DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.
My good friend, Dr. John Lieurance, is back for his fifth episode (which I believe is the standing record for appearances). This is an exciting one to share as it was recorded at the Advanced Rejuvenation clinic in Sarasota, Florida during my most recent medical excursion.
Dr. John Lieurance is a chiropractic neurologist and naturopath who practices at Advanced Rejuvenation: a multi-disciplinary clinic focused on alternative and regenerative, naturopathic, and alternative medicine. He is the chief scientific officer of MitoZen, a cutting-edge healthcare technology company focusing on robust delivery systems such as nasal sprays, suppositories, and liposomal preparations. He is also the director of The Functional Cranial Release Research Institute (FCRRI), which studies the neurologic mechanisms behind specific endo-nasal balloon inflations. His main clinical interest is in cranial morphology and cranial rhythm and their influence on brain function.
DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.
My dear friend, Dr. John Lieurance, is back for his fifth episode (which might be the standing record for appearances on the show)! This is an exciting one to share as it was recorded at the Advanced Rejuvenation clinic in Sarasota, Florida during my most recent medical excursion.
Advanced Rejuvenation, John’s multidisciplinary clinic focused on alternative and regenerative medicine, is really an incredible place. I was like a kid at Disneyland trying all of the things and feeling absolutely incredible when I walked out the door. In this conversation, we do deep dives on a number of innovative treatments I received while under his care, as well as cover the amazing range of products offered by his other next-level wellness brand, MitoZen.
This one’s a little nonlinear, as I was still a tad on the medicated side from a procedure earlier that day. Still, the free-flowing nature of the conversation uncovers so many gems, and Dr. John’s unending knowledge is sure to fill your brains and your notebooks either way.
If you’re interested in trying any of these products after hearing us talk about their inspiration, use, and effectiveness, visit mitozen.com/luke and use the code LUKESTOREY for 5% off.
00:08:25 — Inner Ear Health & Treatment
00:38:25 — Stress & Inflammation in Our Health
00:53:01 — Dr. John’s Treatments & Products
01:42:52 — Learning More About Methylene Blue
More about this episode.
Watch on YouTube.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:00:14] My life's mission has really been seeking out the most amazing healing modalities and substances and protocols and developing my own protocols. Our country is just submerged in the pharmaceutical idea of a pill for every ill. And so people show up at this clinic and they're all of a sudden shown that there's all these potential opportunities to heal from things to actually fix the root cause. It's really mind-blowing for a lot of people.
Luke Storey: [00:00:52] All right, we are back in black. It's been too long. I'm glad to be back. This is an exciting episode to publish, folks. It was recorded at the advanced rejuvenation clinic in Sarasota, Florida during my most recent medical excursion. This is Episode 422, Miracle Stem Cell and Laser Treatments for Hearing Loss and Tinnitus with Dr. John Lieurance. Shownotes, links, and transcripts for this one can be found at lukestorey.com/ears. And I know you've got ears because you're listening to a podcast.
But seriously, let's talk about our guest. Dr. John Lieurance is a friend and a former multi-episode guest on the show. He's also a chiropractic neurologist and naturopath who practices at the aforementioned Advanced Rejuvenation, where this episode was, of course, recorded. Advanced Rejuvenation is an incredible place, man, after having spent almost a week there. It's a multidisciplinary clinic focused on alternative and regenerative medicine. It's a wild spot.
And Dr. John, the creator of this incredible healing center, has successfully treated himself for chronic Lyme disease and treats his patients using the most cutting-edge treatments such as CVAC, 10 past hyperbaric, ozone, silver IV, IV laser, high dose methylene blue, hyperbaric oxygen, all the things. I mean, he does it all there. It's a wild place, man. John is also the director of the Functional Cranial Release Research Institute, which studies the neurologic mechanisms behind scientific endonasal balloon inflations. His main clinical interest is in cranial morphology and cranial rhythm and their influence on brain function. Whew, that was a mouthful.
John is also the founder of a company called MitoZen and, man, I'm obsessed with his stuff, honestly. I use his products all the time. And it was really cool actually to go to the Advanced Rejuvenation Center because he recently migrated his MitoZen factory into that same location. So I got to see behind the scenes, how all of the supplements are made, the nasal sprays, and suppositories, and all the things. It was super cool.
So by the end of this episode, it's likely that you might want to explore some of the MitoZen stuff. You can find that at lukestorey.com/mitozen to check out his incredible product line. And if you use the code LUKESTOREY, you're going to save 5% off. That's lukestorey.com/mitozen. And for those of you wanting to check out John's ebooks, you can find them at lukestorey.com/mitozenbooks.
He's got a book on methylene blue and melatonin that he mentioned in prior interviews here on the show. And then I got messages from people saying they couldn't find them. So we located them, they're free. They're all yours. And like I said, you can find all this stuff in the general show notes for this episode at lukestorey.com/ears.
All right, back to this episode. So this conversation is a wild one. It was actually recorded in the treatment room in the middle of a week-long mega biohacking healing intensive, in which I was the patient. So while I was there, I did stem cells in my inner ear derived from my bone marrow, did methylene blue IVs combined with red light, intravenous lasers, silver IVs, cryotherapy, red light therapy combined with ozone IVs and ozone injections into my prostate. We can't wait to tell you about that one, as well as TRT Soundwave therapy, and of course, an endonasal balloon treatment with John. And while they're extremely uncomfortable, I have found them to be exceedingly useful. So you're going to hear all about that.
Now, needless to say, that was a lot to take on in a four-day period as a patient, but Dr. John and his medical team were super on point and helped me really thrive through the entire experience. In fact, it was quite fun. I mean, it was taxing in the sense that I was just doing so much every day. And some of these were a bit intense as you might have guessed, but it was just smooth sailing, man. It was super cool.
So John and I sat down in the middle of all this and we really covered a lot of ground in this conversation. So I'll just encourage you to keep listening and learning. But here are a few of the topics we explore just to give you an idea of what you're about to get into, the absolute importance of caring for your inner ears even while you're sleeping, how adhesions and misalignment in the spine and skull can make a huge difference in your hearing, sensory rejuvenation, which is how John is helping patients create resilience and heal their relationship with the senses, the effects of inflammation on mitochondria, resolving complex health issues that are often considered chronic, Dr. John's personal healing crisis and what he learned from it, all about tinnitus or tinnitus, and how to get rid of it, which was really the goal of my stay there and all of my treatments. That was the core of why I went, and then John just threw the kitchen sink at me.
And by the way, for those of you wondering, did it work, we don't really find out the actual results of this particular stem cell and exosome injection into the inner ear until about three months. So stay tuned, I'll report back. So far so good. We also talk about the various uses of methylene blue and the power of combining it with red light and lasers, and we also get into the depth-- no pun intended-- of prostate infections, an issue that many doctors brush off as normal, but are absolutely not and also treatable, thankfully.
We also talk about using hormetic stress to activate the body's own healing power and how to ensure your cerebrospinal fluid is a river instead of a swamp. And we also talk in great detail about all of the various modalities I experienced at the clinic this particular week, which will no doubt give listeners a first-hand experience of what's possible if you're willing to explore the fringes of medicine, which of course I am. Okay, that's it for the setup.
Now, before we begin, I want to inform you that I was still under the influence of some mild anesthesia, ketamine, and some crazy strong CBG at the time of this recording. So your host was unusually animated, to say the least. And my hope is that you have as much fun listening to this as I did recording. It gets pretty weird, and now you know why. Okay, fasten your seat belts, my fine people, and prepare yourself for one hell of a ride with Dr. John Lieurance on the Life Stylist podcast.
Oh, man, what a couple of days, John.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:07:42] Yeah. Wow. Well, it's only been a day.
Luke Storey: [00:07:45] I can't tell if I've been here at the clinic for a week. And it's like, has it been a week or only a few hours?
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:07:52] Yeah.
Luke Storey: [00:07:53] We'll find out because you'll know.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:07:54] We've done a lot.
Luke Storey: [00:07:56] Yeah, we have done a lot. So this is, I think your fifth appearance on the podcast. And it's always so fun to sit down and hang out with you. It's like, I wish that as we're going through all the things that you and I do treatment-wise that we could always just have a camera on and that could be the video because it's so experiential. But we're going to do our best to unpack some of the things that I've been experiencing here for the past day and a half.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:08:26] We actually did film, it was an Instagram live of an actual treatment that we did using strong intentionality and gratitude with an endonasal balloon release. So we could link to that.
Luke Storey: [00:08:42] We will. We will put that in the show notes. And while we're at it, guys, you can find the show notes for this episode at lukestorey.com/ears. lukestorey.com/ears will be the show notes because we're going to be talking about a lot of things. You're going to want to look up and click on and all that.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:08:57] So we wanted to call it SunVae, but we thought that it would be too hard for people to remember that because that's actually the treatment. The name of the treatment is going to be SunVae that we're going to be talking about today, which is a fusion of two different systems of inner ear regeneration that I'm putting together.
Luke Storey: [00:09:18] Awesome. SunVae it is. So to tee this up for folks listening and watching, since we've become friends as a result of you appearing on the show numerous times, from time to time, I'll let you know I have this going on or that going on and you've been really instrumental in helping me work through a lot of things. And so two things that have come to my attention over the past couple of years have been this tinnitus or ringing in my left ear and a pretty, I would say dramatic-- I might be overstating it, but a considerable amount of hearing loss of my left ear too, and I think it's always been related to this weird sinus collapse septum, whatever shit going on.
So I told you about that, and so you hit me up, and we're like, "Hey, there's this Korean doctor that has this really cutting edge very successful data-driven treatment. I'm going to combine it with my laser." So that's why I came out here for those listening. And then I said, you know what? I've been having this-- here's a TMI moment for you, folks, but I've been having more urgency in urination than I would prefer. I think there's something a little up with that. So we ran some labs on that and found that there is a prostate infection, which sounds disgusting.
But we treated that also in some really cutting edge, non-pharmaceutical way. And so we'll be talking about that. And then, of course, it's going to bleed into other things that you do here. But let's go ahead and start with-- maybe we could go into what you've already been doing for hearing loss and tinnitus with the lasers and work into that. And don't let me forget either that today we did a methylene blue IV under red light, and then the intravenous laser on the methylene blue-infused blood. So I definitely want to touch on that too because that's totally insane.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:11:06] We took actually some pictures and did a little video as well. Maybe we could have that available for people to link to, to check it out since it's kind of when you see it, it's dramatic to see how much the vessel lights up, having that light. And it's that photo bio modulation that occurs with-- are we allowed to say the word?
Luke Storey: [00:11:29] Well, we are still able to, according to the overlords still able to say methylene blue on a podcast. Instagram hates it because it's widely known in the alternative health circles that methylene blue is effective for viral infections. And so because it's off patent and the pharma can't make any money from it, as you know, but just include people in, you can't talk about it like ivermectin and things like that that work for certain time. It's like the same people that own the medicine own social media. But anyway, so how'd you get into treating ears? We have an ear right here for those watching that camera. Tell us about the laser treatment that you had and then how the stem cell thing from Dr. Shim is getting integrated into that.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:12:18] Yeah, well, I think we're going to be able to pull a lot of things into this conversation because the inner ear in my view is the canary in the coal mine. You have nerve cells that are so fragile because they're so metabolically demanding because they never get to rest. Our ears are working even when we're sleeping. They're always processing noise. They never really have a break. And then a lot of people have a lot white noise, or they have fans and they have loud things at night.
Our environment right now is polluted with noise. I'm sensitive to it because I treat it and I recognize it when I'm subjected to loud noise. But even in the grocery store, the beeps. I was in Walmart the other day and they were just running through the teller and it was like this beep. And I took my phone out and it was 80 decibels that beep. And you think about people working there, and it's like those hair cells that are responsible for being activated with that certain pitch, that frequency are just getting slammed over and over again.
