Two Free Gifts for An Inspired Life

Sonic Sanctuaries: Musical meditations for calm, resilience, and balance during crazy times

Renaissance Human: Finding Your Creative Brilliance (eBook)


It’s quite remarkable to consider just how profoundly the collective lives of humanity have changed over the past few months.

While much of the world remains in lockdown and we “wait” to see what comes next, there are still many things we can control and improve in our life.

Starting with our own self-care and spiritual nourishment.

Especially at a time like this, we need experiences and restorative practices to help us find the deep soul food inside ourselves that we may be missing from the external world.



A few years ago, Sonic Sanctuaries was created by Bruce Cryer and Gary Malkin. More than four decades earlier Gary and Bruce were put together as roommates at the famed Oberlin Conservatory of Music. A friendship was forged that semester that has lasted many years and through many phases of each of their lives.

After leaving Oberlin, Gary had a thrilling career as a film and TV composer – with seven Emmy awards and numerous other accolades to his name — and later found a calling to create music for wellness and healing through what he calls “alchemical wisdom”. In Gary’s process the power of an aligned, heart-based human voice combined with a rich stunning soundtrack, can create profound effects in the listener beyond what either would do on their own.

That is the concept for the Sonic Sanctuaries guided meditations. Created and performed by Bruce and Gary.


gary malkin and bruce cryer

Sonic Sanctuaries was created by Bruce Cryer and Gary Malkin.



“I’ve been exposed to guided meditation many times and in many different forms over the past 15 years. When life would get hectic I always let meditation fall by the way side, despite knowing how critical it is to maintaining my sanity. Bruce Cryer and Gary Malkin’s “What Makes Your Heart Sing?” guided meditation is incredibly effective at getting me to a relaxed, willing, and playful mind state. The thing that sets this work apart from other meditation works (other than the fact that it includes the highest quality music and features Bruce’s smooth vocal delivery) is that he includes Gary’s music soundtrack as a bonus CD separate from the vocal work. I only use the guided meditation once in a while, but I take “power naps” with the music almost daily. Just a quick 20-30 minute nap queues my mind into the guided state while following Bruce’s voice. After I wake from a deep sleep (which is otherwise challenging for me to achieve) I feel light, at ease and agile, physically and mentally. Quite simply, this work makes me feel rested and happy. I highly recommend it to anyone, but especially everyone who has difficulty getting adequate sleep.”

— Peter Schierling, ACE CPT, Fitness Professional



Bruce, meanwhile, spent five exciting years in the world of Broadway in New York, before migrating to the Bay Area where he became part of several visionary organizations, most notably the HeartMath Institute. From the beginning of HeartMath Bruce was in a public and leadership role, helping develop and deliver the core HeartMath programs on four continents for twenty years, serving as CEO for 11 years.

Bruce’s diagnosis of cancer in 2009 was a shocking fork in the road, and the two year journey which followed had its dramatic turns and dark nights. But emerging healthy again in 2011, he was determined to recreate his life in a new pattern, honoring the creative spark and his desire to help others find theirs.  

In 2012 Bruce and Gary reconnected and created a new partnership around a keynote performance they developed called What Makes Your Heart Sing?


Sonic Sanctuaries was borne out of that partnership.


It includes two powerful, lyrical and touching guided meditations, The Power of Willingness and The Power of Playfulness. These meditations offer deep experiences that can uncover powerful capacities and wisdom inside ourselves as we grow and expand our humanity and our spiritual depth.

The dance between Bruce’s heartful narration, combined with Gary’s breathtaking score, is worth the price of admission. The fact that they love working together is evident in the meditations.

Written and narrated by Bruce with rich instrumental soundtrack by Gary (with the superb assistance of Dan Alvarez), these meditations provide soothing warm spacious environments to help you find your calm, find your peace, and find hope in the uncertainty.

In addition to the guided meditations, the Sonic Sanctuaries album includes Gary’s exceptional instrumental soundtracks alone. These instrumental soundtracks without narration are called Be Willing and Be Playful. They are a wonderful mood enhancer while we “work at home” or wherever our jobs require.



The Power of Willingness – Excerpt


“It is so precious and rare to me when both the science and the art of guided meditation come together effectively to inspire and transform the lives they touch. Bruce Cryer and Gary Malkin have created a rare experience of exactly that kind. A synergy forms effortlessly between all the elements: the tone of the words, the rhythm of them, the choices of the words and images used, the timing and beauty and tone of the music, woven together by a rich feeling of care and love that infuse this entire series. What a gift it is to enjoy these. Thank you for creating them.”

— Brennan Smith, Founder, Inspired Action Network




As Bruce’s journey of creative expression continued, his work evolved into what he calls the Renaissance Human. In Bruce’s view, since all human beings are born with the power to creative life, we are all fundamentally creative! It’s programmed into us! We may not all be artistic, but we all possess creative capacities, urges and passions that we have barely explored.

Renaissance literally means rebirth, and in fact the process of being human involves many births and rebirths.

The human experience means evolving, growing, uncovering new talents we never thought we had and old talents we thought we had lost.

It means expecting to “reinvent” yourself from time to time, since that’s what evolving beings do.

We have the power to create life so why wouldn’t’ we recreate our own life from time to time.


A time like this requires this skill, and is, in fact begging for it.

These ideas have formed the content of live and online workshops originally developed for Stanford around Creativity for Well-Being, including the e-book which shares Bruce’s Five Catalysts model for Finding Your  Creative Brilliance.

You will receive Bruce’s ebook FREE along with Sonic Sanctuaries.




“This music seems to come from and connect with that part of myself that ‘knows’ how perfect people and life are and is a magical way of re-centering myself when overwhelmed with day to day work and distractions. Something important and historical is happening in the world. Humanity maybe we waking up to the possibility we are and the responsibility that comes with – responsibility for loving and caring and appreciating the miracle we share. This music might be considered part of the sound track for the global transformation that is underway and is the opening for a world that works for everyone – with no one left out. Thank you again for touching my heart.”

— Jim Selman, Founder, Paracomm Partners International


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