96. Free + Native: Manifesting The Metaphysical With Lacy Phillips

Lacy Phillips

October 17, 2017

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Lacy Phillips is the lead editor of FREE & NATIVE, as well as a Manifestation Advisor specializing in unblocking beliefs of unworthiness and expanding into alignment with what one is calling in. Her unique formula is rooted in deep subconscious beliefs and navigating lessons from The Universe rather than the "think positive" and "visualize" method wieldy popular. Lacy is supporting each individual from her celebrity clients to her scholarship program by advising them in how to step into their whole authentic selves in order to create long-lasting magnetism and attract what they desire.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Do you like yourself? If so how much? Can you go so far as to say that you genuinely love and accept yourself? Do you have the level of success on the material plane that you feel you deserve or are you continually struggling to measure up to your self-imposed expectations, only to fall short repeatedly? Have you ever contemplated the degree to which the results you achieve from your daily efforts in life are directly and exclusively dictated by your subconscious opinions of yourself? Did you know that it’s possible to change your relationship to yourself, and create one that truly honors who your are, in your most authentic expression?

Our guest Lacy Phillips is going to show you exactly how your past trauma led to your current shame, and how and why you might just be your own worst enemy in the struggle to create a life of meaning and fulfillment. She's spent years examining and overcoming her personal limiting beliefs and teaching others to do the same. Lacy provides us with a roadmap by which to dismantle the hidden walls which keep us in predictable, repetitive patterns of playing small and not living up to our highest potential.

In this episode, you'll get the recipe to Lacy's secret sauce of success, and learn not only how to identify exactly what thoughts and habits are holding you back, but also how to use the power of manifestation to create the life you were indeed born to live. There is a life of pure freedom and abundance available to us all, as long as we're courageous enough to walk through the shadows to discover it. So get out your flashlight, and get ready to start doing some deep explorations into the recesses of your consciousness, as we exit the matrix of falsehood and enter the great reality of your innate potential.

Please take a moment to share this episode with one friend who could use some support and encouragement in their life.

To your success,


P.S. Lacy has offered a special discount for you, my lovely audience: enter the code LUKE to receive $10 off either UNBLOCKED digital workshop until December 5th.


  • Ego as the shadow, the unconscious mind and how to control it without letting it control you
  • Her story: how at 25 decided to throw out everything she knew about manifestation and decided to start listening to her own intuition, and what her higher power was telling her
  • How she developed her own process of manifestation that she now teaches to clients
  • How she uses NLP in her practice
  • Discussions on what the Ego really is
  • The film The Secret, Abraham Hicks, and whether or not the law of attraction is real
  • How to develop self worth
  • Manifesting what you want yet not defining yourself by externals and materialism
  • How she developed the vision of your brand and work
  • Why she chose the word manifestation over life coaching, or training, or many of the common words we hear
  • Should people feel guilty for making money out of teaching spiritual material?
  • How she survived her many dark nights of the soul
  • How to overcome issue like abandonment, the shadow self, and inner child early trauma
  • How to rid ourselves co-dependency issues and how we got them to begin with
  • How to overcome low self-worth, shame, and limiting beliefs
  • Getting rid of negative thoughts about our bodies
  • What’s up with the current awakening of powerful, yet feminine women in the ‘now age’ of our current spiritual movement
  • How she finds balance in the feminine energy of her content and teaching while still being a badass business woman
  • Her morning routine
  • Lifestyle recommendations


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