And the health consequences of that are more so than just losing hearing. These people will eventually get tinnitus or they might have significant hearing loss in those areas of the cochlea because the cochlea is like a conch shell. So on the outside of the cochlea are your high-frequency hair cells. So the noise comes in and it hits that first. And that's why as we age, if you look at the natural progression of hearing loss, it comes with those high frequencies first, and then people generally get the damage to those hair cells, and they start to lose their structure and they become augmented a bit and then they start to depolarize, the nerve does and then it's like sending tinnitus to our brain. And then if that goes on for long enough, it becomes a sensory mismatch between the ear and the central nervous system and then you get this central integration with that noise, and people have this tinnitus and it's becoming really, really common. I think that with recent pandemic, a lot of people with the jab--
Luke Storey: [00:14:38] Quotes and quotes.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:14:40] Yeah, that, but even just having the infection, we've seen a spike in all kinds of inner ear problems. So back to this aspect of noise pollution, this is part of my program is avoiding loud environments because the ears have to have a break. When we go to sleep at night we're resting, we're regenerating, our body is. Our inner ear doesn't get that break as much, but we have to actually sculpt that into our daily routine. And earplugs can be one of the best ways to do that, to protect our ears.
And so we'll have people avoid loud environments. And stress can be very challenging to the inner ear as well. It's very common where people are in loud situations and then they have a lot of mental-emotional stress. Something that I hear common is someone lost a loved one and then they took a flight on a plane and then their hearing just went south after that. That can be common.
There's ototoxic drugs that are very damaging to the inner ear. And there's infections, both acute and chronic. I find Epstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus, and HHV-6 to be the three common viruses that I'll see in a lot of my patients, and they're chronic. And so people come in and they're having dizziness and tinnitus. And you start to look at Meniere's disease as the hearing loss, the tinnitus, and the balance issues, the vertigo. And that's often a chronic infection or some toxic exposure to an ototoxic like gentamicin. They still give this at the hospitals. If you go to the ER, make sure you tell them no gentamicin because that will really mess up your ears. It's a cheap antibiotic and they still use it even though it's ototoxic. It should not be given. It's terrible.
Luke Storey: [00:16:46] Ototoxic means it's bad for ears?
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:16:48] Yeah. So I started getting involved in inner ear care because I became involved in endonasal balloon manipulation, which we did this treatment on you before we started recording the podcast. And I've done this on you multiple times. And what it is, is it's a balloon-assisted cranial release. So it's from the inside out, and it's opening, and it's expanding, and it's removing a lot of these adhesions that interfere with the normal movement pattern of the cranium, and the cerebral spinal fluid that flows and circulates around the brain and spinal cord.
So I started getting involved with this. And I would naturally see a lot of people with a lot of different symptoms that surrounded inner ear, and I was seeing amazing results. In tinnitus, I wasn't really seeing the results I wanted, but I was seeing some patients respond to the balloons for tinnitus and hearing peep. There was a subset of the population where they felt better because you're enhancing circulation. Circulation brings in the groceries, takes out the garbage. You're either swamp or river. When you're more like a river, there's more nutrients. There's less bacteria, virus, and those don't grow and proliferate in rivers. They do in swamps. And so it's stagnation. Chinese medicine, they talk a lot about stagnation.
Massage therapists talk about lymphatic flow and circulation, chiropractors, all the healing arts, the yogis. This is really important is to have this circulatory situation. So the balloons bring that circulation and they allow better drainage from the head. And so there's a lot of different symptoms and conditions that might be neurologic, or things that you would normally go to an EENT for that I found that I would do these balloons on people and they would be fixed versus being on a medicine for the rest of their life for a long period of time like steroids or whatnot. I was actually fixing the problem, and these people were getting better. And I was having great results and people were flying to me. We still have this going on, obviously, people flying in.
And there was one patient that got really great results with vertigo. And her hearing was improved slightly. And her tinnitus wasn't really changed much. So she kept searching and she found Dr. Amon Kaiser in Germany. And Dr. Kaiser was pioneering a procedure called LUMOMED. And LUMOMED is basically a series of a very specialized laser treatment to the inner ear. The lasers are very special that we use. And so she told me about Amon, and I was like, "Oh, that's great. I'd love to meet him sometime."
And it went to the wayside because he's so far away. He's in Germany. And as you know my history, I got Lyme disease and I was really sick for a period of time. So I had this practice with people flying in. And I was like the guy that had all the answers and all of a sudden, I'm sick, and I have no idea what's wrong with me. And I'm going to all these experts and they don't have the answers. And I knew something was terribly wrong. So I finally tested myself, found out I had Lyme.
And there was a doctor in Sportside in southern Germany. So I went out there to do treatment with him for Lyme, which didn't really do much for me actually. But meeting Dr. Kaiser was the silver lining to that trip. And so I was out there. And I posted on Facebook and this patient, who was also on Facebook was like, "Hey, you want to go meet Dr. Kaiser. He's just in Baden-Baden." And so I reached out to him and I go over there and we just really hit it off. And he was looking for somebody in the United States that he could train because he had so many people reaching out to him from the US that he could refer.
And so I returned to Germany and I spent some time with Dr. Kaiser, studied this procedure of LUMOMED. And this was about five or six years ago. And I came back and I brought the technology to the US and we've been doing it. And we're the only center that does this. And we've had people fly from all over the place, a lot of people in the United States to Florida to receive this treatment. And I've seen some really amazing results with hearing loss, tinnitus, and dizziness.
I don't approach it the same way Dr. Kaiser does because of my training with functional neurology. And so I have a much broader skill set when it comes to the stimuli disorders where we're able to do a lot of other things using neuroplasticity and different brain-based exercises and stabilizing activities. And when you combine that with the balloons and with the laser, it's like, so we're really seeing some very exciting things.
So the same thing happened to me recently with a patient that-- because tinnitus is still-- even with everything that I got, that I'm doing, it's still a tough condition to get results with. And so this patient found Dr. Shim in Korea. And Dr. Shim developed something called the Shim Spot. And this, it's either platelets, like a platelet-rich plasma, which is growth factors that are concentrated from your blood, so you have a blood simple blood draw. And it's a short spin of your blood. And there's a certain subset of that blood, which are growth factors. They're healing factors from your blood that are separated out and then immediately they're injected into the inner ear. And the other method that he has is a stem cell injection, which is bone marrow, which we did on you yesterday. So we do a really simple extraction of bone marrow. We don't really need much for the inner ear. We sedated you. We used the gas and we had some ketamine that put you in a bit of a twilight.
Luke Storey: [00:23:17] I'm really grateful that we did that. That small dose of ketamine in the troche, like kind of a lozenge that really helped too because I was thinking about the blunt trauma even though it's not that big of a deal, the procedure really, if you think about it, you're going through very little tissue to get into that bone and that bone in itself is relatively thin, where you're going to get the marrow. So it's not like putting a frickin icepick through your femur. You know what I mean? I mean, it's right there. I can even sense that it wasn't that. But still to the body, any penetration or any kind of invasion, I think can be experienced by the body as a living entity, as a trauma.
So it was actually really cool to be in communication with my body and be under just a little bit of the anesthesia between those two combined where I had my wherewithal and I knew it was going on, but I could intentionally disassociate to the degree that I felt I needed to to make it less traumatic on my body. And then it was just a matter of breathing and surrendering into it. And I wouldn't say it was a walk in the park, like, oh, let's do that every day, just because it's more the psychology of it, because you're like, there's a needle going into me and you feel someone pushing on that bone to extract. And it's like the mental part of it, I think is actually worse.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:24:37] It's totally that way. Yeah, that's why the sedation that we use is-- you're still clear, you can still communicate with us. And then we have the sound and the music through the table.
Luke Storey: [00:24:51] Yeah, that was another really cool thing about the treatment actually. And it reminded me of when you and I were out with Dr. Matt Cook and he was doing the work on my hip and my back. And he just had the Grateful Dead Flame [inaudible 00:25:02] and I'm watching his needle in the ultrasound. I'm laying there just seeing his needle go in the fascial plane and squirt the exosomes in there and everything it reminded me of that. It just created a vibe. The lighting was as dim as it could be for you to be able to see what you're doing, obviously. But yeah, having the transducers in the table and the shamanic music playlist, it's very different than what one would experience.
Speaking of noise, I've always thought about how just auditorily toxic it is in a hospital. You walk in any room, even if it's they're not operating, just being in a room it's like beep, beep, vrrr, vrrr, it's just such an assault of noise. It's agitating to your nervous system. So to be able to be on the table and feel the sound, the bass through the table and just hear that and have just the right amount of anesthesia made it totally doable. So anyway, that's what it was.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:25:56] That's what we want to hear.
Luke Storey: [00:25:59] But yeah, mentally just knowing like, holy shit, these guys better know what they're doing. I kept just praying and be like-- because I had a blindfold on, and while the fluid is going in your ear you're also deaf. So I was muffled in terms of what you guys are saying. I'm like, I couldn't tell if there was someone in the room the whole time, what was happening since I had to keep trusting and surrendering because there was a needle, like a freaking hypodermic needle going into your ear. So there was a lot of trust, knowing you helped a lot and just like, I know you got my back like you do all of your clients. But yeah, very interesting, very interesting experience.
Admittedly, being somewhat of a chemical phobe, I've been using non-toxic cleaning products at home for about 25 years. This is important to me due to a few factors. First being synthetic fragrance. Not only do I despise the smell of fake fragrance, but they've been linked to asthma, allergies, skin irritations, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, cancer, nervous system, and respiratory harm. As if that's not a good enough reason to avoid this stuff, next is the endocrine disrupters. Most cleaning products are loaded with them. They are environmental toxins that mimic your natural hormones but without the benefits. They can affect the ovaries, adrenals, thyroid, and other glands. So no bueno, I'm going to avoid it.
Now, I recently got turned on to a really cool company called Branch Basics that solve this whole problem for me. Branch Basics is fragrance-free plant and mineral based free of harmful preservatives, it's biodegradable, non-GMO, gluten and tree nut free, and best of all, maybe not tested on animals, plus, it's way more affordable than other similar products. Now what makes it the most economical option is their one-concentrate model. So one bottle of concentrate makes three all-purpose bottles, three streak-free bottles, three bathroom bottles, three foaming wash bottles, and a 64 loads of laundry.
When you run out, the only thing you need to repurchase is the concentrate and the oxygen boost. And this stuff is super versatile. You can use the concentrate to clean your kitchen countertops, floors, bathrooms and toilets, laundry, produce, and even as a hand soap. To get some go to links.branchbasics.com/lukestorey, that's links.branchbasics.com/lukestorey and use the code LUKE, which is good for 15% off all starter kits, except the trial kit. For the folks in the back again, visit links.branchbasics.com/lukestorey.
So in terms of Dr. Shim, what's the body of research that drew you to actually pursue getting involved with him and stuff? What kind of results has he seen?
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:28:53] Well, so, you know, we did an episode on regenerative medicine not too long ago. And so we have a rich history using bone marrow and using exosomes and placental stem cells and whatnot and platelets for a lot of orthopedic. And we do some neurological cases as well. We've seen some amazing things with people with quadriplegics and so forth using stem cells.
So this is something that we're very familiar with. So I've been wanting to do this to the inner ear because I'm doing LUMOMED and I've got all these other things going on. I would love to do it, but I didn't want to be the pioneer. And so when I found Dr. Shim, and he'd already done all this research, and I really liked and I felt aligned with his choices and what he was using, I liked the bone marrow, something that we use a lot here. I like the platelets. And I just knew that I could combine that with what I'm already doing to really take care inner ear regeneration to the next level.
And so that's where SunVae which in Hindu means hearing, so you can find more about this at sunvae.com, S-U-N-V-A-E. We have research on laser to the inner ear. And so the way that I like to think about it and the way that this is all working together is that you have the most sensitive cells in your body or your nerve cells. And the reason that they're sensitive is because they require so much energy. Your brain is 2% of your body weight, but it's like a quarter of your energy. So it takes all this energy.
And this high energy demand is metabolic demand meaning it needs a lot of your metabolic resources. Your ability to make energy at a cellular level is extremely important because when it starts to dip, the first place it shows up is in the brain like brain fog, memory. People with various neurological conditions are subject to metabolic issues because it's the mitochondria ultimately that's inside of the cell that is making energy and it's making energy efficient or it's not like a car that's old and it's taking more gas and it's producing more pollution. In your body, you have the same thing. And as we get older, it's actually totally normal and natural for people to become less efficient as they get older, less efficient at making energy. And this is the core of all diseases.
