroidal dynamics have turned them on. They haven't been able to control them, and it's really freaked them out. Concrete floors start turning to liquid and waving.

[01:18:52] Luke: And probably jamming radar and military infrastructure and things like that. Hence sending up a beacon for the powers that be like, what the hell? There's a blip on the radar here. I drive down this country road to some tweaker inventor who's coming up with some device in his garage.

[01:19:14] You hear about stuff like this, and there are situations like that on record where somebody's tinkering and it raises a red flag because they're working with different energies that, like you said, could potentially just be unsafe and in other cases maybe threatened an existing paradigm or something like that, that they like things the way they are.

[01:19:35] It's like this whole thing around, like I was clowning on dinosaurs and fossil fuels. But it seems that the powers that be that have amassed wealth and power based on imposing the idea that there's a scarcity around a certain resource, like water, for example. I learned some years ago that there's no shortage of water.

[01:20:01] Drinking water, there's no shortage of. Salt water, we know that. But I learned about primary water, and basically the planet makes water. And one could argue that all the water on the planet, the 70, 80% or whatever it is of the entire planet that the water that's here didn't come from outer space, which I don't think is real anymore either, but that the water is actually being generated by the planet like oil.

[01:20:27] And so there's all these systems in place that teach us from the moment we're born, our first day in school, that there's these limited resources of water or energy, things like that, that we have to buy electricity. And then you start going down these rabbit holes on TikTok and you find out, shit. Learn about Tartaria. And why did all these cathedrals have these cathodes and diodes and these tubes of mercury that were catching energy from the ethers?

[01:20:54] And there's so much information that has been suppressed by the greed of very few people that don't want the masses to know that our universe is more abundant and it has more potential for technological advancements and the betterment of the quality of our life experience here.

[01:21:13] It's just so interesting how a few people like you slip through the cracks, and you're just making this little supplement over here. You'd probably be able to continue on uninterrupted, but if you get into the lane where you're actually going to disrupt an entire system, especially if there's a lot of money behind it, it's dangerous. It's so interesting.

[01:21:33] David: And I think it's coming. I was talking with someone last night that knows someone in South America who's able to replicate molecules.

[01:21:42] Luke: Really?

[01:21:42] David: So that's really cool. Those couple of technologies I mentioned before about being able to cluster monoatomic elements, or gold atoms, that's super interesting. Some of these free energy devices that are coming through. So there's a lot of things sitting there right on the precipice. I feel like as our consciousness keeps changing, the external world being a reflection of our inner state, that will just start presenting, and everything has its timing, is how I understand it.

[01:22:15] And as much as there's a part of all of us that really want those solutions to be here now and end a lot of the challenge and struggling and resistance to life that so many have, I also feel like the journey to get there is really important. And from consciousness's perspective, that is such a blessing to actually have that journey to go to where we're headed. But I do feel that it's going to accelerate super fast now with the assistance of technology and just the new light codes that are coming in. Yeah.

[01:22:53] Luke: I love your positivity. It's healthy for me to be around people like you because I just am such a truth seeker. And much of the truth out there is not great news. You can really get swallowed up by the darkness in the world because you want to know.

[01:23:13] If you have a curious character, you're going to find the love and light and all the positivity and the great awakening, but you're also going to find the great reset on the other side. So I'm always trying to find my balance and lean more into your perspective, which is like, yeah, we're on the precipice of something really amazing, and there's amazing developments technologically. Consciousness is elevating.

[01:23:37] I don't know, maybe I'll ask you this. Do you think that the elevation of our collective consciousness has risen and is rising and that's why the darkness that has persisted for so many eons here on the planet is starting to come to light? Do you think that's part of why we're all seeing the way things really are that we didn't see before?

[01:23:58] David: Yeah, I feel like there's the system, and it's doing its thing, and it's trying to control and be even more centralized. It's like having its final hour. And then there's these alternative systems that are being built that have been getting built the whole time. And there haven't necessarily been the supportive structures for their sustainability, whereas there is now.

[01:24:28] There's so many people working on these alternative systems, and a lot of them are decentralized, so it's much harder to stop them. And within that decentralization is this transparency and truth that can't be manipulated, that is a representation of that pure consciousness that's coming through. And that's the only reason something that's so transparent and so honest can exist from my perspective, is because of that consciousness changing.