This is what I've discovered through my challenges through Lyme disease is that there's one common thread of all diseases because they all start with low energy. And we have various expressions of this low energy, depending on our genetics and depending on our environment. And so with you, it might be a prostate problem. With me, it might be a liver issue. And so anybody that's looking at finding answers to any type of health condition needs to take that really seriously to look at how can you support your energy production, your metabolic status. We call it metabolic medicine.
And why this becomes so important is because, as we talked about before, the inner ear is out of all the nerve cells. It's like one of the most demanding. It's why it's the canary in the coal mine. People start to have challenges with their metabolism and their energy production, they're likely to have some problems with their inner ear, especially if they're in a loud environment or they're having some exposure to chemicals that might be ototoxic. And I would recommend looking that up. We're not going to get into it now. But you can easily Google ototoxic chemicals, foods, drugs, and so forth and you can find lists of that. And those are things that you might want to start looking to avoid.
So I knew if I could put together a program that supported energy, and this is the whole premise of LUMOMED and laser, because your cells, they have the ability to take photons, which is non-matter, it's light, it's a unit of energy that has no matter. It's energy, but it's a tiny little unit. And then you have an electron, which is matter. There's actually something there. It's like a little particle, and that is the electron transport chain in the mitochondria is what they call it. It's moving electrons. That's what the mitochondria does. It moves electrons.
In the process of moving electrons, it's exothermic. This is a term in chemistry that means energy heat comes from it, exothermic. And this exothermic reaction, the mitochondria in the cell used to make something called ATP, which is the energy currency that makes everything work. And when you don't have that, you could die very quickly. You need that constant supply. And the nerves again and the inner ear are extremely sensitive to that.
So what's really amazing is that inside the mitochondria, you have four complexes, and they're named complex 1, 2, 3, and 4. And complex 4, they called the cytochrome c. And that complex cyto-- cell and chrome is light, that complex actually can use light to make energy. And in fact, at a chemical level, there is a photon produced in order to complete that last step. And so that's why red light therapy, we have a whole little room that has all these big red lights I showed you.
Luke Storey: [00:35:16] I used it yesterday when I landed, thank God. I liked it because you have both sides too. I have my Joovv thing back home and the sauna space, but you just do one side at a time. It's cool being sandwiched in that little closet. You really feel the heat from both sides. It was cool.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:35:35] And that's why when you combine that with methylene blue-- and we created a protocol called sensory rejuvenation. And we haven't even really had a chance to discuss this. This was something I was going to talk to you about a little bit later in your visit. And so sensory rejuvenation uses things like methylene blue, uses things like high dose melatonin. I wrote a book called Melatonin Miracle Molecule.
Luke Storey: [00:36:01] It's right there behind them for those on video.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:36:04] Yeah. So this is on Amazon. And it's beyond sleep. And so between melatonin and methylene blue, they're probably the two most exciting molecules to really support cellular energy and also to support the stresses that were subjected to like, stress resilience, the ability to take stress, which is always in the form of inflammation. This is really interesting to look at it that way.
All stresses have one thing in common is they result in inflammation. That inflammation needs to be dealt with by the body. And mitochondria absolutely can't stand inflammation. They shut down. In fact, they shut down to the point they say, I'm not even going to work. You got to do it yourself because I really don't like the inflammation that much. And so what happens is the energy then has to be anaerobic glycolysis. So it's without oxygen out in the cytosol, so out of the mitochondria. And that energy production system produces 10% of what you would normally produce. So you imagine like and this is why--
Luke Storey: [00:37:15] I didn't even know you knew all this shit. I'm like, we just hang out sometimes. We're just a couple of dudes hanging out. I'm like, whoa, you really understand this. Carry on. This is really interesting for me, especially the part about the fourth one, making light, like producing photons. That's nuts. Your mitochondria actually emit light. That's so fascinating.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:37:39] And there's little particles that spin really, really fast in there and it's like-- if we could shrink down to a tiny little and observe, it would probably look like the most beautiful magical thing you'd ever see.
Luke Storey: [00:37:52] It's like a mini cosmos in there. I'm still under a little anesthesia. No, I'm not.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:38:01] You're sure it wasn't that CBG?
Luke Storey: [00:38:02] Oh, I did take that super-- had you guys have that out yet? Sorry, I'm digressing a lot here.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:38:08] Yeah, the Delta dial G. Yeah, this full spectrum CBG is next level.
Luke Storey: [00:38:15] It's so nice. I'm like loopy, like high, but just having fun. Anyway, I totally derailed you. You were on to something really interesting.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:38:25] Well, I was going to talk about, so all infections kill people through cytokine storms. So everybody's become familiar with the cytokine storm from COVID. And so this happens with Ebola. This happens with a variety of different infections. And it's the inflammation associated with the infection that overrides the body, the stress of infection is overwhelming, the mitochondria shut down. We start going on 10% of its energy, and it's not enough to fuel the immune cells.
So the immune cells all of a sudden poop out and that's where people die. And it's based on this concept of the mitochondria saying, I can't work in this environment anymore. You have to do it outside of the mitochondria. And so what is fascinating to me is finding out that what keeps it inside the mitochondria is melatonin. And melatonin sits there and it's made by every mitochondria. You don't need it if there's no inflammation, if there's no stress equals inflammation. If there's no inflammation, the mitochondria is cool. It doesn't need the melatonin, but when things start to heat up and you have that inflammation, melatonin comes in, and it's holding the fort down. But it only can do so much and as you get older, you produce less melatonin, and so you have less resilience to stresses. So do we have more stress or less stress these days than what we had 10 years ago?
Luke Storey: [00:40:03] Oh my god, the world is insane.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:40:06] It's getting worse too.
Luke Storey: [00:40:08] I mean, it's a dichotomy to me because it's getting worse if you watch TV. But if you run in the circles in which I run, I see more and more people waking up and discovering themselves and discovering the truth of who they are, and especially young people. So I see that we're in this Renaissance. At the same time, it's like the house is on fire. The house's on fire, but many people are running out of the house and building a new house next door down the road.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:40:38] I see that too. And I think that it's like pain to purpose. So it's like the pain associated with all this extra stress is either going to be motivating or not. And some people are going to succumb to it, and other people are going to step up and they're going to become stronger. So strong winds make for strong timber. That's what I think a lot of the people that we're surrounded with, because we're in that world, and I will mirror your thoughts as well, it's like, I see some amazing people that are doing amazing things right now.
And then I also see a lot of people that are really suffering. And that's why I love what I do because I'm in a place that I can help those people that are suffering and show them some of these secrets with melatonin, with methylene blue, with all of this, all of these things. You don't have to take medicines or get surgeries. It was really interesting-- I'm questioning whether I want to say this or not because I was really--
Luke Storey: [00:41:45] That happens a lot when we talk. Every time you guys before we record John's like, hey, there's this thing. I don't know if I should talk about it on the podcast. And I'm like, hey, do you. I'm open. I'm here for all of it.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:41:56] Well, so Dr. Shim was really a lovely man. And I was really happy to have him come and train last couple of days. And he comes from a very medical side. And his skillset is with surgeries and procedures. And when we talked about virtually every type of holistic modality, he wasn't really familiar with it. In fact, I was educating him on laser.
And I'm not saying this in a negative way because this is 99% of-- that's what happens in the medical field is you're indoctrinated into using molecules that have gone through double-blind PLACEBO studies. And it's like they're for one indication. And to me, it's a broken system, but it's not that it's bad. It's just that's what they were trained with. So I had brought up the endonasal treatment that I do. And he was sitting here and Dr. Love was in the room. Dr. Patrick Love over here in the room hanging out.
Luke Storey: [00:43:00] Dr. Love. The man who had a needle in my ear yesterday. I think wasn't that you?
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:43:06] Yeah.
Luke Storey: [00:43:07] I had my mask on, but I heard his voice and said, oh, man, I hope he knows what he's doing. I don't even know what he did, by the way, either. I felt him with the needle in my ear and I was like, who the fuck is this guy? He seems like a cool guy, but does he have any credentials? That went through my head. And I was like, all right, let it go. He's here. John wouldn't let him in my ear if he didn't know something. So thank you for not drilling a needle through my skull or anything.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:43:35] So he came out from Spokane, Washington. I actually met him when I went to record a podcast with Ben Greenfield originally. It was like three years ago and he has an amazing clinic with-- it's like this juice bar he's got in the front. So if you're ever out in Spokane, Washington, check out Dr. Patrick Love.
Luke Storey: [00:43:48] Let's give a shout-out. What's the name of your clinic and juice bar out there? Wellness Tree Clinic and Wellness Tree Juice in Spokane, Washington. Boom. If you guys are in the area, get it up.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:44:03] Yeah, check it out.
Luke Storey: [00:44:04] So you're talking to Dr. Shim and his perspective is like, let's cut it out. Burn it out.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:44:07] What was above your nose?
Luke Storey: [00:44:08] Yeah, right. Yeah, I remember this.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:44:11] And so he said, he said he thought that your nasal passage was harboring some infection, chronic infection, and inflammation that was leading to some of the stresses in your ear. So inflammation was, I'm thinking is shutting down your mitochondria. So it's making the inner ear harder to do its work. That's really at the bottom. That's the bottom line and what's happening. His idea was to do steroid nasal sprays for a while.
Luke Storey: [00:44:40] Which is what I used to do when I couldn't breathe before I knew that it was my diet and not having the balloons in my nose like you did.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:44:47] Yeah, well, I mean, I think most people out there that's what they do.
Luke Storey: [00:44:49] When I was a vegetarian, dude, I had a stuffy nose all the time because all I ate was grains and God knows what. Not to say that you can't breathe clearly as a vegetarian, it's just that the vegetarian diet I was on was soy and these really inflammatory foods.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:45:05] Yeah, I've been there. When I was a kid, my dad, I drove him crazy because at dinner, I had to hawk out like loogies. It was chronic all the time. And I couldn't help it because you can't swallow it. It's at the back your nasal passage and it's like, that's the way I lived. And it was because I was super allergic to gluten. I know gluten and dairy, I don't consume either of those anymore.
Luke Storey: [00:45:35] Have you ever tried raw A2 milk to see if you can tolerate it?
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:45:41] I can and then I can--
Luke Storey: [00:45:43] I just found a farmer, Richardson farm's another shout-out outside of Austin, Texas. And because of the regulations there, you have to order it directly through them and then they'll bring it to you at the Farmers market, which a lot of the time is early in the morning. But I haven't had good raw milk and I talked to them in person at their booth and everything and they're like, "Oh, all our cows are all grass fed, grass finished, totally free range, it's A2 milk which doesn't have the inflammatory protein like A1 cows. There's two types of cows apparently, two genomes or something. But I get on this shit, dude, they're digestion perfect and it makes every drink so delicious.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:46:22] Oh, it's so good.
Luke Storey: [00:46:23] I was like, put it in every smoothie, coffee, adding it to bone broth, just doing all kinds of shit to see if I could make it taste bad. And it's usually this fatty, whole milk, raw, cold. It's like anything I put it in it's instant delicious.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:46:37] Are you familiar with Weston Price?
Luke Storey: [00:46:39] Yeah.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:46:40] And the Price Pottenger group in California.
Luke Storey: [00:46:43] I don't know the group, but I get his general premise.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:46:45] So Weston Price is considered the father of the raw food movement. And he was big on raw milk. And I think he might have been the one that really brought it to people's attention. And so when they homogenized milk, they heat it up. It's this processing involved that changes the proteins in the milk. And a lot of people can tolerate raw milk where they can't tolerate processed milk. But what's really fascinating is that Pottenger, who followed Weston Price, so Weston Price passed, and then Pottenger came along, and he ran a study that's really well known where he took a group of cats and he fed them raw milk and raw meat. The other group of cats cooked meat and homogenized milk.
And so just a little bit of background, what Weston Price really talked about was that the skull would collapse in and the palate would narrow, the teeth would crowd, the maxillary bones would fall in and you'd have sinus problems.
Luke Storey: [00:47:57] From eating processed foods essentially, the Weston diet?
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:48:02] Yes, in essence, and that would be the chemistry of the processed food, but also when you're not eating harder food, you're not activating bone growth, especially when you're young. So there's a lot of different factors that play in on how the skull doesn't develop. And so you look at aborigines, and so it's one of the books I have in my room where we did the treatment and Physical Degeneration is the name of the book.
And so in this book on physical degeneration, Weston Price has pictures of all these aborigines and also pictures of people that were raised in industrial civilizations, and there was even twins. And you'd look at one in them wide palette, and the other one the face is all collapsed. And we don't see it so much in the US in the sense that people will get braces and so forth, that they have their wisdom teeth removed to make room. But when you go to places like Europe or Asia, the teeth are just all over the place. And this is just the natural situation.
Luke Storey: [00:49:06] The Western Price photos are amazing because you see what a real undomesticated human looks like, just ripped, low body fat, huge wide smile, bright wide eyes. And as you got to travel to the Inner Earth now to find people that are still like that and maybe in South America or Africa or different places, like, oh. And then you go to the UK-- no offense against our UK. I happen to be born with straight teeth. I had a lot of other domestication problems. I can't fucking breathe from a shrunken face or something. But I noticed in the UK that people's teeth were very yellow and [inaudible 00:59:50] typically. If you see pictures of Keith Richards before he had his fake teeth put in, you're like, wow, that's a lot of years of eating shepherd's pies or whatever and lacking the nutrition that these indigenous people around the world are eating that look beautiful and have big, wide faces and palettes and properly shaped skulls and stuff. It's really interesting stuff.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:50:11] What really happens there, and this is what, Pottenger with obviously the cats that had the cooked food and the homogenized meal, their faces collapsed and they got dental caries, and they had all these different diseases associated with what are common in civilized cultures, while the ones that were on the raw diet we're super healthy and they lived a lot longer.
And so what's happening is that there's that amount of inflammation besides having that dramatic effect on your ability to make energy efficiently through the mitochondria. It also has this effect, this inflammation shows up in the sinuses. So anybody that has a food allergy and immediately their sinuses blow up and it's hard to breathe, they know that that's like-- again, I'm going to go back to that term canary in the coal mine, if your sinuses get full it's a problem. You likely have a lot of inflammation in your body. And that's like the sign saying, hey-- it's like the red warning saying, hey, inflammation in your body, inflammation in your body. Then when you can't breathe through the nose, you become a mouth breather, especially when you sleep. And a lot of people are mouth breathers even when they're not sleeping. And so when you're mouth breathing, the tongue falls back, where it would normally be forward, supporting the arch and the teeth. And so that's where you get that collapsed face.
Luke Storey: [00:51:38] Oh, really?
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:51:40] Mm-hmm.
Luke Storey: [00:51:41] Oh, that's interesting.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:51:42] Yeah, it really plays into the whole conversation that we're having about how there's multiple factors that can play into a sick ear. So you have cranial structures, you have your metabolic ability through the mitochondria, and then you have these deformed hair cells that are damaged. So we look at this and we create systems for this. And we have systems that are a bit easier for people to go through, programs. And then we have more advanced depending on if somebody wants to step up. Fasting can be incredibly helpful for the inner ear.
In fact, there has been studies on autophagy. So this is the action that is the consequence of when we're in a fasted state is our body goes through this recycling and cleaning phase, and that's called autophagy, autophagy, self-eating in Greek. And so they've done some amazing studies showing that autophagy is very, very supportive to hearing and then something precursors to NAD like nicotine and nicotinamide riboside, nicotinamide mononucleotide or NAD, those have been shown to be really supportive because they support the mitochondria. I'm not--
Luke Storey: [00:53:03] This, by the way, just hold that thought. For those listening that don't know this, you have another company called MitoZen, and you make a suite of different products, one of them called NAD Max, which is a suppository. Well, I guess there's an oral liposomal version too. I just did a top 10 video. And I had to stick with my fat-soluble vitamins, just basic, fundamental stuff, but I did have honorable mentions and the NAD Max was in there.
Not like it's something I feel like I have to have, but definitely if I could squeeze in like 11 or 12 things on a deserted island, that shit, brother, is amazing for energy, especially if I'm sleep-deprived or not feeling well. But for air travel, I've tried everything you can possibly do, hyperbaric chambers before and after, whatever. Nothing like those NAD suppositories works for making air travel less painful and depleting. It's crazy. It's like the best thing ever.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:54:05] Yeah, I found a lot of success using them personally as well. And we started really early on with NAD. I went to one of the first NAD summits in San Diego. And it was originally for addicts. So they were finding treatment centers.
Luke Storey: [00:54:24] Maybe that's why I like it too much.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:54:26] Yeah, well, you deplete your NAD levels with drugs and sleep and drugs, especially alcohol. And alcohol affects sleep as well, but they're huge NAD drainers. So these are stressors that are at the top of the list of what just deplete your NAD. And NAD is one of the rate-limiting substances in the mitochondria for you to make energy. And we lose it just even having birthdays. The aging process will deplete NAD. And so when you start to bring that NAD back in, and you start to increase cellular energy ability, things like mood improve quite a bit. You're wanting to socialize.
And so this is what happens with people that go through addiction. They hit these serious bottoms. They've just really depleted their essence, and that's the NAD. And so they found that giving these people through intravenous treatments that their recovery was so much more robust because they felt more alive and happy. And so then they started to look at NAD for other things like life extension and blah, blah, blah. So there's been all these studies with it. And so we went out there looking at it. And so we started doing these NAD IVs. We're charging $1,500. People coming in paying $1,500, and they would have to sit there-- and it's a bit uncomfortable because you have the same symptoms-- for like five or more hours. And so--
Luke Storey: [00:56:04] I have done it. It's pretty uncomfortable, cramping in your abdomen and just burning.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:56:10] It's uncomfortable, it's inconvenient, and it's expensive.
Luke Storey: [00:56:11] Hella expensive.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:56:12] So we put together a suppository that I believe rivals. I think it's better than an IV because you can do it every day. It's a lot less expensive. And it's less than 20 bucks. And you insert this suppository, there's a slow bleed into the bloodstream. So you get it into your blood. And it lasts anywhere from five to seven hours. And I think the dosage in one suppository is equal to what most doctors are using in an IV. So there's like 1,000 total milligrams, 500 is NAD, 250 is nicotinamide mononucleotide-- one of the precursors-- and then 250 milligrams of another precursor called nicotinamide riboside. So it's got everything in there. So yeah, we were really excited about that product.
Luke Storey: [00:57:02] It's the best. And for those that want to get it, check it out. It's lukestorey.com/ear it was, right?
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:57:02] Ears, yeah.
Luke Storey: [00:57:02] Because I know when I listen to podcasts, I'm like, "Wait, what was that thing?" And then it's distracting. So carry on listening. Just go to the show notes and you can find links to that.
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Let's go back to the ear in that what is the LUMOMED laser doing to bring it back to life and help with the energy production or whatever it is in there that's actually getting to the healing.
Dr. John Lieurance: [00:59:43] So laser is really helpful for lymphatics. And if you look at the list of what laser does to human cells and tissues, it's a list. It increases protein synthesis, ATP synthesis, it enhances the drainage of lymphatic. So it basically is acting as promoting the river effect, bringing you away from that swampy effect. So there's all these healing benefits. And so when we look at injecting something like platelet-rich plasma, or a stem cell injection from the bone marrow, and then we look at promoting that healing with laser, and you're putting both these things together, I see this as being the future of what we can do because we do that with orthopedics, and we have for many, many years.
We use a device called a SoftWave. SoftWave or Stemwave is another term that we use. And it's using sound, sound and light. And it works similar. The reason that we would never use that for the ear is because it's sound and it's loud, so it can actually be injurious to the ear. So we use laser for the ear, and we will use laser for a lot of other tissues in the body. But we use the SoftWave quite a bit. And it has a similar effect, but deeper because it's hard to get laser deep into the body.
But if we do, like say, if we were to do your knee or your spine, maybe you have like a nerve root or a facet in your lower back, that same catheter that we put in your vein, we can actually run that down, and it's called an interstitial laser. So we can guide that under ultrasound right to a specific part and then feed the laser the filament and so it'll shower, like it could be inside your knee and then light up the inside of your knee with whatever color laser we want, like with the red laser in the 660 nanometer. So we've been doing that for a long, long time. And it's incredibly synergistic. And so all we're doing is taking something that has proven the test of time, and it's shown that it's a beautiful marriage and very synergistic. And we're just applying this to the inner ear.
Luke Storey: [01:02:13] What is the wavelength of the laser when you're applying it to the ear for that particular treatment?
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:02:20] It's between 600 and probably 685 nanometers. So it's right in that sweet spot where it's really magical. That 660 is really a beautiful area because we find that that's the area that really turns on that cytochrome component of the mitochondria. And it also is the perfect wavelength to really activate methylene blue.
Luke Storey: [01:02:55] Yeah, I felt amazing today when we did that, and still probably the only reason I have this much energy after this shit that we've been doing the past couple days, I think was from that methylene blue IV and the laser. I could tell when it was in there. I was like, how do I have this much energy so alive? It's really incredible. I want to make sure I don't forget anything on the ear. So to give people a picture of what happened when we did this treatment too, so the injection goes in the left ear, which was for me, the worst one, which is the bone marrow. Feels really full, like you have water in your ear like when you dive in a pool, that kind of feeling. And then I was instructed to lay on the opposite side with that ear up for 30 minutes, I'm presuming to let that fluid really saturate. Is that the idea in there?
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:03:47] Mm-hmm.
Luke Storey: [01:03:48] And then after that, did I think another 30 minutes, or maybe it was at the same time, I don't remember, of the laser.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:03:54] Yeah.
Luke Storey: [01:03:55] And then stood up and it was like, everything was normal for the most part. And then in terms of, I want to see if you know about Shim's research and timelines, but I think you told me that it would be about three months when we would test my hearing again and be able to see if we put a dent in it, so to speak. So for those listening if you're like, did it work? Did it work? We don't know yet. But it seems like the efficacy of the lasers that you've already been doing for a long time with great success, combined with his work, I'm pretty confident that it's going to be an improvement.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:04:31] Yeah, he's done a lot of treatment over the last 20 years or so. And his data is really exciting with what it's doing for hearing and tinnitus. So it really it's growth factors that we're really looking at. So there are stem cells involved, and they do play a role in this. The growth factors are also really important. And there's a lot of growth factors in your blood. We talked about the platelets and how we concentrate those. And so with cases that are more damaged, there's more profound hearing loss, there might be more tinnitus, the condition might have been there for longer periods of time. We're going to need a little bit more amp. We're going to need more strength in that regenerative process. So that's where we look towards the bone marrow as our aspect.
So we will typically do two bone marrow treatments, or we'll do a series of six PRP treatments. And those are the two basic options. Now obviously, it's a case by case. It's not cookie cutter thing. So if you hear this and then you come into the clinic and I recommend that you have eight PRPs or four PRPs, it's just going to be depending on what you present with. But the stem cell injections with the bone marrow are generally between two and sometimes there's patients that will need even a third.
Luke Storey: [01:06:08] And we'll be doing two because we're going to do another one tomorrow.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:06:10] Yeah.
Luke Storey: [01:06:11] Whoo whoo. That's exciting. Dude, honestly, if I could just lay down sometime and just have it be actually quiet and not uuuu, I'll be super stoked. And mine comes and goes. I noticed when you're talking about our energy production in mitochondria, if I'm overwhelmed, stressed, sleep deprived, the ringing's way louder. If I'm feeling really good, I get good sleep, I'm all on point, it's barely noticeable. There's definitely a very obvious correlation between the two. So I like your whole being approach coming at it from every angle rather than just like more so in the Weston model, as he was describing, like, let's just find the one symptom and treat the symptom with steroids or whatever. We're talking about actually regenerating and healing versus just band-aid something.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:07:05] Well, I think it's exciting for some people to look at, like, for instance, a sensory rejuvenation protocol, which I've got an article, maybe we'll link to that. So if you're going to do the work to bring your cellular energy up higher and you're doing this for the purpose of healing your inner ear, well, just imagine what the rest of your body is going to do. This is the most difficult, and you're going to go after the most difficult. So I would offer that this would be an opportunity to raise the vitality of your entire body.
And so that's exciting to me, personally. I don't find everybody is as gung-ho as I am. I think you and I share that quite a bit. We're really into it. I really love taking care of myself, and I love exploring different ways to heal my body. It's my job. So I get to play and get healthy, and then show other people what I've done. And you're doing a very similar type of journey.