[01:25:04] So yeah, I see both taking place, and as the current system just becomes so hard to exist in and such a squeeze for people, whether it's financial or health or whatever it is, once there's another system for people to jump into and another structure, another net to actually hold them that has a sustainability, I think it's quite logical and even common sense that you would jump over. People don't want to jump into nothing.

[01:25:40] Luke: Right.

[01:25:40] David: Or the total unknown. It's too scary. They'll keep battling and just surviving where they feel comfortable and safe. As soon as this has a bit more stability and people can feel safe there, I think it will just get people leaving by the--

[01:25:59] Luke: That a really good point. Yeah. It's like we're going to cling to a broken system before we're going to jump into the void of no system. I think a lot of the issues that we face are rooted in statism. We lack autonomy, self-trust. We don't trust one another, so we give our power over to the state in whatever form that shows up.

[01:26:20] And yeah, until that trust and that consciousness reaches a certain level, we're just going to settle for being statists ultimately and having that mommy and daddy's protection and following their rules and their impositions on our freedom because we need to feel safe, even though we're not really safe.

[01:26:40] And if you look at the empirical evidence throughout history, the entities and systems we've gone to for safety have actually been the most deleterious and deadly to humanity, and we're, I think, starting to realize that. But I like your perspective of-- what I'm extracting from that is rather than trying to tear this antiquated rapacious system down, it's like, oh yeah, you guys just go do your thing over there, and we're just going to keep building these decentralized systems through our ability to communicate.

[01:27:11] Now, I think the internet is really the straw that broke the camel's back on the old dark ages paradigm, because even with censorship, it's like, we're going to find ways to communicate. And the interesting thing about that, because sometimes I'll think, okay, if really the internet was the Pandora's box that opened for us, then sometimes I'll think, well, they know that's how we're all sharing information and building these new systems, so they're just going to shut down the internet.

[01:27:41] But they can't because their entire financial system is also dependent on the internet, and there's no way to really stop it for everyone. Some hacker somewhere is going to find a way to get through. And we have these cryptocurrencies, and people are utilizing the internet, not only to share information, but also to create new systems of commerce and everything else.

[01:28:03] So it's like, I don't think they can put it back in the bag at this point. We've gone too far. There's too much information that's out. And I know all the conspiracy theorists out there too that are really serious about this information, they're saving all this shit on local hard drives. You know what mean?

[01:28:19] The information that we are learning now about suppressed technologies and hidden history and all these kind of things, it's like, even if the internet shuts down, there's hard drives all over the world full of all this stuff, so it's not going away. You can't take that data from people's individual servers. It's like, we have it.

[01:28:41] So even if they did go, okay, we're shutting down the World Wide Web for everyone except the upper echelon of the pseudo elite parasite class, we still have the information, and we're still going to find a way to print it out and share it. I don't think there's any going back.

[01:28:57] David: Yeah, I agree.

[01:28:58] Luke: Which is a positive thing, which again, I'm always like, think positive. Luke, have a positive message here on the podcast. Because there's a lot of darkness out there, man, and over the past few years, we've really seen. You're from freaking Australia, dude. We're sitting here in America going, wow, this is bad. And then we looked at what happened in Australia and Canada, for example, or New Zealand, and we're going like, oh shit, it can actually get worse.

[01:29:20] There's stages between the United States and China or something, or North Korea, and we think, oh, it'll never happen here. And then you see other Western Commonwealth countries getting pretty damn close to the Chinese communism model. It's scary. So it's really important to remember like, okay, let's acknowledge that's there and not put our head in the sands.

[01:29:40] But rather than bickering amongst ourselves and falling for the divide and conquer trick or being paralyzed by fear or resentment or hatred for the system, it's just like, cool, let's create our own. I interviewed a guy recently named George Wiseman who-- he didn't invent Brown's gas, but he's a guy that created devices that make Brown's gas that you inhale or drink.

[01:30:07] And he's got this really great thing I have in my office called the AquaTru. I'm on that thing literally all day. It's the best ever. And he is an engineer, and he came up with these devices that you could put on your car that would, I don't know, quadruple or 10X your gas mileage in the free energy space and fuel consumption hacks.