Luke Storey: [01:08:16] Yeah, it's very fun. Let's talk about the prostate. I know everyone's really excited to hear. But as I indicated earlier, I was having some minor issues there and just going like, just not even bother me that much, but just like, I don't feel optimal. There's something amiss. And we ran the labs, found a little infection. And so walk people through the process that we did with the sound wave therapy and the ozone injection as that was fascinating to participate in as the patient. And I just think it's so important to share with people that there are alternatives.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:08:56] The prostate is a very stagnant area in men, and so the body has a hard time getting the immune cells to that area to clean that up. And so what happens is we get an infection that just happens to find its way into that area, and then it just fasters and it stays. And then we get another infection, and we just accumulate those as we get older. And so now the medical model is that, oh, benign prostatic hypertrophy is totally normal. It's just what happens when men get older.
And PSA goes up. And while prostate cancer is so rampant, that's what happens, it's just normal, well, what's causing that? What's the cause of that? And so I would offer that it's all caused by an infection in the prostate. In fact, there was a doctor, and I'm forgetting his name, but he's in Italy, and he just started studying and so he would sample, and this is what we did with you, it's the semen sample because that's what comes out of the prostate for the most part. And so we sent it out--
Luke Storey: [01:10:07] When I submitted that sample, I felt so much compassion for whoever's job it is to get those FedExes and open them and put them in a microscope or whatever they do. As I was mailing it off, I was like, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This is your job. Yeah, anyway. Because some human's doing that on the other end, right?
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:10:27] Yeah. Well, you never know, they might enjoy it.
Luke Storey: [01:10:30] Maybe. But this is the disconnect between me and all medical professionals, the stuff you see, like you're looking in my ear with a whatever, and you see the needle going in, and the blood and guts and all the things. I think people that are medical practitioners, it's just not a big deal to them. To the average person like me, it's a little bit off-putting.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:10:49] Yeah.
Luke Storey: [01:10:50] That's all.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:10:51] Well, okay. So back to the sample. So it's sent to a lab and then they can look and see. You had two infections. We're going to do a ZEN, ZEN break.
Luke Storey: [01:11:05] I'll show people on my camera what it looks like. I'm going to make a really funny face. This is John's other product from MitoZen. It's called ZEN spray Meditation Mist. Oxytocin, Amazonian tobacco, plant medicine, HAPEE, sort of thing, and essential oils it wakes up my brain really well. Carry on.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:11:28] All right, your sample showed that you had two infections.
Luke Storey: [01:11:32] Womp womp.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:11:33] And I've seen some people that had five or six. I've seen some people that had mold growing in their prostate. And I've seen cases that were diagnosed with cancer. And we've worked on a variety of different cases with this. And so back to this doctor in Italy. So he basically started testing everybody. And he saw-- I forget how many people he tested. I think it was like 1,500. It was a large study that he did. Every one of the patients had an infection. So what will happen is, and this has happened a couple of times is that I'll have a traveling patient, and I'll test them and they'll go back home, and they'll freak out.
And maybe they're not completely buying in on the alternative side because I'm using ozone and I'm using natural methods. And so I think a lot of people that are used to medicines and medical care, they might say, "Well, let me check with my doctor. I've got an infection in my prostate. This sounds really serious." So they go to their doctor, and the doctor wants to put them on hardcore rounds of antibiotics. But it'll never work because you can't get that circulation. So you're trying to get an antibiotic to be saturated in certain area to actually work against the infection, but it doesn't get into the prostate.
Luke Storey: [01:13:00] Wow, that makes sense. What if you took the antibiotic and injected it in there like you do with the ozone?
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:13:05] That's what we do.
Luke Storey: [01:13:08] Oh, okay.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:13:07] And so there are cases where, like, with this patient that had mold, we found the antifungal that worked against that. And so then we use that in conjunction with the ozone. And so sometimes we have to be a bit more aggressive with these protocols. But it's an area of inflammation. This is a chronic infection, which is producing inflammation in your body just like if you look at the studies on people that don't take care of their gums, I can see your gums are nice and pink, you got healthy gums, some people don't, and they have bad gingiva. And these are pockets of inflammation of the body and it goes systemic, chronic stuff in the nose.
These are issues we have with a bad colon. When we did this endonasal treatment, I was talking about Ganesha. I'm such a fan of Ganesha. I love talking about Ganesha, but he's the Lord of doorways in Hindu. And so these are all doorways. So we have to take care of our doorways. We have to take care of our doors. Our ears are doorways into the body. That's why we're looking at creating these rituals with some of the products that I make where we're creating something called the Ganesha morning ritual where we're actually taking care of our doors like the Boca ZEN, which we just launched, which has all these great essential oils and you put it in your mouth, move it around your gums and you take a toothpick and you can move it between your gums.
Luke Storey: [01:14:49] I had some at your house this morning. I saw it on the counter.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:14:52] Yeah, I left it there for you.
Luke Storey: [01:14:25] Yeah, it's amazing. The funny thing is it really wakes you up. So it's weird because it's quite potent. There's cinnamon and oregano I sense in there. I like the new version too. It's a little sweeter. It's less oregano with more sweet cinnamon but still like, holy shit, really strong.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:15:10] And then we've got the Iree, which is an eyedrop. We're probably going to launch it within the next week. And then we're going to probably put the-- So there's also a nasal spray called GlutaStat, which is more anti-microbial, which is what I want to put you on. So Dr. Shim had suggested that this could be a situation that's setting a stage up for you to have weakness in your inner ear because of the inflammation. And so his suggestion was, well, let's do the steroid for a month and if it doesn't work--
Luke Storey: [01:15:47] He also said you should just have surgery.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:15:49] That's what I was going to say.
Luke Storey: [01:15:49] The deviated [inaudible 01:15:49]. I was like I already did it [Interposing voice 01:15:52]. And he goes, "They did a bad job." I was like, "This is a top surgeon in Beverly Hills. Don't tell me that." This was a long time ago. Because I couldn't breathe, so of course, I went to an EMT, whatever. And he's like, "Oh, we just got to do the surgery." And so at that time, I had insurance from the entertainment industry, and they paid for it. So I did it.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:15:50] Oh, sweet.
Luke Storey: [01:16:15] The worst experience of my life. No one could have prepared me for the pain and suffering that come after that surgery. It was absolutely horrific, horrifically uncomfortable and painful for a week, two weeks.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:16:34] That's really like in the core of your being is right there.
Luke Storey: [01:16:37] Brutal. Yeah, I would not recommend it. And the sad thing about it was that actually-- there might have been something structurally there that was improved. But when I just changed my diet, then I could breathe. And then when I started doing ozone, and after doing your balloons, a lot of contributing practices led to no more sinus infections, and it's very rare that I would get one. Now if I sense when coming on, I'll use your GlutaStat and then nebulizer. It's gone, 20 minutes it's gone like it never happened.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:17:08] Well, that's what I want to do with you because we talked about really being consistent with that for a long period of time. And then also, I wanted to do a swab to test for MARCoNS. And so MARCoNS is a collection of stuff that's resistant to antibiotics. And I see this with a lot of the population with patients with mold, biotoxin illness, mold, and Lyme, and chronic Epstein-Barr and a lot of these patients chronically carry this MARCoNS. And that might be what you've been carrying all these years. And you really have to be consistent for at least 30 days with something that's going to really work.
Now, what's standard, what's really amazing is in the alternative circles, is they'll use something called a BEG spray. And basically, it's a combination of a bunch of antibiotics, and the G and BEG is gentamicin. And it just completely baffles me why these guys-- and they have these compounding pharmacies making it specifically with the gentamicin for MARCoNS. And if somebody put it together and then they showed, hey, this works from MARCoNS, and we have data showing that we did this and MARCoNS went away, and so everybody's just on that bandwagon. And so especially if you have an inner ear problem, you do not want it to BEG spray.
And for those that have gone down that road with mold and biotoxin illness with various doctors, you know what I'm talking about. So that's where we came up with GlutaStat, which is basically all-natural. It's essential oils, it's got colloidal silver, and basically--
Luke Storey: [01:18:53] And glutathione?
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:18:54] And glutathione, and NAC, and there's terpenes in there, and microbial terpenes. There's quite a lot in that product. And so we've treated hundreds of patients with MARCoNS, and we've got hundreds of before and after tests with MARCoNS showing that it clears with the GlutaStat.
Luke Storey: [01:19:13] Wow, badass. Back to the prostate. So antibiotics can't get in there. It's a closed environment, it's a closed loop. But you could theoretically and I guess you said in really bad cases, just inject it right in there. But what we did today was a combination of the sound wave therapy, and an injection of ozone or a few injections of ozone gas directly in there. So how does that work? Because this will be interesting to do a before and after, like, I showed I have the two strains of bacteria. We do a series of things. And then what I really love is seeing the after labs and going, aha, we got it. That's the best feeling, aside from just your symptoms go. It was fine.
I could have not even noticed. I probably had it forever and didn't even notice. It just lately, I've been like, I don't know, just feels like I got to pee all of a sudden and it's annoying. And it's like, I got to go. You know what I mean? Not like, oh, I feel like in a little while I should go to the bathroom. It's like I'm just chilling and all of a sudden, like, I got to pee now, bye, which just happened in the middle of podcast. I think there was one recently. I think it was Kelly Brogan or one of them. And I was sitting and I'm like, "Okay, hurry up." I'm trying to send her telepathic messages, like, wrap it up, wrap it up. And I just finally was like, "I got to pee. we're out."
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:20:34] Yeah, it's funny. So the prostate is like this separated container that there's not a lot of exchange through your circulation. So you can have this chronic infection that sits there. You're not likely to be able to ever get it with oral antibiotics or even IV antibiotics. You can have them injected preferably with some guidance. We don't use ultrasound guidance with that, usually, because for us, it's a fairly easy injection.
Luke Storey: [01:21:10] How did you know? Just for people listening, especially for the males out there, and bear with me females that don't have attained, but it's like the needle went into the perineum, there was some numbing beforehand. Thank God, I had a little bit of the nitrous on tap, just in case it got weird. I was laying there wondering, how do they know wow far-- are you measuring how far the needle goes in or how long the needle is based on the anatomy of that area to know when you're getting in that pocket that contains the prostate?
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:21:41] Well, my team has been highly trained. We trained with Frank Shallenberger who's the father of ozone. And then we've done enough of these cases that we've gotten really comfortable with the procedure. But maybe early on, the first few cases, we were able to figure it out. We might have angled a little bit this way, a little bit that way, and then you get you nailed it.
Luke Storey: [01:22:05] It just becomes intuitive because you only have so much needle and so much tissue to get through, and you just nail it.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:22:11] It's a tiny needle too. It's a 27 gauge. So it's almost a little bit bigger than a human hair. It's really tiny, but it's 2 inches. But I love that you brought up the SoftWave device. So the SoftWave device is really amazing. And a large majority of practitioners that buy these devices are urologists. So there's one other unit in Sarasota. We have one and then there's only one other one, and it's a urologist that has them. And so they use them for sexual enhancement, like for erectile dysfunction or enhancing sexual feeling and sensation.
Luke Storey: [01:22:59] Oh, bonus, bonus for me. No pun intended. Bonus for me.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:23:02] It increases neovascularization. So it improves bringing more blood supply into the area, so you have more sensation. And then it's also helpful for prostate because those sound waves are actually antimicrobial. And at a cellular level it's like a stressor that responds with this adaptive response, and so there's healing that happens.
Luke Storey: [01:23:37] That's interesting like Cymatics where the certain frequency of a node shatters the crystal glass and you have the cell wall of these bacteria being shattered by the soundwave.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:23:49] That's exactly. It breaks up the cell wall of bacteria.
Luke Storey: [01:23:50] That's so cool.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:23:52] So yeah, we love it. I use it for abdominal. We'll do liver. I like to do-- and maybe we'll do this tomorrow with you is I like to do the feet and the hands because you have all these different meridians acupoints. And so we the feet and the hands, and then we'll have people go into that CVAC pod. And it just flushes the body and maybe we'll do like a methylene blue IV with them in the middle of that.
That machine really adds a lot of value to our practice because when you learn how to use it-- I actually placed one at UFC earlier this year. Dana White is both a friend and a patient of mine. I fly in there and treat him. He's the owner. Well, Ari Emanuel is actually the main owner. And Dana White was one of the founders, but he also maintains an ownership and he's the CEO of UFC.