[01:30:31] And I asked him like, are you ever afraid for your life if you're letting this information get out? And what he shared with me that maybe if any inventors are listening, he said, the key to securing your own personal safety, if you're someone who's breaking paradigms is you just don't patent anything.

[01:30:50] Yeah, he said, if you patent it, that's when the men in black show up at your door and try to kill you or steal your plans or your whatever, your blueprints and all this kind of stuff. And he said, yeah, I don't patent anything. Everything is open source. And you make less money, but you don't get killed.

[01:31:07] So that's another kind of paradigm change, is rather than like, ooh, I'm going to invent this thing and just use it for myself to enrich myself, but to actually just make things open source and decentralized. And in so doing, yeah, you won't make money, but you also can keep inventing. And he's still coming up with all kinds of stuff, tinkering around in his workshop. And he's not worried about it at all because he doesn't try to patent it.

[01:31:34] David: I love that. And that's true service as well.

[01:31:38] Luke: 100%.

[01:31:39] David: Yeah. You're creating something. You're sharing how to make it, how to do it. That's a beautiful approach.

[01:31:45] Luke: You can go on his site and download the plans for the machine he sells for 2,500 bucks and just make it yourself. He teaches you how. I think it's, I don't know, 20 bucks or something to get the blueprints. And then you obviously have to be good at building things. Same thing with his fuel saver things. They're free downloads. And if you have that kind of skill, you can just go do it yourself.

[01:32:04] David: Yeah, that's really beautiful.

[01:32:06] Luke: And I'm sure he still makes great money selling his machines for people like me that have no interest in or talent for building one. So I think there's a lot on the positive side with where we are right now too.

[01:32:19] David: Yeah. And I think it's really important to recognize the system's there. It's running. There's some beautiful people in it. There's some people that may have alternative ways of still wanting to control or hang on to things that they're doing. However, we don't want to just strip that down without also having those new structures to go into. Because it would be chaotic.

[01:32:44] And it wouldn't be a pretty place. The earth wouldn't be a pretty place to be. So I think it's this beautiful period at the moment where there's enough people aware now and more people becoming aware every day that there's better ways to do things. And because of the decentralized nature, people can do things and the information is recorded, whether it's saved on hard drives or saved on a blockchain or saved in the field.

[01:33:13] Luke: Yeah.

[01:33:16] David: Those new systems are being built rapidly. There's some brilliant minds, some beautiful people building those. And it's just going to be a transfer of energy from the system that's becoming redundant and people aren't resonating with it anymore across to those new open systems. And I think that's a much kinder way for us to transition forward rather than trying to pull it down. And often as you try and build things yourself, you realize like, it's not that easy. Sometimes you've got to compromise on things as well. Yeah.

[01:33:54] Luke: Also, it requires collaboration and community because there's very few people that can do a thing of substance entirely on their own. You know what I mean?

[01:34:06] David: And finding the solutions. Because it's super easy to start waking up and say, oh, wow. They're doing this with their money or they've done this because of this. It's like, what's the solution for that? Let's focus and build that solution. And putting our attention there is something really beautiful and beneficial, I believe.

[01:34:28] Luke: Here in the USA, a positive trend that I'm seeing emerge out of the chaos of the past few years is the trend of people living off grid, homesteading, building intentional communities, homeschooling, producing their own food. I'm watching people on social media do this stuff and I'm just like, oh my God, I'm so domesticated.

[01:34:48] I'm still living in a house in the suburbs and I'm just like, I'm so dependent on the system. I am not self-sufficient at all. It's embarrassing. And it is what it is. I'm getting there. I'm making small steps. But I think that is something that's really interesting and is another example of the darkness pushing people out into the light and they're going like, yeah, I'm pulling my kid out of public school because they're getting indoctrinated and brainwashed.

[01:35:15] And I'm growing my own food because everything else is poison and building my own structures that are not full of toxins. There's so much of that going on now. It's a really cool trend. And I think as more people do it, the micro nations and micro communities that get built around that lower the barrier to entry for someone like me who, I don't consider myself very skilled.

[01:35:38] I'm not handy, I don't know how to build shit. I have my talents and my gifts, but I don't see how they fit into that. So as more people do it and they figure it out, then it encourages me like, wow, I'm not very mechanically inclined, for example, but I'm sure there's some part of it that I'd be good at.

[01:35:55] And so maybe I could create a community or join a community and be able to contribute something. I don't know. Maybe. If anyone out there homesteading needs a podcaster, I'm okay at that. Are you observing that in Australia? Is that an emerging trend there where people are just learning about sovereignty and living off the land and doing their own thing?

[01:36:16] David: Yeah, definitely. I think back to your point, so many of us are so dependent on the system, almost addicted to components of the system. And that's where I'm super cautious when I'm observing different people, bagging it out. It's like the only reason it exists in such a thriving way is because we're participating in it so often. And there's so many parts of the system that are pretty convenient.

[01:36:42] Luke: Oh, I'm totally addicted to Amazon. Honestly, when I travel, I'll be like, oh, I need some batteries. I'm going to Amazon. I'm in Costa Rica. You can't just order something on Amazon. And even in the pandemic, when Amazon was censoring books and stuff, I was like, I'm going to boycott Amazon. Fuck them. Lasted about a day.

[01:37:01] And I was like, I need some toilet paper. Just like, oh God, there's a level of commitment to your morals that it's required to, if you're really going to divorce yourself from the benefits that the broken system has to offer and the multinational corporations. We really do get addicted to the convenience and the speed with which we can just get what we want and what we need. It is a bit of an addiction, and I think there's a detox process that creates some resistance there because I have these idealistic ways of how the world should be and how I want to operate in it, yet I still participate because I'm so conditioned to do so.

[01:37:42] David: Yeah. And it's a transition. I think we're definitely transitioning. And that's the key thing. And we don't know how long that transition is going to take. The system could start breaking down. There could be more legal cases that affect big things. There could be more light codes from the sun, which accelerate things.

[01:38:00] I guess we don't know. But yeah, if we just keep putting our attention on what we're passionate about and the change that we want to see, I feel like that's really powerful. And if we're still participating in parts of the system because they're convenient or because we enjoy it, I think that's okay as well.

[01:38:19] Luke: Yeah, thank you for giving me permission to be addicted to Amazon, Instacart and stuff. Sometimes I just laugh at myself. I'm like, you're someone that talks shit about the system so much yet still willingly participates in it. But it is a process.

[01:38:34] David: It's a process for sure. Yeah.

[01:38:36] Luke: I look forward to learning how to grow some food. I think that's going to be a good step. It's like start out with a few little herbs, and then you got your own basil, at least. That's a tiny, tiny little baby step into being self-sufficient.

[01:38:52] David: It really is. And yeah, I think the connection to nature, just being in the garden and watching something grow from a seed or a seedling to something that's in your kitchen and then consuming that, there's so much fulfillment. There's so much peace and joy in those processes that a lot of us have become disconnected from by spending a lot of time inside or just buying everything from the supermarket and all of those things.

[01:39:16] Luke: Yeah, totally.

[01:39:17] David: That connection to nature, whether it's the sun or water or growing your own food is just a really beautiful way to exist as well.

[01:39:25] Luke: Alyson and I took a weekend trip a few days ago, and we stumbled across this little plant shop a couple of hours from here, and they have a bunch of San Pedro cactuses for sale. And so we bought a shitload of them, and we're going to grow our own plant medicine. That's my first gardening foray here since I moved to Texas. The funny thing about those plants is those cacti, they are legal to grow and possess, but they're illegal to process and ingest because then it becomes mescaline.

[01:39:58] David: Mm-hmm.

[01:39:59] Luke: It's really funny. The laws are so funny like that. I go, really? It's like, say you have a cow pasture and psilocybin, mushrooms with psilocybin grow out there. It's not illegal to watch them grow, but the minute you go chop them and put them in a baggie, now you have a class whatever drug. It's so weird to me.

[01:40:18] David: Yeah. It's wild.

[01:40:20] Luke: Yeah. Do you have any experience with plant medicines and things in that realm? I think I might've asked you that before. That's not your lane thus far.