And so I had been doing some health coaching with Ari and eventually did some of the endonasal work. We had done that together and he was really excited about it. So he suggested that I reach out or he connected me with Dana and I've been out there about three times. And so then that led to me working with a lot of the UFC fighters doing the balloons because obviously their facial structures and their breathing is terrible.
Luke Storey: [01:25:19] Oh my God, I don't know how those guys do it.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:25:23] Oh, I know. It's not my thing.
Luke Storey: [01:25:25] You hit me once and I'm good for life. You know what I mean? I think was punched properly maybe one time in my life just right at the nose in elementary school. And I was like, "I'm good with the fighting." I feel complete. But I respect the warriors. They have their place. Maybe I'm a warrior of the heart or on a good day the intellect.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:25:52] Well, there's a mutual respect a lot of those fighters have. I didn't even know who Dana White was. When Ari introduced me and put him on FaceTime, I was like, "Who are you? I don't know who you are." But yet I grew up with Helston Gracie in Hawaii. My sister's best friend married Helston Gracie.
Luke Storey: [01:26:16] The Jiu-Jitsu dynasty.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:26:18] Right. And his brother was Rorion who I was introduced to. I did balloons on both those guys as well way back. And they were really into that because that was helping them. And so I had a connection with UFC, but it's not my jam. I don't like watching people beat themselves up. And so I did go to a couple of fights when I went in to see Dana. And yeah, it's like these guys are really like machines. It's scary. I would never want to see these people in an alley and test them off.
Luke Storey: [01:26:50] It's good having some friends though. Kyle Kingsbury, a friend of mine in Austin, he used to fight. And whenever he's around, I just feel safe. It's like when shit went down, he would just be dropping falls like dominoes. It must be a good feeling to have that, and maybe I have a latent in there somewhere.
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I hope the listeners are hanging in with us because we're going all over the place. It's probably fun for some, annoying for others.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:29:27] Well, we were talking about the sound wave and that led to--
Luke Storey: [01:29:30] So it is also effective I'm assuming for injuries because I've had TRT. It's all also--
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:29:36] It's the same thing.
Luke Storey: [01:29:37] Okay. Done on my hip and my back and I love it. But this was the first time it was on soft tissue and on my abdomen. And for those listening, the subjective experience of it is like a loud clicking clack, clack, clack, and then it feels like electricity going deep into your tissues. And then if it happens to go so deep and it's over a bone, then it's like pretty jarring when it kind of-- that's what I think is happening. When it hits a bone, it's like boom, it's hitting some resistance rather than just passing through. It feels like it's going through the tissue and then clack, it hits that bone.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:29:51] Well, it's a connective tissue that is generally what causes pain in our body. And so the connective tissue attaches to the bone. They call that the enthesis. And so the enthesis is where the anchor point to a tendon or ligament is. We're surrounded by that. That's what's holding us together. And that's what gets injured. Like we talked about the prostate not having a lot of circulation, these are dense tissues, so they get injured, and they just stay that way.
And so these are sensitive areas because they're usually got some inflammation going on. And then you have that sound interact with it. If you had that over a bone that had no inflammation or no injury to the connective tissue, it's like we start to do a series of people, and eventually, you can do it over these areas, and they're like, now it doesn't really hurt anymore.
Luke Storey: [01:30:59] Oh, interesting. So it's the inflammation that's reacting to it.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:31:05] Yeah.
Luke Storey: [01:31:03] It reminds me of the pulse centers, PEMF. When you put on a really low frequency, they slow like, whack, whack. It'll do that same thing. And you can chase your injuries around with it because like, put it right here and sit the little doughnuts you put on your leg right here. It's like, oh, it's fine, you turn it up. But then you move it 3 inches, and it's like, aah. You hit something, some stagnation or inflammation there, it reminds me of that, the way that it feels. It's like a homing device for where an injury or something is stuck energy.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:31:37] Say I have a patient come in and then they'll have a problem with their in their leg and their pelvis and their lower back or whatnot, around their shoulder, I'll do the SoftWave on their body. And I'll really be able to locate right where their hotspots are. And then I go in with the ultrasound and really looking on what's going on in there? That's where all the damage is. So it's a diagnostic tool as well.
Luke Storey: [01:32:03] And then with getting the ozone gas in there, what's the mechanism of action for infections with that?
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:32:10] Ozone is 100 times more anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal than bleach, basically. It's super antimicrobial. And besides being anti-microbial, it's a stressor that activates immune cells, it activates stem cells, it activates a lot of signaling in the body that leads to a lot of healing. So our body tends to respond very favorable to-- it's called hormetic stress. So hormesis is where a stressor isn't exceeding the ability of the tissues of the body to adapt to it. If you have too much, then it doesn't adapt, and you have damage. If you have just enough, so it's enough where you get enough influence to create this reaction, but not so much that it's too much to adapt to, you have this really sweet spot called the hormetic zone.
And so we use ozone and we dial in the exact, it's called gamma, the concentration of ozone as measured in gamma. We use a 30 gamma concentration, which is going to be more of an antimicrobial. If we were looking to inject your knee or your back or your shoulder or something like that, we might use more of like a 20 gamma. So it's a lesser concentration. So it's not really looking to be anti-microbial as much as we're looking to be more regenerative. It's an amazing instrument. And it really lends itself really well to safely injecting it into this area because it just floods the area that's between tissues. It gets in all around the capsule and the fascial planes and so forth. It does its activation and then all of those activated cells and tissues and so forth go in and migrate and support the prostate.
Luke Storey: [01:34:08] So that hormetic stress in there is essentially alerting the white blood cells to like hey, there's a stress here. Come in. And then they're like oops, there's bacteria here, munch. And they PacMan that bacteria.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:34:22] Yeah, nice. That's exactly.
Luke Storey: [01:34:25] I have to put things in very simple terms sometimes for myself to understand and maybe for some of the listeners like me. Wow, super cool. And with a case like mine, for example, or some that you're seeing where people might have even more strains of bacteria, in the worst case, mold in the prostate, how many of these combos of the sound therapy and the ozone injections typically will you see before they show clear labs?
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:34:49] So we usually like to do a two-week protocol. We've done one-week protocols before. We would like to see in a one-week protocol, two or three injections with the ozone and a similar amount of the SoftWave, the sound wave device. In a two-week, we would just double that. So your case, just having the two bacteria is a more mild case compared to whatever we've seen before. So our game plan is we're going to do two of the injections here because that's all we have time for. And then unless we can squeeze one on Friday morning before your flight.
Luke Storey: [01:35:36] I enjoy getting needles in my prostate before I get on a plane. Yeah, it'll be great.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:35:43] So that's another thing. I don't want to overly stress you as well.
Luke Storey: [01:35:46] No, it's really not that bad. I'm making it funny, but it wasn't a big deal.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:35:51] Yeah, you did well.
Luke Storey: [01:35:54] With a lot of this stuff too, just for people listening, a lot of their hurdle is just mental. You just have to really have trust in the practitioner and obviously have trust in you. And then it's like, the stress of it, if you don't have the right mindset, actually makes it worse than the actual thing. Because every time we do something, you're like, okay, that's it. I'm like, I was totally gearing up for some really hardcore feeling or sensation. It was like, oh, that was nothing. It wasn't that big of a deal.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:36:23] Well, remember I told you, I said, okay, this is just going to be the point of a pen. I'm just gonna make a mark. And if I don't tell people because they're expecting an injection, they feel that tip of that pen, that felt tip, it's like a surgical marker where we mark we're going to inject and then we take a tiny little insulin needle and put some lidocaine so that the actual injection is much more comfortable. And that's what we did with your bone marrow. And that's what we did with your prostate injection.
So it's that anticipation. So pain is a personal private experience. One person may experience pain and the other person might experience pleasure. And so it's totally a choice that you have. And that's why I like a medicine like ketamine as an anesthetic because it's a dissociative, and it lets people-- same thing with gas, it lets people just dissociate a bit. And it takes the edge off the anxiety associated with the procedure. It doesn't really block the pain as much as it takes you away from that. It's like scratching the record of you focusing in on.
Luke Storey: [01:37:34] Yeah, I noticed that it just helped me to stay calm and just breathe. And you're right, I could still feel what was going on. But, again, back to what I was saying, it's not that it's that painful. It's the message that your mind creates about it. It's the story that you create because you picture what's happening and how bad it's going to hurt and you build up this anticipatory story or anxiety around it and then it's not really that big of a deal. But then the mild anesthesia is helpful in just being able to just relax and just go into a little dream. Even at one point when I took a big blast of nitrous, it reminded me of Bufo at one moment. I forgot to tell you that, though, I mean, not at all like that magnificent for there's no words even describe it really, honestly, but it a--
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:38:5] It can get a little intense with the combination of both those.
Luke Storey: [01:38:29] Yeah, but it did. I had a moment I was like, okay, the room is gone. There's nobody anymore. I'm just in consciousness floating here. I know there's something going on down there. And it reminded me of that pseudo oblivion.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:38:40] Oh, this is when we did the prostate?
Luke Storey: [01:38:41] Oh, no, no, this is during the ear. This is during the ear injection when it just got mentally uncomfortable because I knew what was happening and I could feel it. So I was like, fuuuf. I took a couple of big inhales of the nitrous oxide, and then I was like, "Oh, okay, this is different." Reminded me of the Grateful Dead parking lot 1993. We just call it hippie crack because you buy for five bucks a big cardio balloon.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:39:09] Oh, yeah, there's balloons everywhere in the Greatful Dead.
Luke Storey: [01:39:09] And we call it hippie crack because once someone got on it they wouldn't pass it. The only way you could get the balloon back is if they fell on the ground and passed out and then you grab their balloon before all the gas leaked out.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:39:22] What's the deal with the Grateful Dead and the nitrous balloons? They're so into it. They're everywhere.
Luke Storey: [01:39:29] Is that still the case?
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:39:28] Yeah, I went at Hollywood Bowl with Matt Bennett actually, he's a mutual friend. He's also really into methylene blue. And it was the first Grateful Dead he went to and me and a friend of mine who you met Evan, big Grateful Dead guy, And he was like, "Oh, I got to take you to a Grateful Dead show. So we go. And man, there was cops walking right past people that had huge canisters of night dress and just filming the ballons. And the police were just ignoring. I'm like, I cannot believe this.
Luke Storey: [01:40:05] Dude, I can't believe they're still doing that. And what the allure is for people like that, I don't know, but I could speculate based on what the allure was for me back in the day. You're like, probably on acid, you've been drinking hell of beer, you're drunk off your ass and you get out of the show. And the party's over. It starts to clear out. And back in the day they had camping, the Grateful Dead shows. So there's just like a mini Burning Man, probably kind of thing. But by the time I started going, they had stopped the camping.
So you only have so many hours before the cops are going to come in and start ushering all the cars out. And so it's like that one last deep psychedelic experience for 10 seconds or whatever it is. Funnily enough, the only time I was ever in-- no, sorry, I was arrested one other time. But I thought I was going to get arrested. That was in Orange County at a Dead show, the early '90s. And after the show in the parking lot, we're finding the tank. And we're hitting the heavy crack. And then when we drove out, we pulled into a gas station. And we're like going in pain in the carwash. We're on acid. We're just wasted.
And Orange County at that time was very conservative, super Republican, super conservative, like you didn't fuck around, which is the birthplace of Southern California punk rock, by no accident, probably as a reaction to that conservative kind of plays. But you didn't play in Irvine. Irvine Meadows was the venue. So all of a sudden, we're surrounded by cops. And they're like, "Where's the tank? Where's the tank? Where's the tank? And we're like, "What tank? We were buying it off another guy.
They had been watching with binoculars or something from outside the parking lot. It was like a sting operation for the nitrous tanks, for the heavy grouse. And they thought it was in our trunk. So they found a little weed on me, wrote me a misdemeanor ticket. It was like $280, which I thought was hilarious because it was like a bong-hit worth of weed that I had left because I did it up during the show. They throw me and my friend in the back of the car and they searched the car that we were in for the tank and didn't find the tank and then inevitably let us go.
So it sounds like the cops at the Hollywood Bowl are much more tolerant of the nitrous tanks. But where people would get them when I was a teenager is they would break into dental offices, no one get any ideas about this clinic, by the way, you criminals out there. But kids we knew we'd break into dental offices or their dad was a dentist or something. They would steal the tanks. And that's how we got the supply. I think a lot of people at the shows would use that method to procure their tanks of hippie crack.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:42:35] For sure.
Luke Storey: [01:42:38] So we--
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:42:40] We digress.
Luke Storey: [01:42:40] This is fun. This is fun. This is the shit that happens when you like someone, enjoy their company and you're like, oh, yeah, there's a microphone on. We're supposed to be doing something here. What are we doing? So we covered the ear, we covered the prostate. I know there's one thing we touched on it, but I know based on people's curiosity around methylene blue because it's such a fascinating substance, it does so many things. I think it was first made of medicine invented in the late 1800s. It's been around forever. It's one of the first if not the first drugs. I'm no expert, but I just find it fascinating because it does so many things, antiviral, fungal, bacterial, boosts your mitochondria, brain function. It's just one of those things that seems to do everything like ozone.
Like ozone, just it's so wide-reaching in its benefits. So I know people are going to be like, "Wait, go back to the methylene blue thing." For people that want to come to the clinic and try it, I'm sure people want to, with the IV that we did, you're shining your Mito red light on the IV BEG. And then the IV is going in, tons of milligrams. And then that takes a while. Then after that, you put the laser in. So we described that. As a treatment you do here, what do you do that for? And if somebody wanted to try that, what are some of the applications or what would be the purpose of that other than just today? I just felt amazing energy and bouncing back from all the treatments we've done and travel and all that.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:44:08] Yeah, that's a great question. I believe that virtually all diseases are caused by an energy deficit. And if you can turn that around, then I think there's some real healing that can happen in the body and regeneration. And so methylene blue was the first synthetic drug ever.
Luke Storey: [01:44:32] Oh, it was the first?
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:44:33] Yeah, in 1860 something it was discovered and--
Luke Storey: [01:44:40] I think it was in the 1880s, 1885 or something. We'll look it up.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:44:44] Okay. Paul Ehrlich, I think, called it the magic bullet. And so he was the one that he had all these Nobel Prizes for stuff surrounding malaria. And so he was talking about a substance that had such profound healing abilities in the body, yet left the body unharmed, and had these antimicrobial effects. Because it's a staining substance, it's very brilliantly blue, and so they were staining the malaria to observe when they added various chemicals to see what would kill it because they're trying to find a new chemical to kill it to save people's lives. So as soon as they added the methylene blue, all of a sudden, they noticed, holy smokes, like, "We found our solution."
Luke Storey: [01:45:39] That's hilarious. That's so funny.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:45:43] And so the other thing that they found is that it concentrated in a specific part of the cells with mitochondria. And so it had an affinity to the mitochondria. And so there's so much mitochondria in nerves that the nervous system just lit up. For instance, there are cells in your brain that have 2 million mitochondria per cell.
Luke Storey: [01:46:05] Holy shit, mitochondria are super small.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:46:08] Yeah. And then I think the average heart cell has 2,000. And there's other cells that have hundreds. So when you have that many mitochondria, and then all of a sudden, you see certain parts of the brain totally light up. One thing that's really interesting is that if you look at methylene blue and you read about it, a lot of people are super nervous thinking that they're going to be injured by methylene blue because some of the things that are written about it make it sound really scary.
Luke Storey: [01:46:39] Well, there's all this fake news propaganda, like aligning it with fish tank cleaner and all this stuff-- anytime something works, then the powers that be are going to come out and try and discredit it.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:46:51] Right, exactly.
Luke Storey: [01:46:52] It's so predictable at this point. It's like okay, guys, like this one again, it gets really [inaudible].
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:46:57] So this is really fascinating. So the thymus gland is super metabolically active. So it really turns very blue if you do IV methylene. Your thymus is probably lit up blue like crazy right now. And so they use that when they're doing a surgery to remove the thymus. It is called a thymectomy. They use the methylene blue, and they use a lot of it. And so they can see the thymus.
And so they had five cases that had a serious complication that lead it to death. And all five of those people were on SSRIs. So they concluded that, oh my gosh, methylene blue should not be taken with SSRIs. It leads to a serotonin storm. But the thing is, is that they use such massive doses. It's not even close to the therapeutic doses are way-- even the dose I gave you today is a light dose compared to what they would give patients for the surgery.
So the Mayo Clinic retracted this warning. And they said, it's just when you get a thymectomy, that's when you don't want to be on SSRIs. And so the whole country of Canada retracted it. There's no warning there. But the FDA did not. They still have that warning. And so it's a little bit misleading. So it's my personal opinion that that's not a risk. And I think the sad part is that there's been massive human trials on depression and methylene blue. And the results are amazing.
I actually wrote an e-book on methylene blue, which we should link to. And so I have a whole chapter on a variety of different things, the antimicrobial aspects, antiviral, we talk about the mitochondrial support with the methylene blue, we talk about how methylene blue works for mood disorders and depression. And that's what I find very pleasurable about taking methylene blue personally, is I just feel really happy and upbeat and just super optimist.
Luke Storey: [01:49:04] I would agree. I'm like, obviously, in a really good mood, super happy. And I took those CBG too because I'm like, why am I so goofy? Then I'm like, the methylene blue and the CBG, feeling really good.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:49:16] Yeah. So the human trials were big, and they were using about 75 milligrams of methylene blue. And that's in a lot of people's opinion it's a huge dose. I was interacting with Joe Mercola. I was a speaker. We were both sharing a stage in Denver at Frank Shallenberger's big event. And we had a lot of time to talk. And he and I were talking about methylene blue quite a bit because he's super focused and interested in it. And he really just has this idea that we just want to go get lighter, lighter dose, lighter dose. How light of a dose can we go and still have some physiological effect?
And I think it varies so greatly with people and individuals as far as like, what dose is going to work for them. So they have to play around with their dose. But you want your urine to be blue. That's one thing. It's like if your urine is not turning blue, then you're probably not getting the dose that you should. And sublingual application of methylene blue, which is the most popular in the biohacking world doesn't work. It doesn't work. And this is according to Frank Gonzalez Lima, who is the foremost authority on methylene blue. He was asked, actually in a Joe Mercola interview.
And you look at trials like the depression trial, 75 milligrams, and you look at some of the trials with degenerative neurologic disorder, which is another chapter in this book to talk about brain disorders is just fantastic because it's working on that cellular energy. And you look at the milligrams, and they're higher. So the therapeutic dose is between a half a milligram and 2 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. Now we did even more than that with you today because I believe that there's a benefit to occasionally really flood the body and get this profound physiological effect with methylene blue, especially if you're starting to look at like, antimicrobial aspects. I've seen some very quick turnarounds with people that were very sick.
Luke Storey: [01:51:30] Could we inject methylene blue into the prostate? Would that work?
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:51:35] Yes.
Luke Storey: [01:51:35] I think can we, but could one?
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:51:37] Yeah. I think that's probably somewhere that's going to go. We haven't done that yet, but we've been thinking about that and we've been formulating a game plan.
Luke Storey: [01:51:48] Because it also is very effective for bladder infections, right?
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:51:51] Oh, yeah.
Luke Storey: [01:51:52] Do they concentrate in the bladder?
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:51:54] Yeah, and that's one of the early indications for methylene blue was that it was the primary prescription for urinary tract infections. And so what happens is methylene blue concentrates in the bladder and so then it kills all that bacteria. And it's totally safe. But when antibiotics came along, it was sexy. All the doctors are like, "Oh, look, try this new antibiotic." And so methylene blue was forgotten about. And there's a resurgence of people starting to get interested in methylene blue. But the point I was trying to make with the methylene blue in this whole SSRI thing is that there's such a huge benefit that methylene blue could make on people with mood disorders that most doctors are terrified to prescribe it because of what they're reading online. And it's mostly fake news.
Luke Storey: [01:52:48] Because the FDA hasn't updated that misguided study. Interesting.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:52:55] It's really sad.
Luke Storey: [01:52:57] For those that are unable to make it here and do the IV experience of the methylene blue that I did--
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:53:03] We have alternatives.
Luke Storey: [01:53:04] Yeah, you guys have-- this is another one I love. This would probably be in my top 10 honorable mentions is the Lumetol. So John's other company MitoZen makes a suppository version of Lumetol. I think there's a 60 milligram one and a 300 milligram and it's got some other cofactors and cool goodies in there too. And some people are going to be averse to suppositories. It doesn't bother me. It's like, whatever it's medicine, but what you told me that I've been doing is taking one of the 300 milligram ones and just take a really sharp knife, and I just basically make myself a little pill. And I probably get four slices out of it. And I'll just take that orally and it feels amazing.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:53:45] That that's the way to do it. And so if you take the 300 milligrams suppository and you cut it into quarters, and you just take it and throw it in the back your mouth and then drink something down, your mouth doesn't turn blue. So the three ways that you can get methylene blue very nicely into the system is orally because once it's mixed with stomach acid, it really activates it. So it's actually good that way, unlike a lot of other substances, rectally, through a suppository, and then IV. Those are the three main ways. Now sublingually, one thing that I personally don't like is how when the mouth turns blue and the gums are-- you look like a zombie. For me, it doesn't work because I'm going to walk into see a patient. [Interposing voices 01:54:34].
Luke Storey: [01:54:34] You know the company Proscriptions, friends of mine, they make a troche from methylene blue. They have two. There's one that's really great called blue canatin. It's got a little nicotine, was it nicotine? methylene blue, caffeine, and CBD I think. And then they have one they call just blue that 16 milligrams. So it's a little troche. And the idea there from Dr. Ted is that it's close to your brain, I think. So you're going to get more of a neutropic effect. So it's not like a systemic mitochondrial, antiviral, all that stuff. It's just like bing, and it really does light up your brain. But it has the effect of turning that side of your mouth and your tongue very blue.
In my profession, I'm not that easily embarrassed, and I don't have to be presentable like you do. So I like. It's fine, but sometimes you have to explain to people because you can see them staring like, "What's wrong with you? You're missing teeth?" And then I'm like, "Here's the thing you wouldn't understand. Here's a podcast about it." That's usually my answer for people is like, "Here's the link to the podcast." I don't have two hours to explain why I look weird.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:55:36] It's really nice to have all these different options because there's obviously a utility with the troche and the sublinguals, and there's a nice blend that he's put together. And I think Dr. Ted's doing a great job with a lot of those products.
Luke Storey: [01:55:52] Yeah, they have another one on if you've tried this that's called Tro Calm. It's another troche. It turns your mouth orange. I took one before a video shoot the other day and the director shows up and he's like, "If I'm going to brush your teeth. I don't know what's going on." I was like, "God, dammit, I forgot." But that one's great. It's got a really strong Kava extract, I forget if it's CBG or CBD.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:56:16] So your mouth turns numb.
Luke Storey: [01:56:18] Yeah, it does. Kava and GABA, CBD and-- yeah, maybe that's it. There's four things. But anyway, Tro Calm is what it's called. And dude, they really do calm me down. If you start to get a little anxious, put one of those in before a meditation.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:56:37] I'm so excited about CBG. They call CBG the mother of all cannabinoids. We're looking to replace because we have CBD in some of our products like semen. We're looking to replace some of those, but we're also taking and we're going to be launching some encapsulated CBG.
Luke Storey: [01:57:02] Which is the one that I took today.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:57:04] Yeah.
Luke Storey: [01:57:12] All right, you guys, let's get some love to one of my all-time favorite products, the old-school Organifi Green Juice. If you want to get 12 superfoods packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants into your body without spending 10 to $15 on a bottle of juice, this stuff is the answer. Now I'm going to be real. I'm not a big salad or even vegetable guy, but I have always been a fan of green juice.
However, green juice has some issues apart from the crazy high cost of organic fresh pressed juice, such as the fact that if you make it yourself it's very time consuming and messy as hell on the kitchen, not to mention the limited shelf life of fresh juice. And even if you're buying high-quality produce, it's likely that it was grown with suspect irrigation water and NPK fertilizers.