[01:40:30] David: No, I appreciate the power of the plant medicine and the transformational impacts it can in have accessing the subconscious. That's what the gold's doing as well. So the gold, actually, because it goes into that amygdala and into the medulla oblongata, it's tapping into those nerve endings and all of that subconscious to release a lot of the causal conditioning that's there.

[01:41:07] So it's doing it in a way that is-- obviously, you take a plant medicine and you're in that state and you get shown beautiful teachings or things that you can look at. Well, the subconscious, when it's releasing that conditioning or that programming, is doing a very similar thing.

[01:41:26] So it's doing it with light from the sun as the medicine, if you will. And as you're doing that over time and building up that quotient of light in the vehicle, then you're working through that layer of purification in a different way, in a way that it resonates much more to me to do it that way. The plant medicine and everything on the earth is getting its source from the sun. So for me, it's almost like a more direct path to the light.

[01:42:03] Luke: That's cool. Thinking about those cacti sitting out in the desert sun and how much energy and data they're building from that sunlight, yeah, that makes sense. So you're like a cacti walking around the planet, doing your sun gazing and grounding and drinking the structured water.

[01:42:23] Yeah. I appreciate that. I think why I asked you this time, and I asked you before and I forgot the answer is sometimes I meet people that are really tapped in. I often meet people like you doing what I do here and I'll intuit erroneously that they've, at least at some point, worked with psychedelics because they're so tapped in and they have a certain air about them or a certain consciousness, it's hard for me to imagine that they found another way to get there.

[01:42:49] And it's a great reminder that there are many ways and how important it is to follow your intuition and what path speaks to you, which for me for a very long time was just breath work, meditation, kundalini yoga. I made a lot of progress, a lot of healing, a lot of understanding, a lot of expanded consciousness in those ways.

[01:43:10] And I probably would have been fine if I would have just kept doing that forever. And then as nature called, I went down another path, and that's been great. Now, but I appreciate the fact that there are many windows that lead into the mansion. Yeah.

[01:43:28] David: Yeah. Great. One way or another, we've got to do it is how I see it. The stuff that's stored in there, it can be this life. It can be genetic codes that are passed through our DNA. It could be past lives for us, but there's all of that causal conditioning that has to be unwound, if you will, so that we actually have that solid platform to then be able to move forward from.

[01:43:59] But once it's still all there and we're in that stressful state or that fearful state, then we can't actually access those higher processes. It's got to come out. It's got to purify first. And that can take lifetimes. So I think it's the power of seeing through that with a plant medicine or with the gold or with fasting and different other things you can do, like of a vipassana or a vision quest. I think they also help.

[01:44:34] Luke: Yeah.

[01:44:34] David: Accessing a lot of that.

[01:44:36] Luke: I interviewed a guy the other day about darkness retreats and I'm like, I'll go smoke DMT. No problem with the darkness retreat, which is terrifying for many people. Darkness retreat, he was describing it, and I'm like, ah, my soul literally is like, Luke, you have to do this. Sign up now. You're doing this. You need this. And then my ego is like, no, I'm not going to be with myself with that degree of intimacy for that long. Too scary.

[01:45:03] David: How long was it going to be?

[01:45:05] Luke: A week. Yeah, a week. His name's Pavel, and he works with a woman I think she's actually an Aussie, who, I forget her name off hand, but she's based in Thailand. She does her darkness retreats, and she's been a legit breatharian for 20, 30 years, does not eat at all.

[01:45:25] David: Wow.

[01:45:26] Luke: And you hear about that. It's like Big Foot. You're like, I don't know. Yeah. But I've heard her interviews. She was on my friend's, Alec Zeck, show The Way Forward. Again, we'll find her name and put it in the show notes, but beautiful soul. Just incredible wisdom carrier, elder.

[01:45:43] And yeah, she doesn't eat. She just lives on Prana. And I really believe her. Over the years has been people that have claimed that and then you hear, oh yeah, but backstage they're eating salami or whatever. But I think she's the real deal. And so she leads these retreats and he's done a number of them, and people that I know that have done those darkness retreats have had incredibly transformative experiences. But yeah, that's a real edge for me. I don't know. It's just terrifying to me for some reason.

[01:46:10] David: Yeah. I've got a friend that did a 15-day one and didn't eat.

[01:46:16] Luke: Right. Yeah, that's part of it.

[01:46:18] David: Yeah.

[01:46:19] Luke: I think at this one in Thailand, they get a little light food here and there. But some of them, from what I understand, yeah, you're actually fasting at the same time.

[01:46:28] David: Yeah.

[01:46:29] Luke: And people trip balls. You get the endogenous DMT from being in the darkness and all this melatonin you're producing. My friend Aubrey has done a number of them. I think he made a documentary about it as well. And yeah, people say you don't need to do psychedelics. You just go sit in the dark for a few days and you'll trip your ass off. So maybe one of these days I'll do it, make a podcast about it.

[01:46:51] David: It must be one of the most intense experiences you can have. Because being in a dark room, as you say, after a few days would be trippy enough. But actually, not eating as well, there'd be part of you that would be questioning everything.

[01:47:06] Luke: 100%. There's one last thing I wanted to ask you. You mentioned fasting, and another thing that I've been wanting to do for some time is do a water fast, which is weirdly enough some experiment I haven't tried. I've done a number of juice fasts and things like that over the years, but I got the intuitive hit that a water fast with the Manna and or the Manna Gold could be pretty epic.

[01:47:34] Because you technically would still just be drinking water because this is water soluble. So you just mix it in water and that would be your Manna tea basically, and you could use that in place of just straight water. Have you heard of anyone doing that or have you tried it?

[01:47:48] David: Yeah. I've done it quite a lot.

[01:47:49] Luke: Oh, you have?

[01:47:51] David: Yeah. And I've got a friend, actually lives up in Oregon, and he's breatharian. So he doesn't need to eat.

[01:47:57] Luke: For real?

[01:47:58] David: Yeah.

[01:47:58] Luke: Not a Bigfoot style, but the real deal?

[01:48:01] David: The real deal, yeah. He does eat every now and again, but he doesn't need to. So he'll eat communally or when I was up there. I made a couple of meals of dal as an example, and he had a couple of mouthfuls. But when I arrived, he hadn't eaten for 30 days. But yeah, he goes through periods where he'll have two sachets of Manna in the morning with his spring water and that's all he'll have.

[01:48:26] Luke: Wow. That's cool.

[01:48:27] David: And with the gold, it'll be super fascinating. Yeah, as I said, we just did our first bulk production of that last week, so I'm super excited to do a whole bunch of testing.

[01:48:40] Luke: I want to try that. We should stay in touch and see if we could pull it off, even a 72-hour one or something like that, schedules permitting, but that would be a really interesting experiment.

[01:48:52] David: Yeah. And I've got some pure 24-karat gold nanoparticles here that I'll give you before I leave. And just fasting with that and spring water, but will be super interesting.

[01:49:04] Luke: Wow. I wonder what would happen if you were to combine that fast with urine therapy during that. A couple of my friends, we did a podcast the other day with a couple of friends of mine, and I forget which one of them was, but they talked about, call it recycling. No, looping, call it looping, where you're fasting and doing the urine therapy during your water fast.

[01:49:29] No, no, sorry. I think I got it wrong. You're not even drinking water. You're just looping your own pee. Sounds gross, I know. But they were describing how there's this powerful psychoactive experience that happens.

[01:49:47] David: How long are they doing that for?

[01:49:48] Luke: I don't know. I'd have to go back and listen to the podcast. It was a three and a half, four-hour podcast. And that was just one of the threads. And I was like, oh, looping. And they were talking about, yeah, when you do a water fast and then you're looping in that you're just reconsuming all of your urine, essentially, that you reach a really interesting state of consciousness. I forget the details, but there was something about that.

[01:50:11] David: It would start getting pretty concentrated after a while.

[01:50:14] Luke: Yeah, something like that. I'll have to ask him. I forget which one of the guys it was. It was Alec Zeck, Josh Trent, and Aaron Abke. And it was one of the three. It was like, oh yeah, looping, blah, blah, blah. Then you start tripping out after the third day or something. And it was like, that's interesting. Not sure I'm there yet.