I sometimes think about the amount of water in something like celery or cucumbers, for example. So unless I grew them myself or know the farmer, I'm not that excited about drinking it on a regular basis. And lastly, a lot of green juice just frankly tastes nasty, not Organifi Green though. With epic ingredients like Moringa, ashwagandha, spirulina, chlorella, Matcha powder, turmeric, wheatgrass, and beet powder, this stuff is not only powerpack with nutrition, but I got to say somehow they actually figured out a way to make it taste delicious, like really delicious. You might even be able to trick your kids in a drink in it. It tastes so good. To scoop up some of the sweet green goodness, just go to organifi.com/lifestylist, that's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I, organifi.com/lifestylist and use the code lifestylist for 20% off any item in the store.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:58:54] So I hired a COO Daniel Gibson. He's really amazing, a guy that you met. And so he has a--
Luke Storey: [01:59:04] A dutch farm?
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:59:05] Yeah, he has a rich history working in the cannabis industry. And so he sourced this from a friend of his and they have really done a great job at breeding these cannabis plants that produce these super-rich CBG-rich flowers. And so he's able to make these full-spectrum products with the high CBG. And I was in Europe. I was on tour with Eric Clapton and Doyle Bramhall, which you introduced me to Doyle Bramhall.
Luke Storey: [01:59:36] You guys are travelers.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:59:37] We are like best buddies now.
Luke Storey: [01:59:39] It's like I put a couple of strange chemicals in a beaker and I'm just watching it puff, it fills up. Every time I get a text from you guys, "We're in Amsterdam doing that." I'm just like, "Oh, here they go." It's hilarious to watch. I love it.
Dr. John Lieurance: [01:59:51] We went into a coffee shop and we bought some CBG out there and it was worthless. And so it really matters where you get it from. And so I'm looking forward to us launching those products and having those available so that people watching and listening to this can try it. Maybe by the time you're listening to this, you can check out MitoZen.
Luke Storey: [02:00:13] And it'll be under MitoZen?
Dr. John Lieurance: [02:00:14] Yeah.
Luke Storey: [02:00:15] Cool. And the link for that you guys is mitozen.com/luke. And I think there's a discount or something on it.
Dr. John Lieurance: [02:00:22] Yeah.
Luke Storey: [02:00:22] I'm always talking about your products, but the CBG is nice. Because I don't do THC and weed. It's on my off-limits list for a number of reasons. But the CBG is interesting because I notice a mental effect much more than-- I love CBD. One of my sponsors is Ned. They make a really clean full-spectrum CBD oil and different products. It's amazing. Shout out to Ned. They're really great guys doing it very right. But the CBG I think is much more noticeable, but it's not being high on weed though. It's like I don't feel high, like racing thoughts and just craziness, it's just super relaxing and almost like, I describe it like a quarter glass of wine, or like this feel-free drinks with a little kratom. It's like that. It's mildly intoxicating, but not to the point where--
Dr. John Lieurance: [02:01:20] There's a little euphoria.
Luke Storey: [02:01:22] Yeah, that's the word I'm looking for.
Dr. John Lieurance: [02:01:24] Just a hint of euphoria and there's a nice feeling throughout the body for anxiety, for pain. I think it's way superior to CBD. And then for sleep. I've been a big fan of CBD for sleep. And it's like it's good to an extent. It doesn't work for everybody. But I'm seeing my Aura scores, especially for my deep sleep are off the charts since I'm taking CBD.
Luke Storey: [02:01:51] I'm going to test tonight with my Aura ring. How many should I do? You have the 50-milligram capsules if I want to do a hardcore test.
Dr. John Lieurance: [02:01:52] I've been taking 100. I'm going big, but I would at least do 50 milligrams at bedtime. But if you take 100 milligrams of CBG, you're going to be buzzed. You could fall and do a bit of a journey with that.
Luke Storey: [02:02:17] I think that's what I did because I took two of those. Okay, lesson learned. Sorry, folks. Hopefully, it was mildly entertaining. Man, I feel like we've covered everything, dude. Obviously, you and I could just shoot the shit forever. But I covered the three main things, the ears, the prostate. And everyone has ears. Only half of us have prostate, but everyone I think could benefit from methylene blue also. We got a nice Trifecta in there. And it's been great here at the clinic. Thank you so much.
Before I had a podcast, one of my dreams is to be able to come to a place like this and just tour it and do all the things. And I know I haven't even touched all the things you do, but I've done a lot. And it's like, it's just incredible. So thank you for providing this for people and making it available for those that have the capacity to travel, and also the MitoZen stuff, turning your clinic into a product line so people can do it at home and not have the expense and hassle of traveling and all that but still get some really potent formula, so your formula. So yeah, dude, thank you for the work.
Dr. John Lieurance: [02:03:28] I'm blessed, very blessed to be able to do this work. There's nothing else I would rather be doing in here at the clinic.
Luke Storey: [02:03:38] Isn't it really fun to take someone who-- you use the word suffering, to take someone who's hurting, apply some inputs, and just watch the before and after? I've always loved that just with my friends that come over, and I just biohack them, whatever. They're not having chronic conditions like you treat but just someone's like, they just got fired or a breakup or they're having some emotional trauma or even sometimes a physical issue. And I'm like, I come over and for a couple of hours, and they come in and I assess their state, apply some of the tools and then at the end, they're like, "Gosh, I feel amazing, bro." It's like that's the best. Sometimes it is just an ice bath and a sauna. Throw them in the hyperbaric chamber and they're like, oh my god, I'm like a new person.
I can only imagine with the stuff you do and the years you put into it, just how fulfilling it must be, especially for someone with a chronic condition that's been through the wringer. They've tried all the traditional methods and they just hit a wall and they're feeling like, "All right, I'm going to go see this guy, John, at Florida." And you apply what you know.
Dr. John Lieurance: [02:04:37] My life's mission has really been seeking out the most amazing, healing modalities and substances and protocols and developing my own protocols on the planet. I've been doing this 30 years, so we have a lot of things that we've created here. Our country is just submerged in the pharmaceutical idea of a pill for every ill. And so people show up at this clinic and they're all of a sudden shown that there's all these potential opportunities to heal from things to actually fix the root cause. It's really mind-blowing for a lot of people. And I started out that way. My dad was a marine. And I had asthma as a kid. I was taking the hospital and I was on medicine. I had no exposure to holistic medicine. So there's still a part of me that's watching myself involved in this. It's like holy moly, you're doing this is really cool stuff. It's a blessing, an absolute blessing.
Luke Storey: [02:05:39] Awesome, man, thank you. So websites are mitozen.com/luke and then advancedrejuvenation.us.
Dr. John Lieurance: [02:05:45] Yes. And then sunvae.com And then we're going to have links to sensory rejuvenation and the magic bullet, methylene blue magic bullet.
Luke Storey: [02:05:58] Got it.
Dr. John Lieurance: [02:05:59] Was there any other links we're going to do?
Luke Storey: [02:06:00] Your book, which can be found on Amazon, Melatonin Miracle Molecule. And for those listening your other prior appearances, we'll also put those links in the show notes because we did one just on melatonin and it was amazing.
Dr. John Lieurance: [02:06:12] Yeah, sounds good.
Luke Storey: [02:06:13] Yeah. And congratulations on being I think the top number of appearance guests. John's been on more than anyone, which is cool. It says a lot. Because we never run out of shit to talk about. Some people I interview once and like, cool, I get their body of work. We nailed it, we encapsulated their genius, and it stands on its own. And there are some people like you that keep innovating. And I'm just endlessly curious about. So thank you for joining me again.
Dr. John Lieurance: [02:06:39] All right, you're welcome.
Luke Storey: [02:06:43] Well, I hope, as promised, that was for you one hell of a ride, my friends. Looking back on the week I spent at the clinic down there in Florida, what a whirlwind of activity and experimentation. So I hope that you enjoyed this one as much as I did. This was a really fun interview. As I indicated earlier in the intro, I'll be honest, I was still pretty anesthetized, let's put it that way, at the time of the recording. In fact, I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to maintain my usual level of professionalism. And I think I was right. I think that I lost that about 30 minutes into it.
But it was a lot of fun. And I think that because of the looseness of the vibe as a whole, I was really able to get some great information out of John, and I'm just never unimpressed with his level of knowledge about so many different things, and in just his unwavering commitment to learning more and exploring the outer fringes of medicine. And I got to say their clinic down there, the Advanced Rejuvenation Center is just top-notch, man. It's staffed. By the way, if any of you, staff members, you know who you are, are listening, thank you so much for taking such good care of me. I just felt the love there the whole time. It was like the celebrity treatment, man. It was just awesome to be able to go in and just try everything in there.
I think I missed a couple of things. I think I didn't do the ozone dialysis, and probably a couple of other modalities. But it was like Disneyland for me. It was just all the things that I want to do all the time. And I left feeling incredible. And I have to say I'm still feeling quite lit. I mean, it was a major upgrade in that four or five days. And getting to spend some time with John and our mutual friend, Harry the healer, who's also been on the show, and just getting to see the ocean again and getting some tropical weather and flora and such down in Florida was really fun. So thank you, John, thank you to his team.
Thank you for listening, and I hope that this episode provided some value for you. If you want to check out John's products over at MitoZen, here's what you do, go to lukestorey.com/mitozen. And if you use the code Luke Storey, they're going to give you a 5% off. I would recommend a product over there called Lumetol, which is a methylene blue suppository. Now wait, wait, and don't get scared. You can use it as a suppository, which I recommend, but it's 300 milligrams and it's made out of palm oil. So it's basically a hard little bullet, which of course is necessary for it to fit in your [whistling], but you can cut these 300-milligram methylene blue suppositories. And they also have some other constituents that help assist the methylene blue in working even better. You can cut them into pieces and actually swallow them and get some profound effects. So that's Lumetol over there.
And then of course, for you folks that are daring, there's a product called ZEN spray or Meditation Mist, which is an Amazonian plant blend combined sometimes with essential oils and even oxytocin which is a nasal spray, and it's quite strong. Before warranted for those of you not used to using a tobacco product, I would not tread lightly there, but it's pretty cool stuff. In fact, if you hear my nasally voice right now, I don't have a cold. In fact, I feel amazing. But I just did a couple of blasts of that and it's dripping out of my nose. TMI, I know. But the MitoZen products are awesome. I highly recommend two other products. One is the melatonin suppositories. Those are called Sandman. There's also an oral version for those of you that have an aversion to putting things up the backside. But that's a great one.
And also the NAD plus. The NAD plus is available in an oral product, which is good. It works. It's also got the two precursors to NAD that I can't pronounce. But those suppositories are freaking powerful, man. If you're someone who's like, "Oh, I don't have energy and I get good sleep, and I'm doing all the things and I'm still lethargic," if you want some ATP produced by your mitochondria, his NAD plus suppositories are incredible. In fact, they are now, and I've been working on this for a long time, but they are now my number one travel hack. So literally, I'm going to the airport with the NAD suppositories, and you can figure the rest out.
But I got to say I'm much less smoked when I arrive at my destination after a flight than I've ever been. I feel better than ever in terms of energy. So those are some things from MitoZen you might check out. Again, you can find them at lukestorey.com/mitozen. And for those of you asking for direct links to John's audiobooks that were mentioned in prior episodes, we've got them finally. We track them down for you, and they're all in one place. There's one on methylene blue, and also one on melatonin. You can find those at lukestorey.com/mitozenbooks. That's again, the methylene blue book and the melatonin book, which are incredible, and they're totally free. They're ebooks, but they're dense. John really poured his heart, soul, and most importantly, his mind into those and they are great resources.
Now for those of you that just went, "What! That was too many links." Man, just go to lukestorey.com/ears and I'm going to put all this stuff in the show notes for you. Well, to be honest, I'm not going to, but someone good at tech is going to. And you can also find all the links I always mentioned in all these shows because there's a lot of links because people are like, "What was that thing? Where do I find it?" So we got to put the links. You can find those on most podcast apps, by the way.
Thank you so much for listening. And I'll be back this Friday for a solocast Q&A show. Then again next Tuesday for our regularly scheduled program, which is number 424. That's a really cool one to have. That one's about MDMA and Psychedelic Assisted Therapy for PTSD and Other Ailments with Dr. Dan Engle. So that's next Tuesday. All right, that's it. I am out of here. Thank you again so much for listening, and I can't wait to deliver another episode to you this Friday.
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the statements on this website. The information provided by lukestorey.com is not a substitute for direct, individual medical treatment or advice. It is your responsibility, along with your healthcare providers, to make decisions about your health. Lukestorey.com recommends consulting with your healthcare providers for the diagnosis and treatment of any disease or condition. The products sold on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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