[01:50:29] But I hear things like that and then sometimes there's a voice that's like, you got to try that. And then there's the resistance of like, that sounds gross or scary, and then I don't do it. But I never forget it. It's always like there's a bookmark in my subconscious that's like, ah, intuitively, there's something to that that is begging for further inquiry.

[01:50:52] David: How long do you thing you'd do it for?

[01:50:54] Luke: I don't know.

[01:50:54] David: I wonder what the protocol is.

[01:50:55] Luke: First, I'm going to try it with your Manna Gold and water. And then I'll see about the urine part. Yeah. Well, goddamn, dude, I want to remind people, go to lukestorey.com/manna. Use the code LUKE20. Get yourself some of this Manna Gold or the regular Manna. I fully vouch for what you're doing.

[01:51:16] I love the work you're doing. I love your commitment to integrity, product quality, sourcing, the whole shit, your design element, your graphics. Everything is just super clean and top notch. And you're also just an incredible guy and beautiful podcast guests. So thank you for making the time and that long flight.

[01:51:36] I know you didn't fly here just for this, but I appreciate the sacrifice you made to be here, man. Anything else you want us to know before we go? Do you have anything else in the pipeline after you get gold out and that's up and running, or is that project leaving you with the sense of accomplishment that's going to last a while?

[01:51:55] David: Yeah, that's it. So there's the three main raw materials that we deal with. It's the ocean plasma with the Ormus in it. It's the shilajit, and now the nano gold, and that's the full suite that we're going to focus on.

[01:52:08] Luke: Cool.

[01:52:10] David: So the Manna has ocean plasma and shilajit in it with the chai flavoring to help with the shilajit taste. We've separated that into two products. So there is one just called Shilajit now, which has 500 milligrams of pure shilajit. So it's half the dosage that's in the Manna. And then there's an ocean product now as well.

[01:52:33] Luke: Oh, cool.

[01:52:33] David: It just has 1,000 milligrams of the concentrated ocean plasma that 330,000 parts per million.

[01:52:40] Luke: Oh, I'm sorry. That reminds me of one more question. So we were talking about the Quinton minerals, the hypertonic, which is the super salty one and then the isotonic, which can be used for blood transfusions for dogs, if you ever needed to do that. How does your C mineral products stack up in terms of potency if someone was like, well, I'm already taking Quinton, not to shit on Quinton?

[01:53:05] I have some in the fridge. I actually took a swig this morning and I took two doses of Manna today. So more is more for me, but how does your ocean stuff stack up against Quinton for people that are already using Quinton or like hip to that?

[01:53:21] David: Yeah, I love Quinton as well, just to put that out there. They're a great brand. They've been around a long time. They've been very successful, great product, and brings in great awareness around ocean plasma because it is so powerful. The biggest difference is that ours is 10 times more concentrated or another way of saying that is it's 1,000% more concentrated.

[01:53:44] The other huge difference is that theirs is so high in sodium chloride, whereas ours is lower in sodium chloride and really high in those other minerals that our body's starving for, in particular, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, which they're the three most abundant minerals in the body outside of sodium.

[01:54:05] Luke: Cool. I knew you were going to give a respectful answer, which is usually the case. It's rare that someone's like, oh, that product sucks. Ours is better. But I was legitimately curious about that because I do take both and I'm like, is that overkill? Am I wasting money on that?

[01:54:21] So yeah, it makes sense. If yours are more concentrated, if budget's an issue, you could probably just take Manna and not have to spend your money on the Quinton in addition. All right, cool.

[01:54:31] David: And the symbiosis between the ocean plasma and the shilajit is really beautiful as well. It's like where one's low in our lab results, the other one picks it up. And we look at that as the black and white keys on a piano.

[01:54:48] Luke: Oh, cool.

[01:54:49] David: Yeah. So it's like the ocean plasma is the white keys, because once we put it through our process, it actually turns white. And then the shilajit's like the black keys and it's like the two complement each other beautifully. And it's like we are singing a song as a human expression. So if you want to sing your best song, you want to have access to all the keys on the piano, right?

[01:55:12] Luke: Love it. Ebony and ivory living together in perfect harmony. Stevie Wonder. All right, dude. Thanks for joining us. We'll see you next time.

[01:55:21] David: Thanks, Luke. Appreciate it.


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